Apply for Emerging Community Need Funding

Funding for 2024 is finished. 

Emerging Community Need Funding provides one-time funding for initiatives or activities that address a specific emerging need in a community (local priority neighbourhood or community of common bond) and contribute to community capacity building, well-being and resiliency. 

Before you begin

Email to request a fillable copy of the application form. If interested you can also book an optional introductory meeting with a Community Funding and Development Specialist. Meeting with a specialist allow you to:

  • Review Emerging Community Need funding guidelines and processes
  • Provide the City with information about your organization’s specific needs
  • Provide the City with more information about your proposal, the need(s) it addresses and its goals.


Applications must meet all of the following criteria:  

  • Align to Community Funding Framework priorities
  • Respond to a specific, demonstrated emerging need/crisis in Ottawa; and  
  • Contribute to local community capacity building, wellbeing, or resiliency. 
  • Organizations interested in applying for funding for the Emerging Community Need for Black-led initiatives for youth must be Black-led:
    • Leadership positions (Directors, Founders, etc.) are primarily occupied by people who self-identify as Black (minimum 2/3)
    • The governance structure (volunteer committee, advisory board, eldership circle, etc.) is primarily composed of people who self-identify as Black (minimum 2/3).   

Applicants must:  

  • Be a non-profit organization or group; OR sponsored by a Not-for-profit Corporation or a Registered Charity  
  • Have been in existence for at least 2 years; OR sponsored by a Not-for-profit Corporation or a Registered Charity that has been in existence for at least 2 years 
  • Have a mandate that aligns to the Community Funding Framework;  
  • Demonstrate financial viability;  
  • Operate in a non-discriminatory manner as set out by the Ontario Human Rights Code;  
  • Be governed by a democratically elected Board of Directors or Steering Committee;  
  • Be in Good Standing with the City of Ottawa; and  
  • Be located in and serve residents of Ottawa.  


    Applicants cannot be:  

    • Faith-based organizations whose services/activities include the direct promotion and/or required adherence to a faith or religious practice
    • For-profit organizations or ventures
    • Organizations which act primarily as a funding source for other groups
    • Hospitals, clinic-based services, or medical treatment programs
    • Organizations of political affiliation or which have a mandate to conduct political activities
    • Other levels of government or organizations proposing programs within the legislated mandate of other governments
    • Provincial/national organizations, unless a local chapter/branch exists to explicitly serve the residents of the city of Ottawa
    • School boards, primary and secondary schools, or post-secondary institutions
    • Sports clubs.  

    Allowable Costs  

    Allowed costs include:  

    • Local neighbourhood/ community meetings, healing circles, community consultations or debriefing
    • Short term staffing needs to provide support to the community
    • Training and workshops
    • Community mobilizing and planning activities
    • Other activities/initiatives (will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis).  

    Ineligible Costs  

    Ineligible costs include:  

    • Costs for capital renovations, minor renovations to existing buildings, construction or development of new facilities, land maintenance
    • Financing of deficits and/or debts
    • For-profit ventures
    • Other activities/initiatives (will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis).  


    For the purpose of the administration of the eligibility criteria and funding process, “Board of Directors,” “Good Standing” and “Not-for-profit” will have the following meanings:

    Board of Directors
    A democratically elected board of a minimum of three (3) persons who are responsible for the management and operations of the organization, each is eighteen or more years of age and is a member of the organization. The majority of the directors must be residents of the City of Ottawa and shall not be related. The board shall have a constitution that clearly outlines responsibility in relation to the delivery of activities, events, programs, projects, and services; holds regular meetings with a minimum of four per year or two per operating season; holds an annual general meeting which is open to the public and has an election component; and provides annual financial statements that are available to the public and the City.
    Good Standing
    The applicant has fulfilled all the terms and conditions of all previous and current agreements with the City and is in good financial standing with the City (i.e., no arrears).
    The organization is operated for a collective, public, or social benefit and not as a business aiming to generate profits.

    What you need

    Applications must include: 

    • Details of Emerging needs in your community  
    • Details of the initiative that will address the emerging needs, including a clear description of all proposed activities, actions, and timelines.  
    • Proposals budget 
    • Expected number of clients served   

    Applicants must attach the following to your application email: 

    • A completed application form 
    • A copy of your organization’s most recent year-end financial statements 


    Funding for 2024 is finished. The City will accept applications again in 2025.

    Emerging Community Need Funding 2024 results

    What's next

    • Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the year in the order they are received 
    • The City reserves the right to make all final funding decisions with the approval of the Program Manager of Social Development and Funding. 


    For questions and inquiries on this funding process email