Applications for 2025 are now being accepted.
The Rural Community-Building Grants Program is designed to support rural-based community project undertakings by non-profit organizations such as community associations and agricultural groups. Funding is project-based, with a defined beginning and end and measurable outcomes.
Before you begin
Before you begin
Assessment is based on the merit of the project, community impact, and organizational effectiveness. Proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year and review meetings are to be held within 30 days of receipt of the application, or at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, if applicable, to make funding decisions.
Eligibility of applicant
Eligibility of applicant
In accordance with the City of Ottawa Grants and Contributions Policy, funding is limited to organizations that:
- Are non-profit organizations that are active in rural Ottawa and recognized as supporting local community and/or agricultural activities and programs.
- Operate in a non-discriminatory manner, as set out by the Ontario Human Rights Code.
- Are governed by a democratically elected Board of Directors
- Demonstrate efficiency, effectiveness and fiscal responsibility
- Remain in good financial standing with the City of Ottawa
A non-profit community association that is not incorporated is eligible to receive a RCBGP contribution; however, a non-profit association that is not incorporated under federal or provincial not-for-profit corporation legislation is not a legal entity and therefore not capable of entering into a contract or agreement. Accordingly the contribution agreement needs to be between the City of Ottawa and each person who is a director of the unincorporated non-profit association and each director needs to sign the contribution agreement in their personal capacity.
Further, the following types of organizations/programs are ineligible for funding:
- Persons, associations and non-profit organizations where a lawsuit by such person, associations or organizations is still pending against the City
- For profit organizations or ventures
- Non-profit organizations sponsoring for-profit organizations
- Organizations with a political affiliation or which participate in political activities
- Organizations which act primarily as a funding source for other groups
- Faith organizations where the services/activities include the promotion and/or required adherence to a faith
- Programs within the legislated mandate of other governments or City departments
- Provincial/national organizations, unless a local chapter/branch exists to serve the residents of the City of Ottawa
Eligibility of proposal
Eligibility of proposal
Projects must be of demonstrable benefit to rural Ottawa residents. Rural Ottawa is defined as the Rural Policy Area in the Official Plan. Eligible projects may include local community association activities, facility improvements and agricultural group projects.
Funding will not be provided for:
- Retroactive costs – any costs incurred before a proposal is submitted
- Costs that are the responsibility of another level of government or funding program
- Costs for which an organization would reasonably be expected to make provisions for in the general daily administration of their organization; i.e. ongoing activity / business as usual
- Programs within the legislated mandate of other governments or City departments
- Sponsorships
- Increasing a surplus or offsetting an existing financial deficit
- Fundraising projects and initiatives
- Sports and recreation tournaments and events
How to create a proposal
Funding requests should have an outline of the project being proposed with all activities and the proposed budget. The proposal should outline the work to be done and detail the goals, objectives, tasks and resources. The plan should be linked to the budget and include the timelines for completion. The project budget should summarize the overall project costs, broken down by budget item. The budget must also identify the proposed source of funds, including other grants from any other sources, including other municipal, provincial and/or federal grants. If the project involves purchasing goods and services the applicants must demonstrate that the process for selecting a provider involves open competition, ensures value-for money; and is ethical and fair.
Please note that the City of Ottawa is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56, as amended (“MFIPPA”) with respect to, and protection of, information under its custody and control. Accordingly, all documents provided to the City in the Rural Community-Building Grant Program proposal may be available to the public unless the party submitting the information requests that it be treated as confidential.
Rural Community Building Grant Application
After you apply
All application review meetings are to be held within 30 days of receipt of the application, or at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, if applicable. The committee will consider the following as part of the review:
- Eligibility of organization
- Application completeness
- Project description, timeline and budget
- Impact on rural community
- Permission from property owner (if applicable)
Should you have questions regarding your application, please contact
City of Ottawa
Rural Affairs Office
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Mail Code (01-15)
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, extension 24541.
Please note that the City of Ottawa is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56, as amended (“MFIPPA”) with respect to, and protection of, information under its custody and control. Accordingly, all documents provided to the City in the Rural Community-Building Grant Program proposal may be available to the public unless the party submitting the information requests that it be treated as confidential.
Payment of City of Ottawa Contributions
Detailed instructions and claim forms will be provided to applicants after the City of Ottawa approves their projects. However, applicants may find the following general information useful in their financial planning.
In order to receive payment, applicants must file a claim. The claim must include a listing of all the costs incurred for the project with supporting invoices.
Applicants are required to maintain proper books and records of the costs of the project, including invoices and cancelled cheques, and to provide City of Ottawa auditors with access to these records when requested.
Applicants must have requested and receive permission, in writing, from the City of Ottawa in order to be eligible for a deadline extension.