Wellington Street resurfacing and night work

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Published on
July 12, 2024
Parking, roads, traffic and transit
Planning, development and construction

Starting Sunday evening, July 14, road renewal work will begin on Wellington Street between Vimy Place and Kent Street.

Construction will involve concrete sidewalk and curb repairs, milling of the existing surfaces, and roadway resurfacing. Daytime work will focus on the concrete work and be limited to medians, crosswalks, or parking lanes. Road resurfacing will be completed at night.

Residents and visitors in the area may experience increased noise levels required to facilitate construction. Weekend work is anticipated, and traffic interruptions may also be experienced due to flagging operations. Work will not impact special events planned in the downtown core.

This work is part of the City of Ottawa’s annual resurfacing program and will extend the lifecycle of this roadway network. This renewal is expected to be completed by November 2024.

Traffic impacts and OC Transpo

Wellington Street will remain open during daytime construction work to minimize impact during peak traffic hours. Lane closures can be expected during night work, however one lane in each direction will be maintained at all times.

There are no impacts to OC Transpo routes.

Pedestrians and cyclists

Pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained at all times.

Stay informed!

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