Members (2022-2026)
Chair: | Vice Chair: | Members: | Ex officio: |
Councillor Steve Desroches | Councillor Cathy Curry | Mayor Mark Sutcliffe |
Terms of Reference
The Light Rail Sub-Committee’s mandate is to provide oversight and focused attention on non-operational matters related to Ottawa’s light rail systems (LRT), including all light rail construction projects, as well as the City’s action plan in response to the Ottawa Light Rail Public Inquiry and other third-party reviews of the light-rail transit system.
Membership of the Light Rail Sub-Committee shall consist of six Members of City Council, appointed by City Council. The Mayor shall be an ex officio member of the Sub-Committee.
The Light Rail Sub-Committee shall meet on an as-needed basis at the call of the Chair, and shall be responsible for:
- Receiving reports from staff on the exercise of their delegated authority related to all light-rail construction projects.
- Receiving updates from staff and other relevant advisors on issues related to the Ottawa Light Rail Public Inquiry, including:
- reporting on follow-up actions by the City in response to recommendations of the Ottawa Light Rail Public Inquiry Commission; and
- reporting on updates provided by Rideau Transit Group and other referenced parties.
- Considering and making recommendations to the appropriate Standing Committee(s) and/or Council on items directly related to decisions regarding strategic and governance matters related to all light rail construction projects.
- Receiving and approving staff reports and recommendations triggered by the City Manager’s exercise of delegated authority to investigate accidents under section 10 of City of Ottawa By-Law No. 2015-301.
- Receiving updates on construction progress for Stage 2 LRT, including key milestones and mitigation measures for local impacts.
- Considering and making recommendations on the implementation of any lessons learned from current operational issues on future Light Rail projects.
- Receiving and providing oversight to recommendations arising from reports from third party reviews and independent oversight bodies, as required, that relate to the City of Ottawa’s Light Rail Systems, which may include but not be limited to any relevant recommendations and actions arising from:
- The Stage 1 Independent Certifier and Independent Safety Auditor;
- The Light Rail Regulatory Monitor and Compliance Officer (who shall continue to formally report to the Transit Commission);
- The Stage 1 Confederation Line Land Negotiations and Purchases Audit, as approved by Council in November 2019;
- The Stage 1 Confederation Line Contingency Fund Audit, as approved by Council in November 2020;
- The detailed technical review and analysis of the design, construction and operation of the Line 1 Confederation Line resulting from the March 2020 Notice of Default process;
- The Independent Safety Expert engaged to review Rideau Transit Group’s return to service plan for O-Train Confederation Line 1 and provide ongoing auditing and monitoring of the system following the August 2021 and September 2021 derailments;
- The Lessons Learned’ report regarding the Stage 1 LRT procurement, released in December 2015, to inform the Stage 2 procurement process;
- The Stage 2 Independent Fairness Commissioner, Independent Certifier and Safety Auditor; and
- The review of the Stage 2 LRT Procurement Lessons Learned and LRT Stage 3 Procurement Options Analysis and Project Governance Best Practices.
- Receive any audits within the Sub-Committee’s mandate as may be referred by the Audit Committee.
Authority, decision-making and reporting relationship
- The Sub-Committee shall meet at the call of its Chair in accordance with the notice provision as set out in the Procedure By-law. All Members of Council will receive meeting notices, agendas and meeting documentation for this Committee. All Members of Council, and/or their office staff, and the public are permitted to attend meetings of the Committee.
- The Sub-Committee may report directly to Council.
- The Sub-Committee may also make recommendations to the Transit Commission on matters relating to the operation of public transit or to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee on matters that may impact procurement, contractual matters or recommendations with significant financial or legal implications.
- In accordance with Subsection 88(3) of the Procedure By-law, where an issue is relevant to the mandate of more than one Committee/ Commission, the Chairs of the respective Committees/Commission shall determine which Committee/ Commission will be responsible for the issue, whether the issue can be considered by both Committees successively, or, alternatively, whether a joint Committee/Commission meeting should be held.
- Authority to provide recommendations to Council on legal matters related to the City’s Light Rail Projects shall lie with the Finance and Corporate Services Committee.
- Consideration of the Annual Budget related to Transit Services shall remain with the relevant Standing Committee(s).
Approved by City Council on February 22, 2023
Meetings, agendas and minutes
Meeting agendas, minutes and videos for City Council, its committees and select local boards can be accessed through the City’s agendas and minutes web portal(link is external).
See using the City’s Agendas and minutes web portal for more information.
The following is available through the portal:
- Meeting schedules
- Agendas
- Minutes
- Meeting documentation
- Live streams
- Meeting recordings for meetings held on or after June 27, 2022
Live meeting streams and archived meeting videos continue to be available on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel(link is external). More information is available in the Watch or listen to Council and committee meetings article.
Meeting documentation from January 2001 to June 2012 can be accessed through the legacy agendas and minutes application(link is external).
If at any time you are unable to find a document or access the links above, please send an email to opens email application).