Election education resources

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Kids’ Corner

Kids' Corner

Welcome to the Elections Office’s Kids’ Corner!

Kids’ Corner aims to provide educational tools targeted at our future voters – kids in the City of Ottawa! Voting is an important part of our society, and it is never too early to teach our future voters about the democratic process - in a fun way of course!

We have also created a variety of fun activities for kids to do at home or school, including printable colouring sheets, puzzles, and games. Check them out under the Resources section of this page.

Voters in Training

NEW for the 2022 Municipal Elections, the Elections Office piloted a “Voters in Training” event to educate and engage future voters in the City of Ottawa. The Voters in Training event took place at all nine voting places during Special Advance Vote Days, from September 24 to September 27.

Kids of all ages came to cast their own Voters in Training ballot and chose their favourite thing about Ottawa and told us what they would do if they were Mayor for the day!

Results from the 2022 Voters in Training event

A total of 615 Voters in Training ballots were cast from September 24 to 27 and the results are in!

Here is what our Voters in Training chose as their favourite things about the City of Ottawa:

Results from the 2022 Voters in Training event
Answer Number of votes
Parks 132
Beaches 90
Recreation Centres 52
Pools 139
Biking and walking trails 48
Camps 48
Skating rinks 53
Sports groups 53

We also received so many great written responses to what our Voters in Training would do if they were Mayor for a day including helping those in need, making everything free for a day, having longer weekends, tackling climate change, and free ice cream for everyone!

You can check out some of our favorite answers and view photos from the Voters in Training event by following the Elections Office on our social media at: