110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1

Theresa Kavanagh was first elected to City Council in 2018. She was named the first City Council Liaison on Women and Gender Equity and oversaw the creation and implementation of the report on Women and Gender Equity for the City of Ottawa.
Councillor Kavanagh has served on the Ottawa Board of Public Health, Transit Commission, Community and Protective Services Committee, Ottawa Community Housing Board that includes sitting on the Client Services Committee.
Theresa spent most of her previous work life on Parliament Hill – working with Members of Parliament – a career that lasted almost 30 years. Simultaneously, she was elected and served two years on the Board of Directors of Alterna Savings, 2008-2010.
In 2010 Theresa was elected as the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) Trustee in Bay Ward (Zone 4) and was re-elected in 2014. During her eight years on the School Board, she worked closely with families on the organization of school programs and accommodation. She served as Chair of the Board’s Budget and Audit Committees.
Theresa is an accomplished amateur athlete having completed 20 marathons including three Boston Marathons, six iron distance triathlons and numerous cross-country ski loppets. She regularly commutes by bike for the health benefits and the environment.
Theresa has lived in Ottawa for over forty years. Theresa has two grown sons and lives in Bay Ward with her husband Alex.