2018-2022 Term of Council

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Mayor Jim Watson

No declarations of interest.

Matthew Luloff (Ward1)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Matthew Luloff
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
December 9, 2020 City Council I, Councillor Matthew Luloff, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following matters related to the 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets: Item 9 - Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget – Fire Services Operating Resource Requirement (Page 8 of the CPSC Budget Book) as my spouse is employed by Versaterm Public Safety, a software firm that provides RMS, MDT and CAD services to Ottawa Fire Services and would receive funding from, or would potentially receive funding from, these budget line items. City Council Minutes of December 9, 2020(link is external)
November 18, 2021 Community and Protective Services Committee I, Councillor Matthew Luloff, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets: Item 9 - Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) Draft Operating and Capital Budget, as follows: Emergency and Protective Services, Fire Services Operating Resource Requirement, Communications (Page 21 of the CPSC Budget Book) as my spouse is employed by Versaterm Public Safety, a software firm that provides RMS, MDT and CAD services to Ottawa Fire Services and Ottawa Police Services and would receive funding from, or would potentially receive funding from, these budget line items. Community and Protective Services Committee Minutes of November 18, 2021(link is external)
December 8, 2021 City Council I, Councillor Matthew Luloff, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets: Item 9 - Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) Draft Operating and Capital Budget, as follows: Emergency and Protective Services, Fire Services Operating Resource Requirement, Communications (Page 21 of the CPSC Budget Book) as my spouse is employed by Versaterm Public Safety, a software firm that provides RMS, MDT and CAD services to Ottawa Fire Services and Ottawa Police Services and would receive funding from, or would potentially receive funding from, these budget line items.Original signed by:Matthew Luloff City Council Minutes of December 8, 2021(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Laura Dudas (Ward 2)

No declarations of interest.

Jan Harder (Ward 3)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Jan Harder
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
April 2, 2019 Finance and Economic Development Committee I, Councillor Jan Harder, declare a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following report (Item 5 on the Agenda): 
  • 2019 Budgets and Special Levies for Business Improvement Areas and Sparks Street Mall Authority
as my daughter is the Executive Director of the Barrhaven Business Improvement Area.  Original signed by: Jan Harder
Finance and Economic Development Committee Minutes of April 2, 2019(link is external)
April 10, 2019 City Council I, Councillor Jan Harder, declare a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following report (Item 3 on the City Council Agenda 11): 
  • 2019 Budgets and Special Levies for Business Improvement Areas and Sparks Street Mall Authority
as my daughter is the Executive Director of the Barrhaven Business Improvement Area.  Original signed by: Jan Harder
City Council Minutes of April 10, 2019(link is external)
April 8, 2020 City Council I, Councillor Jan Harder, declare a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following report (Item 5 on the City Council Agenda 31):
  • 2020 Budgets and Special Levies for Business Improvement Areas (BIA) and Sparks Street Mall Authority
as my daughter is the Executive Director of the Barrhaven Business Improvement Area. Original signed by: Jan Harder
City Council Minutes of April 8, 2020(link is external)
April 6, 2021 Finance and Economic Development Committee I, Councillor Jan Harder, declare a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following report (Item 1 on the Agenda 22):
  • 2021 Budgets and Special Levies for Business Improvement Areas (BIA) and Sparks Street Mall Authority
as my daughter is the Executive Director of the Barrhaven Business Improvement Area. Original signed by: Jan Harder
Finance and Economic Development Committee Minutes of April 6, 2021(link is external).
April 14, 2021 City Council I, Councillor Jan Harder, declare a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following report::
  • Finance and Economic Development Committee Report 22 - 2021 Budgets and Special Levies for Business Improvement Areas (BIA) and Sparks Street Mall Authority (Item A on the Bulk Consent Agenda 51)
as my daughter is the Executive Director of the Barrhaven Business Improvement Area. Original signed by: Jan Harder
City Council Minutes of April 14, 2021(link is external).(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Cathy Curry (Ward 4) - November 12, 2021 to present

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Cathy Curry
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
December 8, 2021 City Council I, Councillor Cathy Curry, declare a potential, indirect pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budget - Ottawa Public Health:
  1. Any City funding that may be applied to the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario's following programs:
  • Preschool Program
  • Regional Preschool Program
  • Caution Parent Learning Program
  • Specialized Programming in Recreation, Integration and Therapy (SPIRIT)
as I am on the Board of Directors for the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), an organization which would receive funding from, or would potentially receive funding from, this budget line item Original signed by: Cathy Curry
City Council Minutes of December 8, 2021(link is external)
January 27, 2022 Planning Committee I, Councillor Cathy Curry, declare a potential, indirect pecuniary interest on Zoning By-law Amendment – 702 Earl Armstrong Road (Report ACS2022-PIE-PS-0003,) as the applicant for this matter is the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) and, although I will not be teaching with the OCDSB this year, I am still an OCDSB employee because I remain on the board’s occasional teacher lists. Original signed by: Cathy Curry Planning Committee Minutes of 27 January 2022(link is external)
February 9, 2022 City Council I, Councillor Cathy Curry, declare a potential, indirect pecuniary interest on Zoning By-law Amendment - 702 Earl Armstrong Road (Report ACS2022-PIE­PS-0003,) as the applicant for this matter is the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) and, although I will not be teaching with the OCDSB this year, I am still an OCDSB employee because I remain on the board's occasional teacher lists. Original signed by: Cathy Curry City Council Minutes of February 9, 2022(link is external) 

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk.(link opens email application)

Jenna Sudds (Ward 4) - December 1, 2018 to September 23, 2021

No declarations of interest.

Eli El-Chantiry (Ward 5)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Eli El-Chantiry
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
May 8, 2019 City Council I, Councillor Eli EI-Chantiry, declare a potential direct pecuniary interest on the following Motions to be considered at the City Council meeting of May 8, 2019: 
  1. the Blais/Kavanagh Motion with respect to the Extension of Property tax due dates for properties damaged by the 2019 flooding event; and
  2. the Harder/Blais Motion with respect to Planning and Building Permit Relief for properties affected by 2019 flooding event;
as I own property in the area affected by the 2019 flooding event. Original signed by: Eli El-Chantiry
City Council Minutes of May 8, 2019(link is external)
September 11, 2019 City Council I, Councillor Eli EI-Chantiry, declare a potential direct pecuniary interest on the following Motion to be considered at the City Council meeting of September 11, 2019: 
  • Councillor Harder's Motion regarding the continued suspension of the application fees with respect to demolition permits and building applications for flood-affected properties
as I own property in the area affected by the 2019 flooding event. Original signed by: Eli El-Chantiry
City Council Minutes of September 11, 2019(link is external)
November 27, 2019 City Council I, Councillor Eli EI-Chantiry, declare a potential direct pecuniary interest on Item 5 - Ottawa City Council Agenda 24 - "Zoning By-Law Amendment -2019 Flood Relief Provisions":
  • as I own property in the area affected by the 2017 and 2019 flooding events.
Original signed by: Eli El-Chantiry
City Council Minutes of November 27, 2019(link is external)
May 13, 2020 City Council I, Councillor Eli El-Chantiry, declare a potential direct pecuniary interest on the following Motion to be considered at the City Council meeting of May 13, 2020:
  • The Watson/Kavanagh Motion with respect to extension of building permit relief for 2019 flood victims;
as I own property in the area affected by the 2019 flooding event. Original signed by: Eli El-Chantiry
City Council Minutes of May 13, 2020(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Glen Gower (Ward 6)

No declarations of interest.

Theresa Kavanagh (Ward 7)

No declarations of interest.

Rick Chiarelli (Ward 8)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Rick Chiarelli
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
September 25, 2019 and October 23, 2019 City Council Whereas Subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act provides that where the interest of a Member has not been disclosed by reason of a Member's absence from the meeting at which the matter is considered, the Member shall disclose the interest at the first meeting of the Council attended by the Member. I, Councillor Rick Chiarelli, declare a direct pecuniary interest on the following matters considered by City Council: 
  1. Motion Nos. 20/3 and 20/4 considered by City Council on September 25, 2019; and
  2. Motion No. 22/7 considered by City Council on October 23, 2019, and notice of which was given on October 9, 2019;
as they pertain to my request for an authorized absence pursuant to Subsection 259(1 )(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Original signed by: Rick Chiarelli
City Council Minutes of November 6, 2019(link is external)
January 29, 2020 and February 12, 2020 City Council Whereas Subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act provides that where the interest of a Member has not been disclosed by reason of a Member's absence from the meeting at which the matter is considered, the Member shall disclose the interest at the first meeting of the Council attended by the Member. I, Councillor Rick Chiarelli, declare a direct pecuniary interest on the following matters considered by City Council:
  1. The Council item to receive the interim report from the Integrity Commissioner considered by City Council on January 29, 2020; and
  2. The motion to receive report #3 Interim Report to Council on an Inquiry Respecting the Conduct of Councillor Chiarelli considered by City Council on February 12, 2020
Original signed by: Rick Chiarelli
City Council Minutes of February 26, 2020(link is external)
May 13, 2020 and May 27, 2020 City Council Whereas Subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act provides that where the interest of a Member has not been disclosed by reason of a Member's absence from the meeting at which the matter is considered, the Member shall disclose the interest at the first meeting of the Council attended by the Member. I, Councillor Rick Chiarelli, declare a direct pecuniary interest on the following matters considered by City Council: 
  1. The notice to Council, on May 13, 2020, that a second interim report from the Integrity Commissioner would be presented at the next Council meeting; and
  2. The motion to receive reports #3 Interim Report to Council on an Inquiry Respecting the Conduct of Councillor Chiarelli considered by City Council on May 27, 2020.
Original signed by: Rick Chiarelli
City Council Minutes of June 10, 2020(link is external)
June 24, 2020 City Council Whereas Subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act provides that where the interest of a Member has not been disclosed by reason of a Member's absence from the meeting at which the matter is considered, the Member shall disclose the interest at the first meeting of the Council attended by the Member. I, Councillor Rick Chiarelli, declare a direct pecuniary interest on the following matter considered by City Council:
  1. The motion to suspend the Rules of Procedure in order to permit the Integrity Commissioner to report to Council in advance of the summer legislative break considered by City Council on June 24, 2020.
Original signed by: Rick Chiarelli
City Council Minutes of July 15, 2020(link is external)
July 15, 2020 City Council Whereas Subsection 5.1 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act states that where a Member, either on his or her own behalf or while acting for, by, with or through another has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter and is present at a meeting of Council or Board at which the matter is subject to consideration, the Member,
  1. shall, prior to consideration of the matter at the meeting, disclose the interest in a general nature thereof;
I, Councillor Rick Chiarelli, declare a direct pecuniary interest in the following matters to be considered by Council 15 July, 2020:
  1. Motion to receive reports # 1 - Report to Council on an Inquiry Respecting the Conduct of Councillor Chiarelli
  2. in camera meeting concerning Workplace Investigation
Councillor Chiarelli noted that he had initiated a Court challenge, and had received confirmation that the Divisional Court would be scheduling a case conference to set a timetable for exchange of materials, and to schedule a hearing date. In light of this legal challenge, Councillor Chiarelli indicated he had been advised to say nothing further in relation to the Integrity Commissioner’s report. Original signed by: Rick Chiarelli
City Council Minutes of July 15, 2020(link is external)
August 26, 2020 City Council Whereas Subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act provides that where the interest of a Member has not been disclosed by reason of a Member’s absence from the meeting at which the matter is considered, the Member shall disclose the interest at the first meeting of the Council attended by the Member. And whereas the Integrity Commissioner advised that, even though his preliminary belief is that I do not have a pecuniary interest in the item but since he feels that he must get further legal advice, in the interim, I should declare a conflict of interest out of an abundance of caution. I, Councillor Rick Chiarelli, declare a direct pecuniary interest in the following matter considered by City Council August 26, 2020.
  1. Motion 38/4 regarding a special grant to certain civic organizations.
Original signed by: Rick Chiarelli
City Council Minutes of September 9, 2020(link is external)
November 25, 2020 City Council Whereas Subsection 5(1) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act states that where a member, either on his or her own behalf or while acting for, by, with or through another, has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter and is present at a meeting of the Council or local board at which the matter is the subject of consideration, the member,
  1. Shall, prior to any consideration of the matter at the meeting, disclose the interest and the general nature thereof;
I, Councillor Rick Chiarelli, declare a direct pecuniary interest on the following matters to be considered by City Council on 25 November 2020;
  1. The motion to receive Report to Council on an Inquiry Respecting the Conduct of Councillor Chiarelli
  2. City Solicitor Memorandum
  3. Motion by Councillor Kavanagh seconded by Councillor Fleury,
  4. Motion by Councillor McKenney seconded by Mayor Watson
  5. Motion by Councillor Sudds seconded by Councillor Gower, and
  6. Any other related last minute motions brought to the floor
Note: This matter is currently before the Divisional Court with the date of the hearing scheduled for Jan. 13, 2021. So, in light of this legal challenge, I have been advised to say nothing further in relation to the IC report at this time. Original signed by: Rick Chiarelli
City Council Minutes of November 25, 2020(link is external)
December 9, 2020 City Council I, Councillor Rick Chiarelli, declare a pecuniary interest on the following matters considered by City Council on 9 December 2020;
  1. Report by the City Clerk: College Ward 8 - Delegation of Budgetary Approval Authorities and Related Matters
  2. Any other related matters brought to the floor
Original signed by: Rick Chiarelli
City Council Minutes of December 9, 2020(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Keith Egli (Ward 9)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Keith Egli
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
December 9, 2020 City Council I, Councillor Keith Egli, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following matters in relation to the 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets: Item 3 – 2021 Draft Operating Budget, Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO) – Transfers, Grants and Financial Charges (Page 1 of the CPO Budget Book); Item 6 - 2021 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Programs & Standards - 100% City Programs (Page 4 of the Board of Health Budget Book); and Item 9 - Community and Protective Services Committee 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget, as follows:
  1. Community and Social Services, Housing Services (Page 37 of the CPSC Budget Book), as follows:
  • Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative,
  • Home for Good;
  • Reaching Home;
  1. Community and Social Services, Partner and Stakeholder Initiatives, Community Funding (Page 41 of the CPSC Budget Book)
as I sit on the Board of Directors of the Youth Services Bureau, an organization that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items.
City Council Minutes of December 9, 2020(link is external)
November 18, 2021 Community and Protective Services Committee I, Councillor Keith Egli, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets: Item 3 – 2022 Draft Operating Budget, Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO) – Transfers, Grants and Financial Charges (Page 1 of the CPO Budget Book); Item 6 - 2022 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health - Ministry of Health Programs & Standards; 100% City Programs (Page 5 of the Board of Health Budget Book); and Item 9 - Community and Protective Services Committee 2022 Draft Operating Budget, as follows:
  1. Community and Social Services, Housing Services (Page 10 of the CPSC Budget Book), as follows:
  • Housing Program;
  • Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative;
  • Home for Good;
  • Housing and Homelessness Prevention Plan;
  • Reaching Home;
  • COVID-19 Funding; and
  1. Community and Social Services, Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations and Social Development - Operating Resource Requirement - Community Funding (Page 15 of the CPSC Budget Book);
as I sit on the Board of Directors of the Youth Services Bureau and Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ottawa, and my spouse sits on the board of directors for the Nepean Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre, organizations that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items. Original signed by: Keith Egli
Community and Protective Services Committee Minutes of November 18, 2021(link is external)
December 8, 2021 City Council I, Councillor Keith Egli, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets: Item 3 – 2022 Draft Operating Budget, Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO) – Transfers, Grants and Financial Charges (Page 1 of the CPO Budget Book); Item 6 - 2022 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health - Ministry of Health Programs & Standards; 100% City Programs (Page 5 of the Board of Health Budget Book); and Item 9 - Community and Protective Services Committee 2022 Draft Operating Budget, as follows:
  1. Community and Social Services, Housing Services (Page 10 of the CPSC Budget Book), as follows:
  • Housing Program;
  • Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative;
  • Home for Good;
  • Housing and Homelessness Prevention Plan;
  • Reaching Home;
  • COVID-19 Funding; and
  1. Community and Social Services, Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations and Social Development - Operating Resource Requirement - Community Funding (Page 15 of the CPSC Budget Book);
as I sit on the Board of Directors of the Youth Services Bureau and Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ottawa, and my spouse sits on the board of directors for the Nepean Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre, organizations that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items. Original signed by: Keith Egli
City Council Minutes of December 8, 2021(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Diane Deans (Ward 10)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Diane Deans
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
March 6, 2019 City Council I, Councillor Diane Deans, declare a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2019 Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget: 
  • Children's Services, as follows:
  1. User fees (p. 62);
  2. Municipal Child Care Centres Operating Resource Requirement (p. 60)
  • Child Care Capital Budget (p. 81) [Individual projects listed on pages 143- 146]
as my daughter works at the Centre Educatif Tournesol Municipal Child Care Centre, which receives funding from these budget line items.  Original signed by: Diane Deans
City Council Minutes of March 6, 2019(link is external)
August 29, 2019 Community and Protective Services Committee I, Councillor Diane Deans, declare a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following item on Agenda 6 of the Community and Protective Services Committee: 
  • Item 8 - Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2019-2023 and Provincial Budget Update
as my daughter works at the Centre Educatif Tournesol Municipal Child Care Centre. Original signed by: Diane Deans 
Community and Protective Services Committee Minutes of August 29, 2019(link is external) 
September 11, 2019 City Council I, Councillor Diane Deans, declare a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following item to be considered at the City Council meeting of September 11, 2019: 
  • Item 4 - Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2019-2023 and Provincial Budget Update
as my daughter works at the Centre Educatif Tournesol Municipal Child Care Centre.  Original signed by: Diane Deans
City Council Minutes of September 11, 2019(link is external) 
November 19, 2020 Community and Protective Services Committee I, Councillor Diane Deans, declared a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2021 Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget:
  • Children’s Services, as follows:
  1. User fees (p. 35);
  2. Municipal Child Care Centres Operating Resource Requirement (p. 33-34)
as my daughter works at the Centre Éducatif Tournesol Municipal Child Care Centre, which receives funding from these budget line items. Original signed by: Diane Deans
Community and Protective Services Committee Minutes of November 19, 2020(link is external)
December 9, 2020 City Council I, Councillor Diane Deans, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on Item 9 - Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget, Children’s Services, as follows:
  • User fees (page 35 of the CPSC Budget Book); and
  • Municipal Child Care Centres Operating Resource Requirement (pages 33-34 of the CPSC Budget Book)
as my daughter works at the Centre Éducatif Tournesol Municipal Child Care Centre, which receives funding from these budget line items. Original signed by: Diane Deans
City Council Minutes of December 9, 2020(link is external)
November 18, 2021 Community and Protective Services Committee I, Councillor Diane Deans, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budget:
  • User fees (page 7 of the CPSC Budget Book); and
  • Municipal Child Care Centres Operating Resource Requirement (page 6 of the CPSC Budget Book)
as my daughter works for Children's Services in an area that receives funding from these budget line items. Original signed by: Diane Deans
Community and Protective Services Committee Minutes of November 18, 2021(link is external)
December 8, 2021 City Council I, Councillor Diane Deans, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budget:
  • User fees (page 7 of the CPSC Budget Book); and
  • Municipal Child Care Centres Operating Resource Requirement (page 6 of the CPSC Budget Book)
as my daughter works for Children's Services in an area that receives funding from these budget line items. Original signed by: Diane Deans
City Council Minutes of December 8, 2021(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Tim Tierney (Ward 11)

No declarations of interest.

Mathieu Fleury (Ward 12)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Mathieu Fleury
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
December 8, 2021 City Council I, Councillor Mathieu Fleury, declare a potential, indirect pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget:
  1. Recreation, Cultural and Facilities Services, General Manager's Office and Business Support Services Operating Resource Requirement (Page 44of the CPSC Budget Book) as I am on the Board of the Ottawa Sport Council, an organization which would receive funding from, or would potentially receive funding from, this budget line item; and
  1. Recreation, Cultural and Facilities Service Operating Resource Requirement, Community Recreation and Cultural Programs {Page 48 of the CPSC Budget Book), as I am on the Board of the Rideau Winter Trail of Ottawa, an organization which {via the Winter Trail Alliance) would receive funding from, or would potentially receive funding from, this budget line item.
Original signed by: Mathieu Fleury
City Council Minutes of December 8, 2021(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Rawlson King (Ward 13)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Rawlson King
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
December 8, 2021 City Council I, Councillor Rawlson King, declare a potential, indirect pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budget:
  1. Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget, Recreation, Cultural and Facilities Services, Community Recreation and Cultural Programs (Page 48 of the CPSC Budget Book) as I am on the Board of the Rideau Winter Trail of Ottawa, an organization which (via the Winter Trail Alliance) would receive funding from, or would potentially receive funding from, this budget line item. 
Original signed by: Rawlson King
City Council Minutes of December 8, 2021(link is external)
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
June 8, 2022 City Council I, Councillor Rawlson King, declare a potential, indirect pecuniary interest on the Kavanagh/Brockington Motion regarding Winter Trail Programs (re Agenda Item 9 – Community Partners Insurance Program) as I am on the Board of the Rideau Winter Trail of Ottawa, an organization which would receive a potential benefit from this Motion. Original signed by: Rawlson King City Council Minutes of June 8, 2022(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Catherine McKenney (Ward 14)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Catherine McKenney
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
March 6, 2019 City Council I, Councillor Catherine McKenney, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2019 Draft Operating and Capital Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health: Document 1, Page 5, as follows: 
  • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Programs & Standards – Infectious and Communicable Diseases; and
  • Supplementary Programs – Provincial Programs – Aids Bureau, Supervised Consumption Services
As my spouse is on the Board of Directors of Ottawa Inner City Health, an organization that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items. I, Councillor Catherine McKenney, also declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget (Item 9 on the Agenda):
  • Housing Services Operating Resource Requirement (Page 63 of CPSC Budget Book) as follows:
    • Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative;
    • Home for Good; and
    • Reaching Home
as my spouse is employed by Options Bytown, an organization that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items. Original signed by: Catherine McKenney
City Council Minutes of March 6, 2019(link is external)
November 21, 2019 Community and Protective Services Committee I, Councillor Catherine McKenney, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2020 Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget:
  • Housing Services Operating Resource Requirement (Page 37) as follows:
    • Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (p. 37);
    • Home for Good (p. 37); and
    • Reaching Home (p. 37)
as my spouse is employed by the Options Bytown, an organization that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items. Original signed by: Catherine McKenney
Community and Protective Services Committee Minutes of November 21, 2019(link is external)
November 19, 2020 Community and Protective Services Committee I, Councillor Catherine McKenney, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2021 Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget:
  • Housing Services Operating Resource Requirement (Page 37) as follows:
    • Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (p. 37);
    • Home for Good (p. 37)
    • Reaching Home (p. 37)
as my spouse is employed by the Options Bytown, an organization that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items.
Community and Protective Services Committee Minutes of November 19, 2020(link is external)
December 9, 2020 City Council I, Councillor Catherine McKenney, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following matters related to the 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets: Item 6 - 2021 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health - Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Programs, Cost-shared Core Programs (Page 4 of the Board of Health Budget Book), as my spouse is on the Board of Directors of Ottawa Inner City Health, an organization that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, this budget line item; and Item 9 - Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget - Housing Services Operating Resource Requirement (Page 37 of the CPSC Budget Book) as follows:
  • Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative;
  • Home for Good;
  • Reaching Home;
as my spouse is employed by the Options Bytown, an organization that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items.
City Council Minutes of December 9, 2020(link is external)
November 18, 2021 Community and Protective Services Committee I, Councillor Catherine McKenney, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget: Community and Social Services, Housing Services Operating Resource Requirement (Page 10 of the CPSC Budget Book) as follows:
  1. Housing Programs
  2. Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative
  3. Home for Good
  4. Reaching Home; and
  5. COVID-19 Funding
as my spouse is employed by Options Bytown, and a member of the Board for Ottawa Inner City Health, organizations that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items.
Community and Protective Services Committee Minutes of November 18, 2021(link is external)
December 8, 2021 City Council I, Councillor Catherine McKenney, declare a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on the following portions of the 2022 Community and Protective Services Committee Draft Operating and Capital Budget: Community and Social Services, Housing Services Operating Resource Requirement (Page 10 of the CPSC Budget Book) as follows:
  1. Housing Programs
  2. Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative
  3. Home for Good
  4. Reaching Home; and
  5. COVID-19 Funding
as my spouse is employed by Options Bytown, and a member of the Board for Ottawa Inner City Health, organizations that will receive funding from, or would be eligible to receive funding from, these budget line items. Original signed by: Catherine McKenney
City Council Minutes of December 8, 2021(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Jeff Leiper (Ward 15)

No declarations of interest.

Riley Brockington (Ward 16)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Riley Brockington
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
February 23, 2022 City Council I, Councillor Riley Brockington, declare a potential, indirect pecuniary interest on a Motion regarding the closure of Wellington Street to vehicular traffic, I attend St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church located at 82 Kent Street at Wellington St., and am an Elder of the Session (member of the governing body of the Church), and the Church may be financially impacted by any contemplated closure.  Original signed by: Councillor Riley Brockington City Council Disposition of February 23, 2022(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Shawn Menard (Ward 17)

No declarations of interest.

Jean Cloutier (Ward 18)

No declarations of interest.

Catherine Kitts (Ward 19) - October 5, 2020 to present

No declarations of interest.

Stephen Blais (Ward 19) - December 1, 2018 to March 5, 2020

No declarations of interest.

George Darouze (Ward 20)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor George Darouze
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
September 25, 2019 City Council I, Councillor George Darouze, declare a potential direct pecuniary interest on the following item to be considered at the City Council meeting of September 25, 2019:
  • Item 1 - Report to Council on an inquiry respecting the conduct of Councillor Darouze 
as Section 223.4(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and Section 15 of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council authorize Council to impose sanctions that may impact my remuneration as a Member of Council. Original signed by: George Darouze
City Council Minutes of September 25, 2019(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Scott Moffatt (Ward 21)

No declarations of interest.

Carol Anne Meehan (Ward 22)

2018-2022 Term of Council declarations of interest for Councillor Carol Anne Meehan
Date Meeting Declaration Meeting record
June 12, 2019 City Council I, Councillor Carol Anne Meehan, declare a deemed pecuniary interest on the following Motion to be considered at the City Council meeting of June 12, 2019:
  • the Harder/Gower Motion with respect to Exemption from the Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law for a communications tower at the site of Capital Funeral Home & Cemetery (owned by Arbour Memorial)
as my son works for Capital Funeral Home & Cemetery. Original signed by: Carol Anne Meehan
City Council Minutes of June 12, 2019(link is external)

Original declarations of interest on file may be viewed by contacting the Office of the City Clerk(link opens email application).

Allan Hubley (Ward 23)

No declarations of interest.