Your city, your ideas
Do you have ideas on how the City of Ottawa can improve our services and save money to reinvest into other priorities? If so, we want to hear from you!
We’re looking for ideas on how we can offer services in a new and innovative way, or how we can reduce costs. The goal of these service reviews is to find savings that can be put towards the Term of Council priorities. These priorities are focused on making our beautiful city an even better place to live, learn, work and play.
Ottawa is a talented and innovative city, and we want to harness the collective wisdom of the people who are affected by our services every day.
[Visuals] Drone footage of city
You probably don’t even realize it, but from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, City services are with you every step of the way.
[Visual] Byword Market clock. Watson's Mill. Crossing guard.
Whether it’s the green bin you left at the curb on your way to work,
[Visual] Footage of garbage, recycling and compost bins.
Or the sidewalk you take to get to your transit stop,
[Visual] Man crossing street. Street sign that says "Montreal Road"
Or maybe it’s the first aid course or exercise class you just joined,
[Visual] Lifeguard. Recreation and culture facilities classes.
Or the water you use to bathe the kids before bed.
[Visual] Tap running, water running. Woman at home holding infant.
These are all City services that affect your daily life.
[Visual] City client service centre interior. LRT stopping at station. Sidewalk plow.
And we are always looking for ways to improve our services while being more cost-effective.
As residents, you bring a unique perspective on how we can make our city a better place to live, learn, work and play.
[Visual] Council chambers. City Hall. Football field. New road with traffic.
If you have ideas on how the City of Ottawa can improve our services and save money, we want to hear from you.
It’s your city and your ideas.
Visit or call 613-580-2929.
[Visual] City of Ottawa Logo
This major project will last the entire term of this council.
We are starting by focusing the service reviews on the four themes of the 2023-2026 Term of Council Priorities. Each theme will last for several months, during which time you will be able offer ideas and suggestions on that topic.
The priorities are focused on creating an Ottawa that:
- Has affordable housing and is more liveable for all(link is external) (November 2023 to March 2024)
- Is more connected with reliable, safe and accessible mobility options(link is external) (March to October 2024)
- Has a diversified and prosperous economy(link is external) (October 2024 to April 2025)
- Is green and resilient (May to November 2025)
Each of you brings unique perspectives and experiences to the table, and we want to tap into that diverse pool of knowledge. Ottawa City Council and City employees are also sharing their ideas in these service reviews.
For more information, or to share your ideas, visit is external) or call 613-580-2929.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is a service review?
A service review is an evaluation of an organization’s services to look for improvements to service delivery, efficiency and effectiveness.
Why are the service reviews taking place?
The City of Ottawa is completing service reviews, which support the City's continued efforts to make the lives of its residents better. The service reviews are part of the overall budget process, where we are always looking at savings to fund our priorities.
Who is overseeing the service reviews?
The Service Review Working Group, comprised of Mayor Sutcliffe, Councillor Curry and Councillor Carr, will oversee the service reviews. They will work with senior leaders at the City to review and decide on areas on which to focus for the service reviews.
What will the service review engagement process look like?
The process includes gathering input from essential stakeholders, including Members of Council, City staff, and residents. Feedback and ideas will be submitted through online forms. Because a large amount of feedback is expected, departments will review the suggestions to see which are possible, which are not already underway, and which will provide a benefit by improving service or saving money. Departments will give the list of ideas to the Service Review Working Group, which will review and prioritize them.
What type of ideas is the City looking for?
Through the service reviews, we welcome any new and innovative ideas on how we can offer services in a different way, or how we can work better to save money. Cost savings from service reviews will be reinvested into the City’s strategic priorities.
Residents in Ottawa will be able to learn about and provide feedback on our services in an open and transparent way over the next several months. The engagement will be organized into four main categories, aligned with the 2023-2026 Term of Council Priorities so we can create an Ottawa that:
- Has affordable housing and is more liveable for all
- Is more connected with reliable, safe and accessible mobility options
- Has a diversified and prosperous economy
- Is green and resilient
How will the City report back on the feedback received through the engagement process?
Due to the large number of ideas and feedback that are expected, we will not be able to report back to each individual on their suggestion. Every idea will be reviewed within the department that is responsible for the idea. However, we are committed to sharing feedback and results from the service reviews. Updates will be presented to Council, and residents will be informed through Engage Ottawa,, social media and more.
The reporting process for the service reviews will take place through the overall budget process. Any potential cost savings identified through service reviews will be included in the annual budget estimates.
Are service reviews necessary?
Yes, and we are always looking at ways to improve how we do our work so that we can make the lives of our residents better. There are currently several service reviews underway for 2023, including the OC Transpo Strategic Route Review. Service reviews are a complement to our commitment to continuous improvement so that we can serve you better and find cost savings.
Where can I share my ideas?
Visit the Engage Ottawa(link is external) page to share your ideas or call 613-580-2929.