Churchill, Carling and Kirkwood integrated rehabilitation

On this page
Project status

Project overview

Project description

The City of Ottawa is undertaking the preliminary and detailed design for the renewal of Carling Avenue, Churchill Avenue North and Kirkwood Avenue. The existing watermain, sewers and road infrastructure have reached the end of their useful life and are in need of upgrading to provide the required level of service to the neighbourhood. Sidewalk renewal and cycling facilities will also be updated as part of the works.  

Affected areas within the project limits, all or portions thereof, include:

  • Churchill Avenue North: Carling Avenue to Highway 417
  • Carling Avenue: Churchill Avenue North to Kirkwood Avenue
  • Kirkwood Avenue: Carling Avenue to Highway 417

Project timing

Design: spring 2024
Construction start: summer 2025
Construction completion: expected to be competed fall/winter 2026

Project budget

Approved project funds to date are $1.9 million. Budget will be adjusted once the design is completed and prior to construction start date.

Public engagement

An online public information session is planned for 2025 to present the design drawings to the public. At that time, residents will be able to review the design, ask questions and provide comment on the proposed works.


Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the project team. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.


The City of Ottawa is committed to safety in and around project sites. The project team continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

Contact information

For any emergency during normal working hours, outside normal working hours on weekdays and weekends, please call the City at 3-1-1. Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact:

City Project Manager
Julie Lyons, P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Services
Design and Construction – Municipal
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 13345

City Consultant Representative
Marshall Huband, P.Eng.
Senior Civil Engineer
J. L. Richards & Associates Limited
Tel: 343-804-9635

Nighttime work notice (December 2022)

Beginning in early January 2023, the City of Ottawa will undertake an underground infrastructure investigation in your neighbourhood. This investigation is required as part of the design to replace watermains, sewers and roads on sections of Carling Avenue between Churchill Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue. Portions of the work will proceed at nighttime in accordance with an approved Noise By-law exemption.

What: The underground infrastructure investigation will involve Hydro excavation to locate adjacent utilities.

Why: This underground infrastructure investigation supports the design of the Carling, Churchill and Kirkwood integrated rehabilitation project. 

When: This underground infrastructure investigation work will take place during the week of January 3, 2023 and will take place at night due to the traffic conditions in the area.

Where: The underground infrastructure investigation will take place on Carling Avenue westbound, at the entrance to 1475 Carling Avenue and near the Highway 417 on-ramp.  Depending on the site conditions, it is planned to complete the work in one night.

Who: J.L. Richards and Associates has been retained by the City of Ottawa to undertake an underground infrastructure investigation for this project.

Traffic impacts

Lane reductions can be expected during construction to accommodate the work. Police will be present to help direct traffic when work occurs within and near the intersections. Minor delays are expected. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained. 

Construction disruptions

J.L. Richards will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but, as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the course of the work, such as parking restrictions, noise, and odour. We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation.

For daytime construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255). Nighttime work will proceed with an approved exemption to the City’s Noise By-law.