Morisset Avenue pump station

On this page
Project status

Project overview

Project description

The City of Ottawa Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) identified the need for increased capacity at the existing Carlington Heights Pump Station (CHPS) to improve reliability and provide adequate emergency supply for both existing and future demands.

This project includes the design and construction of the Morisset Avenue Pump Station (MAPS). This new potable water pump station will be located just south of the existing CHPS and will meet the needs identified in the IMP.

The existing pump station will remain in operation throughout construction of the new pump station. Following construction of the new MAPS, the existing CHPS will be demolished.

A map showing the location of the Morisset Avenue pump station on the west side of the Carlington Heights reservoir.

Project timing

Construction start: spring 2025
Construction completion: fall 2028


Project funds approved to date are $35 million.


The City of Ottawa is divided into various water system pressure zones based on providing customers with an appropriate minimum and maximum water pressure. The CHPS serves two water pressure zones, with a total population of more than 250,000.

The 2008 Infrastructure Master Plan identified the need for additional capacity at the Carlington Heights Pump Station (CHPS). The output of this pump station is limited by pump capacity and the size of the suction and discharge piping near the station. Improvements are needed so that this pumping station can accommodate projected urban growth and ensure adequate emergency supply.

This project follows the previous work completed under the Carlington Heights Pump Station Site Upgrade Environmental Assessment and Functional Design Study which evaluated various alternatives, selected a preferred alternative, and completed a functional design. This study yielded that the existing CHPS, which is over 70 years old, should be replaced with a new pump station.


Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the project team. Accessible formats(link is external) and communication supports are available, upon request.


The City of Ottawa is committed to safety in and around project sites. The project team continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours, please call the City at 3-1-1.  
For general project information, please contact the City’s Project Manager. 
For construction related questions or concerns, please contact the Contractor Representative.

City Project Manager
Kim Pearce(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Senior Project Engineer
Environmental Engineering Projects
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 25594

Contract Administrator
Andre Proulx(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Tel:  613-295-1787

Contractor Representative
Michael Denham(link opens email application) 
Doran Contractors Limited
Tel.: 613-223-2915

Site Inspector
Michael Buehrle(link opens email application) 
Tel.: 613-880-9637

Construction notice (March 2025)

Beginning this winter, the City of Ottawa will start construction for the new Morisset Avenue Drinking Water Pumping Station in your neighbourhood.

What: The City of Ottawa’s existing Carlington Heights Pumping Station is over 70 years old and will be replaced with the new Morisset Avenue Pumping Station which will be located approximately 50 metres to the south of the Carlington Heights Pumping Station. Once the new Morisset Avenue Pumping Station is completed and put into operation, the existing Carlington Heights Pumping Station will be demolished. Advance tree removals will be carried out within the pumping station property limits to allow for the construction of the new pumping station and for the new supply of hydro.

Why: Improvements are needed to increase station capacity to provide adequate emergency supply to the City’s various drinking water pressure zones. This project will improve the reliability of supply to both existing and future development.

When: Tree and site preparation work is expected to begin in early March with construction activities commencing afterwards. The project will be completed by late 2028.

Where: The west end of Morisset Avenue.

Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Doran Contractors Inc., to complete the work.

Traffic management

The construction area will be fenced off for safety and security reasons for the duration of the works.  Access to the north side of the park will still be available throughout the construction. Contractor staff access and material deliveries will be along the Caldwell Avenue and Merivale Road corridor. In spring 2025, temporary traffic calming measures will be installed along Caldwell Avenue. Vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist traffic will not be impacted.

Tree removals

Advance tree removals will be carried out within the pumping station property limits to allow for the construction of the new pumping station and for the new supply of hydro. New trees, to compensate for the removed trees, will be planted as part of this project and in coordination with the City’s forestry department.

Construction disruptions

The contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but, as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the course of the work, such as traffic delays, noise and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and rarely cause any problems. We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation. The construction zone will be fenced-off for the duration of the project with no access to the public. All public areas outside of the construction zone will remain accessible to the public.

The pedestrian access from the NCC pathway from the south will be restricted for safety and security reasons. When pedestrians are located at the southwest corner of the site, access from the south to the north will need to be along the pedestrian path going east, then going north (just to the east of the reservoir, near the baseball diamond).

For construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255).

Public engagement

Online engagement opportunity (April 13, 2022)

In April 2022, the City of Ottawa invited residents to review the updated project drawings and provide comments. A virtual public information session was held on April 13, 2022 at 7 pm.

Presentation Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [ 1.57 MB ]

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Public information session (May 15, 2017)

In May 2017, the City of Ottawa invited residents to review the updated project drawings and provide comments. The meeting was held on May 15, 2017, at the Carlington Recreation Centre (Gymnasium) at 1520 Caldwell Avenue from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm and shared information on the planned project.

Existing infrastructure Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [ PDF - 1.82 MB ]
Design rendering of the new pump station Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [ PDF - 3.1 MB ]
What to expect during construction Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [ PDF - 2.55 MB ]
Expected traffic routes Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [ PDF - 3.67 MB ]

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