Sweetnam Drive – Neighbourhood Traffic Calming (NTC) Study

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Project status
Planning underway


The City of Ottawa is conducting a traffic calming study along Sweetnam Drive from Harry Douglas Drive, to 350m north of Harry Douglas Drive in response to traffic concerns raised by the residents. 

The purpose of this study is to recommend permanent roadway modifications intended to improve safety for all road users, primarily by reducing vehicular speeds. 

Sweetnam Traffic Calming Study study area

Information on Traffic Calming

Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that help to reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behaviour, and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. Traffic calming studies recommend localized retrofits to the roadway to address traffic concerns as opposed to a complete reconstruction of the street. More information about the types of traffic calming suitable for City streets.

Proposed Traffic Calming Concept Plan

Based on traffic data, coordination with various stakeholders, and project constraints, the City has proposed the following conceptual plan to address the concerns raised along Sweetnam Drive and can be viewed in the image below or Proposed Conceptual Plan [ PDF 702 KB ].

Sweetnam Traffic Calming concept plan

Online Survey

The purpose of the online survey is to seek public feedback on the proposed conceptual plan in order to assist staff in developing the final functional design plan for the overall project.

We encourage interested members of the public to fill out the online survey below. It should only take about five minutes of your time and is available online until August 9, 2024:

Sweetnam Drive Online Survey

Next Steps

After the online survey closes, we will share an ‘As We Heard It’ report to summarize the feedback received. Feedback from the survey and other stakeholders will be reviewed along with traffic data to develop a final traffic calming plan.

When study recommendations have been finalized and funding secured, the approved traffic calming plan would proceed to design and construction. The entire process from study initiation to final construction can take approximately 2.5 to 4 years to complete.

Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, or for any inquiries, please call or email the following City of Ottawa project contact:

Sophie Gauvreau
Project Manager - Neighbourhood Traffic Calming
City of Ottawa
613-580-2424 x22680