Exceptions 2901 - 3000

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Exceptions 2901 - 2920

I Exception Number II Applicable Zone III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2901 (By-law 2023-384) TM[2901]    
  •  At least 45% of the façade must be setback a minimum of 2.4m from the west side lot line.
  • Balconies above the first floor are prohibited for any part of the building façade facing the west side lot line.
  • A residential use on the ground floor does not require an active entrance along the façade facing the main street.
  • Canopies are permitted to project up to 0.2m from any front lot line, or side lot line abutting a street.
  • If an opaque fence with a minimum height of 1.8m is provided, the minimum width of a landscaped area abutting a residential zone is 0.5m
  • For any part of a building above the fourth storey, a building must be setback a minimum of 2m more than the provided setback from the front lot line and corner side lot line. 
  • Minimum bicycle parking space rate: 1 per dwelling unit.
2902 (By-law 2023-399) R4UD[2902]    
  • For Low-Rise Apartment, maximum of 8 units, maximum building height = 12m.
  • A canopy may project to 0.1m from a side lot line.
  • A porch and stairs may project to 0.1m from a side lot line.
2903 (By-law 2023-402) MC[2903] S481  
  • Townhouse Dwellings
  • Stacked Dwellings
  • Lands zoned as MC[2903] S481 are to be treated as one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Minimum building setbacks, minimum stepbacks and maximum heights are as per Schedule 481.
  • Minimum total floor area required for non-residential uses on ground floor: 398m2
  • Minimum landscape buffer for surface parking from any public street: 10m.
2904 (By-law 2023-400) GM[2904] S482
  • apartment dwelling, high rise
  • Minimum parking requirement: 0.95 spaces per dwelling unit
  • Maximum driveway width: 7.2 m
  • Floor space index does not apply
  • Building heights and setbacks are as per Schedule 482.
  • Any part of a building or structure that is below grade must be set back a minimum of 5.5 m from the north lot line and 2.5 m from the east, south, and west lot lines.
  • Despite Schedule 482, a pool and an enclosed amenity area up to 225 m2 are permitted to project up to 3.5 m above the height limit within Area B on Schedule 482.
  • Despite Schedule 482, a fire escape is permitted to project into Area D.
2905 (By-law 2023-413) R5C[2905] S483-h
  • Residential Care Facility
  • all uses except existing uses until the holding provision is lifted
  • Maximum permitted building heights and minimum setbacks are as shown on Schedule 483.
  • Schedule 483 does not apply to permitted projections under Section 65. Projections are permitted in accordance with Section 65.
  • Section 93, One Lot for Zoning Purposes, applies.
  • Despite Section 109, parking may be established within a required or provided front yard.
  • Parking Area Z rates apply.
  • Despite Section 110, the minimum landscaped buffer of a parking lot is 1.2m.
  • Despite Section 55, minimum setback to an accessory structure: 1.2m.
  • Minimum Number of 3-bedroom dwelling units: 33.
  • The holding symbol may only be removed at such time as the following has been completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development:
  1. Exploration of options for enhanced active transportation connections to rapid transit, which may include lighting and winter maintenance of the National Capital Commission (NCC) pathway within the KichiZībī Mīkan between the Byron Linear Pathway and Lincoln Fields LRT Station.
  2. Site Plan Control Approval and/or Plan of Subdivision Approval addressing:
  1. Upgrades to the Lincoln Heights sanitary pumping station;
  2. Watermain looping;
  3. Public access through the site from Regina Street to the KichiZībī Mīkan; and
  4. Connection to the NCC pathway within the KichiZībī Mīkan.
  1. Partial removal of the holding symbol may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding provisions on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for the lifting of the holding zone specified above.
2906 (By-law 2023-417) R5B[2906] H(30)  
  • Apartment dwelling, high-rise
  • The following provisions apply to apartment dwelling, mid-rise.
  1. Minimum lot width: 20.1m.
  2. Minimum front yard setback: 2m.
  3. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m.
  4. Amenity area may be located within the required front yard.
  5. Section 60 does not apply
2907 (By-law 2023-413) GM[2907] S484-h
  • park
  • hotel
  • apartment dwelling, high rise
  • drive through facility
  • townhouse dwelling
  • Maximum building heights are as shown on Schedule 484
  • Maximum floor space index in Area A of Schedule 484: 2.6.
  • Maximum floor space index in Area B of Schedule 484: 3.1.
  • For the purpose of this exception, floor space index means the ratio of the gross floor area of a building to the total area on Schedule S484 on which the building is located.
  • Maximum height for a podium for a high-rise building: 20 m and 6 storeys.
  • Notwithstanding the above, a retail food store with a minimum gross floor area of 1,000 m2 is permitted in a single-storey standalone building or as a single-storey portion of a larger building.
  • Minimum building setback from March Road or Terry Fox Drive: 3m.
  • Minimum building setback from a private way, or a public street other than March Road or Terry Fox Drive: 0.5m.
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 0.5m.
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 0m.
  • Towers are required to have a minimum step back from the front wall of the podium:
  1. for a building fronting on a private street or Privately-Owned Public Space: 1.5m;
  2. for a building fronting on an Active Frontage Street or a public park: 3m; and
  3. In all other cases: 1.5m.
  • Table 187(h) does not apply.
  • Notwithstanding Section 65, balconies are not permitted to project beyond the front wall of the podium.
  • Maximum front yard setback for a retail food store with a minimum gross floor area of 1,000 m2: 25m.
  • Active Frontage Streets are:
  1. Terry Fox Drive;
  2. March Road;
  3. New and existing public streets; and
  4. Private roads in locations immediately abutting or opposite a public park.
  • Where buildings are located abutting Active Frontage Streets:
  1. At least 50% of the lot width measured at the minimum building setback along the Active Frontage Street must be occupied by one or more building walls;
  2. A minimum of 35% of the surface area of the ground floor façade of buildings facing an Active Frontage Street must be comprised of transparent glazing;
  3. The ground floor façade of buildings facing an Active Frontage Street must include at least one pedestrian entrance to each individual occupancy;
  1. Notwithstanding the above, where an active entrance is angled on the corner of the building, such that it faces the intersection of the Active Frontage Street and a side street intersecting the Active Frontage Street, it is deemed to face both streets;  
  1. Minimum ground floor height in mixed-use or non-residential buildings: 4.5m;
  2. The minimum building height required for 80% of the building frontage is 14m and must contain at least 4 storeys;
  3. Except for a retail food store with a minimum gross floor area of 1,000 m2, no person may park a motor vehicle in a required and provided front or corner side yard abutting an Active Frontage Street;
  4. In the case of a retail food store, parking lots must be buffered from Active Frontage Streets with a minimum buffer strip of 3m of soft landscaping; and
  5. Loading spaces are prohibited abutting an Active Frontage Street unless screened from view.
  • Sections 101 and 102 do not apply.
  • Where parking is provided for residential uses, visitor parking shall be required at rate of 0.2 spaces per space provided, up to a maximum of 30 per building.
  • A maximum of 250 surface parking spaces are permitted within the lands subject to this exception. Surface parking spaces located within a private street or associated with a Retail Food Store shall not be counted towards the maximum.
  • Above grade parking garages are only permitted as follows:
  1. located in the same building as a permitted non-residential use; and
  2. Provided that 50% of the ground floor fronting on a street or a private way, excluding any related mechanical room or pedestrian or vehicular access, is occupied for a depth of 3m by other uses permitted to be located on the ground floor.
  • Outdoor storage is prohibited.
  • The holding symbol may only be removed following issuance of Commence Work Notice associated to a development application addressing:
  1. Acceptance of a Remedial Action Plan to achieve a Record of Site Condition (RSC), to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Planning, Real Estate, and Economic Development Department;
  2. Acceptance of a plan showing an east-west public roadway connection from Hines Road to March Road with a minimum 26 m right of way, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Planning, Real Estate, and Economic Development Department;
  3. The size, location and servicing of parkland required by By-law 2022-280 to implement a Facility fit Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department.
  4. Where one or more high-rise buildings with floorplates larger than 750m2 are proposed, the applicant will provide a demonstration plan with supporting studies for the entire area of the exception, illustrating that there are no undue adverse impacts of a larger tower floorplate on the public realm, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Planning, Real Estate, and Economic Development Department.
  • Partial removal of the holding symbol may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding provisions on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for the lifting of the holding zone specified above.
  • Despite the holding symbol, buildings existing as of the date of the passing of this by-law may continue to be used and/or converted into permitted uses and are not subject to the holding symbol.
2908 (By-law 2023-416) TM[2908] H(19)    
  • Minimum rear setback: 0m.
  • Despite any provision to the contrary, the minimum required setback from Somerset Street West: 0m.
  • The provisions of Section 137 do not apply.
  • The provisions of Section 60 do not apply to an addition that is 306m2 or less in footprint and 15m or less in height.
  • Despite any provision to the contrary, no motor vehicle parking is required.
2909 (By-law 2023-429) R5C[2909] S216    
  • Maximum building heights, minimum building setbacks and stepbacks are as per Schedule 216.
  • The following provisions apply to an Apartment Dwelling, High-Rise:
  1. Permitted projections listed in Section 64 and Section 65 are not subject to the height limits identified on Schedule 216.
  2. Minimum bicycle parking: 1 space per unit.
  3. Table 55(8) does not apply to Area A and Area B of Schedule 216.
2910 (By-law 2023-430) TM12[2910] S485    
  • Maximum building heights, minimum setbacks, minimum stepbacks and restricted buildable area as per Schedule 485.
  • Section 197(12)(b) does not apply
  • Schedule 485 does not apply to the portion of the underground parking garage in the rear yard that is permitted to project up to a maximum of 1.5m above grade.
  • Non-residential uses must occupy a minimum of 50% of the total floor area on the ground floor.
  • Office uses are not permitted on the ground floor
  • Balconies above the first floor along the front façade may not project beyond the setbacks in Schedule 485.
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1 space per dwelling unit.
2911 (By-law 2023-465) LC5[2911]
  • light industrial use
  • warehouse
  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • amusement center
  • drive-through facility
  • instructional facility
  • restaurant, full-service
  • restaurant, take-out
  • storefront industry
- residential use buildings
  • Permitted uses other than light industrial use, storefront industry and a warehouse must occupy:
  1. a minimum cumulative total of 30% of the ground floor area of the building;  
  2. 80% of the wall area of the ground floor facing Innes Road; and  
  3. 30% of the wall area of the ground floor facing Lanthier Drive, excluding any enclosed loading space.
  • Maximum lot coverage is 50%.
2912 (By-law 2023-466) GM4[2912] S486
  • apartment dwelling, high-rise
  • convenience store
  • home-based business
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • recreation and athletic facility
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • restaurant
  • storefront industry
  • service and repair shop
  • Maximum permitted building height is as per Schedule 486.  
  • Minimum front yard setback is 2.7m.  
  • Minimum width of landscape area abutting a residential zone is 0.75m, where a 1.4m high opaque screen is provided.  
  • Landscape area abutting a street is not required.  
  • Maximum floor space index (FSI) is not applicable.  
  • No parking is required for any non-residential use.  
  • Visitor parking space(s) may be reduced to a minimum of 4.9m in length and 2.4m in width.  
  • A mechanical penthouse can project above the permitted building height.  
  • Balcony projections are permitted outside the permitted building envelope as identified in Schedule 486, but in compliance with Section 65.  
  • A covered ramp access to an underground parking garage may be located in Area F on Schedule 486, in the rear yard but with the setback no less than 0.75m from the property line and with a maximum height of 3m.
2913 (Réglement 2023-467) R4UD[2913]    
  • A low rise apartment must have a minimum of 11 dwelling units.
  • Minimum front yard setback: 4m.
  • Minimum vehicle parking space rate for the first 18 dwelling units is 0 spaces
  • Minimum required number of parking spaces for a low-rise apartment is 1 per dwelling unit above 18 units.
  • Heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing use is permitted subject to being accessory to a principal use permitted in the zone, up to a maximum gross floor area of 1,000m2.
2914 (By-law 2023-469)  
  • heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing
  Heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing use is permitted subject to being accessory to a principal use permitted in the zone, up to a maximum gross floor area of 1,000m2.
2915 (By-law 2023-510) Appeal(s) Received OLT Decision OLT-23-001316 L2C[2915]-h S258-A, S258B, S487    
  • The holding symbol applies to the development of an Event Centre (sports arena).
  • Removal of the holding symbol may occur following:
  1. Approval of a Site Plan Control application.
  2. A Heritage Impact Assessment is approved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate, and Economic Development or their designate, together with an Alteration Permit having been obtained from the Ontario Heritage Trust.
2916 (By-law 2023-498) R5B[2916]-c S488-h    
  • Maximum building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per Schedule 488.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 64 and Section 65 of the Zoning By-law are not subject to the height limits identified on Schedule 488.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 65 are permitted within Area E on Schedule 488.
  • Despite Section 65, a single balcony projection per floor is permitted to project up to the lot line abutting Raymond Street.
  • Despite 163(9), 24% of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area.
  • Minimum residential parking rate for the first 12 dwelling units: 0 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • Minimum residential parking rate after the first 12 dwelling units: 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • Minimum visitor parking space rate for the first 12 dwelling units: 0 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • Minimum visitor parking space rate after the first 12 dwelling units: 0.04 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1 space per dwelling unit.
  • Sections 111(8) and 111(9) do not apply,
  • The holding symbol can be removed only at such a time as the following condition is met:
  1. Prior to Site Plan Approval, a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) and Conservation Plan supporting the partial integration of the existing heritage church, mainly the north and west facades, shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Program Manager, Heritage Planning.
2917 (By-law 2023-500) R5B[2917] H(19)    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 1.65m.
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m.
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 5.7m.
  • Despite the maximum building height of 19m, any portion of a building within 9m of the front lot line is limited to a maximum building height of 13m.
  • Notwithstanding Table 65(l)(5), fire escapes, open stairways, stoops, landings, steps, and ramps are permitted to project into the front yard to within 0m of the front lot line.
  • Notwithstanding Table 65(l)(6), covered or uncovered balconies, porches, decks, platforms, and verandahs, with a maximum of two enclosed sides, excluding those covered by canopies and awnings, are permitted to project into the front yard to within 0.5m of the front lot line.
  • For the first 31 dwelling units of an apartment dwelling, minimum number of vehicular parking spaces: 7.
  • For the first 31 dwelling units of an apartment dwelling, minimum number of visitor vehicular parking spaces: 1.
  • For dwelling units of an apartment dwelling after the first 31 dwelling units of the apartment dwelling, vehicular parking spaces are to be provided in accordance with the rates and requirements established by the Zoning By-law (By-law No. 2008-250).
  • Minimum number of bicycle parking spaces: 1 space per dwelling unit.
  • Notwithstanding Table 111B, the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions for a vertically oriented space: 0.4m in width and 1.2m in length.
  • Subsection 111(11) does not apply.
  • Section 60 does not apply.
  • The lands subject to this exception are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
2918 (By-law 2023-501) R4UD[2918] R4UD[2918]-c    
  • All lands zoned R4UD[2918] or R4UD[2918]-c to be considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Despite Section 132(4), a rooming house may occupy a building containing dwelling units.
  • Required number of resident parking spaces: 0.
  • Required number of visitor parking spaces: 2.
  • Despite Section 131, Table 131(1), the minimum required width of a private way: 3m
  • Despite Section 131, Table 131(2), no setback required for any wall of any building as it existed on the date Council approved this provision.
  • Section 131, Table 131(4) does not apply to any building as it existed on the date Council approved this provision.
  • Section 144(1) does not apply to any building as it existed on the date Council approved this by-law.
  • Despite Section 144(6), the required interior yard area must be a minimum of 175m2 and must consist of soft landscaping.
  • The required interior side yard setback:
  1. For any building as it existed on the date Council approved this provision: 0.5m;
  2. For all other buildings: 1.5m.
  • All lands within the front yard and corner side yard not used by permitted projections, driveways, and walkways must consist of soft landscaping.
  • Section 161(15)(g) does not apply to any building as it existed on the date Council approved this provision.
  • Section 161(15)(h) does not apply to any building as it existed on the date Council approved this provision.
2919 (By-law 2023-502) MD2[2919] S489    
  • Maximum building heights and minimum stepbacks are per Schedule 489.
  • Mechanical and service equipment penthouse, elevator or stairwell penthouse, landscaped areas, roof-top gardens and terraces, associated safety guards and access structures are permitted to project above the height limit in Schedule 489.
  • For the purposes of Section 194(2)(a), a hotel lobby may be included in the calculation of ground floor frontage.
  • Minimum width of a loading space: 3.3m.
  • Section 193(6) does not apply.
  • Provision (j) of Table 193 does not apply.
  • Provided parking spaces, loading spaces, bicycle parking spaces and access on abutting properties may be counted towards the requirements on this lot.
  • Section 60 does not apply.
2920 (By-law 2023-503) R3Z[2920]    
  • Minimum lot area for back-to-back townhouse dwellings: 85m2.

Exceptions 2921 - 2940

I Exception Number II Applicable Zone III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2921 (By-law 2023-505) R4Y[2921]    
  •  Minimum rear yard setback: 4.8m
2922 (By-law 2024-53) GM[2922] S490-h  
  • All uses except existing uses until the holding symbol is removed.
  • Properties subject to Urban Exception 2922 are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Despite Section 187(1), only the following non-residential uses are permitted:
  • artist studio
  • community centre
  • community health and resource centre
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • library
  • medical facility
  • office
  • personal service business
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • retail store  
  • Minimum aisle width in parking garage: 6m.  
  • Required residential bicycle parking: Minimum of 1 space per dwelling unit.
  • Despite Section 111, a bicycle parking space must have access from an aisle having a minimum width of 1.2m.
  • Section 187(3)(g) does not apply.
  • Section 187(3)(h) does not apply, but all areas not used for vehicular access or bicycle parking must be landscaped with either hard or soft landscaping.  
  • Surface parking is prohibited.  
  • Heritage Overlay provisions do not apply.  
  • Maximum permitted buildings heights and minimum setbacks are as per Schedule 490.  
  • Maximum building heights shown in Schedule 490 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65 and projections are permitted in accordance with Section 65.  
  • Despite Section 65, projections into a setback required by Schedule 490 are not permitted above the fifth storey.  
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 64 are not subject to the height limit set out in Schedule 490 but shall not exceed a maximum projection above the height limit of 7.5m.  
  • Area A on Schedule 490 permits a projection above the height limit that may include indoor amenity space with associated washroom facilities with a maximum cumulative floor area of 100m2 and a maximum projection above the height limit of 7.5m.  
  • Area C on Schedule 490 permits a projection above the height limit for an exit stair with a maximum projection above the height limit of 3m.
  • For Area E on Schedule 490, the existing buildings municipally addressed as 436 and 444 MacLaren Street are permitted in this location and limited to existing heights and setbacks as established as of January 24, 2024, or as approved through a Heritage Permit.
  • Within Area E on Schedule 490, no new buildings are permitted except for an accessory building or structure in accordance with Section 55.
  • The Holding Symbol does not apply to a change of use from an existing use to one permitted through Exception 2922 or Section 187(2) within any building legally existing on the site as of January 24, 2024.  
  • The Holding Symbol shall not be lifted until a Site Plan Control application is approved for 359 Kent Street, 436 MacLaren Stret, and 444 MacLaren Street, including the execution of a Site Plan Agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, and will satisfy the following:
  • Provision of a privately-owned public space with a minimum area of 525m2 with soft and hard landscaping that links development of a building with a height of 10 or more storeys to the Kent Street and MacLaren Street rights-of-way and is generally in accordance with Civic Use and POPS Offering, Drawing No. A200, prepared by Hobin Architecture, Revision 3 dated July 28, 2023, as attached to Report AC2023-PRE-PS-0123 as Document 7 – Civic Use and POPS Offering Plan.
  • The tower floorplate will be reviewed at the time of Site Plan Control and will generally be in accordance with the policies of the Official Plan and consider direction provided by the Special Design Review Panel, but in no case shall be greater than 850m2.
  • The development of a building with a height of 10 or more storeys shall include space within the new building with a minimum gross floor area of 185m2, on the ground floor and along the Kent Street frontage for a non-residential use. Permitted non-residential uses within this space will be limited to community centre, community health and resource centre, day care, library, or museum.
  • Approval of a Heritage Permit application under the Ontario Heritage Act to permit construction within the Heritage Conservation District, including alteration, reconstruction, and demolition, as applicable.
  • The Owner shall demonstrate that the development meets the requirements of the 2023 Tier 1 High Performance Development Standard (HPDS), and that the development is compliant with the Tier 1 energy performance requirements.
  • The Site Plan Control application and applicable submission materials shall be reviewed by the Special Design Review Panel, which review shall focus on the refinement of the tower design and materiality in response to the recommendations of the Special Design Review Panel from April 14, 2023, as well as detailed design of the required privately-owned public space, institutional and civic uses, and sustainable design measures in accordance with the Landmark  Building policies of the Central Area and East Downtown Core Secondary Plan.
  • Inclusion of site-specific conditions within the Site Plan Agreement to address the following:
  • Prior to Final Occupancy for a building with a height of 10 more storeys, execution of a Lease Agreement for 436 MacLaren Street and/or 444 MacLaren Street for a community centre or office use, limited to a community-based organization, which tenancy shall begin within one year of execution of the Lease Agreement.
  • Registration of an unencumbered easement for public access to the required privately-owned public space.
  • Registration of an unencumbered easement with a minimum width of 2.5 metres for public access from MacLaren Street to the required privately-owned public space.
  • Completion and submission of a Materials Emissions Assessment for the building structure and envelope in accordance with the CaGBC Zero Carbon Building Standard Version 2 methodology for the upfront carbon lifecycle stage.
  • Completion and submission of a Construction Demolition and Waste Management Plan.
  • Submission of a Final Report summarizing the results of the Construction Waste Management Plan within six months of Final Occupancy.
  • Enrollment in the Better Buildings Ottawa program within three months of Final Occupancy.
  • Participation in the Better Buildings Ottawa program for a minimum of 24 months.
2923 (By-law 2023-507) R4UD[2923]-c    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 0m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 0m
  • Minimum of 21% of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area.
  • Minimum number of parking spaces: 0
  • Minimum number of visitor parking spaces: 0
  • A rooming house may occupy a building containing dwelling units.
  • The lands zoned R4UD[2923]-c are to be considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Section 144(6) does not apply.
2924 (By-law 2023-508) R4Z[2924]    
  • For any part of a building located within 21 metres of a front lot line, the minimum required interior side yard setback is as follows:
  1. Where the building wall is equal to or less than 11m in height: 1.5m
  2. Where the building wall is greater than 11m in height: 3m
  • In all other circumstances the minimum required interior side yard setback: 4m
2925 Reserved for Future use      
2926 (By-law 2023-538) IP[2926] H(33)
  • Automobile body shop.
  • Warehouse.
  • All uses in Subsection 205(1) except: 
  1. automobile dealership;
  2. automobile rental establishment;
  3. day care;
  4. hotel;
  5. light industrial uses;
  6. office;
  7. place of assembly;
  8. research and development centre;
  9. technology industry; or
  10. warehouse.
  • ​All uses in Subsection 205(2) except: 
  1. bank; 
  2. bank machine;
  3. instructional facility;
  4. personal service business;
  5. recreational and athletic facility;
  6. restaurant, full service;
  7. restaurant, take out; or
  8. place of worship.
  • Minimum lot area: 10,000m2.  
  • Minimum lot width: 94m.    
  • All operations of an automobile body shop must be within an enclosed building.  
  • No vehicle storage is permitted within the front yard.    
  • A place of worship is subject to Clause 205(2)(g), as applicable.   
  • Minimum number of vehicle parking spaces: 130. 
2927 (By-law 2023-535) LC[2927]    
  • Minimum interior side yard setback abutting a residential zone to the east: 4.5m.  
  • Minimum width of an aisle providing access to parking spaces in a parking lot: 6m.  
  • Minimum width of a landscaped buffer of a parking lot not abutting a street: 1m.  
  • Minimum width of an aisle accessing a loading space: 6m.  
  • All lands zoned LC[2927] are to be considered one lot for zoning purposes.
2928 (By-law 2023-537) GM[2928] S491
  • apartment dwelling, high-rise
  • Minimum required yard setbacks and maximum building heights as per Schedule 491.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 64 are not subject to the height limits in Schedule 491.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 65 are permitted within Area C and Area D despite the yard setbacks specified in Schedule 491.
  • A maximum of one tower is permitted within Area A of Schedule 491.
  • A minimum of 50% of the building frontage along Fisher Avenue shall consist of commercial uses or office uses.
  • Despite Section 64, indoor rooftop amenity areas are considered to be permitted projections above the height limit and may project up to 4.5m above the height limit, with a maximum gross floor area of 200m2 within Area A on Schedule 491.
  • Despite Subsections 65(5) and (6), stoops, landings, steps, ramps, and porches may project into a required yard up to 0.3m along the property line abutting Hilliard Avenue.
  • Despite Table 107(d), the minimum required aisle width for a 90-degree angle parking space is 6m.
  • Despite Section 111, the bicycle parking space rate for an apartment dwelling, high-rise: 1 space per dwelling unit.
  • Table 111B does not apply.
  • Subsections 111(8A), (8B), (10), and (11) do not apply.
  • Stacked bicycle parking is permitted.
  • Section 187(3)(g) does not apply.
  • Section 187(3)(h) does not apply.
2929 (By-law 2023-537) O1[2929]    
  • Detached dwellings that existed on the date Council approved this provision are permitted as they were on the date Council approved this provision.
2930 (By-law 2024-47) R4Z[2930]    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 2.35m.
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 2.35m.
  • Minimum parking space rate for a low-rise apartment dwelling is 1.1 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • Despite Table 65(6), a covered or uncovered balcony shall not be permitted to project into a required yard.
2931 Reserved for future use      
2932 (2024-49) GM[2932] S492    
  • The maximum floor space index in Table 187 (g) is not applicable.
  • For an apartment dwelling, high-rise:
  1. Heights and setbacks are as shown on Schedule 492.
  2. Residential parking rate: 0.7 spaces per dwelling unit.
  3. Visitor parking rate: 0.1 spaces per dwelling unit.
2933 (By-law 2024-51) R4UD[2933]    
  • Minimum interior side yard setback:
  1. within 16m of the rear property line, along the northern interior side property line: 3.8m.
  2. within 16m of the rear property line, along the southern interior side property line: 1.2m.
  • Minimum rear setback: 4m, which must comprise of at least 11% of the area of the lot.
  • No residential parking required.
  • No visitor parking required.
  • Minimum bicycle parking space dimensions for vertical bicycle parking:
  1.  minimum space width: 0.4m.
  2. minimum space length: 1.2m.
  • Minimum bicycle parking space width for horizontal bicycle parking: 0.2m.
  • Minimum required setback from a rear lot line not abutting a street for an accessory structure: 0m.
  • Despite Section 139(4)(c)(i), the width of a walkway may not exceed 2.5m for a low-rise apartment dwelling.
2934 (By-law 2024-87) GM2[2934] S493-h  
  • All uses until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • Maximum permitted building heights and setbacks are as per Schedule 493.
  • Maximum building heights of Schedule 493 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
  • The holding symbol may only be removed once a Site Plan Control application addressing the following is approved:
  1. stormwater quality control has been addressed to an Enhanced Level Protection, or another Level of Protection deemed acceptable by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, all to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate, and Economic Development Department.
2935 (By-law 2024-90) GM[2935] S494
  • apartment dwelling, high-rise
  • Minimum required yard setbacks and maximum building heights as per Schedule 494.  
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 64 are not subject to the height limits identified in Schedule 494.  
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 65 are permitted within Area A and Area B despite the yard setbacks identified in Schedule 494.  
  • A minimum of 50% of the ground floor building frontage along Baseline Road shall consist of non-residential uses.  
  • A minimum of 10% of the total dwelling units in Areas ‘A’ and ‘B’ of Schedule 494 shall be provided with a minimum of two bedrooms and 850ft2.  
  • A tower located in Area B of Schedule 494 must be setback a minimum of 11.5m from the west property line and 25m from the south property line along Sunnycrest Drive.  
  • A tower located in Area A or Area B of Schedule 494 must be setback a minimum of 23m from other towers within the GM[2935] S494 or the GM[2928] S491 zone.  
  • Maximum podium height within the first 30m setback from Baseline Road or Fisher Avenue is 7 storeys and 28m; otherwise, a maximum podium height of four storeys and 16m applies to all lands located within Area A and Area B of Schedule 494.  
  • Despite Section 64, indoor rooftop amenity areas are considered to be permitted projections above the height limit and may project up to 4.5m above the height limit, with a maximum gross floor area of 200m2 within each of Area A and Area B of Schedule 494.  
  • Despite Subsections 65(5) and (6), stoops, landings, steps, ramps, and porches may project into a required yard no closer than 0.3m from a lot line abutting Hilliard Avenue and Sunnycrest Drive.  
  • Despite Table 107(d), the minimum required aisle width for a 90-degree angle parking space is 6m.  
  • Despite Section 111, the minimum bicycle parking space rate for an apartment dwelling, high-rise is 1 space per dwelling unit.  
  • Despite Section 111, the minimum bicycle parking space rate may be met by combining the total spaces associated with an apartment dwelling, high-rise located in the GM[2935] S494 and GM[2928] S491 zones.  
  • Table 111B does not apply.  
  • Subsections 111(8A), (8B), (10), and (11) do not apply.  
  • Stacked bicycle parking is permitted.  
  • Clause 187(3)(h) does not apply.  
  • Clause 187(3)(g) does not apply.  
  • Maximum total Gross Floor Area within Areas ‘A’ and ‘B’ of Schedule 494 is 65,000m2.
2936 (By-law 2024-95) R2J[2936]    
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 24% of the lot depth.  
  • Minimum rear yard area: 24% of the total lot area.
2937 (By-law 2024-563) (By-law 2024-110) R4N[2937]-c    
-Apartment dwelling – low-rise, and a stacked dwelling is subject to the following provisions:
i) Front yard setback: 5m.
ii) Corner side yard setback: 3m.
iii) Minimum interior side yard setback for a garbage storage area attached to the buildings: 1.78m.
iv) In the required front yard, the maximum extent of projections and/or structures above ground and below ground is 2m.  Below grade terraces are not permitted to be closer than 3m to the front lot line.
v) No obstruction to the vision of motor vehicle operators higher than 0.75m above grade including, but not limited to, buildings or structures is permitted within the triangle formed by that part of the lot lines measured along each street from the intersection of those lines at the street corner, or the projection of those lines, for the distance of 8m, and a line drawn between those two lines to form the base of the triangle.
vi) At least 40% of the front yard must be provided as aggregated soft landscaping. A walkway may traverse this area and be included in the area calculation.
vii) The front façade must comprise at least 25% windows, and furthermore:
a) any corner side façade must comprise at least 15% windows; and
b) windows located in doors may count towards the minimum fenestration requirement.  
viii) At least 20% of the area of the front façade must be recessed an additional 0.6m from the front setback line.
ix) Despite (viii), above, no additional recession of the front façade is required when balconies or porches are provided on the front façade as follows: a) one balcony or porch for every unit that faces a public street at or above the first storey.  
x)For a stacked dwelling, the landings that provide access to the principal entrances must face a public street. For an apartment building, an entrance to a common interior corridor or stairwell must be located on a façade that faces the public street and provide direct access to the street.
xi)In the case of a building containing residential uses, no off-street motor vehicle parking is required to be provided for the first 12 dwelling units, and the parking requirements under Table 101 apply only to the dwelling units and rooming units in excess of 12. The minimum parking required for the residential use is calculated using the rates for Area X.
xii) In the case of a building containing residential uses, no off-street motor vehicle visitor parking is required to be provided for the first 12 dwelling units, and the visitor parking requirements under Table 102 apply only to the dwelling units and rooming units in excess of 12. The minimum visitor parking required for the residential use is calculated using the rates for Area X.
2938 (By-law 2024-108) R4Z[2938]-h     The holding symbol shall not be removed until:
  • it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development that a municipal watermain is available to service the development. 
  • The ownership of Esselmont Street is transferred to the City.
2939 (By-law 2024-109) TM3[2939] Apartment dwelling, Low-rise  
  • Clause 198(3)(a) does not apply to an Apartment Dwelling, Low-rise containing up to 18 dwelling units.
  • Despite Table 197(f), the minimum rear yard setback for an Apartment Dwelling, Low-rise is 6.7 metres.
  • No vehicular parking under Section 101 and 102 is required for an Apartment Dwelling, Low-rise containing up to 18 dwelling units.
2940 (By-law 2024-129) R2J[2940]     - minimum rear setback 9m

Exceptions 2941 - 2960

I Exception Number II Applicable Zone III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2941 (By-law 2024-131) R4UD[2941]    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m.  
  • Maximum of one residential parking space and one visitor or car-sharing space and an associated driveway are permitted in a corner side yard, located between the corner side wall of the residential use building and the street.  
  • Maximum permitted driveway width: 5.3m.  
  • Section 161(15)(h) does not apply.
2942 (By-law 2024-128) TM[2942] H(15)    
  • For the purpose of Section 197(1)(b), an office is permitted within a depth of 6 m of the front wall of the main building abutting the street, limited to:
  1. the practice of a profession or management business, excluding a property management firm; or
  2. the provision of government or social services and other similar services.
2943 (By-law 2024-130) GM[2943] -Warehouse, limited to a self-storage facility  
  • Minimum required vehicular parking spaces for a warehouse limited to a self-storage facility, including ancillary retail: 20 spaces.  
  • Minimum required loading spaces for a warehouse limited to a self-storage facility, including ancillary retail: 1 loading space.  
  • Despite Section 113(6) and Table 113C, no oversized vehicle loading spaces are required.  
  • Despite Section 64, a lantern feature is considered to be a permitted projection above the height limit and may project up to 7m beyond the specified height limit.
2944 (Subject to By-law 2024-164) R5B[2944] S496 -personal service business -retail store -place of assembly limited to a club -restaurant -convenience store  
  • Maximum building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks per Schedule 496.  
  • The additional uses permitted in Column III are permitted in an apartment dwelling.  
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 64 and 65 of the Zoning By-law are not subject to the height limits identified on Schedule 496.  
  • A convenience store is permitted if it does not exceed a maximum 150m2 in gross floor area.  
  • Additional permitted uses, other than place of assembly limited to a club, are restricted to ground floor and/or basement of residential use building.  
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1 per dwelling unit.  
  • Minimum residential parking rate: 0.20 per dwelling unit
2945 (By-law 2024-163) R3YY[2945]    
  • For townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot width: 5.8m.
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 3.1m.
2946 (By-law 2024-163) R3YY[2946]    
  • For detached dwellings:
  1. Minimum front yard setback: 5.2m.
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 3.3m.
  3. Minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m.
  • For semi-detached dwellings:
  1. Minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m.
  • For townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot width: 5.8m.
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 3.1m.
  3. Minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m.
2947 (By-law 2024-163) R3YY[2947]    
  • For townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot width: 5.8m.
  2. Minimum rear yard setback: 5.9m.
2948 (By-law 2024-163) AM9[2948]    
  • Minimum non-residential use gross floor area required: 1,500m2.  
  • Maximum permitted building height is: 15m within 30m of a residential zone; and 30m in all other cases.  
  • A minimum of 30% of the lot width within 7m of the front lot line must be occupied by building walls or balconies if the lot is 90m in width or wider.
2949 (By-law 2024-163) AM9[2949]    
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 3m.  
  • A minimum of 30% of the lot width within 5m of the front lot line must be occupied by building walls or balconies if the lot is 90m in width or wider.  
  • Despite Table 101, the minimum required parking space for low-rise apartment dwelling is 1.0 per dwelling unit.
2950 (By-law 2024-163) AM9[2950]   All uses except:
  • detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • Subclause 186(9)(c)(i) is not applicable.
  • Minimum lot width: 5.8m.
  • Minimum lot area: 150m2.
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m.
  • Minimum front yard setback: 6m.
  • Accessory buildings and structures are subject to Section 55 as it applies to the R3YY zone.
2951 (By-law 2024-240) MC17[2951]S269-h    
  • The uses listed in Section 191(1) are prohibited until the holding symbol (-h) is removed.  
  • The holding symbol (-h) may not be removed until the necessary studies, reports, designs, and site plans have been completed to the City’s satisfaction, as well as Planning’s Rationale for the Town Centre to ensure compliance with the Town Centre policies of the Riverside South Secondary Plan.  
  • Partial removal of the holding symbol (-h) may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding symbol on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for lifting of the holding symbol specified above.  
  • Despite Table 191, the maximum front yard setback for buildings that front onto the main street, as shown in Schedule 269, is 3m.
2952 (By-law 2024-240) MC17[2952] S269-h    
  • The uses listed in Section 191(1) are prohibited until the holding symbol (- h) is removed.  
  • The holding symbol (-h) may not be removed until the necessary studies, reports, designs, and site plans have been completed to the City’s satisfaction, as well as a Planning Rationale for the Town Centre to ensure compliance with the Town Centre policies of the Riverside South Secondary Plan.  
  • Partial removal of the holding symbol (-h) may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding symbol on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for lifting of the holding symbol specified above.
2953 (By-law 2024-240) MC17[2953] S269
  • drive-through facility
  • Despite Schedule 269, minimum heights are 4.5m.
  • Building faces must occupy:
  i) At least 65% of the entire length of the lot frontage along Transit Street within 3.0m of the lot line;
ii) At least 20% of the frontage along Collector D (Ceremonial Drive) within 6m of the lot line;
iii) At least 40% of the frontage along Limebank Road within 12m of the lot line, unless there are registered drainage easements; and,
iv) At least 40% of the frontage along Earl Armstrong Road within 6m of the lot line, unless there are registered drainage easements.
  • Buildings are not required to have an active entrance for each residential or non-residential use occupying any part of the ground floor along Limebank Road and Earl Armstrong Road.
2954 (By-law 2024-240) L2[2954] S269
  • apartment dwelling, low-rise
  • apartment dwelling, mid-rise,
  • apartment dwelling, high-rise
  • dwelling unit
  • planned unit development
  • residential care facility
  • retirement home
  • Despite Table 175:
i) for buildings which front onto the main street as shown in Schedule 269, maximum front yard setback: 3m
ii) minimum rear yard setback: no minimum
iii) minimum interior side yard setback: no minimum
iv) minimum corner side yard setback: no minimum
v) minimum building height: 7.0m for any part of a building located within 20.0m of the main street as shown in Schedule 269.
2955 (By-law 2024-240) I1A/MC17[2955] S269-h    
  • The uses listed in Section 191(1) are prohibited until the holding symbol (- h) is removed.  
  • The holding symbol (-h) may not be removed, until the necessary studies, reports, designs, and site plans have been completed to the City’s satisfaction, as well as a Planning Rationale for the Town Centre to ensure compliance with the Town Centre policies of the Riverside South Secondary Plan.  
  • Despite the above provision, where a school is proposed, a Phasing Plan, as described in the Town Centre policies of the Riverside South Secondary Plan, is not required to be submitted to the City to remove the holding symbol (-h).  
  • Partial removal of the holding symbol (-h) may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding symbol on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for lifting of the holding symbol specified above.  
  • Despite Table 191: the maximum front yard setback for buildings which front onto the main street as shown in Schedule 269, is 3m.
2956 (By-law 2024-240) MC17[2956] S269
  • drive-through facility
  • Despite Schedule 269, minimum heights are 4.5m.  
  • Building faces must occupy at least 45% of the width of the street frontages along Earl Armstrong Road and Limebank Road within 6m of the lot lines abutting those streets.  
  • A minimum of 50% of the area of the ground floor part of the walls facing a public street must consist of openings such as windows and customer entrances.  
  • The following provisions apply:
i) minimum interior side yard abutting a residential zone: 9m
ii) minimum rear yard abutting a residential zone: 9m
iii) minimum width of landscaped area abutting a residential zone: 6m
2957 (By-law 2024-240) MC17[2957] S269
  • drive-through facility
  • Despite Schedule 269, minimum heights are 4.5m  
  • Buildings must occupy at least 45% of the width of the street frontage along Limebank Road within 6m of the lot line abutting Limebank Road.  
  • Buildings must occupy at least 20% of the width of the street frontage along Earl Armstrong Road within 6m of the lot line.  
  • A minimum of 25% of the total area of the ground floor facades facing the streets must consist of glazing, with at least 7% of the total area being transparent glazing.
2958 (By-law 2024-240) L2[2958]    
  • Despite Table 175:
i) minimum front yard setback: no minimum
ii) minimum rear yard setback: no minimum
iii) minimum interior side yard setback: no minimum
iv) minimum corner side yard setback: no minimum
v) maximum height: 15m
2959 (By-law 2024-184) TM2[2959] H(20)    
  • Minimum rear yard setback for a 1.6m. high garage ramp and foundation at the rear of the building: 2.6m.  
  • The minimum rear yard setback for the remainder of the building: 6.5m.  
  • Additional setback of 1.3m. from the front and corner lot lines is required above the fourth storey.  
  • Despite Table 197(g)(ii) the 45-degree angular plane is to be measured at a height of 17.5m. from a point 4.5m. from the rear lot line, projecting upwards towards the front lot line.  
  • Despite Section 101, the minimum number of vehicular parking spaces required is 0.44 spaces per dwelling unit after the first 12 units.  
  • The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required is 1 per dwelling unit.
2960 (By-law 2024-268) R3YY[2960]    
  • For townhouse dwellings:
  i. Minimum lot width: 5.8 m 
ii. Minimum corner lot setback: 2.5m
iii. Minimum front yard setback: 5.2m

Exceptions 2961 - 2980

I Exception Number II Applicable Zone III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2961 (By-law 2024-267) TM[2961]    
  • The property must be developed as a mixed-use, where the gross floor area dedicated to non-residential uses must not exceed the gross floor area dedicated to residential uses.
  • Despite Section 54, restaurant, full-service means a restaurant that sells, serves and prepares on-site food and beverages to patrons seated at tables, for consumption on the premises.
  • Maximum building height: 20.5m
  • Where the building height is greater than four storeys or 15m,  above the fourth storey or 15m, whichever is the lesser, a building must be setback a minimum of 1m more than the provided setback from the corner side lot line.
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2m, except for any part of a building above 15m for which an additional 1m setback must be provided.
  • Minimum rear setback: 3m
  • Paragraph 197(3)(g)(ii)3 does not apply.
  • Despite any provision to the contrary, no motor vehicle parking spaces or visitor parking spaces are required.
  • Minimum required resident bicycle parking spaces: 1 space per dwelling unit.
2962 (By-law 2024-301) GM[2962] H(32)   All uses, except those listed in Column V. Only the following uses are permitted:
-Apartment dwelling, low rise;
-Apartment dwelling, mid-rise;
-Artist studio;
-Catering establishment;
-Click and collect facility;
-Community health and resource centre;
-Convenience store;
-Dwelling unit;
-Home-based business;
-Instruction facility;
-Medical facility;
-Personal service business;
-Residential care facility;
-Retail food store;
-Retail store;
-Retirement home; and
-Retirement home, converted.
2963 (By-law 2024-303) AM10[2963]    
1) For the purposes of applying zoning, the lot lines are as follows:
i) Front lot line: Merivale Road
ii) Corner lot lines: Withrow Avenue and Rossland Avenue
2) Lands zoned AM10[2963] shall be considered one lot for zoning purposes.
3) Sub clause 186(10)(b)(ii) does not apply.
4) Despite Sub clause 186(10)(b)(i), the minimum percentage of frontage along corner side yard lot lines to be occupied by building walls does not apply.
5) Minimum vehicular parking rates are as follows: 
i) Dwelling units in a mixed-use building: 0.5 spaces/unit
ii) Dwelling, mid-rise apartment: 0.5 spaces/unit
iii) Dwelling, stacked: 0.5 spaces/unit
iv) Place of Worship: 5 spaces/100m2 of gross floor area
v) Office: 1 space/100m2 of gross floor area.
6) Despite anything to the contrary, 50% of vehicular parking spaces on the property may be reduced to a minimum of 4.6m long and 2.4m wide, provided that any such space:
i) Is visibly identified as being for a compact car;
ii) Is not a visitor parking space required under Section 102; and
iii) Is not abutting or near a wall, column or similar surface that obstructs the opening of the doors of a parked vehicle or limits access to a parking space, in which case the minimum width is 2.6m.
7) Despite Subsection 109(2), required motor vehicle parking is permitted in a required corner side yard.
8) The following provisions apply to stacked dwellings:
i) Minimum building setback from a lot line abutting an interior side yard in a residential zone: 1.2m.
ii) Minimum building setback from a lot line abutting a rear yard in a residential zone: 6m.
iii) Minimum building setback from Rossland Avenue: 5.2m.
iv) Minimum building setback from Withrow Avenue: 5m.
v) Clauses 186(10)(c), (d), (e), and (h) do not apply.
2964 (By-law 2024-304) AM10[2964] S498-h - apartment dwelling, high-rise - all uses prohibited except for the uses as they existed on the date of the passing of this bylaw, provided there is adequate sanitary capacity, until the holding symbol is removed.
- Maximum building height as per Schedule 498.
- In Area G of Schedule 498, the maximum building height is 8m and limited to a community structure or building.
- In Area H of Schedule 498, the maximum building height is 3m and limited to garage access structures.
- The holding symbol may only be removed once sufficient sanitary capacity to support the proposed development is available, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Development, and Building Services Department.
2965 (By-law 2024-305) R3YY[2965]     Zone requirements for townhouse dwellings:
-Minimum lot area: 120m2.
-Minimum lot width: 5.5m.
-Minimum front yard setback: 3m.
-Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m.
-Minimum corner side yard: 1.5m.
-Minimum rear yard setback: 6m.
-Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to a minimum of 4.5m for a maximum of 55% of the lot width, the total area of the rear yard must not be less than 30m2.
-Maximum building height: 14m.
-Maximum lot coverage: 66%.
General Provisions:
  1. A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8m must be landscaped with soft landscaping.  
  2. Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.2m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.  
  3. Despite Table 65, Row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5m into a required yard but may be no closer than 0.2m from a lot line other than a corner lot line abutting a street, from which they can be as close as 0m.  
  4. Balconies and porches, including those higher than 0.6m above adjacent grade, may project to within 1m from the front lot line and 0.6m from a side lot line abutting a street, and may project to within 0m of an interior lot line and corner lot line.  
  5. An air-conditioning condenser unit may project 2m, but no closer than 0.2m to a lot line and the air conditioning condenser may not be in a front yard but may be in a corner side yard.  
  6. In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
Section 136 does not apply.
2966 (By-law 2024-307) IL[2966]
-retail food store
-retail store
-Minimum easterly interior side yard setback: 3.5m.
-Maximum building height: 24m.
-Maximum required parking: 75 spaces.
-Maximum gross floor area for restaurant uses not to exceed 300m2.
2967   OLT Decision July  30, 2024 OLT-23-000833 OLT-23-000843 R3YY[2967]    
- A maximum of 65 % of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 m, must be landscaped with soft landscaping: except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse where a maximum of 75% of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway/parking and garbage enclosure
-Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be required if a non-resident employee works on-site.  
  • Section 136 does not apply.
The following applies to detached dwellings:
i. Minimum lot area: 220 m2
ii. Minimum front yard setback: 3 m
iii.Minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on at least one side. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
iv. Maximum lot coverage: 55%
v. Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 4.5 m for a maximum of 50% of the lot width, the total area of the contiguous rear and interior yards must not be less than 54 m2
-For a detached dwelling on a corner lot:
i. Minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 2.5 m for part of the building that is no higher than 4.5 m and any part of the building, excluding projections, located less than 6 m from the rear lot line must be located at least 4 m from any interior side lot line.
ii. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m. Despite the foregoing, no more than two portions of the building, not exceeding a total floor area of 3 m2, may be located no closer than 2 m from the side lot line abutting a street.
-The following applies to semi- detached and townhouse dwellings:
i. Minimum lot area: 120 m2
ii. Minimum rear yard setback: may be reduced to a minimum of 4.5 m setback at least 5.8 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.
-Despite Table 65, rows 1, 2 and 3, chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eaves-troughs, gutters, and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
-Despite Table 65, row 6b, balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line and sight triangle.
-Despite Table 65, row 6b, the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard but may be no closer than 0.5 m from a lot line other than a corner side lot line and sight triangle, from which they can be as close as0 m.
-Despite Table 65, row 6a, any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface equal to or less than 0.3 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
-Despite Table 65, row 8, an air- conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line. And the air conditioning condenser may not be located in a front yard (including front yard balcony) except in the case of a back-to-back multiple dwelling or townhouses with rear lane access but may be located in a corner side yard.
-Section 57 does not apply.
-In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only for a maximum of 55% of the lot width, the total area of the contiguous rear and interior yards not be less than 30 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • Maximum building height: 14 m
  • Maximum lot coverage: 66%
The following applies to back-to- back townhouse dwellings:
iv. Minimum lot area: 77 m2
v. Minimum lot width: 5.5 m
vi. Minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
vii. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
viii. Minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
ix. Minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
x. Maximum building height: 14 m
xi. Outdoor amenity area is permitted on top of balconies above garages.
xii. Despite Section 102 - Table 201, no visitor parking is required on the same lot as a townhouse.
xiii. Despite Section 107(3)(b), driveways may be located in a front yard if the permitted parking space is also in the front yard.
xiv. Despite Section 109(3), the required parking space may be established in a required and provided front yard.
xv. Balconies and porches, including those higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade, may project to within 1 m from the front lot line, and may project to within O m of an interior lot line, corner lot line or the corner sight triangle. 
  • Bay window features are permitted to project 1 m, but no closer than 1.2 m from a lot line.
  • Storage enclosures are permitted to project 2.5 m to the front lot line.
  • Maximum lot coverage: no maximum
-The following applies to townhouse dwellings with access to a rear lane:
xvi. Minimum lot area 110 m2
xvii. Minimum lot width 5.5 m
xviii. Minimum front yard setback 3 m
xix. Minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
xx. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
xxi. Minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
xxii. Maximum building height: 14 m
xxiii. Maximum lot coverage: no maximum
xxiv. The area of the driveway can cover 100% of the yard in which it is located.
xxv. Outdoor amenity area is permitted on top of garages.
xxvi. Where access is via the rear lane, the minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to Om, and the width of the garage, carport or driveway may be the width of the entire rear yard.
xxvii. Balconies and porches, including those higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade, may project to be within 1 m from the front lot line, and may project to within 0 m of an interior lot line, corner lot line or the corner siqht trianqle.
2968 OLT Decision July  30, 2024 OLT-23-000833 OLT-23-000843 R4Z[2968]    
-Minimum front yard setback: 3
-Minimum corner side yard setback: 3
-Minimum rear yard setback: 3
-Minimum interior side yard setback: 3
-Minimum parking for residents: 1 per uni
-Minimum parking for visitors: 0.1 per unit
2969 OLT Decision July  30, 2024 OLT-23-000833 OLT-23-000843 GM[2969]    
-Minimum parking for residents: 1 per unit
-Minimum parking for visitors: 0.1 per unit
2970 By-law 2024-328) GM[2970] H(127)-h  
-drive-through facility -stacked dwelling -townhouse dwelling
- Minimum front yard setback: 3.5m.
- Minimum interior side yard setback abutting a GM zone: 5m.
- Minimum setback from a property line abutting a park: 5m.
- Minimum setback for any above or below grade structures and for any loading spaces from a property line abutting Highway 417: 14m.
- Clause 187(3)(g) does not apply.
- Despite Cause 77(3)(c), the minimum interior side yard setback for a tower abutting a GM zone: 12.4m.
- For any portion of a building above the fourth storey or 15m, whichever is the lesser, a building must be setback an additional 2m more than the provided setback.
- Balconies may not project any closer than:
i) 6.5m from a property line    abutting a park.
ii) 5m from a property line abutting Woodridge Crescent.
- Minimum building height: Four storeys and 15m.
- Maximum number of buildings ten storeys or higher: 2.
- Maximum tower floorplate: 800m2.
- Minimum bicycle parking: one space per dwelling unit.
- Loading spaces must be screened from view by an opaque screen with a minimum height of 2m from any public street, park or privately-owned public space.
- The holding symbol shall not be lifted until a site plan control application is approved, including the execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, and will satisfy the following:
a) A minimum of 1500m2 of publicly accessible open space, in the form of a public park, a privately-owned public space (POPS) with a registered public access easement, or a combination thereof; and
b) Construction of, or a cash payment contribution toward, a multi-use pathway(s) (MUP), along the south side of the property, which shall be in addition to, and not be credited toward any required parkland dedication or POPS outlined in a) above.
c) Construction of, and conveyance of a registered public access easement to provide access for pedestrians and for maintenance to any publicly owned land between Woodridge Crescent and the Transitway station; and
d) Demonstration that wind conditions on the public realm, including any conveyed parkland, multi-use pathways, privately-owned public space, and outdoor amenity space as required by the Zoning By-law, are suitable for their intended use through the implementation of any required mitigation measures as identified in a wind study prepared pursuant to the City of Ottawa Terms of Reference.
2971 (By-law 2024-326) R4UD[2971]    
- Minimum required rear yard setback: 1.5m.
- Minimum required area of rear yard soft landscaping: 43%
- Maximum building height: 14.8m.
2972   OLT Decision:  October 9, 2024 OLT-23-000954  
-Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback:
i. 2 metres where the adjacent building wall is greater than 11 m in height;
ii. 6 m abutting an 01 zone;
iii. In all other cases, the R4Z Subzone of Table 162 applies.
-Despite Table 110, a parking lot is not required to have a landscaped buffer where it does not abut a public street; except that a landscape buffer of 1.5 metres minimum is required abutting an 01 zone.
-The lands within the R4Z[2972] zone are considered one lot for zoning purposes, excluding the lands municipally addressed 1172 Old Montreal Road until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
-For the lands municipally addressed 1172 Old Montreal Road, despite Section 59 - Frontage on a Public Street, development of the subject land is permitted.
-Where a holding symbol applies, all uses are prohibited except for those existing as of the passing of this by-law. The holding symbol may not be removed until such time as the existing detached dwelling use is discontinued.
2973   OLT Decision:  October 9, 2024 OLT-23-000954 -R5Z[2973] H(20) -R5Z[2973] H(20)-h  
-apartment dwelling, high- rise
-detached dwelling
-duplex dwellinq
-linked- detached dwelling
-semi-detached dwelling
-The lot line abutting Old Montreal Road is deemed to be the front lot line.
-The following applies to an apartment dwelling:
i. Minimum Front Yard Setback: 1.5 m 
ii. Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback: 5 m
iii. Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 3.5m
-Minimum parking space rate for an apartment dwelling, mid-rise is 1 space per dwelling unit.
-Despite Section 163(9), 15 percent of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area for a lot containing an apartment dwelling, mid rise.
-The lands within the R5Z[2973] H(20) zone are considered one lot for zoning purposes, excluding the lands municipally addressed 1172 Old Montreal Road until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
-For the lands municipally addressed 1172 Old Montreal Road, despite Section 59 - Frontage on a Public Street, development of the subject land is permitted.
-Where a holding symbol applies, all uses are prohibited except for those existing as of the passing of this by-law. The holding symbol may not be removed until such time as the existing detached dwelling use is discontinued
2974 (By-law 2024-378) GM[2974]H(16)     - Each lot will have a minimum of 800m2 of commercial space.
2975 (By-law 2024-378) GM[2975]H(14.5)     - Despite Table 187(e), the minimum rear yard setback for a residential building is 3m.
2976 (Subject to By-law 2024-381) Appeal(s) Received I1A[2976] S499-h
- apartment dwelling, mid-rise
- apartment dwelling, high-rise
- Lands with Exception [2976] are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
- The portion of a high-rise building above four storeys is limited to a maximum total floor area per storey of 750m2.
- An indoor amenity area and associated washroom facilities is permitted as a permitted projection above the height limit in Area C on Schedule 499 to a maximum cumulative gross floor area of 200m2 and a maximum height of 4.5m.
- Minimum 143 parking spaces must be provided.
- Maximum heights and minimum setbacks are as per Schedule 499.
- The Holding Symbol shall not be lifted until a Site Plan Control application is approved, including the execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services Department, and will satisfy the following:
1) Approval of the Tree Conservation Report and collection of associated tree protection securities.
2) Approval of the watermain crossing and connection to Richmond Road through the neighbouring property along Richmond Road. The applicant shall be further responsible for securing the associated easement, with all costs borne by the applicant.
3) Confirmation that the available watermain capacity is sufficient for the proposed design as it relates to fire protection purpose.
2977 (By-law 2024-379) R5Z[2977] S500-c    
- Maximum building heights, minimum setbacks, and minimum stepbacks are as shown on Schedule 500.
- Permitted projections listed in Section 64 and 65 are not subject to the height limits shown in Schedule 500.
- Despite Section 65, ground floor terraces area permitted to project up to the lot lines abutting James Street and Gilmour Street.
- An indoor amenity penthouse is permitted to project up to 4m above the maximum height limit shown as Area A on Schedule 500.
- Despite Subsection 141(6), the cumulative total of all non-residential uses in a building must not exceed a GFA of 200m2.
- Section 60 does not apply.
- Subsections 111(8A), 111(8B) and 111(9) do not apply.
- Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1 space per dwelling unit.
2978 (By-law 2024-383) IG5[2978]  
-All uses except for:
-animal care establishment
-animal hospital
-light industrial use
-medical facility
-research and development centre
-restaurant, full service
-restaurant, take-out
-service and repair shop
-technology industry
-training centre
   - A berm approved by the City of Ottawa must be provided along Prince of Wales Drive, in order to provide visual screening from lands zoned for residential uses on the east side of Prince of Wales Drive. 
2979 (By-law 2024-382) R4Z[2979]    
- The lot line interior side yard setback for a PUD:
i. from the eastern most property line: 3m.
ii. from the western most property line: 3m.
- The lot line abutting Renaud Road is deemed to be the front lot line.
2980 (By-law 2024-393) R4UC[2980]      
- The following provisions apply to an apartment dwelling, low-rise and to a stacked dwelling:
i) Minimum lot width: 9.04m.
ii) Minimum interior side yard setback:
     - from the northernmost property line: 0.73m;
     - from the southernmost property line: 1.14m.
iii) Despite Clause 144(4)(e), a walkway may extend to the right-of-way on a lot less than 10m in width where a driveway is also provided.
iv) Maximum number of dwelling units: 6.

Exceptions 2981 - 3000

I Exception Number II Applicable Zone III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2981 (By-law 2024-395) R5Z[2981] H(25) R5Z[2981] H(25)-c - animal care establishment limited to the grooming of household pets -apartment dwelling, high-rise -artist studio -instructional facility -medical facility
- The following applies to an apartment dwelling and apartment dwellings in PUDs:  
i) Minimum front yard setback: 4m.
ii) Minimum corner side yard setback: 4m.
iii) Minimum interior side yard setback:  
1) abutting an R3 zone: 9m.
2) abutting a park: 4m.  
iv) Minimum rear yard setback:  
1) to any part of a main building within 25m of the southernmost property line having a maximum building height of 11 metres: 14.5m.
2) All other cases: 20m. v) Endnotes 1, 4, 26, 27, and 30 of Table 164B do not apply.
- In addition to the Height Suffix (H(25)), maximum building height of an apartment dwelling:  
i) In any area up to and including 20m from a property line abutting an R1, R2, R3, or R4 zone: 11m.
ii) In any area over 20m and up to and including 30m from a property line abutting an R1, R2, R3, or R4 zone: 20m.
iii) More than 30m from a property line abutting an R1, R2, R3, or R4 zone: 25m.
- Minimum visitor parking space rate for an apartment dwelling, mid-rise: 0.1 spaces per dwelling unit.
- Despite Subsection 163(7), the use and development of a park will be in accordance with the zoning provisions of Subsection 179(2).
- Animal care establishment is only permitted where the -c suffix applies.
- Where the commercial -c suffix applies:  
i) Section 141 applies to an animal establishment limited to the grooming of household pets;
ii) Despite Clause 141(2)(b), a restaurant use may have an associated seating area within the building to a maximum of 30m2; and
iii) Despite Subsection 141(6), the cumulative total of all non-residential uses in a building must not exceed a gross floor area of 300m2.
- Subsections 131(4) and 131(5) do not apply.
- Subsection 163(11) does not apply.
- Maximum width of a walkway within a front or corner side yard: 3m
2982 (By-law 2024-397) R4M[2982]    
- Parking rate for an apartment dwelling, low-rise: 0.25 spaces per unit.
- Parking rate for all residential uses other than apartment dwelling, low-rise: comply with Area B standards in Section 101.
2983 (By-law 2024-397) I1[2983]    
- Maximum gross floor area of a recreation and athletic facility: 1700m2.
- Minimum required parking for a community centre: 30 spaces.
- Loading spaces are not required for a community centre.
2984 (By-law 2024-440) R4ZZ[2984]    
- Minimum front yard setback: 7.5m.
- Minimum lot width for a townhouse dwelling: 7m.
- Minimum lot area for a townhouse dwelling: 190m2.
- Minimum interior side yard setback for detached, link-detached, and semi-detached dwellings: 1.2m.
- Minimum rear yard setback for an apartment dwelling, low-rise or stacked dwelling: 6m.
- The interior side yard setback for an apartment dwelling, low-rise and stacked dwelling is as follows:
i) Where the side lot line abuts a zone that does not permit that dwelling type and is within 21m from a front lot line: 3m and such yard must be landscaped;
ii) where the side lot line abuts a zone that does not permit that dwelling type and is over 21m from a front lot line: 6m; and
iii) where the side lot line abuts a zone that permits that dwelling type: Endnote 6 of Table 162B continues to apply.
- For a long semi-detached dwelling, the minimum interior side yard setback is as follows:
i) on the non-flag pole side: 1.2m; and
ii) on the flag pole side:
       a) where abutting the flag pole portion of a neighbouring long-semi detached lot: 1.7m; and 
       b) all other cases: 2.2m.
- 35% of the front yard must be aggregated soft landscaped area and a walkway may traverse this area and be included in the area calculation.
- Any driveway, other than a shared driveway, must be separated from any interior side lot line by a landscaped strip not less than 0.15m in width and consisting of:
       a) soft landscaping; or 
       b) pavers or interlock brick in a pattern distinct from that of the driveway.
- Where a semi-detached or townhouse dwelling is not severed, the requirement for a landscaped strip not less than 0.15m in width applies to individual driveways serving each unit such that the driveways must be separated from each other by at least 0.3m.
- Where a driveway is provided on a lot narrower than 10m, a walkway located in the front yard may not extend to the right-of-way.
- On a lot where a walkway extends to the right-of-way, it must be separated from any driveway by at least 0.6m of soft landscaping.
2985 (By-law 2024-442) R3YY[2985]    
- Zoning requirements for single-detached dwellings:
i) Minimum lot width: 8.5m;
ii) Minimum lot area: 195m2;
iii) Maximum building height: 12m;
iv) Minimum front yard setback: 3m;
v) Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m;
vi) Minimum rear yard setback: 6m;
vii) Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.8m total, 0.6m for one side yard;
viii) The minimum setback between the vehicular entrance to a private garage or carport and an existing or planned sidewalk is 5.7m; and
ix) The area of the driveway may not exceed 65% of the yard in which it is located.
- Zoning requirements for townhouse dwellings:
i) Minimum lot width: 5.7m;
ii) Minimum lot area: 120m2;
iii) Maximum building height: 12m;
iv) Minimum front yard setback: 3m;
v) Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m;
vi) Minimum rear yard setback: 6m;
vii) Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m;
viii) The minimum setback between the vehicular entrance to a private garage or carport and an existing or planned sidewalk is 5.7m; and
ix) Despite Table 65, an air conditioner condenser is considered a permitted projection when it is located in a corner side yard.
- Zoning requirements for back-to-back townhouse dwellings:
i) Minimum lot width: 6m;
ii) Minimum lot area: 70m2;
iii) Maximum building height: 12m;
iv) Minimum front yard setback: 3m;
v) Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m;
vi) Minimum rear yard setback: 0m;
vii) Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m;
viii) The minimum setback between the vehicular entrance to a private garage or carport and an existing or planned sidewalk is 5.7m; and
ix) Despite Table 65, an air conditioner condenser is considered a permitted projection when it is located in a corner side yard.
2986 (By-law 2024-460) AM10[2986] H(13.5)    
- Rear yard setback for a mixed-use building: 4.5m.
- No above or below grade buildings or structures are permitted in the required rear yard setback.
2987 (By-law 2024-460) IL2[2987] H(14)        - Minimum interior side yard setback for a building existing as of the date of the by-law approval: 1.6m.
2988 (By-law 2024-488 IL[2988] H(21)    
i) The provisions of Clause 203 (2)(c) does not apply to personal service business and restaurant.
ii) Despite Clause 203(2)(c), an automobile service station cannot exceed 650m2 of gross floor area.
iii) Minimum front yard setback: 3m.
iv) Minimum rear yard setback: 9.9m.
v) Minimum interior side yard setbacks: 3m on one side and 1.2m on the other.
vi) Despite Subsection 203(5), a fenced outdoor storage area limited to a maximum total area of 24m2 is permitted.
2989 (By-law 2024-461) R3YY[2989]    
- Despite Section 65, porches, including a porch foundation, are permitted to project 1.5m into a front or corner side yard.
- Despite Table 160A, the minimum lot width for a detached dwelling: 8.3m.
- A driveway area shall not exceed 55% of the area of the yard in which it is located.
- A minimum aggregated soft landscaped area of 35% is required for the front yard.
2990 (By-law 2024-462) GM[2990] S502-h
i. Broadcasting Studio
ii. Cinema
iii. Hotel
iv. Museum
v. Park
vi. Parking Garage
vii. Production studio
viii. Theatre
i. Drive through facility
ii. Funeral home
i) Cinema is permitted subject to a maximum of 3 theatres.
ii) Hotel is permitted subject to a maximum of 100 guest rooms.
iii) Parking garage is permitted provided it is below grade.
iv) Theatre is only permitted in the existing theatre building on site.
v) All parcels subject to Exception 2990 are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
vi) Maximum building heights are as per Schedule 502.
vii) No new buildings are permitted in Area E on Schedule 502. This provision does not apply to below grade structures or parking.
viii) Buildings must contain residential dwelling units except for the uses listed below, which can be in a building that does not contain dwelling units. This provision does not apply to accessory buildings:  
a. Broadcasting studio
b. Cinema
c. Community centre
d. Community health and resource centre
e. Hotel
f. Medical facility
g. Museum
h. Office
i. Park
j. Parking garage, below grade
k. Place of assembly
l. Place of worship
m. Production studio
n. Recreational and athletic facility
o. Residential care facility
p. Shelter
q. Theatre
ix) Despite the list of permitted uses, the following uses are not permitted within 50m of lands zoned R1:  
a. Payday loan establishment
b. Personal brewing facility
c. Restaurant
d. Emergency service
x) Except for mixed-use buildings within 120m of Heron Road, all non-residential uses are only permitted on the ground floor and second storey of a mixed-use building.
xi) Minimum stepback of 2.5m after the 4th storey.
xii) Maximum building width and length of 60m for mid-rise buildings (5+ storeys).
xiii) Despite Subsection 74(3), buildings connected above the ground by features such as pedways, bridges, or other connections that create additional gross floor or gross leasable floor area, are not considered one building for the purpose of applying maximum building length.
xiv) Minimum setback of 14.25m from a parcel zoned R1.
xv) A building or structure must be at least 3m from any lands zoned O1.
xvi) No maximum Floor Space Index.
xvii) The holding symbol may only be removed from all or part of the lands subject to the ‘h’ symbol following the completion of the following:
a. A heritage impact assessment that demonstrates compliance with the 1495 Heron Road Conservation Design Guidelines is approved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Development and Building Code Services or their designate, together with any required permits under Sections 33 or 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
b. A functional servicing report is approved confirming that municipal water supply and sanitary sewer capacity is adequate for the proposed development, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Development and Building Code Services or their designate.
xviii) Partial removal of the holding symbol may be considered to facilitate phased development. Approval of an application to partially lift the holding provision will be based on satisfying the applicable conditions for that phase of development as determined by the General Manager of Planning, Development, and Building Code Services.
2991 (By-law 2024-462) O1/I1A [2991]-h    
i) The holding symbol may only be removed from all or part of the lands subject to the ‘h’ symbol following the completion of the following conditions:
a. A heritage impact assessment that demonstrates compliance with the 1495 Heron Road Conservation Design Guidelines is approved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Development and Building Code Services or their designate, together with any required permits under Sections 33 or 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
b. A minimum 5000m2 park less any deductions applicable by the provision of affordable housing is dedicated to the City in a location and configuration to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facilities or their designate.
2992 (By-law 2024-492) TM[2992] H(28)    
i) Table 197(g) does not apply.  
ii) Maximum front yard setback: 2.6m.  
iii) Any part of a building above the third storey facing the front lot line must be setback a minimum of 0.9m from the building wall beneath it.  
iv) Any part of a building above the seventh storey must be setback a minimum of 0.5m from the building wall beneath it.  
v) The minimum corner side yard setback:
a) from the north property line, abutting Danforth Avenue: 0m.
b) from the south property line, abutting Byron Avenue: 1m.  
vi) Minimum rear setback: 0.5m.  
vii) Any part of a building above four metres in height, measured from average grade, must be setback 7.5m from the rear lot line.  
viii) Despite Section 65:  
a) balconies may project to 0m abutting the Byron Avenue lot line.
b) an uncovered deck may be located no closer than 0.5m to the rear lot line.  
ix) Despite Table 111A(b), the minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required is one per dwelling unit.
2993 (By-law 2024-487) R4UC[2993]    
- Minimum bicycle parking rate: one space per dwelling unit.
- Despite Clause 161(15)(j), only one balcony or porch is required for the first storey, and one balcony or porch is required for every unit that faces a public street above the first storey. 
2994 (By-law 2024-493) R4M[2994]    
i) Section 101 – minimum parking space rates does not apply.
ii) Section 102 – minimum visitor parking space rates does not apply.
iii) The front yard may contain a driveway with a maximum width of 3m, a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8m, and a garbage enclosure.  The remainder of the front yard, with the exception of projections permitted in Section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.
iv) Minimum rear yard setback: 4.5m.
v) Minimum rear yard area requirement: No minimum.
vi) Maximum building height for all permitted dwelling types: the lesser of 14.5m or 4 storeys.
vii) Communal amenity area required need not be in the rear yard.
viii) For townhouses:
- minimum lot width: 5m.
- minimum lot area: no minimum.
2995 (By-law 2024-494) R4M[2995] - residential care facility  
i) Section 101 – minimum parking space rates does not apply.
ii) Section 102 – minimum visitor parking space rates does not apply.
iii) The front yard may contain a driveway with a maximum width of 3m, a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8m, and a garbage enclosure.  The remainder of the front yard, with the exception of projections permitted in Section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.
iv) Minimum rear yard setback: 4.5m.
v) Minimum rear yard area requirement: No minimum.
vi) Maximum building height for all permitted dwelling types: the lesser of 14.5m or 4 storeys.
vii) Communal amenity area required need not be in the rear yard.
viii) For townhouses:
- minimum lot width: 5m.
- minimum lot area: no minimum.
2996 (By-law 2024-495) R4UB[2996] - residential care facility  
i) Section 101 – minimum parking space rates does not apply.
ii) Section 102 – minimum visitor parking space rates does not apply.
iii) Minimum rear yard setback: 6m.
iv) Minimum rear yard area requirement: 0.
v) Maximum building height for all permitted dwelling types: the lesser of 11m or 3 storeys.
vi) Communal amenity area required need not be in the rear yard.
vii) For townhouses:  
- minimum lot area: no minimum.
viii) Minimum of 20% of the lot area must be soft landscaped area.
ix) Front yard setback must align with the average of abutting lots’ front yard setback.
x) Subclause 161(15)(b)(iv) and Paragraphs 161(15)(e) and (h) do not apply.
xi) Clause 107(3)(b) does not apply and a driveway may be located in the side yard and rear yard.
2997 (By-law 2024-496) R4UB[2997] - residential care facility  
i) Hawthorne Avenue is deemed to be the front lot line. ii) Section 101 – minimum parking space rates does not apply.  
iii) Section 102 – minimum visitor parking space rates does not apply. iv) Minimum rear yard setback: 4.5m. v) Minimum rear yard area requirement: No minimum.  
vi) Maximum building height for all permitted dwelling types: the lesser of 14.5m or 4 storeys.
vii) Communal amenity area required need not be in the rear yard.
viii) For townhouses: - minimum lot area: no minimum. ix) Front yard setback must align with the average of the abutting lots’ front yard setback.
x) Clauses 161(15)(e) and (h) do not apply. xi) Endnotes 11 and 12 to Table 162A do not apply.
xii) Clause 107(3)(b) does not apply and a driveway may be located in the side yard and rear yard.
2998 (By-law 2024-497) R4M[2998] - residential care facility  
i) Section 101 – minimum parking space rates does not apply.
ii) Section 102 – minimum visitor parking space rates does not apply.
iii) The front yard may contain a driveway with a maximum width of 3m, a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8m, and a garbage enclosure.  The remainder of the front yard, with the exception of projections permitted in Section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.
iv) Minimum rear yard setback: 4.5m.
v) Minimum rear yard area requirement: No minimum.
vi) Maximum building height for all permitted dwelling types: the lesser of 14.5m or 4 storeys.
vii) Communal amenity area required need not be in the rear yard.
viii) For townhouses:
- minimum lot width: 5m.
- minimum lot area: no minimum.
2999 (By-law 2024-498) GM[2999] H(21)    
i) Section 101 – minimum parking space rates does not apply.
ii) Section 102 – minimum visitor parking space rates does not apply.
3000 (By-law 2024-531) MC18[3000]S503-h    
1) The following non-residential use is permitted subject to:
a) being in the same building as a use listed in Subsection 191(1), excluding a mechanical room, pedestrian, and vehicular access, that 100% of the ground floor fronting on the street is occupied by permitted uses in Subsection 191(1) for a minimum depth of 3m:
         - parking garage
2) An accessory at-grade parking lot will be limited to a maximum number of parking spaces:
(a) in Area A on Schedule 503: 16 parking spaces;
(b) in Area B on Schedule 503: 0 parking spaces;
(c) in Area C on Schedule 503: 12 parking spaces; and
(d) in Area D on Schedule 503: 30 parking spaces.
3) Despite Table 103(a) and (b), the permitted maximum combined total of resident and visitor parking: 0.9 per dwelling unit.
4) Despite Schedule 503, one building with a maximum height of 45 storeys is permitted in Area B on Schedule 503.
5) The holding symbol applies to all uses and may only be removed following the draft approval of the Plan of Subdivision or the completion of a Site Plan Control application to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services Department, that address:
a) Acceptance of a plan showing a north-south public collector roadway connection from Carling Avenue to Richmond Road with a minimum 24-metre right of way, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Planning, Development, and Building Services Department;
b) The size, location, servicing, and phasing of parkland required as per By-law No. 2022-280 and the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department;
c) Partial removal of the holding symbol may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding provisions on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for the lifting of the holding zone specified above; and
d) Despite the holding symbol, buildings existing as of the date of passing of this by-law may continue to be used and/or converted into permitted uses and are not subject to the holding symbol.