The City of Ottawa helps pay for the direct disposition, burial or cremation of a deceased resident who does not have enough funds in their estate to cover the costs.
The person responsible for making the arrangements may apply with the City on behalf of the deceased. The applicant must:
- Apply to the City before signing a contract with a service provider (funeral home, mosque or cemetery)
- Identify all services requested (direct disposition, burial and/or cremation).
Before you begin
- If a death occurs after hours, on a weekend or holiday, you must inform the service provider that you plan to apply for financial help from the City’s Social Services.
- To determine eligibility, a case worker will consider the financial situation of the deceased person and his/her spouse at the time of death. This includes, for example, assets, income, RRSPs and life insurance.
- The City is entitled to recover the costs from all sources available from the deceased person.
- The ’Proof of Death Certificate’ is only released after the recovery process is complete. This can take up to six months.
At the time of death, the deceased must have been:
- A resident of the city of Ottawa and
- Getting Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) or
- Low income and eligible or receiving Essential Health and Social Supports
What you need
Basic personal and financial information about the deceased:
- Date of birth
- Date of death
- Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Income (any money received from a job, OW, ODSP, CPP, OAS, etc.)
- Assets (anything owned such as a bank account, vehicle, RRSP, etc.)
- Service provider of choice (funeral home, mosque, cemetery, etc.)
- Services requested (direct disposition, burial and/or cremation)
Call 3-1-1 Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm
- Language (1 for English, 2 for French)
- Select 4 for Community and Social Services
- Select 3 for Ontario Works
TTY Line 1-800-855-0511 (Bell Relay Service)
Outside of Ontario: 1-866-261-9799
Next steps
If you are granted assistance:
- You must inform the service providers that you completed an application with Social Services for financial help.
- You can use the funeral home, mosque and/or cemetery of your choice. They will explain what services they cover.
- You may choose to buy other items or services at your own expense. For example, this can include funeral services, newspaper notices or flowers.
- The City will recover the costs from any money paid for funeral services from the assets/income of the deceased person. For example, this can include a bank account (sole ownership), Canada Pension Plan Death Benefit or life insurance.
- The City will mail you the ‘Proof of Death Certificate’ after the recovery process is complete. This may take up to six months.
- The case worker can issue you a letter for service cancelations (e.g.: phone, Internet) while you wait for the ‘Proof of Death Certificate’.
- Invoices must be received within 30 days of application (including burial if it has not occurred)
For more information:
Call 3-1-1 Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm
- Language (1 for English, 2 for French)
- Select 4 for Community and Social Services
- Select 3 for Ontario Works
TTY Line 1-800-855-0511 (Bell Relay Service)
Outside of Ontario: 1-866-261-9799