Other housing supports for seniors
Social housing
The Social Housing Registry of Ottawa maintains the centralized waiting list for all social housing in Ottawa. To apply for a social housing unit, contact the Social Housing Registry at 613-526-2088 or visit 2197 Riverside Drive, 5th floor.
Property tax deferral
If you are 65 or older, own your home and your total household income from all sources is $42,749.00 or less, you can apply for a deferral of your current property taxes. Learn more about the full and partial property tax deferral program or call 613-580-2424, ext. 31490 for more information or to receive an application by mail.
Residential services homes or supportive housing
Residential Services homes provide permanent housing with some supports for daily living. The City of Ottawa subsidizes the cost of lodging and some care for adults residing in privately run domiciliary hostels.
Secondary dwelling units
If you own a home and wish to make room for a caregiver, a companion, a member of your family or earn extra income to meet financial obligations, you can create a secondary dwelling unit under certain conditions. The secondary dwelling unit must be a single, self-contained, rental apartment with its own entrance, kitchen and bathroom. Learn more about building a home within a home [ 921 KB ] or call 613-580-2424, ext. 13116.
Emergency housing
If you require emergency shelter, call 613-560-6000 Monday to Friday from 8:45 am to 4 pm or 3-1-1 after hours and on weekends.
Emergency financial assistance
In times of crisis and where no other financial resource is available, emergency assistance may be provided through the Employment and Financial Assistance branch. An emergency situation might include a health-related crisis, family violence, theft, fire, flood, pending eviction or other situations. Call 613-560-6000 to apply.
Help for people not receiving social assistance
If you are 65 or older with a low income and asset level, you may be eligible for the Essential Health and Social Supports program to help cover the cost of health-related items and services, such as prescription drugs, eyeglasses, dental care, diabetic supplies, incontinent supplies, bathroom aids, respiratory supplies, hearing aids and mobility devices. Call 613-560-6000 to apply.