Addressing (By-law No. 2014–78)


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A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting the naming of private roads and highways and the numbering of buildings and lots and the repeal of By-law 2002-521and By-law 2005- 322.  Amending By-law 2002-306.

Enacted by City Council at its meeting of February 26, 2014

COUNCIL AUTHORITY: City Council February 26, 2014 Bulk Consent Agenda Item B (PC Report No. 65A)

The Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:

Addressing By-law [ PDF 276 KB ]

Section 1

In this by-law,

“Blade sign” means a sign that is affixed to a support structure adjacent to the private road or highway for the purpose of displaying the civic number of the building or lot to which the sign relates; (plaque de numéro municipal en bordure de rue)

"Building" means the building in which is conducted the principal use of the property on which the building is situated; (bâtiment)

“Chief Building Official” means the person in the office of Chief Building Official or authorized delegate (chef du service du bâtiment)

“Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services” means the person occupying the position of Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services in the By-law and Regulatory Services Branch of the Emergency and Protective Services Department of the City of Ottawa, or an authorized designate; (chef, Service des règlements municipaux)

"City" means the municipal corporation of the City of Ottawa, or the geographic area of the City of Ottawa, as the context requires; (ville, Ville)

“City Clerk and Solicitor” means the person in the position of City Clerk and Solicitor of the City of Ottawa; (greffier et chef du contentieux)

“Council” means the Council of the City of Ottawa; (Conseil)

“Civic number” means the number (including all alphanumeric characters) assigned by the City for the purpose of identifying the building or lot; (numéro municipal)

“Civic number sign” means a sign that is affixed to a building for the purpose of displaying the civic number; (plaque de numéro municipal)

“Generic term” includes articles, cardinal points and any other terms associated with a private road or highway name; (terme générique)

“Ground sign” means a sign that is permitted by the Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law 2016-326, as amended, and displays the civic number of the building or lot to which the sign relates; (enseigne fixée au sol)

“Highway”, means a common and public highway under the jurisdiction of the City and includes any bridge, trestle, viaduct or other structure forming part of the highway and, except as otherwise provided, includes a portion of a highway; (voie publique)

“Index of Streets” means the list of names of registered private roads and highways maintained by the City; (Répertoire des rues)

“Last known address” means the address which appears on the last revised assessment roll of the City; (dernière adresse connue)

“Municipal Act, 2001” means the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c25, as amended; (Loi sur les municipalités)

“Municipal address” means the civic number for a property or building and the name of the private road or highway; (adresse municipale)

“Owner” means the registered owner of the land under the provisions of the Registry Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. R.20, as amended, and the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L. S., as amended, and includes a registered condominium corporation; (propriétaire)

“Private road” means any street, road, lane or other means of vehicular access to or egress from buildings located on the land of the Owner; (voie privée)

“Street name sign” means a sign that is affixed to a support structure displaying the assigned name of the street, the bilingual street type designation and associated generic terms of the private road or highway to which the sign relates; (panneau odonymique)

“Street type designation” is a description of the type of private road or highway that usually appears in French before the private road or highway name and in English after the private road or highway name; (désignation du type de rue)

“Wayfinding” means the process of using spatial and environmental information, including civic numbers and street name signs, to move successfully and intentionally from one location to another. (orientation)

Section 2

Except as otherwise indicated, in the event of any conflict between the provisions of this by-law and a provision of the Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law 2016-326, as amended, or the Signs on City Roads By-law 2003-520, the more restrictive provision shall prevail. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this by-law and a provision of the Temporary Signs on Private Property By-law 2004-239, this by-law shall prevail.

Section 3

Unless otherwise defined, the words and phrases used in this by-law have their normal and ordinary meaning.

Section 4

This by-law includes Schedules A, B and C annexed hereto and the schedules are hereby declared to form part of this by-law.

Section 5

The headings and subheadings used in this by-law are inserted for convenience of reference only, form no part of this by-law, and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of the provisions of this by-law.

Section 6 

Unless the context requires otherwise, or a number is used to modify the term, references to items in the plural include the singular, and words imparting the feminine gender shall include the masculine.

Section 7

In this by-law, the word “metre” shall be represented by the abbreviation “m” and the word “centimetre” by the abbreviation “cm”.

Section 8

It is declared that if any section, subsection, paragraph or part thereof is declared by any Court to be bad, illegal, or ultra vires, such section, subsection, paragraph part or parts shall be deemed to be severable and all other parts of this bylaw are declared to be separate and independent, and enacted as such.

Sections 9 to 12 - General provisions

Section 9 

No private road or highway shall be shown on the City of Ottawa mapping or listed in the Index of Streets unless its name, street type designation and associated generic terms have been approved by the Chief Building Official or Council.

Section 10

No person shall install or cause to be installed a street name sign, civic number sign, or blade sign, or display civic numbers on a ground sign, unless it is in accordance with the provisions of this by-law.

Section 11

No person shall cause or permit the alteration of, removal of, defacing of or interference with any street name sign, civic number sign, or blade sign installed in accordance with the provisions of this by-law, or any civic numbers displayed on a ground sign.

Section 12 

Section 11 does not apply to prevent sign maintenance work from being performed by the Owner or the City.

Sections 13 and 14 - Applications

Section 13 

An application to name a private road and number buildings and lots adjacent to a private road, to change the name of a private road or highway, to change the civic number of a building or lot adjacent to a private road or highway, for a highway name dedication, or for a blade sign and post shall:

  1. be in the form required by the Chief Building Official;
  2. where applicable, include plans, a legal description, proof of ownership and any other information as required by the Chief Building Official, at the applicant’s own expense;
  3. be accompanied by the fee set out in Schedule C; and
  4. be submitted to the Chief Building Official.

Section 14

Approval by the Chief Building Official or Council of the naming, renaming or civic numbering of a private road does not constitute acceptance or assumption by the City of that private road or any part thereof.

Sections 15 to 18 - Administration

Section 15 

The Chief Building Official is authorized to administer the provisions of this by-law.

Section 16 

Subject to the provisions of this by-law, the Chief Building Official is authorized to:

  1. approve the name of a private road;
  2. approve the name of a highway;
  3. approve the change in name of a private road;
  4. approve the change in name of a highway;
  5. assign or change civic numbers;
  6. assign or change street type designations;
  7. assign or change generic terms associated with a private road or highway name; and
  8. correct misspelled private road or highway names, street type designations and any other generic terms associated with a private road or highway name.

Section 17 

The authority provided in Section 16 includes the approval of highway names submitted through the development review process.

Section 18 

  1. The Chief Building Official shall not exercise the authority granted in Section 16 unless:
    1. the name, civic number, street type designation, or any other generic term, in the Chief Building Official’s opinion, provides for efficient wayfinding and does not pose any danger to public safety;
    2. where applicable, public notice has been provided in accordance with Section 19; and
    3.  where the authority of the Chief Building Official is being exercised pursuant to an application received under Section 13:
      1.  the applicable fees set out in Schedule C have been paid in full; and
      2. for the naming of a private road, the location and number of street name signs, and the estimated costs, have been determined.
  2. Notwithstanding Subsections 16(c) and 16(d), where a name change is being proposed for reasons other than efficient wayfinding or public safety, the Chief Building Official shall:
    1. forward the proposed name change to the appropriate Standing Committee for consideration together with a recommendation of approval or refusal, and Council shall either approve or refuse the proposed name change, and
    2. provide public notice that the proposed name change will be considered by the appropriate Standing Committee by means of posting notice on the City’s website at least seven (7) days prior to the Committee meeting and maintain the notice for at least seven (7) consecutive days.

Section 19 to 23 - Public notice

Section 19

  1. The Chief Building Official shall provide public notice by posting such notice on the City’s website at least fourteen (14) days prior to making the decision and maintain the notice posted for at least seven (7) consecutive days prior to making a decision to:
    1. name, change the name of, or correct the spelling of a name of a private road; or
    2. change the name of a highway.
  2. Subsection 19(1) does not apply with respect to highways where:
    1. the name is approved through the development review process or a highway dedication by-law;
    2. the change in highway name is to provide efficient wayfinding or to address a public safety hazard, including the elimination of duplicate or similar sounding names; or
    3. the change is to correct a misspelled highway name; or
    4. the change is to alter generic terms or street type designations associated with the highway name.

Section 20

Any person may object to the naming or renaming of a private road, the correction of the spelling of a name of a private road, or the renaming of a highway further to the public notice provided under Subsection 19(1). An objection shall be made within ten (10) days from the posting of the public notice and shall:

  1. be in writing;
  2. describe specifically why the proposed name, change of name or correction of the name’s spelling does not satisfy the requirements of this by-law with respect to efficient wayfinding and public safety; and
  3. be sent to the Chief Building Official electronically or by facsimile by 11:59 pm of the deadline date specified in the notice, or, if sent by mail, postmarked by 11:59 pm of the deadline date specified in the notice.

Section 21

If an objection is received in accordance with the requirements set out in Section 20, the Chief Building Official shall consider such objection and provide a response which details the outcome of the Chief Building Official’s review and decision within ten (10) days of the decision.

Section 22

Decisions made by the Chief Building Official in accordance with the provisions of this by-law are final and binding.

Section 23

When the Chief Building Official or Council has approved the name dedication, change of name, or correction of the name, street type designation or other associated generic term of a highway, the City Clerk and Solicitor shall place the implementing by-law on the Orders of the Day for enactment by Council.

Sections 24 to 28 

Section 24 

No Owner shall display or permit to be displayed on a building or lot a civic number other than the one assigned by the Director.

Section 25 

The Owner, prior to the start of construction of a building, shall obtain the civic number from the Director.

Section 26 - Posting of a temporary civic number and blade sign (where applicable) 

  1. No Owner, at the outset of construction of a building, shall fail to:
    1. install or cause to be installed on the building a temporary sign displaying the civic number that conforms to the requirements of Schedule A;
    2. and where a blade sign is required, install or cause to be installed a temporary blade sign that conforms to the requirements of Schedule A.
  2. No Owner shall fail to maintain the temporary civic number and, where applicable, blade sign during construction and until the permanent civic number and, where applicable, blade sign is installed.

Sections 27 and 28 - Posting of a permanent civic number and blade sign (where applicable)

Section 27

No Owner, prior to occupancy, shall fail to: 

  1. install or cause to be installed on the building a permanent civic number sign that conforms to the requirements of Schedule A; and
  2. where a blade sign is required, install or cause to be installed a permanent blade sign that conforms to the requirements of Schedule A.

Section 28

No Owner shall fail to maintain the civic number sign on the building or lot and, where applicable, the blade sign or civic numbers on a ground sign.

Section 29

Upon approval of the Chief Building Official or Council of the name of a private road or highway, and at the outset of construction, the Owner shall install or cause to be installed a temporary street name sign: 

  1. displaying the name in a manner approved by the Chief Building Official; and 
  2. constructed and installed in a form that conforms to the requirements of Schedule B.

Section 30

No Owner shall fail to maintain the temporary street name sign until such time as the City installs the permanent street name sign on the highway or on the private road.

Section 31

Permanent street name signs for private roads:

  1. shall be obtained from the City at the Owner’s cost; and
  2. shall be located adjacent to the intersecting street in a manner approved by the General Manager, Public Works.

Section 32

 In the case of a permanent street name sign for a private road, the Owner shall pay the City for the sign and the City’s services regarding its installation within thirty (30) days of billing. If payment is not made by the Owner as required, the City may recover the expense incurred by action, or the same may be recovered in the same manner as taxes.

Section 33

The Chief Building Official is authorized to require the entering into an agreement between the Owner and the City, to impose any conditions as deemed necessary by the Chief Building Official, to execute the agreement, to amend the agreement and to release the agreement.

Section 34

The Owner of land on which a private road is to be constructed is required to enter into an agreement with the City in a form satisfactory to the City Clerk and Solicitor, prior to the construction of the private road.

Section 35

An agreement required under Section 34 shall contain:

  1. An indemnity by the Owner as required by Section 36;
  2. A statement that the required street name signs, blade signs and civic numbers on ground signs will be maintained at the Owner’s sole risk and expense;
  3. A statement that if street name and blade signs and civic numbers on ground signs are not maintained to the satisfaction of the City, the City may do the maintenance work at the sole risk and expense of the Owner and the provisions of Section 446 of the Municipal Act, 2001 shall apply;
  4. A statement that the Owner will not rename any private road affected by the agreement except pursuant to the provisions of this by-law;
  5. An acknowledgement by the Owner that the responsibility for maintaining the civic numbers on the building or lot will remain with the individual Owner;
  6. An acknowledgement by the Owner that the private road(s) affected by the agreement are under the sole jurisdiction of the Owner and shall remain a private road(s), and that the City has no intention to assume any civil or criminal liability respecting these roads as such liability relates to this by-law;
  7. A statement that the agreement binds any and all subsequent Owners of land;
  8. A statement that the Owner will pay the costs of registration of the agreement and, where applicable, the costs of registering any changes to the agreement, including any change to the name of a private road;
  9. A statement that the Owner shall advise the City of any plans to permanently close the private road(s) covered by the agreement and acknowledgement by the Owner that a revised agreement or release of the agreement, at the Owner’s expense, may be required as a consequence of such closure; and
  10. Such other terms and conditions as the Chief Building Official considers appropriate in the context of this by-law.

Section 36

The Owner, any heirs, successors, administrators, and/or assigns shall indemnify the City and each of its officers, employees and agents from all loss, damage, damages, costs, expenses, claims, demands, actions, suits or other proceedings of every nature and kind, arising from or in consequence of the numbering of the buildings, lots or units, or the naming or renaming of the private road under this by-law or the erection and maintenance of the street name, civic number and blade signs, whether such loss, damage, damages, costs, expenses, claims, demands, actions, suits or other proceedings arise by reasons of negligence or without negligence on the part of the owner or its contractors, officers, employees or agents, or whether such loss, damage, damages, costs, expenses, claims, demands, actions, suits or other proceedings are occasioned to or made or brought against the Owner or its contractors, officers, servants or agents or the City, its officers, servants or agents.

Section 37

The agreement made pursuant to Section 34 or any amended agreement shall be registered against the land to which it applies and the City is entitled to enforce the provisions thereof against the Owner and, subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act, any and all subsequent owners of the land.

Section 38 

Upon termination of an agreement made pursuant to Section 34, a release of the agreement shall be similarly registered and the name of the private road shall be removed from the City of Ottawa mapping and the Index of Streets.

Section 39 

  1. No refunds are applicable to the fees for blade signs and posts in Schedule C.
  2. No refunds are applicable to the fee for a civic number change in Schedule C.
  3. For applications for private road naming, highway name dedication and highway name change in Schedule C, fees will be refunded, upon authorization of the Chief Building Official, on the following basis:
    1. 50 per cent of the application fee will be refunded if a request for a refund is received by the Chief Building Official prior to the preparation of the technical circulation and public notification
    2. No refund will be provided after the preparation of the technical circulation and public notification is completed.

Section 40 - Notice to comply

  1. If there is a contravention of this by-law, the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services shall send a notice, by registered mail or direct delivery of the notice by hand, to the Owner’s last known address, requiring the Owner to do the work to correct the contravention and the notice shall specify the date by which the work must be done. 
  2. No Owner shall fail to comply with a notice sent pursuant to Subsection 40(1).

Section 41 - Default

  1. When a notice has been sent by the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services pursuant to Subsection 40(1) and the requirements of the notice have not been complied with, the City may cause the work to be done and the cost of the work shall be at the expense of the Owner.
  2. The costs of the work to be done pursuant to Subsection 40(1) may be recovered from the Owner by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as taxes.

Section 42 - Entry

  1. The Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services may enter onto any lands at any reasonable time for the purposes of determining compliance with this by-law or with a notice sent pursuant to this by-law.
  2. No person shall hinder or obstruct, or attempt to hinder or obstruct, the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services in the discharge of her duties under this by-law.

Section 43 

The Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services is authorized to enforce the provisions of this by-law.

Section 44

  1. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence as provided for in subsection 429(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, and all such offences are designated as continuing offences as provided for in subsection 429(2), paragraph (a), of the Municipal Act, 2001.
  2. A person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable, for each day or part of a day that the offence continues, to a minimum fine of $500 and a maximum fine of $10,000 and the total of all daily fines for the offence is not limited to $100,000 as provided for in subsection 429(3), paragraph 2, of the Municipal Act, 2001.

Section 45

When a person has been convicted of an offence under this by-law, the Superior Court of Justice, or any court of competent jurisdiction may, in addition to any penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order:

  1. prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted; and
  2. requiring the person convicted to correct the contravention in the manner and within the period that the court considers appropriate.

By-laws 2005-322 entitled “A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting the naming of highways and the numbering of buildings and lots” and 2002-521 entitled “A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting private roadways” are repealed as of April 30, 2014.

Section 47 - Status of previously-approved signage

Street names and civic numbers approved and civic number and street name signs approved under the authority of By-law 2002-521 “A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting private roadways” or By-law 2005-322 “A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting the naming of highways and the numbering of buildings and lots”, or predecessor by-laws, shall be considered compliant with this by-law for regulatory and enforcement purposes.

Sections 48 and 49 - Status of pending applications

Section 48

If a complete application for a building permit involving a requirement for civic addressing is received prior to May 1, 2014, the addressing requirements shall be evaluated and approved under the provisions of By-law 2002-521 “A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting private roadways” or By-law 2005-322 “A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting the naming of highways and the numbering of buildings and lots”, as applicable, as they read on April 30, 2014. The addressing requirements of this by-law will apply if the complete application for a building permit is received on or after May 1, 2014.

Section 49 

For the purposes of Section 48, a complete application means an application which would have been approved on the date of enactment of this by-law had it been processed or disposed of on that day.

Section 50 - In force dates

The provisions of this by-law will take effect on May 1, 2014.

Section 51

This by-law may be referred to as the "Addressing By-law".

  1. The civic number shall, at a minimum, be on the main building on the property in proximity to the principal entrance to the building. Where required based on the minimum setbacks indicated in Table 1 or if the view of the civic number on the building is obstructed, the civic number shall also be displayed on a blade sign or ground sign adjacent to the main entrance to the property.
  2. A civic number sign shall be in accordance with the following table:
Table 1
Column I Column II
Minimum Setback from Property Line* Minimum Character Height
≤ 3 m 10.0 cm
> 3 m but ≤ 9 m 12.5 cm
> 9 m but ≤ 18 m 15.0 cm
Over 18 m Civic number on building plus blade sign or, where permitted, ground sign
* Distance is calculated from the location on the building where the civic number is to be displayed to the property line adjacent to the private road or highway to which the building is addressed. In the case of buildings adjacent to a private road where the property on which multiple buildings are situated is a single lot, and where measurement of the setback from the property line is not feasible, the measurement is from the centre line of the private road and 5 m should be added to the figures in Column I.
  1. A civic number posted on a building must:
    1. be in a numerical format (cursive or roman numerals are not acceptable);
    2. have a height-to-width ratio of 5:3;
    3. be displayed right side up;
    4. be of solid, contrasting colours for the character and background, e.g. black on white;
    5. be visible at all times from the private road or highway in either direction and clear of obstructions. If a civic number is posted on a door, it must be posted on the outermost door (e.g. on the outside of the screen or storm door and not on the main door where it may be obscured from view by the screen or storm door); and
    6. have a height above grade between 2 and 4 m.
  2. The following requirements apply for a civic number posted on a blade sign:
    1. the City shall supply and install the initial permanent blade sign, hardware and post for the fee detailed in Schedule C;
    2. a replacement permanent blade sign and post, or a replacement permanent blade sign, must be obtained from the City;
    3. a replacement permanent blade sign and post, or a replacement permanent blade sign, may be installed by the Owner or by the City at the Owner’s expense for the fee detailed in Schedule C;
    4. a blade sign shall be located at the private road or highway adjacent to the principal vehicular entrance and setback no more than 1.5 m from the interior of the property line. For corner lots, the sign must be located adjacent to the vehicular or pedestrian access that fronts on the private road or highway to which the civic address relates;
    5. a blade sign shall be mounted perpendicular to the private road or highway and clear of all obstructions so that it is visible when approaching from either direction;
    6. a blade sign shall be located at a minimum height above grade of 1.2 m;
    7. if the support structure obstructs visibility of one side of the sign, one blade sign per side on the structure is required;
    8. permanent blade sign posts shall be installed a minimum of 0.9 m in the ground; and
    9. in addition to meeting the requirements in d. through f., a temporary blade sign and post must be of durable material, installed and sufficiently stabilized to retain its vertical orientation, and the civic number displayed on the sign must be visible from the private road or highway when approaching from either direction.
  3. The following requirements apply for a civic number displayed on a ground sign:
    1. a ground sign displaying a civic number shall be located at the private road or highway adjacent to the principal vehicular entrance. For corner lots, the sign must be located adjacent to the vehicular or pedestrian access that fronts on the private road or highway to which the civic address relates;
    2. a ground sign shall be mounted perpendicular to the private road or highway and clear of all obstructions so that it is visible when approaching from either direction;
    3. if the support structure obstructs visibility of one side of the sign, the civic number shall be displayed on both sides of the sign;
    4. the civic number displayed on a ground sign shall comply with the minimum character height in Table 1; and
    5. the civic number shall be displayed at a minimum height above grade of 1.2 m.
  4. Where, in the opinion of the Chief Building Official, the location of the building on a lot is such that the civic numbering display requirements outlined in this Schedule are inadequate with respect to the visibility of the civic number from the private road or highway, the Chief Building Official may impose additional requirements relating to the visibility of the civic number to ensure efficient wayfinding and public safety.

  1.  The street name displayed shall be the name assigned to the private road or highway by the Director, including the applicable abbreviated street type designation in English and French, accents, hyphens, and any other generic terms. The name shall be displayed in upper and lower case letters, with smaller fonts for the street type designations and articles, and in the proper form.

    For example: ch. Louis-Forget Rd. rue Sparks St. prom. de l’Église Dr. av. LeBoutillier Ave.
  2.  Temporary street name signs shall meet the following criteria:
    1. Sign size: 20.00 cm (height) width to accommodate street name, street type designation, and other generic terms in letter sizes below
    2. Sign thickness: 1.27 cm thick white Crezon board
    3. Lettering: double-sided (street name printed on both sides of sign) Frutiger 67 condensed to 60%
      1. Smaller font 8.60 cm high (upper case) and 5.80 cm (lower case) black letters for abbreviated street type designation and articles
      2. Larger font 13.00 cm high (upper case) and 9.50 cm high (lower case) black letters for street name and any other applicable generic terms
    4. Post: 8.9 x 8.9 cm width sign on post to be displayed 2 m above grade stabilized to retain vertical orientation
    5. Other: 5.08 cm wood screws to attach sign to post

(effective January 1, 2025, By-law 2025-19)


  • Private road naming $2,224
  • Private road naming (submitted on same day as Site Plan Control application for the same lands) $1,597
  • Highway name dedication $1,927
  • Highway name change $3,212
  • Civic number change (per address affected) $265

Blade Signs and Posts

  • Installation of initial blade sign and post by the City $108
  • Replacement blade and post, installed by City $108
  • Replacement blade and post, installed by owner $65
  • Replacement blade only $37