Compliance Reports (By-law No. 2003-069)


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Compliance Reports

Compliance Reports By-law No. 2003-069 Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting compliance reports and associated fees in the Development Services Department.

The Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:

Section 1 - Definitions

In this by-law:

“applicant means:

  1. an owner or authorized agent,
  2. a bona fide purchaser or authorized agent, or
  3. a mortgagee;

“Director” means the person occupying the position of Director of Building Services in the Department of Development Services or an authorized assistant;

“City” means the City of Ottawa.

Section 2 - Interpretation

This by-law includes Schedule “A” annexed hereto and Schedule “A” is hereby declared to form part of this by-law.

Sections 3 to 6A - Compliance reports

Section 3

  1. Upon written request by an applicant for information regarding by-laws under the jurisdiction of the Director, the Director shall provide the requested information from available records including copies of:
    1. any issued building permits,
    2. outstanding work orders issued against the property, and
    3. any violations of the applicable building, property standards or zoning by-laws.
  2. The information provided in accordance with subsection (1) shall be referred to as the Summary Compliance Report. 2
  3. The fee for the Summary Compliance Report provided in accordance with subsection (1) is set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto.

Section 4

  1. Upon written request by an applicant for information regarding by-laws under the jurisdiction of the Director, the Director shall provide the requested information from available records including copies of:
    1. any issued building permits,
    2. outstanding work orders issued against the property,
    3. any violations of the applicable building, property standards or zoning by-laws,
    4. performance standard requirements such as use and setbacks with building structures,
    5. comment on set back conformity, where possible,
    6. a comment on use conformity with the applicable zoning by-law, and
    7. a list of Committee of Adjustment decisions.
  2. The information provided in accordance with subsection (1) shall be referred to as the Zoning Compliance Report.
  3. The fee for Zoning Compliance Report provided in accordance with subsection (1) is set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto.

Section 4A

  1. Upon written request by an applicant for information regarding pool enclosures under the jurisdiction of the Director, the Director shall provide:
    1. information from available records on the pool enclosure permit and inspection report,
    2. outstanding Notices of Violations or Orders; and, (c) for an inspection regarding compliance.
  2. The information provided in accordance with subsection (1) shall be referred to as the Pool Enclosure Compliance Report.
  3. The fee for the Pool Enclosure Compliance Report provided in accordance with subsection (1) is set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto. (2013-40)

Section 5

  1. Upon written request of an applicant for information with respect to compliance with development agreements registered on title where the City is a party to the agreement, including but not limited to, site plan control agreements, subdivision agreements, condominium agreements, cash-in-lieu of parking agreements, demolition control agreements, zoning agreements and heritage agreements, the Director shall provide the requested information to the applicant from available records and circulations to applicable staff.
  2. The information provided in accordance with subsection 91) shall be referred to as the Agreement Compliance Report.
  3. The fee for the Agreement Compliance Report is set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto.

Section 6

  1. Upon written request of an applicant for a compliance review and release of development agreements registered on title where the City is a party to the agreement, including but not limited to site plan control agreements, subdivision agreements, condominium agreements, cash-in-lieu of parking agreements, demolition control agreements, zoning agreements and heritage agreements, the Director is authorized to release the agreements pursuant to Section 12 of Schedule “D”, Development Services of By-law No. 2001-12, as amended, being the Delegation of Authority By-law.
  2. The release provided in accordance with subsection (1) shall be referred to as a Release of Agreement Report.
  3. The fee for the Release of Agreement Report is set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto.

Section 6A

  1. Upon written request of an applicant for information regarding illegal construction, structural integrity of the building, or plumbing orders under the jurisdiction of the Director, the Director shall provide the requested information from available records.
  2. The information provided in accordance with subsection (1) shall be referred to as the Rooming House Compliance Report.
  3. The fee for the Rooming House Compliance Report provided in accordance with subsection (1) is set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto. (2009-49)

Section 7 - Repeal

  1. The following by-laws or portions of by-laws of the old municipalities are hereby repealed:
    1. By-law Number 11-97 of the old Corporation of the City of Ottawa entitled “A by-law of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa respecting reports on compliance with by-laws and release of agreements under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Planning, Economic Development and Housing”;
    2. Item 4 under the heading “Miscellaneous Fees and Charges” in Schedule “A” of By-law Number 66-92 of the old Corporation of the Township of Cumberland entitled “Being a by-law to prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the processing of applications made in respect of building (construction) matters”, as amended; and
    3. the item “Request for Compliance Report” in subsection 2.5.1 of Schedule “B”, Planning & Development Services” of By-law No. 53- 00 of the old Corporation of the City of Kanata entitled “Being a By-law to establish the rates, fees and charges for various city services delivered by the municipality”.

Section 8 - Short title

This by-law may be referred to as “the Compliance Reports By-law.

Section 9 - Effective date

This by-law shall come into force on the 1st day of March, 2003. ENACTED AND PASSED this 26th day of February, 2003.

Schedule “A” (2025-23)

Summary Compliance Report (building permits and work orders)
Service Fees
Residential - 4 units/suites or less $ 131.00
Residential - more than 4 units/suites; and Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use - 10 units/suites or less $ 283.00
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use - 10 units/suites and under per building $ 283.00
Commercial, Industrial - more than 10 units/suites per building and up to 3 buildings $ 775.00
Plus, over 3 buildings additional per building $ 235.00
Zoning Compliance Report
Service Fees
Residential- 4 units/suites and under per building $ 283.00
Residential - more than 4 units/suites per building $ 725.00
Commercial/Industrial/Institutional/Mixed Use -10 suites/units and under per building $ 725.00
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use - more than 10 suites/unites per building and up to 3 buildings (including mobile home park) $2,105.00
Over 3 buildings additional per building (including mobile home park) $ 640.00
Updates (Within 90 days of original report)
Service Fees
Residential - 4 units/suites or less per building $ 131.00
Residential - more than4 units/suites per building $ 283.00
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use - 10 suites/units or less $ 283.00
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Mixed Use – more than 10 suites/units $ 539.00
Agreements and Misc.
Service Fees
Agreement Compliance Report (primary) $445.00 
Each amending agreement add $130.00
Release of Agreement - Primary Agreement $ 610.00
For each amendment agreement $ 130.00
Access to Building Permit Records $ 82.00
Provision of Zoning Designation/List of Permitted Uses $ 227.00
Schedule 26 Rooming House Report for Licensing Purposes $ 65.00
Pool Enclosure Compliance Report $ 221.00

A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting compliance reports and associated fees. 

Enacted by City Council at its meeting of February 26, 2003