A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting the delegation of authority to various officers of the City and to repeal By-law No. 2024-265 as amended.
The Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:
Section 1 - Definitions
In this by-law,
“Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005” means the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c.11, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Accessible Canada Act” means the Accessible Canada Act, S.O. 2019, c. 10, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“advertising” and “advertisement” means any message, the content of which message is controlled directly or indirectly by the advertiser expressed in any language and communicated in any medium (Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, October 2016);
“alteration”, for the purposes of Schedule “I”, means to change in any manner and includes to restore, renovate, repair, or disturb and “alter” has a corresponding meaning;
“Boundaries Act” means the Boundaries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. B.10, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Building Code Act” means the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“capital program” means a plan for capital expenditures to be incurred each year over a fixed period of years to meet capital needs arising from the long-term work program and each capital program includes:
- an annual envelope of budget authority;
- individual capital projects of a similar nature, size, scope of work and funding source; and
- the same categorization of individual projects as approved by City Council including but not limited to renewal of City assets and growth and strategic initiatives;
“Child Care and Early Years Act” means the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, S.O. 2014, c. 11, Schedul. 1, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“City” or “City of Ottawa” means the City of Ottawa as constituted as a body corporate on January 1, 2001 by section 2 of the City of Ottawa Act, 1999 or the geographic area of the City of Ottawa as the context requires;
“City Clerk” means the person appointed as City Clerk within the meaning of the Municipal Act and shall be referred to as the City Clerk;
“City Manager” means the chief administrative officer of the City within the meaning of the Municipal Act;
“City of Ottawa Act, 1999” means the City of Ottawa Act, 1999, S.O. 1999, c. 14, Sched. E, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer” means the person appointed and assuming the duties of Treasurer within the meaning of the Municipal Act, and refers to the person in the position of the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, Finance and Corporate Services Department;
“Condominium Act” means the Condominium Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.19, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Council” or “City Council” means the Council of the City of Ottawa;
“Day Nurseries Act” means the Day Nurseries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.D.2, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“designated property” means any property designated under Part IV or Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18;
“Development Charges Act, 1997”, means the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.27, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Dog Owners' Liability Act” means the Dog Owners' Liability Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.16, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“emergency application”, for the purposes of Schedule “I” of this By-law, means an application that has been prompted by a catastrophic event such as fire, flood or earthquake, that has damaged a designated heritage property and the property requires immediate attention or risk further damage or an application prompted by an immediate health and safety concern, but does not include properties that are in poor condition as a result of neglect;
“Expropriations Act” means the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 39, Sched. 1, S.O. 2021, c. 39, Sched. 1” means the Fixing Long-Term Care, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 39, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002” means the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 33, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“heritage attributes” means those attributes of a designated heritage property that express the cultural heritage value of the property;
“heritage conservation district” means a heritage conservation district established under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18;
“heritage permit” means a permit issued for alterations to a designation property under Sections 33(15) or Section 42(16) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
“Highway Traffic Act” means the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Homemakers and Nurses Services Act” means the Homemakers and Nurses Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.10, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Housing Services Act, 2011” means the Housing Services Act, 2011, S.O. 2011, c. 6., Sched. 1, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Land Titles Act” means the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.L.5., as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Line Fences Act” means the Line Fences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.17., as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Liquor Licence Act” means the Liquor Licence Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.19, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Mayor” means the chief elected representative of the City and the Head of Council, elected by a general vote;
“Ministry of Community and Social Services Act”, means the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.20, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“minor alteration” means a change to a designated property that does not have the potential to obstruct, remove, or significantly change its heritage attributes as defined by the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or the heritage conservation district guidelines or plan;
“Municipal Act” means the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Municipal Conflict of Interest Act” means the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Ombudsman Act” means the Ombudsman Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.6, as amended, and includes and Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997” means the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 25, Sched. B, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Ontario Heritage Act” means the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O.18, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Ontario Water Resources Act” means the Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.40, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Ontario Works Act, 1997” means the Ontario Works Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 25. Sched. A, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“preservation”, for the purposes of Schedule “I” of this By-law, means the action or process of protecting, maintaining, and/or stabilizing the existing materials, form and integrity of a historic place or of an individual component;
“property”, for the purposes of Schedule “I” of this By-law means real property and includes all buildings and structures thereon and includes a cultural heritage landscape;
“Public Service Works on Highways Act” means the Public Service Works on Highways Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.49, as amended, and includes and Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“Planning Act” means the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“restoration”, for the purposes of Schedule “I” of this By-law, means the action or process of accurately revealing, recovering or representing the state of a historic place or of an individual component, while protecting its heritage value;
“Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002” means the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 32, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable;
“sponsorship” means a mutually agreed to arrangement involving the City and a person or organization whereby the person provides external resources are provided. The sponsorship can be in the form of monetary, in-kind contributions, branding, programming, in-market activations, digital assets, advertising or naming rights, and may include sponsorship benefits such as brand recognition, public acknowledgement or other promotional considerations; and,
“Tile Drainage Act” means the Tile Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.8, as amended, and includes any Regulation passed under it, as applicable.
Section 2 - Resolution of Conflict
The City Manager is hereby authorized to resolve any conflict or ambiguity regarding the individual or individuals of the City authorized to exercise any delegation.
Section 3 - Delegation of Authority - General
- The City Manager is authorized to further delegate and to authorize further delegations of any powers, duties, functions, and appointments delegated to the City Manager by Council under this or any other by-law or resolution to any General Manager or Director of the City provided such delegations are authorized in writing.
- Where authority is delegated to a specific staff member in this by-law, the authority may be further delegated by the authorized person to staff members within the applicable department or branch provided that such delegation is authorized in writing and does not exceed the authority delegated by this by-law to the authorized person. The written sub-delegation must be provided to the City Clerk and filed in the Business Information Management System or the appropriate SharePoint site / records repository.
- Delegation of powers, duties, functions and appointments remain valid until revoked or amended, even if the author of the delegation is no longer City staff.
- Council, as delegating agent, may impose such terms and conditions upon any delegation as it sees fit except with Site Plan Control applications made under the Planning Act, and this shall include the power to vary such terms or rescind the delegation in question.
- Where delegations of authority have been authorized to a General Manager such authority includes the person acting in the specific position in all cases where a General Manager has not been formally appointed or a specific position formally filled.
Section 4 - Validity of Actions Taken
Any variation or rescission of a delegated authority pursuant to Section 3 shall have no effect on the validity of any action taken pursuant to a valid delegation of authority and occurring before the terms of such delegation were varied or rescinded.
Sections 5 to 8 - Emergency or Special Circumstances
Section 5
In cases of emergency or special circumstances where it is necessary to act within the normal mandate of a department, but such action is not strictly within the terms of a delegated authority, a General Manager or Director, in respect of their specific department, may take such action as necessary to rectify the situation.
Section 6
All action taken pursuant to Section 5 shall be reported immediately to the appropriate Standing Committee.
Section 7
In cases of emergency or special circumstances where it is necessary to take an action outside the normal mandate of a department, the City Manager may take such action as necessary to rectify the situation.
Section 8
All action taken pursuant to Section 7 shall be reported immediately to the appropriate Standing Committee and subsequently to Council.
Section 9 - Execution of Documents
The City Manager’s signature and the signatures of any other City employees with delegated signing power may be written, engraved, printed, lithographed, including by electronic means or measures or otherwise reproduced.
Section 10 - Conferences and Conventions
Funding for conferences, conventions and other similar events that exceed $10,000.00 shall be approved by the appropriate Standing Committee and Council.
Section 11 - Recruitment and Promotion
The City Manager, and a General Manager and their management team in respect of their specific department, individually are authorized to recruit and employ staff for approved positions or for temporary positions for which funds have been approved by Council, other than positions falling within the ambit of the Municipal Act, 2001 Part VI.1, and Ontario Regulation 530/22.
Section 12 - Dismissal
General Managers, Directors, or Managers of the applicable department individually are authorized to dismiss or discipline all employees under their authority, other than positions falling within the ambit of the Municipal Act, 2001 Part VI.1, and Ontario Regulation 530/22.
Section 13 - Petty Cash and Imprest Funds
A Director shall have authority to establish a Petty Cash or Imprest Fund for their branch or service area through the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer. Any procurement through a Petty Cash or Imprest Fund must be in compliance with the City’s Procurement By-law, being By-law 50 of 2000, as amended.
Section 14 - Delegations Contained in Schedules
In addition to the delegations set out above, further delegations are contained in Schedules “A” to “L” attached hereto.
Section 15 - Interpretation
- Each section of this by-law and every part of each section is an independent section or part of a section, and the holding of any section or part thereof to be void or ineffective for any cause shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any other sections or parts thereof.
- Headings are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of the provisions of this by-law.
- This by-law includes the Schedules annexed hereto and the Schedules are hereby declared to form part of this by-law.
Section 16 - Repeal
By-law No. 2024-265 as amended, entitled “A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting delegation of authority to various officers of the City and to repeal By-law No. 2023-67 as amended”, is repealed.
Section 17 - Short Title
This by-law may be referred to as the “Delegation of Authority By-law”.
Enacted and passed this 12 day of February 2025.
Sections 1 to 3 - General Responsibilities - City Manager
Section 1
The City Manager is the senior official of the City, provides organizational leadership of staff, and is responsible for the efficient and effective delivery of services.
Section 2
The City Manager is authorized to appoint an Acting City Manager to act during absences of the City Manager.
Section 3
- The City Manager shall:
- exercise all powers and duties set forth in Section 229 of the Municipal Act and shall carry out such additional duties and exercise such additional responsibilities as the Council may, from time to time, prescribe;
- develop and evaluate City policies and procedures;
- approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate;
- approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures;
- co-ordinate and supervise the implementation of all programs and policies approved by Council;
- annually assess the performance of the General Managers;
- create new positions, subject to funds being available in an approved annual budget; and
- with the assistance of the City Solicitor, direct collective bargaining with all employee groups.
Section 4 - Access to Records
The City Manager shall have full, free and unrestricted access to all records, reports, property and personnel of the City of Ottawa.
Section 5 - Leaves of Absence
The City Manager has the authority to approve leaves of absence by employees at the Director level and above on a with pay, with partial pay, or without pay basis for periods of time that are supported and submitted by the applicable General Manager.
Section 6 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - City Manager's Office
- The City Manager, the Director, City Manager’s Office, and the Chief Communications Officer/Director, Public Information and Media Relations, individually are authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 7 - Service, Special Interest Agreements and Funding Agreements - City Manager's Office
- The City Manager, the Director, City Manager’s Office, and the Chief Communications Officer/Director, Public Information and Media Relations, individually are authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, grant agreements and one time project-based funding agreements provided that such agreements are:
- in accordance with applicable City policies;
- related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - General Manager / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, Finance and Corporate Services
- The General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, Finance Services, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, Finance Services, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - General Responsibilities - Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer
The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer shall exercise all powers and duties of the Treasurer as set out in the Municipal Act and any other applicable legislation.
Section 3 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Finance and Corporate Services
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4 - Service and Funding Agreements - Finance and Corporate Services
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 5 to 15 - Corporate Finance and Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services
Section 5 - Transfer of Funds - Operating
- At the written request or with the concurrence of the City Manager or a General Manager in respect of their department, the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are authorized to make operating budget transfers between portfolios involving any type of expenditure which does not impact the Council-approved mandate of each portfolio and maintains or improves the current service level to the public provided that:
- such transfers do not result in an increase to the portfolios’ compensation budgets in current and future years; and
- the number of full-time equivalent positions within the portfolios is not increased.
- At the written request or with the concurrence of the City Manager or a General Manager in respect of their department, the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are authorized to make operating budget transfers within a portfolio involving any type of expenditure which does not impact the Council-approved mandate of each department and maintains or improves the current service level to the public provided that:
- such transfers do not result in an increase to the department’s compensation budgets in current and future years; and
- the number of full-time equivalent positions within the department is not increased.
- At the written request or with the concurrence of the General Manager or Director of a department, the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are authorized to make operating budget transfers within a department involving any type of expenditure which does not impact the Council-approved mandate of the department and maintains or improves the current service level to the public provided that:
- such transfers do not result in an increase to the department’s compensation budgets in current and future years; and
- the number of full-time equivalent positions within the department is not increased.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are authorized to make transfers pursuant to subsections (1) to (3) inclusive that result in a permanent decrease to a department’s compensation budget.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are authorized, at the written request of the City Manager, to transfer compensation and non-compensation budgets to effect organizational changes approved by the City Manager pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 Part IV.1.
Section 6
The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are authorized, upon the written request of a General Manager, to increase the gross estimates of a program in instances where the increase is permanently funded by way of increased recovery from sources external to the department.
Section 7
The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are authorized to make budget transfers to effect changes resulting from new or amended legislation or regulations, additional unforeseen revenues, accounting standards or rules, program budgeting or to increase transparency and accountability.
Section 8
The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to Sections 5 to 7, for the transfer of operating funds exceeding $200,000.00, shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council on at least a quarterly basis.
Section 9 - Transfer of Capital Funds
- Upon the written request of the City Manager, a General Manager, or a Director, the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to make capital budget transfers provided that,
- the total amount of the transfer between stand-alone capital projects does not exceed ten percent (10%) or $200,000.00 for the life of the capital project receiving the transfer, whichever amount is less;
- increases in the existing capital projects are offset by corresponding decreases in other capital projects;
- transfers of debt authority are within the same capital program or projects as approved by Council;
- transfers are of like sources of funding; and
- the funding split (between growth and non-growth) for transfers involving development charges is maintained.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to make transfers, without limit, between capital projects within an existing capital program provided that the transfer meets the requirements of clauses (b) to (e) inclusive of subsection (1).
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to make transfers, without limits, between the same capital programs provided that the transfer meets the requirements of clauses (b) to (e) inclusive of subsection (1).
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to increase the total capital project or program authority budget if new or additional revenue that is conditional upon the delivery of specific works in an approved project is received.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to make capital budget funding adjustments to refinance any capital project or program to effect changes resulting from new funding sources.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to make capital budget adjustments from a main program or project account to create separate project accounts greater than $200,000.00 provided that such adjustments result in improved monitoring, transparency and comparison on an annual basis.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (6) inclusive shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council on at least an annual basis.
Section 10
Operating and capital budget transfers within the City’s local boards and commissions require the authorization of the respective board or commission or its designate as per the respective Delegation of Authority By-law or procedures.
Section 11 - Park Capital Project Accounts
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to set up a capital project account from the cash-in-lieu of parkland reserve for a park or recreation facility development or the acquisition of new park lands upon the written request of the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, provided that,
- the conditions of subdivision approval contain specific provisions for development of the park;
- the Ward Councillor of the ward in which the park will be developed or acquired has concurred with the plan for the project; and
- funds are available in the park reserve for the ward in which the park is to be developed.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to set up a capital project account from the Parks and Recreation Facilities Reserve for a park development or recreation facility or parkland acquisition upon the written request of the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to set up a capital project account from the cash-in-lieu of parkland reserve for redevelopment of an existing park or additional components to a new park upon the written request of the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, provided that:
- the Ward Councillor of the ward in which the park will be redeveloped or the park in which additional components will be included has concurred with the plan for the park redevelopment or additions; and
- funds are available in the park reserve for the ward in which the park is to be redeveloped or in which additional components are to be included.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are delegated the authority to set up a capital project account from the Parks and Recreation Facilities Reserve for redevelopment of an existing park or recreation facility, or additional components to a new park or recreation facility, upon the written request of the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (4) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council on at least a quarterly basis.
Section 12 - Debt Issues
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer is authorized to proceed with one or more debt issues at any time during a calendar year during the term of Council provided that:
- the actual debt charges in the calendar year are within the Council approved operating budget for that year;
- Council has been advised of any resulting impact on budgets in future years; and
- the project debt authority has been previously approved by Council.
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer is authorized on behalf of the City of Ottawa to agree to incurring and paying on the City of Ottawa’s account all costs associated with the debt issued pursuant to subsection (1).
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer and the City Manager are jointly authorized to place any debenture by-law required for debt issued during the term of Council pursuant to subsection (1) directly on the Agenda of the Debenture Committee or City Council.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) and by the Debenture Committee pursuant to subsection (3) shall be reported to Council at the earliest opportunity after each debt issuance.
Section 13
The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer is authorized to proceed with one or more bank loans and to enter into bank loan agreements, interest rate exchange agreements, promissory notes and bond forward agreements at any time during a calendar year subject to the conditions of Section 12 of this Schedule as they apply to debt issues.
Section 14 - Loans under the Tile Drainage Act
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, individually are authorized to approve loans on behalf of the City of Ottawa pursuant to Section 3 of the Tile Drainage Act for the purpose of constructing drainage works on the following terms and conditions:
- the amount of monies loaned shall be in accordance with Section 7 of the Tile Drainage Act;
- the application shall be filed with the City Clerk and in the form approved by the Province of Ontario;
- approval of the loan shall not result in an expenditure of City funds;
- the amount of the loan to each individual owner of agricultural land shall be in accordance with existing Provincial policies and guidelines and shall not exceed $50,000.00 in any one fiscal year or any other amount as may be determined by the Province of Ontario from time to time as the maximum amount of the loan available to an individual in one fiscal year;
- the approval of loans shall be subject to a sufficient unused balance being available under the by-law authorizing the issuing of debentures by the City pursuant to the Tile Drainage Act; and
- the approval of loans shall be subject to funds being made available in the fiscal year for the purpose of the Tile Drainage Act by the Province of Ontario.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 15 - Treasury Services Contracts
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer is delegated the authority to purchase:
- fiscal agency or depository services;
- services for regulated financial institutions; or
- services related to the sale, redemption, and distribution of public debt, including loans and government bonds, notes, and other securities; financial services respecting the management of government financial assets and liabilities (i.e. treasury operations), including ancillary advisory and information services, whether or not delivered by a financial institution, provided that:
- the form and content of the contract has received approval from the City Solicitor; and;
- the purchase is within approved budget projections for the term of the contract.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 16 to 26 - Revenue Services
Section 16 - Extension Agreements for Tax Arrears
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, and the Program Manager, Collections and Cash Handling, individually are authorized to approve extension agreements for tax arrears for the City of Ottawa pursuant to the Municipal Act on the following terms and conditions:
- the extension agreement shall be in the format and contain the terms and conditions generally outlined in Appendix “A”; and
- the cancellation price subject to the payment schedule shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 17 - Local Improvements
- The Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance, the Deputy City Treasurer, Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Services, and the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, individually are delegated the authority to exercise the duties of Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer as prescribed under the Municipal Act with respect to local improvement charges.
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, is authorized to submit a local improvement to the Committee of Revision once seventy-five percent (75%) of the costs of such local improvement have been incurred.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 18 and 19 - Taxation Administration
Section 18
The Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue and the Program Manager, Collections and Cash Handling, individually are delegated the authority to exercise the duties of the Treasurer pursuant to Part X, Tax Collection and Part XI, Sale of Land for Tax Arrears of the Municipal Act.
Section 19
- The Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, is delegated the authority to hold meetings and make decisions pursuant to Sections 334, 356, 357, 357.1, 358, 359 and 359.1 of the Municipal Act provided that the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, complies with all provisions of the applicable section.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 20 - Property Assessment Proceedings
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, and the Program Manager, Property Assessment and PILTs, individually are delegated the authority to commence, maintain and settle proceedings at the Assessment Review Board and the Dispute Advisory Panel with respect to property assessment and taxation and payments-in-lieu of taxes subject to such instruction as may be issued by Council or the appropriate Standing Committee from time to time and in the conduct of such proceedings, the Finance and Corporate Services Department shall use the most efficient combination of staff and external resources as required to represent the interests of the City.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 21 - Charitable Rebate Program
- The Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, and the Program Manager, Customer Accounts, individually are delegated the authority to authorize payments under the tax rebate program for eligible charities as described in Section 361 of the Municipal Act and specific Council-approved rebate programs.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 22 - Write Off General Accounts
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer and the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, individually are authorized to write off general accounts receivable which the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer or the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, has determined to be uncollectible.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
- The list of amounts that have been written off over the previous year and the justification for writing off each item reported shall be maintained by the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue.
Section 23 - Repayment Agreements
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, and the Program Manager, Collections and Cash Handling, individually are delegated the authority to approve, conclude, and execute repayment agreements on behalf of the City provided that the agreement contains the following provisions:
- the amount owing to the City;
- default provisions, if applicable;
- interest provisions, if applicable; and
- a payment schedule.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 24 - Write off Payroll Overpayment Accounts
- The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer and the Director, Payroll, Pensions and Benefits, individually are authorized to write off payroll overpayment accounts that the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer or Director, Payroll, Pensions and Benefits has deemed to be uncollectible.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
- The list of amounts that have been written off over the previous year and the justification for writing off each item reported shall be maintained by the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue.
Section 25 - Tax Certificates and Water and Sewer Certificates
The Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, is authorized to sign Tax Certificates and Water and Sewer Certificates issued pursuant to By-law No. 2019-74, as amended, being the Water By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, and the signature of the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, may be written, engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise reproduced by electronic means or measures on these certificates.
Section 26 - Water and Sewer Billing
The Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, and the Program Manager, Water Billing and Meter Operations, individually are authorized to apply water and sewer billing estimates and/or adjustments to water accounts pursuant to By-law No. 2019-74, as amended, being the Water By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, or other Council-approved programs where consumption has not been recorded or has been incorrectly recorded.
Section 27 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Finance and Corporate Services Department
- The Director, ServiceOttawa, and the Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services, individually are authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 28 - Service, Special Interest Agreements and Funding Agreements - Finance and Corporate Services Department
- The Director, ServiceOttawa, and the Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services, individually are authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, grant agreements and one time project-based funding agreements provided that such agreements are:
- in accordance with applicable City policies;
- related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- within approved budget limits;
- and contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 29 and 30 - ServiceOttawa
Section 29 - Emergency or Special Circumstances - Reduction or waiver of service fees
- The General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, and the Director, ServiceOttawa, individually are authorized to reduce or waive the service fee for:
- Marriage Licences;
- Burial Permits; and
- Charges for photocopying;
in emergency or special circumstances for residents, charitable organizations and not for profit organizations.
Section 30 - City Merchandise
- The General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, and the Director, ServiceOttawa, individually are delegated the authority to:
- change the price of City merchandise sold internally and to the public to reflect the market demand provided the price does not exceed the amount established by Council in the annual operating budget; and
- set an interim price for new City merchandise received during the year pending approval of the price as part of the annual operating budget approval process.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported as part of the annual operating budget submission.
Information Technology Services
Sections 31 and 32 - Information Security
Section 31
The General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, the Chief Information Officer, and the Chief Information Security and Digital Risk Officer, individually are authorized to approve and implement policies, practices, and guidelines related to information security and privacy, and digital risk, including identifying and mitigating the risk of compromise and leading crisis resolution.
Section 32
- The General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Chief Information Officer, and the Chief Information Security and Digital Risk Officer, individually are authorized to approve the disconnection of any technology system where there is reason to believe that such system is at-risk of malfunction, of compromising the safety of the City’s information, of being misused, or of causing disruption to City operations or services.
- In the case of an IT-related emergency or special circumstance where time constraints will not allow for Council-approved purchasing procedures to be followed, the General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Chief Information Officer, and the Chief Information Security and Digital Risk Officer, individually are authorized to acquire the required external professional resources or equipment to mitigate or eliminate the IT-related emergency or special circumstance for the purpose of protecting City assets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 33 - Software Licence Agreements
- The General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer and the Chief Information Officer, individually are delegated the authority to negotiate, approve, conclude, and execute software license agreements on behalf of the City, as licensor, with other municipalities or local boards provided that:
- the software was developed by the City and the City owns the intellectual property in the software;
- there is no on-going obligation to provide support services to the other party;
- the transaction is at no cost to the City and may contribute to the recovery of the software development costs; and
- there are appropriate indemnification clauses satisfactory to the City Solicitor in the license agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Human Resources
Section 34 - Corporate Recognition Event Agreements
- The General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, and the Chief Human Resources Officer, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements related to the corporate recognition events provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved corporate programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Appendix A to Schedule B
Extension Agreement
This Agreement made Month, Day, Year
City of Ottawa (the “City”)
_________________ (the “Owner(s)”
Whereas the Owner(s) is/are the owner(s) of land in the City of Ottawa known municipally as ______________, which is legally described as:
(legal description) P.I.N. __________________;
And Whereas the Owner’s land is in arrears of taxes on December 31, YEAR in the amount of $____ and a tax arrears certificate was registered against the title to the Owner’s land in the Land Registry Office on MONTH, DAY, YEAR as Instrument No. OC_______________;
And Whereas, pursuant to section 378 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chap. 25, as amended (the “Municipal Act, 2001”), a municipality may authorize that an extension agreement be entered into between the City and the Owner(s) to extend the period of time in which the cancellation price in respect to the Owner’s land is to be paid;
And Whereas, in the City’s Delegation of Authority By-law, Council of the City delegated the authority to the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, the Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, and the Program Manager, Collections and Cash Handling, individually to approve extension agreements in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001;
And Whereas the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, or other authorized delegate, has approved this Agreement.
Therefore in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:
- The Owner shall pay to the City (a lump sum payment in the amount of $____ by MONTH DAY, YEAR-optional) and shall pay to the City, the sum of $___ monthly, payable on the last business day of each and every month commencing on MONTH, DAY, YEAR, to and including MONTH, DAY, YEAR. A final payment to pay any outstanding balance shall be made on MONTH, DAY, YEAR.
- Despite any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Municipal Act, 2001 shall continue to apply to the collection and enforcement of all taxes except that the City, without waiving its statutory rights and powers, and so long as the Owner is not in default under this Agreement, shall not enforce collection of tax payments during the term of this Agreement except as set out in paragraph 1.
- In the event the Owner(s) default(s) in any payments required by this Agreement, this Agreement shall, upon notice being given by the City to the Owner, cease to be a subsisting agreement and shall terminate and the Owner(s) shall be placed in the position they were before this Agreement was entered into.
- Immediately upon the Owner(s) making all the payments required under paragraph 1, this Agreement shall terminate and the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer shall immediately register a tax arrears cancellation certificate.
- Despite the provisions of paragraph 1, the Owner(s) or any other person may at any time pay the balance of the cancellation price and upon receipt of such payment by the City, this Agreement shall terminate and the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer shall immediately register a tax arrears cancellation certificate.
- This Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, successors and assigns.
- If any portion of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable, it shall be considered separate and severable from this Agreement and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
- Any notice required to be given to the Owner(s) shall be sufficiently given if sent by registered post to the Owner at the following address: ______________.
In Witness Whereof the parties have executed this Agreement on the date first above written.
City of Ottawa
Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer or Deputy City Treasurer, Revenue, or Program Manager, Collections and Cash Handling
Schedule “A” (to Extension Agreement)
In the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, and being described as: (legal description) P.I.N.__________________
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - City Clerk
- The City Clerk may amend any Council-approved policies, procedures and by-laws, and place the amending by-law on the agenda of Council for enactment, to reflect current department and corporate alignment, provided that it does not expand an employee’s delegated authority beyond what Council has delegated to the General Manager and/or the Head of the department.
- The City Clerk may amend any Council-approved Terms of Reference for Council committees, Council sponsors groups, and related-governance bodies, to reflect current department and corporate alignment, provided that it does not alter a committee’s or group’s mandate beyond what has been approved through any corporate organizational changes or re-alignments
- The City Clerk may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The City Clerk may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
- The City Clerk may approve minor housekeeping, administrative and technical amendments to Council-approved policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Office of the City Clerk
- The City Clerk is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 3 - Service and Funding Agreements - Office of the City Clerk
- The City Clerk is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4 - Appointment By-laws - Municipal Law Enforcement Officers
- The City Clerk is authorized to prepare by-laws to appoint or withdraw the appointment of persons as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers and to proceed directly to Council by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment provided that:
- the by-laws appoint or withdraw the appointment of persons as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for enforcement purposes; and
- the persons who are being appointed are:
- employees of the City whose duties include the enforcement of Provincial Acts and regulations and by-laws; or
- in compliance with the Council-approved Deputization Program of a former municipality for Non-City Staff to issue Parking Infraction Notices on private property or pedestrian malls established by the City; or
- the persons whose appointments are being withdrawn are:
- no longer employees of the City whose duties include the enforcement of Provincial Acts and regulations or by-laws; or
- no longer in compliance with the Council-approved Deputization Program of a former municipality for Non-City Staff to issue Parking Infraction Notices on private property or pedestrian malls established by the City.
Section 5 - Parking and Stopping By-laws
The City Clerk is authorized to proceed directly to Council by way of placing of a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment to implement the authority of the General Manager, Public Works, or the Director, Traffic Services, or the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, or the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, as applicable, respecting implementing changes in parking and stopping regulations and intersection controls approved under this by-law with respect to By-law No. 2017-301, as amended, being the Traffic and Parking By-law.
Section 6 - Fire Routes Designation By-laws
The City Clerk is authorized to proceed directly to Council to amend By-law No. 2003-499, as amended, being the Fire Routes By-law, as approved by the General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, or the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, pursuant to Section 9 - Fire Routes - of Schedule “F” of this by-law by way of placing a by-law directly on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Sections 7 and 8 - Accessibility Reports
Section 7
The City Clerk is authorized to execute and file with the designated Provincial authority all accessibility reports and other information required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
Section 8
The City Clerk is authorized to execute and file with the designated Federal authority all accessibility reports and other information required under the Accessible Canada Act.
Section 9 - Correction of Clerical and Minor Errors
The City Clerk is authorized to correct clerical, spelling, or minor errors of an administrative nature in by-laws and consolidation by-laws of the City by placing the appropriate amending or consolidation by-law directly on the Agenda of Council for enactment or re-enactment, and in reports to Standing Committees of Council and Council by placing the corrected report on the appropriate agenda with a notation made in the disposition section of the report that the report has been amended pursuant to this provision.
Sections 10 and 11 - Donation and Deposit of Library and Archival Materials
Section 10
- The City Clerk, the Manager, Legislative Services, and the City Archivist, individually are delegated the authority to negotiate, approve, conclude, and execute agreements related to the long-term deposit of library and archival materials in the City Archives, including executing deeds of gift and letters of acknowledgement as required, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives; and
- are within approved budget limits.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 11
- The City Clerk, the Manager, Legislative Services, and the City Archivist, individually are delegated the authority to negotiate, approve, conclude, and execute agreements related to archives facilities and programs, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 12 - Ombudsman Act
- The City Clerk is delegated the powers and duties of Council as head of a public sector body that is a municipality for the purposes of the Ombudsman Act.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - General Manager, Community and Social Services
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Community and Social Services
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 3 - Service and Funding Agreements - Community and Social Services
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4 - Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations and Social Development Services
- The Director and the Program Managers, individually are authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are related to Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations and Social Development Services’ initiatives, are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The Director and the Program Managers, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements related to Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations and Social Development Services’ initiatives, including but not limited to community programs and strategies, and for internal strategies that foster an inclusive workplace, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The Director and the Program Manager, Social Development and Funding, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements related to Social Development and Funding initiatives, community initiatives and community funding, including but not limited to Community Health and Resource Centres, Community Houses, day programs, food programs, counseling and support services, senior social services, poverty initiatives, and other community programs and services provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (3) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 5 and 6 - Employment and Social Services
Section 5
- The Director, Employment and Social Services, and the Program Manager, Employment Strategy Branch, individually are authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are related to employment and social services, are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, and the Director, Employment and Social Services, individually are delegated the authority to perform the provincially designated role of administrator under the Ontario Works Act, 1997.
- The Director, Managers, and Program Managers, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, and grant agreements related to social services, Social Assistance and Employment Ontario and related legislation, including but not limited to the Ontario Works Act, 1997, the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997, the Homemakers and Nurses Services Act, and employment initiatives provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (3) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 6
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, is authorized to approve the issuance of and sign cheques in emergency situations.
- The signature of the General Manager, Community and Social Services, may be written, engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced, including by electronic means or measures, on the emergency cheques issued pursuant to subsection (1).
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 7 - Long-Term Care
- The Director, Long-Term Care, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the provincial government provided that such agreements are related to long-term care, are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The Director, Long-Term Care, and the Administrator of each long-term care home, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, grant agreements, and other agreements related to long-term care provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services and the Director, Long-Term Care, individually are delegated the authority to sign and submit to Ontario Health the compliance declarations and all reports required to fulfill the City’s reporting obligations under accountability agreements, including the Long-Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement and the Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement, between Ontario Health and the City in relation to Carleton Lodge, Centre d’accueil Champlain, Garry J. Armstrong, and Peter D. Clark Long-Term Care Homes and the multi-sector programs delivered by the City, provided that the appropriate Standing Committee is informed by the General Manager, Community and Social Services, or the Director, Long-Term Care, on the annual planning submission, performance indicators, and other requirements for each compliance period under each accountability agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 8 and 9 - Housing and Homelessness Services
Section 8
- The Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, after consultation with the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services where appropriate, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are related to housing and homelessness issues, are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, after consultation with the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services where appropriate, is delegated the authority to perform the provincially designated role of Services Systems Manager, Homelessness and Housing.
- The Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, after consultation with stakeholders, is delegated the authority to allocate provincial funding related to the issues of housing and homelessness including but not limited to the Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (COCHI), the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB), and any new provincial funding programs that are to be administered by the City as Service Manager.
- The Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, and grant agreements funded by the City or the Provincial Government related to housing programs or issues of homelessness including the City Homelessness Funding (CHF), Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (COCHI), and the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB) and any provincial funding programs that are to be administered by the City as Service Manager provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, and the Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, individually are delegated the authority to perform the federally designated role of Community Entity for Homelessness and to allocate federal funding related to issues of homelessness, including the Reaching Home Strategy or any successor program and any new federal funding programs that are to be administered by the Community Entity for Homelessness.
- The Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements funded by the City or the Federal Government related to housing programs or issues of homelessness including the Reaching Home Strategy or any successor program and any new federal funding programs that are to be administered by the Community Entity for Homelessness provided that such agreements are:
- in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, and the Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, individually are delegated the authority to fulfill the responsibilities of the executed agreements in relation to the Reaching Home Strategy or any successor program and any new federal funding programs that are to be administered by the Community entity for Homelessness, including but not limited to hiring temporary staff and expending monies necessary to conduct contracted activities notwithstanding any hiring or spending limitations imposed on City departments provided all costs, including all administration costs, are covered by the federal funding.
- The Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend, and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements related to housing services legislation including the Housing Services Act, 2011, provide that such agreements:
- in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (8) inclusive shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 9
- The Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, is delegated the authority to allocate the funding envelope for Social Housing Repair to prescribed housing providers currently in receipt of annualized capital subsidy contributions as outlined in the legislation and operating agreement in a manner supported by data identified in the Asset Planner and the current level of capital subsidy contributions from the Service Manager.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 10 - Children's Services
- The Director, Children’s Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the provincial government provided that such agreements are related to child care and early years programs, are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, and the Director, Children’s Services, individually are delegated the authority to perform the provincially designated role of Service System Manager under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, to administer and allocate provincial and City child care funding and to approve, amend, extend, and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, and grant agreements related to provincial and/or City child care programs provided that the funding allocations and agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable provincial legislation, regulations and guidelines including the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, and applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 11 - Community Safety, Well-Being, Policy and Analytics Service
- The Director, Community Safety, Well-Being, Policy and Analytics Service is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are related to Community Safety, Well-Being, Policy and Analytics Service initiatives, are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The General Manager, Community and Social Services, and the Director, Community Safety, Well-Being, Policy and Analytics Service, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, execute and extend agreements related to social policy development and the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan within the Community and Social Services Department, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain the appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 3 to 13 - Service and Funding Agreements - Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services
Section 3
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements related to the use of unmanned air vehicles on City property, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies and by-laws;
- are in accordance with applicable federal and provincial statutes and regulations; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 5
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements related to the use of City recreational, administrative and cultural land, and any other municipal purpose facilities provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 6
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements related to the provision of instructors for community programs provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 7
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements related to purchase of service for the operation, management, and maintenance of recreation, sports, and cultural programs and any recreational, administrative, cultural, and other municipal purpose facilities provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 8
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facilities Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements related to cultural facilities and community major and minor capital partnership projects provided that such agreements,
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 9
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements related to recreation, culture, arts, heritage, festivals, fairs, and special events provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 10
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to adjust service offerings including participant, admission, rental, and other fees provided that such adjustments:
- do not exceed the Council-approved limited annual adjustment to fees, being the greater of 10% of the existing fee or $20;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives; and
- are within approved budget limits.
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to increase admission, rental and other fees on an interim basis for the upcoming year, to account for the annual inflationary increase projected for the upcoming year.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once each calendar year.
Section 11
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to provide final approval to Cultural Capital Facilities Grants provided that such allocations:
- singly or collectively, when multiple grants are approved, do not exceed the value of the capital budget provision approved for such grants; and
- are assigned in accordance with the recommendation of the Grants Review Group assigned to review applications and meet the eligibility criteria approved by Council.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 12
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to deaccession museum artifacts and historical objects provided that such deaccessioning,
- is in accordance with applicable departmental policies and the Corporate disposal of assets policy;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 13
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural, and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to negotiate, approve, conclude, and execute agreements related to programming, including events, occurring at the Urban Park of Lansdowne Park, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 14 - Utility Contracts
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to purchase electricity and natural gas and to execute utility contracts provided that:
- the purchases comply with the Council-approved Corporate Utility Procurement Policy;
- the form and content of the contract has received approval from the City Solicitor; and
- the purchase is within approved budget projections for the term of the contract.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 15 - Allocations of Arenas, Sports fields, Parks and Ball Diamonds
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is authorized to approve minor exceptions and adjustments to facility allocations policies, including adjustments in the designation of prime and non-prime hours, exceptions to cancellation provisions, adjustments to play time standards, exceptions to established deadlines for applications and permit cancellation notices, temporary changes to hours of operation, and one-time adjustments, provided that the minor exceptions and adjustments are:
- in accordance with applicable Council policies and directions;
- related to approved departmental service levels and objectives; and
- are within approved budget limits.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 16 - Hours of operation
The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is authorized to establish and adjust hours of operation for facilities, amenities, and lands, within the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services portfolio.
Section 17 - Interim Fees - New Programs and Services
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is authorized to approve interim fees for new recreation, cultural or facility programs, services and recoveries created during the year, provided that all newly-created fees under this authority will be included as part of the operating budget approval process for the subsequent year.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported as part of the annual operating budget submission.
Section 18 - Agreements - Arts Centres and Theatres
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements related to programming, recreation, culture, arts, heritage, festivals, fairs, and special events at municipal art centres, including the Arts Court, and at municipal theatres provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 19 - Agreements - Museums
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements related to programming, recreation, culture, arts, heritage, festivals, fairs, and special events at municipal museums provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 20 - Advertising and Sponsorship
- The Supervisors and Program Managers within a branch or service area individually are delegated the authority to approve sponsorships or advertising and execute associated agreements where the value of the sponsorship or advertising does not exceed $10,000.00 provided that the sponsorship or advertising and the associated agreement comply with the requirements of the City’s policies on Sponsorship and Advertising Using City Assets and Programs.
- The Managers within a branch or service area individually are delegated the authority to approve sponsorships or advertising and execute associated agreements where the value of the sponsorship or advertising does not exceed $50,000.00 provided that the sponsorship or advertising and the associated agreement comply with the requirements of the City’s policies on Sponsorship and Advertising Using City Assets and Programs.
- The Directors or General Managers within a department individually are delegated the authority to approve sponsorships or advertising, and to conclude and execute associated agreements of up to 5 years in term where the value of the sponsorship or advertising does not exceed $100,000.00 per year, provided that the sponsorship or advertising and the associated agreement complies with the requirements of the City’s policies on Sponsorship and Advertising Using City Assets and Programs.
- All General Managers within a department individually are delegated the authority to approve sponsorships or advertising, and to conclude and execute associated agreements of up to 10 years in term where the value of the sponsorship or advertising does not exceed $250,000.00 per year, provided that the sponsorship or advertising and the associated agreement complies with the requirements of the City's policies on Sponsorship and Advertising Using City Assets and Programs.
- The General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services is delegated authority to finalize and execute agreements for sponsorship naming rights, with Ward Councillor concurrence, for ancillary spaces and small amenities, provided that the sponsorship and naming rights and associated agreement complies with the requirements of the City's Sponsorship policy.
- The General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services is delegated authority to initiate future solicitations of billboard advertising and amend both policies to reflect administrative changes, provided that the associated agreement and initiatives complies with City by-laws and policies.
- The City Manager individually is delegated the authority to approve sponsorships or advertising and execute associated agreements where the value of the sponsorship or advertising do not exceed $3,000,000.00 per year up to 10 years in term provided that the sponsorship or advertising and the associated agreement comply with the requirements of the City’s policies on Sponsorship and Advertising Using City Assets and Programs.
- Despite subsections (1), (2) and (3), where any sponsorship or advertising exceeds ten (10) years in duration, the sponsorship or advertising shall be approved by the City Manager.
- The General Managers and the City Manager shall maintain a list of all sponsorships and advertising approved during the year and shall submit the list to the Partnership Manager of Corporate Advertising, Sponsorship and Donations at least once in each calendar year.
- The Partnership Manager, Corporate Advertising, Sponsorship and Donations, shall submit an annual list of all sponsorships and advertising with a value exceeding $25,000.00 to the appropriate Standing Committee for its information at least once in each calendar year.
- The annual list referred to in subsections (9) and (10) shall contain the following information:
- the name of the sponsor or advertiser;
- a description of the sponsorship or advertising;
- the value of the sponsorship or advertising; and
- the duration of the sponsorship or advertising.
Section 21 - Donations
- General Managers, Directors or Managers of the applicable Department individually are delegated the authority to negotiate, approve, conclude, and execute agreements related to donations, including executing deeds of gift and letters of acknowledgement as required, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives; and
- are within approved budget limits.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 22 - Cash-in-lieu of parkland
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, with the concurrence of the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, or the Manager of Parks and Facilities Planning Services, is authorized to approve, as a condition of development, the conveyance of land, cash-in-lieu of conveyance of parkland, or combination thereof for park or other recreational purposes whichever option, in the opinion of the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, or the Manager, is appropriate and in compliance with the applicable Official Plan policies and the Parkland Dedication By-law.
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, with the concurrence of the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, or the Manager of Parks and Facilities Planning Services, is authorized not to accept conveyance of land that is considered not suitable for use as parkland, in accordance with the Parkland Dedication By-law.
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, is delegated the authority to access and use cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication funds for any eligible project associated with an existing park or for the creation of a new park that is not associated with the development review process. This delegation is subject to the following:
- the use of cash-in-lieu funds from a Ward account requires the concurrence of the Ward Councillor;
- the acquisition of land requires the concurrence of the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, and the General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, and General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, are to be advised; and
- the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, shall confirm the availability of funds prior to committing funds to any project.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (3) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 23 - Parks and Recreation Facilities Reserve
The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, is delegated the authority to access and use Parks and Recreation Facilities Reserve funds for any eligible project associated with an existing park or recreation facility, additional components to a new park or recreation facility, the creation of a new park or recreation facility, or for acquisition of new parklands. This delegation is subject to the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, confirming the availability of funds prior to the commitment of funds to any project.
Section 24 - Maintenance and Liability Agreements
- The General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services is authorized to approve, conclude, and execute non-development related maintenance and liability agreements on behalf of the City provided that:
- the agreement contains insurance and indemnity provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor;
- the applicant agrees to carry out the work in accordance with the City’s specifications and to assume all costs related to the work; and
- the applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 25 - Commemorative Naming
- The General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, in consultation with the General Manager responsible for the asset being commemoratively named, is delegated the authority to approve minor commemorative naming applications that primarily have local or ward interest;
- The General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services has the delegated authority to make minor administrative amendments to the Municipal Commemoration and Commemorative Naming policies including adding to the list of eligible assets for commemoration, and to make minor edits to commemorative names approved by Council or under delegated authority to account for minor errors such as spelling, punctuation, or military abbreviations.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities – General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Emergency Management
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, Public Safety Service, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, grant agreements, purchase of service agreements and other agreements related to emergency management and planning for the City, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are in accordance with applicable federal and provincial statutes and regulations;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain the appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 3 and 4 - Corporate Security
Section 3
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, Public Safety Service, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreement, grant agreements, purchases of service agreements and other agreements related to the provision of corporate security services, including incident management and investigations, event security planning, threat and risk - assessments, and security system design, installation, management and monitoring, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are in accordance with applicable federal and provincial statutes and regulations;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain the appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, Public Safety Service, individually are delegated the authority to approve and implement policies, practices and procedures related to security at City facilities, including for the purpose of identifying and mitigating risks related to the safety of staff, Members of Council, and visitors, or the protection of City assets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 5 and 6 - Public Safety Services
Section 5
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, Public Safety Service, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute services agreements, contribution agreements, grant agreements, purchase of service agreement and other agreements related to the provision of corporate radios and the delivery of 9-1-1 services, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are in accordance with applicable federal and provincial statutes and regulations;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain the appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 6
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, Public Safety Service, individually are delegated the authority to issue notices to the public about emergency situations and appropriate actions to take in these circumstances. Notification shall be provided to the public in the following ways, as deemed most effective:
- Public service announcements;
- Interviews;
- Distribution lists;
- Online; and
- Mobile Applications.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 7 - Dog Owners' Liability Act
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, individually are delegated the authority to commence, maintain, and settle proceedings pursuant to the Dog Owners’ Liability Act subject to such instruction as may be issued by Council or the appropriate Standing Committee from time to time and in the conduct of such proceedings, the By-law and Regulatory Services Branch shall use the most efficient combination of staff and external resources as required to represent the City.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 8 - Parking Ticket Revenue Sharing
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, individually are delegated the authority to approve, execute, amend, or extend agreements respecting parking ticket revenue sharing with public service agencies or institutions provided that:
- the Parking Infraction Notices (PINs) are issued on private properties by deputized private property agents;
- the revenue sharing percentage is structured to ensure that the City realizes a minimum of 50% of the net revenues paid to the City for all PINs issued on the private property;
- the private property owner is an educational or health agency or institution;
- a minimum of 2,600 PINs have been issued on the property by deputized personnel in the year preceding the initiation of the agreement and in each subsequent year; and
- the agreement is in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 9 - Fire Routes
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, individually are authorized to approve amendments to By-law No. 2003-499, as amended, being the Fire Routes By-law, to designate fire routes required as a result of a site plan approval or a building permit and to extend the timeframe for the enforcement of fire route signage existing at the time of enactment of the Fire Routes By-law and for the harmonization of fire route signage.
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, individually are delegated authority to undertake any steps necessary to ensure the harmonization of fire routes, including signage, provided such actions are of an administrative nature.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 10 - Spay/Neuter Clinic
- The Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute agreements respecting the provision of veterinary services for the City’s Spay/Neuter Clinic provided that:
- the services to be contracted are within the approved budget; and
- the veterinarian,
- is licensed by the College of Veterinarians of Ontario;
- carries appropriate insurance and agrees to indemnify the City, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;
- agrees to perform functions and duties in accordance with established policies and procedures;
- provides emergency and on-call services each day that surgical services are provided; and
- submits a monthly service report.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year
Section 11 - Prohibition - Discharge of Firearms
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, individually are authorized to approve amendments to the boundaries of areas in which firearms may not be discharged pursuant to By-law No. 2002-344, as amended, being the Discharge of Firearms By-law, provided that:
- the affected Ward Councillor concurs with the amendment; and
- the amendment is required for the health and safety of the public, based on population and building density and other relevant factors in the affected area.
- The City Clerk is authorized to proceed directly to Council by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment in order to implement the exercise of authority pursuant to subsection (1).
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 12 - Appointments to Animal Care and Control Tribunal
- The City Manager and the City Clerk individually are authorized to appoint or withdraw the appointment, as the case may be, of members of the Animal Control Tribunal provided under By-law No. 2003-77, as amended, being the Animal Care and Control By-law, as may be required to fulfill the City’s obligations with respect to appeals of muzzle orders issued under the By-law.
- The City Clerk is authorized to proceed directly to Council by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment to implement the exercise of authority under subsection (1).
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 13 to 15 - Vehicle-for-Hire License Transfers and Renewals
Section 13
- The Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, is delegated the authority to approve and extend the timelines for license transfers and renewals, beyond the timelines provided under the Vehicle-For-Hire By-law No. 2016-272, as amended, under one or more of the following conditions if the applicant provides proof to the satisfaction of the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services:
- Legal proceedings;
- Illness or death; or
- Other similar circumstances.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 14
The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, is delegated the authority to adjust the annual allocation of fees generated through the Vehicle-for-Hire Accessibility Fund as necessary and as recommended by the Vehicle-for-Hire Accessibility Fund Steering Committee.
Section 15
The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, individually are delegated the authority to negotiate, finalize and execute voluntary accessibility surcharges with Private Transportation Companies.
Section 16 - Designation of Chief License Inspector
The Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, is designated the Chief License Inspector for the City of Ottawa.
Section 17 - Paramedic Service
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Chief, Ottawa Paramedic Service, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, execute, and extend agreements with the federal or provincial government, contribution agreements, inter-municipal agreements, purchase of service agreements, clinical placement agreements, and other agreements related to the operation of the Ottawa Paramedic Service, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to department programs and objectives;
- are within the approved budget; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 18 - Fire Service
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Chief, Ottawa Fire Service (Fire Chief), individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, execute and extend agreements with the federal or provincial government, inter-municipal agreements, purchase of service agreements and other agreements related to the operation of the Ottawa Fire Services, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to department programs and objectives;
- are within the approved budget; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 19 - Letters for Applications to Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario or City
- The Manager, Business and Technical Support Services, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Program Manager, Events Central, individually are authorized to issue:
- a letter of non-objection in respect of an application for a temporary extension of a liquor sales license for a premise for the purpose of creating an outdoor temporary patio in association with a special event; and,
- a letter of municipal significance, with notification to the local Ward Councillor, in respect of an application to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a public event special occasion permit for an event meeting the following criteria:
- up to 500 people are in attendance at any given time, or the event is proceeding through the City’s Special Event Advisory Team Process; and
- the event has social, cultural, and/or local economic development impacts within the City of Ottawa; and,
- the community will benefit from the event; and,
- a letter of municipal significance, with notification to the local Ward Councillor, in respect of an application to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a temporary extension of liquor sale services hours at a licensed premises, in association with an event proceeding through the City's Special Event Advisory Team Process pursuant to a Special Event Permit application in accordance with By-law No. 2013-232 (as amended).
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Director, By-law and Regulatory Services, individually are authorized to issue:
- a letter of non-objection in respect of an application to the City of Ottawa for a temporary extension of a liquor sales license a premise for the purpose of creating a seasonal patio on private property provided that:
- the application is submitted a minimum of 30 days in advance of the commencement date of the operations of the extended patio, and
- the applicant complies with all City of Ottawa by-laws including holding all required permits and licenses; and
- a letter of municipal significance, with notification to the Ward Councillor, for a premise holding a valid liquor license for a one- time temporary extension of liquor sale service hours, not beyond 5 am, provided that:
- the operator of the licensed premise submits the application a minimum of 30 days in advance of the commencement of the desired liquor sale service extension date,
- the applicant and the licensed premise comply with all City of Ottawa by-laws, including holding all required licenses and permits, and
- The General Manager or the Director have reviewed the enforcement history of the applicant and are of the belief that there is no concern to public health and safety or wellbeing of the surrounding community.
- The event has social, cultural, or local economic development impacts within the City of Ottawa; and
- The community will benefit from the event.
- a letter of non-objection in respect of an application to the City of Ottawa for a temporary extension of a liquor sales license a premise for the purpose of creating a seasonal patio on private property provided that:
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee of Council at least once in each calendar year.
Section 20 - Public Policy Development
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, and the Manager, Public Policy Development, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, execute and extend agreements related to the operations of public policy development, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain the appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 21 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Emergency and Protective Services
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, and grant agreements with federal or provincial governments or any funding organization or agency designated by these governments.
- The General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - General Manager, Transit Services
- The General Manager, Transit Services, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The General Manager, Transit Services, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Transit Services
- The General Manager, Transit Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 3 - Service and Funding Agreements - Transit Services
- The General Manager, Transit Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 4 to 6 - Transit Operations
Section 4
- The General Manager, Transit Services, is delegated the authority to make service adjustments to bus and O-Train service in response to operational needs and requirements, including changes to individual O-Train lines and bus routes schedules and bus stops, provided such changes are in compliance with applicable City by-laws and in accordance with the policies of Transit Commission and Council.
- The General Manager, Transit Services is delegated the authority to designate new Park and Ride Lots within the City provided that such Park and Ride Lot is within approved budget limits and is in accordance with approved transit programs and objectives.
- The General Manager, Transit Services is delegated the authority to change the hours of operation of the Park and Ride Lots to reflect changes in transit schedules and other operational requirements.
- The General Manager, Transit Services, is delegated the authority to approve, conclude and execute agreements for the provision of transit service for significant public events, celebrations, festivals, conventions, and similar events to an external organization, even free of charge to the external organization, provided such service is within approved budget limits, complies with applicable City by-laws, and is in accordance with the policies of Transit Commission and Council.
- The General Manager, Transit Services, is delegated the authority to approve, conclude, execute and extend agreements for group payment of fares approved by Council for all members of a group of potential transit customers, such as a universal pass, provided such agreements are in compliance with applicable City by-laws, and in accordance with policies of the Transit Commission and Council.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (5) inclusive shall be reported to the Transit Commission at least once in each calendar year.
Section 5
- The General Manager, Transit Services, is authorized to approve and execute amendments to benefit agreements in respect of transit services where there is no increased cost to the City and provided that the affected bargaining agent agrees with the amendment.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the Transit Commission as soon as is practicable.
Section 6 - O-Train Trillium Line – O-Train Confederation Line - Regulatory Obligations
- The City Manager or their designate is delegated the responsibility as the senior executive accountable for the operations and activities of the Capital Railway O-Train Line 2 (“O-Train Trillium Line”), including the safety management system, railway operating certificate, and other matters imposed by applicable Federal legislation and regulations, and is authorized to take all necessary actions to fulfill the City’s obligations for regulatory filings required by Transport Canada or other Federal departments and agencies under applicable Federal legislation.
- The City Manager or their designate is delegated the authority for and responsibility for the operations and activities of the O-Train Line 1 (O-Train Confederation Line), including the safety management system and other regulatory matters imposed by applicable Federal legislation and regulations, and are authorized to take all necessary actions to fulfill the City’s obligations for filings required by the Delegation Agreement with Transport Canada or other applicable Federal departments and agencies under applicable legislation, and to fulfill all regulatory reporting requirements to City Council.
- The exercise of delegated authority under subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in every calendar year.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Soil Tests
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, is delegated the authority to sign standard form agreements with the National Capital Commission in order to carry out routine soil tests on National Capital Commission lands abutting City roads, easements, or rights of way.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 3 - Water Services Agreements
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, the Director, Water Facilities and Treatment Services, and the Director, Water Linear and Customer Services, individually are delegated the authority to approve and execute standard form agreements for:
- joint water service agreements, where required as a condition of a Planning Act approval; and
- water service, where a property does not abut a service main to be serviced.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4 - Non-Municipal Water/Wastewater Systems
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, the Director, Water Facilities and Treatment Services, and the Director, Water Linear and Customer Services, individually are delegated the authority to:
- grant municipal consent for the approval on non-municipal drinking water systems pursuant to the provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002;
- approve, execute, and amend standard form non-municipal or communal water and wastewater system responsibility agreements provided that such agreements contain insurance, indemnity, and financial assurances to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and
- take any action necessary to administer the operation of the systems described in clauses (a) and (b).
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 5 - Discharge, Hauled Waste and Leachate Agreements
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, the Director, Water Facilities and Treatment Services, and the Director, Water Linear and Customer Services, individually are delegated the authority to enter into and execute or amend sewer discharge agreements or permits, permits for the disposal of hauled liquid materials, and leachate agreements in accordance with Section 9 of By-law No. 2003-514, as amended, being the Sewer Use By-law, or any successor by-law thereto.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 6 - Compliance Certificates
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, the Director, Water Facilities and Treatment Services, and the Director, Water Linear and Customer Services, individually are delegated the authority to issue or amend compliance certificates for sewer and waste disposal programs in accordance with Section 10 of By-law No. 2003-514, as amended, being the Sewer Use By-law, or any successor by-law thereto.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 7 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Infrastructure and Water Services
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, is delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend, and execute service agreements, contribution agreements, and grant agreements with federal or provincial governments or any funding organization or agency designated by these governments provided that these agreements are:
- related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 8 - Service and Funding Agreements - Infrastructure and Water Services
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 9 - Grants and Rebates
- The City Manager and the General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, individually are authorized to approve grants and rebates, and approve, amend, extend and execute appropriate agreements for the High Volume User Program, the Protective Plumbing Program, the Compassionate Grant Program, and the Lead Pipe Replacement Program, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are within approved budget limits; and,
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least one in each calendar year.
Section 10 - Maintenance and Liability Agreements
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, the Director, Water Facilities and Treatment Services, and the Director, Water Linear and Customer Services, individually are authorized to approve, conclude, and execute non-development related maintenance and liability agreements on behalf of the City provided that:
- the agreement contains insurance and indemnity provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor;
- the applicant agrees to carry out the work in accordance with the City’s specifications and to assume all costs related to the work; and
- the applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 11 - Ontario Water Resources Act
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, as arranged with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, is delegated the authority to grant approvals pursuant to the applicable sections of the Ontario Water Resources Act.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 12 to 17 - Infrastructure Services
Section 12 - Transportation Guidelines
The General Manager, Public Works, the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Traffic Services, and the Director, Transportation Planning, individually are delegated the authority to establish, implement and amend City Planning and Design Guidelines related to transportation infrastructure such as, but not limited to, Complete Streets, Intersection and Corridor Design Guidelines and Transportation Impact Assessment Guidelines. The Director, Infrastructure Services, is delegated the authority to establish, implement, and amend City standards and specifications for the design and construction of municipal infrastructure.
Section 13 - Municipal Infrastructure Design Guidelines
The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, and the Director of Infrastructure Services, individually are authorized to establish, implement, and amend design guidelines, standards, and specifications for the design and construction of municipal infrastructure.
Section 14 - Accessibility Design Standards
The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, and the Director of Infrastructure Services, individually are delegated the authority to make technical changes or clarifications to the City of Ottawa Accessibility Design Standards when deemed necessary and shall report back to appropriate Standing Committee and Council annually through the City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP) report, and to the Accessibility Advisory Committee.
Section 15 - Third Party Infrastructure Agreements
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, is delegated the authority to enter into agreements with a third party to reimburse the City for infrastructure works that the City completes on behalf of the third party provided that:
- for a non-government party, the total value of the works to be completed shall not exceed $500,000.00 and the funds owing by the third party shall be fully secured to the satisfaction of the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer; and
- for a government party, the total value of the works to be completed shall not exceed $750,000.00.
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, is delegated the authority to negotiate, conclude, and execute agreements with a third party to complete works that are contemplated in a subdivision agreement, where the third party is a developer and a party to the subdivision agreement.
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, is delegated the authority to negotiate, conclude, and execute agreements with a third party to reimburse for work completed on behalf of the City provided that such agreements are consistent the departmental mandate, are within approved budgets and that
- for a non-government party, the total value of the works to be completed on behalf of the City of Ottawa shall not exceed $1,000,000.00 and shall be established by way of a competitive procurement process; and
- for a government party, the total value of the works to be completed on behalf of the City of Ottawa shall not exceed $5,000,000.00 and will be subject to the government party’s procurement policies.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (3) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 16 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Infrastructure Services
- The Director of Infrastructure Services, the Managers, Design and Construction Branches (Facilities and Municipal), and the Director, Asset Management Service, individually are authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government and with any crown agencies provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 17 - Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, and the General Manager, Public Works, individually are delegated the authority to enter into agreements with a locator pursuant to the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 18 - Boundaries Act
The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, is delegated the authority to make applications under the Boundaries Act to confirm city road boundaries.
Section 19 - Alternate Locate Agreements
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, and the General Manager, Public Works, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute alternate locate agreements for low-risk work deemed to have minimal damage risk to City-owned underground infrastructure, such as water, sewer, streetlighting and traffic signal infrastructure.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Planning, Development and Building Services
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 3 to 8 - Subdivision
Section 3
- For applications commenced prior to March 28, 1995, the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve applications under Section 51(1) of the Planning Act, subject to the conditions of Ontario Regulation 476/83 and the following conditions:
- the draft conditions of approval are supported by the applicant and the Ward Councillor of the ward in which the application is located;
- compliance with the relevant policies of the City’s Official Plan;
- the proposed development does not require the expenditure of municipal funds over and above those funds recovered by development charges or for which an allocation has been made in a Council approved budget; and
- delegated authority has not been withdrawn by the appropriate Standing Committee.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4
- For applications commenced on or after March 28, 1995, the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve applications under Section 51 of the Planning Act subject to the following conditions:
- the draft conditions of approval are supported by the applicant and the Ward Councillor of the ward in which the application is located;
- compliance with the relevant policies of the City’s Official Plan;
- the proposed development does not require the expenditure of municipal funds over and above those funds recovered by development charges or for which an allocation has been made in a Council approved budget; and
- delegated authority has not been withdrawn by the appropriate Standing Committee.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 5
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to revise, clarify, or change conditions of a draft approved plan or make such other revisions deemed necessary pursuant to Section 51 of the Planning Act.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 6
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to refuse subdivision applications provided that:
- the applicant has not agreed to the proposed conditions of approval;
- the Ward Councillor of the ward in which the application is located concurs with the refusal; and
- delegated authority has not been withdrawn by the appropriate Standing Committee.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 7
Where the Ward Councillor has indicated in writing that such Councillor desires that delegated authority granted pursuant to Sections 3, 4 or 6 of this Schedule be removed from the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, or a Manager of Development Review, as applicable, all authority under Section 51 of the Planning Act for any actions not taken to the date of the receipt of the written request to remove delegated authority shall rest with the appropriate Standing Committee.
Section 8
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are delegated the authority to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a plan of subdivision where:
- the City is the owner of lands within the plan of subdivision that are intended for a public purpose; and
- draft approval for the plan of subdivision has been given by the City in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act and this by-law.
Sections 9 to 11 - Condominiums
Section 9
- For applications commenced prior to March 28, 1995, the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve applications under Section 50 of the Condominium Act, subject to the conditions of Ontario Regulation 475/83 and the following conditions:
- the draft conditions of approval are supported by the applicant and the Ward Councillor of the ward in which the application is located;
- compliance with the relevant policies of the City’s Official Plan;
- the proposed development does not require the expenditure of municipal funds over and above those funds recovered by development charges or for which an allocation has been made in a Council approved budget; and
- delegated authority has not been withdrawn by the appropriate Standing Committee.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 10
- For applications commenced on or after March 28, 1995, the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve applications under Section 50 of the Condominium Act subject to the following conditions:
- the draft conditions of approval are supported by the applicant and the Ward Councillor of the ward in which the application is located;
- compliance with the relevant policies of the City’s Official Plan;
- the proposed development does not require the expenditure of municipal funds over and above those funds recovered by development charges or for which an allocation has been made in a Council approved budget; and
- delegated authority has not been withdrawn by the appropriate Standing Committee.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 11
Where the Ward Councillor has indicated in writing that such Councillor desires that delegated authority granted pursuant to Sections 9 or 10 of this Schedule be removed from the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, or a Manager of Development Review, as applicable, all authority under Section 50 of the Condominium Act for any actions not taken to the date of the receipt of the written request to remove delegated authority shall rest with the appropriate Standing Committee.
Sections 12 to 14 - Part Lot Control Exemptions
Section 12
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve part lot control exemption applications subject to the applicant agreeing to the standard conditions of approval.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 13
Where the Ward Councillor has indicated in writing that such Councillor desires that delegated authority granted pursuant to Section 12 of this Schedule be removed from a Manager of Development Review, all authority under Section 50 of the Planning Act for any actions not taken to the date of the receipt of the written request to remove delegated authority shall rest with the appropriate Standing Committee.
Section 14
- Where a break should occur in the City Council meeting schedule such that there are twenty-two days or more between regular business meetings, the Director of Planning Services shall be delegated the authority to enact by-laws for the exemption from Part Lot Control pursuant to the Planning Act, Section 50 in respect of the land for which a part lot control exemption is sought.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be dependent upon the Director having received the concurrence of the Ward Councillor in respect of the land for which such exemption is sought prior to enactment.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 15 - Site Plan Control
- The Director of Planning Services is appointed to approve Site Plan Control applications. The Director may delegate or extend approval authority, at their discretion to the Managers of Development Review, and/or the staff person to whom the site plan application has been assigned to, provided the application complies with the relevant policies of the Official Plan.
- The exercise of the appointed authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 16 - Cash-In-Lieu of Parkland
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, with the concurrence of the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, or the Manager of Parks and Facilities Planning Services, is authorized to approve, as a condition of development, the conveyance of land, cash-in-lieu of conveyance of parkland, or combination thereof for park or other recreational purposes whichever option, in the opinion of the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, or the Manager, is appropriate and in compliance with the applicable Official Plan policies and the Parkland Dedication By-law.
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, with the concurrence of the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, or the Manager of Parks and Facilities Planning Services, is authorized not to accept conveyance of land that is considered not suitable for use as parkland, in accordance with the Parkland Dedication By-law.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 17 - 30 cm Reserves
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve the release and conveyance of reserves of land held for the purposes of development control and not exceeding 30 centimetres in width to the holder in fee simple of the property abutting the reserve providing all conditions of the release have been satisfied.
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to refuse the release and conveyance of reserves of land held for the purposes of development control and not exceeding 30 centimetres in width to the holder in fee simple of the property abutting the reserve in circumstances where one or more of the conditions required for the release have not been satisfied.
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve the release and dedication as part of the public highway of land not exceeding 30 centimetres in width held for the purposes of development control providing all conditions of release and dedication have been satisfied.
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to refuse the release and dedication as part of the public highway of land not exceeding 30 centimetres in width held for the purposes of development control in circumstances where one or more of the conditions required for the release and dedication have not been satisfied.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (4) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 18 - Road Closures
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve applications for road closures where the applications are initiated as part of the development approval process provided that the applicant is in agreement with all conditions related to the closure and no objection is received to the closure as a result of the public notice requirements of the Municipal Act, and the By-law No. 2002-522, as amended, being the Public Notice By-law.
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve applications for road closures where the applications are not associated with the development approval process provided that the applicant is in agreement with all conditions related to the closure and no objection is received to the closure as a result of the public notice requirements of the Municipal Act and By-law No. 2002-522, as amended, being the City’s Public Notice By-law.
- Where an objection has been received to an application for road closure pursuant to subsections (1) or (2), the appropriate Standing Committee shall hold a public hearing and the decision of the Committee is final.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 19 - Road Openings
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve applications for road openings when the application is initiated as part of the development approval process and the applicant is in agreement with conditions related to the road opening.
- The Managers of Development Review individually are delegated the authority to proceed with opening of a City road or a portion of a City road provided that:
- the road opening is for the purpose of routine road operations including construction and rehabilitation;
- the road opening has been approved by City Council in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act; and
- funds have been approved in the annual operating or capital budget.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 20 - Release of Agreements
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve the release of site plan agreements registered on title where:
- the release is a condition of a new site plan approval or a revision to a site plan;
- the release of an agreement is initiated by the Planning, Development and Building Services Department;
- the terms of the agreement have been completed or the terms of the agreement have been satisfied by the requirements of another agreement or the site is in compliance with the approved plans except that the site is found to vary from the registered agreement in that the “as built” development differs from the approved site plan only by way of additional planting or replacement of approved planting with comparable plant materials or the location of hydro vaults, enclosures for the storage of garbage and waste material or garden sheds;
- the registered owner pays all costs associated with the release of the agreement;
- in the case of residential developments governed by site plan control, all financial securities have been released;
- in the case of non-residential developments governed by site plan control, the release of the agreement is no earlier than five (5) years following the release of all financial securities; and
- there is no history of non-compliance, complaints and enforcement regarding the terms and conditions of the agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 21 - Release of Financial Securities
The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve the release or partial release of financial securities related to subdivision and site plan control approvals provided that compliance with the terms and conditions for which the securities are held has occurred.
Sections 22 and 23 - Reduction or Waiver of Application Fees
Section 22
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is authorized to reduce or waive the application fee for,
- Official Plan amendments,
- Zoning By-law amendments,
- site plan control applications,
- subdivision applications, or
- as otherwise required under the Planning Act
that is of a minor or technical nature.
Section 23
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is authorized to waive the application fee for,
- lifting part lot control,
- demolition control,
- lifting holding by-law (where not tied to Site Plan Control approval),
- lifting 30cm reserve,
- standard plan of condominium applications, or
- as otherwise required under the Planning Act
where a decision was not rendered on-time under the Guaranteed Application Timeline Initiative by way of the issuance of a fee waiver letter.
Section 24 - Letters of Undertaking
The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is authorized to approve minor revisions to the standard form for Letters of Undertaking approved by Council on July 11, 2001, provided that the intent of the standard form for Letters of Undertaking is maintained.
Section 25 - Lifting Holding Zones
- The Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve applications for lifting Holding Zones provided that the prescribed preconditions for the Holding Zone have been met.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 26 - Other Information and Materials Required
In addition to the prescribed information identified by regulation made under the Planning Act, the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is authorized to require any person or public body that applies for an Official Plan or Zoning By-law amendment, or for draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium approval, to provide such other information that the City may require pursuant to section 51(18) of the Planning Act.
Section 27 - Cemeteries
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are delegated the authority to approve an application to establish, alter or increase a cemetery or crematorium pursuant to the provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, as amended, and forward the approval to the Registrar appointed under this Act provided that:
- the cemetery complies with the relevant provisions of the applicable Zoning By-law; and
- the Ward Councillor has no objections to the approval.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 28 - Infrastructure Extension Agreements
The Director, Planning Services, Director, Infrastructure Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are delegated the authority to approve and execute an extension to standard form infrastructure agreements in accordance with the terms and conditions approved by Council from time to time and to make revisions of a minor technical or administrative nature to these agreements.
Section 29 - Part IV and Part V - Ontario Heritage Act
- The Manager, Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, and the Program Manager, Heritage Planning, Planning, Development and Building Services, or their designate, individually are delegated the following authority with respect to properties that are designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act:
- to issue notices of inclusion in the Register according to Section 27(5) and (6) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to process notices of objection under Section 27(8) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to receive notices of intention to demolish non-designated buildings or structures listed on the Register pursuant to Section 27(9) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to request plans and information pursuant to Section 27(11) required as part of the 60 days’ notice required under Section 27(9) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to enter into agreements with property owners to waive or extend the 90-day timeline for issuance of a Notice of Intention to Designate after the occurrence of a prescribed event, as described in Ontario Regulation 385/21 – General - Section 1;
- to process Notices of Objection under Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act and ensure consideration by Council within statutory timelines;
- to enter into agreements with property owners to waive or extend the 120-day statutory timeline for the passage of a designation by-law under Section 29(8) of the Ontario Heritage Act, and as described in Ontario Regulation 385/21 – General - Section 2;
- to enter into agreements with property owners to waive or extend the 90-day timeline prescribed under Sections 33(6) and 34 (6), pursuant to Sections 33(7) and 34 (4.3), of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to prescribe additional materials and information required for applications under Sections 33(1) and 34(1), pursuant to Section 33(3) and 34(3) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to receive and issue notices of complete or incomplete application for heritage permits pursuant to Section 33 and Section 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to approve heritage permit applications under Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act that meet the definition of an emergency application;
- to consent to applications to alter buildings used for religious or Indigenous spiritual practices, pursuant to Section 33 (22) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to approve heritage permit applications relating to minor alterations which include the following classes of alterations:
- restoration or preservation projects including projects funded through the Heritage Property Grant Program;
- changes or renovations to additions or outbuildings such as changes to barns, garages, or modern additions not identified in the Statement of Reason for Designation or the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value;
- landscape alterations including but not limited to tree removal, new hard landscaping, new soft landscaping and new driveways where the proposal does not impact the heritage attributes of the designated property;
- alterations that do not adversely impact or remove the heritage attributes of a property;
- additions that meet both of the following criteria:
- the size is less than 30 per cent of the floor area of the existing building defined as the total area of all floors contained within the exterior walls of the building; and,
- the proposal does not adversely impact the heritage attributes of the property as defined in the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Statement of Reason for Designation;
- additions that do not exceed 50% of the floor area of the existing building defined as the total area of the existing building defined as the total area of all floors contained within the exterior walls of the building and that create new residential unit(s), as defined by the Zoning By-law as amended, and do not adversely impact the cultural heritage value or attributes of the property as defined in the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value;
- construction of detached accessory structures, including, but not limited to garages, coach houses and sheds, which do not impact the heritage attributes of the property;
- demolition of detached accessory structures including barns, outbuildings, and garages where the demolition does not impact the cultural heritage value of the property;
- demolition of additions not identified in the Statement of Reason for Designation or the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value; and
- extension or re-issuance of heritage permits previously considered by the Built Heritage Sub-Committee or the Built Heritage Committee and issued by City Council where the proposal and the relevant policy framework are substantially unchanged since the initial approval..
- The Manager, Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, and the Program Manager, Heritage Planning Branch, or their designate, individually are delegated the following authority with respect to properties that are designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act:
- to receive and issue notices of receipt for heritage permit applications that are received by the City pursuant to Section 42 (3) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to prescribe the required contents of an application under Section 42(1), pursuant to Section 42(2.2) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to enter into agreements with property owners to waive or extend the 90-day timeline prescribed in Section 42(4), for applications made under Section 42(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- to approve heritage permit applications under Section 42(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act that meet the definition of an emergency application;
- to approve heritage permit applications under Section 42(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act which include the following classes of alterations:
- restoration or preservation projects including projects funded through the Heritage Property Grant Program,
- alterations to accessory or outbuildings such as changes to barns, garages, and sheds that meet the requirements of the applicable heritage conservation district plan or guidelines,
- landscape alterations including but not limited to tree removal, new hard or soft landscaping and new driveways where the proposed alterations meet the requirements of the applicable heritage conservation district plan or guidelines,
- alterations that do not adversely impact the heritage attributes of the property or the heritage conservation district and that meet the requirements of the applicable heritage conservation district plan or guidelines;
- additions that meet both of the following criteria:
- the size is less than 30% of the floor area of the existing building defined as the total area of all floors contained within the exterior walls of the building; and
- the proposal meets the heritage conservation district guidelines or heritage conservation district plan.
- additions that do not exceed 50% of thefloor area of the existing building, defined as the total area of all floors contained within the exterior walls of the building, that create new residential unit(s), as defined by the Zoning By-law as amended, and meet the policies and guidelines of the applicable heritage conservation district plan;
- construction of detached accessory structures including but not limited to garages, coach houses or sheds, that meet the requirements of the applicable heritage conservation district plan or guidelines;
- demolition of detached accessory structures including barns, outbuildings, and garages where the demolition does not impact the cultural heritage value of the property or district and meets the applicable heritage conservation district plan or guidelines;
- demolition of additions where the demolition does not impact the cultural heritage value of the property or heritage conservation district and meets the applicable heritage conservation district plan or guidelines; and
- extension or re-issuance of heritage permits previously considered by the Built Heritage Sub-Committee or the Built Heritage Committee and issued by City Council where the proposal and the relevant policy framework are substantially unchanged since the initial approval
- The delegated authority in subsections (1) and (2) includes the authority to approve applications with conditions.
- The delegated authority in subsections (1) and (2) does not include the power to refuse an application.
- All applications that do not meet the criteria in subsections (1) and (2) will be forwarded to the Built Heritage Committee, the appropriate Standing Committee, and Council for approval. Other applications that may meet the criteria in subsections (1) and (2) may be forwarded to the Built Heritage Sub-Committee, the appropriate Standing Committee, if applicable, and Council for approval at the discretion of the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services.
- The Program Manager, Heritage Planning Branch, Planning, Development and Building Services, shall notify the Ward Councillor of any heritage permit application received. The Ward Councillor may, within five (5) business days following notification, provide comments to the Program Manager on the heritage permit application and may at any time prior to issuance of the permit withdraw the authority delegated in subsections (1) or (2). If the delegated authority is withdrawn, the heritage permit application will be forwarded to the Built Heritage Committee, the appropriate Standing Committee, if applicable, and Council.
- The Program Manager, Heritage Planning Branch, Planning, Development and Building Services, is authorized to reduce or waive the application fee for permits under the Ontario Heritage Act that meet one of the following requirements:
- Applications processed under the authority delegated to staff including:
- Those that meet the definition of restoration, rehabilitation, or preservation according to the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada;
- Building maintenance projects;
- Landscaping projects.
- Applications related to demolishing or rebuilding existing buildings affected by catastrophic events; or
- Applications related to alterations of properties to bring them into compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
- Applications processed under the authority delegated to staff including:
- The Manager, Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, Planning, Development and Building Services, will bring forward to the Built Heritage Committee and Council once every calendar year, an annual information report of heritage permits issued under delegated authority.
Section 30 - Front Ending Agreements - Road Modifications
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is delegated the authority to approve and execute agreements for City funding of road modifications to be carried out by applicants for planning approvals provided that:
- the agreement is consistent with Council’s approved front ending policy;
- the money to fund the work is within the department’s approved budget;
- the modifications are to be tendered to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services; and
- the applicant obtains at least three quotations for the work satisfactory to the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 31 - Development Approval Enforcement
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to enforce conditions of development approvals and award contracts to carry out the work where the enforcement entails work valued at $50,000.00 or less or where securities to guarantee completion of the work are held by the City in the amount necessary to complete the work.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 32 - Transportation Guidelines
The General Manager, Public Works, the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Traffic Services, and the Director, Transportation Planning, individually are delegated the authority to establish, implement and amend City Planning and Design Guidelines related to transportation infrastructure such as, but not limited to, Complete Streets, Intersection and Corridor Design Guidelines and Transportation Impact Assessment Guidelines. The Director, Infrastructure Services, is delegated the authority to establish, implement, and amend City standards and specifications for the design and construction of municipal infrastructure.
Section 33 - Special Vehicle Permits
The Manager of Right-of-Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services and the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, individually are delegated the authority to issue permits for heavy vehicles, oversized vehicles and heavy loads pursuant to Section 110 of the Highway Traffic Act or any applicable City by-law.
Section 34 - Miscellaneous Permits
- The Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, the Program Manager, Inspections and the Program Manager, Public Realm and Urban Design, individually are authorized to issue permits for private approaches, encroachments, road cuts, and right of way patios, in accordance with the applicable by-law and approved policy.
- The Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, the Program Manager, Inspections, and the Program Manager, Public Realm and Urban Design, individually are authorized to waive the requirements of By-law No. 2003-447, as amended, being the Private Approach By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, including procedural requirements, as appropriate, where there are technical reasons to support the waiver based on the development review process.
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to waive the requirements of By-law No. 2003-498, as amended, being the Use and Care of Roads By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, where there are technical reasons to support the waiver based on the development review or building permit process.
- The Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, the Program Manager, Inspections, the Program Manager, Public Realm and Urban Design, as well as the Director of Planning Services and Managers of Development Review, individually are authorized to issue permits for water and sewer connections.
- Subject to subsection 34 (5) (b), the Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, and the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, individually are authorized to issue approvals for temporary road closures in accordance with the Road Activity By-law No. 2003-445, as amended.
- The authority under subsection 34 (5) (a) as well as under the Road Activity By-law No. 2003-445, as amended, may not be exercised to authorize the temporary closure of a road for more than 20 days to support development without the written concurrence of the Ward Councillor in which the portions of the road proposed to be closed are located
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (5) inclusive shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 35 - Encroachments
- The Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, the Program Manager, Inspections, and the Program Manager, Public Realm and Urban Design, individually are authorized to approve encroachment permits, execute encroachment agreements, release encroachment agreements, and consent to the assignment of encroachment agreements in accordance with By-law No. 2003-446, as amended, being the Encroachments on City Highways By-law, or any successor by-law thereto.
- The Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, the Program Manager, Inspections, and the Program Manager, Public Realm and Urban Design, individually are authorized to waive the requirements of By-law No. 2003-446, as amended, being the Encroachments on City Highways By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, where there are technical reasons to support the waiver.
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Public Works, is delegated the authority to modify the Winter Cycling Network as each cycling project is completed in accordance with winter cycling needs, connectivity, and affordability.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (3) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 36 - Release of Easements (Development)
- The Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review individually are delegated the authority jointly with the City Solicitor to approve and execute the release of easements for waterworks and sewage works in development related situations to the holder in fee simple of the lands that are subject to the easement for nominal consideration where the utility services provided by these works at the location of the easements have been discontinued.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 37 - Release of Easements (Non-Development)
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is delegated the authority jointly with the City Solicitor to approve and execute the release of easements for waterworks and sewage works in non-development situations to the holder in fee simple of the lands that are subject to the easement for nominal consideration where the utility services provided by these works at the location of the easements have been discontinued.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 38 - Maintenance and Liability Agreements (Development)
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review, and the Program Manager, Inspections (Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design) individually are authorized to execute development related maintenance and liability agreements on behalf of the City provided that:
- the agreement contains insurance and indemnity provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Officer, Insurance Services;
- the applicant agrees to carry out the work in accordance with the City’s specifications and to assume all costs related to the work; and
- the applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 39 - Maintenance, Liability and Funding Agreements (Non-Development)
- The Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage Urban Design Services, the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, the Program Manager, Public Realm and Urban Design and the Program Manager, Inspections are authorized to approve, conclude and execute non-development related funding and/or maintenance and liability agreements on behalf of the City provided that:
- the agreement contains insurance and indemnity provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor;
- the applicant agrees to carry out the work in accordance with the City’s specifications and to assume all costs related to the work; and
- the applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 40 - Intersection and Road Modifications
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Director, Transportation Planning, individually are delegated the authority to proceed with intersection or road modifications provided that
- there are no outstanding written objections in response to notice given by the City pursuant to the requirements of the Municipal Act and in accordance with the requirements of By-law No. 2002-522, as amended, being the Public Notice By-law; and
- the respective Ward Councillor has concurred with the modifications.
- Where a site plan is subject to road modifications, the approval of the road modifications shall be made in accordance with section 15 - Site Plan Control.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 41 - Pipe Crossing Agreements
- The Managers of Development Review individually are delegated the authority to enter into and execute standard pipe crossing agreements in development situations.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 42 - Utility Relocation Costs
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review, individually are authorized, in the absence of an agreement with a utility, to determine a cost sharing agreement in accordance with the Public Service Works on Highways Act where, in the course of constructing, reconstructing, changing, altering or improving a highway, it becomes necessary to take up, remove, or change the location of the utility works as part of the development process.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 43 - Municipal Consent
- The Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, as well as the Program Manager, Right-of-Way individually are authorized to approve, with or without conditions, applications for Municipal Consent by a third party to place infrastructure in a specific location within the right-of-way provided the third party has either an agreement with or authorization from the City, or authority under federal or provincial legislation to install the infrastructure within the right-of-way.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 44 - Municipal Review of Antenna Systems
- The staff person to whom the application for municipal review of an antenna system or residential use antenna system has been assigned is delegated the authority to provide:
- concurrence;
- concurrence with conditions; or
- non-concurrence
on behalf of the City to the applicant and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in accordance with the Municipal Concurrence and Public Consultation Process for antenna systems as approved by Council, provided that the applicant has complied with all applicable requirements as outlined therein.
- the exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in a calendar year.
Section 45 - Appointment of Fence-Viewers Under the Line Fences Act
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, and the Director, Planning Services, individually are authorized to appoint or withdraw the appointment, as the case may be, of fence-viewers for the City of Ottawa as may be required to carry out the provisions of the Line Fences Act.
- The City Clerk is authorized to proceed directly to Council by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment to amend By-law 2004-293, or any successor by-law thereto, in order to implement the exercise of authority under subsection (1).
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 46 - Appointment of Municipal Investigators (Livestock Valuers)
- The Director, Planning Services, individually are authorized to appoint or withdraw the appointment, as the case may be, of municipal investigators (livestock valuers) for the City of Ottawa as may be required for the purposes of the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 47 - Amendments to Schedule "A" of Use and Care of Road By-law
- The Manager, Right-of-Way, Heritage Urban Design Services, and the Program Manager, Right-of-Way, individually are delegated the authority to amend Schedule “A” of By-law No. 2003-498, as amended, being the Use and Care of Roads By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, with respect to invasive species.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year
Sections 48 to 51 - Building Code Services
Section 48 - Limiting Distance Agreements
The Chief Building Official is authorized to negotiate and execute limiting distance agreements between the City and owners of properties with a contiguous property line regarding exceptions to the limiting distance requirements of the Building Code Act, in accordance with the provisions of that Act.
Section 49 - Conditional Building Permits
- The Chief Building Official is authorized to execute agreements related to the issuance of a conditional building permit where:
- the conditional building permit application complies with the requirements prescribed by the Building Code Act, 1992;
- the conditional building permit application complies with the conditional building permit policy; and
- the applicant and all departments and agencies having an interest in the application are in agreement with the conditions.
Section 50 - Release of Agreements
- The Chief Building Official is authorized to approve the release of agreements, including maintenance and liability agreements and encroachment agreements entered into as a condition of site plan control where,
- an owner or authorized agent or bona fide purchaser or authorized agent or mortgagee has requested the release in writing;
- the requirements of the agreement have been fulfilled;
- all parties having jurisdiction over the terms or conditions of the agreement have agreed to the release;
- in the case of residential developments governed by site plan control agreements, all financial securities have been released;
- in the case of non-residential developments governed by site plan control agreements, the release of the agreement is no earlier than five (5) years following the release of all financial securities;
- the costs associated with the registration of the release of the agreement are incurred by the applicant; and
- the authority to release the agreement has not been withdrawn by City Council.
- The Chief Building Official is authorized to approve the release of agreements, including maintenance and liability agreements and encroachment agreements entered into as a condition of subdivision, condominium, cash-in-lieu of parking, demolition control, or zoning approvals, or heritage agreements, as part of the compliance or enforcement process subject to the following conditions:
- an owner or authorized agent or bona fide purchaser or authorized agent or mortgagee has requested the release in writing;
- the requirements of the agreement have been fulfilled;
- all parties having jurisdiction over the terms or conditions of the agreement have agreed to its release;
- the applicant for the release agrees to assume all costs associated with the release of this agreement; and
- the authority to release the agreement has not been withdrawn by the appropriate Standing Committee.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 51 - Provincial Agreements
- The Chief Building Official is delegated the authority to enter into agreements with the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provided that such agreements:
- relate to the Chief Building Official’s mandate under the Building Code Act, 1992;
- are at no cost to the City with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs which costs are within approved budgets; and
- contain appropriate termination, insurance and indemnity provisions as applicable.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 52 - Licence of Occupation Agreements
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is delegated the authority to negotiate, amend, extend, and execute license of occupation agreements for private infrastructure installed in City rights-of-way provided that the agreements contain:
- insurance and indemnity provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and
- a licence fee commensurate with the size, length, and type of infrastructure installed in the City’s right-of-way.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 53 - Municipal Access Agreements
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is delegated the authority to negotiate, amend, extend, execute and renew Municipal Access Agreements for the construction, maintenance and operation of transmission lines installed in City rights-of-way pursuant to the Telecommunications Act (S.C. 1993, c.38) provided that the agreements contain insurance and indemnity provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 54 - Utility Relocation Costs
- The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, and the Managers of Development Review, individually are authorized, in the absence of an agreement with a utility, to determine a cost sharing agreement in accordance with the Public Service Works on Highways Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.49 where, in the course of constructing, reconstructing, changing, altering, or improving a highway, it becomes necessary to take up, remove, or change the location of the utility works as part of the development process.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 55 - Services in Lieu of Development Charges and Oversizing
The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, is delegated the authority to enter into agreements for the installation of works approved by the City which are identified in Schedule “D” to Development Charges By-law 2019-156 as amended, and to reimburse for reasonable costs of such works in accordance with the amounts set forth in Schedule “D” of By-law 2019-156 as amended.
Section 56 - Demolition Control
The General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, may delegate to the Director, Planning Services and / or to the Managers, Development Review any of the General Manager’s authority pursuant to the Demolition Control By-law 2012, being By-law 2012-377.
Section 57 - Ward Councillor Approval
- Notwithstanding any other Section in this Schedule, where the concurrence of a Ward Councillor is required for a planning approval under this Schedule and the Ward Councillor declares a pecuniary interest in the matter pursuant to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, concurrence may be given either:
- jointly by a Chair or Vice-Chair of the Planning and Housing Committee or the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, as applicable; or
- by the Mayor, where the Chair or Vice-Chair has declared a pecuniary interest in the matter.
Section 58 - Vacancy of a Ward Councillor
During the vacancy of a Ward Councillor position pursuant to Section 259 of the Municipal Act, the Mayor may exercise any of the authority of this Schedule that would ordinarily reside with the Ward Councillor.
Section 59 - Minor Zoning Amendment Applications
- The Managers of Development Review individually are authorized to approve minor zoning amendment applications.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
- Where the Ward Councillor has indicated in writing that such Councillor desires that delegated authority granted pursuant to subsection (1) be removed from a Manager of Development Review, all authority under Section 34 of the Planning Act for any actions not taken to the date of the receipt of the written request to remove delegated authority shall rest with Council through recommendation from the appropriate Standing Committee.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - General Manager, Public Works
- The General Manager, Public Works, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department's mandate.
- The General Manager, Public Works, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Public Works
- The General Manager, Public Works, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 3 - Service and Funding Agreements - Public Works
- The General Manager, Public Works, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4 - Maintenance and Liability Agreements
- The General Manager, Public Works, and the Director, Traffic Services, individually are authorized to approve, conclude and execute non-development related maintenance and liability agreements on behalf of the City provided that:
- the agreement contains insurance and indemnity provisions satisfactory to the City Solicitor;
- the applicant agrees to carry out the work in accordance with the City’s specifications and to assume all costs related to the work; and
- the applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 5 - Intersection and Road Modifications
- The General Manager, Public Works, and the Director, Traffic Services, individually are delegated the authority to proceed with intersection or road modifications provided that:
- there are no outstanding written objections in response to notice given by the City pursuant to the requirements of the Municipal Act, 2001, and in accordance with the requirements of By-law 2002-522, as amended, being the City’s Public Notice By-law; and
- the respective Ward Councillor has concurred with the modifications.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 6 - Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012
(1) The General Manager, Public Works and the General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, individually are delegated the authority to enter into agreements with a locator pursuant to the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012.
(2) The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 7 - Signs, Traffic Signals, Pavement Markings, and Street Lighting
- The General Manager, Public Works, and the Director, Traffic Services, individually are delegated the authority to approve, erect and maintain such signs, traffic control signals, pavement markings, and other traffic control devices as may be required to regulate and direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic for the safety and convenience of the public.
- The General Manager, Public Works, and the Director, Traffic Services, individually are delegated the authority to approve the erection and maintenance of such street light fixtures, street light poles, and associated street lighting devices as may be required provided that the erection and maintenance is in accordance with the approved City Right-of- Way Lighting Policy and it is for the safety and convenience of the public.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 8 - Unwarranted All-Way-Stop-Controls
- The General Manager, Public Works and the Director, Traffic Services, individually are authorized to install unwarranted all-way- stop-controls for safety improvements under the following conditions:
- All-way stop control (AWSC) is deemed appropriate to help reduce frequency and/or severity of collisions at the intersection in question based on the recommendations of an In-Service Road Safety Review (ISRSR);
- The location was identified and prioritized for an ISRSR by Traffic Services within the Public Works Department. It was selected through annual collision data monitoring and network screening as one with a high risk of collisions resulting in fatal and/or major injuries likely to benefit most from safety improvements; and,
- The intersection must be deemed suitable by Traffic Services staff for the implementation of an AWSC, and internal reviews, where considered appropriate, must align with the ISRSR findings.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 9 - Temporary Road Closures
- The General Manager, Public Works, and the Director, Traffic Services, individually are delegated the authority to temporarily close a City road or a portion of a City road provided that the road closure is for the purpose of routine road operations including construction, rehabilitation, or maintenance and appropriate signs are erected to provide reasonable notice of the temporary closure.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 10 - Temporary Traffic and Parking Control
- The General Manager, Public Works, the Director, Traffic Services, and the Director, Roads and Parking Services, individually are delegated the authority to prohibit and regulate the movement, parking, or stopping of vehicles for a temporary period, including the temporary closing of a City street during such times and days as deemed proper and necessary for the safe operation of the street and the safe performance of a vital City function, and to erect appropriate signs to provide reasonable notice thereof.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 11 - Controlled Access Roads
- The General Manager, Public Works, is delegated the authority to close any private road, entranceway, gate, or other structure or facility constructed or used as a means of access to a controlled access road in accordance with By-law No. 2017-301, as amended, being the City’s Traffic and Parking By-law, or any successor by-law thereto.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 12 and 13 - Traffic and Parking By-law
Section 12
- Subject to Council-approved and departmental policies and in accordance with By-law No. 2017-301, as amended, being the Traffic and Parking By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, the General Manager, Public Works, and the Director, Traffic Services, individually are delegated the authority to establish and implement changes in parking and stopping regulations and intersection controls to the following:
- parking prohibitions,
- stopping prohibitions, including special events,
- standing prohibitions,
- parking zones,
- bus zones,
- bus time point zones,
- Para Transpo Bus Zones,
- school bus loading zones,
- hotel loading zones,
- diplomatic loading zones,
- excursion loading zones,
- police vehicle zones,
- bookmobile zones,
- motorcycle zones,
- taxi zones,
- loading zones,
- pedestrian crossover zones,
- school crosswalk zones,
- tour bus zones,
- roundabouts,
- through highways,
- stop control at intersections,
- yield control at intersections,
- multi-way control at intersections,
- turn prohibitions including cyclist and vehicular exemptions where appropriate,
- pavement markings,
- truck routes,
- truck route load designations,
- multiple lane highways,
- pedestrian crossing prohibitions,
- pedestrians and pedestrian malls,
- reserved bus lanes,
- reserved bicycle lanes,
- bicycles,
- reserved high occupancy vehicle lanes,
- controlled access roads,
- speed limits,
- temporary road closures for traffic and parking matters, including special events,
- temporary amendments to regulations for construction.
- The General Manager, Public Works, and the Director, Traffic Services, individually are authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize an amendment to By-law No. 2017-301, as amended, being the Traffic and Parking By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, pursuant to subsection (1) by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 13
- Subject to Council-approved and departmental policies and in accordance with By-law No. 2017-301, as amended, being the Traffic and Parking By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, the General Manager, Public Works, is delegated the authority to establish and implement changes in parking and stopping regulations to the following:
- metered parking zones;
- pay and display parking machine zones; and,
- paid parking zones.
- The General Manager, Public Works, is authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize an amendment to By-law No. 2017-301, as amended, being the Traffic and Parking By-law, or any successor by-law thereto, pursuant to subsection (1) by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 14 - Municipally-Managed Parking Rates - Off-Street
- The General Manager, Public Works, and the Director, Roads and Parking Services, individually are delegated the authority to vary off-street public parking rates at any time throughout the year to reflect seasonal and market adjustments or to encourage sustainable modes of transportation, provided the variation of the rates is consistent with the Municipal Parking Management Strategy and is within the range approved by Council as part of the annual budget.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on an annual basis as part of the Municipal Parking Management Strategy Annual Report.
Section 15 - Municipally-Managed Parking Rates - On-Street
- The General Manager, Public Works, is delegated the authority to vary existing on-street parking rates, vary the times of day and days of the week when on-street parking rates are in effect, and to introduce on-street parking rates in new areas, provided the variation or introduction is consistent with the Municipal Parking Management Strategy and is within the range approved by Council as part of the annual budget.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on an annual basis as part of the Municipal Parking Management Strategy Annual Report.
Section 16 - Transportation Guidelines
The General Manager, Public Works, the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Traffic Services, and the Director, Transportation Planning, individually are delegated the authority to establish, implement, and amend City Planning and Design Guidelines related to transportation infrastructure such as, but not limited to, Complete Streets, Intersection and Corridor Design Guidelines and Transportation Impact Assessment Guidelines. The Director, Infrastructure Services, is delegated the authority to establish, implement, and amend City standards and specifications for the design and construction of municipal infrastructure.
Section 17 - Discharge, Hauled Waste and Leachate Agreements
- The General Manager, Public Works, is delegated the authority to enter into and execute or amend sewer discharge agreements or permits, permits for the disposal of hauled liquid materials, and leachate agreements in accordance with Section 9 of By-law No. 2003-514, as amended, being the Sewer Use By-law, or any successor by-law thereto.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 18 - Compliance Certificates
- The General Manager, Public Works, is delegated the authority to issue or amend compliance certificates for sewer and waste disposal programs in accordance with Section 10 of By-law No. 2003-514, as amended, being the Sewer Use By-law, or any successor by-law thereto.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 19 - City Consents and Certificates of Approval
- The General Manager, Public Works, is delegated the authority to approve Municipally-owned solid waste facilities, liquid waste facilities, and short term waste facilities, to approve and execute agreements related thereto, and to provide technical comments to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on all Environmental Compliance Approval applications.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 20 - Alternate Locate Agreements
- The General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services, and the General Manager, Public Works, individually are delegated the authority to approve, amend, extend and execute alternate locate agreements for low-risk work deemed to have minimal damage risk to City-owned underground infrastructure, such as water, sewer, streetlighting and traffic signal infrastructure.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 1 - Purchase of Insurance
- The City Solicitor is delegated the authority to purchase insurance to protect the City including claims adjusting, insurance brokerage services, and related services provided that the costs are within approved operating budget guidelines and the purchase of insurance complies with the provisions of By-law No. 50 of 2000, as amended, being the City’s Procurement By-law, or any successor by-law thereto.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 2 to 5 - Legal Proceedings
Section 2
The City Solicitor is authorized to represent the City, to advance the City’s interests, and to defend the City by taking any step or action that is necessary and proper in respect of any legal proceeding affecting the City, including arbitrations, mediations, interim proceedings, and litigation before any court, tribunal, or other forum, subject to such instruction as may be issued by Council or the appropriate Standing Committee from time to time, and in the exercise of such authority, the City Solicitor shall use the most efficient combination of staff and external legal services as required.
Section 3
The City Solicitor is authorized to conduct prosecutions on behalf of the City and on behalf of the Attorney General of Ontario in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement, including appeals.
Section 4
- In exercising the authority granted by Sections 2 and 3, the City Solicitor shall have the authority to:
- appeal, and seek review or reconsideration, of any judgment, decision, order, or award in any legal proceeding, regardless of the forum;
- authorize the payment of all expenses related to the conduct of any legal proceeding and the payment of any costs awarded against the City;
- execute all documents required to conduct any legal proceeding or conclude the settlement of any legal proceeding; and
- take all steps required to enforce orders, decisions, awards, and judgments.
Section 5
The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to Sections 2 and 3 shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Sections 6 and 7 - Exceptional Circumstances
Section 6
Where time constraints or other circumstances will not allow for the required authority-granting procedures to be followed with respect to any legal matter, the City Solicitor shall have the authority to take the appropriate action and report such action to Council or the appropriate Standing Committee of Council at the earliest opportunity.
Section 7
The City Solicitor shall give notice, whenever possible, to those Members of Council that may reasonably be expected to have an interest in any legal proceeding involving the City.
Section 8 - Estates of Residents of Long-Term Care Homes
- The City Solicitor shall have the authority to act as the representative of the City for the purposes of providing for the due and proper administration of the estates of the deceased residents of the City’s Long-Term Care Homes under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, where no next-of-kin are available or willing to administer the estate.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Section 9 - Hearings of Necessity
- The City Solicitor shall have the authority in expropriation cases to pay the cost of the owners in appearing at the Hearing of Necessity as provided for in subsection 7(7) of the Expropriations Act.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Section 10 - Claims - Insurer
The City Solicitor is delegated the authority to approve payment to the City’s Insurers of any deductible limit provided under an insurance policy upon settlement of any claim in excess of the deductible limit.
Sections 11 to 14 - Claims - Settlements
Section 11
The City Solicitor is delegated the authority to settle both litigated and non-litigated claims, to abandon any part of such claims, and make payments where the total amount of the claim settlement is an amount not exceeding the amount of $1,000,000.00.
Section 12
The City Manager is delegated the authority to settle both litigated and non-litigated claims, to abandon any part of such claims, and make payments where the total amount of the claim settlement is an amount not exceeding the self-insured retention limits under the City’s insurance program.
Section 13
The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to Sections 11 and 12 shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Section 14
Where the City Solicitor determines a claim of the City to be unrecoverable, in whole or in part, and the total claim amount does not exceed the amount referred to in Sections 11 and 12, the City Solicitor or the City Manager, as applicable, have the authority to abandon the claim or any part of it, including writing off any amount owing to the City.
Section 15 - External Counsel
The City Solicitor is assigned the exclusive authority for retaining all external legal counsel required by the City.
Section 16 - Land Under the Land Titles Act
The City Solicitor shall have the authority to make applications under the Land Titles Act to bring under the Act such lands of the City as the City Solicitor deems proper, or for the conversion of such lands to absolute title under the Land Titles Act.
Section 17 - Reserves
- The City Solicitor shall have the authority together with any one of the Managers of Development Review to approve the release and conveyance of reserves of land held for purposes of development control and not exceeding 300 mm (one foot) in width, to the holder in fee simple of properties abutting upon the reserves of land to be released and conveyed for nominal consideration.
- The City Solicitor shall have the authority jointly with the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, to release utility easements where the utility services or works at the location of the easements have been discontinued to the holder in fee simple of lands subject to the easements for nominal consideration.
Section 18 - Easements for Water Works and Sewage Works
- The City Solicitor shall have the authority, together with any one of the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, or the Managers of Development Review, to approve the release of easements for water works and sewage works in development related situations to the holder in fee simple of the lands subject to the easement for nominal consideration where utility services provided by these works at the location of the easements have been discontinued.
- The City Solicitor shall have the authority, jointly with the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services, to approve the release of easements for water works and sewage works in non-development situations to the holder in fee simple of the lands subject to the easement for nominal consideration where utility services provided by these works at the location of the easements have been discontinued.
Section 19 - Extension Agreements for Tax Arrears
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize extension agreements approved by the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer pursuant to Section 16 - Extension Agreements for Tax Arrears - of Schedule “B” by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Section 20 - Loans Under the Tile Drainage Act
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize rating by-laws made pursuant to Section 8 of the Tile Drainage Act and based upon loans approved by the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer pursuant to Section 14 - Loans under the Tile Drainage Act - of Schedule “B” by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Section 21 - Development Charges Deferral Agreements
- The City Solicitor shall have the authority to conclude, approve, and execute deferral agreements entered into pursuant to Section 27 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, and release of the said deferral agreements provided that:
- the applicant agrees to pay the development charges within twelve (12) months of the issuance of each building permit for the project or the date the project receives an occupancy permit, whichever comes first;
- the applicant agrees to pay interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum on the total amount of the development charges outstanding;
- the agreement terminates if the building permit is not issued within six (6) months of the date of the agreement or construction has not commenced within three (3) months after the first building permit is issued;
- the City retains the right to have the development charges collected as taxes, together with interest at the rate charged by the City for unpaid taxes, if the applicant fails to comply with any terms of the agreement;
- the applicant agrees that, if the applicant ceases to be the registered owner of the lands subject to the development charges, the development charges and interest shall be immediately due and payable; and
- the applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of this agreement.
- For development that consists of other than single detached homes, semi-detached homes and townhomes (row houses or stacked), the period in clause (1)(a) may be extended to twenty-four (24) months unless the concurrence of the Ward Councillor is withdrawn.
- Where the concurrence of the Ward Councillor is withdrawn, the matter shall proceed to the appropriate Standing Committee of Council.
- Where an applicant has defaulted on its obligations under a deferral agreement, such applicant is not entitled to any further deferrals of development charges unless the applicant has paid the arrears, including applicable interest.
Section 22 - Part Lot Control
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize part lot control as approved by any one of the Managers of Development Review pursuant to Section 12 - Part Lot Control Exemptions - of Schedule “I” by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Section 23 - Lifting Holding Zones
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize the lifting of Holding Zones approved by the General Manager of Planning, Development and Building Services, the Director, Planning Services, or any one of the Managers of Development Review pursuant to Section 25 - Lifting Holding Zones - of Schedule “I” by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Section 24 - Road Closures
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize road closures as approved by any one of the Managers of Development Review pursuant to Section 18 - Road Closures - of Schedule “I”.
Sections 25 and 26 - Road Openings
Section 25
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize road openings as approved by any one of the Managers of Development Review pursuant to Section 19 - Road Openings - of Schedule “I” by way of placing of a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Section 26
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to authorize road openings where the land that is subject to the road opening was acquired as a result of a development approval and all conditions of development approval pertaining to the road opening have been met by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Section 27 - Transit Funding Agreements
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to obtain authorization for a transit funding agreement approved by the General Manager, Transit Services, by way of placing a by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Section 28 - Better Homes Loan Program
The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to obtain authorization for a by-law to authorize a local improvement where such has been approved in accordance with By-law 2022-134 – Energy efficiency and water conservation works on private property under the Better Homes Loan Program.
Section 29 - Purchases Under $15,000.00
For purchases not exceeding $15,000.00, the City Solicitor is authorized, in consultation with the Chief Procurement Officer, to prescribe non-monetary standard terms and conditions necessary to protect the legal interests of the City, including but not limited to, insurance, indemnification, Occupational Health and Safety, Workplace Safety and Insurance, termination for default, termination for convenience, and warranties.
Section 30 - Collective Agreements
- The City Solicitor is authorized to make minor amendments to a collective agreement provided that the affected bargaining agent agrees with the amendment and the amendment does not create any financial liability for the City that is beyond a budget approved by Council.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council as soon as is practicable.
Section 31 - Approval of Contracts
- The City Solicitor and the Chief Procurement Officer, where appropriate, are delegated the authority to review or direct the review and initial as “Approved for Execution”, including by electronic means or measures, all significant legally binding contractual, funding, and other such contracts and agreements prior to final execution by authorized signing officers of the City.
- Where there is a disagreement between the City Solicitor and the operating department with respect to a contract or agreement awaiting approval for execution, the matter will be brought to the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council for resolution.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Section 32 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Legal Services
- The City Solicitor is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 33 - Service and Funding Agreements - Legal Services
- The City Solicitor is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 1 - General Responsibilities - General Manager, Strategic Initiatives
- The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, may approve, amend and rescind corporate administrative policies and procedures consistent with the department’s mandate.
- The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, may approve, amend and rescind departmental policies and procedures.
Section 2 - Federal and Provincial Agreements - Strategic Initiatives
- The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Sections 3 and 4 - Economic Development Services
Section 3
- The City Manager, the General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, and the Director, Economic Development, individually are delegated the authority to approve, conclude, extend and execute or amend agreements related to the following:
- purchase of service agreements and contribution agreements and funding agreements for programs and services related to economic development including entrepreneurship and small business, industry (cluster) development, investment attraction and marketing, and workforce development;
- one time project-based funding related to economic development including financial contributions to events related to economic development initiatives, and
- minor capital projects related to economic development,
provided that such agreements are in accordance with applicable City policies as approved by Council, are consistent with the monetary limits established in the Procurement By-law, as amended, are related to approved department programs and objectives, are within approved budget limits, and contain appropriate indemnification and insurance requirements, where applicable.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 4
The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, is delegated the authority to appoint to a Business Improvement Area Board of Management those directors who have been selected by a vote of the membership of the improvement area in accordance with Subsection 204(3)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001.
Climate Change and Resiliency
Section 5 - Community Environmental Grant Program Agreements
- The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives and the Director, Climate Change and Resiliency, individually are delegated the authority to approve, conclude and execute agreements for acceptance of funds for the Community Environmental Grant Program, provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable Council-approved policies and by-laws;
- are within approved budget limits; and,
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority under subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once every calendar year.
Housing Solutions and Investment Services
Sections 6 and 7 - Ottawa Light Rail Project - Property Acquisition
- Despite subsection 8 (3), the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, the Manager, Realty Services, and the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, individually are delegated the authority to approve, execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions related to the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Project, which includes O-Train Line 1 (“O-Train Confederation Line”), and Capital Railway O-Train Line 2 (“O-Train Trillium Line”), and any additional future LRT projects, involving the acquisition of an interest in land or property, including fee simple acquisitions, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the total value of the transaction is $ 1,000,000.00 or less;
- the funds are within those provided in estimates approved by City Council;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required;
- and all applicable Council-approved policies have been met.
- Despite subsection 8 (4), the General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, is delegated the authority to approve, execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions related to the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Project which includes O-Train Confederation Line, O-Train Trillium Line, and any additional future LRT projects, involving the acquisition of an interest in land or property, including fee simple acquisitions, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the Mayor and the Ward Councillor concur;
- the funds are within those provided in estimates approved by City Council;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies including the Real Property Acquisition Policy have been met.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) inclusive shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee when all property related to the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Project which includes O-Train Confederation Line, O-Train Trillium Line, and any additional future LRT projects, has been acquired.
Section 7
The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, the Manager, Realty Services, and the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, individually are delegated the authority to sign notices of intention to expropriate where such notices relate to the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Project which includes O-Train Confederation Line, O-Train Trillium Line, and any additional future LRT projects and to place any required expropriations by-law on the Agenda of Council for enactment.
Section 8 - Disposals - Sale of Interest in land or property
- The Program Managers, Realty Services, and the Program Managers, Realty Initiatives and Development, individually are delegated the authority to approve, execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions involving the sale of an interest in land or property including fee simple sales, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the market value of the land or property as determined by a current market value appraisal is $500,000.00 or less;
- the sale price is at least 90% of the appraised value of the land or property;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies including the Disposal of Real Property Policy and Procedures have been met.
- The Manager, Realty Services, and the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, individually are delegated the authority to approve, execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions involving the sale of an interest in land or property including fee simple sales, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the market value of the land or property as determined by a current market value appraisal is $1,000,000.00 or less;
- the sale price is at least 90% of the appraised value of the land or property;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies including the Disposal of Real Property Policy and Procedures have been met.
- The Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services is delegated the authority to approve, execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions involving the sale of an interest in land or property including fee simple sales, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the market value of the land or property as determined in accordance with the Council-approved Disposal of Real Property Policy is $2,000,000.00 or less;
- the sale price is at least 90% of the appraised value of the land or property;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies including the Disposal of Real Property Policy and Procedures have been met.
- The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, is delegated the authority to approve, execute documentation as required and conclude real estate transactions involving the sale of an interest in land or property including fee simple sales, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the market value of the land or property as determined in accordance with the Council-approved Disposal of Real Property Policy is $3,000,000.00 or less;
- the sale price is at least 90% of the appraised value of the land or property;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies including the Disposal of Real Property Policy and Procedures have been met.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (4) inclusive shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
- In respect of the sale of fee simple interests, easements, or rights of way, the reports required under subsection (5) shall include:
- a list of all offers received in writing for the sale in question together with the name of the persons who made the offers; and,
- a statement as to why each offer was successful or unsuccessful.
Sections 9 and 10 - Acquisitions - Purchase of Interest in land or property - Real Estate Transactions
Section 9
- The Program Managers of Realty Services and the Program Managers, Realty Initiatives and Development, individually are delegated the authority to approve and execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions involving the acquisition of an interest in land or property, including fee simple acquisitions, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the market value of the land or property is $500,000.00 or less;
- the funds are within those provided in estimates approved by City Council;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies have been met.
- The Manager, Realty Services, and the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, individually are delegated the authority to approve and execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions involving the acquisition of an interest in land or property, including fee simple acquisitions, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the market value of the land or property is $1,000,000.00 or less;
- the funds are within those provided in estimates approved by City Council;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies have been met.
- The Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services is delegated the authority to approve and execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions involving the acquisition of an interest in land or property, including fee simple acquisitions, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the market value of the land or property is $2,000.000.00 or less;
- the funds are within those provided in estimates approved by City Council;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies have been met.
- The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, is delegated the authority to approve and execute documentation as required, and conclude real estate transactions involving the acquisition of an interest in land or property, including fee simple acquisitions, easements, rights of way, leases including extensions and renewals thereof, joint use and maintenance agreements, licences including licences of occupation, consents to enter, and mortgages, including amendments to such transactions, provided that:
- the market value of the land or property is $3,000,000.00 or less;
- the funds are within those provided in estimates approved by City Council;
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required; and
- all applicable Council-approved policies have been met.
- The Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, the Manager, Realty Services, and the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, individually are delegated the authority to approve, conclude and execute amending agreements or consolidation agreements, including related documentation as required, in respect of existing development or redevelopment agreements, as required for the ease of administration, provided that:
- no financial liability is created for the City by the amendment or consolidation; and,
- Ontario Land Tribunal approval is not required.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (5) inclusive shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
- In respect of acquisitions of fee simple interests, easements, or rights of way, the reports required under subsection (6) shall include a description of the major terms and conditions of such acquisitions.
Section 10
- The Manager, Realty Services, the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, and the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, individually are delegated the authority to execute Agreements of Purchase and Sale which are subject to approval by City Council or which are subject to approval pursuant to delegated authority.
- The Manager, Realty Services, the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, and the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, individually are delegated the authority to execute leases, lease extensions/renewals and option agreements which have been approved by City Council or which have been approved by the General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, pursuant to subsections 6 (2), 8 (4) and 9 (4).
- Despite subsection (2), where the City is the owner of property that has been leased by the City to a lessee/tenant, and the lease contains a clause providing for termination on six (6) months notice by the City if the property is required for municipal purposes, the Manager, Realty Services, the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, and the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, individually are delegated the authority to approve, execute documentation as required, and conclude leases, and amendments thereto.
- Subject to subsection 6 (3), the exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (3) inclusive shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Section 11 - Leases - Termination of Agreements
- The Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, and the Manager, Realty Services, individually are delegated the authority to terminate lease agreements where an event of default has occurred as defined by the specific lease agreement.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Section 12 - Remediation of the Right-of-Way
- The Manager of Realty Services, the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, and the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, individually are authorized to execute agreements with respect to remediation of contamination in the right-of-way provided that the other party or parties to the agreement:
- indemnify the City and provide proof of insurance to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;
- assume all costs, including the City’s costs, associated with the preparation, review and implementation of the off-site management plan and/or remediation plan;
- provide all test results to the City;
- assume all responsibility for obtaining approvals associated with the remediation; and
- pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the agreement.
(2) The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Section 13 - Waiver of Administrative Fees
- The Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, and the Manager, Realty Services, individually are delegated the authority to waive the administrative fees for the preparation of agreements within the mandate of the branches where the agreement is with another government agency, a charitable organization with a registered Canada Revenue Agency number, a not for profit group funded by the City, or a not for profit group under contract with the City to provide a City program.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsection (1) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee on a semi-annual basis.
Section 14 - Strategic Housing Projects
- The Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute agreements with the federal or provincial government provided that such agreements are related to supportive and affordable housing development, are consistent with the departmental mandate and are at no cost to the City, with the exception of associated operational and administrative costs that are within approved budgets.
- The Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, after consultation with the Director, Housing and Homelessness Services and stakeholders, is authorized to allocate City, provincial and federal funding related to supportive and affordable housing development including but not limited to the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI), and any new City, provincial and federal funding programs.
- The Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, after consultation with the Director, Housing and Homelessness Services, is authorized to approve, amend, extend and execute service agreements, contribution agreements and grant agreements funded by the City, the provincial government or the federal government related to supportive and affordable housing programs including the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI) and any new City, provincial or federal funding programs provided that such agreements:
- are in accordance with applicable City policies approved by Council;
- are related to approved departmental programs and objectives;
- are within approved budget limits; and
- contain appropriate insurance, termination, workplace safety, indemnification, and HST provisions.
- The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to subsections (1) to (3) shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.
Section 15
The General Manager, Strategic Initiatives, the Director, Housing Solutions and Investment Services, the Manager, Realty Services, and the Manager, Realty Initiatives and Development, individually are delegated the authority to initiate, approve, execute and conclude any documentation, application or agreement as required, involving an interest in the City’s land or property, other than the sale, transfer or leasing of such land or property provided that such document, application or agreement is within approved budget limits. The exercise of delegated authority pursuant to this section shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee at least once in each calendar year.