Exceptions 401r-500r


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

City Archives
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100 Tallwood Dr. (corner of Woodroffe Ave.)
Ottawa, Ontario
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Ottawa Public Library
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Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2940

Exception number
Applicable zone
Exception provisions- Additional land uses permitted
Exception provisions- Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions- Provisions
(By-law 2021-71)
  • artist studio
  • bank
  • hotel
  • office
  • payday loan establishment
  • place of assembly limited to a convention facility
  • production studio
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • research and development centre
  • technology industry

all uses except:

  • light industrial use: limited to the manufacturing or assembly of small products
  • warehouse
  • minimum front, rear and side yard setbacks- 6 metres
  • minimum 10 m. wide landscaped area must be provided adjacent to Highway 416
  • no outdoor storage is permitted
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law following submission and approval of a site plan application that shows development is complementary to its gateway function and to the Prestige Business Park designation of the Secondary Plan of South Nepean Urban Areas 9 and 10
  • more than one warehouse use is permitted in a building
  • accessory display and sales area:
  1. must be within the same building as the use to which it is accessory, and
  2. may occupy a maximum of 15%, or in the case of large appliances, 30% of the gross floor area of the warehouse use to which it is accessory
  • display and sales to the public is only permitted in the display and sales area;
  • no single warehouse building or use can be greater than 8,175.5 m2 of gross floor area om size
402r DR1[402r]    
  • minimum lot area of 7 ha
403r RC2[403r]  
  • medical facility
  • minimum lot width- 20 metres
  • corner side yard setback- 6 metres
  • minimum driveway width- 5.7 metres
404r RR3[404r]    
  • minimum lot width- 35 metres
405r RR3[405r]
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
406r RU[406r]    
  • no development is permitted within 30 metres of the east lot line where it abuts the former landfill site
407r-431r Reserved for future use      

Exception number
Applicable zone
Exception provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
432r RC10[432r]
  • funeral home
433r RC10[433r]
  • instructional facility
434r O1[434r]
  • parking lot
435r RU[435r]
  • park
  • the additional permitted use is a temporary permitted use for a period of time between April 13, 2005 and April 13, 2008
  • artist studio
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • office
  • personal service business

all uses (except additional permitted uses) except for:

  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • hotel
  • restaurant
  • retail store
  • the maximum cumulative total gross leasable floor area of all retail stores located on 5699, 5700 and 5710 Longshadow Street is 1000 square metres
  • Section 217 (1)(c) does not apply
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6 m
  • golf course
  • place of assembly
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • school

all uses except additional permitted uses except for:

  • amusement park
  • campground
  • instructional facility limited to a dance studio
  • personal service business limited to a hair stylist and spa
  • retail store
  • the maximum cumulative total gross leasable floor area of all retail stores located on 5699, 5700 and 5710 Longshadow Street is 1000 square metres
  • Section 217 (1)(c) does not apply
  • maximum permitted size of an instructional facility limited to a dance studio: 464.52 m2
438r RC3[438r]
  • bed and breakfast
  • office
  • place of assembly

all uses except for additional permitted uses and:

  • bar
  • restaurant
  • office is not permitted with any other permitted use
  • bed and breakfast limited to a maximum of six guest bedrooms
  • despite the definition bed and breakfast this use may occupy a building accessory to a detached dwelling and meals other than breakfast may be served
  • the permitted use office is limited to a maximum of six commercial office occupancies
439r RC3[439r]
  • marine facility

all uses except for:

  • automobile dealership
  • automobile service station
  • despite the definition automobile dealership only recreational vehicles, which will include boats, snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles, may be sold or leased
  • despite the definition automobile service station repair of motor vehicles will be limited to recreational vehicles, which will include boats, snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles; the sale of fuels to non-marine vehicles is prohibited
  • despite the definition marine facility the storage, servicing, repair, or sale or rental of boats is allowed along with the sale of marine fuels, additionally an accessory restaurant is permitted
440r RC3[440r]
  • marine facility

all uses except for:

  • automobile dealership
  • automobile service station
  • despite the definition automobile dealership only recreational vehicles, including boats, snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles, may be sold or leased
  • despite the definition automobile service station repair of motor vehicles will include recreational vehicles including boats, snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles and heavy vehicles other than farm equipment and road building equipment; the sale of fuels to non-marine vehicles is prohibited
  • despite the definition marine facility the storage, servicing, repair, or sale or rental of boats is allowed along with the sale of marine fuels, additionally an accessory restaurant is permitted

Exception number
Applicable zone
Exception provisions
- Additional land uses permitted
Exception provisions
- Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions
- Provisions
441r RC4[441r]
  • agricultural use
  • forestry

all uses except for:

  • campground including accessory fishing ponds
442r RU[442r]    
  • maximum total floor area of accessory buildings of 380 m2
  • no accessory building to be greater than 280 m2
443r RI5[443r]
  • correctional facility
  • agricultural use
  • residential care facility


  • storage yard but excluding a salvage operation or scrap yard
  • office
  • warehouse
  • outside storage is not permitted within any required front yard or corner side yard
  • outside storage must be screened from abutting residential uses and public streets by an opaque screen at least 1.8 metres in height from finished grade
  • a warehouse is limited to indoor storage related to municipal road maintenance only
  • military and police training facility
  • place of assembly
  • park
446r RI5[446r]    
  • minimum lot area of 20 ha
  • minimum lot width of 150 m
  • maximum building size of 400 m2
447r RU[447r]
  • storage yard but excluding a salvage operation or scrap yard
  • office
  • snow disposal facility
  • outside storage is not permitted within any required front yard or corner side yard
  • outside storage must be screened from abutting residential uses and public streets by an opaque screen at least 1.8 metres in height from finished grade
  • minimum lot area of 866 m2
  • minimum lot frontage of 0 m
  • despite the provisions in Section 58 – Flood Plain Hazard Overlay, a detached dwelling is permitted
449r RM2[449r]    
  • maximum number of units is 112
  • minimum interior side yard is 0 m
450r O1[450r]
  • marine facility including the sale of marine fuels and servicing
  • park may also include an interpretative centre, band shell and facilities for occasional overnight accommodation of visitors
451r O1A[451r]
  • amusement park limited to a mini-putt golf course
452r RU[452r]  
  • agricultural use
453r O1, EP3[453r]
  • campground
454r O1[454r]
  • agricultural use
  • accessory detached dwelling or dwelling unit
  • marine facility
  • despite the definition environmental preserve and educational area, buildings are permitted including those for over-night accommodation
455r O1R[455r]    
  • despite the definition environmental preserve and educational area, buildings are permitted
456r RC4[456]
  • marine facility
  • all RC land uses
  • despite the definition marine facility the storage, servicing, repair, or sale or rental of boats is allowed along with the sale of marine fuels, additionally an accessory restaurant is permitted
457r RC3, RC O1A[457r]
  • marine facility
  • despite the definition marine facility the storage, servicing, repair, or sale or rental of boats is allowed along with the sale of marine fuels, additionally an accessory restaurant is permitted
458r O1[458r]
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • restaurant
  • place of assembly limited to a banquet hall
  • golf course limited to a driving range

all uses except for:

  • amusement park limited to a mini-putt golf course

all uses except for:

  • amusement park limited to a dirt race track-campground
  • a campground is a seasonal use only

Exception number
Applicable zone
Exception provisions
- Additional land uses permitted
Exception provisions
- Land uses prohibited
Exception provisions
- Provisions
  • golf course limited to a driving range
462r O1A[462r]
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • accessory detached dwelling or dwelling unit
463r RC2[463r]
  • retail store limited to a food store

all uses except for:

  • gas bar
  • dwelling unit limited to one and may be established in the upper storey
464r RC2 [464r]
  • office
  • all RC land uses
  • detached dwelling

all uses except for:

  • restaurant limited to a diary bar
466r RC3
  • catering establishment
  • day nursery
  • light industrial use limited to a bakery or custom workshop
  • office
  • personal service business
  • retail store
  • shopping centre limited to permitted uses in this exception zone

all uses except for:

  • artist studio
  • automobile service station
  • restaurant
  • total maximum floor area of 3,000 m2

all uses except for:

  • convenience store
  • gas bar
468r RC3[468r]
  • storage yard limited to a landscape business including office and outside storage area but no retail store

all uses except for:

  • accessory dwelling unit
469r RC3[469r]
  • day nursery
  • office
  • light industrial use limited to a custom workshop
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
  • retail store
  • service or repair shop

all uses except for:

  • restaurant
  • maximum net floor area of 930 m2
470r RC[470r]
  • day nursery
  • office
  • light industrial use limited to a custom workshop
  • personal service business
  • place of assembly
  • retail store
  • service or repair shop

all uses except for:

  • restaurant
  • maximum net floor area of 450 m2
471r RI3[471r]
  • office
  • medical facility
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • restaurant
  • retail store limited to a farmer’s market and pro shop
  • sports arena
472r RI5[472r]
  • residential care facility
  • retirement home
473r RI5[473r]
  • residential care facility
  • retirement home
  • environmental preserve and education area limited to an animal sanctuary and duck pond
  • maximum gross floor area of 7,500 m2
  • maximum number of residential units (one bed per unit for residents) of 150
474r RU[474r]
  • office
  • research and development centre
  • military and police training facility
475r RR1, RR8 [475r]    
  • a secondary dwelling unit is permitted in a detached garage
476r RU[476r]    
  • a secondary dwelling unit is permitted in a detached garage
  • minimum lot area of 1.5 ha
  • place of assembly
  • fairground
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
478r ME1[478r]-h
  • heavy industrial limited to a slaughter plant accessory to an agricultural use
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3 - Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
479r ME[479r]-h
  • storage yard limited to an excavation business
  • automobile body shop
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3 - Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
480r ME-h, O1A[480r]-h
  • golf course

interim permitted uses:

  • detached dwelling
  • environmental preserve and educational area
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use golf course
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. approval by the conservation authority and the City of a golf course design and management plan which addresses site drainage, water quantity and quality, site grading, turf management, potential impacts of any adjacent watercourses and other related issues, and which identified mitigative measures if such measures are deemed necessary
  2. any other required Environmental Impact Statements are completed and meet the satisfaction of the conservation authority and City

Exception number
Applicable zone
Exception provisions
- Additional land uses permitted
Exception provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions
- Provisions
481r ME1[481r]-h    
  • minimum lot size of 1.4 ha
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3 - Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
482r RU[482r]
  • leaf and yard waste composting facility
  • storefront industry or light industrial use is limited to manufacturing of pre-fabricated roof trusses and wood-framed panels
  • retail store limited to the sale of lumber and other building materials
  • minimum lot area of 1.2 ha
  • minimum lot width of 20 m
  • minimum front yard setback of 20 m
  • maximum lot coverage of 30%
  • minimum internal side yard and rear yard setback of 6 m
  • minimum side and rear yard setback of 0.0 m where two lots in this zone abut
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3 - Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
484r ME[484r]-h
  • storage yard limited to the storage of equipment and vehicles for a heavy construction industry, and ancillary office and equipment repair
  • minimum lot area of 2 ha
  • minimum lot width of 90 m
  • maximum lot coverage 5%
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3 - Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
485r ME[485r]
  • light industrial use limited to the manufacturing of millwork and other lumber products for the building industry
  • minimum lot area of 6 ha
  • minimum lot width of 200 m
  • maximum lot coverage of 30%
486r ME[486r]-h
  • heavy industrial use limited to the manufacture of concrete products
  • minimum lot area of 2 ha
  • minimum lot width of 150m
  • minimum front yard setback of 20 m
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3 - Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
487r ME-h, ME1[487r]-h    
  • minimum setback from front lot line of 150 m for the use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3 - Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
488r ME[488r]
  • retail store limited to a landscape and building supply outlet
  • storage yard but excluding a salvage operation or scrap yard
  • warehouse
  • minimum lot area of 2 ha
  • minimum lot width of 100m
  • maximum lot coverage of 50%
  • second detached dwelling
  • the additional permitted use is a temporary permitted use for a period of time between April 13, 2009 and April 12, 2012
490r MR[490r]
  • place of assembly limited to a rod and gun club
491r ME[491r]-h    
  • 0.0 m interior side yard and rear yard setback when abutting a lot zoned ME
  • the holding symbol applies only to the permitted use mineral extraction operation
  • the holding symbol may only be removed by amendment to this by-law upon compliance with the following:
  1. a completed application has been made to the province for a license to extract mineral aggregates;
  2. the City has approved an Environmental Impact Statement submitted when the proposed mineral extraction operation is adjacent to lands zoned EP3 - Environmental Protection or lands designated Rural Natural Feature in the Official Plan.
492r MR[492r]
  • heavy industrial use limited to the manufacturing of asphalt, concrete batching, or cement
493r ME[493r]
  • accessory detached dwelling
  • heavy industrial use limited to manufacture of cement/concrete products and related steel or wood building components; and outdoor storage yard for these uses only
  • minimum lot area of 2 ha
494r ME1[494r]    
  • minimum lot width 20 m
  • maximum front yard setback does not apply
495r RU2[495r]
  • planned unit development
  • despite Section 131, Planned Unit Development, the provisions of said section do not apply and instead the provisions of the RU2 subzone apply with a maximum number of 6 detached dwellings
496r RR7[496r]
  • planned unit development
  • despite Section 131, Planned Unit Development, the provisions of said section do not apply and instead the provisions of the RR7 subzone apply with a maximum number of 9 detached dwellings
497r RR7[497r]
  • planned unit development
  • despite Section 131, Planned Unit Development, the provisions of said section do not apply and instead the provisions of the RR7 subzone apply with a maximum number of 11 detached dwellings
498r RR7[498r]
  • planned unit development
  • despite Section 131, Planned Unit Development, the provisions of said section do not apply and instead the provisions of the RR7 subzone apply with a maximum number of 4 detached dwellings
499r RR7[499r]
  • planned unit development
  • despite Section 131, Planned Unit Development, the provisions of said section do not apply and instead the provisions of the RR7 subzone apply with a maximum number of 3 detached dwellings
Reserved for future use