Order, File
March 15,
2011) |
S255 |
- On land zoned R5B[1761] S255:
- maximum permitted building height: as per Schedule 255
- the 10th storey of any building may only be used for amenity space and mechanical equipment
- despite Section 64 no structural projections are permitted above the 10th storey of any building
- despite subclause 107(1)(a)(ii), the minimum width of a driveway providing access to a parking lot or parking garage for a double traffic lane is 6.0 metres
- despite clause 110(1)(a) and Table 110, Row (b), the minimum required width of the landscaped buffer to be provided for those surface parking spaces located along the easterly lot line is 0.9 metres
- the land shown as Areas A and B on Attachment 1 to this by-law are and will remain one lot for zoning purposes, notwithstanding the lawful division of a lot pursuant to the Planning Act, as amended, the Condominium Act, as amended or any other similar legislation
2010-275) |
H(30) |
- office limited to a diplomatic mission
- despite subclause 107(1)(a)(ii), the minimum width of a driveway providing access to a parking lot or parking garage for a double traffic lane is 6.0 metres
- the land zoned R5B[1762] H(30) and R5B[1761] S255 are and will remain one lot for zoning purposes, notwithstanding the lawful division of a lot pursuant to the Planning Act, as amended, the Condominium Act, as amended or any other similar legislation
- despite clause 110(1)(a) and Table 110, Row (b), the minimum required width of the landscaped buffer to be provided for those surface parking spaces located along the easterly lot line is 0.9 metres
(By-law 2021-64)
2010-367) |
multiple |
In the TM[1763] S256 zone:
- hotel
- above ground parking garage
- parking lot as a principal use
- rooming house
- rooming house, converted
In the R5B[1763] S256 zone:
- rooming house
- rooming house, converted
- shelter
- all new buildings must be located within the hatched areas shown on Schedule 256
- subsection 164(1), Table 164A Row X, Columns VII through XII inclusive do not apply
- subsections 197(3), Table 197 Rows (c) through (g) inclusive do not apply
- subsection 197(4) does not apply
- no new buildings are permitted in the area shown as “Area Where New Buildings are Prohibited” on Schedule 256
- despite the above provisions:
- permitted projections are allowed in the area described as “Area Where New Buildings are Prohibited”
- a building located within the hatched areas to the south of the existing building on Schedule 256 may be connected to the existing building on the lot by a structure having a maximum height of nine metres, a maximum width of 41.2 metres and a maximum length between the buildings of 11.4 metres and this structure may only connect to the southerly wall of the existing building and must be made of transparent material
- maximum permitted building heights are as set out on Schedule 256
- The lands zoned with exceptions 1763 and 2570 are considered one lot for zoning purposes
- The lot line abutting Richmond Road is deemed the front lot line
- despite clause 100(1)(a) parking spaces for non-residential uses within the TM[1763]S256 zone may be included in the calculation of and used as visitor parking spaces for residential uses on the lot
- maximum permitted total cumulative number of parking spaces, including required visitor parking, for all retirement homes located within the R5B[1763]S256 zone: 65 parking spaces
- in the R5B[1763] S256 zone all dwelling units located on the ground floor of a building and containing windows facing the rear lot line or an interior side lot line must have their principal access oriented towards that lot line.
- within the hatched area located to the north of the existing building on Schedule 256 all non-residential uses located on the ground floor of a building must have direct pedestrian access to the outdoors.
- clause 85(3)(a) does not apply
- section 113 does not apply
- the holding symbol will not be removed until such time as an application for Site Plan Approval has been approved and a Site Plan Agreement is registered on title.
- as part of its approval of the Site Plan, the City requires, in addition to any other requirements not specifically listed herein, that the following requirements be fulfilled to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development or Planning and Environment Committee, whichever the case may be:
- public rights-of-way and easements over all the lands described on Schedule 256 as “Area Where New Buildings are Prohibited” and not occupied by permitted projections or by outdoor commercial patios;
- two separate public rights of way to be established through the mixed-use commercial building along Richmond Road frontage. One passageway must be a minimum of nine metres wide and the other must be a minimum of nine metres wide and the other must be a minimum of six metres wide. They both must be a minimum of eight metres high;
- a substantially landscaped public walkway from the Byron Street Linear Park to Richmond Road and as part of this walkway, the existing row of mature maple trees must be preserved and incorporated into the pathway system;
- additional landscaping on the subject property where appropriate and new trees must have a minimum calliper of 70 mm, unless otherwise specified;
- that the ground floor uses of the building to be built along Richmond Road have direct access from the ground floor on both the Richmond Road façade and the southern façade facing the historic Monastery;
- vehicular access to the property be provided in a safe and functional manner and the location of vehicular access must be approved by the City;
- that the Owner agree to undertake and pay for any required modifications to the road network affected by the proposal;
- with a view to incorporating the characteristic found along Traditional Mainstreets in Ottawa, and the surrounding neighbourhood, the facades of all buildings will be subject to Site Plan Control approval and will be reviewed with respect to materials, colours, complementary building finishes, exterior treatments, the incorporation of podiums, setbacks, transitions in height, changes in relief and overall design and the Secondary Plan Built Form Guidelines for Westboro Village and East Village;
- if the building on Richmond Road is all one height in metres, or the same number of stories, the building on Richmond Road must be designed to look like a minimum of three different buildings
- assurance that parking is provided in accordance with the Zoning By-law No. 2008-250, as amended, but not in an abundance so as to result in a reduction in the use of alternative forms of transportation.
- in addition to the above, the holding symbol will not be removed until such time as Council has considered a report to impose a special rate to permit the acquisition of the lands outlined in black on Schedule 256, less land taken as parkland under the Planning Act, section 42 and no development shall be permitted on the lands outlined in black on Schedule 256 until Council has considered the report, and;
- if Council has not approved the acquisition of the lands outlined in black on Schedule 256, less lands to be acquired under section 42, and a special rate to permit the acquisition by 31 March 2011, the above provision will be deemed to be void and of no effect; or,
- if Council has approved the land acquisition of the lands outlined in black on Schedule 256, less lands to be acquired under Section 42, and the special rate by 31 March 2011, this provision shall remain in effect until 31 March 2014.
- The following applies until January 27, 2024: a temporary surface parking use, limited to visitor parking for the development at 98 Richmond Road with a minimum of 11 spaces, is permitted within the area shown on Schedule 428.
1764 - 1767 |
Reserved for future use |
(By-law 2022-103) |
Reserved for future use |
2010-307) |
I1A[1769] |
- detached dwelling
- semi-detached dwelling
- linked detached dwelling
- three-unit dwelling
- stacked dwelling
- planned unit development
- diplomatic mission
- duplex dwelling
- townhouse dwelling
- for the additional land uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted), the Zone Provisions for the R4 zone and the provisions for the R4A subzone shall apply
- despite the provisions for the R4A subzone, the minimum lot width for a townhouse dwelling is 5 metres
2010-307) |
H(18.5) |
- restaurant, full-service
- restaurant, take-out
1771 |
Reserved for future use |
1772 |
Reserved for future use |
(By-law 2020-291)
(By-law 2020-289)
2010-312) |
R4A[1773] |
- detached dwelling
- duplex dwelling
- linked-detached dwelling
- park
- retirement home, converted
- rooming house, converted
- secondary dwelling unit
- semi-detached dwelling
- three-unit dwelling
- The provisions for townhouse dwellings with attached garage abutting a lane are:
- minimum lot width: 5.0m per dwelling unit
- minimum lot area: 110m2 per dwelling unit
- maximum lot coverage: 65%
- minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
- minimum building separation distance: 3.0m
- minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum rear yard setback: 0m
- maximum building height: 11m
- Provisions for attached garage accessory to and located at the rear of a townhouse dwelling are:
- maximum size of garage: 6.5m deep x 7.0m wide
- minimum yard setback from rear lane or private road: 0.6m
- minimum interior side yard setback: 0.6m if detached or 0.0m if attached to neighbouring garage
- minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum rear yard setback: n/a
- unenclosed covered porch may project 2.0m into a front yard as long as the steps attached come no closer than 0.5m to the property line
- maximum units per building: 8 units
- a deck is permitted on the garage roof
- the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply
- the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply
- The provisions for townhouse dwelling are:
- minimum lot width: 6.0m per dwelling unit
- minimum lot area: 150m2 per dwelling unit
- maximum lot coverage: 55%
- minimum front yard setback for dwelling: 3.0m
- minimum front yard setback for garage: 4.0m
- minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
- minimum building separation distance: 3.0m
- minimum rear yard setback: 6.0m
- maximum building height: 11.0
- unenclosed covered porch may project 2.0m into a front yard as long as the steps attached come no closer than 0.5m to the property line
- minimum distance between the main elevation of garage to the nearest edge of the sidewalk is 6.0m
- maximum of 6 units per building
- The provisions for apartment dwelling low rise and stacked dwelling are:
- minimum lot width: 30m
- minimum lot area: 4046m2
- minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum building separation distance: 4.5m
- minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m
- maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
- minimum number of parking spaces required is: 1.0 spaces per unit
- maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building
(By-law 2020-291)
(By-law 2020-289)
2010-312) |
R4A[1774] |
- detached dwelling
- duplex dwelling
- linked-detached dwelling
- park
- retirement home, converted
- rooming house, converted
- secondary dwelling unit
- semi-detached dwelling
- three-unit dwelling
- The provisions for townhouse dwellings with attached garage abutting a lane are:
- minimum lot width: 5.0m per dwelling unit
- minimum lot area: 110m2 per dwelling unit
- maximum lot coverage: 65%
- minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
- minimum building separation distance: 3.0m
- minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum rear yard setback: 0m
- maximum building height: 11m
- Provisions for attached garage accessory to and located at the rear of a townhouse dwelling are:
- maximum size of garage: 6.5m deep x 7.0m wide
- minimum yard setback from rear lane or private road: 0.6m
- minimum interior side yard setback: 0.6m if detached or 0.0m if attached to neighbouring garage
- minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum rear yard setback: n/a
- unenclosed covered porch may project 2.0m into a front yard as long as the steps attached come no closer than 0.5m to the property line
- maximum units per building: 8 units
- a deck is permitted on the garage roof
- the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply
- The provisions for apartment dwelling low rise and stacked dwelling are:
- minimum lot width: 30m
- minimum lot area: 4046m2
- minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum building separation distance: 4.5m
- minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m
- maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
- minimum number of parking spaces required is: 1.0 spaces per unit
- maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building
(By-law 2020-291)
2010-312) |
R4A[1775] |
- detached dwelling
- duplex dwelling
- linked-detached dwelling
- park
- retirement home, converted
- rooming house, converted
- secondary dwelling unit
- semi-detached dwelling
- three-unit dwelling
- The provisions for apartment dwelling, low rise and stacked dwelling are:
- minimum lot width: 30m
- minimum lot area: 4046m2
- minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum building separation distance: 3m
- minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m
- maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
- minimum number of parking spaces required is: 1.0 spaces per unit
- maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building
(By-law 2020-291)
(By-law 2020-289)
2010-312) |
R4A[1776] |
- detached dwelling
- duplex dwelling
- linked-detached dwelling
- park
- retirement home,converted
- rooming house,converted
- secondary dwelling unit
- semi-detached dwelling
- three-unit dwelling
- The provisions for townhouse dwellings with attached garage abutting a lane are:
- minimum lot width: 5.0m per dwelling unit
- minimum lot area: 110m2 per dwelling unit
- maximum lot coverage: 65%
- minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
- minimum building separation distance: 3.0m
- minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum rear yard setback: 0m
- maximum building height: 11m
- Provisions for attached garage accessory to and located at the rear of a townhouse dwelling are:
- maximum size of garage: 6.5m deep x 7.0m wide
- minimum yard setback from rear lane or private road: 0.6m
- minimum interior side yard setback: 0.6m if detached or 0.0m if attached to neighbouring garage
- minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum rear yard setback: n/a
- unenclosed covered porch may project 2.0m into a front yard as long as the steps attached come no closer than 0.5m to the property line
- maximum units per building: 8 units
- a deck is permitted on the garage roof
- the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply
- The provisions for apartment dwelling low rise and stacked dwelling are:
- minimum lot width: 30m
- minimum lot area: 4046m2
- minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
- minimum building separation distance: 4.5m
- minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m
- maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
- minimum number of parking spaces required is: 1.0 spaces per unit
- maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building
2010-349) |
S260 |
- artist studio
- bank
- bank machine
- community centre
- convenience store
- day care
- instructional facility
- library
- medical facility
- payday loan establishment
- personal brewing facility
- personal service business
- post office
- production studio
- restaurant
- retail food store
- retail store
- minimum required landscaped area: 40% of the lot area of which 20% must be located at grade
- minimum required front and rear yard setbacks: 0.0 m
- minimum required interior side yard setback is 2.25 m
- minimum required corner side yard setback: 1.75 m
- minimum required number of visitor parking spaces: 0.087 spaces per dwelling unit
- maximum permitted number of resident and visitor parking spaces: 1.1 spaces per dwelling unit
- minimum required number of parking spaces for non-residential uses: 0 spaces
- maximum of 10 parking spaces may be provided as tandem parking spaces
- all permitted non-residential uses must:
- be located in a mixed-use building also containing residential uses;
- only be located on the ground floor;
- face either Champagne Avenue South or Hickory Street; and,
- have their principal access oriented towards and entering onto a yard that abuts either Champagne Avenue South or Hickory Street
- lands within the R5B[1777] S260 zone shall be considered as one lot for zoning purposes
2010-339) |
S261 |
- clause 197(1)(b) only applies to a building wall facing Bank Street
- subclause 197(3)(d)(i) and clause 197(3)(e) do not apply
- clause 197(4)(d) does not apply and the maximum front yard setback applies only to that part of a building that is less than 15 metres in height
- subclause 197(3)(g)(ii) does not apply and maximum permitted building heights are as set out on Schedule 261
- despite Section 65, Table 65, Row 6(b), the maximum size and extent of projection of an uncovered balcony is 2 metres and may be as close as 0 metres to any lot line
- maximum building heights set out on Schedule 261 do not apply to projections permitted under Section 65
- minimum required number of visitor parking spaces for the balance of the dwelling units over 12 dwelling units is 0.1 spaces per dwelling unit
- minimum required number of parking spaces for a non-residential use that
- has a gross floor area of less than 700 m2 and,
- is located on the ground floor of a building: 0 parking spaces
2011-13) |
AM5[1779] |
- car wash
- drive-through facility
- stacked dwelling
- parking lot as a principle use
- service and repair shop
- minimum front and corner side yard setback for any part of a building above 11 m in height: 6 m
- maximum permitted front and corner side yard setback for any part of a building wall 11 m or less in height where the front or side lot abuts:
- Montreal Road: 25 m from centreline of Montreal Road
- Other streets: 3.0 m from street lot line
- the wall at grade facing a public street shall have 50% of its facade comprised of windows and entrances and, in the case of a corner lot, the entrance may be in an angle at corner walls facing a street intersection
2011-13) |
R4T[1780] |
- detached dwelling
- linked-detached dwelling
- semi-detached dwelling
- duplex dwellings
- any yard abutting a public pedestrian pathway is deemed to be a corner side yard
- minimum front and corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
- minimum interior side yard setback:
- abutting an R1, R2, R3 or R4 zone: 7.5 m
- all other cases: 4.5 m
- minimum rear yard setback: 5.5 m
- the front doors of all dwelling units must be located in a wall directly facing either a public street or pedestrian pathway
- exterior parking spaces and aisles leading to a parking space must not be located:
- closer than 12.0 metres to a dwelling
- in any required yard, or in a provided front or corner side yard
- despite Schedule 1A, for the purpose of calculating all required parking, the lands zoned R4T[1780] are subject to the rates set out in Section 101, Table 101, Column III for Area B on Schedule 1A