Exceptions 1701-1800


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

City Archives
James Bartleman Centre
100 Tallwood Dr. (corner of Woodroffe Ave.)
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2857
Email: archives@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)

Ottawa Public Library
120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa Room
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2940


Exception Number

Applicable Zone

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions


  • minimum lot area: 109 square metres
  • minimum lot width: 5.0 metres


  • car wash limited to a manual operation
  • maximum gross floor area of a car wash: 61m2


  • car wash
  • a car wash is only permitted on a lot which contains a gas bar and convenience store


  • minimum required side yard setback from the north-westerly facing side lot line: 3.0m
  • minimum required side yard setback from the south-easterly facing side lot line: 5.0 m



  • the required parking spaces for any use may be provided in a location other than the lot on which the use is located and two or more uses may share joint parking facilities provided that the required parking spaces for any particular use are not located more than 150 metres from the lot line on which the use is located
  • notwithstanding the aforementioned, parking spaces serving the uses within an entertainment complex may be located up to 550 metres from the lot on which the use is located



  • residential care facility
  • fast-food restaurant
  • take-out restaurant
  • convenience store
  • for non-residential uses listed in Section 189(1), the total area occupied by all the separate occupancies combined shall not exceed a gross floor leasable area of 2,400 square metres
  • a full-service restaurant is not permitted within 40 metres of a residential zone
  • each retail food store cannot exceed 500 square metres
  • 50% of the length of any building wall within 6m of a public street must consist of windows or doors
  • minimum width of landscaped area abutting a residential zone: 7.5m
  • refuse collection areas must be:
  1. located within a building if within 10 metres of a lot line abutting a residential zone, or
  2. fully enclosed if it is 10 metres or further from a lot line abutting a residential zone
  • no building may be more than 2 storeys in height



(OMB Order, #PL080959

issued September 18, 2009)
lP8[1707] H(15)


  • golf course
  • the holding zone may only be removed following public consultation during the site plan control application process for the first proposal for the lands



  • animal care establishment
  • artist studio
  • catering establishment
  • convenience store
  • personal service business
  • post office
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service repair shop
  • technology industry
  • all residential use buildings

(OMB Order, #PL080959


September 18, 2009)

  • the holding zone may only be removed following:
  1. public consultation during the site plan control application process for the first proposal for the lands; and
  2. submission of an Environmental Impact Statement to determine the environmental value of the site, applying the Urban Natural Areas of Environment Evaluation Study evaluation criteria at the time of development review




  • despite clause 100(1)(c), the maximum number of driveways permitted for a townhouse dwelling is two
  • a severed townhouse dwelling that does not include a driveway for each dwelling unit will be considered to comply with provisions for driveways

(By-law 2024-89)







S248, 249
  1. only one large format retail use building is permitted within the zone.
  2. for the purpose of this zone, a large format retail use building has a minimum 2787 m2 GFA and a maximum of 13935 m2 GFA
  3. notwithstanding any future severances or other land divisions, the entire lot will be considered one lot for by-law purposes
  4. residential use buildings are only permitted along the northern portion of the site adjacent to the Central Park community.
  5. the ground floor of buildings as referenced by subsection 13 shall be restricted to the main commercial uses of this AM zone with lobby areas and access areas for upper floor uses being limited to an aggregate maximum 15% of the GFA of the ground floor of each building.
  6. Reserved for Future use
  7. the following non-residential uses are not permitted on the ground floor of any building as referenced by subsection 13.
    1. broadcasting studio,
    2. catering establishment,
    3. diplomatic mission,
    4. place of assembly,
    5. place of worship,
    6. production studio,
    7. research and development centre,
    8. school,
    9. technology industry, and
    10. training centre,

in the case of the following uses:

  1. amusement center
  2. instructional facility
  3. office
  4. medical facility

an individual use or the aggregate of these uses located on the ground floor of a building as referenced by subsection 13 is/are limited to an area of 500 sq. m. per building

  1. an above grade parking garage is only permitted where it is screened from view from the street and adjacent residential zones by landscaping and architectural features.
  2. the following uses are not permitted in this zone:
    1. automobile dealership,
    2. automobile rental establishment,
    3. automobile service station
    4. car wash
    5. drive-through facility
  3. any commercial use located on the ground floor within a building setback as referenced by subsection 13 from a lot line abutting Baseline Road and/or Clyde Avenue must:
    1. have its customer main entrance and primary see through windows facing that street; and,
    2. only have a secondary customer entrance facing the interior of the site.
    3. have all loading areas located internal to the site with access provided from internal roads and/or service driveways
  4. tenancies occupying less than 140m2 GLFA on the ground floor, may be oriented to and have their primary entrance provided from the interior of the site only where such tenancies do not occupy more then an aggregate total of 25% of the ground floor area of the building. Tenancies occupying less than 140m2 GLFA that have their orientation to the interior of the site may not abut one and other.
  5. the minimum and maximum building heights are set out on Schedule 248.
  6. any building located within 20 metres of Baseline Road or Clyde Avenue must be setback to provide a minimum distance of 6.0 metres between the curb of any widened right-of-way secured through a site plan approval along Baseline Road and Clyde Avenue and may not be setback more than a maximum of 7.0 metres from the street edge lot line.
  7. minimum required interior side yard setback:
    1. where abutting a residential zone: 9 metres all of which must be landscaped with soft landscaping,
    2. all other cases: 7.5 metres.
  8. minimum required rear yard setback: 7.5 metres
  9. minimum required number of loading spaces for all uses up to a 0.5 FSI on the lot: 2
  10. any loading areas shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from the abutting streets, residential areas and from a pedestrian linkage from the Central Park Community to Baseline Road.
  11. a maximum of 750 surface parking spaces may be provided for the entire site; the parking spaces may be installed as the development proceeds in phases; the parking spaces may not be located in the required or provided front or side yards abutting a street, or more particularly in the setback of said yards which setback may not exceed 7.0 metres.
  12. none of the permitted uses are allowed until the holding symbol is removed in whole or in part..
  13. the design and development or redevelopment of 1357 Baseline Road is subject to the following in addition to all other applicable City of Ottawa Design Guidelines as approved by City Council:
    1. provide for clear demonstration how future more intense and mixed use development over an effective FSI of 0.5 will be accommodated and integrated into the initial development program for the site if the intent is to develop the site initially with an effective FSI at or below 0.5.
    2. the provision of a landscaped pedestrian connection from the Central Park Community to Baseline Road along the east side of the zone within a fully landscaped corridor that provides a unique pedestrian experience through the landscape design and provides appropriate separation and buffering from vehicular routes.
    3. development of a focal element on the corner of Baseline Road and Clyde Avenue. This may be an open space focus that is animated and provides for a connection to the interior of the site or may be a higher profile building within the height limits set out under the zoning.
    4. development of an internal street system serving as access drives and service corridors that are distinguished and separate from the key pedestrian routes and links to be provided on site.
    5. clearly defined pedestrian corridors with animation that direct users to street edges.
    6. provision of extensive berming and landscaping using well developed trees with a minimum calliper of 10cm to screen the back wall of the single large format retail store that is permitted on the rear portion of the site.
    7. building elevation plans for all proposed buildings in each stage of development reflecting a high architectural standard that provides interest and animation of facades with extensive glazing in the form of see through display windows, articulation, landscaping features, street furniture and primary entrance doors facing street edge sidewalks and upper floor windows, to avoid expansive stretches of blank wall conditions along street edge sidewalks and along key internal pedestrian routes. The elevation plans will be approved as part of the Site Plan for each phase of development.
    8. buildings along Baseline Road and Clyde Avenue must provide access for customers and display windows for each business occupying space that extends to the Baseline Road and/or Clyde Avenue fronting building wall in accordance with the requirements set out above. The Owner shall, through the site plan agreement, enforce the requirement to maintain the street accesses and display windows such that a pedestrian oriented street environment is maintained. The Owner must provide and enforce provisions to this effect in the management of the property and/or in purchase or lease agreements with the occupants, failing which the Owner acknowledges and shall also include in all lease agreements provisions that the City will enforce the requirements of the Site Plan Agreement.

(OMB File



November 5, 2009)
  • the church lands in the I1B[1712] zone and the land leased by the church for a parking lot in the O1[1715] zone are considered one lot for zoning purposes


  • for driveways having a minimum width of 16 metres leading to parking spaces, clauses 100 (1) (a) and (c) do not apply
  • maximum gross floor area for restaurant: 464m2
  • subsections 59 (1), (2) and (3) do not apply


  • for driveways having a minimum width of 16 metres leading to parking spaces clauses 100 (1) (a) and (c) do not apply
  • subsections 59 (1), (2) and (3) do not apply

(OMB File



November 5, 2009)
  • parking lot
  • the church lands in the I1B[1712] zone and the land leased by the church for a parking lot in the O1[1715] zone are considered one lot for zoning purposes


  • convenience store
  • maximum gross leasable floor area: 6,000 m2




Order, File #PL080119 issued November 18, 2009


  • Within Area A, of Schedule 250, the uses listed in subsection 187(1) are also permitted.
  • Within Area B, which includes Parts 1 to 5 inclusive, of Schedule 250, the following uses are also permitted:
  1. parking lot
  2. artist studio
  3. automated teller
  4. community health and social services centre
  5. convenience store
  6. day care
  7. personal service business
  8. post office
  9. restaurant, fast food
  10. restaurant, full service
  • The minimum above grade separation between the building located within Area A on Schedule 250 and any building located within Area B, which includes Parts 1 to 5 inclusive, is 3.6. metres.
  • Within Area B, which includes Parts 1 to 5 inclusive, of Schedule 250 the following applies:
  1. the uses in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) are permitted on the ground floor and the first floor below the ground floor of a building accommodating residential uses provided that:
    1. each occupancy on the ground floor is limited to:
      1. a maximum of 160.0 square metres, and
      2. 16.0 metres of frontage with the total ground floor area of commercial uses not exceeding

        35% of the gross floor area of the ground floor
    2. each occupancy on the first floor below the ground floor is limited to:
      1. a maximum of 275.0 square metres, with the total cumulative area for these uses not exceeding 2075.0 square metres, and not to exceed 12% of the total gross floor area of the building.
  2. the maximum building heights are as shown on Schedule 250
  3. the building must be set back from the lot lines as shown on Schedule 250
  4. the minimum yards are as shown on Schedule 250
  5. the minimum yards are as shown on Schedule 250
  6. no commercial uses are permitted on the ground floor within 13.0 metres of Lewis Street
  • Despite the above provisions a parking lot is permitted on a temporary basis starting December 9, 2015, and expiring on December 9, 2018 and is subject to the following:
  1. Subsection 60(6) does not apply;
  2. Despite section 107(1)(a)(ii) the minimum required width for a double traffic lane is 6 metres;
  3. Despite section 107(1) (c) the minimum required width for aisles is 6 metres;
  4. Subsection 109(3)(a)(ii) and 109(3)(a)(iii) do not apply;
  5. Despite Table 110 (b) a landscaped buffer not abutting a street for parking lots containing 10 to 100 spaces is not required;
  6. The maximum number of parking spaces permitted in a parking lot is 44; and,
  7. For that parking lot containing less than 11 spaces:
    1. Section 110(1) does not apply
    2. No landscaped buffer is required abutting Gilmour Street
    3. The minimum required aisle width is 3.7 metres;
    4. The minimum required driveway width is 3.0 metres



  • emergency service
  • for that part of the property within 100 metres of the east property line, the maximum building height is 11.0 metres






H(137 a.s.l.)
  • amusement centre
  • apartment dwelling, high-rise
  • automobile dealership
  • bar
  • broadcasting station
  • cinema
  • hotel
  • park
  • parking garage
  • parking lot
  • place of assembly limited to a club
  • production studio
  • nightclub
  • theatre
  • commercial uses limited to 60,385 m2 gross floor area
  • an amusement centre, bar, cinema, place of assembly limited to a club, nightclub and theatre are conditional uses and are permitted provided these uses are located in the same building or on the same lot as a broadcasting station, hotel, medical facility, office, production studio, research and development centre or training centre, and provided that the total cumulative gross floor area occupied by these uses does not exceed an equivalent amount of total cumulative gross floor area of the other uses in the building, or on the lot
  • 1.8 parking spaces per 100 square metres of floor area is required for office uses greater than 2500 square metres in gross floor area
  • parking lot for a park on an adjacent property is permitted
  • all lands within the GM1[1719] zone are considered one lot for zoning purposes
  • residential uses are not permitted in Area A on Schedule 251
  • an automobile dealership use must be located within 120 m from the southernmost lot line on 3960 Riverside Drive.




all uses except:

  • bank
  • bank machine
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • office
  • personal service business
  • post office
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • full-service restaurant
  • fast-food restaurant
  • retail store
  • retail food store
  • service and repair shop
  • technology industry


Exception Number

Applicable Zone

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions




all uses except:

  • automotive dealership
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • bar
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • drive through facility
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • office
  • personal service business
  • post office
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • full-service restaurant
  • fast-food restaurant
  • retail store
  • retail food store
  • service and repair shop
  • technology industry


  • minimum lot width: 30m


  • medical facility
  • office
  • a medical facility and/or office must be located within the building existing on January 13, 2010





  • where a side wall of a dwelling unit abuts a rear lot line, the minimum rear yard setback is 3.0 metres
  • the minimum lot width for a principal dwelling unit in a townhouse dwelling is 4.5 metres




  • where a side wall of a dwelling unit abuts a rear lot line, the minimum rear yard setback is 1.2 metres
  • the minimum lot width for a principal dwelling unit in a townhouse dwelling is 4.5 metres


  • parking garage
  • parking lot
  • in a mixed use building only commercial uses are permitted on the first floor
  • minimum building height: 4 storeys
  • maximum building height: 6 storeys
  • parking for residential use: 1 space/unit for the first 4 storeys, 0.75 space/unit for any additional storeys over 4
  • parking for commercial use: no minimum requirement




  • parking for residential uses; 1 space per dwelling unit for the first four storeys; 0.75 spaces per dwelling unit for any additional storeys over 4 storeys

(Subject to By-law



  • minimum building height: 6 storeys including a basement
  • maximum building height: 12 storeys
  • only commercial uses are permitted on the first floor of any building
  • parking for commercial use: no minimum requirement


Order #PL080959 issued

March 18, 2010
  • restaurant, fast-food


  • minimum lot width: 11m
  • minimum front yard setback: 4m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2.6m
  • maximum permitted front yard and corner side yard projection for a porch: 1.5m
  • minimum rear yard and interior side yard setbacks:
  1. main building: 0.6m
  2. other accessory buildings: 1m, unless constructed as an integral part of a fence erected on the lot line
  • minimum interior side yard must be free of projections and unobstructed from ground to sky, save and except for the projection of eaves to a maximum of 0.3m or a pilaster to a maximum of 0.1m


  • planned unit development
  • balconies and uncovered porches are not permitted on the rear façade of a building, abutting the existing dwellings along Stillwater Drive
  • minimum rear yard setback: 8.0m
  • minimum front yard setback: 4.0m
  • minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way: 0.0m
  • minimum setback for any garage or carport: 0.0m


MD S23[1732]

MD S24[1732]
  • minimum number of parking spaces required: 430
  • minimum width of driveway aisle along northerly wall: 6.2 metres
  • the provisions of subsections 60(1), (2), (3) and (4) do not apply for a high rise office building incorporating the façades of all existing heritage buildings located on the lands zoned MD S23[1732] and MD S24[1732]



  • where a lot is located within 600 metres of a rapid transit station identified on Schedule 2A or 2B of this by-law, the maximum front yard setback for a new building to be built on the lot is 10 metres


  • community health and resource center
  • office ancillary to a community health and resource centre
  • the maximum gross floor area of community health and resource centre and ancillary uses is 1150 square metres, including all basement areas
  • the maximum gross floor area of office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, is 350 square metres
  • all required parking for community health and resource centre and office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, may be located in the adjacent part at 1480 Alta Vista Drive on lands zoned O1[1735]
  • driveways and aisles leading to parking provided for a community health and resource centre and office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, may be located on the adjacent park at 1480 Alta Vista Drive on lands zoned O1[1735] and section 100(1)(c) does not apply
  • driveway connection to Caledon Street leading to parking provided for community health and resource centre or for office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, is not permitted
  • the minimum front yard for a community health and resource centre and office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, is 4.0 metres
  • the minimum interior side yard for a community health and resource centre and office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, is 3.0 metres
  • the minimum corner side yard for a community health and resource centre and an office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, is 6.0 metres
  • the minimum rear yard for a community health and resource centre and an office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, is 8.0 metres


  • a driveway and aisle are permitted to serve a community health and resource centre and for office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, located at 1492, 1496 and 500 Caledon Street
  • parking provided for a community health and resource centre and for office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre, on the abutting lands zoned R1O[1734] is permitted and the following restrictions apply:
  1. A maximum of 40 parking spaces are permitted, of which ten parking spaces are required for a park





  • maximum front yard setback: 20.0m
  • minimum corner side yard: 0.44m
  • clause 110(2)(c) does not apply and opaque screening is not required
  • Table 197(i)(i) does not apply and a landscaped buffer between a parking lot in a TM zone and a residential zone is not required
  • clause 197(1)(b) does not apply
  • the properties at 1539 Stittsville Main Street and 4 Orville Street are deemed one lot for zoning purposes
  • Where a lot abuts Stittsville Main Street, residential uses are not permitted at grade, within 10 metres of the front lot line.



  • recreational and athletic facility
  • cinema
  • theatre












All uses prohibited except for:

  • animal hospital
  • apartment dwelling, low rise
  • artist studio
  • bank machine
  • bank
  • bed and breakfast
  • community centre
  • community health and resource centre
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • detached dwelling
  • diplomatic mission
  • duplex dwelling
  • dwelling unit
  • group home
  • instructional facility
  • linked detached dwelling
  • medical facility
  • townhouse dwelling
  • office
  • personal service business
  • planned unit development
  • post office
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • retirement home
  • retirement home, converted
  • rooming house
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • shelter
  • stacked dwelling
  • three unit dwelling
  • training centre
  • no minimum lot area or lot width
  • minimum front yard of 6 m along Johnston Road
  • no minimum side yard setback along Conroy Road
  • minimum interior side yard setback of 7.5 m along the east property line
  • minimum rear yard of 7.5 m
  • maximum floor space index of 2.0
  • minimum required width of 3 m of landscaped area where a yard is required along Johnston Road, the south and east property line; that landscaped area may be reduced to 0.6 m where a minimum 1.4 m high opaque screen is provided
  • all non-residential uses, except a day care are limited to no more than 50% of the floor space index. A bed and breakfast and diplomatic mission are also limited to no more than 50% of the floor space index
  • storage must be completely enclosed within a building






  • maximum width of a vehicular access at a lot line is 3.05 metres
  • the maximum combined width at the lot line of all vehicular accesses is 6.1 metres
  • despite the preceding provision, vehicular accesses from public lanes are not to be included in the calculation of the maximum allowable combined width of all vehicular accesses at the lot line
  • minimum landscaped strip of 1.5 metres, developed with soft landscaping, is required between the interior side lot line and a vehicular access


Exception Number

Applicable Zone

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions



  • In Area A on Schedule 252 the minimum yard setbacks for a detached dwelling are as shown on the schedule
  • maximum building height : 10.5 metres




  • minimum corner side yard setback for detached, linked detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 3 metres


  • minimum front yard setback: 5.25 metres
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6 metres


  • minimum front yard setback: 4.5 metres
  • minimum rear yard setback: 5.5 metres


  • minimum front yard setback: 6.9 metres
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6 metres


Order, File #PL080959 issued

June 1,

  • car wash
  • front and corner side yard setback: 0 metres
  • rear and interior side yard setback: 6 metres
  • maximum building height: 10.7 metres
  • a building height in excess of 10.7 metres is permitted, to a maximum height of 12.5 metres, subject to the provisions in subsections 189(3), (4) and (5)


Order, File #PL080959 issued

June 1,

  • front and corner side yard setback 0 metres
  • rear and interior side yard setback: 6 metres
  • maximum building height: 10.7 metres
  • a building height in excess of 10.7 metres is permitted, to a maximum height of 12.5 metres, subject to the provisions in subsections 189(3), (4) and (5)


Order, File #PL080959 issued

June 1,


  • amusement centre
  • automobile service station
  • cinema
  • theatre
  • light industrial uses
  • minimum front yard, corner side and interior side yard setbacks: 5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 12 metres
  • loading may be located in any yard
  • automobile service station permitted provided it is structurally integrated into, clearly associated with and secondary to a retail store limited to the sales of automobile parts and accessories


Order, File #PL080959 issued

June 1,


  • clause 197(1)(b) does not apply to office use
  • despite Section 54, restaurant, full-service means a restaurant that sells, serves and prepares on-site food and beverages to patrons seated at tables, for consumption on the premises,
  • the construction of an enclosed structure on the top roof level for the sole purpose of providing amenity area to occupants of the building at 301 Elgin Street that:
  1. has a maximum height of 3.66 metres,
  2. has a maximum allowable floor area of 265 m2,
  3. must be setback 5 metres from the east and west facing building line of the roof level at the highest level of the building; and
  4. must be setback 10 metres from the north and south facing building line of the roof level at the highest level of the building





  • artist studio
  • office
  • payday loan establishment
  • personal service business
  • medical facility
  • community health and resource centre
  • retail store
  • retail food store
  • restaurant-full service
  • restaurant, fast-food
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • residential care facility
  • shelter
  • maximum gross floor area for all non-residential uses: 280.0 m2
  • maximum gross floor area of 150.0 sq. m. for any one unit containing:
  1. artist studio
  2. office
  3. personal service business
  4. medical facility
  5. retail store
  6. retail food store
  • maximum gross floor area of 75.0 sq. m. for any one unit containing:
  1. restaurant-full service
  2. restaurant-fast food
  • all non-residential uses must have direct pedestrian access to and from Kent Street
  • minimum number of parking spaces required per dwelling unit 0.25 spaces
  • minimum number of parking spaces required for non-residential use: 1.4 spaces per 100 m2
  • maximum of three parking spaces may have a minimum stall length of 4.4 metres
  • minimum front yard setback: 1.8 metres
  • minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 0 metres
  • the minimum required total amenity area is 250.0 m2 of which a minimum of 100.0m2 must be communal amenity space


  • recreational and athletic facility
  • sports arena
  • despite clauses 199(2)(b) and (c), the maximum combined gross floor area of the uses listed in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted) is 6,100 m2








  • retail store limited to an art gallery
  • retail store, limited to an art gallery is permitted subject to a maximum gross floor area of 300 m2

(By-law 2020-291)



Order, File

# PL070478 and

#PL071188, issued

August 12, 2010)


All uses except for:

  • townhouse dwelling
  • planned unit development
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • stacked dwelling
  • the land zoned R4B[1753] S254 will be considered one lot for zoning purposes, notwithstanding the lawful division of a lot pursuant to the Planning Act, as amended, the Condominium Act, as amended, or any other similar legislation, only when the land is developed with the stacked dwelling use, but not when developed with that use in combination with any other permitted use in the zone
  • the provisions of Section 58 – Flood Plain Hazard Overlay, do not apply
  • the front yard is that yard abutting Sweetnam Drive
  • the corner side yard is that yard abutting Harry Douglas Drive
  • the rear yard is that yard opposite the front yard
  • the interior side yard is that yard opposite the corner side yard
  • on land zoned R4B[1753] S254, a “stacked dwelling” means a “townhouse dwelling” where the whole of a dwelling is divided vertically above and below grade, into three or more separate dwelling units, each such dwelling unit having an independent entrance directly from outside the building, and which is also divided horizontally into separate dwelling units but which does not exceed a building height of three and one-half storeys
  • For a stacked dwelling use the following provisions apply:
  1. the only parking permitted within the front yard is that area shown as Area A on Schedule 254
  2. minimum lot frontage: 24 metres
  3. minimum corner side yard setback: 6 metres
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 6.0 metres
  5. minimum rear yard setback: 7.5 metres
  6. minimum lot area: 900 m2
  7. minimum required dwelling unit area is:
  8. 50 m2 for a one bedroom unit
  9. 65 m2 for a two bedroom unit
  10. minimum landscaped area: 25%
  11. maximum lot coverage: 25%
  12. maximum building height: 15 metres
  • For townhouse dwelling and semi-detached dwelling uses the following provisions apply:
  1. maximum number of units per hectare: 40
  2. minimum lot frontage per dwelling unit: 6.5 metres
  3. minimum interior side yard setbacks: 2 metres on either side of the main building, and 0 metres on the common side
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 7.5 metres
  5. minimum lot area 200 m2 per dwelling unit
  6. minimum required dwelling unit area is: 93 m2
  7. minimum landscaped area: 30%
  8. maximum lot coverage: 40%
  9. maximum building height: 11 m
  • Despite Section 107 and Table 107:
  1. minimum required width of driveways and driveway aisles is 6.0 m
  • Despite Table 110:
  1. minimum required width of a landscape buffer of a parking lot abutting a residential zone is: 1.0 m
  2. minimum required width of a landscape buffer of a parking lot abutting a street is 2.5 m
  • Despite Table 131:
  1. minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way is 1.49 m, and where a garbage enclosure is located on such a wall the minimum setback to the private way is 0.69 metres


  • artist studio
  • instructional facility, ancillary to an artist studio
  • dwelling unit
  • an artist studio and ancillary instructional facility are only permitted when one dwelling unit with a minimum gross floor area of 125m2 exists in the building
  • the combined total maximum gross floor area of an artist studio and ancillary instructional facility is 65m2
  • maximum permitted number of students attending the instructional facility at any given time: 4
  • minimum number of required parking spaces for an artist studio and ancillary instructional facility: 1


  • for a duplex dwelling:
  1. minimum lot area: 440m2
  2. minimum lot width: 10m
  3. minimum rear yard setback: 7m
  • for a duplex dwelling, stacked dwelling or apartment dwelling, low rise of 4 units:
  1. minimum total amenity area: 70m2
  2. minimum private amenity area: 4 m2 per dwelling unit with a 2m clear diameter
  3. minimum required parking: 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
  • maximum building height for a stacked dwelling or apartment dwelling, low rise of 4 units: 11m
1756 Reserved for future use      
1757 Reserved for future use      





All uses except:

  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • artist studio
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • catering establishment
  • community centre
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • drive-through facility
  • instructional facility
  • library
  • medical facility
  • municipal service centre
  • nightclub
  • office
  • personal brewing facility
  • personal service business
  • post office
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • training centre
  • a landscaped area of 1.0 metre in width must abut the southern and western boundaries of the zone



  • minimum distance between a rear lot line and a portable: 4 metres

(By-law 2020-291)












  • artist studio
  • bank
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • office
  • payday loan establishment
  • personal service business
  • service and repair shop
  • For apartment dwelling, low rise and stacked dwelling uses:
  1. minimum lot width: 30m
  2. minimum lot area: 1600 m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 0m
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 5m
  5. minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
  6. minimum building separation distance: 4.5m
  7. maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
  8. maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building
  9. maximum permitted cumulative gross floor area of non-residential uses is 2787 m2 which may be distributed among the following zones: MC[1642], MC[1646], R4A[1760] and MC[2343]
  • Despite the property being located in Area C on Schedule 1A the minimum parking rates for non-residential uses in Area B of Table 101 apply.
  • Notwithstanding the previous provision the following non-residential uses have the following minimum parking rates, where permitted:
    1. Instructional Facility: 1.7 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area;
    2. Office: 1.2 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area;
    3. Medical Facility: 2.6 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area;
    4. Personal Service Business: 1.7 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area;
  • The maximum number of surface parking spaces for all non-residential uses must not exceed a limit of four spaces per 100 metres of gross floor area.
  • Residential visitor parking spaces may be used as provided and required parking for retail store, restaurant and personal service business uses located on the same lot.


Exception Number

Applicable Zone

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions




Order, File



March 15,


  • On land zoned R5B[1761] S255:
  1. maximum permitted building height: as per Schedule 255
  2. the 10th storey of any building may only be used for amenity space and mechanical equipment
  3. despite Section 64 no structural projections are permitted above the 10th storey of any building
  4. despite subclause 107(1)(a)(ii), the minimum width of a driveway providing access to a parking lot or parking garage for a double traffic lane is 6.0 metres
  5. despite clause 110(1)(a) and Table 110, Row (b), the minimum required width of the landscaped buffer to be provided for those surface parking spaces located along the easterly lot line is 0.9 metres
  6. the land shown as Areas A and B on Attachment 1 to this by-law are and will remain one lot for zoning purposes, notwithstanding the lawful division of a lot pursuant to the Planning Act, as amended, the Condominium Act, as amended or any other similar legislation





  • office limited to a diplomatic mission
  • despite subclause 107(1)(a)(ii), the minimum width of a driveway providing access to a parking lot or parking garage for a double traffic lane is 6.0 metres
  • the land zoned R5B[1762] H(30) and R5B[1761] S255 are and will remain one lot for zoning purposes, notwithstanding the lawful division of a lot pursuant to the Planning Act, as amended, the Condominium Act, as amended or any other similar legislation
  • despite clause 110(1)(a) and Table 110, Row (b), the minimum required width of the landscaped buffer to be provided for those surface parking spaces located along the easterly lot line is 0.9 metres

(By-law 2021-64)





In the TM[1763] S256 zone:

  • hotel
  • above ground parking garage
  • parking lot as a principal use
  • rooming house
  • rooming house, converted


In the R5B[1763] S256 zone:

  • rooming house
  • rooming house, converted
  • shelter
  • all new buildings must be located within the hatched areas shown on Schedule 256
  • subsection 164(1), Table 164A Row X, Columns VII through XII inclusive do not apply
  • subsections 197(3), Table 197 Rows (c) through (g) inclusive do not apply
  • subsection 197(4) does not apply
  • no new buildings are permitted in the area shown as “Area Where New Buildings are Prohibited” on Schedule 256
  • despite the above provisions:
  1. permitted projections are allowed in the area described as “Area Where New Buildings are Prohibited”
  2. a building located within the hatched areas to the south of the existing building on Schedule 256 may be connected to the existing building on the lot by a structure having a maximum height of nine metres, a maximum width of 41.2 metres and a maximum length between the buildings of 11.4 metres and this structure may only connect to the southerly wall of the existing building and must be made of transparent material
  • maximum permitted building heights are as set out on Schedule 256
  • The lands zoned with exceptions 1763 and 2570 are considered one lot for zoning purposes
  • The lot line abutting Richmond Road is deemed the front lot line
  • despite clause 100(1)(a) parking spaces for non-residential uses within the TM[1763]S256 zone may be included in the calculation of and used as visitor parking spaces for residential uses on the lot
  • maximum permitted total cumulative number of parking spaces, including required visitor parking, for all retirement homes located within the R5B[1763]S256 zone: 65 parking spaces
  • in the R5B[1763] S256 zone all dwelling units located on the ground floor of a building and containing windows facing the rear lot line or an interior side lot line must have their principal access oriented towards that lot line.
  • within the hatched area located to the north of the existing building on Schedule 256 all non-residential uses located on the ground floor of a building must have direct pedestrian access to the outdoors.
  • clause 85(3)(a) does not apply
  • section 113 does not apply
  • the holding symbol will not be removed until such time as an application for Site Plan Approval has been approved and a Site Plan Agreement is registered on title.
  • as part of its approval of the Site Plan, the City requires, in addition to any other requirements not specifically listed herein, that the following requirements be fulfilled to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development or Planning and Environment Committee, whichever the case may be:
  1. public rights-of-way and easements over all the lands described on Schedule 256 as “Area Where New Buildings are Prohibited” and not occupied by permitted projections or by outdoor commercial patios;
  2. two separate public rights of way to be established through the mixed-use commercial building along Richmond Road frontage. One passageway must be a minimum of nine metres wide and the other must be a minimum of nine metres wide and the other must be a minimum of six metres wide. They both must be a minimum of eight metres high;
  3. a substantially landscaped public walkway from the Byron Street Linear Park to Richmond Road and as part of this walkway, the existing row of mature maple trees must be preserved and incorporated into the pathway system;
  4. additional landscaping on the subject property where appropriate and new trees must have a minimum calliper of 70 mm, unless otherwise specified;
  5. that the ground floor uses of the building to be built along Richmond Road have direct access from the ground floor on both the Richmond Road façade and the southern façade facing the historic Monastery;
  6. vehicular access to the property be provided in a safe and functional manner and the location of vehicular access must be approved by the City;
  7. that the Owner agree to undertake and pay for any required modifications to the road network affected by the proposal;
  8. with a view to incorporating the characteristic found along Traditional Mainstreets in Ottawa, and the surrounding neighbourhood, the facades of all buildings will be subject to Site Plan Control approval and will be reviewed with respect to materials, colours, complementary building finishes, exterior treatments, the incorporation of podiums, setbacks, transitions in height, changes in relief and overall design and the Secondary Plan Built Form Guidelines for Westboro Village and East Village;
  9. if the building on Richmond Road is all one height in metres, or the same number of stories, the building on Richmond Road must be designed to look like a minimum of three different buildings
  10. assurance that parking is provided in accordance with the Zoning By-law No. 2008-250, as amended, but not in an abundance so as to result in a reduction in the use of alternative forms of transportation.
  • in addition to the above, the holding symbol will not be removed until such time as Council has considered a report to impose a special rate to permit the acquisition of the lands outlined in black on Schedule 256, less land taken as parkland under the Planning Act, section 42 and no development shall be permitted on the lands outlined in black on Schedule 256 until Council has considered the report, and;
  1. if Council has not approved the acquisition of the lands outlined in black on Schedule 256, less lands to be acquired under section 42, and a special rate to permit the acquisition by 31 March 2011, the above provision will be deemed to be void and of no effect; or,
  2. if Council has approved the land acquisition of the lands outlined in black on Schedule 256, less lands to be acquired under Section 42, and the special rate by 31 March 2011, this provision shall remain in effect until 31 March 2014.
  • The following applies until January 27, 2024: a temporary surface parking use, limited to visitor parking for the development at 98 Richmond Road with a minimum of 11 spaces, is permitted within the area shown on Schedule 428.
1764 - 1767 Reserved for future use      

(By-law 2022-103)
Reserved for future use      










  • detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • linked detached dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • stacked dwelling
  • planned unit development
  • diplomatic mission
  • duplex dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • rooming house
  • for the additional land uses permitted in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted), the Zone Provisions for the R4 zone and the provisions for the R4A subzone shall apply
  • despite the provisions for the R4A subzone, the minimum lot width for a townhouse dwelling is 5 metres




  • restaurant, full-service
  • restaurant, take-out
1771 Reserved for future use      
1772 Reserved for future use      

(By-law 2020-291)

(By-law 2020-289)






  • retirement home
  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • park
  • retirement home, converted
  • rooming house, converted
  • secondary dwelling unit
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • The provisions for townhouse dwellings with attached garage abutting a lane are:
  1. minimum lot width: 5.0m per dwelling unit
  2. minimum lot area: 110m2 per dwelling unit
  3. maximum lot coverage: 65%
  4. minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  6. minimum building separation distance: 3.0m
  7. minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
  8. minimum rear yard setback: 0m
  9. maximum building height: 11m
  • Provisions for attached garage accessory to and located at the rear of a townhouse dwelling are:
  1. maximum size of garage: 6.5m deep x 7.0m wide
  2. minimum yard setback from rear lane or private road: 0.6m
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: 0.6m if detached or 0.0m if attached to neighbouring garage
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum rear yard setback: n/a
  • General provisions:
  1. unenclosed covered porch may project 2.0m into a front yard as long as the steps attached come no closer than 0.5m to the property line
  2. maximum units per building: 8 units
  3. a deck is permitted on the garage roof
  4. the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply
  5. the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply
  • The provisions for townhouse dwelling are:
  1. minimum lot width: 6.0m per dwelling unit
  2. minimum lot area: 150m2 per dwelling unit
  3. maximum lot coverage: 55%
  4. minimum front yard setback for dwelling: 3.0m
  5. minimum front yard setback for garage: 4.0m
  6. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  7. minimum building separation distance: 3.0m
  8. minimum rear yard setback: 6.0m
  9. maximum building height: 11.0
  10. unenclosed covered porch may project 2.0m into a front yard as long as the steps attached come no closer than 0.5m to the property line
  11. minimum distance between the main elevation of garage to the nearest edge of the sidewalk is 6.0m
  12. maximum of 6 units per building
  • The provisions for apartment dwelling low rise and stacked dwelling are:
  1. minimum lot width: 30m
  2. minimum lot area: 4046m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
  4. minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum building separation distance: 4.5m
  6. minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m
  7. maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
  8. minimum number of parking spaces required is: 1.0 spaces per unit
  9. maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building

(By-law 2020-291)

(By-law 2020-289)






  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • park
  • retirement home, converted
  • rooming house, converted
  • secondary dwelling unit
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • The provisions for townhouse dwellings with attached garage abutting a lane are:
  1. minimum lot width: 5.0m per dwelling unit
  2. minimum lot area: 110m2 per dwelling unit
  3. maximum lot coverage: 65%
  4. minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  6. minimum building separation distance: 3.0m
  7. minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
  8. minimum rear yard setback: 0m
  9. maximum building height: 11m
  • Provisions for attached garage accessory to and located at the rear of a townhouse dwelling are:
  1. maximum size of garage: 6.5m deep x 7.0m wide
  2. minimum yard setback from rear lane or private road: 0.6m
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: 0.6m if detached or 0.0m if attached to neighbouring garage
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum rear yard setback: n/a
  • General provisions:
  1. unenclosed covered porch may project 2.0m into a front yard as long as the steps attached come no closer than 0.5m to the property line
  2. maximum units per building: 8 units
  3. a deck is permitted on the garage roof
  4. the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply
  • The provisions for apartment dwelling low rise and stacked dwelling are:
  1. minimum lot width: 30m
  2. minimum lot area: 4046m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
  4. minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum building separation distance: 4.5m
  6. minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m
  7. maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
  8. minimum number of parking spaces required is: 1.0 spaces per unit
  9. maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building

(By-law  2020-291)




  • retirement home
  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • park
  • retirement home, converted
  • rooming house, converted
  • secondary dwelling unit
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • The provisions for apartment dwelling, low rise and stacked dwelling are:
  1. minimum lot width: 30m
  2. minimum lot area: 4046m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
  4. minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum building separation distance: 3m
  6. minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m
  7. maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
  8. minimum number of parking spaces required is: 1.0 spaces per unit
  9. maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building

(By-law 2020-291)

(By-law 2020-289)






  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • park
  • retirement home,converted
  • rooming house,converted
  • secondary dwelling unit
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • The provisions for townhouse dwellings with attached garage abutting a lane are:
  1. minimum lot width: 5.0m per dwelling unit
  2. minimum lot area: 110m2 per dwelling unit
  3. maximum lot coverage: 65%
  4. minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  6. minimum building separation distance: 3.0m
  7. minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
  8. minimum rear yard setback: 0m
  9. maximum building height: 11m
  • Provisions for attached garage accessory to and located at the rear of a townhouse dwelling are:
  1. maximum size of garage: 6.5m deep x 7.0m wide
  2. minimum yard setback from rear lane or private road: 0.6m
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: 0.6m if detached or 0.0m if attached to neighbouring garage
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum rear yard setback: n/a
  • General provisions:
  1. unenclosed covered porch may project 2.0m into a front yard as long as the steps attached come no closer than 0.5m to the property line
  2. maximum units per building: 8 units
  3. a deck is permitted on the garage roof
  4. the maximum width of 50% of the rear lot line does not apply, and the 1.0 rear yard setback does not apply
  • The provisions for apartment dwelling low rise and stacked dwelling are:
  1. minimum lot width: 30m
  2. minimum lot area: 4046m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.0m
  4. minimum side yard setback: 3.0m
  5. minimum building separation distance: 4.5m
  6. minimum rear yard setback: 7.5m
  7. maximum building height: 13m or 4 storeys
  8. minimum number of parking spaces required is: 1.0 spaces per unit
  9. maximum of 12 units per stacked dwelling building







  • artist studio
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • community centre
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • library
  • medical facility
  • payday loan establishment
  • personal brewing facility
  • personal service business
  • post office
  • production studio
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • minimum required landscaped area: 40% of the lot area of which 20% must be located at grade
  • minimum required front and rear yard setbacks: 0.0 m
  • minimum required interior side yard setback is 2.25 m
  • minimum required corner side yard setback: 1.75 m
  • minimum required number of visitor parking spaces: 0.087 spaces per dwelling unit
  • maximum permitted number of resident and visitor parking spaces: 1.1 spaces per dwelling unit
  • minimum required number of parking spaces for non-residential uses: 0 spaces
  • maximum of 10 parking spaces may be provided as tandem parking spaces
  • all permitted non-residential uses must:
  1. be located in a mixed-use building also containing residential uses;
  2. only be located on the ground floor;
  3. face either Champagne Avenue South or Hickory Street; and,
  4. have their principal access oriented towards and entering onto a yard that abuts either Champagne Avenue South or Hickory Street
  • lands within the R5B[1777] S260 zone shall be considered as one lot for zoning purposes





  • clause 197(1)(b) only applies to a building wall facing Bank Street
  • subclause 197(3)(d)(i) and clause 197(3)(e) do not apply
  • clause 197(4)(d) does not apply and the maximum front yard setback applies only to that part of a building that is less than 15 metres in height
  • subclause 197(3)(g)(ii) does not apply and maximum permitted building heights are as set out on Schedule 261
  • despite Section 65, Table 65, Row 6(b), the maximum size and extent of projection of an uncovered balcony is 2 metres and may be as close as 0 metres to any lot line
  • maximum building heights set out on Schedule 261 do not apply to projections permitted under Section 65
  • minimum required number of visitor parking spaces for the balance of the dwelling units over 12 dwelling units is 0.1 spaces per dwelling unit
  • minimum required number of parking spaces for a non-residential use that
  1. has a gross floor area of less than 700 m2 and,
  2. is located on the ground floor of a building: 0 parking spaces




  • retirement home
  • car wash
  • drive-through facility
  • stacked dwelling
  • parking lot as a principle use
  • service and repair shop
  • minimum front and corner side yard setback for any part of a building above 11 m in height: 6 m
  • maximum permitted front and corner side yard setback for any part of a building wall 11 m or less in height where the front or side lot abuts:
  1. Montreal Road: 25 m from centreline of Montreal Road
  2. Other streets: 3.0 m from street lot line
  • the wall at grade facing a public street shall have 50% of its facade comprised of windows and entrances and, in the case of a corner lot, the entrance may be in an angle at corner walls facing a street intersection




  • detached dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • duplex dwellings
  • any yard abutting a public pedestrian pathway is deemed to be a corner side yard
  • minimum front and corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback:
  1. abutting an R1, R2, R3 or R4 zone: 7.5 m
  2. all other cases: 4.5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 5.5 m
  • the front doors of all dwelling units must be located in a wall directly facing either a public street or pedestrian pathway
  • exterior parking spaces and aisles leading to a parking space must not be located:
  1. closer than 12.0 metres to a dwelling
  2. in any required yard, or in a provided front or corner side yard
  • despite Schedule 1A, for the purpose of calculating all required parking, the lands zoned R4T[1780] are subject to the rates set out in Section 101, Table 101, Column III for Area B on Schedule 1A


Exception Number

Applicable Zone

Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted

Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited

Exception Provisions - Provisions



(OMB Order,

File #PL101333, issued March 3, 2011)


  • maximum building height: 14 metres

(OMB Order,

File #PL101333, issued

March 3, 2011)


  • maximum building height: 14 metres





(OMB Order,

File #PL101333, issued March 3, 2011)


  • maximum building height for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 14 metres
  • minimum lot size for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 140 square metres



(OMB Order, File #PL101333, issued March 3, 2011)


  • maximum building height: 14 metres
  • minimum lot area for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings: 140 square metres

(By-law 2020-289)


Order, File #PL101333, issued March 3, 2011)


  • the interior side yard and rear yard setbacks for a planned unit development are: 3.0 metres




2012-334)(OMB Order, File #PL101333, issued March 3, 2011)


  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • with the exception of a temporary stormwater management facility, all permitted uses are prohibited until the holding symbol is removed
  • the holding symbol may be removed only at such time as an ultimate stormwater management facility to serve the subject lands, has been constructed to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development







  1. On land zoned GM24[1787]F(1.0)S263; GM24[1787]F(1.0)S263-h1, GM24[1787]F(1.0)S263-h2 the following provisions apply:
    1. Required parking may be located in the adjacent GM[52] zone;
    2. Minimum required building setback from St. Laurent Boulevard is 3.5 metres;
    3. Maximum permitted setback from St. Laurent Boulevard is 4.5 m;
    4. Minimum required number of parking spaces is 2.5 per 100 mof gross leasable floor area (GLFA);
    5. Maximum permitted number of parking spaces is 4.85 per 100 mof GLFA;
    6. Notwithstanding “e”, the maximum permitted number of parking spaces for an office use is 2.2 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA;
    7. Notwithstanding “d”, the minimum permitted number of parking spaces for an office use is zero spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA;
    8. The lot shall be treated as one-lot for zoning purposes, should there be any future divisions of the property;
    9. Maximum building height will be in accordance with Schedule 263;
    10. Notwithstanding “i”, the maximum building height within 20 m of a residential zone is 11 m;
    11. All buildings located within 10 metres of a public street must be occupied at grade level by permitted non-residential or residential uses to a minimum distance of 20 metres from the building facade facing the public street, and a minimum of 75% of the surface area of the facade at grade level must be occupied by transparent windows and operable doors that are open to the public during all regular business hours;
    12. An above-grade level parking garage is not permitted within 10 metres of a public street;
    13. All non-residential uses located on the ground floor of a building located as per “k” must provide direct pedestrian access toward the street
    14. Notwithstanding “d” and “e” above, the provisions set out in point 2 below apply to all residential uses.
    1. 500 Coventry Road zoned GM24[1787]F(1.0) S263-h1: the “h1” holding symbol will not be lifted until all agreements required outlining the details of the relocation of Coventry Road to the north and west sides of 525 and 535 Coventry Road have been executed;
    2. 525 and 535 Coventry Road zoned GM24[1787]F(1.0)S263-h2: the “h2” holding symbol will not be lifted until Coventry Road has been relocated and constructed to City standards to the north and west sides of 525 and 535 Coventry Road.
  3. (i) the following additional zone provisions will apply to all lands zoned GM24[1787]S263 F(1.0) after the lifting of the -h1 and –h2 holding symbol:
    1. The maximum permitted GLFA for all retail uses is 139,000 m2
    2. Notwithstanding “3(i)a”, the maximum GLFA for all retail uses may exceed 139,000 m2 when building(s) are provided along the easterly edge of the property, that contain at grade level permitted non-residential uses with direct pedestrian access to St. Laurent Boulevard, covering a minimum of 20 metres of the buildable area measured westerly from the lot line abutting St. Laurent Blvd. and for a minimum distance of equal to 65% of the frontage along St. Laurent Blvd., and of 65%, a minimum of 30 metres measured southerly along St. Laurent Blvd. from Coventry Road must be occupied by building(s);
    3. The maximum total combination of GLFA for all non-residential uses plus Gross Floor Area for all residential uses is 170,000 m2 ;
    4. Notwithstanding “3(i)c”, the maximum total combination of GLFA for all non-residential uses plus Gross Floor Area for all residential uses GLFA may exceed 170,000 m2 when building(s) are provided along the easterly edge of the property, that contain at grade level permitted non-residential uses with direct pedestrian access to St. Laurent Boulevard, covering a minimum of 20 metres of the buildable area measured westerly from the lot line abutting St. Laurent Boulevard and for a minimum distance equal to 65% of the frontage along St. Laurent Blvd., and of that 65% a minimum of 30 metres measured southerly along St. Laurent Blvd. from Coventry Road must be occupied by building(s).


  • three unit dwelling

(By-law 2023-22)





  • personal service business, limited to barber shop, beauty parlour, or dry cleaner’s distribution station
  • place of assembly, limited to a club
  • retail store, limited to a drug store, florist shop, or news stand
  • restaurant
  • parking lot
  • a principal parking lot is limited to 16 parking spaces for a temporary period of three years beginning on January 25, 2023
  • a principal use parking lot is permitted as a temporary use effective March 25, 2015 and expiring March 24, 2018
  • a principal use parking lot is only permitted on the lot with another permitted use
  • for a building or structure accessory to a principal use parking lot:
  1. The minimum required front yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
  2. The minimum required interior side yard setback is 0 metres
  • despite Table 110, the minimum required width of a landscaped buffer for a parking lot:
  1. Abutting a street: 1.2 metres.
  2. Where the lot line abuts an existing parking lot on an adjacent lot: 0 metres.
  • section 109(3) does not apply
  • additional permitted uses other than a parking lot and a place of assembly limited to a club are only permitted:
  1. in the ground floor or basement of a building containing dwelling units, or
  2. Within the existing single-storey building, and
  3. Within an addition up to 150 square metres within the existing single-storey building
  • subsection 85(3) does not apply
  • there is no required parking for a restaurant




R3YY[1790] S264  

All uses except:

  • detached dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • home based business
  • park
  • For detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 220 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 10 metres
  3. minimum front yard setback: as per schedule 264
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 metres
  • For townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 81 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 6.0 metres
  3. minimum front yard setback: as per schedule 264
  4. minimum rear yard setback: when units are attached back to back as well as side to side, no setback required
  5. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 metres
  6. parking requirement for home-based business in a townhouse dwelling: 1 parking space required only when an on-site, non-resident employee is involved
  7. an attached garage must be a minimum of 6.0 metres from a sidewalk that was provided as part of a plan of subdivision
  8. despite Section 57, the size of the required corner sight triangle will be as per the approved plan of subdivision
  9. despite the permitted projections in Table 65 the following is permitted:
    1. ornamental elements such as cornices, eaves, eave-troughs and gutters, all may project a maximum of 1.0 metre into a required yard but must be at least 0.2 metres away from any side lot line,
    2. steps may project into a required front or corner side yard a maximum of 2.5 metres but must be at least 0.5 metres away from a lot line,
    3. an air conditioner condenser may be located in a front yard when units are attached back to back.




Reserved for future use      

(OMB Order,

File #PL081391,



14, 2011)
  • minimum lot width: 13.27 m
  • minimum lot area: 575 m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 7.5 m
  • maximum building height: 8 m

(OMB Order,



issued January

14, 2011)
  • minimum rear yard setback: 2 m
  • minimum front yard setback: 7.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 4.5 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 7.5 m
  • maximum building height: 8 m

(OMB Order,





14, 2011)
  • minimum lot width: 15.1 m
  • minimum lot area: 555 m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 7.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback from the southern side lot line: 3 m
  • maximum building height: 8 m


  • minimum required number of parking spaces: 0.7 per dwelling unit


  • place of worship
  • a portion of the abutting public lane extending 1.6 m in depth measured perpendicularly from and running along the entirety of the interior side lot line may be included in the calculation of lot area, lot coverage and the interior side yard setback
  • tandem parking is permitted
  • maximum permitted gross floor area of assembly area within a place of worship is 200 m2




Reserved for future use      



(OMB Order,

File #


issued July

7, 2010)
R5B[1798] F(6.5)
  • parking garage
  • maximum floor space index: 6.5
  • minimum front yard setback: 2.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m for buildings and 0 m for deck structures
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6.0 m
  • minimum driveway width: 6.2 m
  • minimum aisle width of 6.0 m
  • minimum visitor parking of 0.083 per dwelling unit after the first 12 units
  • A parking garage is limited to a maximum of 28 parking spaces.


  • laboratory associated with a research and development centre
  • retail store
  • retail food store


IL[1800] H(22)
  • automobile body shop
  • laboratory associated with a research and development centre
  • retail store
  • retail food store
  • all operations of an automobile body shop are to be within an enclosed building
  • outdoor storage associated with an automobile body shop is permitted