Exceptions 2601-2700


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

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Exception number
Applicable zones
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
TM[2601] H(20)    
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6 m
  • Despite Section 101(4)(b), where a residential use is located within a building of 5 or more storeys, no off-street motor vehicle parking is required to be provided for the first 14 residential units.
  • military and police training facility
  • office
  • The following applies to a low-rise apartment dwelling:
  1. maximum number of dwelling units: 7
  2. minimum lot area: 357 m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 4.9 m
  4. minimum total communal amenity area for a low-rise apartment with 7 dwelling units or less is 81 m2 and is subject to the following:
    1. consist of at least 60 m2 of soft landscaping
    2. be landscaped
    3. be located at grade and in the rear yard and may include one interior yard that abuts both the rear yard and interior side yard
  5. minimum south interior side yard setback is 0.26 m for any part of a building located more than 13 m and less than 18 m from the front lot line; in all other circumstances, the minimum south interior side yard setback is 0.87 m
  6. a balcony may project a maximum of 1 m into the required rear yard.
  7. open stairways may project a maximum of 2 m into the required rear yard.
  8. maximum width of walkways: 2.2 m.
  • An Apartment Dwelling, Low-rise is subject to the following provisions:
  1. minimum required interior side-yard setback: 1.1 m
  2. minimum required lot area is 274 m2
  3. minimum required lot width: 9 m
  4. Despite Table 137, rows (3) and (12), column (II), the minimum total amenity area required is 11 m2 per dwelling unit.
R5A[2605] S405    
  • minimum width of an aisle within a parking garage associated with an apartment dwelling, high rise: 6 m
  • Despite Section 94, a maximum of three car-sharing parking spaces will be allowed per apartment dwelling building, high rise.
  • Building stepbacks and maximum permitted building heights as per S405.
  • Maximum building heights of S405 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
R5A[2606] S406
  • animal care establishment
  • artist Studio
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • catering establishment
  • click and collect facility
  • community health and resource centre
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • library
  • medical facility
  • municipal service centre
  • museum
  • office
  • personal brewing facility
  • personal service business
  • post office
  • production studio
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • research and development centre
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • storefront industry
  • training centre
  • minimum width of an aisle within a parking garage associated with an apartment dwelling, high rise: 6 m
  • Despite Section 94, a maximum of four car-sharing parking spaces will be allowed per apartment dwelling, high rise.
  • The conditional uses for R5A, under Ancillary Uses for PUD developments as well as Section 131 (4), (5) and (6), do not apply.
  • Despite the definition of residential use building, a non-residential use is permitted within a residential use building, and where a non-residential use is included within a residential use building, the type of dwelling applicable to the building shall be determined based on the number of and configuration of the dwelling units.
  • Building stepbacks and maximum permitted building heights as per S406.
  • Maximum building heights of S406 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
  • The following applies to the uses in Column III (Additional Land Uses Permitted):
  1. They must be located within the first two storeys, as ancillary uses, to the apartment dwelling, high rise;
  2. Each single occupancy must not exceed 500 m2 of gross leasable area, except in the case of a Convenience Store, Service and Repair Shop, Restaurant or Recreation and Athletic Facility, each single occupancy must not exceed 300 m2 of gross leasable area;
  3. The total cumulative gross leasable area must not exceed a gross leasable area of 1500 m2; and,
  4. Parking rate: 3.4 parking spaces/100 m2 of GFA
  • minimum lot area for a low-rise apartment dwelling: 353 m2
  • minimum lot width for a low-rise apartment dwelling: 11.5 m
  • minimum total interior side yard setback for a low-rise apartment dwelling is 2.8 m, with one minimum yard, no less than 0.6 m
  • Despite anything to the contrary, a roof-top access within the maximum building height is permitted to have a total area of 20 m2.
  • Despite Section 139, the maximum permitted width for a walkway is 1.9 m.
  • Despite Row 3, Column IV of Table 137, the required communal amenity area may be aggregated into multiple areas, with at least one area a minimum of 54 m2.
  • section 60 does not apply.
R4S[2607] H(29.5)    
  • minimum front yard setback: 1.5 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 2 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback:
  1. further than 21 m from the front lot line: 1.5 m
  2. minimum interior side yard setback for the basement and terrace on top of the basement further than 21 m from the front lot line: 1.3 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for the basement and terrace on top of the basement: 0 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for the portion of the building above the basement: 7.5 m
  • maximum building height: 29.5 m
  • For the purpose of this exception, “basement” means any level of a building having more than half of its floor to ceiling height below grade
  • minimum bicycle parking rate: 1.0 per dwelling unit;
  • Despite Section 111, the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions under subsection (8) and the minimum aisle width under subsection (9) do not apply to bicycle parking spaces provided in excess of the minimum requirement.
  • no residential parking required under Section 101 is required for a mid-rise apartment dwelling of no more than 99 dwelling units
  • minimum amenity area: 5 m2 per dwelling unit
  • minimum communal amenity area: 60% of minimum total amenity area
  • One visitor parking space may be used as a car-sharing space.
  • The use of the visitor parking space for car sharing purposes does not result in a zoning violation for a lack of visitor parking.
(By-law 2021-204)
  • office
  • minimum interior side yard setbacks are 0.5 m on one side and 6 m on the other
  • maximum building height is 10.7 m
AM10[2610] S407-h    
  • The maximum building height and setbacks are as per S407.
  • minimum landscape buffer for a parking lot not abutting a street: 1m
  • minimum aisle width: 6m
  • Removal of the -h symbol is conditional upon the execution and registration of a site plan agreement for the development of the high-rise building establishing the community amenity to be provided on the public park. The community amenity shall be the provision of additional amenities for the designated park construction above and beyond the City’s standard park development rate and the Planning Act parkland dedication requirement at the time of agreement execution.
R5K[2611] H(20)
  • parking lot
  • convenience store
  • residential care facility
  • shelter
  • utility installation
  • The principal use Parking lot may only be used by residents from a residential use building located on the lots municipally known as 17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 31, 36, 38, 40, 44, 46, 130, 134 and 138 Robinson Avenue.
  • An Apartment Dwelling, mid-rise is subject to the following provisions:
  1. minimum lot width: 15 m
  2. minimum lot area: 450 m2
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  4. a Rooming house is limited to 50% of the gross floor area of the building
  5. the minimum number of parking spaces required for the first 46 dwelling units: 3
  6. the minimum number of bicycle spaces for a dwelling unit or rooming unit is 1
  7. 27% of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area.
  8. stacked bicycle parking structures are permitted and may use a shared aisle with a minimum width of 1.5 m
  • An outdoor rooftop amenity area is prohibited.
R5K[2612] H(20)
  • parking lot
  • convenience store
  • residential care facility
  • shelter
  • utility installation
  • The principal use Parking lot may only be used by residents from a residential use building located on the lots municipally known as 17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 31, 36, 38, 40, 44, 46, 130, 134 and 138 Robinson Avenue.
  • An Apartment Dwelling, mid-rise is subject to the following provisions:
  1. minimum lot width: 15 m
  2. minimum lot area: 450 m2
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  4. a Rooming house is limited to 50% of the gross floor area of the building
  5. the minimum number of parking spaces required for the first 46 dwelling units: 3
  6. the minimum number of bicycle spaces for a dwelling unit or rooming unit is 1
  7. 29% of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area.
  8. stacked bicycle parking structures are permitted and may use a shared aisle with a minimum width of 1.5 m.
  • An outdoor rooftop amenity area is prohibited.
2613 Reserved for Future Use      
R4N[2614] S408    
  • A parapet may project a maximum of 1m above the permitted height.
  • building setbacks and maximum heights are as per S408
  • hotel
  • Minimum landscaping buffer around a parking lot for the south side of the property, where a shared access straddles the property line: 0m
  • Minimum number of loading spaces for a hotel over 2,000 m2 : 1
  • Notwithstanding Table 113B, the minimum width of an aisle accessing all loading spaces is 7 m.
(OMB Orders, File #PL200187, issued December 10, 2021)
  • warehouse, limited to self-storage
  • Despite Section 186 (10)(b):
  • i. 10% of the Baseline Road frontage must be occupied by buildings within 3 m of the front lot line.
  • ii. Where the lot contains a building existing as of the date of the passing of this by-law 28% of the Clyde Avenue frontage must be occupied by buildings within 3 m of the front lot line.
  • Despite Section 186(10)(e), any portion of a building located within 10 metres of Baseline Road must satisfy the following minimum building heights:
  1. minimum ground floor height:
    1. where a mezzanine is located above there is no minimum;
    2. in all other cases: 4.5 metres;
  2. The minimum building height is 6.4 metres and must contain at least two storeys.
  • Despite Section 186(10)(h), for a warehouse, limited to self-storage use, a minimum of 41 per cent of the ground floor façade, measured from the average grade up to a height of 4.5 metres, facing Clyde Avenue must be comprised of transparent glazing and active customer entrance access doors.
  • Despite Table 112, A drive-through restaurant requires four queuing spaces before/at the order board and a minimum total of 10 queuing spaces.
  • Despite Table 113A, one loading space is required for a Warehouse use.
  • No oversized loading spaces are required for a Warehouse use.
  • The minimum width of an aisle accessing a loading space is 6.7 metres.
  • The minimum length of a loading space is 6.9 m.
  • Despite Table 110, the minimum landscape buffer for a parking lot containing over 10 but fewer than 100 parking spaces adjacent to a property line not abutting a street is 0 m.
  • Despite Section 110(3)(c):
  1. loading spaces are not required to be screened;
  2. refuse areas which utilize a semi-underground bin system are not required to be screened.
  • Despite Section 110(3)(b), refuse areas which utilize a semi-underground bin system shall be a minimum of 1.0 m from a property line not abutting a street.
  • The minimum number of parking spaces for warehouse, limited to self-storage use as well as ancillary retail use located within the same building is 20 spaces.
  • A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 m, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.
  • Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.2 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 metre into a required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  • Balconies and porches may project to within 0 metres of a corner lot line.
  • The steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard but may be no closer than 0.5 m from a lot line other than a corner side lot line, from which they can be as close as 0 m.
  • Any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 metres but no higher than 0.6 metres above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 metres of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.31 metres may project to within 0.3 of a lot line.
  • An air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back multiple dwelling and may not be located in a corner side yard except in the case of a townhouse dwelling.
  • In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
  • Section 136 does not apply.
  • Zone requirements for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 220 m2
  2. minimum front yard setback 3 m
  3. minimum front yard setback for an attached garage: 3.5 m
  4. minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 metres with a minimum of 0.6 metres on at least one side. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard
  5. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m, despite the foregoing, no more than two portions of the building, not exceeding a total floor area of 3 m2, may be located no closer than 2.0 m from the side lot line abutting a street
  6. maximum lot coverage: 55 %
  7. minimum 6.0 m rear yard setback with minimum 4.5 m setback up to 50 % of the lot width, the total area of the rear yard must not be less than 54 m2
  8. for a detached dwelling on a corner lot:
    1. minimum rear yard setback may be reduced to 2.5 m for part of the building that is no higher than 4.5 m and any part of the building, excluding projections, located less than 6 m from the rear lot line must be located at least 4 m from any interior side lot line.
    2. detached dwellings on corner lots must keep street facing side yards consistent in the quality and detail of the front elevation.
  • Zone requirements for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 137 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
  6. maximum building height: 14 m
  7. maximum lot coverage: 65 per cent
  • Zone requirements for back-to-back townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 81 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 0.0 m
  5. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  6. minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
  7. maximum building height: 14 m
  • Zone requirements for townhouse dwellings with access to a rear lane:
  1. minimum lot area: 110 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
  5. minimum interior yard setback: 1.5 m
  6. minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
  7. maximum building height: 14 m
  8. maximum lot coverage: no maximum
  • detached dwelling
  • group home
  • retirement home
  • secondary dwelling unit
  • A maximum of 60% of the area of the front yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is the greater, may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65 and a walkway with a maximum width of 1.8 m, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.
  • Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.2 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  • Balconies and porches may project to within 0 metres of a corner lot line.
  • The steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard but may be no closer than 0.5 m from a lot line other than a corner side lot line, from which they can be as close as 0 m.
  • Any portion of a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.31 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  • An air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 metre, but no closer than 0.2 metres to a lot line and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back multiple dwelling and may not be located in a corner side yard except in the case of a townhouse dwelling.
  • In the case of a home-based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
  • Section 136 does not apply.
  • Zone requirements for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 198 m2
  2. minimum front yard setback 3 m
  3. minimum front yard setback for an attached garage: 3.5 m
  4. minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on at least one side. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback equals the minimum required for at least one yard.
  5. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m, despite the foregoing, no more than two portions of the building, not exceeding a total floor area of 3 m2, may be located no closer than 2.0 m from the side lot line abutting a street
  6. maximum lot coverage: 55 %
  7. minimum 6.0 m rear yard setback with minimum 4.5 m setback up to 50 % of the lot width, the total area of the rear yard must not be less than 54 m2.
  • Zone requirements for semi-detached and townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 137 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.0 m
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. minimum corner side yard: 2.5 m
  6. maximum building height: 14 m
  7. maximum lot coverage: 65 %
O1L[2620] S409    
  • Temporary non-accessory parking is permitted subject to a maximum of 11 non-accessory parking spaces, including one accessible parking space, in the location of the existing parking identified on Schedule 409 until April 22, 2023.

Exception number
Applicable zones
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
  • The following applies to an apartment dwelling, low rise:
  1. maximum number of dwelling units: 8
  2. minimum front yard setback: 4.14 m
  3. minimum rear yard setback: 5.89 m
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.26 m
  5. An exterior stairway may be located 0.27 m from an interior lot line.
  6. A minimum of 94 m2 of amenity area, at grade, in the rear yard must be provided.
(Subject to By-law 2024-237)
R3Z[2622] S183    
  • Despite Table 162A and Table 162B, for a Planned Unit Development:

    i) minimum front yard setback: 3.5m

    ii) minimum northwesterly interior side yard setback: 7.5m

    iii) minimum southeasterly interior side yard setback: 2.6m for any part of the building located within 24m of the front lot line, otherwise the minimum required setback is 7.5m.

    iv) minimum southeasterly interior side yard setback: 2.6m for any part of the building located within 21m of the rear lot line, otherwise the minimum required setback is 7.5m.

    v) Minimum rear yard setback: 3.5m

    vi) Maximum building height: 12m

  • The following applies to an apartment dwelling, low rise:
  1. minimum lot area: 331.5 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 10 m
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • The following applies to an Apartment Dwelling, Low-rise:
  1. minimum interior side yard setback from the northern property line: 1.5 m
  2. minimum interior side yard setback for the southerly property line: 3 m.
  3. minimum rear yard setback: 6 m
  4. maximum height: 12 m
  5. the minimum number of parking spaces is 0.6 per dwelling unit
  6. minimum number of required visitor parking spaces: 3
  7. Up to 10 parking spaces may have a minimum length of 4.6 metres. This provision does not apply to the required visitor parking spaces.
  • For detached dwellings, a maximum of 55 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
  • Where a corner lot contains a townhouse dwelling with a front door facing one street and a parking space is accessed from a driveway that passes through the front yard of the other street, a maximum of 70 % of the area of the front yard, may be used for a driveway.
  • For back-to-back townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 75 m2
  2. A maximum of 55 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
  3. An air conditioning condenser may be located in the front yard.
  • The following applies to an apartment dwelling, low rise:
  1. minimum lot area: 289 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 8.5 m
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: total interior side yard setback is 2.7 m, with one minimum yard being no less than 1.2 m
  4. minimum amenity space requirement: 11.4 m2 per dwelling unit, located at grade, in the rear yard, be landscaped, consist of 80% soft landscaping and abut the rear lot line
(By-law 2020-141)
  • minimum rear yard setback: 4.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 3.8 m
  • minimum parking space rate for a stacked dwelling: 1.0 per dwelling unit.
  • minimum drive aisle width: 6 m
  • minimum setback for any garage or carport entrance from a private way: 4.2m
(Subject to By-law 2023-398)
GM20[2628] H(18.5)    
  • The following maximum building heights apply:
  1. In any area up to and including 10.5m from an R1 zone: 18.5m
  2. In any area outside of the area identified in i) above: 20.5m and limited to a maximum of six-storeys.


  • Maximum FSI: 2.1
  • Minimum required front yard setback: 1.5m
  • Minimum required landscaped area abutting a street: 1.5m
  • Minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way or drive aisle: 1.5m
  • retail store, limited to a pharmacy
  • the minimum required rear yard and interior side yard setback for a Planned Unit Development is 5 m beyond the first 18 m from the public street.
2631 Reserved for Future Use      
  • apartment dwelling, midrise
  • The following applies to an apartment dwelling, mid rise:
  1. maximum building height: 18 m/6 storeys
  2. minimum front yard setback: 3m
  3. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m from the east property line, 2.5 m from the west property line
  4. minimum rear yard setback: 3.7 m for any part of the building 1.8 m in height above grade or less, 7.5 m for any part of the building above 1.8 m in height above grade.
  5. minimum number of required parking spaces: 0 spaces for the first 12 dwelling units and 0.19 spaces per dwelling unit in excess of 12
  • The following applies to a townhouse dwelling:
  1. minimum lot width: 5.7 m
  2. minimum lot area:120 m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3.75 m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  5. No more than 60 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
  6. The required corner sight triangle may be reduced to 2.75m.
  • The following applies to a townhouse dwelling:
  1. minimum lot width: 5.7 m
  2. minimum lot area:120 m2
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  5. minimum rear yard setback: 5 m
  6. No more than 60 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
  7. The required corner sight triangle may be reduced to 2.75m.
  8. Where a parking space is accessed from a driveway within the rear yard, a maximum of 70 % of the area of the rear yard may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the rear yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping.
IP[2635] H(18)
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • automobile service station
  • car wash
  • drive-through facility
  • gas bar
  • place of worship
  • warehouse
IP[2636] H(22)
  • environmental preserve and education area
  • catering establishment
  • animal care establishment
  • animal hospital
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automobile service station
  • car wash
  • drive-through facility
  • gas bar
  • place of worship
  • warehouse
  • minimum lot area: 4000m2
  • Despite Section 59(1), a lot is considered to have frontage where it abuts a private way that serves as a driveway leading to a public street.
  • The lot line that abuts a private way is considered to be the front lot line.
  • No parking is permitted within 6m of the lot line abutting Strandherd Drive.
  • Catering establishment is subject to Clauses 205(2)(a) to (c) inclusive.
  • Convenience store, restaurant, personal service business, post office and recreational and athletic facility are permitted only within a large complex containing a research and development centre, technology industry, light industrial use, office, bank, instructional facility, hotel, payday loan establishment or place of assembly.
  • Where a parking lot abuts the O'Keefe drainage corridor, the minimum required width of a soft landscaping buffer for:
  1. a parking lot containing more than 10 but fewer than 100 spaces: 1.5 metres; and
  2. a parking lot containing 100 or more spaces: three metres.
(By-law 2020-219)
  • The lot line on Fountain Place is considered the front lot line.
  • Despite the definition of lot width, the lot width will be calculated as the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot depth, from 3.61 m from the front lot line.
  • a balcony may project 2 m, but no closer than 0.9 m from the northern lot line.
  • Despite Section 111, stacked bicycle parking structures are permitted.
  • minimum aisle width providing access to bicycle parking space: 1.1 m

The following applies to a low-rise apartment building:

  • minimum lot width: 13.9 m
  • minimum front yard setback: 0.29 m
  • minimum northern interior side yard setback: 0.9 m
  • minimum southern interior side yard setback: 1.5 m for a distance of 30 m from the front lot line, after which the southern
  • interior side yard setback is a minimum of 3.4 m for a distance of 4.6 m, after which the southern interior side yard setback is a minimum of 5.9 m.
  • minimum rear yard setback: 13.5 m

Despite Section 139, the minimum total required amenity area is 129 m2, of which a minimum of 65 m2 is required to be communal. The communal amenity area is:

  1. Not required to be located at-grade;
  2. To consist of 25 % soft landscaping;
  3. Permitted to be located within an interior side yard, interior yard and the rear yard.
  • A double driveway with a maximum width of 5.7 m is permitted in the front yard.
  • A garage may be located closer to the front lot line than the front wall of the residential use building.
  • A double attached garage is permitted with a maximum door width of 5.7 m.
  • Section 139(16) does not apply.

If the property 244 Fountain Place gains direct right-of-way access onto Besserer Street:

  1. The lot line fronting Besserer Street be considered a northern interior side lot line;
  2. A maximum driveway width of 8.51 m is permitted on the northern interior side lot line;
  3. Parking is permitted in the northern interior side yard and rear yard.

The holding symbol may not be removed until such time as:

  1. The associated Road Opening by-law is Council approved and the associated Road Opening Agreement is registered;

An application for Site Plan Control has been approved; and which approval includes:

  1. A condition requiring the applicant submit a Butternut Health Assessment to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and, if applicable, register the retainable butternut trees with a butternut compensation plan with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks as per Ontario Regulation 242/08.
  2. A condition requiring that, at the owner’s cost, the owner construct a swale on the southern edge of Besserer Park, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure, and Economic Development Department.
R5G[2638] S412    
  • minimum lot width: 12.5 m
  • minimum lot area: 385 m2
  • minimum required yard setbacks and maximum permitted building height as per Schedule 412
  • Despite Section 101, residential parking is not required.
  • Despite Section 102, visitor parking is not required.
  • Provided parking may only be used for visitor parking or car-share parking.
  • Despite Section 163(9), a minimum of 18% of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area.
  • The minimum required amount of amenity area is 5m2 per dwelling unit.
  • Heritage Overlay provisions do not apply.
  • Stacked bicycle parking systems are permitted, and such systems are exempt from the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions and may have a minimum aisle width of 1.2 m.
  • Maximum walkway width applies as follows:
  1. 2 m maximum for a walkway leading to the principal building entrance on Gilmour Street, and the accessible ramp is permitted a maximum width of 2.5 m;
  2. 2.5 m maximum for a walkway located in the westerly interior side yard.
  • Maximum building heights of S412 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65. Projections are permitted in accordance with Section 65.
  • Projections permitted under Section 65 do not require a setback from the front lot line.
  • restaurant
  • a restaurant is permitted subject to being ancillary to a principal use permitted in the I1B zone.
AM9[2640] S416
  • detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • Detached dwelling and semi-detached dwelling are only permitted in Area A and Area C of S416.
  • Residential uses located in Area A require a minimum rear yard setback of 6 m where abutting Area B or C on S416.
  • Area B and C of S416 are subject to the following provisions:
  1. One lot for zoning purposes applies and for further clarity the line separating Area A from Area B and C is to be considered a lot line.
  2. A minimum soft landscaped buffer of 5 m is required where Area B abuts Area A.
  3. A minimum soft landscaped buffer of 3 m is required where Area C abuts Area A.
  4. Section 186 9(c)(d) and (f) do not apply to the first phase of development in Area B.

Exception number
Applicable zones
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
  • minimum required parking spaces for an apartment building: 6
  • minimum required visitor parking spaces: 0
  • minimum required front yard setback:
  1. 2.6 m for 6766 Rocque Street
  • minimum required rear yard setbacks:
  1. 2.5 m for 6758 Rocque Street; and,
  2. 3m for 6766 Rocque Street.
2642 Reserved for Future Use      
TD3[2643] S418    
  • Minimum required yard setbacks and building step-backs, and maximum permitted building heights are as per S418.
  • Maximum building heights shown on S418 do not apply to the permitted projections of Section 65.
  • Table 195(f) does not apply.
  • Subsection 195(6) does not apply.
  • Despite Subsection 195(7), the minimum required building separation shall be as shown on S418.
  • Despite Table 113B(b)(iii), the minimum width of an aisle accessing a loading space is 8 m.
  • The lands zoned TD3[2643] S418 are considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  • The following provisions dealing with Section 37 authorization apply:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 18 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in 2. below.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 18 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this by-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
(By-law 2020-325)
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per S419.
  • Despite S419, the two-storey townhouse units shown in Area A along Winona Avenue do not count towards the total number of storeys permitted.
  • Clause 197(1)(b) does not apply to residential units facing Winona Avenue.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 65 are not subject to the height limits identified on S419.
  • Projections permitted under Section 65 do not require a setback from the front lot line.
  • Stacked bicycle parking systems are permitted, and such systems are exempt from the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions.
  • The minimum number of bicycle spaces required is 1 per dwelling unit or rooming unit.
  • Despite Table 103 (a) and (b), the maximum number of parking spaces permitted is 1 per dwelling unit (combined total of resident and visitor parking).
  • Minimum amount of communal amenity area required: 220 m2
  • Minimum aisle width in parking garage: 6.0 m
  •  The following provisions dealing with a Section 37 authorization apply:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 19 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in ii. below of this by-law.
  2.  Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 19 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
  • apartment dwelling, mid rise
  • minimum rear yard setback: 3.4m
  • maximum building height: 19.5m
  • minimum corner side yard setback where the building height is greater than four storeys or 15 m: 0.6 m more than the provided corner side yard setback.
  • minimum width of landscaped area: 0m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 0.9 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 2 m
  • Minimum rear yard area: 116 m2
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 4.6 m
  • Minimum rear yard amenity area: 102 m2
  • Minimum aisle width for a parking garage: 5.4 m
  • The lands zoned MC[2648] F(2.0) H(48) and TD3[2647] are one lot for zoning purposes.
  • Maximum height for a mixed-use building is 95m.
  • A mezzanine level is not considered a storey.
  • The minimum setback for any property line abutting a rapid transit corridor or utility line for any part of the building above six storeys in height is 7m.
  • Stacked bicycle parking structures are permitted, and in the case of a stacked bicycle parking structure Sections 111 (8), Tables 111B and 111 (11) do not apply.
MC[2648] F(2.0) H(48)
  • car wash
  • drive-through facility
  • gas bar
  • The lands zoned MC[2648] F(2.0) H(48) and TD3[2647] are one lot for zoning purposes.
R5Q[2649] H(64)    
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2 m
  • minimum front yard setback: 2.6 m
  • minimum length for up to 50 % of the required visitor parking spaces: 4.8 m
  • minimum width of a two-direction controlled single traffic lane driveway providing access to a parking garage: 3.0 m
  • minimum width of a two-direction controlled single traffic lane aisle providing access to parking spaces in a parking garage: 3m
R5B[2650] H(22)    
  • minimum front yard setback for the first three storeys: 3.9 m
  • minimum front yard setback for the fourth storey: 10.9 m
  • minimum front yard setback for the fifth storey: 12.9 m
  • minimum front yard setback for the sixth storey: 13.9 m
  • minimum front yard setback for the communal exterior rooftop amenity area above the sixth floor: 20.0 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for the first three storeys within 16.0 m from the front lot line: 0.7 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for the first storey after 16.0 m from the front lot line: 1.3 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for the second storey after 16.0 m from the front lot line: 2.2 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for the third storey after 16.0 m from the front lot line: 3.2 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for the fourth storey: 4 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for the fifth storey: 4.9 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for the sixth storey: 7.5 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for the communal exterior rooftop amenity area above the sixth floor: 10.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback from the north lot line for the first three storeys within 11 m from the front lot line: 0.2 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback from the north lot line after 11 m and within 35 m from the front lot line: 2.5 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback from the north lot line for after 35 m from the front lot line: 6.4 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for the first four storeys: 2.5 m
  • minimum rear yard setback for the fifth and sixth storeys: 3.4 m
  • Section 60 (1), (2), (3) and (4) do not apply.
  • minimum width for a double traffic lane driveway providing access to a parking garage: 3.4 m
  • minimum visitor parking space rate: 0.09 per dwelling unit.
  • Removal of the -h symbol is conditional upon:
  1. Filling of the property based on the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority – Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses permit for File W20/042;
  2. Provision of as-built survey demonstrating that the work has been completed; and
  3. Provision of final grading plans to the satisfaction of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority.
  4. Updated floodplain mapping from the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority for the area impacted by the filling.
(By-law 2021-205)
  • Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.8 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project one metre into a required front, corner side or interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  • Balconies and porches may project to within zero metres of a corner lot line.
  • Despite Table 65 Row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5 m to a lot line.
  • Despite Table 65, Row 6(a), a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 0.6 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.30 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line.
  • An air conditioning condenser unit may project one metre into a corner and interior side yard, and two metres into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line, and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse dwelling.
  • Despite Section 57, the size of the required corner sight triangle will be as per the approved Plan of Subdivision.
  • Zone requirements for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 220 m2
  2. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  3. minimum front yard setback for an attached garage: 3.5 m
  4. minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 m with a minimum of 0.6 m on at least one side.
  5. on a corner lot where there is only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback is 0.6 m
  6. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  7. maximum lot coverage: 55 %
  • Zone requirements for semi-detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 137 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  6. maximum building height: 14 m
  7. maximum lot coverage: 65 %
  • Zone requirements for townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 81 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 m
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 m
  6. maximum building height: 14 m
  • car wash
  • gas bar
  • Maximum building height is 11 m for any part of the building within 20 m from a residential zone.
  • Drive-through facility, gas bar and car wash are not permitted within 50 m from a residential zone
  • automobile dealership
  • Maximum building height is 11 metres for any part of the building within 20 m from a residential zone.
  • Drive-through facility and automobile dealership are not permitted within 50 m from a residential zone.
R3YY [2655]    
  • Despite Section 136, the maximum number of attached dwelling units permitted within a townhouse dwelling is 16, but no more than eight are permitted within a single row.
  • Where an attached garage accesses a public street by means of a driveway that crosses a sidewalk, the attached garage must be setback at least 5.8 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk.
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 metre into a required front, corner side or interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 metres to the lot line.
  • Balconies and porches may project to within 0 metres of a corner lot line.
  • Despite Table 65 Row 6(b), the steps of a porch may project 2.5 metres into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5 metres to a lot line.
  • Despite Table 65, Row 6(a), a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 metres but no higher than 0.6 metres above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 metres of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.30 metres may project to within 0.3 metres of a lot line
  • An air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 metre into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 metres into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 metres to a lot line, and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse dwelling.
  • Despite Section 57, the size of the required corner sight triangle will be as per the approved Plan of Subdivision.
  • In the case of a home based business operating within a townhouse or semi-detached dwelling, a parking space is only required if a non-resident employee works on-site.
  • zone requirements for detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 220 square metres
  2. minimum front yard setback: 3 metres
  3. minimum front yard setback for an attached garage: 3.5 metres
  4. minimum total interior side yard setback is 1.8 metres with a minimum of 0.6 metres on at least one side.
  5. Where there is a corner lot on which is located only one interior side yard, the minimum required interior side yard setback is 0.6 metres
  6. minimum corner side yard: 2.5 metres
  7. maximum lot coverage: 55 per cent
  • zone requirements for semi-detached dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 137 square metres
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 metres
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3 metres
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 metres
  5. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 metres
  6. maximum building height: 14 metres
  7. maximum lot coverage: 65 per cent
  • zone requirements for townhouse dwellings:
  1. minimum lot area: 81 square metres
  2. minimum lot width: 5.5 metres
  3. minimum front yard setback: 3 metres
  4. minimum rear yard setback where dwellings are attached back-to-back: 0 metre
  5. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 metres
  6. minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5 metres
  7. maximum building height: 14 metres
(By-law 2020-290)


  • h holding symbol will be removed upon confirmation by the RVCA that local flood control measures are adequate to mitigate flood risk
  •  yard setbacks are as shown on Schedule 172
  •  open balcony may project into a required yard setback not more than 1. 9 metres
  •  additional regulations for 493-515 Sunnyside Avenue and 154-176 Woodbine Place:
  1.  maximum of 34 dwelling units permitted
  2.  maximum of 16 angled parking spaces must have a minimum width of 2.4 metres
  •  a projection for a sloped roof and dormer access to roof terrace permitted to a maximum building height of 13.2 metres in Area A of Schedule 172
  •  additional regulations for 489-491 Sunnyside Avenue and 150-152 Woodbine Place:
  1.  maximum of 4 dwelling units permitted
  2.  minimum lot width of 15 metres and minimum lot area of 447 m2 for semi-detached dwellings and townhouse dwellings
  3.  visitor parking is permitted
  •  additional regulations for 177 Woodbine Place:
  1.  maximum of 12 dwelling units permitted
  2.  minimum lot width along Fulton Avenue of 7.3 metres
(By-law 2020-290)


  • h holding symbol will be removed upon confirmation by the RVCA that local flood control measures are adequate to mitigate flood risk
(By-law 2020-274)
  • minimum lot width for a detached dwelling: 7.5m
(By-law 2020-276)
  • the front lot line is deemed to be that which abuts Deschâtelets Avenue.
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 3 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 3 m
  • maximum building height: 32 m
  • A rooftop washroom area with a maximum floor area of 10 m2 and a maximum height of 4.9 m above the height of the building is considered to be a permitted projection above the height limit.
(By-law 2020-273)


  • minimum interior side yard setback: 3 m
  • No residential buildings are permitted within 40 m of the rear lot line.

Exception number
Applicable zones
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
(By-law 2020-277)
  • minimum required parking rate for a Stacked dwelling: 1 parking space per dwelling unit.
  • An outdoor refuse collection area within or accessed via a parking lot must be located a minimum of 1.5 m from a property line.
  • maximum height for planned unit developments and stacked dwellings is 11.3m
  • minimum corner side yard setback for a planned unit development or stacked dwelling is 2.5 m.
(By-law 2020-299)
O1[2662] farmers market    
(By-law 2021-99)
(By-law 2020-299)
  • community centre
  • urban agriculture
  • maximum gross floor area of a recreation and athletic facility: 1700 m2
  • Minimum required parking for a community centre:  30 spaces.
  • Loading spaces are not required for a community centre.
(By-law 2024-166)
(By-law 2020-299)
R5B[2664] S421-c    
  • Minimum lot width required is 18.4 m.
  • Minimum yard setbacks, building stepbacks, and maximum building height are as per Schedule 421.
  • Minimum driveway and aisle width required is 6.0 m.
  • The following provisions dealing with Section 37 authorization apply:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 20 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in b. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 20 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
  • The maximum building heights and minimum yard setbacks are as per Schedule 421.
  • Despite the maximum building heights and minimum yard setbacks per Schedule 421, projections are permitted into required yards and above maximum building heights in accordance with Sections 64 and 65 of the Zoning By-law.
  • Despite Table 101, row R12, the minimum parking space rate is 0.04 per dwelling unit.
  • Despite Table 102, the visitor minimum parking space rate is 0.04 per dwelling unit.
  • Up to five required residential or visitor parking spaces, or a combination thereof, may be used for car sharing spaces.
  • The minimum required bicycle parking rate is 1 space per dwelling unit 
(By-law 2020-302)
  • maximum height for back-to-back townhouses : 11.5 m
  • minimum lot area for back-to-back townhouses : 90 m2
(By-law 2020-331)
  • minimum building height is two storeys.
  • maximum building height is 30 metres
  • minimum density is 50 units per net hectare
  • minimum required parking for a stacked dwelling: 1 space per dwelling unit
  • Minimum visitor parking space rate for residential uses: 0.1 spaces per dwelling unit, after the first 12 units
  • All outdoor refuse collection areas must be located at least 3 m from a lot line abutting a public street
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side or interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 metres to the lot line.
  • Where a parking space is accessed from a driveway within the rear yard, a maximum of 70 % of the area of the rear yard may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the rear yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping
  • Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  • A deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 1 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.30 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line
  • The steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5 m to a lot line.
  • An air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line, and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse dwelling.
(By-law 2020-331)
  • The minimum building height is two storeys.
  • The maximum building height is 90 m
  • The minimum density is 75 units per net hectare
  • Minimum required parking: one space per dwelling unit
  • Minimum visitor parking space rate for residential uses: 0.1 spaces per dwelling unit, after the first 12 units.
  • Buildings that are 10 storeys and higher are subject to the following provisions:
  1. The minimum required lot area for a corner lot is 1350 m2
  2. The minimum required lot area for an interior lot is 1800 m2
  3. The minimum interior side and rear yard setback for a building above the 10th floor is 11.5 m
  4. The minimum separation distance between towers on the same lot is 23 m
  5. The maximum residential floor plate above the 9th floor, calculated as gross floor area including balconies, is 750 m2
  6. An additional setback of 1.5 m from the 6th floor of the building applies to the floors above
  • A chimney, chimney box, fireplace box, eaves, eave-troughs, gutters and ornamental elements such as sills, belts, cornices, parapets and pilasters may project 1 m into a required front, corner side or interior side yard but no closer than 0.2 m to the lot line.
  • Where a parking space is accessed from a driveway within the rear yard, a maximum of 70 % of the area of the rear yard may be used for a driveway, and the remainder of the rear yard, except for areas occupied by projections permitted under Section 65, must be landscaped with soft landscaping
  • Balconies and porches may project to within 0 m of a corner lot line.
  • a deck with a walking surface higher than 0.3 m but no higher than 1 m above adjacent grade may project to within 0.6 m of a lot line, and any portion of a deck with a walking surface less than 0.30 m may project to within 0.3 m of a lot line
  • the steps of a porch may project 2.5 m into a required yard, but no closer than 0.5 m to a lot line.
  • An air conditioning condenser unit may project 1 m into a corner and interior side yard, and 2 m into a rear yard, but no closer than 0.2 m to a lot line, and may not be located in a front yard except in the case of a back-to-back townhouse dwelling
(By-law 2020-331)
  • The minimum building height is two storeys.
  • The maximum building height is 90 m
  • The minimum density is 75 units per net hectare.
  • Minimum required parking: 1 space per dwelling unit
  • Minimum visitor parking space rate for residential uses: 0.1 spaces per dwelling unit, after the first 12 units
  • Buildings that are 10 storeys and higher are subject to the following provisions:
  1. The minimum required lot area for a corner lot is 1350 m2
  2. The minimum required lot area for an interior lot is 1800 m2
  3. The minimum interior side and rear yard setback for a building above the 10th floor is 11.5 m
  4. The minimum separation distance between towers on the same lot is 23 m
  5. The maximum residential floor plate above the 9th floor, calculated as gross floor area including balconies, is 750 m2
  6. An additional setback of 1.5 m from the 6th floor of the building applies to the floors above
(By-law 2020-327)
  • Maximum permitted building heights and minimum setbacks as per S423.
  • Visitor parking spaces are permitted in the front yard up to a maximum of six spaces.
  • The minimum required width of an aisle in front of a bicycle parking space is 1.2 m.
  • A single occupancy washroom and indoor roof top amenity area are permitted to project above the maximum height limit shown on S423 provided the combined gross floor area does not exceed 200 m2 and a maximum height of 5 m.
  • The holding symbol may not be lifted until a Site Plan application is approved, including the execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, and will satisfy the following:
  1. A submission to the Urban Design Review Panel;
  2. Securing of public access easements; and
  3. The Site Plan Agreement will contain a condition requiring 45 affordable housing units secured for 15 years at the City's definition that rents are not to exceed 30 % of the 30th income percentile for the City of Ottawa, which will be secured through an Affordable Housing Agreement.
  • Section 37 Provisions:
  1. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this by-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this by-law including the provision by the owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 21 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the owner's sole expense and in accordance with and subject to the agreement referred to in ii. below of this by-law.
  2. Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 21 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this by-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this by-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments.
  3. Wherever in this by-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.
(By-law 2020-328
  • animal care establishment
  • artist studio
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • community health and resource centre
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • library
  • medical facility
  • personal brewing facility
  • personal service business
  • post office
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • service and repair shop
  • urban agriculture
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per S424.
  • At least 17.5 % of the lot area must be provided as landscaped area.
  • A communal outdoor roof-top amenity area is only permitted on the roof atop the sixth storey.
  • A single occupancy washroom is permitted as a projection above the height limit provided it is located within the roof-top access and mechanical penthouse level above the sixth floor.
  • Balcony projections are prohibited within the interior yard and/or interior side yard, where facing an
  • butting residential zone along the southern property line.
  • Outdoor roof-top terraces must be setback at least 1.5 m from the outer edge of the storey below.
  • Non-residential uses listed in Column III are subject to the following provisions:
  1. Each single occupancy must not exceed 300 m2 of gross floor area; and
  2. Must be located on the ground floor only, and have an active entrance facing Churchill Avenue North.
  • The holding symbol may not be lifted until:
  1. A Site Plan application is approved, including the registration of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, and
  2. The owner, in consultation with the community, Ward Councillor and City, will develop a concept for the enhancement of the existing public space along the Byron Place frontage; such consultation to be completed within six months of the zoning coming into full force and effect, and
  3. Subject to agreement on a concept plan as set out in ii. above, demonstration of an implementation strategy through conditions of approval and/or details on approved plans, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department and the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services.
  • Land uses legally existing prior to November 25, 2020 are not subject to the holding symbol.
(By-law 2020-353)
  • Schedule 73 does not apply, and maximum building height is as per S425.
  • A mechanical and service equipment penthouse and elevator or stairway penthouses may project a maximum of 3 m above the permitted height limits established in S425 and be setback a minimum of 6.6 m from the fourth floor William Street façade.
  • The maximum width of any permitted uses on the ground floor is 11.7 m
  • For a four-storey building, Section 60 (1) and (3) are not applicable.
(By-law 2021-115)
(By-law 2021-54)

Within Area A of Schedule 426:

  •  A minimum of 15 % of the frontage of Area A must be occupied by building wall within 3 m of the front lot line.
  • minimum building height: 1 storey and 5.1 m
  • Minimum amount of transparent glazing on the ground floor façade of a building facing the public street, measured up to a height of 4.5 m: 32 %
  • Outdoor loading and semi-underground refuse collection area within a parking lot permitted without an opaque screen.
  • A minimum total of 10 queuing spaces are required for a drive-through facility.

Within Area B on Schedule 426:

  • Minimum parking space rate for an apartment dwelling, mid-rise: 1 space per dwelling unit.
  • For residential use buildings, at least 50 % of the frontage along the side lot line abutting a street within Area B must be occupied by building walls located within 9 m from the lot line.

Minimum parking space rate for Shopping Centre use: 3.09 spaces per 100 m2 of gross leasable floor area.

Within Area C on Schedule S426:

  1. Maximum height for any portion of a building located within 30 m of the property line abutting Merivale Road: 12 Storeys and 38.5 m
  2. Maximum floorplate for the 10th to 12th storeys of a building located within 30 m of Merivale Road: 1,100 m2
  3. Minimum frontage along the front lot line that must be occupied by building walls located within 3 m of the frontage: 50 %
  4. Minimum frontage along the corner side lot line that must be occupied by building walls located within 7 m of the frontage: 50 %
(By-law 2021-43)
  • maximum number of dwelling units: 16
  • No motor vehicle parking is required for a low-rise apartment dwelling.
  • maximum width of walkways: 1.5 m
  • No Street Scape Character Analysis is required.
  • projecting rear balconies must be set back an additional 5 metres from the minimum interior side yard setback of the building
  • -maximum projection into the required rear yard setback for a rear balcony: 1.5 m
  • Rear facing balconies must provide a privacy screen facing interior side lot lines.
(By-law 2021-46)
  • A canopy may project to the lot line.
  • minimum number of visitor parking spaces required: 6
  • The minimum width of a driveway providing access to a parking lot or parking garage is 3.6 m for a double traffic lane.
  • An aisle serving parking spaces may be a minimum of 5.9 m wide.
  • Stacked bicycle parking structures are permitted and may use a shared aisle with a minimum width of 1.5 m.
(By-law 2021-47)
  • maximum number of dwelling units: 16
  • No motor vehicle parking is required for a low-rise apartment dwelling.
  • An accessory structure within the rear yard is permitted to be setback 0 m from the interior side lot line and rear lot line
  • Despite Section 161(13)(h) and (j), no balconies and no additional recession of the building façade is required.
(By-law 2021-59)
  • maximum number of dwelling units: 16
  • No motor vehicle parking is required for a low-rise apartment dwelling.
  • An accessory structure within the rear yard is permitted to be setback 0 m from the interior side lot line and rear lot line
  • Despite Section 161(13)(h) and (j), no balconies and no additional recession of the building façade is required.
(By-law 2021-49)
  • minimum number of parking spaces required: 0
  • minimum number of visitor parking spaces required: 0
  • minimum width of a horizontally oriented bicycle parking space: 0.4 m
  • minimum front yard setback: 0 m
(By-law 2021-50)
  • maximum permitted building height and minimum setbacks are as per S427.
  • Despite S427, the minimum front yard setback is 1.5 m up to a height of 4.5 m above grade. Above a height of 4.5 m, the minimum front yard setback for the second to seventh storey is 0 m.
  • There is no maximum front yard setback and the provisions of Section 197 (4) do not apply.
  • S427 does not apply to permitted projections under Section 64 or Section 65.
  • A restaurant patio is permitted and is not required to be screened.
  • -A swimming pool and associated landscaping and safety guards are considered to be permitted projections above the height limit in accordance with Section 64.
  • Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, a mezzanine is not considered a separate storey.
  • The minimum width of a horizontally oriented bicycle parking space is 0.45 m.
(By-law 2021-196)
(By-law 2021-51)

An Apartment Dwelling, Low-rise is subject to the following provisions:

  1. Maximum height is 11.5 m
  2. Maximum number of units per building is 6
  3. Parking may encroach 1.8 m into the required corner side yard along Maple Grove Road.
  4. Minimum front yard setback is 4.5 metres.
  5. Minimum setback from a lot line abutting an Apartment Dwelling, Low-rise is 1.2 m
  6. Two dormers per building may project above the height limit by up to 1.51 m.
(By-law 2021-69)

A long semi-detached dwelling is subject to the following provisions:

  • minimum lot width: 9 m
  • minimum lot area: 339 m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 5 m
  • minimum total side yard setback: 2.7 m
  • minimum frontage for the rear dwelling parcel 1.47 m

Exception number
Applicable zones
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
(By-law 2021-78)
  • Marine facility
  • Parking garage
  • Parking lot
  • Post-secondary educational institution
  • A maximum of 45 rooming houses are permitted within the exception area.
  • Rooming houses may occupy a building containing dwelling units or oversized dwelling units.
  • Section 132, (2), (5), and (7) do not apply.
  • Section 111, subsections 8 to 11 inclusive do not apply.
  • Parking lots are only permitted to provide accessory parking to permitted uses.
  • Parking garages are only permitted if at least 75 per cent of parking spaces are located below grade and if it provides accessory parking to permitted uses.
  • Section 193 (2) does not apply to residential buildings.
  • The site is subject to the maximum number of parking spaces permitted in Table 103.
  • At least 50% of the provided parking is to be provided below grade.
(By-law 2021-77)
  1. A low-rise apartment dwelling with a maximum of four dwelling units is only permitted as a result of a conversion of a three unit dwelling that legally existed as of February 24, 2021.
  2. The performance standards that would apply to a conversion from a three unit dwelling to a four-unit low-rise apartment dwelling are performance standards for the three unit dwelling as it exists on February 24, 2021.
(By-law 2021-72)
  • apartment dwelling, high-rise
  • Minimum required yard setbacks and maximum permitted building height as per S429.
  • Residential parking is not required.
  • Visitor parking is required at a rate of 0.03 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • Amenity area provided outdoors is permitted to be located in a required or provided corner side yard.
  • Stacked bicycle parking systems are permitted, and such systems are exempt from the minimum bicycle parking space dimensions.
  • maximum walkway width is 3.1 m.
  • The maximum building heights of S429 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65.
(By-law 2021-75)

Except where existing as of February 24, 2021:

  • detached dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • Minimum front yard setback: 4.5 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • Minimum lot width for all uses except semi-detached and townhouse dwelling: 10 m
  • Minimum lot area for all uses except semi-detached and townhouse dwelling: 300 m2
(By-law 2021-75)
  • Minimum front yard setback: 4.5 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • Minimum lot width for all uses except semi-detached and townhouse dwelling: 10 m
  • Minimum lot area for all uses except semi-detached and townhouse dwelling: 300 m2
  • Townhouse dwelling subject to the same lot width, lot area, and yard setback standards as a semi-detached dwelling.
(By-law 2021-75)
  • Apartment dwelling, low rise containing more than 6 dwelling units
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • Minimum lot width for all uses except semi-detached and townhouse dwelling: 10 m
  • Minimum lot area for all uses except semi-detached and townhouse dwelling: 300 m2
  • Townhouse dwelling subject to the same lot width, lot area, and yard setback standards as a semi-detached dwelling.
(By-law 2021-75)
Townhouse dwelling  
  • Townhouse dwelling subject to the same lot width, lot area, and yard setback standards as a semi-detached dwelling.
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  • Minimum lot width for all uses except semi-detached and townhouse dwelling: 10 m
  • Minimum lot area for all uses except semi-detached and townhouse dwelling: 300 m2
(By-law 2021-247)
(By-law 2021-70)
apartment dwelling, high rise  
  • Minimum required setbacks and maximum permitted building height as per S431.
  • Permitted projections listed in Section 64 and 65 are not subject to the height limits identified on S431.
  • An active entrance is not required to face a public street for a building containing a retirement home.
(By-law 2021-92)
  • artist studio
  • bank
  • bank machine
  • bar
  • community centre
  • community health and resource centre
  • convenience store
  • day care
  • hotel
  • instructional facility
  • laundromat
  • library
  • medical facility
  • municipal service centre
  • office
  • personal service business
  • pharmacy
  • post office
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • retirement home
  • restaurant
  • retail store
  • parking garage


  • Any part of the building exceeding 20m in height must be stepped back a minimum of 2m from the ground floor building face, except on Area D on S432.
  • In Area C on Schedule S432, an additional minimum building stepback of 5m is required for any portion of the building above 14.5m or 4 storeys, on the Booth Street frontage.
  • In Area D on Schedule S432, an additional building stepback a minimum of 3m is required for any portion of the building above the lesser of 30m or 9 storeys.
  • Minimum required setback from Gladstone Avenue, Rochester Street, Booth Street and Raymond Street: 0m
  • Where a building wall of the ground floor is located adjacent to a public right of way, the maximum setback from the property line is 3m to the closest portion of the building wall of the ground floor. The storeys above the ground floor must have the same setback as the ground floor, subject to additional stepback requirements.
  • A minimum of 50% of the ground floor façade facing a public street, measured from the average grade to a height of 4.5 m, must comprise transparent windows.
  • A parking garage entrance must be setback at least an additional 0.3m from the façade on which it is located.
  • Non-residential uses in an R4T or R5BB zone are permitted within a residential use building and where a non-residential use is included within a residential use building, the type of dwelling applicable to the building is determined based on the number of and configuration of the dwelling units.
  • In the R4T zone, the additional permitted uses, are limited to a maximum GFA of 200m² each.
  • In the R5BB zone, the additional permitted uses, other than offices, are limited to a maximum GFA of 200m² each.

No principal or accessory parking lot is permitted and no surface parking spaces are permitted except for:

  1. parallel parking spaces on a private way: in a Planned Unit Development, or for a mid-rise or high-rise building.
  2. In the case of parking accessory to ground-oriented residential buildings in Area A, B and C on Schedule S432, parking spaces are permitted only where they are concealed from any public or private street by buildings.
  • Minimum bicycle parking space requirement is 1 per dwelling unit.

The following applies to buildings fronting Gladstone Avenue:

  1. Except in the case of a residential entrance, the entire width of the ground floor level facing Gladstone Avenue must be occupied by one or more of the uses listed in Column III, except retirement home
  2. the following uses are prohibited in any part of the ground floor facing Gladstone Avenue of any building with frontage along Gladstone Avenue:

diplomatic mission, hotel, office, park, parking garage, research and development centre, residential care facility, training centre, urban agriculture.

  1. Each use in Column III must provide at least one active entrance on a façade facing a public street.
  2. iv. Any part of a building adjacent to Gladstone Avenue exceeding six storeys or 20m must be stepped back a minimum of 3.5m.
  3. No entrance to a garage is permitted adjacent to Gladstone Avenue.
(By-law 2021-91)
  • Any part of the building exceeding the lesser of 6 storeys or 20m in height must be stepped back a minimum of 2m from the ground floor building face.
  • Garage doors and individual driveways associated with a low-rise residential use are not permitted to face or abut a public street.
  • Any provided parking associated with a low-rise residential use must be accessed from a private lane.
  • Minimum additional setback for a garage entrance to an apartment dwelling: 0.3m
  • No principal or accessory parking lot is permitted and no surface parking spaces are permitted except for: parallel parking spaces on a private way: in a Planned Unit Development, or for a mid-rise or high-rise building.
  • Minimum bicycle parking space requirement is 1 space per dwelling unit.
  • Any building along Frontages 1, 2, or 3 in Area E on Schedule S433 must provide a minimum of one active entrance, with an additional active entrance for at least every 20 metres of building width for retail and commercial uses, and every 8 metres of building width for residential uses facing such frontage.
  • For Frontages 1, 2, or 3 in Area E on Schedule 433:
  1. Any non-residential use on the ground-floor is permitted a maximum individual frontage of 20m
  2. Any residential use on the ground-floor is permitted a maximum individual frontage of 8m


  • A minimum of 50% of the ground floor façade facing Frontages 1, 2, or 3 in Area E on Schedule 433, measured from the average grade to a height of 4.5 metres, must comprise transparent windows.
  • Except in the case of residential entrances, where any building facade faces Frontages 1, 2, or 3, on Schedule S433, the ground floor must be occupied by one or more of the permitted non-residential uses, other than: diplomatic mission, park, parking garage, research and development centre, residential care facility, training centre, urban agriculture
  • In Area E on Schedule 433 after the first 9 storeys, any part of the building facing Frontage 1, 2 or 3 is subject to an additional minimum stepback of 5m.
  • Minimum area for a plaza comprising a mix of hard and soft landscaped area abutting both Frontage 1 and 2 in Area E on Schedule 433: 650m²
  • In Area E on Schedule 433, the minimum area of hard and soft landscaping of 650m² must comprise one aggregated area of at least 375m², whose longer dimension is generally not more than twice its shorter dimension.
(By-law 2021-119)
  • Dwelling unit
  • Office, limited to a diplomatic mission
  • Minimum width of aisle providing access to a bicycle parking space: 0.9m.
  • Office, limited to a diplomatic mission, restricted to a dwelling converted for that use.
2692 Reserved for Future Use      
(By-law 2021-118)

Only the following non-residential uses are permitted in any unit:

  1. Artist studio
  2. Home-based business
  3. Home-based daycare
  4. Personal service business
  5. Office
  6. Urban agriculture

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following non-residential uses are permitted if located within the basement and/or first level of a building in units that front onto Bank Street and/or Rotary Way and are limited to maximum gross floor area of 100 m2:

  1. Animal care establishment
  2. Retail store
  3. Medical facility
  4. Instructional facility
  • Non-residential uses have no minimum parking requirements.
  • Minimum rear yard setback (south): 6m
  • Minimum eastern landscaped buffer: 1.5m
  • Minimum vehicular parking for residents: 1.12/dwelling unit.
  • Minimum vehicular parking for visitors: 0.16/dwelling unit.
(By-law 2024-563)
(By-law 2021-122)
GM5[2694] H(38)    
  • Minimum Westerly Interior Side Yard for a residential building higher than 11 m– 1.7 m
  • Minimum Easterly Interior Side Yard for a residential building higher than 11 m – 3.4 m
  • Minimum Rear Yard Setback for a residential use building – 1.6 m
  • Minimum Width of Landscaped Area abutting a residential or institutional zone – 0 m
  • Section 60 does not apply to the construction of a 10-storey building.
  • Section 139 does not apply.

Section 37 :

(a) Pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the height and density of development permitted in this By-law are permitted subject to compliance with all of the conditions set out in this By-law, including the provision by the Owner of the lot of the facilities, services and matters set out in Section 23 of Part 19 hereof, to the City at the Owner’s sole expense and in accordance with and to the agreement referred to in b) below.

(b) Upon execution and registration of an agreement or agreements with the Owner of the lot pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing the provision of the facilities, services or matters set out in Section 23 of Part 19 hereof, the lands are subject to the provisions of this By-law. Building permit issuance with respect to the lot shall be dependent upon satisfaction of the provisions of this By-law and in the Section 37 Agreement relating to building permit issuance, including the provision of monetary payments and the provision of financial securities.

(c) Wherever in this By-law a provision is stated to be conditional upon the execution and registration of an agreement entered into with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, then once such agreement has been executed and registered, such conditional provisions shall continue.

Table 187(g) does not apply

(By-law 2021-116)
  • Minimum width of a private way, including driveways and aisles: 3 m
  • Minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way is 0 m.
  • Minimum setback for any garage or carport entrance from a private way is 0 m.
  • For a building at 1010 Byron, minimum setback from the easterly lot line is 5.4 m.
  • The provisions of Table 110(1)(a) and (b) do not apply.
(By-law 2021-120)
  • Minimum building setbacks and maximum heights are shown on Schedule 435.
  • Section 135 does not apply.
  • Gardner Street is considered the front lot line.
  • Minimum lot width: 30 m
  • Minimum driveway width: 3 m
  • A canopy may project to within 0 m of a lot line.
  • A landing may project to within 0 m of a lot line facing Gardner Street.
  • Despite Section 101, minimum parking spaces: 24
  • -Section 139 does not apply for an Apartment Dwelling, Mid-Rise.
(By-law 2021-117)
  • Clause 125(1)(d) does not apply.
  • The conversion of an existing detached dwelling to a group home is deemed to comply with Clause 122(1).
(By-law 2021-113)
  • Minimum lot width for a mid-rise apartment dwelling: 20 m
  • Minimum front yard setback for a mid-rise apartment dwelling: 1.25 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback for a mid-rise apartment dwelling: 2.78 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback for a mid-rise apartment dwelling: 0 m from the westerly property line, 2.88 m from the easterly property line
  • Minimum landscaped area for a mid-rise apartment dwelling: 22%
  • A canopy may project into the front yard up to a distance of 0 m from the front property line
  • Required number of off-street motor vehicle parking spaces: 0
  • Sections 111(8) and 111(11) do not apply.
  • Section 60 does not apply.
(By-law 2021-136)
  • minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required: 0
  • Section 123 does not apply
  • Section 139 (3) (a) does not apply
  • Sections 161 (12) and (12.1) do not apply
  • roof-top accesses in Area A of S436 must be setback a distance of 0.8 m from the exterior front wall, and not exceed a total area of 13.5 m2
  • roof-top accesses in Area B of S436 must not exceed a total area of 27 m2
  • Section 161 (20) (a) applies to the interior side yard and interior yard with all necessary modifications
  • minimum area of soft landscaping is 62 square metres and may be located in the rear and interior yards
  • Section 161 (20) (b) (iv) does not apply
  • minimum horizontal area of balconies and porches provided on the front or corner side façade: 0.7 m2
  • Table 162A Columns VII, VIII, IX, X do not apply and the heights and setbacks are as per S436
  • minimum parking space rate per dwelling unit: 0
  • minimum visitor parking space rate per dwelling unit: 0
  • The lands are considered as one lot for the purposes of applying zoning provisions
(By-law 2021-138)
  • An apartment dwelling, mid-rise is subject to the following provisions:
  1. Clause 195(4)(h) does not apply to the rear yard and interior southerly side yard, except any area of the rear yard and interior southerly side yard not used as a ramp, stairs, and/or bicycle wheel track providing direct access to a building must be landscaped.
  2. Minimum required width of a landscape buffer between the parking lot and the lot line abutting Avenue L: 1.9 m
  3. A canopy projecting from a building entrance may project to the lot lines of the front and rear yards, and may project up to 0.4 m from the side lot line abutting a street.