Exceptions 401-500


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

City Archives
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Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2940

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions -Additional Land Uses Permitted
Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
F(3.0) H(11)
  • the residential uses listed under subsection 187(2) except for dwelling unit, townhouse dwelling, apartment, low-rise, and apartment, mid-high rise
  • the permitted residential uses must not be located on the ground floor
  • no maximum floor space index applies
  • maximum height of 6 storeys permitted except where 11 metre height suffix applies
  • the provisions of row (d) of Table 187 of subsection 187(3) do not apply and the minimum interior side yard must be 1.5 m
  • the provisions of row (e) of Table 187 of subsection 187(3) do not apply and the minimum rear yard must be 6 m
  • Despite Table 101 and Table 102, the minimum parking requirements for residential uses is one space per dwelling unit plus 0.25 visitor spaces per dwelling unit, and parking for an office use must be provided at a rate of 1 space per 50 square metres of gross floor area.
(By-law 2024-270)
F(1.5) S 144 O1[402]
S 144
  • parking lot and a right-of-way providing access to the parking lot
  • minimum front yard setback 46 m
  • no parking permitted within front yard setback
  • parking spaces provided within Area A on Schedule 144 may be used to fulfill parking requirements for development occurring subsequent to February 29, 2004 at 501 Smyth Road
  • Despite Table 171(8), no minimum width of a landscaped area is required along any property lines abutting Ring Road.
403 O1[403]
  • parking lot
  • fast food restaurant limited to a chip wagon
  • accessory use as detailed in exception number 313
  • parking garage
  • rooming house
  • theatre
  • rooming unit permitted only on the property known municipally as 211 Bronson Avenue
  • maximum of 25 residents
  • permitted only if use is ancillary to community centre and/or community health and resource centre
405 I1A[405] I1B[405]
  • funeral home
406 I1B[406]    
  • a yard abutting residential zoned lands must be a minimum of 4.2 m for any portion of the principal building which exceeds one storey in height, and a minimum of 3.2 m for any portion of the principal building which is one storey in height
  • the front yard setback must be 5.5 m with respect to the portion of the lot which is located on Lot 15, Plan 4M-731
  • a yard abutting residential zoned lands along the southern boundary of these lands must be a minimum of 1.5 m
I1B[407] H(15)  
  • all uses other than place of worship
Order File #PL110686
24, 2012)
  • minimum front yard setback of 3 m
409 I1B[409]
  • cemetery
  • funeral home
Order, File #PL080959
issued September 18, 2009)
  • notwithstanding clause 204(7)(a), a retail store may include the sale of automobile parts and accessories;
  • clauses 203(2)(a), (b) and (c) and subsection 203(4) do not apply to the uses permitted in subsection 203(2);
  • subclause 204(7)(d)(i) does not apply;
  • for the purposes of clauses 204(7)(j) and (k), retail store is as outlined in subclause 204(7)(d)(ii)
  • minimum front yard setback- 7.5 metres
  • minimum corner side yard setback- 0 metres
  • minimum parking rate for retail store - 2.8 spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area
  • minimum parking rate - 2.8 spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area
(By-law 2022-17)
  • automobile service station
  • car wash
  • gas bar
  • restaurant, fast food
  • animal care establishment
  • The total cumulative Gross Floor Area for the additional uses and a convenience store must not exceed 480 m2
  • Despite clause 85(3)(a) an outdoor commercial patio is permitted where it is located a minimum of 21 m from a lot in a residential zone and no screen is required.
  • Provisions (a) through (e) of Table 189(3) do not apply and the following provisions apply:
  1. minimum lot area;
    1. Additional uses and a convenience store: 4,000 m2 ;
    2. other non-residential uses: 1,800 m
  2. minimum lot width: 30 m
  3. minimum front yard setback:
    1. pump islands: 10 m;
    2. all other buildings and structures: 3 m
  4. minimum corner side yard setback:
    1. pump islands: 11.5 m;
    2. other buildings and structures: 3 m
  5. minimum interior side yard setback: 5 m
  6. minimum rear yard setback: 5 m
  7. The property line abutting Terry Fox Drive is deemed to be the front property line
  • place of worship
  • dwelling unit is permitted provided it is located in a building where more than 50% of the ground floor is occupied by a use listed in subsection 187(1)
  • apartment low rise, apartment mid-to-high rise and townhouse dwelling are permitted if 50 % of the lot width is occupied by a use listed in subsection 187(1)
  • apartment low rise and apartment mid-to-high rise are subject to the provisions of the R4Z[1212] zone
  • townhouse dwelling is subject to the provisions of the R3Z[1007] zone
  • the provisions of Table 187 of subsection 187(3) do not apply and the following provisions apply:
  1. minimum lot area: 360 m2
  2. minimum lot width: 12 m
  3. minimum front yard and corner side yard: setbacks 3 m
  4. minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5 m
  5. minimum rear yard setback: 3 m
  6. no maximum building height
  • drive-through facility
  • Despite Table 197 (g)(ii)(2) where the building height is greater than two storeys or 8 m, whichever is less, between the height of 8 m and 15 m, a building must be have an additional setback of at least 5 m than the provided setback from the front lot line and from a side lot line that abuts a street and that additional setback is continued from the point where it is provided and zoning mechanism 197(c) in Table 197 does not apply to that additional setback.
414 IL[414]
  • community centre limited to cultural facility
  • place of worship
  • maximum gross floor area for a catering establishment: 76 m2
  • maximum gross floor area for a community centre limited to cultural facility: 238 m2
  • maximum gross floor area for a place of worship: 555 m2 
  • total number of parking spaces required for a place of worship: 46
MC11[415] H(34)
  • car wash
  • gas bar
  • each permitted non-residential use limited to a total gross leasable floor area of 3,600 m2
  • holding symbol may only be removed subject to:
  1. preparation of a master concept plan and all relevant information to illustrate that any proposed development is not compromising the future development of the corridor.
  2. the owner/ lessee entering into a site plan control agreement with the City which pertains to all lands within this zone
417 I1B[417]    
  • minimum front yard setback of 2 m
418 I1B[418]    
  • an enclosed or covered walkway above grade is permitted provided it is used only to provide a pedestrian connection between principal buildings on adjoining lots
419 IL [419]
  • military and police training facility
420 I1B[420]
  • all uses other than place of worship, existing detached dwellings, retirement home or residential care facility
  • a 7.6 m wide landscaped buffer must be located on the land adjacent to the residential zone on the south side of the property

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions
- Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
421 I1B[421]
  • all uses other than day care, residential care facility, place of worship and retirement home
  • minimum front yard setback of 2 m
422 I1B[422]
  • office
  • place of assembly
  • minimum side yard setbacks of 0.9 m and 6 m respectively
  • maximum gross floor area of 112 m2 for each of office and place of assembly
  • minimum of 9 parking spaces required
423 I1B[423]    
  • minimum front yard setback of 2.5 m
424 I1A[424]    
  • required parking must be accessed by a common aisle with the property to the immediate north
  • required parking may not exceed 3 spaces per classroom
  • minimum front yard setback of 0 m
  • minimum height of 3 storeys
425 O1[425]
  • parking lot for the storage of recreational vehicles
426 DR[426]
  • automobile dealership
427 DR[427]
  • golf course limited to a golf driving range
(By-law 2020-230)
  •  In area A on S414, only detached dwelling is a permitted use.
  • In area A on S414, parking lot is not permitted.
  • maximum building height: 11 m
  • A community centre use is only permitted as an ancillary use to a place of worship and Section 96(2) does not apply.
  • A minimum of 15 parking spaces are to be shared with the use located at 2 Canfield Road.
  • Minimum landscaped buffer for a parking lot adjacent to Canfield Road is 0 metres.
  • The minimum parking rate for an ancillary community centre is 3.3 spaces per 100 m2 of gross floor area.
429 O1[429]
  • daycare
  • minimum side yard setback of 0 m where the principal building connects to principal building in abutting I1A Zone
430 O1F[430]
H(12.2) S94
H(12.2) S94
  • amusement centre limited to a pool hall
  • artist studio
  • bar
  • museum
  • nightclub
  • parking garage
  • parking lot
  • personal service business
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • restaurant, full service
  • restaurant, take-out
  • retail store
  • no minimum lot area, minimum lot width or setbacks are required
  • Section 69(1) does not apply
431 GM15[431]
  • minimum lot area:
  1. gas bar: 4,000 m2
  2. other non-residential uses: 1,800 m2
  • minimum front yard setback: 10 m
  • minimum corner side yard setback: 8 m
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 2 m
  • minimum rear yard setback: 5 m
  • maximum total leasable floor area: 300 m2
  • lot frontage deemed to be the property line abutting Terry Fox Drive
432 LC2[432]    
  • the maximum gross floor area for a restaurant, take-out is 45 m2
  • minimum gross leasable floor area: 35,000 m2
  • maximum cumulative total gross leasable floor area for all uses: 100,000 m2
  • maximum cumulative total gross leasable floor area for office and medical facility: 17,500 m2
  • Despite Table 103(i), where the cumulative total gross leasable floor area for all uses does not exceed 86,000 mthe maximum permitted number of parking spaces is calculated at a rate of 4.9 spaces per 100 m2 of gross leasable floor area
  • parking for all uses may be located in the abutting R5A[1923] H(34) zone during the time in which a parking lot is permitted as a temporary use
434 GM13[434] H(20)
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automobile service station
  • gas bar
  • personal service business
435 AM5[435]    
  • the cumulative total gross floor area must not exceed 15,550 m2
436 AM5[436]    
  • the cumulative total gross floor area must not exceed 15,550 m2
437 I1E[437]
  • office
438 GM21[438]
F(0.5) H(16)
  • restaurant
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • the additional uses are permitted provided they are located in a building containing an office or medical facility
439 GM21[439]
F(0.5) H(9)
  • place of worship
  • school
  • minimum lot area 4000m2
  • minimum yard setback from a residential zone is 9 m
440 TM[440] H(19)
  • parking garage

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions
- Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions
- Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
441 LC6[441]
  • automobile sales
  • automobile sales is permitted subject to:
  1. being accessory to the existing automobile repair service as of the 24th day of January, 2007; and
  2. not more than eight vehicles may be stored and displayed at any one time on site for sale.
442 AM3[442]
  • automobile rental establishment
  • vehicle storage for up to nine vehicles related to automobile rental establishment permitted in rear yard
443 I1B[443] R2M[443]    
  • despite Section 100(1), required parking for uses on these lands may be provided on lands affected by exception [1403]
444 LC[444]  
  • artist studio
  • recreational and athletic facility
  • each single occupancy is limited to 325m2 of gross leasable floor area
R1MM[445] H(9)
  • golf course
  • detached dwelling
  • a detached dwelling is subject to the provisions of the R1MM zone
  • for a golf course use,7.5 metre landscaped buffer with 2 metre high opaque screen comprised of soft landscaping required along eastern boundary of zone and along Hunt Club Place
  • for a golf course use, no outdoor storage of vehicles or equipment permitted
  • medical facility
  • office use is limited to 2,726 m2
  • outside storage is allowed on the west side of the property that abuts the IG3 zone, on the lands known as Part 2, Plan 5R-50 and including the triangle formed from a right angle at the east limit of Part 2 to CNR right of way
447 Reserved for Future Use        
GM[448] H(22)
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automobile service station
  • all residential use-buildings, dwelling units and rooming houses
  • minimum lot area: 1800 m2
  • minimum lot width: 30 m
  • minimum front and rear yard setbacks: 6 m.
  • maximum lot coverage: 35%
449 AM[449] H(20)    
  • the maximum gross floor area for a commercial use is 50,000 square metres
  • the lands within this zone are deemed to be one lot for zoning purposes
  • drive-through facility
451 I1A[451]
  • personal service business
  • instructional facility
452 I1B[452]-h    
  • holding symbol may only be removed upon the installation of sewer services along the Provence Avenue extension to service the subject lands and the development east of Portobello Boulevard and south of the future transitway
453 TM[453] S227
  • commercial parking garage
  • maximum permitted building height and yard setback provisions are as per Schedule 227
  • maximum density of 445 units per hectare
  • balconies may project into any required no closer than 0.2 metres from any lot line
  • commercial parking garage permitted below grade
454 TM[454] H(16)
  • parking lot
  • parking lot may be used by adjacent uses at 150 Montreal Road
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automobile service station
  • gas bar
  • car wash
  • maximum floor space index 0.6
  • maximum residential density of 80 units per hectare
  • maximum building height 10.7 metres for portions of building located within 20 metres of an R1, R2 or R3 Zone; all other cases, 18 metres
  • minimum rear yard setback is 6 m
  • maximum building when located more than 30 m from a residential use is 22 m
456 TM[456] H(18.5)    
  • the minimum aisle width is 6.0 metres
457 Reserved for Future Use        
458 DR[458]    
  • minimum lot area of 1.4 hectares
  • minimum lot width of 40 metres
459 DR[459]-h    
  • holding symbol may only be removed upon either the closure of the landfill site to the east or when studies demonstrate that the subject lands are no longer within the area of influence with respect to noise and odour of the landfill site
  • retail store limited to an outdoor and garden supply sales centre
  • the retail store limited to an outdoor and garden supply sales centre is permitted for a temporary period effective June 10, 2009 and expiring June 10, 2012
  • outdoor storage is prohibited within the front yard
  • following expiration of the temporary zoning, the lands revert back to the underlying DR zone and this exception is repealed

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions
- Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
461 GM15[461]
  • a drive through operation is permitted provided it is ancillary to and integrated into the existing convenience store
462 LC5[462] H(9.5)    
  • minimum front yard setback: 1.6 metres
  • minimum rear yard setback: 5.6 metres
  • minimum number of parking spaces required: 21
463 IG[463] H(22)
  • snow disposal facility
  • snow disposal facility limited to a maximum of 5,626 square metres of snow dumping area
464 IL[464]
  • amusement centre limited to a bingo hall
  • place of worship
  • adult entertainment parlour
  • the properties at 1491 and 1493 Stittsville Main Street are deemed to be one lot for zoning purposes
  • despite Section 113, one loading space with a minimum width of 3.5 metres and a minimum length of 5.2 metres is required
  • despite Section 110, and a 1.5 metre landscaped buffer is not required between the parking lot and the interior lot lines
  • despite Section 110, and an opaque screen fence between the parking lot in the TM9[465]H15-h Zone and the R4Z[1300]-h Zone is not required
  • a wood screen fence with a minimum height of 1.8 metres is required along both interior lot lines
  • Where a lot abuts Stittsville Main Street, residential uses are not permitted at grade, within 10 metres of the front lot line.
  • Subclause 198(9)(g)(i) does not apply to a building that received Site Plan approval prior to August 26, 2015, provided the building is constructed in accordance with that approval.
466 LC5[466]
  • car wash
  • gas bar
  • despite Section 189 (1) (c), the maximum separate gross leasable area for a single occupancy is 1 500 square metres
467 R4P[467]
  • office
  • office permitted provided it does not exceed 169m2 in gross floor area and provided it is located in the same building as at least three dwelling units
  • maximum building height of 12.5 metres for that portion of the lot located between 7 metres from the front lot line and 16 metres from the rear lot line
  • minimum width of aisle: 6 metres
2011-151)(Subject to By-law
  • personal service business
(By-law 2021-282)
  • medical facility
470 LC[470]    
  • minimum front yard and minimum corner side yard setbacks: 6 metres
  • minimum interior side yard and minimum rear yard setbacks: 4.5 metres
471 O1[471]    
  • any permitted use in this zone is required to be in accordance with the approved “Floodway/Floodfringe Analysis” and “Shirley’s Brook Pathway and Riparian Planting Plan”, as required by, and in accordance with the Kanata North Environmental/Stormwater Management Plan (KNEMP), and no buildings or structures are permitted, and no fill or vegetation may be placed or removed except where such buildings, structures and fill or vegetation are intended for flood or erosion control or for storm water management purposes, and approved by the City of Ottawa, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority and other applicable municipal, provincial or federal authorities.
  • amusement park
  • automobile dealership
  • automobile rental establishment
  • automobile service station
  • bed and breakfast
  • car wash
  • catering establishment
  • funeral home
  • gas bar
  • park
  • rooming house
  • warehouse
  • warehouse permitted provided it is located within a building containing on the ground floor a minimum gross floor area of 2000 square metres of permitted commercial uses
  • no individual warehouse unit may exceed a gross floor area of 80 square metres
  • parking for warehouse to be provided at a rate of 1 space per 1000 square metres of gross floor area
  • Despite subsection 191(2)(g) the minimum 6.7 metre building height does not apply to an automobile service station and car wash.
  • Despite the location of the lot on Schedule 1, the maximum number of required parking spaces shall be calculated as per Section 103, Table 103, Column III, Area B.
  • Despite clauses 100(1)(a) and (c), parking spaces may be available for use by any other land use located either on site or off site on an abutting property or on a property immediately across a street, but these spaces may not be used as the required parking for these other land uses.
  • For the purposes of this exception, a tower is defined as that portion of a building above the podium
  • The tower portion of a building must, where the height of the building exceeds nine storeys:
  1. where it contains a dwelling unit or rooming unit:
    1. have a minimum separation distance of 23 metres from a tower containing a dwelling unit or rooming unit, if either tower faces the other;
    2. have a minimum separation distance of 18 metres from a tower containing a dwelling unit or rooming unit, if neither tower faces the other; and,
    3. have a minimum separation distance of 18 metres from a tower containing only non-residential uses;
  2. where it contains only non-residential uses:
    1. have a minimum separation distance of 11.5 metres from a tower containing only non-residential uses; and,
    2. have a minimum separation distance of 18 metres from a tower containing a dwelling unit or rooming unit;
  3. for the purposes of 1. above, a tower is considered to face another tower only when:
    1. a line projected at 90 degrees from a tower wall intersects with any portion of the other tower; and,
    2. the tower wall from which the line is projected contains the window of a dwelling unit or rooming unit;
  4. must be setback 11.5 metres from an interior side lot line where that side lot line abuts a lot that does not contain a tower, but the abutting lot is zoned to permit a building with a height greater than nine storeys;
  5. must be setback 11.5 metres from a rear lot line where the rear lot line abuts a lot that does not contain a tower, but the abutting lot is zoned to permit a building with a height greater than nine storeys;
  6. not have a residential floor plate larger than 750 square metres; and,
  7. not have a non-residential floor plate larger than 1,500 square metres.
  • The holding symbol may be removed only when the following conditions have been met to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development:
  1. Completion of the necessary studies, reports and designs including the preparation of environmental, transportation and infrastructure reports as well as preparation of site plans or master plans that demonstrate how the proposed development phase with and will contribute to achieving the overall urban design and active frontage directions set out in the South Keys to Blossom Park, Bank Street Secondary Plan and in the South Keys to Blossom Park, Bank Street Community Design Plan;
  2. Partial removal of the “h” may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding provisions on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for lifting of the holding symbol specified above.
  • Despite subsection 61(2), the cumulative total gross floor area of additions and accessory buildings must not exceed the greater of 25 per cent of the gross floor area of the existing building or 600 square metres in gross floor area.
  • A change in use within an existing building and a new use within an addition to an existing building are permitted without the need to lift the holding.
473 AM[473] H(21)    
  • minimum lot area: 0.25 hectares
  • minimum lot width: 40 metres
  • minimum front yard, corner side yard and interior side yard setbacks: 3 metres
  • minimum gross leasable floor area- 800 square metres
to By-law 2010-231)
  • corner side yard abutting Cedarow Court: 0 metres
475 R1O[475]
R4P [475]
  • front yard parking permitted subject to Section 109 (5) to (10) and provided:
  1. a maximum of 2 spaces permitted per lot
  2. maximum combined width of the two spaces is 5.2 m
  3. parking spaces must be surfaced with a hard material
  4. parking spaces must be located side-by-side
  5. minimum of 40% of the front yard must be landscaped area
  6. in the case of detached dwellings, driveways must not be located closer than 0.6 m from an adjoining lot
476 R2J[476]
  • 2 front yard parking spaces permitted subject to Section 109 (5) to (10) and any applicable Schedule
477 R3B [477] S 191    
  • yard setbacks as per Schedule 191
  • accessory buildings are not permitted in a corner side yard
  • dwelling unit
  • dwelling unit
  • dwelling unit

Exception Number
Applicable Zone
Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted
Exception Provisions
- Land uses prohibited
Exception Provisions - Provisions
  • office limited to a diplomatic mission
  • office restricted to a dwelling converted for that use
482 R5B[482] H(37)
  • personal service business limited to barber shop, beauty parlour, or dry cleaner's distribution station
  • place of assembly limited to a club
  • retail store limited to a drug store, florist shop, news stand,
  • restaurant
  • additional permitted uses other than place of assembly limited to a club restricted to ground floor or basement of residential use building
  • dwelling unit
484 R1Y[484]
  • minimum front yard setback of 5 m
485 R3J[485]
S 200
  • minimum front yard setback: 5 m
  • a fence or similar enclosure may be within 90 centimetres of the closest part of a main building
  • minimum separation distance between buildings of 2.4 m
  • for subzone R3L, all main buildings to be located outside of shaded area shown on Schedule 200
486 R4S[486]    
  • maximum resident(s) count not applicable and Section 134 (1) does not apply
487 R3P[487]
  • Planned unit development
  • artist studio
  • bank
  • office
  • payday loan establishment
  • personal service business
  • post office
  • printing shop
  • service and repair shop
  • retail food store
  • retail store
  • office permitted if in a building where 50% of the gross floor area of the building is residential
  • other additional commercial uses permitted if on the ground floor or basement of a building where 50% of the gross floor area of the building is residential

all residential uses except:

  • duplex dwelling
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • minimum front yard setback: 3 m
  • in the case of townhouse dwelling and planned unit development
  1. a minimum side yard setback abutting a street of 3 m
  2. a minimum side yard setback abutting a pedestrian pathway or public lane of 1.2 m and,
  3. in all other cases, a minimum side yard setback of 0.5
  • minimum rear yard setback: 6 m
  • office limited to a diplomatic mission
  • dwelling unit
  • office restricted to a dwelling converted for that use
  • office limited to a diplomatic mission
  • office restricted to a dwelling converted for that use
  • office limited to a diplomatic mission
  • dwelling unit
  • office, limited to a diplomatic mission, restricted to a dwelling converted for that use
493 R4N[493]
  • residential care facility
  • height of any principal building not to extend above the height determined by the angular plane of 22 degrees measured at a base elevation of 70 m above sea level at the Presland Road property line extending southerly and perpendicular to Presland Road
494 R2D[494]
  • home based day care
  • minimum lot width of 5.6 m is required for townhouse dwelling units
496 R5C[496]
  • office
  • office permitted, provided it:
  1. is located in a building with residential uses
  2. is located on the ground and second floors only
  3. occupies a maximum gross floor area of 316 m2
  4. parking is not required for office uses
497 R4T[497]
  • catering establishment
  • community health and resource centre
  • day care
  • instructional facility
  • medical facility
  • personal service business
  • service and repair shop
  • retail store
  • retail food store
  • dwelling units
  • drive-through facility for ordering and pick-up of food
  • commercial uses are permitted, provided they:
  • are restricted to locations on the floor level that is at or nearest grade
  • are located in a building containing dwelling units
  • do not exceed a cumulative total gross floor area of 93 m2
498 R3O[498]    
  • parking spaces located in a driveway leading to a required parking space must not be located one beside the other
  • front, rear, side and corner side yard setbacks must comply with the yards shown on Schedule 213
  • the number of dwelling units in this zone must not exceed 110 units
499 R3N[499]
  • the entire R3N [499] and the O1C [499] zones are deemed to be one lot for by-law purposes
500 R1GG[500] S165    
  • group home limited to 15 residents
  • maximum of 3 front yard parking spaces permitted for group home
  • location of landscaped area as per Schedule 165