Parking strategy
The Municipal Parking Management Strategy sets the mandate for the Municipal Parking Management Program. Its objectives include providing affordable, secure, accessible, convenient and appealing public parking in Ottawa. It also encourages alternative modes of transportation. The strategy sets the funding model and provides guidelines for parking rates.
Bike parking strategy
On April 14, 2021, Ottawa City Council approved the Public Bike Parking Strategy and Implementation Plan. Resident feedback was an important feature of our engagement process and we are excited to move forward with initiatives that will ensure the City is able to meet current and future demands for bike parking for our residents, commuters, business owners, and visitors.
Parking studies
Parking studies are a key tool to review the supply and demand for parking in an area. They help determine any needed adjustments. Studies may recommend changing how much parking is available, restrictions, rates or levels of enforcement.
Completed local area parking studies:
Parking Stakeholder Consultation Group
The Parking Stakeholder Consultation Group (PSCG) serves as a forum for key stakeholders and the City to discuss policy and services administered by the Municipal Parking Management Program under the authority of the Municipal Parking Management Strategy. The group consists of 13 members who represent a wide variety of key stakeholder groups. The group’s mandate, membership, roles and responsibilities, decision making authority, meeting frequency, and term limits are established in the Council approved Terms of Reference for the Parking Stakeholder Consultation Group.
Meeting Minutes
Beginning with the 2020 – 2022 term of the Parking Stakeholder Consultation Group, meeting minutes as approved by the Parking Stakeholder Consultation Group will be available online:
- January 18, 2024 meeting minutes
- October 4, 2023 meeting minutes
- June 21, 2023 meeting minutes
- February 22, 2023 meeting minutes
- September 21, 2022 meeting minutes
- March 10, 2022 meeting minutes
- January 27, 2022 meeting minutes
- September 23, 2021 meeting minutes
- May 6, 2021 meeting minutes
- January 21, 2021 meeting minutes
- December 3, 2020 meeting minutes
- September 23, 2020 meeting minutes
- July 16, 2020 meeting minutes
- March 11, 2020 meeting minutes
- January 22, 2020 meeting minutes