A coach house means: A separate dwelling unit that is subsidiary to and located on the same lot as an associated principal dwelling unit but is contained in its own building that may also contain uses accessory to the principal dwelling.
A lot containing a principal dwelling may have up to two additional dwelling units comprised of:
- Two separate dwelling units (apartments), located in the same building as the principal dwelling, or
- a combined total of one separate dwelling unit (apartment) in the same building as the principal dwelling, and one coach house on the same lot.
Where permitted, the total number of dwelling units, including the principal unit, must not exceed three units.
These new housing units are permitted in Ottawa's urban, suburban, and rural areas subject to Section 3.2 of the Official Plan Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) and Section 133 of the Zoning By-law Opens in a new tab or window(link is external).
Before you begin
If you are adding or retrofitting an existing accessory structure to create a coach house, you need a building permit before proceeding. For the urban area, the coach house must have servicing from the primary homes municipal water and sewer connection.
Under new Provincial changes, where permitted, lots served by municipal water and wastewater may benefit in having up to two additional dwellings. This could be a combination totaling two apartments within the dwelling units that are subsidiary to the principal dwelling or an apartment in combination with a coach house on the same lot.
Where permitted lots served by one or more private services (i.e., septic or well water) are limited to one additional dwelling or coach house. Refer to the Ottawa Septic Office(link is external) to confirm existing septic can accommodate the additional load.
Lots with a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, linked detached dwelling, duplex dwelling or a townhouse are permitted to apply for a coach house.
Exceptions in the building code allow for a homeowner to take design responsibility when adding up to one additional dwelling unit where no other additional dwelling unit exists, or for a permit to construct a coach house.
There are maximum unit size restrictions for the urban and rural area which are tied to the size of your lot and the size of your principal dwelling unit, as detailed in Section 133 of the Zoning By-law Opens in a new tab or window(link is external).
No additional parking space is required, but where a new one is provided, it cannot be located in the front yard. Tandem parking in the existing driveway is permitted.
Development information officers
In order to provide effective service to clients, the Development Information in-person service is available by appointment only(link is external). If you require the services of a development information officer, please call 613-580-2424, extension 23434 or email dioinquiry@ottawa.ca(link opens email application), include the subject address, proposed use, and other pertinent information relevant to the inquiry. Upon receipt of the inquiry, a phone call or an email response will be provided within two to three business days, in the event more information is required there will be options to allow for further discussion.
Financial considerations
Your property taxes, as determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, may change as a result of adding a coach house in your home. Rent counts as additional income under the Income Tax Act, so adding a coach house will affect your income taxes. Notify your insurance company or broker as early as possible about your plan to build a coach house. Your policy may need to be adjusted to reflect the changes in liability and the adjusted value of your home after the addition is completed.
City processes
A number of City processes must be completed before starting construction of a coach house. In all circumstances, a building permit is required. There may also be situations that require a Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance application. These processes are described in more detail below.
Building permit
All applications require a building permit. Should the homeowner move forward with building a coach house, applicants may arrange for a service consultation meeting prior to applying for a building permit by calling 3-1-1 and asking to speak with the Building Code Services office assigned to your property address.
Committee of Adjustment
Applications that cannot meet the Zoning By-law performance standards must be redesigned to comply. In cases where circumstances peculiar to a property prevent you from developing your coach house in a way that strictly conforms to the Zoning By-law, you may apply to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance. Minor variance applicants should arrange for a pre-application consultation meeting with City Planning staff by calling 3-1-1 and asking to speak to a planner in the Planning, Development and Building Services Department. More information on a minor variance with the Committee of Adjustment can be found on ottawa.ca.
Online Submissions
Coach House applications can now be submitted online using the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting portal available through My Service Ottawa. The new Land Management System (LMS) is a digital technology providing access to online permits and applications for Building Code Services.
Applying for applications and access to the customer portal requires a My ServiceOttawa (MySO) account set-up and registration with the new Building, Planning and Land Development system.
Do you currently have a My ServiceOttawa account?
- No - Please proceed to My ServiceOttawa (link is external) login page and select the green ‘create an account’ button. Assistance(link is external) is available for creating your account.
- Yes - Please login to your My ServiceOttawa (link is external) account and complete the system registration by selecting the Building, planning and land development service widget.
Please refer to the My ServiceOttawa’s help(link is external) page for assistance on how to manage your account. Several Customer Portal(link is external) user guides(link is external) have been developed to provide information on how to use the new system. You may find out more about the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting system by visiting the Engage Ottawa(link is external) page.
Please note that payment must accompany all applications. Additional costs for photocopies may apply.
In Person
Building Code Service counters are open for personal services by appointment only. This includes the submission of permit applications, payment of fees and the issuance of permits.
There are various methods for submitting applications.
Application Forms: Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) (For reference only)