Design Guidelines for Rural Villages

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Design Guidelines for Rural Villages

Purpose and Application

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide design guidance to assess, promote and achieve appropriate development in Villages. These guidelines shall be applied at the development review stage for proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments, Subdivisions and Site Plan Control applications.

The guidelines shall be applied in conjunction with Council-approved City policies such as, but not limited to, Secondary Plans, Village Plans, Community Design Plans (CDPs), Neighbourhood Plans and other design guidelines. If a conflict in application arises, where there is more precise or village-specific information as part of an approved City policy, for example, as contained within a CDP, the more detailed information will take precedence over the guidelines. Village community visioning exercises may also provide useful background information to further inform the application of these guidelines. Proponents should be able to demonstrate how their proposal considers the guidelines. The guidelines are not prescriptive; they are flexible to accommodate exceptions and may not all apply equally in all cases.

Design Guidelines for Rural Villages [ PDF - 684 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

  • Purpose and Application
  • Official Plan Direction
  • Objectives
  • Context and Issues
  • Design Guidelines
    • Community Layout and Design
    • Heritage and Architecture
    • Built Form
    • Streetscape
    • Open Space
  • Definition
  • Glossary