Design Toolbox
On December 11, 2019, City Council approved a Strategic Road Safety Action Plan (RSAP) Update that recommended:
“The principles of a Safe Systems approach to road safety in road design and that all new local residential streets, constructed within new developments, or when reconstruction occurs on local residential streets, be designed for a 30 km/h operating speed”.
Staff was directed to develop a guideline to identify design guidance to achieve a 30 km/h speed for new street construction, reconstruction of existing streets and street retrofit projects on local residential streets. On March 10, 2021, staff provided a status update to Council on the RSAP Implementation Plan, including status update of proposed guidelines.
The Design Toolbox identifies a catalogue of speed reduction measures that can be applied to a range of local residential street project contexts, and leverages the guidance provided in other City guidelines and policies, including the City’s Traffic Calming Design Guidelines. In order to achieve local residential streets with operating speeds of 30km/h, the Design Toolbox will help designers choose the most effective combination of speed management measures based on the suitability of the measure to the context, the frequency of implementation and the pairing with complementary measures.
For more information, please contact
Vanessa Black, P. Eng.
Transportation Engineer - Network Modification
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development