Urban Design Guidelines for Large-Format Retail

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Façade: the principal face of a building (also referred to as the front wall)

Foundation planting: planting that extends along a building wall and hides the foundation

Glazing: clear or lightly tinted glass windows

Pedestrian walkway: sidewalk on private property

Property line: the legal boundary of a property

Setback: the required distance from a road, property line, or another structure, within which no building can be located

Sidewalk: unobstructed concrete or paved area for pedestrian travel in the public right-of-way

Stacking lane: an on-site queuing lane for motorized vehicles, which is separated from other vehicular traffic and pedestrian circulation by barriers, markings or signs

Figure Credits

Figures Description
Figures 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20b, 21a, 21b, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29: Ottawa, Ontario.  City of Ottawa
Figures 2, 8, 9, 17: N/A, City of Ottawa
Figure 7: Hull, Quebec.  City of Ottawa
Figure 14: Toronto, Ontario.  Taylor Harriri Pontarini Architects
Figure 16: N/A, Adapted from IBI Group
Figure 19: Markham, Ontario.  City of Ottawa
Figure 20a: Easton, Ohio.  www.eastontowncentre.com(link is external)
Figure 23: Calgary, Alberta.  City of Ottawa
Figure 25: US Environmental Protection Agency
Figure 27: Kingston, Ontario.  City of Ottawa