February 2025

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Emergency watermain repairs: Bayswater Avenue

The City of Ottawa has determined that work will be required on the watermain between Fairmont Avenue and Young Street due to the damaged watermain and will be repaired under an emergency contract.

What: The watermain will be repaired using a specialized lining method at the break location and the limits of the repair will be extended as required. This repair method is completed inside of the pipe; no major excavations or above ground construction work will be required. 

Several water valve retrofits and replacements on Loretta Avenue between Beech Street and Hickory Street will also be completed as part of this emergency work. This work will require excavation to replace the valve. Additional communication will be delivered later to inform residents of the scope, duration and impacts of this work. 

Why: In November 2024, the City was notified of a watermain break on the 1220 diameter watermain between Fairmont Avenue and Bayswater Avenue. Action was immediately taken by the City of Ottawa’s Infrastructure and Water Services Department to isolate the watermain and make the area safe, however a permanent repair is required.

When: The work will commence the week of February 17 and are expected to be completed within three to four weeks, followed by watermain commissioning by our City Water Distribution team.

Where: The specialized lining repair work will occur within the watermain between Fairmont Avenue and Bayswater Road. Access points for this repair will be located at Fairmont/Young and on Loretta Avenue south of Young Street. The contractor’s site trailer will be located on Young Street at Loretta Avenue.   

The water valve retrofits and replacements will occur on Loretta Avenue between Beech Street and Hickory Street. 

Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, R.W. Tomlinson, to complete the work.

Traffic impacts

All roads are expected to remain open during the repair with lane reductions expected on Loretta Avenue and Fairmont Avenue to allow for construction. Pedestrian and cycling traffic will be maintained.

During the valve repairs, a full closure on Loretta Avenue between Beech Street and Hickory Street may be required. Timing and details will be communicated to residents in advance of any closure.


Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the undersigned. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request, at the following link: www.ottawa.ca/accessibleformat

Construction disruptions

R.W. Tomlinson will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the normal life of your family and/or operation of your business, but as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the course of the operation of the work. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation.


The City of Ottawa is committed to safety in and around project sites. The project team continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours on weekdays and weekends, please call the City of Ottawa at 3-1-1. For further information about this project, please contact the City Project Manager:

City Project Manager
Lee-Anne Truong(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Projects
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 24770

City On-Site Representative
Pat Welch(link opens email application)
Construction Technician
Cell: 613-769-8775

Contractor Representative
Ian Phillips(link opens email application)

R.W. Tomlinson
Tel.: 613-223-0337

Miscellaneous drainage (6 sites) package 1: Harvest Crescent & Labrie Avenue

This notice is to advise that construction in your neighborhood will be undertaken in 2025. This work is being conducted to help improve surface drainage in your community.

What: This project is intended to address the existing surface drainage issues. The scope of work includes a combination of ditching, new storm sewers, new culverts, new catch basins and roadway changes as required.

Why: The City of Ottawa will be undertaking these repairs to address existing surface drainage issues.

When: The drainage improvement work at the Harvest Crescent site is expected to continue in late winter 2025. The drainage improvement work at the Labrie Avenue site is expected to begin in spring 2025. All sites will be completed by fall 2025.

Where: The following site is expected to continue work in February/March 2025:

  • Harvest Crescent, behind 1711 and 1713 Harvest Crescent.

The following site is expected to begin in May 2025:

  • Labrie Avenue, 1368 Labrie Avenue to Comstock Road

Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Goldie Mohr Ltd., to complete the work.

Traffic impacts

To safely complete this work, lane reductions and alternating traffic can be expected during construction to accommodate the work.

The affected roads will have information and construction signs installed and maintained throughout the construction sites for the duration of the replacements to keep you informed of the changing conditions. Significant effort is being made to reduce the duration of the construction impacts in your community. Access to local businesses and private properties will be maintained throughout the construction period. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained.

Construction disruptions

The contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the course of the construction work, such as delays and traffic detours, parking restrictions, noise and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and rarely cause any problems. We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation. For construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255).

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours, please call the City at 3-1-1.  
For general project information, please contact the City’s Project Manager. 
For construction related questions or concerns, please contact the City On-Site Inspector.

City Project Manager
Carolyn Newcombe(link opens email application), P.Eng.
City of Ottawa
Design and Construction – Municipal
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 28230

Consultant On-Site Inspector
Dylan Schultz(link opens email application), B.Eng.
Civil Engineering Graduate
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
Tel.: 343-804-9365 / Cell: 613-570-9002

Contractor Project Manager
Neil Dugan(link opens email application), C.E.T.
Goldie Mohr Ltd.
Tel: 613-805-6778

Contract Administrator
Patrick McGrath(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Civil Engineer
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
Tel.: 343-804-5376

Emergency watermain repair: Woodroffe Avenue (2)

Beginning immediately, the City of Ottawa will begin construction work to repair sections of the Woodroffe Avenue large diameter watermain.

What: Watermain repair work will involve excavation in the southbound lanes of Woodroffe Avenue north of Norice Street, replacement of sections of watermain, and reinstatement of the road.

Why: The City has a robust large diameter watermain condition assessment program to ensure resiliency of our water system. Through this condition monitoring program, a segment of the Woodroffe watermain has been identified as having a distressed pipe requiring immediate replacement. The City of Ottawa's water system continues to deliver water to our residents with a high degree of confidence and we do not anticipate any drinking water service impacts to residents.

When: This work is scheduled to begin immediately and completion of the majority of the work is anticipated by mid-February 2025. The remaining works are expected to be completed in spring 2025.

Where: Construction will be on southbound Woodroffe Avenue from David Drive to Norice Street. 

Who: The City of Ottawa retained the contractor, R.W. Tomlinson Limited, to complete the work.

Traffic management

To accommodate the proposed construction, lane reductions on southbound Woodroffe Avenue can be expected. Left turns from David Drive onto southbound Woodroffe Avenue and left turns from southbound Woodroffe Avenue onto Norice Street will be detoured at times during construction.

Access to local businesses and private properties will be maintained throughout the construction period. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained. Pedestrian and cycling detours can be expected. OC Transpo routes may experience some delays while travelling through the construction area.

Construction disruptions

The contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the normal life of your family and/or operation of your business, but as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during construction, such as traffic delays, noise, and dust. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation.

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours on weekdays and weekends, please call the City at 3-1-1. For further information about this project, please contact the City’s Project Manager:

City Project Manager
Christine Reist(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Projects
City of Ottawa
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 27820

Contract Administrator
Samuel McPhail(link opens email application), EIT
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Tel: 705-288-2436

Contractor Representative
Chadwick Haines(link opens email application)
Project Manager
R.W. Tomlinson Limited
Tel.: 613-868-6043

Emergency watermain repair: Woodroffe Avenue

Beginning immediately, the City of Ottawa will begin construction work to repair sections of the Woodroffe Avenue large diameter watermain.

What: Watermain repair work will involve excavation in the southbound lanes of Woodroffe Avenue north of Norice Street, replacement of sections of watermain, and reinstatement of the road.

Why: The City has a robust large diameter watermain condition assessment program to ensure resiliency of our water system. Through this condition monitoring program, a segment of the Woodroffe watermain has been identified as having a distressed pipe requiring immediate replacement. The City of Ottawa's water system continues to deliver water to our residents with a high degree of confidence and we do not anticipate any drinking water service impacts to residents.

When: This work is scheduled to begin immediately and completion of the majority of the work is anticipated by mid-February 2025. The remaining works are expected to be completed in spring 2025.

Weekend work is expected at times between 6 am and 10 pm on January 18 and 19, 2025. A Noise By-law exemption will be in place for the work between 6 and 7 am on Saturday January 18, as well as 6 and 9 am on Sunday January 19, 2025. Weekend work may be necessary on future weekends as well.

Where: Construction will be on southbound Woodroffe Avenue from David Drive to Norice Street. 

Who: The City of Ottawa retained the contractor, R.W. Tomlinson Limited, to complete the work.

Traffic management

To accommodate the proposed construction, lane reductions on southbound Woodroffe Avenue can be expected. Left turns from David Drive onto southbound Woodroffe Avenue and left turns from southbound Woodroffe Avenue onto Norice Street will be detoured at times during construction.

Access to local businesses and private properties will be maintained throughout the construction period. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained. Pedestrian and cycling detours can be expected. OC Transpo routes may experience some delays while travelling through the construction area.

Construction disruptions

The contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the normal life of your family and/or operation of your business, but as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during construction, such as traffic delays, noise, and dust. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation.

For construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255). A Noise By-law exemption will be in place for the work between 6 and 7 am on Saturday January 18, as well as6 and 9 am on Sunday January 19, 2025.

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours on weekdays and weekends, please call the City at 3-1-1. For further information about this project, please contact the City’s Project Manager:

City Project Manager
Christine Reist(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Projects
City of Ottawa
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 27820

Contract Administrator
Samuel McPhail(link opens email application), EIT
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Tel: 705-288-2436

Contractor Representative
Chadwick Haines(link opens email application)
Project Manager
R.W. Tomlinson Limited
Tel.: 613-868-6043

Demolition: 24 Ladouceur Street

Starting in mid-December, abatement and demolition work of a city-owned property will be occurring in your neighborhood.

What: The house at 24 Ladouceur Street is owned by the City of Ottawa and will be demolished.

Why: This property is planned to be converted into parkland as part of an expansion to Armstrong Park. Consultation for the future park is anticipated to occur later in 2025/2026. For more information on the future park, please contact Jessica Button(link opens email application).

When: This work will begin in the 2nd week of December and is expected to be completed by the end of May 2025.

Where: 24 Ladouceur Street, approximately mid-block between Garland and Merton streets.

Who: The City has retained the contractor, Amor Construction, to complete the work.

Impact on the right of way and adjacent private properties

The demolition work will occur within the City’s right of way and on a city-owned property. We anticipate some intermittent lane closures and loss of a few parking spaces on Ladouceur Street will be required for your safety during demolition and staging. Please watch for construction signs and flagging. The large trees on adjacent properties are to be retained and all efforts are being made to protect them from damage. Should you have any questions or concerns about the project, please contact the City Project Manager, listed below.

Construction disruptions

Minimal construction impacts may be experienced including minor traffic delays adjacent to the construction zone and minor nuisances such as noise and dust. You may also experience minor vibrations due to the use of the heavy equipment needed to complete this work. These vibrations are quite common and have minimal impact on your home and/or business. We would like to thank you for 

your patience and co-operation. For construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255).  

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours on weekdays and weekends, please call the City at
3-1-1. For further information about this project, please contact the City’s Project Manager. 

City Project Manager
Danica Lau(link opens email application)
Design and Construction - Facilities
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON  K2G 6J8
Tel.: 613-291-1779

Consultant Project Manager
Matt Poulin(link opens email application)
HP Engineering, Inc.
2039 Robertson Road, Suite 400, Ottawa, ON  K2H 8R2
Tel.: 613-695-3737

Renewal of Blais Road bridge culvert

This notice is to advise that construction in your neighborhood will be undertaken in winter 2024/2025. This work is being conducted to complete the replacement of one bridge culvert to help improve your roadways and maintain surface drainage in your community.

What: Work will involve the removal and replacement of the existing culvert.

Why: The City of Ottawa will be undertaking these repairs as part of a programmed end-of-service-life replacement project.

When: The culvert will be replaced approximately between mid-January and end of February 2025.

Where: The culvert is located on Blais Road, 1.13 km east of Bank Street.

Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, W.H. MacSweyn Inc., to complete the work.

Traffic impacts

To safely complete this work a six (6) week road closure is required. A signed detour route will be provided.

The affected roads will have information and construction signs installed and maintained throughout the construction sites for the duration of the replacements to keep you informed of the changing conditions. Significant effort is being made to reduce the duration of the construction impacts in your community. Access to local businesses and private properties will be maintained throughout the construction period. 

Construction disruptions

The contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the course of the construction work, such as delays and traffic detours, parking restrictions, noise and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and rarely cause any problems. We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation. For construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255).  

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours, please call the City at 3-1-1.  
For general project information, please contact the City’s Project Manager. 
For construction related questions or concerns, please contact the City On-Site Inspector.

City Project Manager
Carolyn Newcombe(link opens email application), P.Eng.
City of Ottawa
Design and Construction – Municipal
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 28230

City On-Site Inspector
Paul Nicol(link opens email application)
City of Ottawa
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON
Tel: 613-851-1258

Contractor Project Manager
Blair MacSweyn(link opens email application)
W.H. MacSweyn Inc.
453 Gladstone Street Winchester, ON
Tel: 613-407-4694

Contract Administrator
Joshua Georg(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Egis Canada Ltd.
115 Walgreen Rd, RR3, Carp ON
Tel: 613-903-4992

Road closure extension: Greenfield Avenue and Main Street southbound 417 on ramp to Hawthorne Avenue

The City of Ottawa has commenced construction on the new watermains, sewers, and associated road rehabilitation work as part of the Greenfield-Main-Hawthorne et al. reconstruction project. To facilitate this work, the City of Ottawa has approved the closure of Greenfield Avenue and Main Street, in the southbound direction, as outlined below.

What: An extension of the road closure in the southbound direction of Greenfield Avenue and Main Street for the 2024 construction season to December 31.

Why: The road closure is required for the safety of the residents and workers, as there is limited area to accommodate the open cut excavation and the necessary labour, materials and equipment.

When: The southbound closure of Greenfield Avenue and Main Street has been extended to December 31.

Where: Greenfield Avenue southbound closed from 417 On Ramp to Main Street and Main Street southbound closed from Colonel By Drive to Hawthorne Avenue.

Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor GIP Construction Ontario East (GCOE), formerly Aecon, to complete the work.

A map showing the road closures as listed above.

Traffic impacts

The detour route for the closure of Main Street southbound will be via Hawthorne Avenue from Colonel by Drive to Main Street.

The detour route for Greenfield Closure will via Lees Avenue from King Edward Avenue/Mann Avenue to Main Street.

OC Transpo

The detour route for OC Transpo route #55 Westgate will be via Highway 417 between Greenfield Avenue and Metcalfe Street. Service on route #55 will be removed from bus stops on Greenfield Avenue southbound (#7042), Main Street southbound (#7627) and Hawthorne Avenue westbound (#7633, #7634). Service on route 55 Westgate will be available at alternative bus stops on Mann Avenue at King Edward Avenue and on Main Street at Lees Avenue. Please visit octranspo.com/en/alerts(link is external) for more information.

On-street parking and driveway impacts

To allow the work to be completed in a timely manner, on street parking is prohibited during the closures. The contractor is obligated to provide 24-hour notification of temporary loss of access/egress. In the event that access to your driveway is restricted due to construction activities, a Temporary On-Street Parking Permit (orange form) will be distributed to permit on-street parking within two blocks of your residence. Residents with electric vehicles will need to find alternative charging arrangements when access is restricted. The use of extension cords within the public right of way is not permitted. Should you have additional concerns about reduced access, such as business deliveries or accessibility requirements, please contact the project manager listed below.

Construction disruptions

GCOE will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business. As you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the operation of the work, such as delays when travelling through the construction zone, noise and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and rarely cause any problems. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation. For construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255).

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours, please call the City at 3-1-1.
For general project information, please contact the City’s Project Manager.

City Project Manager
Patrick Sammon(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Projects
Design and Construction - Municipal
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 29843

City Inspector
Ken Barton(link opens email application)
Construction Technician
Tel: 613-762-8349

Contractor Representative
Sean Kelly(link opens email application)
Tel: 613-453-1057

Contract Administrator
Benjamin Tardioli(link opens email application)
Tel: 613-254-9643, ext. 243