New fee structure
Please be advised that the City of Ottawa Council has approved a new fee structure to ensure continued cost recovery of services (ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0008) that will be coming into effect starting January 1, 2025. Please see the changes below:
New fee structure for road cut permits
For work done by or on behalf of the City of Ottawa:
- Internal Capital Street Segment Fee - $51.00
- Internal Street Segment Fee - $224.00
For all other work:
- External Street Segment Fee - $464.00
New Fees for Municipal Consent
- Application Fee: $278.00
- Circulation Fee: $359.00
- Per Meter Rate: $0.41
New Fees for Utility Circulation
- Circulation Fee: $675.00
- Per Meter Rate: $0.15
In addition to the fees noted above, please note that all other fees not listed here are reviewed and revised annually through the City’s budget process. Any changes to existing fees will also take effect on January 1st, 2025. For more information on the budget and the budget process please visit the City's website at Budget 2025 Information
Information for Applicants
Municipal Consent (MC) is provided by the City for a utility or applicant to occupy a specific location within the municipal Right-of-Way (ROW). MCs are only issued to utility companies, commissions, agencies, and private applicants who have the authority to construct, operate and maintain their plant within the ROW. This is established through legislation (Act), Agreement, or prior approval. An MC gives an agency permission to install or move facilities and is required when a ROW needs to be excavated. Shoring applications are subject to the MC process.
This is achieved by circulating drawing submission packages to other occupants of the ROW, (and other stakeholders as required), for comments and conditions that may be applicable to a given MC.
Works must comply with the Road Activity By-law, as amended. City standards and specifications must also be followed. The City of Ottawa’s Standard Tender Documents for Unit Price Contracts, as well as other standards and guidelines, are available free of charge by contacting Questions and comments may also be directed to that mailbox.
For works in the ROW that include infrastructure that will ultimately be owned and operated by the city (e.g., water and sewer pipe extensions, sidewalks, curb works), a Utility Circulation (UC) may be requested by the city. Note that the work isn’t limited to capital projects. ROW improvements that are development related may also be subject to UC. This circulation is to identify conflicts and opportunities for coordination with other city projects, as well as with 3rd party utility owners. This is not a design review circulation.
The application form on this web page can be used to apply for an MC or a UC .
For work that is planned on City owned lands that are not ROW, please contact
For questions concerning potential contamination within the City’s ROW please send inquiries to
For Road Cut Permits, please see Road cuts.
For Temporary Construction Encroachment Permits, please see TCEs.
Municipal Consent and Utility Circulation Process Outline
Beginning January 1, 2025, Municipal Consent (MC) and Utility Circulation (UC) fees shall be applied as directed by City of Ottawa council.
New Fees for Municipal Consent
- Application Fee: $278.00
- Circulation Fee: $359.00
- Per Meter Rate: $0.41/m
New Fees for Utility Circulation
- Circulation Fee: $675.00
- Per Meter Rate: $0.15/m
For MC, an Application Fee will be applied upon receipt of an application. If the city determines a circulation is required, a Circulation Fee and a Per Meter Fee Rate will be applied.
For UC, the Circulation Fee and Per Meter Fee Rate will be applied upon receipt of an application.
Fees are payable at completion of the circulation. Once confirmation of payment is received, the MC Permit (or UC Memo) will be released.
All fees are non-refundable.
Once the application submission is received by City staff, it will be reviewed for completeness, and that all information required per the submission guidelines is included and correct. The applicant will be advised either that more information is required, or that the submission is being sent out for circulation to the City’s review partners. For a complete submission, this step should take 5 business days.
When the circulation is out for comment with external reviewers, the timing for responses is out of the City’s control. Each reviewing agency has their own methods and procedures for review. A typical review may take 3-5 weeks. Depending on the complexity of the application, some reviews may take longer.
A Municipal Consent circulation is deemed complete when all responses have been received, and all objections have been resolved. Once this occurs, City staff will prepare the Municipal Consent Permit, including all comments and conditions from internal city groups, and external agencies. Comments and conditions placed by external agencies are not monitored or enforced by the City. It is the responsibility of commenter and applicant to work together.
A Utility Circulation is deemed complete when all responses have been received.
Once the circulation is complete and fees are paid, the MC Permit or UC Memo is targeted to be provided within 5 business days. In some cases, fees may be payable via invoicing.
Municipal Consent permits are valid for one (1) year following issuance. If required, an MC extension may be granted for thirty (30) days at the sole discretion of the City. MC extensions must be requested while the MC is valid, otherwise, a new MC must be applied for. Only one extension will be provided.
Utility Circulation Memo comments may be added to a Commence Work Notice, or Commence Work Order.
Accessing geoOttawa and the Central Registry
The City of Ottawa geoOttawa map tool contains information about the City’s road network, including road classifications and the age of road pavement. This tool can also be used to determine who the Ward Councillor is in any given area, as well as the Right-of-Way in any given area. To access and view information on geoOttawa, use the following link: geoOttawa. Once the application is running, type the name of the street you want to view, or navigate to it using the map.
Geospatial Analytics, Technology and Solutions (GATS) is responsible for 2D mapping of all above and underground Municipal and Utility agency services within the right of way in coordination with the Ottawa Utility Coordinating Committee (Ottawa UCC). Further information can be found online.
For assistance, contact the GATS - GeoInformation Centre by email
Shoring Applications
Shoring systems installed within the City’s Right-of-way require Municipal Consent. Shoring applications typically require more time. Proponents are advised to apply for Municipal Consent as soon as they are able.
Applying for Municipal Consent for shoring systems follows the same process as other applications as outlined on these pages.
Application Requirements and Guidelines
The most current documentation for Application Requirements, and associated Guidelines can be downloaded using the links below:
Application requirements [ PDF 144 KB ]
Exemption Guidelines [ PDF 236 KB ]
Clearance Matrix [ PDF 175 KB ]