Apartment Dwelling and back-to-back and stacked townhouse
Apartment Dwelling (less than 2 bedrooms)
Multiple, Row and Mobile Dwelling
Dwelling Room
Parks Development (District Parks)
Provence Avenue Area-specific Development Charges
Development charge rates effective June 13, 2024
Singles & Semi-detached Dwelling
Apartment Dwelling and back-to-back and stacked townhouse
Apartment Dwelling (less than 2 bedrooms)
Multiple, Row and Mobile Dwelling
Dwelling Room
Richmond Sanitary Sewer Area-specific Development Charges
Development charge rates effective June 13, 2024
Singles & Semi-detached Dwelling
Apartment Dwelling and back-to-back and stacked townhouse
Apartment Dwelling (less than 2 bedrooms)
Multiple, Row and Mobile Dwelling
Dwelling Room
Non-Industrial per sq. ft. GFA
Industrial per sq. ft. GFA
Sanitary Sewer
Trillium Line (Riverside South) Transit Area
Development charge rates effective June 13, 2024
Singles & Semi-detached Dwelling
Apartment Dwelling and back-to-back and stacked townhouse
Apartment Dwelling (less than 2 bedrooms)
Multiple, Row and Mobile Dwelling
Dwelling Room
Non-Industrial per sq. ft. GFA
Industrial per sq. ft. GFA
Trillium Line
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