Help around the home

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Get help clearing snow

Need help clearing your driveway and/or walkway during the winter?

  • The Snow Go program provides a matching service for older adults and people with disabilities to hire an individual or contractor to clear snow from private driveways and walkways at an affordable rate.
  • The Snow Go Assist program provides financial assistance to eligible low-income older adults or persons with disabilities to help with their snow removal costs.

Snow Angel Program

Do you know a Snow Angel who deserves recognition?

A Snow Angel is a neighbour or friend that has volunteered to help you, or someone you know who is elderly or has a disability, by clearing snow or ice from their driveway, steps or walkway.

If you know a Snow Angel, the City of Ottawa wants to thank them!

Snow Angels will receive a certificate signed by the Mayor.

Nominate a Snow Angel

Snow Angel nominations are accepted from December 1 to March 31.

To recognize a resident as a Snow Angel:

For more information about the Snow Angel Program, please contact opens email application).

Ottawa Public Library - Homebound Services

Homebound services(link is external) for qualified borrowers confined to their home or residence for more than three months. OPL customers can request to have OPL employees regularly select Library materials and deliver them to their door every month.

Know who to call for help (9-1-1, 3-1-1 or 2-1-1)

There are three key numbers in Ottawa to call for help and information.


9-1-1 for life threatening emergencies: 

  • Fire
  • Medical
  • Crime in progress

3-1-1 for any questions on services that the City of Ottawa provides: 

  • Garbage and recycling
  • Social services
  • Recreation programs
  • Property tax bills

2-1-1 for information on government and community-based health and social services:

  • Housing
  • Elder abuse
  • Meals for seniors and people with disabilities, etc.

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