Solid Waste Services (By-law No. 2024 - 453)


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This is a consolidation of the City of Ottawa Property Standards By-law No. 2024-370. This version contains the following amending By-laws:

  • 2024-534
  • 2025-2 

This consolidation of the By-law is current to January 1, 2026.

A by-law of the City of Ottawa to provide for solid waste management and to repeal by-law 2012-370.

WHEREAS Sections 8, 9 and 10 of the Municipal Act, 2001, authorize a municipality to pass by-laws that are necessary or desirable for municipal purposes  and, in particular, respecting economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality including climate change; health, safety and wellbeing of persons; services and things that the municipality is authorized to provide; and protection of persons and property;

AND WHEREAS Section 391 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws imposing fees or charges on persons for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:

Section 1 - Definitions

In this by-law:

“additional collections” means services required by the owner or designate of a multi-residential property whereby waste material is collected over and above the waste collection service allocated based on unit count;

“agricultural property” or “farm property” means a property as assessed by MPAC intended for farm operations with a household residence or residential property on site;

“appliances” means refrigerators, freezers, stoves, microwaves, dishwashers, dryers, washers, air conditioners, hot water tanks, oil tanks, furnaces, or other similar items, as determined by the General Manager from time to time;

“approved container” means acceptable containers to support the set out and collection of collectable waste as approved by the City and outlined in Schedule “D”;

“black box” means a curbside recycling container as approved by the City and described in Schedule “D” that is used for the collection of black box recyclable materials as described in Schedule “G”;

“blue box” means a curbside recycling container as approved by the City and described in Schedule “D” that is used for the collection of blue box recyclable materials as described in Schedule “G”;

“brush” means prunings of branches and woody materials not exceeding 7 centimetres in diameter and 1.2 metres in length as defined in O. Reg. 101/94;

“bulky Items” means large items including, but not limited to, floor lamps, mattresses, furniture, sinks, dismantled toilets, barrels, pool pumps, pool covers and any other discarded materials, which items would normally accumulate at a residential property and can easily be lifted up and into a collection vehicle;

“Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer” means the person appointed and assuming the duties of Treasurer within the meaning of the Municipal Act, 2001, and refers to the person in the position of the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer, Finance and Corporate Services Department, or authorized designate;

“Christmas trees” means natural trees including but not limited to pine, spruce, balsam or fir species, which are typically decorated for display during the Christmas season;

“City” means the municipal corporation of the City of Ottawa or the geographic area of the City of Ottawa, as the context requires;

“City designated IC&I” means any industrial, commercial & institutional property receiving municipal collection services of at least one material stream by the City’s Solid Waste Services, including but not limited to businesses registered with the City’s Yellow Bag Program for Small Businesses, City designated municipal facilities and City designated schools;

“clean fill” means earth, soil or crushed rock fill (less than 100 mm) or waste of a similar nature that does not contain putrescible material or soluble/decomposable chemical substances;

“collection point” means the designated location where all collectable waste materials are set out for municipal waste collection services;

“collectable waste” or “collectable waste materials” means all waste material streams collected through the municipal waste collection services, as approved by the City and detailed in this by-law; 

“common pad” means a designated point of collection that is accessed by multiple owners to set out collectable waste for curbside waste collection service;

“containerized collection service” means the system of collection for collectable waste placed in City approved containers as described in Schedule “D” used for containerized collection for multi-residential properties and designated City facilities as approved by the City;

“contamination” or “contaminated” means the presence of any item or material set-out for collection that is not accepted through the municipal waste collection services as set out by the provisions of this by-law; 

“construction and demolition (C&D) waste” means waste generated as a result of construction, demolition or renovation activities, including but not limited to plaster, wood, drywall, masonry, tile, bricks, windows, shingles, insulation, as deemed by the City;

“contract” means an agreement covering the performance of the work, including the supply of any and all work, labour, implements and materials that could reasonably be required properly and satisfactorily to complete the work to be performed and also includes all contract documents, plans, specifications, contract bond, pre-qualification documents and any written supplementary agreements that may be made in order to ensure the work is completed in accordance with the standards set out in the contract;

“contractor” means any person, partnership or corporation and the employees of any such person, partnership or corporation with whom the City has entered into a contract or agreement for the collection or processing of waste;

“Council” means the Council of the City of Ottawa as defined in the Municipal Act, 2001;

“curbside” means the area directly in front of an owner's premises as close as possible to the travelled portion of the road without obstructing or interfering with the travelled portion of the road or any sidewalk;

“curbside collection service” means the system of collection for all collectable waste placed in City approved containers as described in Schedule “D” for curbside collection from eligible serviced locations including residential, eligible IC&I and designated city facilities as approved by the City;

“customer service agreement” means a document that is managed by the City and specifies the service details required for a multi-residential property, including but not limited to: property owner name and contact details; waste streams collected, collection frequency, number, size and type of collection containers, collection location of containers, handling fees, and property access details. The customer service agreement is authorized by the property owner, the contractor, and the City;

“designated City facilities” means a City or municipal facility receiving municipal waste collection services for at least one material stream;

“disposal” means landfilling, incinerating, gasifying, or otherwise disposing of a material with no higher end-use of the material stream by-products other than energy;

“diversion” means to direct any material away from disposal by recycling, composting, or otherwise ensuring higher end use, other than disposal;

“diversion program” means a program established by the City to direct any material away from disposal by recycling, composting, or otherwise ensuring higher end use, other than disposal;

“residential dwelling unit” means a property that: 

  1. consists of a self-contained set of rooms located in a building or structure; 
  2. is used or intended for use as residential premises; and
  3. contains kitchen and bathroom facilities that are intended for the use of the unit only.

“eligible serviced location” means any property, including residential, mixed-use residential, City-approved multi-residential and industrial, commercial & institutional (IC&I) property (“IC&I”), and designated City facilities designated by the City, eligible to receive municipal waste collection services either through curbside or containerized collection services;

“Electrical and Electronic Equipment” or “E-Waste” means information technology, telecommunications, audio visual equipment, and lighting as defined at Schedule 1 of O. Reg 522/20 and includes, but is not limited to, computers, printers, cell phones, and cameras.

“Environmental Compliance Approval” or “ECA” means all certificates, permits and approvals required by the Province of Ontario and issued by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, for the undertaking of activities, pursuant to Part II.1 of the Environmental Protection Act and its regulations, as amended;

“Environmental Protection Act” means the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.19, as amended;

“farm waste” and “agricultural waste” means any waste that is the normal by-product of farming operations, generated by farm operation activities, including but not limited to plastic haylage wrappings, bale twine and rope, and plastic drainage tiles, but does not include:

  1. residential waste;
  2. construction and demolition materials from any building or structure;
  3. household organic material other than that resulting from clearing land for farm operation purposes;
  4. blue box or black box material that can be placed in the curbside collection program;
  5. human body waste, toilet or other bathroom waste, waste from showers or tubs, and liquid or water-borne culinary waste;
  6. waste from a sewage works as defined under the Ontario Water Resources Act, if any criteria under subsection (1.0.1) are met;
  7. dead farm animals, as defined in Ontario Regulation 106/09 (Disposal of Dead Farm Animals) under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, or regulated dead animals as defined in Ontario Regulation 105/09 (Disposal of Deadstock) under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001;
  8. inedible material as defined in Ontario Regulation 31/05 (Meat) under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001;
  9. any material condemned or derived from a carcass at a registered establishment as defined in the Meat Inspection Act (Canada) and;
  10. any other material deemed unacceptable for disposal at a landfill site by the Ministry of the Environment or the General Manager.

“front-end loading garbage container” or “front-end loading recycling container” means a two, three, four, six or eight cubic yard container emptied by a front-end loading forklift truck and used for the storage and collection of garbage or recyclable material;

“garbage” means all materials set out for disposal save and except those materials defined in this by-law as bulky items, recyclable material, household organic material, leaf and yard waste material, Christmas trees, and non-collectable waste;

“garbage item” means a City approved garbage bag or container/bin with a maximum volume of 140L and/or maximum weight of 15 kilograms (33 pounds) as outlined in Schedule “D” or any bulky item as and outlined in Schedule “F” and defined in this by-law;

“General Manager” means the General Manager of the Public Works Department of the City or authorized designate;

“green bin” means a City approved organics container as described in Schedule “D” which is used to collect household organic material as described in Schedule “H”;

“Green Bin in Schools Pilot” means an organics collection program in local registered schools using the curbside waste collection service as approved by the City;

“hazardous waste” means any waste as defined in R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 347, as amended pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.19, or any successor legislation;

“household hazardous waste” means any household product, material, or item labelled as “hazardous”, “toxic”, “explosive”, “ignitable”, “corrosive”, “reactive” or “flammable”;

“household organic material” or “organic material” means solid, readily compostable, non-hazardous waste derived from food products, plants and animals and includes items described in Schedule “H” or as designated by the General Manager, as amended from time to time;

“IC&I waste” includes all waste material which would normally accumulate at any IC&I establishment, enterprise or activity;

“imported waste” means any waste transported into the City from outside of the City by any person;

“leaf and yard waste material” means any organic yard material collected for composting as outlined in Schedule “I”, including but not limited to leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, branches and brush not exceeding 7 centimetres in diameter and 1.2 metres in length; 

“medium and high density residential” means properties which consist of garden homes, town homes, terrace homes, maisonettes, stacked town homes, low-rise apartment buildings and high-rise apartment buildings;

“IC&I” means industrial, commercial, and institutional;

“industrial, commercial & institutional (IC&I) property” means a non-residential establishment as assessed by MPAC that includes, but is not limited to a small retail store, office, place of worship, day-care centre, school, city facility or other eligible serviced locations as designated by the City;

“low-rise apartment building” means a residential dwelling that is less than ten (10) storeys in height and contains six (6) or more self-contained units, other than a townhouse dwelling or stacked dwelling;

“high-rise apartment building” means a residential dwelling that is ten (10) or more storeys in height and contains six or more self-contained units, other than a townhouse dwelling or stacked dwelling;

“material stream” or “stream” means a collection of similarly grouped collectable waste materials to be sent to the same destination facility for processing and or disposal;

“mixed-use property” means any property containing a combination of residential property with IC&I property, as assessed by MPAC, eligible for municipal collection services as approved by the City.

“MPAC” means the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation responsible for assessing and establishing property types for municipal service eligibility and taxation purposes;

“multi-residential property” means a residential dwelling unit containing six (6) or more self-contained units, including but not limited to both low-rise apartment buildings and high-rise apartment buildings, and eligible for containerized collection services as approved by the City;

“Municipal Act, 2001” means the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25;

“municipal law enforcement officer” means a person duly appointed by a by-law of the City to administer and enforce the provisions of this by-law;

“municipal waste collection services” means services for removal of collectable waste, including curbside collection services and containerized collection services, provided by the City or its contractor, from eligible serviced locations. The City reserves the right to determine which municipal waste collection services will be provided to each eligible property

“needles and sharps” mean any medical device with sharp points or edges that can puncture or cut the skin, or drug paraphernalia, including but not limited to used and unused hypodermic needles, syringes, insulin pen tips, scalpels, lancets and glass pipe stems;

“non-collectable waste” means any item designated by Provincial or Federal Legislation, Council or the General Manager as being prohibited for collection within the municipal waste collection system, as outlined in Schedule “E”;

“owner” means any registered owner, occupant, resident, lessee, tenant, property manager, property superintendent, developer, or any other person who resides in, occupies, or has control over a property within the geographic boundaries of the City of Ottawa; 

“pathological waste” means any waste as defined in R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 347, c. E.19 as amended and includes but is not limited to:

  1. any part of the human body, including tissues and bodily fluids; but excluding extracted teeth, hair, nail clippings and the like,
  2. any animal carcass or part of;
  3. non-anatomical waste infected with a communicable disease,
  4. medicines, drugs or syringes; and
  5. blood saturated bandages, dressings or other infected materials.

“person” means any individual, association, corporation, partnership, agency, or an agent or employee thereof, as the context requires;

“pet waste” means feces from any household pet including, but not limited to dogs, cats, birds, small mammals and includes kitty litter and animal bedding whether separate or intermingled;

“private property” means property, which is privately owned and is not the City’s property, or property of a local board, or property of the Crown in Right of Ontario, the Crown in Right of Canada or any emanations thereof;

“public property” or “public space” means property, which is the City’s property, or property of a local board, or property of the Crown in Right of Ontario, the Crown in Right of Canada or any emanations thereof;

“public space waste container” means any container as approved by the General Manager used to dispose of all collectable waste materials generated on public property owned and collected by the City or its contractors;

“public space pet waste container” means any available container approved by the City for the disposal of pet-waste in public spaces as per posted signage for collection by the City or its contractors;

“putrescible” means able to decompose quickly enough to cause odours and attract flies, such as putrescible waste.

“recyclable material” means any waste material designated as blue box materials by the Ontario Blue Box Regulation (391/21) as outlined in Schedule “G” and amended from time to time;

“residential property” means a residential dwelling unit including but not limited to single-family residential properties, medium and high density residential properties, and mixed-use properties which receives curbside collection services, as approved by the City;

“residential waste” or “household waste” includes all waste material which would normally accumulate at a residential property or multi-residential property, but shall not include non-collectable waste;

“residential yellow bag” means a City approved yellow bag available to all eligible service locations receiving curbside collection services whereby owners are required to purchase and use specific yellow garbage bags approved by the General Manager, in order to receive curbside waste collection services for any garbage items set out for collection above the set-out limit established in Schedule “B”. Yellow bags can be purchased through City approved distribution locations at fees established in Schedule “A” for the set-out of additional garbage for collection;

“scavenge” means the unauthorized removal of garbage, recyclable material, leaf and yard waste material and/or household organic material that has been set out at the point of collection;

“sharp objects” means an item having an edge or point and/or broken items capable of cutting or puncturing, including but not limited to broken glass, ceramics, mirrors, razor blades, sewing needles, nails, screws, axe, hatchet, lawnmower blades and sheet metal. For greater clarity, needles and sharps are not sharp objects for the purposes of this definition;

“single-family residential” means a residential property or dwelling unit with detached structure, available for occupation for non-business purposes and eligible for curbside collection services;

“special consideration items” means those items as outlined in Schedule “J”; 

“Special Consideration Waste Program” means a curbside collection program for eligible registered residential property locations requiring collection of special consideration items on the weeks without scheduled garbage collection;

“special waste materials” means waste materials approved by the City for disposal at the Trail Waste Facility but requires special handling for proper disposal in accordance with this by-law and includes but is not limited to:

  1. asbestos; 
  2. hay;
  3. straw;
  4. invasive species plant material as defined in the Invasive Species Act, 2015, S.O. 2015;
  5. sensitive waste from government institutions as deemed by the City; and
  6. certain types of oversized waste as deemed by the City.

“Take It Back Program” means a City waste diversion program, where local retailers accept or take back materials that they sell to ensure they are reused, recycled or disposed of properly;

“Trail Waste Facility” means the City owned and operated waste facility located at 4475 Trail Road, Ottawa, ON”;

“waste materials” means all collectable and non-collectable waste from any source;

“wet household organic material” or “wet organic material” means liquid organic waste or material that has attained a fluid consistency and has not been drained;

“Yellow Bag Program for Small Businesses” means is a registration based curbside collection program for eligible small IC&I properties that are required to purchase and use specific yellow garbage bags approved by the General Manager, in order to receive curbside waste collection services on a cost recovery basis.

Section 2 - Interpretation

  1. This by-law includes Schedules “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “H”, “I”, and “J”, and these Schedules are hereby declared to form part of this by-law. Any reference herein to any statute, regulation, by-law or other law shall be construed as a reference thereto as amended or re-enacted from time to time or as a reference to any successor thereto.
  2. In this by-law, the necessary grammatical changes required to make the provisions in this by-law apply to corporations, partnerships, trusts, and individuals of any gender, and include the singular or plural meaning where the context so requires, shall in all cases be assumed as fully expressed. 
  3. The headings inserted in the by-law are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this by-law.
  4. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any part, section, subsection or provision of this by-law to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or of no force and effect, any such part, section, subsection or provision shall be deemed severable, and the remainder of this by-law shall continue in force and be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the fullest extent possible according to law.
  5. This By-law shall not be interpreted as exempting any person from the requirement to comply with any other City by-law. In the event of conflict between the provisions of this by-law and any other City by-law, the provisions which are more protective of the environment, and the health, safety and welfare of the general public shall apply

Section 3 - Application

  1. This by-law applies to the collection and/or disposal of waste materials, including garbage, bulky items, special consideration items, household organic material, recyclable material, and leaf and yard waste material, from all eligible serviced locations within the geographic boundaries of the City of Ottawa, including residential, City designated IC&I properties and City facilities, and public spaces as outlined in this by-law.
  2. This by-law further applies to the Trail Road Waste Facility Landfill owned and operated by the City and accessed by residents for the purpose of waste disposal and processing as outlined in this by-law.

Section 4 - Powers and duties of the General Manager and Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer

  1. The General Manager shall supervise and administer a collection system for garbage, bulky items, special consideration items, recyclable material, household organic material, leaf and yard waste material and Christmas trees and shall be responsible for its operation.
  2. The General Manager shall be responsible for maintenance and operations of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill in conformity with the Environmental Protection Act and any regulations passed thereunder, and any other applicable federal or provincial laws.
  3. The General Manager shall establish waste diversion programs such as the Take It Back Product Program and other programs as deemed appropriate by the City, or as required by federal or provincial legislation.
  4. The General Manager shall administer and enforce this by-law with the authority to determine:
    1. the level and type of collection service provided to eligible serviced locations, including residential, multi-residential and City designated IC&I properties;
    2. the type of properties that shall be eligible for any municipal waste collection services administered through Solid Waste Services;
    3. the location where all collectable waste materials are placed for collection at eligible serviced locations, including residential, multi-residential and City designated IC&I properties;
    4. the type of approved container, potentially unique to the property, used for the collection of all collectable waste materials from eligible serviced locations, including residential, multi-residential and City designated IC&I properties;
    5. the scheduling of municipal waste collection services administered by Solid Waste Services, including collection day or changes to collection schedules or services;
    6. whether a serviced location, point of collection or property is safe for entry by any employees of the City or its contractor having regard to the physical condition and layout, loading facilities, method of handling collectible material at the point of collection;
    7. the designation of materials as the applicable types of waste materials addressed in this by-law;
    8. whether to continue or discontinue municipal waste collection services, for any waste stream and for any property serviced though the City’s Solid Waste Services, as necessary in the circumstances
    9. whether reinstatement of municipal waste collection services or access to the Trail Waste Facility Landfill is appropriate in the circumstances, in whole or in part, after having been suspended, discontinued or revoked;
    10. any limits for, and any requirements associated with, waste materials to be collected or accepted;
    11. through inspection, the contents of any container/item set out for collection by any person or owner provided service under municipal collection services;
    12. whether reinstatement of municipal waste collection service is appropriate in the circumstances, upon the owner demonstrating to the satisfaction of the General Manager that the owner will be in compliance with the provisions of this by- law;
    13. operational requirements and access rights to the Trail Waste Facility Landfill including: hours of operation, speed limits, standard operating procedures, and the types of waste accepted;
    14. Whether amendments, replacements or deletions to the Schedules under this by-law are necessary and may, from time-to-time, proceed directly to Council to amend, replace, or delete said Schedules by way of placing a by-law directly on the Agenda of Council for enactment; and
    15. any other matter necessary for the administration of this by-law or necessary for the collection, disposal and processing of waste.
  5. Should emergency conditions arise that, in the opinion of the General Manager, imperil municipal or private landfill sites, recycling, or organic facilities, the General Manager shall: 

    a. take all remedial measures as may be necessary to protect public health, which may include limiting or stopping the collection of any waste material stream in any area and restricting collection for any specific purpose;
    b. expend money and employ workers as needed to restore the City’s solid waste system; and 
    c. report to Council as soon as practical after such measures have been taken.

  6. The Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer shall perform the following duties pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001:

    a. invoice and collect the solid waste fees or charges related to waste diversion, collection and disposal as outlined in Schedule “A”; and
    b. implement enforcement provisions for outstanding fees or charges.

  7. No action or other proceeding for damages shall be instituted against the General Manager, or any city employee, or city contracted employee for any act done in good faith, in execution of any power or duty under this bylaw.
  8. The City may enter into a contract with any person for the performance of the whole of any part of the work described in this by-law.

Section 5 - Eligibility for curbside collection services

  1. Owners of residential properties as defined in this by-law, are eligible to receive municipal curbside waste collection services in accordance with service levels outlined in Schedule “B”, as approved by the City.
  2. Owners of IC&I properties shall be eligible for curbside waste collection services through the City’s Yellow Bag for Small Businesses Program, provided the following conditions are met, as approved by the City:
    1. eligible property shall be assessed as an IC&I property through MPAC;
    2. sum total of waste generated per location shall not exceed the set-out limits applicable to the Yellow Bag Collection Program for Small Businesses outlined in Schedule “D”;
    3. garbage shall be set out in specific City approved yellow garbage bags purchased through City approved distribution locations, at the owner’s expense at prices outlined in Schedule “A”, as amended annually; and
    4. eligible property owner shall not be receiving any private waste collection services for any collectable waste materials, as deemed by the City and outlined in this by-law, while registered and participating in the program.
  3.  Municipal facilities that do not exceed the waste set-out limits shall be eligible to receive curbside waste collection services, as outlined in Schedule “B”.
  4. Every owner of an eligible serviced location shall comply with all provisions of this by-law in order to receive curbside waste collection services.
  5. Schools registered through the City’s Green Bin in Schools Pilot, as designated by the General Manager, shall receive curbside waste collection of household organic material as outlined in Schedule “B”, provided the material is set out in a City approved container as outlined in Schedule “D”.

Section 6 - Fees for curbside collection services

  1. Owners of a residential property eligible for curbside waste collection services, as approved by the General Manager, shall pay the applicable City of Ottawa Solid Waste Curbside Collection User Fee as outlined in Schedule “A”, as amended annually.
  2. All fees and charges levied under this Section and which are in arrears shall be subject to a monthly interest charge.
  3. Owners of residential properties eligible for curbside collection services setting out garbage above the set-out limit outlined in Schedule “B” shall set-out garbage in a City approved yellow bag to be purchased at the owner’s expense, as outlined in Schedule “A”.
  4. Owners of eligible IC&I properties registered in the Yellow Bag Program for Small Businesses shall set out garbage in a City approved yellow bag to be purchased at the owner’s expense, as outlined Schedule “A”. 
Section 7 - Curbside collection service levels
  1. The City shall provide curbside collection of garbage, bulky items, special considerations items, recyclable material, household organic material, leaf and yard waste material and Christmas trees to all eligible properties approved for curbside collection services in accordance with Schedule “B”.
  2. Garbage and bulky items shall be collected curbside on a bi-weekly basis per scheduled collection day from eligible serviced locations in accordance with the provisions of this by-law and as outlined in Schedule “B”, except when the scheduled collection day falls on a Statutory Holiday as provided herein.
  3. Special consideration items shall be collected curbside on a bi-weekly basis per scheduled collection day from eligible serviced locations, registered with the special consideration program, in accordance with the provisions of this by-law and as outlined in Schedule “B”, except when the scheduled collection day falls on a Statutory Holiday as provided herein. The collection of special consideration items will occur on the opposite week of regular bi-weekly garbage and bulky item collection.
  4. Household organic material shall be collected curbside on a weekly basis, per scheduled collection day, from eligible serviced locations, in accordance with the provisions of this by-law and as outlined in Schedule “B”, except when the scheduled collection day falls on a Statutory Holiday as provided herein.
  5. Leaf and yard waste material shall be collected curbside on a weekly basis, per scheduled collection day, from eligible serviced locations, in accordance with the provisions of this by-law and as outlined in Schedule “B”, except when the scheduled collection day falls on a Statutory Holiday as provided herein.
  6. Recyclable material shall be collected on a weekly basis per scheduled collection day, from eligible serviced locations, based on alternating weekly set-outs of (1) paper fibre materials (Black Box) and, (2) glass, metal and plastic materials (Blue Box), in accordance with the provisions in this by-law and as outlined in Schedule “B”, except when the scheduled collection day falls on a Statutory Holiday as provided herein.
  7. No curbside collection shall be made on the following Statutory Holidays which fall on scheduled collection days: New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day, unless an emergency or exceptional situation, as deemed by the City, arises and collection must occur on a holiday.
  8. When a scheduled collection day falls on a Statutory Holiday, the collection shall be made one (1) day later for the remainder of the week, or as approved by the General Manager.
  9. Curbside collection services shall occur between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday in accordance with this by-law, except when the scheduled collection day falls on a Statutory Holiday, as approved by the General Manager.
  10. No curbside collection services shall be made on a Sunday unless an emergency or exceptional situation, as approved by the General Manager, arises and collection must occur on a Sunday.

Section 8 - Curbside collection limits, restrictions and exemptions

  1. No owner shall exceed the set-out limits outlined in Schedule “B”, unless otherwise exempted through this by-law.
  2. Owners of agricultural properties with a residential property on-site eligible for curbside collection services shall be exempt from the set-out limit applicable to garbage, as outlined in Schedule “B”, from April 1 to May 31 every year. 
    1. Notwithstanding Subsection 8(2), owners of agricultural properties with a residential property on-site eligible for curbside collection services shall be exempt from the garbage set-out limit, as outlined in Schedule “B”, for applicable farm waste and agricultural waste only. 
      1. Paragraph (a) shall be deemed to be repealed effective January 1, 2026, unless otherwise extended by Council. 
  3. No owner shall fail to properly dispose of non-collectable waste, as identified in Schedule “E”, or to arrange for disposal of such waste at the sole expense of the owner. The disposal of non-collectable waste shall be in compliance with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws as they may relate to the waste described in Schedule “E”.
  4. The City’s curbside waste collection service shall not include the collection and removal of any non-collectable waste as outlined in Schedule “E”, unless approved by the General Manager.
  5. The City shall not collect waste of any kind from any residential property until a final occupancy permit is issued for said property. 
  6. The City shall not collect waste of any kind from unoccupied residential properties.

Section 9 - General curbside collection set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall set out any collectable waste, at the point of collection earlier than 6:00 p.m. on the previous evening of the scheduled collection day and later than 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day.
  2. No owner shall fail to ensure that all collectable waste is set out at the point of collection no later than 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day in order to receive collection services.
  3. No owner shall place or permit the set out of non-collectable waste, as outlined in Schedule “E”, at the point of collection unless approved by the General Manager.
  4. No owner shall fail to set out collectable waste in the appropriate approved container, as outlined in Schedule “D”, for curbside waste collection services.
  5. No owner shall set out a container for collection that, as deemed by the City:
    1. is not an approved container in size and volume;
    2. emits a foul or offensive odour;
    3. harbours or attracts rats, other vermin or insects;
    4. contains waste that falls out of or protrudes from it;
    5. is unclean or unsanitary;
    6. has graffiti; or
    7. is damaged to the extent that it is unsafe to manoeuvre.
  6. No owner shall fail to maintain, repair or replace an approved container, as outlined in Schedule “D”, at the owner’s expense, unless it has been damaged through collection operations, as deemed by the City.
  7. No owner shall fail to remove or return any empty containers to the owner’s private property before 10:00 p.m. on the scheduled collection day.
  8. No owner shall fail to ensure that all collectable waste is clearly separated by waste stream and not placed on top of one another on the scheduled collection day.
  9. No owner shall fail to remove non-compliant and non-collectable waste from the point of collection before 10:00 p.m. on the scheduled collection day, unless otherwise approved by the General Manager.
  10. No owner shall fail to remove any waste materials set out for collection which has become frozen, stuck to the container or the ground and cannot be removed by collection staff through shaking at the time of collection.
  11. No owner shall permit any waste materials to be scattered from the point of collection and is responsible for cleaning up any scattered waste or debris due to improper set out, weather conditions, or animal scavenging.

Section 10 - Curbside garbage preparation and set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall set out more than three (3) garbage items per scheduled collection day, as outlined in Schedule “B”, unless the additional garbage items are set out in City approved residential yellow bag purchased by the owner, the fee for which is established in Schedule “A”, as amended annually.
  2. No owner shall fail to ensure all garbage items, with the exception of bulky items, set out for collection, weigh no more than 15 kilograms (33 pounds) and/or are no more than 140 litres in volume, in accordance with the set-out limits outlined in Schedule “B”.
  3. No owner shall fail to ensure that all garbage items are separated from all other collectable waste materials including recyclable material, household organic material and leaf and yard waste material when placed out for collection.
  4. No owner shall fail to ensure that garbage items set out for collection do not include non-collectable waste, including hazardous waste and prohibited materials, as outlined in Schedule “E”.
  5. No owner shall set out sharp objects for collection, unless:
    1. the sharp objects are securely placed in a cardboard box; and,
    2. the box is labelled accurately to ensure that the operator is aware of the contents.

Section 11 - Curbside bulky item preparation and set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall set out any bulky items for collection unless such items are outlined in Schedule “F”, or approved by the General Manager for collection, at their sole discretion.
  2. No owner shall fail to comply with the following conditions when setting out bulky items:
    1. Hazards, including but not limited to nails, batteries, lightbulbs and glass, are to be removed from bulky items prior to setting out for collection; and
    2. Bulky items must be of a weight and dimension to be able to fit into the collection vehicle in a safe and efficient manner.
      1. Despite Section 11(2)(b), textile floor coverings such as carpet, under pad or area rugs shall be securely tied into compact bundles of no more than 1.2 metres (4 feet) in length, 0.6 metres (2 feet) in width and height and not exceeding 15 kilograms (33 pounds) in weight.

Section 12 - Curbside special consideration item preparation and set-out requirements

  1. During weeks without scheduled garbage collection, no owners registered with the Special Consideration Items Program shall fail to ensure that eligible items set out for collection meet the requirements prescribed in Schedule “J” and are placed in a sealed disposable plastic garbage bag. 
  2. No owner registered with the Special Consideration Items Program shall set out more than one (1) sealed disposable plastic garbage bag of special consideration items.
  3. Any additional items are prohibited from set-out during the weeks scheduled for special consideration items collection and will not be collected by the City.

Section 13 - Curbside yellow bag program for small businesses set-out requirements

  1. No owners of an eligible IC&I property registered with the Yellow Bag for Small Business program shall set out more than sixteen (16) City approved yellow bags for garbage collection per scheduled collection day, as outlined in Schedule “B”.
  2. No owner of an eligible IC&I Property shall fail to participate in all available waste diversion programs for curbside collection services, in order to receive curbside collection of garbage through the City’s Yellow Bag Program for Small Businesses.

Section 14 - Curbside recyclable material preparation and set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall fail to ensure that all recyclable materials are set out in the appropriate approved container, as outlined in Schedule “D”, and are separated from garbage, bulky items, special consideration items, household organic material and leaf and yard waste material.
  2. No owner shall set out any recyclable materials, other than those outlined in Schedule “G”, as amended from time to time.
  3. No owner shall set out any blue box recycling material, as outlined in Schedule “G”, for collection unless the following conditions are met:
    1. All blue box recycling materials are set-out loose and free of plastic bags or any other wrapping and placed in the appropriate approved container (blue box);
    2. Any recyclable containers set out for recycling collection are empty, rinsed and free from residue; and
    3. Any paint and aerosol cans are empty, residual paint is dry, and the lid is removed, as appropriate.
  4. No owner shall set out any black box recycling material, as outlined in Schedule “G”, for collection unless the following conditions are met:
    1. Boxes are broken down and corrugated cardboard shall be flattened, with plastic wrapping and polystyrene packaging materials removed and separated from the corrugated cardboard and deposited in the appropriate approved container (black box).
    2. Despite Section 14(a), large boxes or cardboard that does not fit in an approved container as per Schedule “D”, shall be cut down to a manageable dimension, flattened, with plastic wrapping and polystyrene packaging materials removed and set out neatly and securely at the point of collection.

Section 15 - Curbside household organic material preparation and set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall fail to ensure that the household organic material, as outlined in Schedule “H”, is separated from all garbage, special consideration items, bulky items and recyclable material at the point of collection on the scheduled collection day.
  2. No owner shall set out household organic material other than those described in Schedule “H”, as amended from time to time by the General Manager.
  3. No owner shall set out household organic material described in Schedule “H” for collection, unless the items are placed in an approved green bin as outlined in Schedule “D”.
  4. No owner shall fail to ensure that all green bins and their contents set out for collection weigh no more than 15 kilograms (33 pounds) in order to receive collection services.
  5. No owner shall set out wet household organic material for collection unless it has been drained and wrapped in absorbent material and/or an acceptable leak-proof bag, as approved by General Manager, prior to placement in an approved container as described in Schedule “D”.
  6. No owner shall fail to remove household organic material set out for collection which has become frozen, stuck to the container or the ground and cannot be removed by collection staff through shaking at the time of collection.
  7. No owner shall set out pet waste in a City approved green bin, as outlined in Schedule “D”, for organics collection, unless:
    1. Pet waste set out for organics collection in an approved green bin and does not exceed 25% of the volumetric capacity of an approved green bin;
      1. Pet waste exceeding 25% of the volumetric capacity of an approved green bin shall be free of any plastic bag and flushed down the toilet into the City’s wastewater system; and
    2. Pet waste set out for organics collection shall be placed in a sealed, leak-proof bag as approved by the General Manager and as described in Schedule “H”.
  8. No owner shall set out ashes for collection, unless the ashes are cold, and placed in a sealed paper or plastic bag prior to placement in a City approved green bin as outlined in Schedule “D”.
  9. No owner shall set out sawdust for collection, unless the sawdust is placed in a sealed paper or plastic bag prior to placement in a City approved green bin as outlined in Schedule “D.

Section 16 - Curbside leaf and yard waste material preparation and set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall fail to ensure that leaf and yard waste material, as outlined in Schedule “I”, set out for collection is separated from all garbage, special consideration items, bulky items, and recyclable material at the point of collection on the scheduled collection day.
  2. No owner shall set out material for leaf and yard waste collection other than those described in Schedule “I”.
  3. No owner shall fail to ensure that leaf and yard waste material is placed in an approved leaf and yard waste bag or leaf and yard waste container, as described in Schedule “D.
  4. No owner shall fail to ensure that cuttings from trees and shrubs do not exceed 7 centimetres in diameter and 1.2 metres in length and are tied in in bundles that do not exceed 15 kilograms in weight and 0.6 metres in width.
  5. No owner shall fail to ensure that Christmas trees are free of decorations and plastic bags when set out for collection as described in Schedule “B”.

Section 17 - Scavenging and illegal dumping

  1. No person, other than a municipal law enforcement officer or a person authorized by the City to perform waste collection services, shall scavenge any waste materials that have been placed out for collection.
    1. Section 17(1) does not apply to the removal of loose, uncontained items such as bulky items, furniture and similar items.
  2. No person shall interfere with or scatter any waste materials that have been placed out for collection.
  3. No person shall collect waste materials, unless authorized by the City.
  4. No person shall break, damage or remove any approved container or the cover thereof.
  5. No person shall set out waste materials on private property:
    1. that is not owned or occupied by that person or
    2. the waste material has not been generated on said property.
  6. No person shall impede in municipal waste collection services, unless authorized by the City.

Section 18 - Designated collection point for curbside collection services

  1. Where properties eligible for curbside collection services front onto a public street, all items to be collected, pursuant to this by-law, shall be set-out at one (1) City approved point of collection at the laneway or parking entrance, at ground level as close as possible to the curb or travelled roadway and where the curb forms part of the sidewalk, as close as possible to the owner’s side of the sidewalk, so as not to impede or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic or maintenance operations.
  2. Where collection cannot be made under Section 18(1), and where a public lane of at least 4 metres in width and a height allowance of 3.97 metres and 0.15 metres as per the Solid Waste Guidelines for Multi-Unit Residential Development is not available for the purposes of collection, all items to be collected may be set out at one (1) City approved point of collection, at ground level as close as possible to the edge of the public lane, so as not to impede or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic or maintenance operations.
  3. Where collection cannot be made under Section 18(1) and where a property  eligible for curbside collection services is served by a properly designed, constructed and maintained road system whereby, in the opinion of the General Manager, the City or its contractor can safely drive onto the private property to an exterior ground level common pad, located adjacent to the road system, collect the waste materials, and return to public property, the City shall provide curbside collection services in accordance with Schedule “B”.
  4. No owner of an eligible serviced location that receives containerized collection service, as outlined in Schedule “C”, shall place any waste material at a curbside collection point described in Section 18(1), unless otherwise approved by the General Manager.
  5. No owner shall fail to ensure that, at all times:
    1. The point of collection is maintained in a safe, sanitary and clean manner; and
    2. the traveled portion of the road or sidewalk is not obstructed in any way.
  6. No owner shall fail to maintain access to the collection point on the scheduled collection day that is:
    1. convenient and unimpeded by vehicles or obstacles;
    2. unobstructed by ice and snow/snowbanks; and
    3. of sufficient dimensions to enable the City or its contractor to collect items pursuant to this by-law within the collection vehicle.

Section 19 - Alternate and/or temporary curbside collection locations

  1. Where collection cannot be made from the designated point of collection, all collectable waste shall be placed at an alternate collection location mutually agreed upon between the City, the City’s contractor and the owner as approved by the City.
  2. When curbside collection is disrupted due to development construction or when access to the point of collection is blocked, it is the responsibility of the developer, at the developer’s sole expense, to:
    1. move the collectable waste from the eligible serviced location to a temporary collection location, approved by the General Manager, where collection staff can safely collect the waste; and
    2. return all empty containers to the appropriate eligible serviced location by the end of the scheduled collection day.
  3. Despite Section 19(2), where collectable waste cannot be moved to a temporary collection location, the developer or developer’s contractor is responsible for collecting all waste through an alternative collection approach, as approved by the General Manager.

Section 20 - Curbside storage shed and common pad collection standards

  1. Where a serviced location eligible to receive curbside collection services is equipped with a waste storage shed, the City shall provide for collection in accordance with Schedule “B”, provided that the following conditions are met:
    1. sheds are constructed in a manner that permits access no less than 2 metres high and 1.5 metres wide with access through an entrance of two 0.76 metres “barn-style” doors or a single roll-up door;
    2. the property owner ensures that the door(s) is opened and secured by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day;
    3. the interior ceiling is at least 2 metres in height in all parts of the shed that are accessible by collection staff;
    4. appropriate ventilation is installed in the shed to permit reasonable air exchange in a manner that would not permit access to animals;
    5. hornet, wasp and bee nests are removed promptly at the expense of the owner;
    6. the interior of the shed is maintained in a sanitary condition to eliminate slipping or tripping hazards, reduce odour and reduce the existence of rodents; and
    7. all structures or buildings provided for the storage of containers are maintained in a safe, clean and sanitary condition, and are constructed so as to prevent entry of rodents, other vermin or insects.

Section 21 - Eligibility for containerized collection services

  1. Designated City facilities that meet the requirements for containerized collection as approved by the General Manager shall be eligible to receive containerized collection services as outlined in the Schedule “C”.
  2. Prior to receiving municipal containerized collection services as outlined in Schedule “C”, where the access and point of collection is located on private property, unless otherwise provided for in this by-law, eligible multi-residential properties must meet the following conditions:
    1. The owner shall complete an application for waste collection services, as outlined in the Solid Waste Collection Guidelines for Multi-Unit Residential Development, for review and approval by the General Manager;
    2. The owner must facilitate an on-site inspection by the City to determine the owner’s ability to meet the requirements for waste collection services as outlined in the Solid Waste Collection Guidelines for Multi-Unit Residential Development; and
    3. The owner must enter an into a customer service agreement with the City to receive municipal containerized collection services.
  3. No owners of an eligible multi-residential property receiving municipal containerized collection services shall fail to participate in the City’s green bin organics collection program and any additional waste diversion programs established and approved by the General Manager or required by provincial or federal legislation.
  4. The owner of a newly constructed multi-residential property approved for containerized collection service shall notify the General Manager when a final occupancy permit has been issued, in order for containerized collection services to be initiated by the City.
  5. The owner of a serviced location eligible for containerized collection services shall be responsible, at their sole expense, for the collection and disposal of waste materials until such time that municipal waste collection services are initiated by the City.
  6. In the event that the above conditions cannot be met, and municipal containerized waste collection is not approved, the owner shall be responsible to arrange for alternative collection services, at their sole expense.
  7.  No owner of an eligible serviced location shall fail to comply with the provisions of this by-law as a condition to receive municipal waste collection services.

Section 22 - Fees for containerized collection services

  1. The owner of each multi-residential property eligible for containerized collection services, as approved by the City, shall pay the applicable City of Ottawa Solid Waste Multi-Residential Waste Collection User Fee as outlined in Schedule “A”, amended annually.
  2. All fees and charges levied under this Section and which are in arrears shall be subject to a monthly interest charge.

Section 23 - Containerized collection service levels

  1. The City shall provide containerized collection service to eligible serviced locations in accordance with the service levels and collection frequencies outlined in Schedule “C”.
  2. Containerized garbage collection shall continue when the scheduled collection falls on the following Statutory Holidays: Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Ontario Civic Holiday, Labour Day, and Thanksgiving Day. 
    1. Despite Section 23(2), bulky items shall not be collected on the above stated Statutory Holidays.
  3. No containerized garbage collection shall be made on either New Year’s Day or Christmas Day, unless an emergency or exceptional situation, as deemed by the City, arises and collection must occur on New Year’s Day or Christmas Day. 
  4. No containerized collection for bulky items, recyclable materials, or household organic materials shall be made on the Statutory Holidays which fall on a scheduled collection day, unless an emergency or exceptional situation, as deemed by the City, arises and collection must occur on a Statutory Holiday.
  5. When a scheduled collection day occurs on a Statutory Holiday, as described in Sections 23(2) and 23(3), the collection shall be made one (1) day later for the remainder of the week, or as approved by the General Manager.

Section 24 - Additional containerized collection services

  1. The owner of an eligible serviced location receiving containerized collection services shall be responsible for the cost of any additional services and extra waste collections above the limits prescribed in this by-law in accordance with the schedule of prices set out within the current multi-residential collection contract.
  2. The owner of an eligible serviced location receiving containerized collection services shall give written permission to the contractor, by way of service request to the City in order to receive additional services.

Section 25 - General containerized collection services

  1. No owner of an eligible serviced location that receives containerized collection services shall fail to set out collectable waste materials in accordance with this by-law.
  2. No owner of an eligible serviced location that receives containerized collection services shall place any waste materials at a curbside point of collection, unless otherwise permitted by the General Manager.
  3. No owner of an eligible property that receives containerized collection services shall fail to ensure that collectable waste materials set out for collection are sorted and separated into the appropriate approved containers as outlined in Schedule “D”.
  4. No owner of an eligible serviced location that receives containerized collection services shall fail to ensure that multi-residential waste collection infrastructure is approved and maintained to the satisfaction of the City in order to continue to receive municipal waste collection services.
  5. No owner of an eligible serviced location that receives containerized collection services shall fail to maintain access to the point of an eligible property that receives containerized collection services, which must be kept in a safe and clean condition.
  6. No owner of an eligible serviced location that receives containerized collection services shall fail to participate in waste audits, which evaluate the contents and contamination of material set out for collection, upon request of the City.
  7. If a waste audit result reveals that the recovery of materials as part of a diversion program does not meet targets required by applicable legislation, and/or there is an unacceptable level of contamination as determined by the General Manager, the City may elect to suspend or terminate containerized collection services to the affected eligible property.
  8. Where applicable, the collection and/or disposal of garbage, recyclable material, and household organic material must be equitably accessible to all persons residing at the property, with adequate storage volume satisfactory to the General Manager.
  9. A municipal law enforcement officer shall have the right to enter upon and inspect the internal and external waste collection and storage facilities of the property and multi-residential collection infrastructure to determine compliance with this by-law.
  10. No owner of an eligible serviced location that receives containerized collection services shall permit any waste materials to be scattered from the collection location or the storage location.
  11. Notwithstanding Section 25(10), an owner of an eligible property that receives containerized collection is responsible to clean up waste materials scattered from the collection location or the storage location.
    No owner of an eligible serviced location that receives containerized collection services shall fail to ensure that all waste materials deposited into front-end loading containers are levelled off to allow for safe collection by the City and or its contractor.  

Section 26 - Containerized garbage preparation and set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall fail to ensure that garbage items are placed entirely within approved containers as outlined Schedule “D”.
  2. No owner shall fail to ensure that wet garbage is drained and placed in a leak proof bag prior to placement in an approved container as outlined in the Schedule “D”.
  3. No owner shall fail to ensure that all garbage is separated from all other collectable waste materials including bulky items, recyclable material, and household organic material when placed in approved containers for collection.
  4. No owner shall fail to ensure that garbage set out does not include any non-collectable waste, including hazardous waste and prohibited materials, as listed in Schedule “E”.

Section 27 - Containerized bulky item collection set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall fail to ensure that hazards, including but not limited to nails, batteries, lightbulbs and glass are removed from bulky items prior to setting out for collection.
  2. No owner shall fail to ensure that set out bulky items are not placed in the front-end loading containers, but rather at the designated point of collection for bulky items as per the customer service agreement for City waste collection services.
  3. No owner shall fail to make a specific request to the contractor for the collection of bulky items at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the regularly scheduled curbside day of collection. 
  4. No owner of an eligible serviced location receiving containerized waste collection services shall fail to make private arrangements for the collection of any construction and demolition waste, including but not limited to floor textile materials such as carpet and under pad, to be paid for at the owner’s expense.

Section 28 - Containerized recyclable material preparation and set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall fail to ensure that all recyclable material is placed entirely within approved containers as outlined Schedule “D”.
  2. No owner shall set out any blue box recycling material, as outlined in Schedule “G”, for collection unless the following conditions are met:
    1. All blue box recycling materials are set-out loose and free of plastic bags or any other wrapping and place in the appropriate approved container as outlined in Schedule “D”;
    2. Any containers set out for recycling collection are empty, rinsed and free from residue; and
    3. Paint and aerosol cans are empty, residual paint is dry and the lid is removed as appropriate.
  3. No owner shall set out any black box recycling material, as outlined in Schedule “G”, for collection unless the following conditions are met:
    1. Boxes are broken down and corrugated cardboard shall be flattened, with plastic wrapping and polystyrene packaging materials removed and separated from the corrugated cardboard.

Section 29 - Containerized household organic material preparation and set-out requirements

  1. No owner shall set out household organic material described in Schedule “H” for collection, unless the items are placed in an approved green bin as outlined Schedule “D”.
  2. No owner shall set out pet waste in a City approved green bin, as outlined in Schedule “D”, for organics collection, unless. 
    1. Pet waste set out for organics collection in an approved green bin and does not exceed 25% of the volumetric capacity of an approved green bin;
      1. Pet waste exceeding 25% of the volumetric capacity of an approved green bin shall be free of any plastic bag and flushed down the toilet into the City’s wastewater system; and
        1. Pet waste set out for organics collection shall be placed in a sealed, leak-proof bag as approved by the General Manager and as described in Schedule “H”.

3. No owner shall set out ashes for collection, unless the ashes are cold and placed in a sealed paper or plastic bag prior to placement in a City approved green bin as outlined in Schedule “H”.

4. No owner shall set out sawdust for collection, unless the sawdust is placed in a sealed paper or plastic prior to placement in a City green bin as outlined in Schedule “H”.

5. No owner shall fail to ensure that natural Christmas Trees are free of decorations and plastic bags when set out for collection as described in Schedule “B”.

Section 30 - Scavenging and illegal dumping

  1. No person, other than a municipal law enforcement officer or a person authorized by the City to perform waste collection services, shall scavenge any waste materials that have been placed out for collection.
    1. Section 30(1) does not apply to the removal of loose, uncontained items such as bulky items, furniture and similar items.
  2. No person shall interfere with or scatter any waste materials that have been placed out for collection.
  3. No person shall collect waste materials, unless authorized by the City
  4. No person shall break, damage or remove any approved container or the cover thereof.
  5. No person shall set out waste materials on private property
    1. that is not owned or occupied by that person or
    2. the waste material has not been generated on said property.
  6. No person shall impede in municipal waste collection services, unless authorized by the City.

Section 31 - Waste collection in public spaces

  1. The City and/or its contractor shall be responsible for the collection of collectable waste materials from all public space waste containers.
  2. The frequency of waste collection from public space waste containers shall be established based on the usage of and waste volume generated in the public space as outlined by the Council approved Maintenance Quality Standards established by the Public Works Department.

Section 32 - Waste disposal in public spaces

  1. No person shall place household waste or any waste materials generated on private property in any public space or public space waste container.
  2. No person shall fail to ensure that all collectable waste materials generated on public property are separated by waste stream and disposed of in the appropriate public space waste container, based on posted signage, and waste diversion and pilot programs made available for use in public spaces.
  3. No person shall place pet waste in a public space pet waste container or available organics container, unless placed in a sealed, leak-proof bag.
  4. No person shall place non-collectable or hazardous waste in a public space or public space waste container.
  5. No person shall place waste materials adjacent to a public space waste container located in a public space.

Section 33 - Facility use and public access

  1. The Trail Waste Facility shall be open to the public at times determined by the Council, which times may be adjusted temporarily by the General Manager, in accordance with its Environmental Compliance Approval as amended from time to time.
  2. Clean fill suitable for covering garbage shall be accepted, if operationally required, in accordance with the fees set out in Schedule “A”, by the General Manager.
  3. Farm waste and agricultural waste shall be accepted at the Trail Waste Facility from agricultural properties free of charge in accordance with the Trail Waste Facility Landfill - Ontario Environmental Assessment Act Approval as amended from time to time.
  4. Any person entering the Trail Waste Facility does so at their own risk and the owner of any vehicle delivering waste to the facility shall save harmless the City from any damages or claims whatsoever to themselves or their property or to any other person or property whatsoever arising from such person’s negligence or otherwise, as deemed by the City.
  5. No person depositing waste materials at the Trail Waste Facility shall fail to abide by all facility policies and procedures, including but not limited to the sorting of waste materials and streams, posted speed limits, and general and posted health & safety precautions.
  6. No person shall deposit waste materials at the Trail Waste Facility except waste materials approved for deposit in accordance with the Environmental Compliance Approval and this By-law, as applicable.
  7. No person shall deposit waste materials at the Trail Waste Facility without paying the fees associated with the deposited waste materials, as outlined in Schedule “A”, amended annually.
  8. All waste materials deposited at the Trail Waste Facility become the property of the City and may be reclaimed, recycled, composted, processed, disposed of, or otherwise dealt with by the City as the General Manager deems appropriate.

Section 34 - Trail waste facility prohibitions and offences

  1. No person unloading, depositing or disposing of waste materials at the Trail Waste Facility shall fail to unload, deposit, or dispose of the waste materials so as to confine the waste materials to the smallest possible area.
  2. No person shall deposit or abandon any derelict or inoperative motor vehicle in any area of the Trail Waste Facility.
  3. No person shall unload or dispose of waste materials in any part of the Trail Waste Facility, other than in the designated area, as approved by the General Manager.
  4. No person shall neglect or refuse to provide proof of the origin of waste materials tendered for disposal when such is demanded, provided that in lieu of providing such proof the person tendering the waste materials may remove it without unloading it.
  5. No person shall, unless authorized by the General Manager, pick over, scavenge, salvage, incinerate, remove, burn or scatter any waste materials in any area of the Trail Waste Facility.
  6. No person shall enter the Trail Waste Facility during those hours when the facility is closed.
  7. No person shall unload or dispose of waste materials at the Trail Waste Facility during the hours when the facility is closed.
  8. No person shall enter the Trail Waste Facility for the purpose of unloading or disposing of any waste materials without first having the vehicle weighed on the weigh scales, as directed by the scale attendant, and paying the required fee as in Schedule “A”.

Section 35 - Trail waste facility fees

  1. The City may, from time to time, prescribe fees and charges for the use of the Trail Waste Facility and waste diversion programs provided at the Trail Waste Facility and provide for terms of payment thereof and the City prescribes the fees and charges set forth in Schedule “A”.

Section 36 - Prohibited waste at the trail waste facility

  1. No person shall deposit or dispose of any non-collectable waste materials, as outlined in Schedule “E”, at the Trail Waste Facility, unless otherwise approved by the General Manager in accordance with this by-law.

Section 37 - Special waste materials at the trail waste facility

  1. Special waste materials are accepted at the Trail Waste Facility by appointment only and must be pre-approved by the General Manager, in compliance with R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 347, prior to arriving at the Trail Waste Facility.
  2. No person shall fail to contact the landfill operator of the Trail Waste Facility at least one (1) business day prior to delivery of any special waste materials requiring special handling to ensure that the special waste materials will be properly handled and packaged, and to allow for preparation of the disposal location, as approved by the General Manager.
  3. The unloading of special waste materials requiring special handling shall be the responsibility of the person delivering such special waste materials or the contractor and shall not be done by landfill facility operators.
  4. The special waste materials shall be placed directly in the designated area, which has been prepared by the landfill operator, as approved by the General Manager.
  5. The General Manager reserves the right to limit or refuse the acceptance of special waste materials requiring special handling at the Trail Waste Facility.
  6. No person shall transport, unload or dispose of special waste materials requiring special handling, unless such transporting, unloading or disposal is in accordance with R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 347, or other applicable regulation(s), including any required training and certification to handle such waste.

Section 38 - Disposal of unacceptable material at the trail waste facility

  1. No person shall fail to remove and clean up non-collectable waste materials that such person disposed of or deposited at the Trail Waste Facility and shall incur the costs associated with such removal and clean up.
  2. If a person fails to comply with Section 38(1), the General Manager shall remove and clean up the non-collectable waste materials that were disposed of or deposited at the Trail Waste Facility, and such person shall be responsible for the repayment of fees incurred by the General Manager, failure to pay such fees will constitute a debt of that person to the City.

Section 39 - Refusal rights at the trail waste facility

  1. The City reserves the right to refuse to accept for disposal any waste materials of a questionable nature or origin including waste materials which have been approved by the Ministry of the Environment, through written notification.

Section 40 - General

  1. The administration and enforcement of this by-law shall be pursuant to the provisions of this by-law.

Section 41 - Right of entry

  1. The City may enter upon private property at any reasonable time and in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to ascertain whether the provisions of this by-law are complied with and to enforce and carry into effect the provisions of this by-law. (2015-344)

Section 42 - Notice of violation

  1. A municipal law enforcement officer who finds that any person is in noncompliance with this by-law may, where the officer considers it appropriate in the circumstances to seek compliance, issue a Notice of Violation which provides the following information:
    1. the name of the owner of the property;
    2. the municipal address or the legal description of the property;
    3. the reasonable particulars of the corrections to be made; and the time for complying with the terms and conditions of the notice.
  2. The Notice of Violation shall be served on the owner and any other persons affected by it, as determined by a municipal law enforcement officer. 
  3. Service of a Notice of Violation shall be made by way of:
    1. personal delivery by hand to the owner; 
    2. posting such notice at the non-conforming property;
    3. registered mail; or
    4. Email, to an email address that the person to whom the Notice of Violation is directed has provided for the purpose of receiving electronic documents or at which the person is known to receive email communications.
  4. Where a Notice of Violation under this section is served by personal delivery by hand to the owner, it shall be deemed to have been served on the date of delivery to the person named.
  5. Where a Notice of Violation under this section is served by posting such notice at the non-confirming property, it shall be deemed to have been served on the person to whom the notice is directed on the date it is posted.
  6. Where a Notice of Violation under this section is served by registered mail, it shall be deemed to have been served on next business day following the date of mailing.
  7. Where a Notice of Violation under this section is served via email, it shall be deemed to have been served on the person to whom the notice is directed on the day the person provides a written response to the email. 
  8. No Person shall fail to comply with a Notice of Violation served pursuant to Section 42.

Section 43 - City action

  1. Where an owner sets out waste materials for collection which are not in compliance with this by-law, or fails to remove non-compliant or uncollected waste from public property or the collection point in accordance with this by-law, the City may, after having notified the owner in writing, collect such waste materials at the owner’s expense, suspend waste collection, or take other enforcement action, as deemed by the City.

Section 44 - Recovery of city costs

  1. All costs incurred by the City, including expenses for the removal of waste materials, shall be paid by the owner by the due date set on the written invoice setting out the costs incurred by the City, otherwise the debt will be deemed to be in arrears, and the city can collect all payment in arrears by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes.

Section 45 - Offences and penalties

  1. A person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction thereof is liable to a fine of not more than $10,000.00 for a first offence and $25,000.00 for any subsequent offence, except that where a corporation is convicted of an offence the maximum penalties shall be $50,000.00 for the first offence and $100,000 for any subsequent offence.

Section 46 - Prohibition order

  1. When a person has been convicted of an offence under this by-law, the Ontario Court of Justice of the City of Ottawa, or any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may, in addition to any penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an Order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act or thing by the person convicted directed toward the continuation or repetition of the offence.

Section 47 - Transition

  1. An order made pursuant to By-law No. 2012-370, the Solid Waste Management By-law is continued under and in conformity with the provisions of this by-law so far as consistently may be possible.
  2. All proceedings taken pursuant to By-law No. 2012-370, the Solid Waste Management By-law shall be taken up and continued under and in conformity with the provisions of this bylaw so far as consistently may be possible.
  3. In the recovery or enforcement of penalties and forfeitures incurred, or in any other proceeding in relation to matters that have happened before the repeal of By-law No. 2012-370, the Solid Waste Management By-law, the procedure established by this by-law shall be followed so far as it can be adopted.

Section 48 - Repeal

  1. By-law 2012-370, and any amendments there to, are repealed as of the in-force date of this by-law.

Section 49 - Short title

  1. This by-law may be referred to as the Solid Waste Services By-law.

Section 50 - Effective date

  1. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on December 2, 2024.

(as Amended by By-law 2025-2)

Waste Collection Fees

  1. The annual fees for residential garbage collection, levied on the municipal tax bill, are payable at the time of payment of municipal taxes as follows:
    1. $243.00 per residential dwelling unit of each separate municipal tax assessed property receiving residential curbside collection service; and
    2. $167.00 per residential dwelling unit of each separate municipal tax assessed property receiving multi-residential containerized collection service.

In the case of payments received by mail, the date the payment is received by the City shall be taken as the day of payment.

The fee per yellow garbage bag (residential and small business), payable at the time of purchase from a City retailer, for waste to be collected through the Yellow Bag program is $4.40 per bag, sold in quantities of 4.

Fees at the Trail Waste Facility

The fee for unloading or disposing of any waste material at the Trail Waste Facility is subject to the following charges:

Table 1: Waste Material Tipping Fees at the Trail Waste Facility
Fee Item Current Rate 
Scale Use (per tonne, minimum $15) $15
Scale Ticket Reprint (per reprint) $10
Waste Material  
Asbestos (1 tonne minimum) $650
Farm/Agricultural Waste (from all registered Agricultural Properties within City of Ottawa) Free
Garbage (includes soil mixed with concrete) 250 kg or less (minimum)  $39.25
Garbage greater than 250 kg (per tonne) includes soil mixed with concrete $157
Mixed garbage and recyclable material 250 kg or less (minimum) $78.50
Mixed garbage and recyclable material greater than 250 kg (per tonne) $314
Special consideration items, hauled by generating residential household Free

The fees related to the Solid Waste Diversion Program at the Trail Waste Facility are as follows:

Table 2 Fees for Solid Waste Diversion Program
Load Type  Current Rate 
Metals/Tires Free
E-Waste Free
Leaf and Yard Waste 100 kg or less (minimum) includes grass cuttings, leaves and brush under 20 cm diameter  $12.90
Leaf and Yard Waste greater than 100 kg (per tonne) $129 includes grass cuttings, leaves and brush under 20 cm diameter $129
Logs/stumps greater than 20 cm in diameter 250 kg or less (minimum) $78.50
Logs/stumps greater than 20 cm in diameter greater than 250 kg or (per tonne) $314
Soil/Fill 250 kg or less (minimum) includes topsoil, sand, sod $15.20
Soil/Fill greater than 250 kg (per tonne) includes topsoil, sand,sod $76
Fill 250 kg or less (minimum) includes asphalt, masonry, concrete without rebar $36
Fill greater than 250 kg (per tonne) includes asphalt, masonry, concrete without rebar $144
Woodchips 250 kg or less (minimum) $36.20
Woodchips greater than 250 kg (per tonne) $145
The fees related to the Solid Waste Retail Materials Program at the Trail Waste Facility are as follows:

Table 3 Fees for Solid Waste Diversion Program

Load Type  Current Rate 
Municipal Potting Soil 200 kg or less (minimum) $11.75
Municipal Potting Soil greater than 200 kg (per tonne) $47
Safety Vests $8.50

The service levels outlined below apply to all eligible properties receiving municipal curbside collection services as approved by City Council:

Table 1: Collection Service Levels for Eligible Serviced Locations on Curbside Collection Service

Waste Stream Collection Frequency Set-out Limit per Collection Day Volume/Weight Limit Per Item
Garbage Items (including Bulky Items) Bi-Weekly

3 City approved bins/bags/containers and/or Bulky Items

*set-out for additional residential yellow bags is unlimited

140 litres/15 kilograms (33 pounds)

Bulky Items must be able to be lifted into collection vehicle.

Carpet bundles: maximum 1.2 metres length/0.6 metres width/height/15 kilograms (33 pounds) in weight

Special Consideration Items Bi-Weekly (opposite to Garbage Collection Day) 1 City approved bag or as directed by City. 15 kilograms (33 pounds)
Recyclable Material Weekly – Alternating Blue/Black Box Unlimited 15 kilograms (33 pounds)
Household Organic Material Weekly Unlimited 80 litres/15 kilograms (33 pounds)

Leaf and Yard Waste Material (including Brush)



*separate set-out preferred

15 kilograms (33 pounds)

Branches/trimmings/bundles: maximum 7 centimetres diameter/1.2 metres length/0.6 metres width

Christmas Tree Once annually Unlimited N/A

Table 2: Collection Service Levels for the Yellow Bag Program for Small Businesses 

Waste Stream Collection Frequency Set-out Limit per Collection Day Weight/Volume Limit Per Item
Garbage Bi-Weekly 16 City Approved Yellow Bags for businesses 140 litres/15 kilograms (33 pounds)
Recyclable Material Weekly – Alternating Blue/Black Box Unlimited 15 kilograms (33 pounds)
Household Organic Material Weekly Unlimited 80 litres/15 kilograms (33 pounds)

The service levels outlined below apply to all eligible properties receiving municipal containerized collection services as approved by City Council:

Table 1: Collection Service Levels for Eligible Serviced Locations on Containerized Service

Waste Stream Collection Frequency Set-out Limit per Collection Day
Garbage Items Weekly See table below
Bulky Items Bi-Weekly Unlimited
Recyclable Material Weekly See table below
Household Organic Material Weekly See table below
Christmas Trees Once annually Unlimited

Set Out Limits For Eligible Serviced Locations On Containerized Collection

For multi-residential properties receiving containerized waste collection service as outlined above, the overall set-out limit for each property is based on a container allocation as established in the Solid Waste guidelines for Multi-Unit Residential Development, as approved by the City. Individual set-out limits per residential unit do not apply.

Cart allocations per eligible serviced location shall be determined by multiplying the total number of units by the relevant, allocated cubic yards in accordance with Table 1, below:

Table 1: Set-Out Limits for Eligible Serviced Locations on Containerized Collection

Container/Cart Description Building Description Allocations in Yards/Litres per Unit
Fibre Bins (Paper & Cardboard) High Rise Capacity 0.038 yards (minimum)
Fibre Bins (Paper & Cardboard) Low Rise Capacity 0.062 yards (minimum)

GMP Bins


High Rise Capacity 0.018 yards (minimum)

GMP Bins


Low Rise Capacity 0.018 yards (minimum)
Organics All Multi-Residential

240 litres/50 units (minimum)

240 litre weight capacity of 15 kilograms (33 pounds)

Garbage High Rise Compacted Bin Capacity 0.053 yards (maximum)
Garbage High Rise Loose Capacity 0.110 (maximum)
Garbage Low Rise Loose/Semi- Compacted Capacity 0.231 (maximum)

Table 1: Approved Containers for Curbside Collection Service

Container Type Specifications Supplied by City
Garbage Bags (includes Special Consideration Items)
  1. be securely closed; and
  2. does not weigh no more than 15 kg (33 lbs) when full. 
Garbage Containers
  1. any lid must be removable and not interfere with the collection and emptying of the container in the City’s sole opinion
  2. has a handle 
  3. the capacity shall not be more than 140 litres;
  4. does not weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) when full; and
  5. shall be free of any ropes or bungee cords.
City Approved Yellow Bags
  1. specially designed “official” City of Ottawa yellow garbage bag;
  2. securely closed
  3. does not weigh no more than 15 kg (33 lbs) when full; and
  4. nonreturnable
Bluebox/Blackbox Recycling Containers
  1. a curbside recycling plastic container, ranging in size from 45 L to 60 L, which is blue or black in colour, which is compatible with the City’s collection system for recyclable material;
  2. any lid must be removable and not interfere with the collection and emptying of the container in the City’s sole opinion;
  3. does not weigh more than 15 kg when full; or
  4. any other container determined by the City to be acceptable for the storing and setting out of materials; and
  5. shall be free of any ropes, nets or bungee cords.
Green Bin (Organics Container)
  1. be 46 L, 80 L, (240 L City Facilities Only) in volume;
  2. be equipped and maintained with handles, wheels and an attached lid that can be securely closed;
  3. be set up for fully or semi-automated collection and meets the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z245.60-1999 type B and G containers;
  4. does not weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) when full; or
  5. be any container issued by the City to be acceptable for the storing and setting out of household organic material for curbside collection.
Green Bin Organics Bin Liners
  1. Compostable paper bags or paper-based liners; or
  2. Any plastic bag (compostable or not).
Leaf and Yard Waste Bag
  1. Compostable paper bags;
  2. be securely closed and weigh no more than 15 kg (33 lbs) when full; and
  3. be nonreturnable.
Leaf and Yard Waste Container
  1. has no lid and is clearly marked for leaf and yard waste;
  2. has a handle;
  3. the capacity shall not be more than 140 litres;
  4. does not weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) when full; and
  5. shall be free of any ropes or bungee cords.

Table 2: Approved Containers for Containerized Collection Service

Container Type Specifications Supplied by City
Front-end Loading Garbage Container
  1. 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 cubic yard front end loading container designed to store waste and constructed to the standards specified by the City; and
  2. any other container determined by the City to be acceptable for the storing and setting out of waste.
Front-End Loading Recycling Container
  1. 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 cubic yard front-end loading container designed to store and collect recyclable materials at multi-residential buildings;
  2. any other container determined by the City to be acceptable for the storing and setting out of recyclable materials.
Garbage Cart
  1. 360 L plastic wheeled garbage cart designed to store and collect garbage materials at multi-residential properties;
  2. any other container determined by the City to be acceptable for the storing and setting out of recyclable materials.
Recycling Cart
  1. 240 L or 360 L plastic wheeled recycling cart designed to store and collect recyclable materials at multi-residential properties;
  2. any other container determined by the City to be acceptable for the storing and setting out of recyclable materials.
Organics Cart
  1. 240 L plastic wheeled organics cart designed to store organic materials at multi-residential properties;
  2. equipped and maintained with handles, wheels and an attached lid that can be securely closed;
  3. set up for fully or semi-automated collection and meets the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z245.60-1999 type B and G containers; or
  4. any other container issued by the City to be acceptable for the storing and setting out of household organic material for curbside collection.

Non-Collectable Waste Includes:

  1. Any waste materials not set out in accordance with the provisions of this by-law;
  2. Appliances
  3. Automobile parts;
  4. Construction and demolition waste as defined in this by-law including but not limited to: concrete, cinder blocks, paving stones, asphalt;
  5. Contents of cesspools and outdoor latrines;
  6. Contents of grease traps;
  7. Electrical and Electronic Equipment as defined in Schedule 1 of O. Reg 522/20 including but not limited to: light bulbs, tubes and lamps, including incandescent, fluorescent, halogen, light emitting diode (LED) and high intensity discharge (HID) lamps (excluding string and/or patio lights)
  8. Hay, straw, farm animal manure or excrement;
  9. Hazardous waste as defined in O. Reg 347 including but not limited to:
    1. Acids and caustic materials such as pool chemicals, fire extinguishers 
    2. Aerosol containers (full or partially full)
    3. Batteries
    4. Engine oil, brake, transmission fluid;
    5. Explosives or highly combustible materials such as gasoline, motor oil, barbeque or lighter fluid, ammunition, weapons, or other flammable material;
    6. Household cleaners including bleach, oven, drain, toilet and carpet cleaning solutions;
    7. Leachate or toxic waste such as septic tank pumpings, raw sewage and sludge;
    8. Paints, solvents, coatings and wood preservatives;
    9. Poisons, fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides or pesticides;
    10. Pressurized containers including propane cylinders and tanks;
    11. Radioactive material;
  10. Household hazardous waste materials as defined in the terms in this by-law
  11. IC& I waste not approved for collection through the City’s Yellow Bag Program for Small Businesses.
  12. Imported waste material as defined in this By-law
  13. Material which may be classed as a “designated substance” pursuant to the Occupational Health and Safety Act;
  14. Railway ties;
  15. Soil, earth, stone, boulders, trees, tree stumps, tree trunks, firewood and tree cuttings over 7 cm in diameter;
  16. Trade waste including any stock and or by-products of wholesale or retail or of any industrial or commercial process;
  17. Special waste material as defined in this By-law
  18. Swill, liquid waste or organic matter, which has not been drained;
  19. Pathological waste as defined in O. Reg 347 including but not limited to:
    1. Needles, sharps, syringes, glass stem pipes, lancets, insulin tips;
    2. Carcasses of any animal (including animal parts), fowl or live animal with the exception of bona fide household organic material;
    3. Medications, pharmaceuticals and drugs;
    4. Hazardous medical waste
  20. Tires (excluding bicycle tires);
  21. Toilets, not dismantled;
  22. Wooden pallets; and
  23. Any other item designated as non-collectable material as approved by the General Manager and amended from time to time.

Acceptable Bulky Items Include:

  1. Carpet;
  2. Furniture;
  3. Garden, yard and outdoor equipment such as pools or parts thereof, fence, wire, tarps, swing sets, and pool or hot tub covers;
  4. Large toys;
  5. Mattresses; and
  6. Any other large, discarded material as approved by the General Manager at their sole discretion.

Black Box Material:

  1. Newspapers and flyers;
  2. Corrugated cardboard;
  3. Boxboard;
  4. Soft cover books/Magazines/catalogues;
  5. Fine paper;
  6. Advertising mail;
  7. Egg cartons (paper);
  8. Paper cores;
  9. Kraft/paper bags;
  10. Paper gift-wrap and greeting cards;
  11. Other clean paper packaging; and
  12. Any other recyclable material as per O. Reg. 391/21, as amended.

Blue Box Material:

  1. Clear and coloured glass jars and bottles;
  2. Steel/aluminum food and beverage cans;
  3. Aluminum foil;
  4. Gable top cartons;
  5. Aseptic drinking boxes;
  6. All rigid plastic food and beverage containers with recycling symbols numbered 1 through 7;
  7. Metal lids;
  8. Spiral-wound containers with metal ends;
  9. Empty paint cans & aerosol containers; and
  10. Any other packaging and recyclable material as per O. Reg. 391/21 as amended

Acceptable Household Organic Material Includes:

  1. Baked goods and baking ingredients including cake, cookies, sugar, spices, eggs and eggshells;
  2. Dairy products including cheese, and yogurt;
  3. Fats including lard, butter, and solidified oils 
  4. Fruits and vegetables including peels, rinds, seeds and husks
  5. Grain products including pasta, bread, cereal and rice;
  6. Hair, pet hair, and feathers;
  7. Leaf and yard waste material, brush, house plants and cut flowers;
  8. Meat and fish products including bones, fat, skin and shells;
  9. Nuts, seeds and shells;
  10. Other food products including candy, coffee grounds, coffee filters and tea bags; 
  11. Pet waste including, household pet feces (in a sealed leak-proof bag), pet bedding and kitty litter;
  12. Pumpkins;
  13. Sauces, spices, dressings and spreads; 
  14. Small amounts of cooking oil (soaked in bread or paper towel;) 
  15. Small amounts of shredded paper, and sawdust (natural wood sources only); 
  16. Soiled and/or food soiled paper products including tissues, paper towels, cardboard egg cartons, paper coffee cups, paper plates and cups, paper take-out food containers, microwave popcorn bags, flour and sugar bags, pizza boxes, newspaper, parchment paper; 
  17. Wooden food products including popsicle sticks, toothpicks; and
  18. Any other item designated as household organic material as approved by the General Manager and amended from time to time.

Acceptable Leaf and Yard Waste Material Includes:

  1. Branches (no larger than 7 cm in diameter, and no longer than 1.2 m in length);
  2. Garden plants, and flowers (soil removed);
  3. Grass and grass clippings; 
  4. Hedge, shrub and tree trimmings;
  5. Leaves, brush and vines;
  6. Natural Christmas trees; 
  7. Non-noxious weeds;
  8. Wind fallen fruit; and
  9. Any other item designated as Leaf and Yard Waste Material as approved by the General Manager and amended from time to time.

Acceptable Special Consideration Items Include:

  1. Casts;
  2. Catheters;
  3. Colostomy bags (empty and rinsed);
  4. Dialysis wastes (tubing, filters, disposable towels, and sheets); 
  5. Diapers;
  6. Disposable pads;
  7. Gloves, masks, gowns, and aprons; 
  8. Gastric and nasal tubes (empty and rinsed);
  9. Incontinence products;
  10. IV bags and tubing (empty and rinsed);
  11. Used dressings (not blood saturated); and
  12. Any other item designated as Special Consideration Items as approved by the General Manager and amended from time to time.

Items excluded from the Special Consideration Items Program include: 

  1. Hazardous waste such as blood-saturated items;
  2. Needles/Sharps; and
  3. Sharp containers.