2024 |
Sébastien Pierroz, Deuz heures avant la fin de l'été |
N/A |
Sandra Ridley, Vixen |
Huda Mukbil, Agent of Change: My Life Fighting Terrorists, Spies and Institutional Racism |
2023 |
Nancy Vickers, Capharnaüm |
Maurice Henrie, La tête haute |
Jean Van Loon, Nuclear Family |
Tim Cook, Lifesavers and Body Snatchers: Medical Care and the Struggle for Survival in the Great War |
2022 |
Michèle Vinet, Le malaimant |
N/A |
David O’Meara, Masses on Radar |
Fen Osler Hampson & Mike Blanchfield, The Two Michaels: Innocent Canadian Captives and High Stakes Espionage in the US-China Cyber War |
2021 |
Monia Mazigh, Farida |
Nicole V. Champeau, Niagara…la voie qui y mène |
Conyer Clayton, We Shed Our Skin Like Dynamite |
Suzanne Evans, The Taste of Longing: Ethel Mulvany and her Starving Prisoners of War Cookbook |
2020 |
Véronique Sylvain, Premier quart |
s.o. |
Henry Beissel, Footprints of Dark Energy |
Beverley McLachlin, Truth be Told: My Journey Through Life and the Law |
2019 |
Andrée Christensen, L'Isle aux abeilles noires |
Yvon Malette, Entre le risque et le rêve : Une brève histoire des Éditions David |
Kagiso Lesego Molope, This Book Betrays My Brother |
Tim Cook, The Secret History of Soldiers: How Canadians Survived the Great War |
2018 |
Alain Bernard Marchand, Sept vies, dix-sept morts |
s.o. |
Shane Rhodes, Dead White Men |
Roy MacGregor, Original Highways: Travelling the Great Rivers of Canada |
2017 |
Andrée Christensen, Épines d'encre |
s.o. |
John Metcalf, The Museum at the End of the World |
Charlotte Gray, The Promise of Canada: 150 Years - People and Ideas That Have Shaped Our Country |
2016 |
Pierre-Luc Landry, Les corps extraterrestres |
Patricia Smart, De Marie de l'Incarnation à Nelly Arcand |
Nadine McInnis, Delirium for Solo Harp |
Tim Cook, Fight to the Finish: Canadians in the Second World War, 1944-1945 |
2015 |
Blaise Ndala, J’irai danser sur la tombe de Senghor |
s.o. |
Scott Randall, And to Say Hello |
Heather Menzies, Reclaiming the Commons for the Common Good |
Philippe Bernier Arcand, La dérive populiste |
David O'Meara, A Pretty Sight |
Paul Wells, The Longer I'm Prime Minister: Stephen Harper and Canada, 2006 -
Marie-Josée Martin, Un jour, ils entendront mes silences
s.o. |
Missy Marston, The Love Monster |
Michael Petrou, Is This Your First War? Travels Through the Post - 9/11 Islamic World
Estelle Beauchamp, Un souffle venu de loin
s.o. |
Jamieson Findlay, The Summer of Permanent Wants |
Ruth B. Phillips, Museum Pieces: Toward the Indigenization of Canadian Museums
Lucie Joubert, L’envers du landau |
Gabriella Goliger, Girl Unwrapped |
Eric Enno Tamm, The Horse that Leaps Through Clouds
Claire Rochon, Fragments de Sifnos (Éditions du Noroît)
s.o. |
Craig Poile, True Concessions |
Andrew Horrall, Bringing Art to Life: a Biography of Alan Jarvis
Margaret Michèle Cook, Chronos à sa table de travail
Maurice Henrie, Esprit de sel |
Andrew Steinmetz, Eva’s Threepenny Theatre |
Kerry Pither, Dark Days: The Story of Four Canadians Tortured in the Name of Fighting Terror
Andrée Christensen,
Depuis toujours, j’entendais la mer
s.o. |
Elizabeth Hay, Late Nights on Air |
Tim Cook, At the Sharp End: Canadians Fighting the Great War 1914-1916
Daniel Poliquin, La Kermesse
s.o. |
Janet Lunn, A Rebel’s Daughter |
Charlotte Gray, Reluctant Genius: The Passionate Life and Inventive Mind of Alexander Graham Bell
Gilles Lacombe, Trafiquante de lumière
Réjean Robidoux, D’éloge et de critique |
John-James Ford, Bonk on the Head
John Geddes, The Sundog Season
Heather Menzies, NO TIME: Stress and the Crisis of Modern Life
Maurice Henrie, Les roses et le verglas
Michel Thérien, L’aridité des fleuves
s.o. |
Frances Itani, Poached Egg on Toast |
Valerie Knowles, From Telegrapher to Titan: The Life of William C. Van Horne
Maurice Henrie, Mémoire Vive
Mila Younes, Ma mère, ma fille, ma sœur |
Elizabeth Hay, Garbo Laughs |
Madelaine Drohan, Making A Killing: How And Why Corporations Use Armed Force To Do Business
Jean Mohsen Fahmy, Ibn Kaldoun : l'Honneur et la Disgrâce
Nancy Vickers, La Petite Vieille aux poupées
Brian Doyle, Mary Ann Alice |
Françoise Lepage, Histoire de la littérature pour la jeunesse |
Anna Heilman, Never Far Away
Nicole Champeau, Dans les pas de la louve
Michèle Matteau, Quatuor pour cordes sensibles
Alan Cumyn, Burridge Unbound |
Patricia Smart, Les femmes du Refus Global
Roy MacGregor, A Life in the Bush: Lessons From My Father
Pierre Raphaël Pelletier, Il faut crier l’injure
Alan Cumyn, Man of Bone |
René Dionne, Histoire de la Littérature Franco-Ontarienne des origines à nos jours |
Dr. Isaac Vogelfanger, Red Tempest
Maurice Henrie, Le Balcon dans le ciel
Patrick Kavanagh, Gaff Topsails |
Dr. Elisabeth J. Lacelle, L’incontournable échange. Conversations oecuméniques et pluridisciplinaires |
Clyde Sanger, Malcolm MacDonald: Bringing an End to Empire
Andrée Christensen, Noces d’ailleurs
John Barton, Notes Towards a Family Tree
Frances Itani, Man Without Face
Gilberte Paquette, Dans le sillage d’Élizabeth Bruyère |
Penelope Williams, That Other Place: A Personal Account of Breast Cancer
Maurice Henrie, Le Pont sur le temps
Gabrielle Poulin, Petites Fugues pour une saison sèche
Rita Donovan, Daisy Circus
Nadine McInnis, The Litmus Body
s.o. |
John Sawatsky, Mulroney: The Politics of Ambition
Daniel Poliquin, Visions de Jude
Rita Donovan, Dark Jewels |
Roy MacGregor, Chief: The Fearless Vision of Billy Diamond
Maurice Henrie, La chambre à mourir
Patricia Morley, Kurelek: A Biography
John Metcalf, Adult Entertainment |
Joan Finnigan, Legacies, Legends and Lies
Jean Bruce, Back the Attack! : Canadian Women During the Second World War