Apply online for all Building Code Services permits and applications!

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Apply online for all Building Code Services permits and applications!

City residents, builders and the development industry may now submit and pay for all Building Code Services permits and applications from the comfort of their home, office or work site using any mobile device. The new Building, Planning and Land Development online customer portal is available through My Service Ottawa.

Building Code Services online applications and permits introduces a new paperless process that allows you, the applicant, to apply, upload plans and documents, submit payment, book inspections, and check the application status without traveling to your nearest Client Service Centre.

Building Code Services available online include:

  • Access to Building Permit Records
  • Compliance Reporting
  • Building Permits and related applications
  • Building Enforcement, Prosecutions, and Inspections
  • Municipal Addressing and Permanent Sign Permits
  • Request for Service (RFS) - Building Code
  • Applications for 911 Blade Signs
  • Municipal Notification Agency and Letter of Approval and for the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)

Building Code Services Client Service Centres continue to be available to client’s requiring assistance.

Getting Started

Building Code Services is now digital! Why wait in line when you can go online?  

Submit, pay, and manage new and existing Building Code Services applications on any mobile device, from the comfort of your own home or work site.  

Interested in getting started? Let us show you how

Step 1 – My ServiceOttawa Account

Building, Planning and Land Development is part of the My ServiceOttawa platform, where you also access your city Water and Sewer, Property Tax and Garbage and Recycling services online. Whether you are the applicant on/applying for your own home renovation, a business or an independent professional, an account with My ServiceOttawa (MySO) is required to access the online customer portal.  

Log in to your existing MySO account or visit is external) to create a new account.  

Step 2 - Building, Planning and Land Development Registration 

Once within the MySO platform, select the Building, Planning and Land Development service widget to register and gain access to the new Building, Planning and Land Development online customer portal.  

Step 3 - PIN activation and Associations 

Who are you doing business as? Who will be involved in your business? 

The online customer portal offers a means for homeowners, companies, and individual professionals to all work together on a single project or permit application.  

Accessing the Customer Portal as an Individual 

Before you can access the online customer portal, you will be asked to enter a 6-digit Customer PIN. If you have submitted Building Code Services applications in the past, there is a PIN available to you.  

This Customer PIN links all existing applications that are tied to you and makes them accessible in your online account. A Customer PIN is linked only to a single individual and not a company or professional. All new portal users will receive this one-time use PIN request upon registration. 

If you have existing applications where you are listed as the applicant, you may reach out to Building Code Services to acquire this Customer PIN by emailing opens email application). If this does not apply, you may bypass this step by selecting “Do Not Link and Continue” at registration. 

Accessing the Customer Portal as a Contractor or Professional 

Once within the customer portal, if you are a company or contractor (i.e. Construction Company or Developer etc.), you may enter a 9-digit Contractor PIN, which will link all existing applications that are tied to the company or contractor and make them accessible in your online account. A Contractor PIN is linked to a company or contractor and can be shared internally among the company. Various permissions can be set to ensure only certain access is provided and privacy is intact.  

If you have existing applications where the company or contractor is the applicant, you may reach out to Building Code Services to acquire this Contractor PIN by emailing opens email application). Contractor PINs can also be generated by a company or contractor at their own discretion within the customer portal.  

Accessing the Customer Portal as a Professional  

Once within the customer portal, if you act as a professional (i.e. Architect, Designer etc) doing business on behalf of a company or contractor, you can be invited to take part in the application by being added as an Additional Party. Additional Parties are given access to applications for the purpose of making payments, participate in reviews and/or requesting inspections. An email invitation will be sent to those professionals when a company or contractor is inviting you to be part of the application.  

Step 4 - Managing the Online Customer Portal  

Once within the online customer portal, new Building Code Services applications can be applied for online. Simply select the “Start an Application” button and follow the steps. Various permits including, Construction Permits, Demolition Permits, Private Road naming, and Septic Permits to name a few, are now fully available to be submitted online.  

This also includes uploading plans and documents, making payments and requesting inspections. In turn, City Staff will upload building permits, occupancy reports, and inspection reports directly to your account to view and download. 

Have any additional questions? 

A series of instructional guides and videos have been created to further assist you in using the new online customer portal and can be accessed by visiting is external)

Visit Planning your project | City of Ottawa to learn more about planning your construction project.

Visit New Technology Solution: Building, Planning and Land Development(link is external) to learn more about the new Building, Planning and Land Development Online Customer Portal.