Noise exemption types
Exemption request for sound reproduction devices used in a special event
The Director of By-law and Regulatory Services may grant an exemption for an event subject to the following conditions:
- the event relates to live or recorded music or involves the use of a sound amplifying system or sound reproduction device operated in a reasonable manner in the context of the special event
- the event shall not create noise likely to cause a nuisance or disturb the inhabitants or exceed 65 dBA when measured at the point of reception
- the event shall not exceed eleven (11) calendar days
- the time at which the event is to be terminated shall be agreed to by the affected Ward Councillor or Ward Councillors, the Director of By-law and Regulatory Services and the applicant and the event shall not continue beyond 0100 hours on Friday and Saturday and on Sunday only if the following Monday is a statutory holiday
- an event shall not continue beyond 2300 hours on Sunday through Thursdays
- the affected Ward Councillor or Ward Councillors are in agreement with granting the exemption
Exemption request for construction equipment
The Director of By-law and Regulatory Services may grant an exemption to subsection 13(1) for construction equipment subject to the following conditions:
- the use of construction equipment shall not create noise likely to cause a nuisance or disturb the inhabitants or exceed 85 dBA when measured at the point of reception
- the use of the construction equipment shall not continue for more than eight (8) hours on any one day
- the duration of the exemption requested shall not exceed eleven (11) calendar days
- the affected Ward Councillor or Ward Councillors are in agreement with granting the exemption
Exemption request for temporary motor racing competitions
The Director of By-law and Regulatory Services may grant an exemption for motor racing competitions at temporary venues subject to the following conditions:
- the competition does not exceed three (3) days
- the affected Ward Councillor or Ward Councillors are in agreement with granting the exemption which will include the time of day at which the competition will commence and terminate
- the motor vehicles shall be equipped with effective mufflers
When to apply
A Noise By-law Exemption Application shall be made in writing to the Director of By-law and Regulatory Services sixty (60) days prior to the special event, the use of the construction equipment, or the date of the temporary racing competition.
Application requirements and conditions
Application package
To apply for a Noise Exemption Permit, applicants must submit
- A completed noise exemption form
Noise By-law Exemption Application (HTML online form)(link is external) or
Noise By-law Exemption Application (PDF form) Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Application fee
- Additional information, if requested
For construction related activities, applicants are strongly encouraged to speak to the Ward Councillor and the area residents prior to submitting a Noise By-law Exemption Application.
Additional information and conditions
The Director of the By-law and Regulatory Services may require the Applicant to provide documentation confirming that notification has been given to all affected parties, including but not limited to, community associations, business improvement areas, and adjacent residents and businesses.
Monitoring expense
Where the Director of By-law and Regulatory Services requires monitoring of sound levels resulting from the activity, the monitoring shall be conducting at the Applicant's expense (outlined in Schedule "A" of the Noise By-law No. 2017-255).
How to apply
Online submission
Fill in the Noise Exemption Application(link is external).
Mail in or email submission
Fill in the Noise Exemption Application PDF Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) and send it to:
By-law & Regulatory Services
735 Industrial Avenue, 2nd floor
Ottawa, ON K1G 5J1
Mail Code 07-22
Fees and method of payment
Application fee and method of payment
$81 fee, non-refundable. All applicants must pay the application fee.
Upon receipt of completed application, an invoice will be sent to you with payment instructions.
Please note: Payment of the application fee does not guarantee issuance of an exemption permit; an exemption permit is issued pending approval from the area Councillor and the Director of By-law and Regulatory Services, and payment of all applicable fees.
Inspection/ Monitoring fee
$81/hour per officer