Amended Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan

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The Amended Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan provides a financial incentive in the form of a Tax Increment Equivalent Grant to property owners with eligible development and redevelopment projects within the Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan Project Area. The grant will be equivalent to a portion of the increase in the municipal property taxes directly attributable to the improvement. Tax Increment Equivalent Grants will be funded through the incremental municipal property tax increase associated with the improvement.

The program assumes that development would not occur 'but for' the incentive made to the property owner. Grants will be paid only after site development is completed, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation has reassessed the property and the first year of taxes at the new assessment have been paid in full.

1. Development Incentive Grant Program

The intent of the Development Incentive Grant Program is to encourage the rehabilitation of lands and buildings and/or stimulate new development on previously occupied previously occupied sites. The Development Incentive Grant Program will also encourage infill and mixed-use development, and assist in achieving improved building architecture, site design and site landscaping in the area. These benefits will be encouraged by offering a financial incentive in the form of an annual grant.

All submissions under the Amended Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan program must be for redevelopment (not greenfield development) of properties located within the defined boundaries of the Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan Project Area as described in By-law 2019-213.

Eligible projects can include mixed-use properties that include one or more residential dwelling units. Ground floor space in eligible mixed-use properties, however, must be exclusively comprised of active uses except those properties having ground floor tenant space with frontage on Montreal Road that are required to have active uses in the front six metres as a minimum under the Zoning By-law, but permit ground floor dwelling units farther than six metres back from the frontage.

Active uses shall promote a lively pedestrian environment on the ground floor and may include, but not be limited to shops, small businesses, markets, cafes, arts workshops, retail establishments, restaurants, catering establishments, bars and brewpubs, arts and craft studios, performance space, wineries, and personal service establishments. 

The amount of redevelopment work undertaken on the subject property and/or buildings must result in a minimum increase of two hundred and $50 thousand in the assessed value of the property as determined through post-construction reassessment by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.

The City will reimburse the successful applicants in the form of an annual grant equal to 50 per cent of the increased municipal property tax increment resulting from the redevelopment. Grants will extend for up to 10 years after project completion to a maximum of $5 million, but not exceeding 50 per cent of total project costs.

The Amended Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan may be combined with any other Community Improvement Plan program to encourage the creation of new affordable housing units. The total aggregate grant would still not exceed the lessor of $5 million or 50 per cent of eligible project costs.

2. Quartier Vanier District

The Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan Project Area extends along Montreal Road from North River Road in the west, to the Aviation Parkway in the east. However, a distinctive change in character exists between the "arterial commercial" context east of St. Laurent Boulevard, compared with the "main street/storefront commercial" context in the western section between North River Road and St. Laurent Boulevard. This western segment, which coincides with the boundary of the Montreal Road portion of the Vanier Business Improvement Area, is unique. Not only does it exhibit a broad diversity of land uses, limited vacancy, and a notable presence of independent businesses, but it also has become a hub for artists, artistic and cultural organizations, social enterprises, not-for-profit organizations, and entrepreneurs, making it one of the most distinct and dynamic communities in Ottawa.

Building on existing strengths and diversity in this unique area, two special programs are available for redevelopment projects that qualify under the Development Incentive Grant Program. These additional incentives will be available to successful applicants under the Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan Development Incentive Grant Program where the project includes one or more of the specific elements detailed below, that will strengthen and enhance the distinctive nature of the Quartier Vanier District.

2.1. Support for Cultural Activities and Artists Supplementary Benefit

Building on existing strengths and diversity in the Quartier Vanier District, the "Support for Cultural Activities and Artists Supplementary Benefit" will support the life and work of artists in Vanier, helping to enhance the heritage, cultural and creative sector in the area.

The objective of the program is to support the area's artists and arts organizations and encourage collaboration between artists and property owners, to provide access to affordable space for cultural activities, arts, and arts programming, and create new opportunities for arts activities.

Eligibility for the Support for Cultural Activities and Artists Supplementary Benefit is defined as projects that provide a minimum of three hundred square meters (300 square metres) of space dedicated to arts and cultural activities.

To maintain the supplementary benefit, dedicated arts/cultural space must be designed and used exclusively and continuously throughout the grant period for arts and cultural endeavours.

2.2 Support for Social Enterprises Supplementary Benefit

As with 2.1 above, the "Support for Social Enterprises Supplementary Benefit" is intended to build on existing strengths and diversity in the Quartier Vanier District.

A social enterprise is defined under the Support for Social Enterprises Supplementary Benefit program as a not-for-profit organization with primarily social objectives and an overall mission to serve the public good. These organizations may sell goods, provide services, or operate one or more not-for-profit enterprises to generate earned income to create a blended financial and social return on investment. Their profits are returned to the business or to a social purpose, rather than maximizing profits to shareholders. Social enterprise organizations reinvest their earned income into realizing their social mission and pursuing the development of the community rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit for shareholders and owners.

2.3 Enhanced Development Incentive Grant Program

Where eligibility under one or more of: Support for Cultural Activities and Artists Supplementary Benefit or Support for Social Enterprises Supplementary Benefit programs has been met, the City will reimburse the owner in the form of an annual grant equal to 75 per cent  of the increased municipal property tax increment for the property. Grants will extend up to a 10-year period after project completion to a maximum of $5 million, but not exceeding 50 per cent of the total cost of the redevelopment project.

Grants will be paid only after site development is completed, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation has reassessed the property and the first year of taxes at the new assessment have been paid in full.

Eligibility checklist


The information set forth in this checklist is provided solely as general guidance about the eligibility requirements of the Amended Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan. It is not intended to constitute or replace the relevant By-laws and program documents. No information contained in this checklist, or any oral or written communication, should be relied upon as a representation or warranty as to any matter related to the Amended Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan and no liability shall attach to any person or entity as a result of such information. This checklist is indicative only. Complete information is contained in By-laws No. 2024 –174 and 2019-213 designating a part of the area covered by the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa as the Montréal Road Community Improvement Plan Project Area and associated program documents.

  • All submissions under the Amended Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan Development Incentive Grant Program are for redevelopment (not greenfield development).
  • The property is located within the defined boundaries of the Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan Project Area as described in By-law 2019-213.
  • The proposed work includes one or more of the following:
    • An addition of building space to an existing building
    • Construction of a new building, where a previous building has been located
    • Interior building fit-up
    • Significant alterations to an existing building resulting in improved marketability of the rental premises and a corresponding increase in assessed value
    • Exterior façade improvement facing a public road right-of-way
    • Site works including landscaping and signage
  • The improvements made to buildings and/or land will be made pursuant to a building permit where required, and/or other required permits, and be constructed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code where applicable.
  • Proposed works and associated improvements to buildings and/or land approved under the incentive programs shall conform to all relevant codes, policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines, including applicable municipal by-laws, Official Plan policies and zoning requirements and approvals.
  • The proposed work to be undertaken on the property and/or buildings is expected to result in a minimum increase of $250 thousand in the assessed value of the property.
  • It can be demonstrated that the project would not otherwise have proceeded in the absence of the incentive.
  • The applicant shall be required to include, as part of any Amended Montreal  Road Community Improvement Plan application, an independent tax study by a qualified consultant, having an Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute designation or an AIMA (Associate) or MIMA (Accredited) designation from the Institute of Municipal Assessors, which provides an estimate of the anticipated increased property assessment increment.
  • Commercial uses that do not contribute to a desirable community fabric will not be eligible for an incentive under the Amended Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan program. Uses not eligible for Community Improvement Plan incentives include videogame arcades, bingo parlours and other gaming facilities, adult novelty stores and/or adult entertainment, industrial uses, which, by their nature, generate noise, fumes, odours, and are hazardous or obnoxious, body rub establishments, correctional facilities, corrections residences, payday loan establishments, emergency shelters, pawnshops, and cash-for-goods places, or short-term loan offices.
  • Auto-oriented uses or development forms that depend on motor vehicle access for their primary function (automobile service stations, gas stations, body shops, automobile rental establishments, auto wreckers, automobile dealerships or showrooms, drive-through facilities, surface parking lots, warehousing, and storage facilities etc.) will not be eligible for Community Improvement Plan incentives.
  • Projects must demonstrate consistency with the policy intent of Section 2.1 "General Policies" of the Montreal Road District Secondary Plan.
  • Projects must demonstrate consistency with the policy context applicable to the development location with respect to density, built form, proposed uses and site design in keeping with the intent of Sections 3 and 5 of the Official Plan, or any applicable Secondary Plan, Community Design Plan, or Area-Specific Policy.
  • The owner’s financial account with the City of Ottawa is in good standing (including taxes, water, fines, and all other accounts due).