Administrative policies

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Accountability and Transparency Policy

Approved By: City Council
Section: City Clerk
Approval Date: November 28, 2007
Effective Date: November 28, 2007
Revision Date: December 3, 2014; December 7, 2022; January 29, 2025

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa promotes accountable and transparent municipal governance guided by the following principles:

  1. Decision-making is open and transparent.
  2. Municipal operations are conducted in an ethical and accountable manner.
  3. Financial resources and physical infrastructure are managed in an efficient and effective manner.
  4. Municipal information is accessible so that it is consistent with legislative requirements.
  5. Inquiries, concerns and complaints are responded to in a timely manner.
  6. Financial oversight, service standards and performance reporting and all other accountability documents are made available and accessible, in language that the public can understand, to increase the opportunity for public scrutiny and involvement in municipal operations.
  7. Every new delegation of power or authority will have a corresponding accountability mechanism.


This policy provides guidance on how the City of Ottawa ensures municipal matters and operations are approached in an accountable and transparent manner, with emphasis on openness, ethics, service excellence, performance outcomes and fiscal responsibility.

Subsection 270(1)(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to the “manner in which the municipality will try to ensure that it is accountable to the public for its actions, and the manner in which the municipality will try to ensure that its actions are transparent to the public”.


This policy applies to all City of Ottawa operations and its employees, including Members of Council.

Policy requirements

The City of Ottawa’s commitment to accountability and transparency ensures sound governance and sustainability by way of various policies, procedures and practices that have been divided into the following six categories:

Section 1 - Legislated requirements

The City of Ottawa is accountable and transparent to the public by fulfilling various legislated responsibilities and disclosure of information. The following are some of the provincial statutes that govern how the City conducts its business in a public, accountable and transparent manner:

  1. City of Ottawa Act, 1999
  2. Municipal Act, 2001
  3. Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
  4. Municipal Elections Act, 1996
  5. Provincial Offences Act
  6. Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  7. Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004
  8. Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
  9. Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996
  10. Bill 168, Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace) 2009
  11. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

In addition to the above, there are various provincial and federal statutes that govern the operations of the City and its services.

Section 2 - Financial accountability, oversight and reporting

The City of Ottawa is accountable and transparent to the public by identifying the source of City funds and how those funds are used to deliver services. The following policies, procedures and practices demonstrate the City of Ottawa’s best-practice financial accountability and oversight and reporting mechanisms, including but not limited to:

  1. External Auditor, annual financial statements and disclosure of the City's credit ratings
  2. Auditor General’s Office, its Annual Plan, audit plans and reporting, and the Fraud and Waste Policy
  3. Annual Year End Disposition Reports
  4. Long Range Financial Plans, including Housing
  5. Operating and Capital Budget Status Reports
  6. Delegation of Authority By-law and reporting
  7. Procurement By-law and reporting
  8. Budget Development, Monitoring and Reporting Policy and financial-related policies and procedures
  9. Comprehensive Asset Management Policy, Asset Management Plans and reporting
  10. Real Property policies and procedures
  11. Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy, Sponsorship Policy and Advertising Policy

Section 3 - Performance measurement and reporting

The City of Ottawa is accountable to the public by using various results-orientated tools to measure progress on performance and the achievement of corporate service standards and goals. The City of Ottawa is committed to producing performance information that measures how the City is doing in all areas over which it has responsibility, from financial reporting to human resource management to service delivery, including but not limited to:

  1. City Strategic Plan and Term of Council Priorities
  2. Service specific reporting at the departmental or service area level

Section 4 - Open government

The City of Ottawa is accountable and transparent to the public by providing governance in an open manner through communication, consultation, and collaboration. The following are some of the policies, procedures and practices that ensure the City is transparent in its operations and residents are aware of how decisions are made and carried out:

  1. Council Procedure By-law
  2. Public access to Council and Committee agenda meeting documentation, and attendance at open meetings
  3. Appointment Policy (Council-appointed public members of committees, boards, and other external authorities)
  4. Public Notice By-law
  5. Delegation of Powers Policy and Delegation of Authority By-law
  6. Bilingualism Policy
  7. Public Engagement Strategy, including Engage Ottawa and online engagement tools
  8. Accessibility Policy and Accessible Formats and Communication Supports Procedure
  9. Open meeting procedures including a process of rising and reporting following closed sessions
  10. Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination Policy and departmental plans
  11. Privacy Policy and Personal Information Banks
  12. Adherence to the principles of Open Government, the Open Data Policy, and the Data Governance Policy and procedures, including making data available through Open Ottawa
  13. Proactive disclosure of executed contracts with a value of $100,000 or more that were not a result of public procurement, or contracts resulting from a public procurement exercise that are of significant public interest
  14. Public disclosure of Access to Information Requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  15. Proactive annual disclosure of events hosted by the Office of Protocol, as well as gifts presented on behalf of the City through the Office of Protocol

Section 5 - Internal accountability and ethical standards

The City of Ottawa has established by-laws, policies, procedures and practices that govern internal accountability and ethical standards for the City of Ottawa, including but not limited to:

  1. Employee Code of Conduct
  2. Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace Policy
  3. Discipline Policy
  4. Employment of Family Members Policy
  5. Responsible Computing Policy
  6. Leave of Absence, Accumulated Sick Leave, Overtime and work-related policies
  7. Election-Related Resources Policy and Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures
  8. Corporate Complaints Handling Policy
  9. Accessible Feedback and Resident Inquiry Procedure
  10. Public Conduct Policy and Trespass to Property Procedures
  11. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
  12. Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy
  13. Records Management Policy and Records Retention and Disposition By-law
  14. Data Governance Policy, Information Security Policy and Information System Security Policy
  15. Ethical Purchasing Policy and Contract Administration Policy
  16. Legal Indemnification Policy
  17. Personal Use of City Vehicles Policy
  18. Statutory Officer Policy and Procedures

Section 6 - City Council’s Accountability Framework

Ottawa City Council has demonstrated its commitment to accountability and transparency through the implementation of various integrity officers and additional policies and practices, including but not limited to: 

  1. Proactive disclosure of the office expenses of Members of Council;
  2. Appointment of an Integrity Commissioner to whom Council has also designated the role of Lobbyist Registrar and Meetings Investigator;
  3. Adoption of a Code of Conduct for Members of Council, Code of Conduct for Members of Local Boards, and Code of Conduct for Members of the Built Heritage Standing Committee, and associated complaint processes; 
  4. Quarterly disclosure by Members of Council through an online Gifts Registry of all gifts, benefits and hospitality received which individually exceed $100 from one source in a calendar year (save for some exceptions);
  5. Quarterly disclosure by Members of Council through an online Gifts Registry of all tickets received which individually exceed $30 from one source in a calendar year (save for some exceptions);
  6. Online public registry of declarations of interests, under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, for declarations filed by Members of Council and members of local boards, including investigation protocols for perceived violations
  7. Adoption of the Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy, Council Expense Policy, Advisory Committee Participation Expense Policy, and Council-Staff Relations Policy
  8. Enactment of a Lobbyist Registry By-law including a Lobbyist Code of Conduct, and the establishment of a Lobbyist Registry 
  9. Integrity Commissioner’s Annual Report and public release of investigation reports as required.

The City’s commitment to conducting its business in an open and transparent manner is an important and progressive initiative. The City will continue to demonstrate its commitment through the implementation of new policies, procedures and practices that may not be referenced in this policy.


City Council and City staff are responsible for adhering to the parameters of this policy and for ensuring accountability for their actions and transparency of municipal matters and operations.


The City Clerk shall be responsible for receiving complaints and/or concerns related to this policy. Upon receipt of a complaint and/or concern, the City Clerk shall notify:

  1. In the case of staff, the Department Head, General Manager or Director responsible for the area and the Chief Human Resources Officer
  2. In the case of a closed meeting, the Meetings Investigator
  3. In the case of Council or a Member of Council, the Head of Council or as set out in the applicable Code, by-law or policy.

Legislative and administrative authorities

Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended requires that the City adopt and maintain a policy with respect to ensuring accountability and transparency. The Accountability and Transparency Policy identifies the legislation, policies, procedures and practices that the City complies with in order to promote accountability and transparency.

Recordkeeping requirements

In accordance with the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Accountability – The principle that the municipality is obligated to demonstrate and take responsibility for its actions, decisions and policies and that it is answerable to the public at large.

Transparency – The principle that the municipality will conduct its business in an accessible, clear and visible manner and that its activities are open to review by the public, fostering trust in government and improving service delivery. 


Office of the City Clerk
City of Ottawa
Telephone: 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401)

Advertising Using City Assets and Programs Policy

Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: April 3, 2024
Effective Date: April 3, 2024

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa recognizes and supports advertising on City property, at City programs, and in City media as a revenue generating strategy and as means to enhance programs or services.


The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for City staff to explore, enter into, administer and manage advertising opportunities and agreements.


This policy applies to agreements and opportunities with external parties to place advertisements on City property, in City programs, and on City real and digital media.


The following are exempt from the provisions of this policy:

All agreements that pre-date, and/or are in place prior to the approval date of this policy are considered exempt and therefore valid under the applicable negotiated terms and conditions.

Elected Officials

The following entities are governed by their own respective policies and procedures:

  • Office of Protocol and Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Ottawa Public Health
  • Ottawa Public Library
  • Ottawa Police Services
  • Transit Services Department (with respect to Transit Commission

The General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services is authorized to approve exceptions and minor variances to this policy.

Policy requirements

Advertising Opportunities, Agreements, and Content

The City of Ottawa will:

  • Actively pursue advertising opportunities for its facilities, programs, services and real and digital media offerings.
  • Accept advertising for a broad range of products and services that are appropriate to the audience being targeted by the use of the City asset and comply with the standards set out by the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards.
  • Abide by regulations and rulings set out by higher authority.
  • For advertising that advocates for, or against, a certain position, perspective or direction on community, social and political issues, the City will accept advertising subject to ensuring that the ads use language acceptable to the City and clearly reflect that the ad is paid advertising as well as the party responsible for the ad.
  • Determine, on a case-by-case basis, if there is a requirement for a competitive or non-competitive bid process.
    • All competitive opportunities will follow parameters within the Procurement By- law and the Delegation of Authority By-law.
  • Accept, on a first come basis, advertising proposals where there are multiple, or unlimited, opportunities to accommodate similar proposals on City assets.
  • Employ a competitive procurement process to award advertising opportunities that are unique or limited in terms of the number available.
  • Evaluate solicited and unsolicited advertising proposals using the guidance of this policy. The Department responsible for the asset being proposed for advertising will lead such reviews and any follow-up to accept or decline the proposal and properly document communication with the proponent.
  • Reserve the right to reject any unsolicited advertising or proposals that have been offered to the City.
  • Determine whether a proponent is required to register discussions relating to an advertising proposal with the City’s Lobbyist Registry. Where interpretation is required, staff will consult with the Lobbyist Registrar.

All agreements between the City of Ottawa and the advertiser:

  • Shall be in writing and shall outline the mutual benefits, terms and duration of the contract.
  • Shall not in any way solicit future consideration, influence or be perceived to influence the day-to-day business of the City.
  • Shall not be regarded as a commitment for future agreements.
  • Do not necessarily represent the City’s endorsement of any product, service, person(s), company, organization, belief, view, or any content contained in the advertisement; and does not constitute information or communication by or on behalf of the City.

All advertising content developed as a part of an agreement with the City of Ottawa:

  • Must comply with federal and provincial statutes, and applicable standards set out by the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards.
  • Are encouraged to be reflective of the City’s equity and inclusion policies, the Accessibility Policy, and Bilingualism Policy.
  • Should be appropriate to the target audience and venue.
  • Must not impact the quality and integrity of the City’s properties, programs, buildings, streetscapes, or digital spaces.

For Advocacy Advertisements

  • Must indicate the source organization paying for the advertising to ensure transparency and avoid perception of City endorsement (e.g., of specific products, political parties or candidates).

Billboard, Digital and Social Media Advertising

  • For digital media agreements, where the City benefits include an opportunity for messaging by City services, negotiations will reflect the need to include bilingual subject matter on City content.
  • Traditional and digital billboard opportunities will be solicited through a competitive procurement process to optimize revenue to the City and negotiate promotional and information opportunities for City services.
  • The Sponsorship and Advertising Unit will be responsible for coordinating the ongoing evaluation and identification of potential City sites for the hosting of billboards, for leading the competitive process to solicit industry bids for these sites, and for negotiating revenue generating agreements.
  • The Sponsorship and Advertising Unit is authorized to select winning bids through the competitive procurement process and implement revenue generating agreements for the installation of static and digital billboards on select City properties.
  • Billboard locations will be selected to fully comply with the provisions of the City’s Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law 2023-67, as amended by 2023-167, and in consultation with Departments responsible for application, interpretation and enforcement of the Bylaw.
  • Approval of minor variances to the Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law will be considered in accordance with the established process outlined in the By-law.

Eligibility and Conditions


Qualified parties for an advertising agreement with the City of Ottawa may proceed in a non- competitive process as long as there is compliance with the provisions of this policy, and when:

  • There are multiple or unlimited opportunities available.
  • Only one suitable advertiser can be identified.
  • The value of the agreement does not exceed the monetary limits set out in the Delegation of Authority By-law.

The City of Ottawa retains the right to implement a competitive process to enter into an advertising agreement for exclusive, unique or limited opportunities.


The City will not enter into advertising agreements with parties that:

  • Are currently in a legal dispute with the City and/or are otherwise disqualified from doing business with the City.
  • Not in good financial standing with the City of Ottawa.
  • Either produce distribute, or promote tobacco, vapour, or water-pipe products.

The City may enter into advertising agreements with parties that either produce distribute, or promote alcohol, or cannabis products if:

  • The agreement is for a program, service or event where the advertising is not provided specifically for individuals under the legal age of consumption.
  • The company does not promote consumption to individuals under the legal age of consumption.
  • The company complies with applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal legislation and policies.


Delegation of Authority

City employees are authorized to enter into advertising agreements that do not exceed their pre-authorized limits identified within Delegation of Authority By-law.

City Departments

  • Are responsible for negotiating, executing, and administering their own agreements within their delegated authority parameters.
  • May solicit advertising opportunities that comply with this policy.
  • Ensure that all relevant City by-laws and policies are adhered to when approving advertising proposals.
  • Ensure that requests for exemptions or scenarios not addressed in this policy are presented to their respective Director and General Manager, who should consult the City’s Sponsorship and Advertising Unit to ensure corporate consistency and appropriate documentation and tracking.
  • Are responsible for submitting annual reporting to the Partnership Manager, Corporate Advertising, Sponsorship and Donation or delegate.

Partnership Manager, Corporate Advertising, Sponsorship and Donation, or Delegate

  • May enter into advertising agreements provided they satisfy all provisions of this policy and Delegation of Authority By-law.
  • Ensure that requests for exemptions or scenarios not addressed in this policy are presented to the employee’s Director and General Manager, who may bring the matter forward to the City’s Sponsorship and Advertising Unit and the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services.
  • Prepare and submit annual reporting as required by the Delegation of Authority By- law

General Managers

  • Approve all advertising agreements for their respective Departments within the General Manager’s delegated authority limits.
  • Identify and seek City Manager approval for advertising opportunities based on the provisions of the Delegation of Authority By-law and when the agreement does not satisfy the conditions of this policy.

City Solicitor

  • Provides legal advice regarding agreements arising from advertising arrangements and other legal or contractual matters.

City Manager

  • Approves all agreements for amounts or set term limits over the General Managers’ delegated authority limits, but within the City Manager’s established delegated authority limits.

City Council

  • Approves this policy and any substantial amendments.
  • Approves advertising agreements that do not satisfy the provisions of this policy or when the City Manager has determined Council authority is preferred prior to consideration of an agreement.



The City’s Sponsorship and Advertising Unit is responsible for providing guidance and reporting on advertising agreements.

For City employees, failure to comply with this policy may result in penalties under the applicable legislation and regulations and/or disciplinary actions under the City of Ottawa Discipline Policy up to and including termination.

For advertisers, contraventions of this policy may result in termination or penalties as outlined in the agreement.


Accessibility Policy
Accessibility Design Standards Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Accountability and Transparency Policy
Bilingualism Policy

Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Related Policies
Communications Policy

Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy
Election-Related Resources Policy

Election-Related Blackout Procedures
Employee Code of Conduct

Equity and Diversity Policy
Lobbyist Code of Conduct
Lobbyist Registry

Social Media Policy
Sponsorship Policy

Visual Identity Usage Policy

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Province of Ontario, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005(link is external) (AODA)
Ad Standards, Canadian Code of Advertising Standards(link is external)

City of Ottawa, Delegation of Authority By-law
City of Ottawa, Lobbyist Registry By-law
City of Ottawa, Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law
City of Ottawa, Procurement By-law

Ontario, Heritage Properties, Ontario Heritage Act(link is external)
Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ontario Human Rights Code(link is external)

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Advertising and Advertisement(s) — Any message, the content of which message is controlled directly or indirectly by the advertiser expressed in any language and communicated in any medium. (Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, October 2016.)

Advocacy Advertisement(s) — Is a promotional message designed to advance, or advocate against, a particular cause or viewpoint, position, perspective or direction on community, social and/or political issues.

Advertising Display Material — The material containing the message displayed on the sign.

Billboard — A large, outdoor, advertising sign on City property that is anchored to the ground and where the image on the sign face is printed on paper, plastic or vinyl and pasted on the sign structure.

City Program — Any activity that is operated by the City and includes any City events.

City Property — All City-owned and controlled properties and facilities, including but not limited to, indoor and outdoor recreation fields; open spaces and boulevards; buildings and rooms; furniture; equipment and fixtures; vehicles; Transit, property and vehicles.

City Media — Any outlet used by the City to carry and deliver advertisements that includes, but is not limited to, direct mail; print (e.g., newspaper, brochure, flyer, magazine); digital media (e.g., web, email, social media, mobile media); television; radio; and billboard or message board.

Digital Billboard — A large outdoor board on City property that displays information or images on a digital or electronic screen.

Digital Screen — An electronic visual display used in City Facilities for the presentation of images, text, or video for participants in City programs and the general public.

Heritage Designated Properties — All City of Ottawa historical buildings, districts and landscapes that are protected under the Ontario Heritage Act(link is external).

Lobby — Any communication with a public office holder by an individual who is paid or who represents a business or financial interest with the goal of trying to influence any legislative action including development, introduction, passage, defeat, amendment or repeal of a by- law, motion, resolution or the outcome of a decision on any matter before Council, a Committee of Council, or a Ward Councillor or staff member acting under delegated authority (City of Ottawa Lobbyist Registry By-law).

Memorandum of Understanding — A formal agreement between two or more parties that expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. An MOU is not typically a legal commitment and is a less formal document than a binding contract. They are used in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement and are often the first step in moving toward a legal contract.

Organization — An organized body of people with a purpose, especially a business, society, association, non-profit etc.

Sign — Any visual medium used to convey information by way of words, pictures, graphics, emblems or symbols; any device used for the purpose of providing direction, information, identification, advertisement, or the promotion of a product, activity, or service; or a mural sign, which may include Digital Billboard Signs, Poster Panel Billboard Signs and Tri-vision Billboard Signs.


For more information on this policy, contact:

Partnership Manager, Corporate Advertising, Sponsorship and Donation Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 24761 opens email application)

Advisory Committees Participation Expense Policy

Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: March 28, 2001
Effective Date: March 28, 2001
Revision Approved By: City Council
Revision/Review Date: December 5, 2018; December 7, 2022

Policy statement

The Participation Expense Policy is a City of Ottawa policy regarding reimbursement of expenses incurred by voting members of Advisory Committees and Built Heritage Committee. Reserve Members are eligible for reimbursements.


The purpose of the Advisory Committee Participation Expense policy is to define what expenses shall be reimbursed. This policy also provides conditions for reimbursements and identifies who is eligible to receive reimbursements, and any applicable limits.


This policy applies to public members of advisory committees and Built Heritage Committee.

Policy requirements

Reimbursement policy

To be eligible for reimbursement for expenses incurred for a particular meeting:

  • The member must be a voting member;
  • The meeting must be an official meeting (defined below);
  • The member’s attendance must be recorded in the confirmed minutes for that meeting; and
  • The member must submit proof of payment as described in this policy.

The following expenses are eligible for reimbursement:

  1. Parking expenses.  Members are encouraged to park at City facilities so that their parking can be validated by the Committee Coordinator. Because proof of payment is required, parking meters that do not issue a ticket or receipt are not eligible.
  2. Dependant care expenses, up to a maximum of $15.00 per hour. The amount payable will be calculated by the start and end time of the meeting, recorded in the confirmed minutes, plus up to a maximum of one hour for traveling time. The calculation is the same regardless of the number of dependents.
  3. Specialized dependant care expenses (for persons with exceptional needs), up to a maximum of $40.00 per hour. The amount payable will be calculated by the start and end time of the meeting, recorded in the confirmed minutes, plus up to a maximum of one hour for traveling time.
    1. Conventional transit single-ride fare / Para Transpo single-ride fare. Conventional transit passes or ParaPasses are not eligible. A bus transfer or copy of a Presto e-Purse usage report must be provided as proof of payment for a conventional transit fare.
    2. A copy of a ParaPurse usage report must be provided as proof of payment for a Para Transpo fare. For cash fares, written details of the trip (including client number, date, time, pick-up and drop-off locations) are also accepted. The details may be validated with Para Transpo Customer Service prior to issuing a reimbursement.
  4. As an accommodation for members with mobility limitations that would ordinarily take Para Transpo, reimbursement of an Accessible Taxi or Private Transportation Company (PTC) fare will be provided if a member is unable to secure Para Transpo. Proof of payment is required.
  5. Mileage for members using a personal vehicle to attend official meetings will be eligible at the rate provided to City of Ottawa staff (currently the rate of $0.54/km). The relevant mileage form must be submitted.
  6. Members are expected to consider the most economical modes of travel as may be practical for their particular situation.

Out of pocket expenses not provided for within this policy are not eligible for reimbursement.

Specifically, the following expenses are not eligible:

  1. Meals or refreshments.
  2. Costs incurred for meetings with Community Groups, Members of Council, staff, citizens or otherwise.  Some form of reimbursement may be available from the meeting's host.  However, as noted under the definition of “official meeting,” below, Chairs may claim eligible expenses listed in Section 1 for meetings where they were requested to attend on behalf of their committee/Commission.
  3. Reimbursement for other expenses incurred to perform the duties of the members will not be eligible, including reimbursement for office supplies, technology or telephone expenses.

Limitations of the Policy

  1. The staff of the Office of the City Clerk shall review and may refuse to reimburse any expenses submitted if they do not comply with this policy.
  2. If a member submits fraudulent claims for participation expenses, the Office of the City Clerk may refuse to reimburse the specific individual; and/or may refer the incident to Corporate Security or the appropriate authorities.


Advisory Committee Members must provide an original receipt or mileage form before they are reimbursed.

All Committee Coordinators are responsible for administering the policy and ensuring that Members who submit expenses comply with the Policy.

In the event of a dispute, the City Clerk, or their designate, shall review the reimbursement request and advise the requesting member of the City Clerk’s final decision.


All reimbursement claims are submitted on a form, which must be authorized for payment by the Manager, Committee and Council Services.

The Office of the City Clerk shall monitor and audit claims on an ad hoc basis to ensure the policy is being applied consistently and to assist in ensuring that reimbursement requests are not fraudulent.

Any fraudulent claims shall be referred to the City’s Corporate Security office and/or other appropriate authority(ies).



Legislative and administrative authorities

Proposed Advisory and Quasi-Judicial Committee and Task Force Structure (ACS2001-CRS-SEC-0016) as approved by City Council March 28, 2001

Status of External Boards, Commissions and Authorities  (ACS2001-CRS-SEC-0015) as approved by City Council March 28, 2001

Status of External Boards, Commissions and Authorities – Update (ACS2002-CRS-SEC-0015) as approved by City Council April 10, 2002

Annual Review of Advisory Committees – Structure, Policies and Process (ACS2002-CRS-SEC-0061) as approved by City Council August 28, 2002

Council Governance Review – 2003-2006 Council (ACS2003-CRS-SEC-0059) as approved by City Council December 3, 2003 and December 10, 2003.

Advisory Committee Procedure By-law, Appointment Policy and Participation Expense Policy Mid-Term Review (ACS2006-CRS-SEC-0005) as approved by City Council January 25, 2006.

2006-2010 Council Governance Review (ACS2006-CMO-OCM-0012) as approved by City Council December 6, 2006

2010-2014 Council Governance Review (ACS2010-CMR-CCB-0106) as approved by City Council December 8, 2010

Advisory Committee Renewal to Support Term of Council Priorities (ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0032) Council September 12, 2012

2018-2022 Council Governance Review (ACS2018-CCS-GEN-0028) as approved by City Council December 5, 2018

2022-2026 Council Governance Review (ACS2022-OCC-GEN-0030) as approved by City Council on December 7, 2022

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Official Meeting: is defined as one of the following:

  • a regular or special meeting of the Advisory Committee, called pursuant to the Advisory Committee Rules of Procedure,
  • a meeting where a motion and/or minutes exist(s) that show the member (typically the Chair) was specifically requested to attend on behalf of the Committee on a day and time outside of a regularly scheduled Advisory Committee meeting;
  • a Standing Committee meeting where an official designate of the Advisory Committee makes a presentation to the standing committee.

Attendance: A public member is present at a meeting if they attend the meeting and their attendance is recorded in the confirmed minutes.

Dependant care with exceptional needs:  A dependant, whether an adult or a child, who has exceptional needs if the member provides a certificate signed by a physician, which states that the dependant requires specialized care during the member's absence from the home.

Disabled persons' expense: is defined as an expense, which must be incurred in order to provide a service without which the Member cannot participate in the meeting because of the Member's disability. Such expenses include the cost of intervenors, interpreters, real-time captioning or Braille text.

Bus Fare/Para Transpo Fare: Any extra single-ride transit fare incurred by a member to attend the meeting.  A bus transfer or receipt is acceptable proof of payment.

Mileage: Mileage claimed shall be validated by the Committee Coordinator on the basis of the shortest distance to and from the meeting from work, home, or the next closest destination of the member.

Parking:  Parking includes the cost of storing a personal vehicle, and excludes parking tickets incurred as a result of parking contraventions.

Reserve Member: means a resident who was approved by Council as a reserve members who may be later appointed to fill a vacancy on the committee for which they are on the reserve list.  A Reserve Member may request to participate in a meeting, but participation is purely voluntary.


For more information on this policy, contact:

Manager, Committee and Council Services
Office of the City Clerk
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 1J1
(613) 580- 2424 – Ext. 28136 opens email application)



Appointment Policy – Council-Appointed Public Members of Committees, Boards and other External Authorities

Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: March 28, 2001
Effective Date: March 28, 2001
Revision Approved By: City Council
Revision/Review Date: December 9, 2020; December 7, 2022; January 29, 2025

Policy statement

The Appointment Policy governs the recruitment and selection process for all Council-appointed public members to various City of Ottawa committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions.


The City of Ottawa is committed to equitable and inclusive participation of the public in boards and committees and other bodies that govern and inform its work.

The City of Ottawa is committed to increasing meaningful and substantive representation by focusing on activities that will promote engagement with a diversity of communities to serve as members on City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions.

To encourage participation, the City will adopt proactive communications, policies and focused recruitment strategies that align with the City’s Accessibility Policy, Women and Gender Equity Strategy, and Anti-Racism Strategy. This proactive approach is adopted with the purpose of reflecting Ottawa’s diverse demography inclusive of Indigenous peoples, members of Black and other racialized communities, persons with disabilities, women, gender diverse people, members of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities, Francophones, as well as French speakers, and speakers of other language groups, and people from rural and urban locations.


  1. The following policy requirements apply for the public member appointments by City Council to City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions where Council is required to make such appointments.
  2. This policy shall not apply to incorporated boards where the City is the sole-shareholder (such as Hydro, Ottawa Community Housing Corporation,) or to boards where the Mayor is delegated the authority to make nominations (such as the Ottawa Airport Authority).
  3. Certain provisions of this policy may not apply where they conflict with the requirements set out in legislation, including but not limited to the Public Libraries Act, Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 and the Conservation Authorities Act. It should also be noted that the Diversity Plan for City Council appointments to the Ottawa Police Service Board and this policy also apply to Council’s appointment or reappointment of a public member to the Ottawa Police Service Board in accordance with the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.

Policy requirements

A. Qualifications of Members

  1. All Council-appointees must be residents of the City of Ottawa and must maintain this qualification during their term of office.
  2. All Council-appointees must be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Employees of the City of Ottawa are not eligible for positions as public members on any City committee or board where Council is required to make such appointments.

B. Term of Office

  1. The term of office is generally two or four years and membership is tied to the Term of Council.  Members are eligible to serve up to eight consecutive years on the same committee or board subject to sections B.2, B.3 and B.5 of this policy. For example, a member may serve two consecutive four-year terms. A member could also serve a two-year term, followed by a four-year term, followed by another two-year term.
  2. A person appointed to fill a partially completed term is appointed to the end of that term of office. Such a member, if initially appointed for one year or less, may be eligible for reappointment(s) for up to eight additional years.
  3. Applicants are required to sit out at least one year after serving eight consecutive years, before being eligible for reappointment on the same committee or board, although they may apply to serve on another Committee or board during that time.
  4. Those members who wish to be reappointed to an additional term must reapply and go through the approved selection process.
  5. Public members may serve on only one committee or board at any one time.
  6. Terms of office, qualifications and membership on some external boards, commissions and authorities or quasi-judicial committees may differ as specifically outlined in their governing statutes or by-laws, which would take precedence over this policy.
  7. The restriction on term limits does not apply to appointments to Conservation Authorities (Report ACS2006-CRS-CCB-0005 approved by Council January 25, 2006).
  8. Members may continue to serve on a committee/board past the expiration of their term until they are re-appointed or replaced (subject to the end-of-term governance review).
  9. Members of any Advisory Committee shall attend at least one orientation session, which includes an overview of equity, anti-racism, gender equity inclusion and accessibility, and participate in any mandatory training as may be required by Council.
  10. Members of any Advisory Committee must read and sign the Advisory Committee members’ Code of Conduct.

 C. Composition

  1. The membership of City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions shall, as much as possible, achieve a balance between a variety of technical expertise, professional and lived experiences, knowledge and other representation.
  2. As much as possible, the membership should reflect the diversity and demographics of the City of Ottawa in such areas as Indigeneity, disability, gender, francophones and other languages, geographic representation and race.
  3. Appointments should be undertaken with a view to achieving the City of Ottawa’s goal to have a 50 per cent representation of women and/or non-binary people, and to have representation from other equity deserving groups including those who identify as Indigenous, Black, racialized, People with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ+ individuals on all City Advisory Committees.

D. Recruitment

  1. The recruitment for the City’s committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions for which members are required, shall be held early in each Term of Council and, if required, at approximately mid-term.
  2. The principles of equity and inclusion for all candidates shall be adopted and implemented by offering clear application deadlines, an inclusive campaign strategy, and selection process with build-in bias awareness, and interviewing procedures using the same questions and same evaluation criteria for all candidates, while integrating inclusive practices to accommodate diverse communication needs and styles.
  3. The recruitment and selection process for public members will include advertisements for interested applicants placed by the Office of the City Clerk, in the daily and/or weekly community newspapers in accordance with the City’s advertising policy as well as on the City’s website. Advertisements will also be distributed throughout Client Service Centres, libraries, and other City and community facilities as resources permit. In addition, an effort will be made to tailor the recruitment process specifically, but not exclusively, to reach community organizations that support diverse members from Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities. The recruitment process may also be targeted to groups that might have qualifications relevant to specific committees. For example, professional associations for architects, professional planners, and lawyers may be targeted, as well as related affinity groups.
  4. The advertisements may include the following information:
    1. Function or brief mandate statement of the entities for which recruitment is taking place;
    2. Frequency and time of meetings and where possible any other expectations for participation of members;
    3. City policies that guide the selection process or the operation of the Committee;
    4. Anticipated time commitment;
    5. Information on how to submit an application;
    6. Requesting applicants apply only for the committees/boards they wish to serve on rather than applying to all;
    7. Indication that an individual can be appointed to serve on only one committee, board, task force, sub-committee, commission or quasi-judicial committee, external board or commission at a time.
    8. The opportunity to have accommodation provided in accordance with human rights or applicable legislation.
  5. Applications:
    1. All applications must outline how the applicant's qualifications, specific skills, interests and background are relevant to the committee.  Applicants may include a written or video statement of work, life and educational experience and/or a resume, but are not required to do so.
    2. All applications will be sent to the Office of the City Clerk to be processed.
    3. All applications will be acknowledged by the Office of the City Clerk.
    4. An initial screening of applications will be conducted.  Only those meeting the qualifications set out in Section A will be brought forward to the next stage.
    5. All applications must be received by the published deadline in order to be considered.
    6. Applicants shall be encouraged to apply for only the committees/boards they wish to serve on rather than applying to many or all.
    7. Should an applicant choose to apply to more than one committee/board, they will be requested to prioritize their preferences.
    8. All applications received during a Term of Council will be held on file for the remainder of that Term of Council.
  6. Selection:
    1. At the outset of each new term of Council, City Council, upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee will appoint a minimum of two members of Council to sit on each Selection Panel to review applications and make recommendations to Council. If necessary throughout the term of Council, the applicable Standing Committee or the Nominating Committee will recommend Selection Panel members to City Council.
    2. The Committee Coordinator for the Committee will provide advice and assistance to the Selection Panel, including provision of resources to support bias-awareness in the selection process.
    3. Each Selection Panel may meet to determine selection criteria based on the specific expertise and experiences needed by the committee, board, external board or commission and the need to reflect the community as detailed under the entity's composition; prepare questions including questions on equity, diversity and inclusion to be asked of each candidate during interviews, and review applications based on these criteria to determine which applicants will be interviewed. It is recommended that each Selection Panel to conduct interviews when considering the appointment of new candidates to a committee or board, as well as those who may be applying for re-appointment. If the Selection Panel elects to proceed with interviews, all applicants considered for appointment must be interviewed, including those applying for re-appointment.
    4. The Selection Panel shall recommend appointments and may recommend a list of reserve members.
    5. In the case of a vacancy during the term, the selection panel may, with a view to maintaining the appropriate demographic and skill balance on the committee as whole:
      1. Select a Council-appointed reserve member (under its delegated authority), and/ or
      2. Recommend that Council appoint any candidate who submitted an application during the current Term of Council.
    6. The Office of the City Clerk shall forward the Selection Panel recommendations through a public report to the relevant Standing Committee and/ or Council.
    7. The Office of the City Clerk shall advise all applicants of the status of their applications, and publish the appointments on the City’s website: Committees and Boards | City of Ottawa.
    8. Should the Selection Panel receive insufficient applications to fill the number of vacancies, the Selection Panel may request that the Office of the City Clerk carry out additional recruitment, extend the application deadline of an ongoing recruitment, and/or undertake a targeted recruitment process that includes outreach to specific organizations.

E. Attendance

  1. Any member of a City committee, board, task force, sub-committee, commission, quasi-judicial committee, external board or commission who is absent from two (2) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the committee, shall be contacted by the committee/board Coordinator to confirm their commitment, and offer any relevant accommodations as required so they can fulfill their commitment.
  2. Should the member miss another consecutive meeting, without being authorized to do so by a resolution of the Committee, the seat shall be declared vacant and the selection panel shall choose a qualified reserve member for that committee/board to fill the vacancy.
  3. If no reserve members remain to fill the position, then the seat shall remain vacant until the next recruitment process.  Recruitment shall only be undertaken at another time than the normal process if the number of members on the committee falls to one above quorum, or there is a need to fill vacancies on numerous committees/boards in that the associated costs and staff resources are justified.
  4. For record and information purposes, the Committee Coordinator will prepare and distribute an "Information Previously Distributed" memorandum to the applicable Standing Committee noting the appointment of the reserve member as a full voting member.

F. Subcommittees/Working Groups

  1. City advisory committees and boards may create subcommittees or working groups to work on specific areas of their mandate.
  2. At least one third of the subcommittee’s or working group’s members must also be a voting committee members of the main committee or board.
  3. Minimal administrative support will be provided to subcommittees and is limited to booking rooms and the provision of material if necessary.


The Office of the City Clerk is responsible for the administration of appointments to Advisory Committees, Boards and Task Forces, and External Boards, Commissions and Authorities, in accordance with this policy. This includes administering requests for accommodation.

Selection Panels are responsible for reviewing and make recommendations to Council in accordance with this policy.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in inconsistent response, coordination and appointment of public members on City of Ottawa committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions. Inconsistent application may hinder the objectives of open, accessible and impartial practice with respect to public member appointments.


Diversity Plan for City Council appointments to the Ottawa Police Service Board

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

2018-2022 Council Governance Review (ACS2018-CCS-GEN-0028) as approved by City Council December 5, 2018

2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review (ACS2020-OCC-GEN-0006) as approved by City Council on December 9, 2020

2022-2026 Council Governance Review (ACS2022-OCC-GEN-0030) as approved by City Council on December 7, 2022

2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review (ACS2025-OCC-GEN-0001) as approved by City Council on January 29, 2025

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.




Enquiries should be directed to:

Office of the City Clerk
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue, West
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 1J1
Tel: (613) 580-2424 ext. 28136 opens email application)



Bilingualism Policy

Reference No: ACS2001-CMS-OCM-0002
Originating Department: Secretariat Services 
Effective Date: May 9, 2001
Revision Date: November 15, 2004
Revision Approved By: Corporate Services
Review Date: May 22, 2015
Review Approved By: Corporate Programs and Business Services

Declaration of Principle

The City of Ottawa recognizes both official languages as having the same rights, status and privileges.

To this end, the City of Ottawa must:

Language of Work

  • Encourage employees to work in the official language of their choice;
  • Provide appropriate language training;
  • Provide assistance to employees who must or wish to write in French;
  • Develop and organize training programs in both official languages.

Language of Service

  • Take the necessary steps to provide at all times the appropriate number of bilingual employees within work units;
  • By appointing employees meeting the language requirements of the unit where the vacancy occurs or by providing language training to new incumbents.

If a unilingual employee hired prior to January 1, 2001, from the former municipalities of the Region of Ottawa-Carleton, Ottawa, West Carleton, Goulbourn, Kanata, Rideau, Nepean, Osgoode, Gloucester, Cumberland, Vanier or Rockcliffe Park, applies for a position designated bilingual and is appointed to that position; the appointment will be for a period of not less than six months; the employee must however undergo language training.

The appointment will be confirmed if it is determined that the employee is able to become, and is making reasonable efforts to become, proficient in the second language; if not, the employee will revert to his/her former classification.

Employees hired after January 1, 2001 and outside candidates must meet the posted language requirements.

The career development of employees hired after January 1, 2001 could be related to their language skills.

Cultural Programs

  • Ensure that cultural programs aimed at one official language group be developed by employees having full knowledge of the appropriate culture.


  • The Secretariat Services Branch (French Language Services Division) will follow up on citizens' complaints concerning services in both official languages.


  • That all documents published by the City of Ottawa or its agencies and intended for the public (internal and external), be published in both official languages.

General Policy


General Policy
R. 1 That the City of Ottawa reiterate the bilingual character of the City as well as equality of rights and privileges for both linguistic groups in light of services offered.
R.1.1 That the City reaffirm to the community and to its employees its commitment to bilingualism and that it develop a plan and measures for furthering its policy on bilingualism.
R.1.2 That the Department of Human Resources continue to use the report "Bilingualism Policy - Work Units" as a work instrument, and that appropriate guidelines be developed.
R.1.3 That the General Manager, Human Resources be responsible for the development of this action plan and related measures.
R.1.4 That the General Manager, Human Resources, be responsible for the development of regulations and guidelines and the implementation of linguistic policies affecting employees.
R.1.5 That the City Manager submit a report indicating the appropriate cost of carrying out the recommendations contained in this policy.
R.1.6 That the City Manager, the General Managers, directors and managers all be accountable for the implementation of this action plan and related measures. That each year, the General Manager of each department prepare an annual plan on official languages describing the accomplishments during the last twelve months, submit plans or goals for the next twelve months and that they be approved with or without amendments, by City Council and made public.
R.1.7 That the General Manager, Human Resources submit progress reports on the implementation of the bilingualism policy.
R.1.8 That the City of Ottawa inform the community of the availability of services.
R.1.9 That the City distribute to employees the information pertaining to the City's Policy on bilingualism and its provisions dealing with their rights and obligations. That the English and French languages be accepted as languages of work within the municipal administration.
R.1.9.1 That the City inform its employees of this section and that it encourage them to use both official languages in their work.
R.1.9.2 That employees who have the opportunity, and are able to do so, be encouraged to use French on the job.
R.1.10 That Francophone employees working in related fields at the City be strongly encouraged to meet on a formal basis to discuss programs that could result in better services to the population.
R.1.11 That each Department with whom the public has contact have a bilingual capacity in order to provide services in both official languages.
R.1.11.1 That an assessment of needs in this area be undertaken.
R.1.11.2 That the City actively promote its services in both official languages.
R.1.12 That City Council reiterate its wish to offer to both official language groups comparable services and programs in their mother tongue and take the necessary action to achieve this objective.
R.1.12.1 That the quality and level of services provided in French be equal to those in English.
R.1.13 That work instruments (circulars, books and texts required for performance of duties) be made available simultaneously in both official languages.
R.1.14 That the City of Ottawa lobby provincial authorities so that legal documents, regulations and legislation be available in French and that the French text be recognized as legal at the local level.
R.1.15 That the necessary action be taken to ensure that action taken by City Council in French is recognized officially in French.
R.1.16 That each of the employee associations and unions be consulted as detailed plans are developed for the implementation of the recommendations in this report.
R.1.17 That City Council clearly give the mandate to its delegates on the Police Services Board to present in the form of recommendations all relevant aspects of the bilingualism policy adopted by City Council and to ensure that appropriate mechanisms of application are developed or implemented.
R.1.17.1 That annual performance appraisals include language objectives for employees occupying positions requiring a second language in order to evaluate progress in language training of employees who have been confirmed in their positions without first having met the language requirements of those positions.
R.1.17.2 That annual employee performance appraisals and departmental assessments reflect progress made in implementing the policy, and that quarterly and annual reports include statements on progress.
R.1.18 That policies respecting bilingual postings and publications apply to all purchase of service groups providing services directly to the public and to community associations and groups whose activities are funded by the City of Ottawa at a rate of more than 30%. Such groups are to provide a minimum of bilingual personnel at the activity site.
R.1.18.1 That a clause respecting the spirit of this section be included in agreements with associations receiving grants from the City of Ottawa and in contracts signed by the City where appropriate in accordance with the intent of this policy.
R.1.18.2 That adherence/compliance of this section be monitored.
R.1.19 That the City of Ottawa establish an Advisory Committee on French Language Services with a mandate to advise the municipal administration and Council with regard to the implementation of the Policy on bilingualism.
R.1.20 It is understood that these recommendations deal with the use of the two official languages. The City also recognizes the need of adapting its services to the needs of other language and cultural groups as the need arises and as the multi-cultural face of this community changes.

Language Training

Language Training
R.2 That the City of Ottawa clearly identify funds spent on language training for elected representatives.
R.2.1 That the City of Ottawa advise all its employees of the opportunities for language training.
R.2.2 That each year the municipal administration encourage its unilingual employees to acquire second language skills and advise them of available programs.
R.2.2.1 That the priority for language training be given to work units whose main functions involve:
  1. communicating with the public;
  2. advising other employees;
  3. providing services essential to the effective operation of other Departments (administrative services, central registry, etc.).
R.2.2.2 That language training be given to intermediate and senior staff in order to ensure that the following goals are met:
  1. service to the public in both official languages at all levels;
  2. the use of both official languages in the work place.
R.2.3 That the City offer each year to some employees who have attained level 3 in the second official language, the opportunity to take during their working hours courses given by the City of Ottawa or other public organizations.
R.2.4 That all employees who have reached levels 1 to 3 (proficiency levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced) in the second language be reimbursed any fees paid for courses taken after working hours and completed in any educational institution.
R.2.5 That the Organizational Effectiveness Branch provide assistance to employees who either want or need to use written French. (This will help make cost effective use of existing resources).
R.2.6 That concrete measures be developed to ensure that employees registered for language training and occupying positions having a bilingual requirement use their second language at work. (The Organizational Effectiveness Branch could elicit the cooperation of Francophones within the work units to support the training program by providing employees with opportunities to use their French or by providing work instruments in French).
R.2.7 That the City adopt specific language training policies and procedures.
R.2.8 That the municipal administration look into ways of improving language skills of employees at level 3, i.e., time-off with partial day, personnel exchanges between cities of Montreal and Ottawa, etc.
R.2.9 That the City of Ottawa encourage meetings to be chaired by bilingual persons, so that civic employees be able to use the official language of their choice at internal meetings, and depending on the type of meeting, that interpretation services be provided.

Professional Training

Professional Training
R.3 That professional training and development programs necessary for employee competence on the job be available in both official languages (either through courses given by the City or through other organizations).
R.3.1. That courses could be given in both official languages or in either of them. (It is assumed that over a number of years all successful courses of significance will be offered in both official languages).
R.3.2 That courses offered in French be equal in quality to those in English.
R.3.3 That employees be advised of the availability of these services and use of these services be encouraged.
R.3.4 That courses be provided in French even if registration is low to allow time for habits to change.
R.3.5 That employees be encouraged to take their career development training in their second official language.
R.3.6 That in the short term Francophones be encouraged to take courses in French.
R.3.7 That guidelines be devised concerning the use of these services.

Work Units

Work units
R.4 That those units whose primary function is to deal directly with the public on a full-time basis, have a full complement of bilingual staff or at least that the majority be bilingual.
R.4.1 That each work unit at the City representing a separate and specific service to the public and/or employees be able to communicate in both official languages at all times.
R.4.2 That this bilingual capacity in each work unit be available at all levels including management, administration officers and support staff.
R.4.2.1 That the City of Ottawa redistribute its human resources more adequately and inform the public of this.
R.4.2.2 That the availability of services be ensured by judicious distribution of bilingual human resources.
R.4.2.3 That use of services in both official languages be actively promoted.
R.4.2.4 That the media be used to inform the public.
  1. That all Executive and Senior Management Group positions be designated bilingual.
  2. That the City Manager set a target to achieve a 50% rate of bilingualism among all incumbents of Executive and Senior Management Groups by January 1, 2004.
  3. Current incumbents who could not achieve level 3 proficiency in oral interaction and reading at least three (3) years prior to their earliest possible retirement date at full pension would be excluded from calculations in the achievement of the 50% target.
R.4.3 That with respect to services delivered in neighborhood and interacting with the community (i.e., community centres, planning offices) staff language skills will match neighborhood language needs. Where one official language group predominates in a neighborhood, civic employees with ability in the dominant language will be employed. Where both official groups represent significant portions of a neighborhood population, bilingual staff will be employed.
R.4.4 That all positions with a wide range of activities related to cultural programs directed to either of the two cultural groups be staffed by employees of the respective cultural group.
R.4.4.1 That all work units with a wide range of activities related to cultural programs directed to either of the two cultural groups be sufficiently staffed by employees having full knowledge of the appropriate cultural group.
R.4.4.2 That young people and senior citizens be given priority in the delivery of services.
R.4.4.3 That special effort be made so that Francophones in the Fire Services Branch have the opportunity of working in French and so that the Francophone communities can receive services in French. This program is to be developed and implemented in close collaboration with the Fire Fighters Association and so as to maintain the safe operation of the service.
R.4.4.4 That firefighters work in the language of their choice but that each group always have at least one firefighter who can communicate in both official languages.
R.4.4.5 Since the safety of the public is a prime consideration, that City Council see that this section is put into effect as soon as possible.
R.4.4.6 That bilingual firefighters be assigned to strategically located fire stations.
R.4.4.7 Allowing for the different work shifts, that there always be a bilingual person on duty.
R4.4.8 This section shall not apply to the volunteer firefighters component of the Fire Service.

Written Communication

Written communications
R.5 That civic employee records be kept in the official language of their choice.
R.5.1 That employees be advised of this possibility.
R.5.2 That all documents published by the City or its agencies and addressed to the public appear in both official languages (instructions, regulations, municipal by-laws, etc.).
R.5.3 That publications be made available in both official languages simultaneously or in the language of the target group (i.e., schedule of courses in French).
R.5.4 That all written communication from the General Managers and Department of Human Resources to a number of employees and any other general circular be in both official languages.
R.5.4.1 That all other written communication may be in either official language of the choice of the writer.
R.5.5 That supervisors' memos addressed to employees of both language groups be written in both official languages.
R.5.6 That these documents always be printed side by side or back to back, except in the cases of maps, plans, or similar documents which do not lend themselves to this type of printing.
R.5.7 That the agendas of City Council meetings and its committees be available in both official languages.
R.5.8 That the publicity relating to programs and services offered to the public always be in the language of the said program.
R.5.8.1 That those responsible for the programs and services ensure the accuracy of the information and coordinate its dissemination.
R.5.8.2 That the Secretariat Services Branch see to the application or coordination of this item by ensuring that advertised, and related information, actually exists.
R.5.9 That all signs on City property or that of its agencies be bilingual or make use of international symbols.
R.5.9.1 That signs be replaced as required.


R.6 Subject to R.6.3 below, it is to be made clear that the language requirements of various positions will be fulfilled by training of the present incumbent when the incumbent does not meet language requirements, and in no instance will employees be terminated or suffer reduction in salary or wages for not meeting job language requirements.
R.6.1 That the City ensure that prospective employees of both language groups enjoy the same job and career opportunities within the municipal administration and that it implement mechanisms to meet these objectives and that implementation of mechanisms be referred to employee associations for suggestions and report back to the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee.
R.6.2 That language capability be an integral part of any resource and career planning that the Corporation may adopt.
R.6.3 That the City make every effort to appoint bilingual people to all management positions and especially those of General Manager.
R.6.3.1 That
  1. effective immediately, all external candidates considered for Level 1 to 3 management positions be bilingual. Any exceptions, after having undertaken a comprehensive recruitment effort, shall require Council approval.
  2. prior to December 31, 2009, all internal candidates who are not bilingual and who are promoted to Level 1 to 3 management positions be required to take second language training to meet the language requirements of the position.
  3. as of December 31, 2009, bilingualism be considered a prerequisite for any internal promotion to a designated bilingual position within Level 1 to 3 management groups. Any exceptions, after having undertaken a comprehensive recruitment effort, shall require Council approval.
  4. Internal candidates promoted to Level 1 to 3 management positions pursuant to paragraphs (ii) and (iii) who could not achieve level 3 proficiency in oral interaction and reading at least three (3) years prior to their earliest possible retirement date at full pension would be exempted from meeting the language requirements of the position.
R.6.4 That where in any of the work units recommended by the Senior Management Team and approved by Council there is a deficiency in the number of employees who meet the bilingual requirement of the unit, the deficiency is to be corrected in the following manner:
  1. subject to R.6.6 below, by the appointment of a sufficient number of persons with a bilingual capability to vacancies that may arise from time to time in the work units, and
  2. by the provision of language training to a sufficient number of employees in the work unit.
R.6.5 That appointments involving employees recruited from outside the City, personnel be subject to the same conditions as applied in the case of appointments involving internal employees.
R.6.6 That where under R.6.4 i) a vacant position is to be filled in a work unit that has a deficiency in the number of employees who meet the bilingual requirement of the work unit, and application for the position is made by an employee who (i) has been in the continuous full-time employment of the former Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, or any of the former area municipalities, since before January 1, 2001, and (ii) does not have the required bilingual capacity:
  1. the employee may be appointed to the position but on an acting basis for a period of not less than six months and not more than twelve months on the understanding that he/she will be provided with and will undertake the required language training;
  2. the employee's appointment to the position will be confirmed if, following six months of training, it is determine that the employee is able to become, and is making reasonable efforts to become, proficient in the second language; and
  3. the employee will revert to his/her former classification and salary whenever it is determined that he/she is not able to become, or is not making reasonable efforts to become proficient in the second language.
R.6.7 That the scheduling of the provision of language training to City employees with respect to R.6.4 ii) above be made in the context of the availability of language training facilities and the degree of priority assigned to the bilingual requirement of the work unit as recommended by the Senior Management Team and approved by Council.
R.6.8 That employees who have already become or subsequently become full-time continuous employees of the City of Ottawa on or after January 1, 2001, be informed that their career development with the City could well be related to their proficiency in both official languages, and that they be encouraged to acquire this proficiency.
R.6.9 That cultural programs aimed at one official language group be designed by employee(s) of that same cultural group.
R.6.9.1 That cultural programs aimed at one official language group be designed by employees having full knowledge of the appropriate culture.
R.6.9.2 That in this regard, civic departments, when filling a vacancy in a work unit that provides cultural programs and reviewing the draft job description prepared by the Classification Unit of the Human Resources Department, will give particular attention to the need to identify the cultural component of the job and the required knowledge of the appropriate culture.
R.6.10 That Human Resources Department develop and administer a comprehensive set of tests to assess effectively the knowledge of both official languages of all candidates for positions designated bilingual and that only those having the required language skills be considered.
R.6.10.1 That all tests administered to determine candidates skills and competence be available in both official languages.
R.6.10.2 That candidates be advised that some tests are available in the language of their choice.
R.6.10.3 That a work plan and time frame be established for the translation of other tests.
R.6.11 That all selection boards set up in view of filling a bilingual position be composed of a bilingual staff to allow candidates to use the language of their choice.
R.6.11.1 That guidelines be established with respect to the composition of selection boards.
R.6.11.2 That candidates be advised of this policy.
R.6.12 That hiring and promotion of staff at the City of Ottawa shall continue to be according to the merit principle. Notwithstanding other provisions of this policy, decisions about the hiring and promotion of staff are, subject to any applicable collective agreement or contract of employment, based on the ability of the candidate to perform the duties of the position applied for and the suitability of the candidate for that position.


R.7 That the City establish an adequate Translation and Revision Section.
R.7.1 That the Secretariat Services Branch (French Language Services Division) carry out an analysis and evaluation of these services on a regular basis.
R.7.2 That adequate human resources be made available to ensure a reasonable turnaround time.
R.7.3 In order to ensure fast, quality service at a reasonable cost, that the use of freelance translators, revisers or interpreters be considered, and that a directory of such resources be compiled.
R.7.4 That the City of Ottawa set priorities and requirements with regards to translation.
R.7.5 That the City of Ottawa adopt a policy on the use of translation and interpretation services.
R.7.6 That a precise policy be established with respect to:
  1. general access to services (translation and interpretation);
  2. general revision and revision of previously translated documents;
  3. standardization of terminology.
R.7.7 That use of these services be encouraged and that employees be informed of their existence and the policies governing their use.
R.7.8 That the City of Ottawa be selective in its use of translation and that the section concentrate on revision and editing of texts as the requirements for translation decrease.

Language of Supervision

Language of supervision
R.8 The policy that civic employees be supervised in the official language of their choice be a long term objective to which the City move in a gradual, practical manner.
R.8.1 That services provided to staff (salary, counselling, etc.) be available in the official language of the employees.


R.9 That a follow-up procedure be established for handling complaints and for receiving comments and suggestions; and that the City make the general public aware of this procedure.


  • Career Management Centre
  • Staffing and Recruitment Policy
  • Corporate Tool Kit

Legislated and Administrative Authorities

  • City of Ottawa Act, Ontario, 1999
  • French Language Services Act, Ontario, 1989
  • City Council, May 9th, 2001
  • City Council, February 27th, 2002
  • City Council, November 27th, 2002

Key Word Search

  • Bilingualism
  • Francophone
  • Professional training
  • Work instruments
  • Work units


For more information on this policy, contact:

French Language Services Branch
Office of City Clerk
City of Ottawa opens email application)

Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: Office of the Integrity Commissioner and Office of the City Clerk
Approval Date: May 8, 2013
Effective Date: July 1, 2013
Revision Date: February 1, 2021 (Housekeeping revisions); December 14, 2022

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to conducting City business in an open and transparent manner. The Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy balances the role of Members of Council as civic leaders with the need to both provide transparency regarding their involvement in community and benevolent activities and carry out their community service in a manner that promotes public confidence.


This policy provides guidance to Members of Council on soliciting and accepting donations and sponsorships for Member-organized community events and supporting benevolent events.


This policy applies to all Members of Council.


This policy supplements the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and the Council Expense Policy and is not intended to affect the entitlement of a Member of Council to:

  • Use their Constituency Services Budget to run or support community events subject to the terms of the Council Expense Policy;
  • Urge constituents, businesses and other groups to support community events staged by others in the Member’s ward or elsewhere in the city;
  • Play an advisory or membership role in any organization staging community events in the Member’s ward; and
  • Participate with the City and its agencies in staging of community events.

Policy requirements

Council Member-organized community events

There are cases where Members seek and receive donations or sponsorships to organize events that benefit their ward, the city or a local charity. For the purposes of this and related policies, these are termed ‘benevolent activities’. Where Members undertake a benevolent activity, Members shall:

  • Open a City account with the Program Manager, Council Support Services;
  • Account for all funds, goods and services donated, including a list of all individuals and organizations who donated;
  • Account for all expenses and distributions undertaken for that activity;
  • Not solicit or accept donations from lobbyists or their clients or their employees with active registrations in the City's Lobbyist Registry without pre-approval from the Integrity Commissioner;
  • Not use any funds, goods or services received for the benevolent activity for any other purpose;
  • Report on these activities as part of Public Disclosure, in a manner and for prescribed by the City Clerk, on an annual basis in recognition of the fact that preparation for a benevolent activity can take several months; and
  • In an election year, a Member of Council must not seek donations and sponsorships for any community event that has not been staged in the previous two years nor accept donations or stage any new community event supported by donations and sponsorships after they have filed nomination papers for election to any office in the City of Ottawa. Exemptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the Integrity Commissioner.
    A community event is considered to have been staged in the previous two years if it meets the following criteria:
    • has a very similar, if not the same, event name/title
    • takes place at approximately the same time
    • has the same general purpose;
  • In the case of repeat annual events, a reasonable operational amount may carry over to a subsequent year; and
  • At end of a Member’s term, any funds remaining in such accounts shall revert to the appropriate charity or organization or to the Council Administration Budget in the same manner as a surplus of a Member’s Constituency Budget as the case may be.

Support for benevolent activities and events

Members of Council are called upon to assist and support various charities, service clubs, and other non-profit and community-based associations. For example, Members support their communities in a variety of ways including, but not limited to:

  • accepting honourary roles in organizations;
  • lending their names to organization and events to assist in fundraising; and
  • encouraging community and corporate donations to registered charitable, not-for-profit, or other community-based groups.

As civic leaders and public office holders, Members of Council supporting community endeavours and projects must also exhibit transparency with their involvement and carry out their community service in a manner that promotes public confidence. Members of Council shall not use the influence their office for any other purpose than the lawful exercise of their official duties and for municipal purposes.

When considering whether to support a third party by organizing a fundraiser or benevolent event Members of Council shall disclose all material facts to the Integrity Commissioner and obtain a written opinion from the Integrity Commissioner approving the activity, which concludes that the Member does not have a conflict between their private interest and public duty.

In circumstances where the Integrity Commissioner has provided a written opinion approving the activity, the Member shall:

  • Ensure that they or their staffs do not directly solicit any funds, nor that they receive any funds that are solicited by the organization;
  • Ensure that all donations shall be payable directly to the organization and all in kind donations will go directly to the organization;
  • Ensure that their commitment and support does not require significant staff time and/or City resources;
  • Not participate directly in decisions on the disbursement of funds or in the determination of the beneficiaries of the funds and remain at arm’s length from the financial aspects of these external events without pre-approval from the Integrity Commissioner; and
  • Ensure that if more than $25,000 in funds net of expenses is raised, the organization is encouraged to publicly disclose audited statements, which should include a list of receipts, expenses, donors and disbursements to beneficiaries.


Members of Council are required to adhere to this policy and its governing provisions.

The Integrity Commissioner will provide guidance when requested, as set out in the policy.


The Integrity Commissioner shall be responsible for receiving complaints and/or concerns related to this policy. Upon receipt of a complaint and/or concern, the Integrity Commissioner shall respond to the complaint and/or concern accordingly.

Where there is a discrepancy between the Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy and the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, the language of the Code prevails.


Code of Conduct for Members of Council

Council Expense Policy

Election-Related Resources Policy

Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures

Lobbyist Registry By-law

Legislative and administrative authorities

Section 223.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes City Council to assign functions to the Integrity Commissioner in respect of:

  1. The application of any procedures, rules and policies of the municipality and local boards governing the ethical behaviour of members of council and of local boards.

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Benevolent activity: An event or cause in which funds are raised for charity and not for profit.

Donation: A voluntary gift (i.e. financial contribution) for which the donor receives no direct benefit of any kind.

In-kind donation: A voluntary gift of goods or services for which the donor receives no direct benefit of any kind.

Sponsorship: A financial contribution to an event, recognized by the Member in publications and/or in the course of the event.


Integrity Commissioner
Office of the Integrity Commissioner

City of Ottawa
Telephone: 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401)

Email: opens email application)

Comprehensive Asset Management Policy

Comprehensive Asset Management Policy [ PDF - 396 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Policy Statement

The City of Ottawa shall adopt and apply recognized asset management (AM) practices in support of delivering services to its customers.


The objective of this policy is to detail the AM program principles with the aim of:

  • Striving to deliver services at approved levels of service;
  • Improving decision-making accountability and transparency;
  • Better demonstrating the long term consideration of short term decisions;
  • Improving customer service;
  • Reducing the life cycle costs while maintaining acceptable levels of service; and
  • Linking infrastructure investment decisions to service outcomes.


Comprehensive Asset Management (CAM) is an integrated business approach involving planning, finance, engineering, maintenance and operations geared towards effectively managing existing and new infrastructure to maximize benefits, reduce risk and provide safe and reliable levels of service to community users. This is accomplished in a socially, culturally, environmentally and economically conscious manner.

CAM relies on four key organizational components integrating together to achieve the desired service outcomes: well planned strategies, good physical assets, highly trained professionals with respect to practices and procedures, and integrated business processes. These components, supported by appropriate technologies, provide a robust foundation for efficient service delivery.


The CAM Policy applies to all physical assets of the city, such as roads, sidewalks, bridges, transitway, railways, watermains, sewers, stormwater ponds, pumping stations, reservoirs, treatment plants, landfills, fleet, IT systems, buildings, parks, housing, art and trees.

Comprehensive Asset Management Program

The CAM Program encompasses all aspects of the management of each asset through its lifecycle in that it:

  • Integrates with the Corporate Planning Framework to complement the strategic objectives of the City, other key business systems, legislation, and regulations;
  • Creates a framework that establishes the mechanism for a clear line of sight between our AM program and Corporate objectives and strategies; and
  • Commits to providing approved levels of service for present and future customers and communities, in the most effective and efficient way, through the planning, design, construction, acquisition, operation and maintenance, renewal, and disposal of assets.

The basis for our asset related decisions are:

  • Anchored on the four pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental, social and cultural - that support the City’s long-term sustainability goals approved by Council
  • Based on applying “the right intervention, on the right asset, at the right time” recognizing risk and the City’s fiscal constraints; and
  • Founded on a sustainable approach to ensure that asset base increases or enhancements consider the impact on the ability of the City to fund future maintenance and rehabilitation.

Policy Statements

The CAM objectives are achieved through the application of the following guiding principles:

Customer Focused

The City will have clearly defined Levels of Service and applying asset management practices to maintain the confidence of customers in how City assets are managed.

Forward looking

The City will make the appropriate decisions and provisions to better enable its assets to meet future challenges, including changing demographics and populations, customer expectations, legislative requirements, technological and environmental factors.

Service Focused

The City will consider all the assets in a service context and taking into account their interrelationships as opposed to optimizing individual assets in isolation.


The City will manage the asset risk associated with attaining the agreed levels of service by focusing resources, expenditures, and priorities based upon risk assessments and the corresponding cost/benefit recognizing that public safety is the priority.

Value-Based / Affordable

The City will choose practices, interventions and operations that aim at reducing the life cycle cost of asset ownership, while satisfying agreed levels of service. Decisions are based on balancing service levels, risks, and costs.


The City will take a comprehensive approach that looks at the “big picture” and considers the combined impact of managing all aspects of the asset life cycle.


The City will adopt a formal, consistent, repeatable approach to the management of its assets that will ensure services are provided in the most effective manner.


The City will continually improve its asset management approach, by driving innovation in the development of tools, practices, and solutions.

Policy Direction

To meet the goals and objectives of this policy, Senior Management will:

  1. Create and maintain a Comprehensive Asset Management (CAM) Governance Structure to lead the development of AM tools and practices and to oversee their application across the organization.
  2. Adopt a Comprehensive Asset Management Strategy to:
    1. Establish, document and continually adhere to industry recognized asset management protocols;
    2. Define levels of service that balance customer expectations with risk, affordability and timing constraints;
    3. Adopt risk-based decision-making processes that consider the likelihood of asset failure and the consequence of a failure with regards to impacts on safety and levels of service;
    4. Develop asset management knowledge and competencies aligned with recognized competency frameworks;
    5. Entrench lifecycle costing when evaluating competing asset investment needs across City assets; and
    6. Monitor the performance of the assets and track the effectiveness of AM practices with a view to continuous improvement.
  3. Where practical, strive to go beyond minimum legislative solutions as an enabler to make City assets more resilient to changing social, environmental and economic conditions.
  4. Seek funding and service delivery opportunities to address infrastructure investment pressures.
  5. Provide regular updates to Council on the state of the City’s assets and forecasted trends (typically aligned with tabling of the Long Range Financial Plans).

Key Strategic Comprehensive Asset Management Documents

The following key strategic CAM documents, in addition of the Long Range Financial Plans, form part of the City’s overall approach to asset management:

  • Comprehensive Asset Management Policy: This document establishes Council’s expectations around the management of the City’s physical assets. It is to be approved by Council.
  • Comprehensive Asset Management Strategy: This document defines Senior Management’s commitment and approach to achieving the Council approved policy..
  • Customer Levels of Service: This document defines the level to which assets are to be maintained to achieve defined levels of service. These are to be approved by Council.
  • Asset Management Plans: These document how assets are being managed through their lifecycle in support of the delivery of services. These are to be approved at the Departmental Management level for all service areas.
  • State of the Asset Report: This document provides information on the state of the City’s physical assets which can then be referenced when making infrastructure asset investment decisions as part of the annual budget and long range financial planning processes. This is to be submitted to Council for information.


Comprehensive Asset Management Framework [ PDF - 411 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Council Expense Policy

Approved By: City Council 
Category: City Clerk
Approval Date: May 8, 2013
Effective Date: July 1, 2013
Revision Date(s): February 1, 2021; December 7, 2022; January 29, 2025

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to exercising fair, transparent and responsible financial practices with respect to the finances and expenditures that support elected officials in fulfilling their statutory duties.


The Council Expense Policy provides guidance to Members of Council on expenditures that support the Member in fulfilling their statutory duties as an elected official.

The Constituency Services Budget is intended to provide Members of Council with the resources to:

  • Administer their offices at City Hall and in their wards to support their role;
  • Conduct meetings and communicate with their constituents and other stakeholders;
  • Support and promote activities or community groups within their ward and in the community at large; and
  • Represent the City at functions, events or conferences.

The policy is intended to:

  • Provide Members of Council with the flexibility to allocate resources in the most efficient way to meet their own particular requirements;
  • Clarify the processes that Members and their staff use to administer their budgets by simplifying and outlining the rules; and
  • Recognize Members’ accountability for managing City resources allocated to them.


This policy applies to all Members of Council, their staff and officers and employees of the corporation.

The following principles should be applied when interpreting this policy:

  1. Autonomy of Council
  • City Council, as the decision-making body of the City, is separate and distinct from the City administration; and
  • The autonomy of Council is provided for in the Municipal Act, 2001.
  1. Integrity of Council
  • The integrity of City Council as a whole and the offices of the Members must be protected; and
  • The interest of City Council as a whole takes precedence over the personal interest of individual Members of Council.
  1. Accountability
  • Members are the stewards of City resources and are ultimately accountable to the public and their constituents for the type and level of expenses they incur;
  • Since Members use public funds when they perform their duties, the public expects public funds to be used solely for fulfillment of their public duties;
  • Members’ expenses should be reasonable and reflect what the public expects of an elected official; and
  • Members’ business expenses and personal expenses must be kept separate.
  1. Transparency
  • The public has a right to know how public funds allocated to Members are spent; and
  • The public’s right to Members’ expense information must be balanced against the need to protect privacy and personal information and allow time for proper accounting and reconciliation of expenses.
  1. Flexibility and limits
  • Members require flexibility to perform their roles, operate their offices and pursue their public interests;
  • Members engage their communities differently;
  • Expenditures must not conflict with rules set out in other related legislation and policies (for example, the Election-Related Resources Policy); and
  • All accounting, audit and Income Tax Act, Excise Tax Act principles and rules must be followed.

Exemptions to this policy may be granted in writing by the City Clerk, in consultation with the Integrity Commissioner as necessary.

Guiding legislation

The guiding legislation for the Council Expense Policy is the Municipal Act, 2001. Section 224 of the Act describes the role of City Council:

  • To represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the municipality;
  • To develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the municipality;
  • To determine which services the municipality provides;
  • To ensure that administrative policies, practices and procedures and controllership policies, practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of council;
  • To ensure the accountability and transparency of the operations of the municipality, including the activities of the senior management of the municipality;
  • To maintain the financial integrity of the municipality; and
  • To carry out the duties of council under this or any other Act.

Section 225 further describes the role of the Mayor as Head of Council:

  • To act as Chief Executive Officer of the municipality;
  • To preside over council meetings so that its business can be carried out efficiently and effectively;
  • To provide leadership to the council;
  • To provide information and recommendations to the council with respect to the role of council to ensure administrative, accountability and transparency policies are in place;
  • To represent the municipality at official functions; and
  • To carry out the duties of the head of council under this or any other Act.

Policy requirements

  1. Budget allocation and administration

(a) Budget allocation
Constituency Services Budget for Members of Council

Members of Council are provided with a Constituency Services Budget with which to run their offices. Expenses include items such as community events, contributions, donations and sponsorship, office supplies and staffing. Members of Council cannot exceed their annual Constituency Services Budget. Any over-expenditure is the personal responsibility of the Member and to be paid personally by the Member. There is no carry-over of deficits or surpluses from one year to the next.

Where it appears that a Member’s Constituency Services Budget may be overspent, the City Clerk or designate will advise the Member in writing as soon as a risk is identified and, in conjunction with the Program Manager, Council Support Services, or the Program Manager, Mayor Support Services, as appropriate, work towards resolving the matter with the Member.

Council Administration Budget

The budget for the elected officials is overseen by the City Clerk. Under the direction of the Manager, Governance, Elected Officials and Business Support, the Council Administration Budget is used to finance a range of items commonly used in the operation of each Office, as well as cover certain other expenses supporting the Council or required by the Municipal Act, 2001. The salary, benefits and transportation allowance of all Members of Council will be drawn from the Council Administration Budget. The Council Administration Budget may also fund travel by Members of Council to conferences, board or committee meetings of municipal organization or similar events in accordance with this policy.

  1. Spending guidelines

Members’ claims for expenses are subject to the following guidelines:

  • Expenses must relate to the business of the City of Ottawa.
  • Members or their authorized staff must sign off on all receipts or invoices with original signatures or by electronic means.
  • Delegated signing authority to a staff member must be documented using a Delegated Signing Authority form, including samples of signatures. The form and signatures shall be provided to Council or Mayor Support Services, as the case may be.
  • Members and their staff cannot claim expenses of a personal nature. Where an invoice contains expenses of a personal nature, Members or their staff must reimburse the City for those personal expenses.
  • Members or their staff must incur the expenses. Expenses incurred by third parties cannot be claimed.
  • No expense shall create a conflict of interest, or the appearance of such a conflict, that may arise through the purchase of goods or services from a family member.
  • To ensure financial integrity, Members of Council must sign off on disbursements/reimbursements directly payable to their staff. Further, the City Clerk or designate must sign off on disbursements/reimbursements directly payable to Members of Council. Where a Member of Council or their staff is requesting reimbursement for an expense, proof of payment must also be submitted.
  • Original receipts must be submitted within 30 days of purchase and no later than the final date for processing payments within a budget month/year as determined by the Finance Services Department. Purchases made using a corporate/purchasing card are subject to their own reporting requirements as set out in Section 3 of this policy.
  • Members and their staff must provide proper documentation for all expenses incurred, including detailed original receipts for all expense claims. Credit card receipts or statements alone are not sufficient and will not be accepted. In the case of an online purchase, a copy of the confirmation must be attached to the claim.
  • Invoices must include a description of the goods purchased or services rendered, the cost, applicable taxes, and HST Registration Number. In the event an HST Registration Number is not provided, Members’ staff are required to contact the vendor to obtain this information. The City of Ottawa receives a rebate for most of the 13-per-cent HST it pays on expenditures, leaving 1.76 per cent of unrecoverable tax that gets charged to the applicable budget. In order to claim this rebate, the HST Registration Number of the vendor is required.
  • Expenses must be charged to the month/year in which they occurred. Expenses cannot be carried forward to different years. Members who charge for goods against the current year must have received the goods and/or services from the vendor before December 31 of that year. It is recognized that certain annual subscriptions (including but not limited to software) may not align with the budget year and Members may choose the most economical option.
  • At the end of the year, when expenses have been incurred but invoices are not yet received, Members must inform the Program Manager, Council Support Services, or the Program Manager, Mayor Support Services, as appropriate, so that a proper liability can be set up. Invoices from previous years that have not been set up as liabilities will not be paid or reimbursed from the previous year’s budget. Payment may be made against the current year’s budget.
  • Any material and intellectual assets purchased through the use of the Constituency Services Budget are the property of the City of Ottawa, not the Member. Original receipts and, where applicable, a photograph of the purchase are required for inventory purposes.
  • Members should keep in mind the general integrity principles set out in the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and may consult with the Integrity Commissioner as required on other matters that may create a real or perceived conflict of interest under the code.
  1. Corporate/Purchasing Cards

Members of Council may obtain a Corporate Card or a Purchasing Card, which provides more flexibility with respect to purchasing goods and services, including travel expenses. The Council Expense Policy shall guide Members’ use of Corporate/Purchasing Cards, as follows.

  • All purchases must be made in accordance with this policy.
  • Notwithstanding any timeline set out under this policy, purchases made using a corporate/purchasing card are subject to their own reporting requirements.
    • Where a purchase is made using a corporate/purchasing card, detailed invoices must be provided to Mayor or Council Support Services, as appropriate, within 15 days from the date of the transaction.
    • Within 30 days of the transaction, Mayor or Council Support Services, as appropriate, shall attach all itemized receipts in US Bank for processing.
    • Corporate/purchasing card transactions have tax implications and late invoices result in a labour-intensive manual process to reconcile.
  • Members of Council and their staff are required to provide itemized receipts for all transactions. Receipts must include a description of the goods purchased or services rendered, the cost, applicable taxes, and HST Registration Number. In the event an HST Registration Number is not provided, Members’ staff are required to contact the vendor to obtain this information. A credit card slip that indicates only the value of the purchase is not an acceptable receipt. Where an itemized receipt cannot be provided, the cardholder shall submit the Use of a Manual Receipt Form to replace the missing receipt. 
    • Where an itemized receipt cannot be provided and the cardholder submits a Use of a Manual Receipt Form, the City cannot claim the HST rebate. As such, the full HST shall be absorbed by the Member’s cost centre.
  • Members of Council and their staff are required to provide sufficient detail to fully explain each purchase on the monthly statement, in keeping with the Public Disclosure requirements set out in this policy.
  • Mayor or Council Support Services, as appropriate, shall reconcile the credit card transactions, ensuring that original receipts are provided, and that transactions are in keeping with this policy. Reconciled transactions are provided to the Finance Shared Services Unit for processing.
  • Where cardholders are not compliant with the requirements set out under this policy, the City Clerk may require mandatory Council Expense Policy training provided by Mayor or Council Support Services, as required. In cases of repeat non-compliance, the corporate/purchasing card may be cancelled.
  1. Ineligible expenses and conditions on expenses

(a) Community events and hospitality

Members of Council can use their Constituency Services Budget to host or attend community events and for hospitality expenses, subject to certain conditions.

Ineligible expenses
  • Alcohol.
  • Where a Member attends or hosts an event, the following must be provided:
    • Name of event;
    • Date and location of the event;
    • Name of host organization, where applicable;
    • Detailed receipts and invoices of any expenses incurred;
    • The name of any individual who attended with the Member, where applicable; and
    • A copy of tickets purchased, where applicable.
  • The Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy provides guidance to Members of Council on soliciting and accepting donations and sponsorships for Member-organized community events and supporting benevolent activities.
  • Donations and sponsorships for Member-organized events in a municipal election year are subject to provisions of the Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy, which is administered by the City of Ottawa’s Integrity Commissioner.
  • Member-organized events that use City resources, including a Member’s Constituency Services Budget, during the blackout period are subject to approval from the City Clerk, or designate, in accordance with the Election-Related Resources Policy and the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures.
  • Attendance at City events by Members of Council during the blackout period is subject to the Election-Related Resources Policy as well as the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures.
(b) Donations and sponsorships

Members of Council may allocate a portion of their Constituency Services Budget to donations and sponsorships for community initiatives, subject to certain conditions and financial limits.

Ineligible expenses
  • Unless otherwise approved by a resolution of Council, contributions to individuals, business or City-funded services and departments are prohibited.
  • The purchase of material assets as a contribution is prohibited.
  • Gifts for Members’ staff or other employees of the City, its agencies, boards, commissions and special purpose bodies are not eligible expenses.
  • Unless otherwise approved by a resolution of Council, contributions are limited to 3.5 per cent of the Member’s annual Constituency Services Budget.
  • Contributions in the form of donations or sponsorships must be accompanied by a request from the organization with details about the mandate of the group and the purpose of the contribution.
  • All donations to charities funded by the Constituency Services Budget shall be accomplished by means of a City of Ottawa cheque, direct deposit or purchasing card payment and any charitable receipt shall be made out to the City of Ottawa. Charitable receipts shall be given to the Program Manager, Council Support Services, or the Program Manager, Mayor Support Services.
  • Personal benefits to specific citizens or businesses (for example, payment of tax penalties, parking tickets, sponsorship of personal travel, etc.) is prohibited.
(c) City-related business travel

Members of Council may travel on City business for various conferences, conventions, seminars, workshops, and meetings.

Where business travel has been approved by a Standing Committee and/or City Council, costs incurred shall be absorbed by the Council Administration Budget. Where travel has not been approved by a Standing Committee and/or City Council, the Member shall pay the cost of the travel through their Constituency Services Budget.

Where travel is funded by the Council Administration Budget, Council Support Services will arrange for all transportation and accommodation logistics. Members who fund travel through the Constituency Services Budget are responsible for all travel arrangements.

Travel funded by an external organization/association or another level government is subject to Section 13 – Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council.

The requirements of the Travel Policy and Travel Procedures do not apply to Members of Council. The Finance Shared Services Unit reviews the travel claims of elected officials only to ensure that tax codes are correct and forwards all original documentation to Payroll.

Ineligible expenses
  • Travel expenses for partner/spouse/family to accompany Member on City-related business travel.
  • Travel reimbursement claims must include confirmed travel dates, transportation invoices (if applicable), original hotel invoices and receipts itemizing room costs and other incidentals (if applicable), conference registration fee confirmation and receipts, and taxi/parking receipts. Where applicable, mileage is paid out in accordance with the MPE Terms and Conditions. Members are not required to provide personal credit card statements to verify spending.
  • Members are eligible for meal and incidental per diem reimbursements while travelling, except any meals that are provided by the conference or meeting in question (for example, many conferences provide lunch but not dinner). Incidentals are paid out for overnight travel only. Members follow the per diem rates established for City of Ottawa employees. Consistent with the applicable rules for staff, a meal allowance is not paid where the meal is provided by the conference and/or transportation carrier.
  • Members are to travel via the most economical option, such as economy class on flights or trains. This requirement can be waived in emergency situations, or with approval from the City Clerk or designate.
  • Members are to provide the Travel Authorization Claim form and receipts to Mayor or Council Support Services, as appropriate, upon return. The Mayor or Council Support Services, as appropriate, will finalize all documentation in accordance with this policy and submit to the Finance Shared Services Unit for processing.
  • To meet Payroll’s fiscal year-end deadline, all travel claims incurred during the year must be submitted no later than the first Monday of December.
  • Members who undertake City-funded travel must submit a report detailing their experiences, what they learned at the conference and how the City’s position or interests were advanced. The report shall be accomplished as an information report or as an Information Previously Distributed report and shall be listed on the agenda for the appropriate Standing Committee. Where more than one Member attends the same conference, a joint report may be submitted to the appropriate Standing Committee.
(d) Advertisements, communications and web services

Members of Council may utilize their Constituency Services Budget for outreach efforts, including advertisements, direct mail, and online communications with constituents, subject to certain conditions.

Ineligible expenses
  • Direct mail and direct marketing expenses for a geographic area outside of a Member’s ward will not be permitted without prior approval from the City Clerk.
  • It is recognized that advertising in mass media and broader circulation publications and some unaddressed postal walks will cross ward boundaries, and these are exempt where outside the control of the Member.
(e) Contracted vendors
  • When a Member of Council procures the services of a contracted vendor, the vendor shall disclose the following matters:
    • Prior and/or ongoing lobbying activity with the City of Ottawa;
    • Any other current employment relationships; and
    • Any real or potential conflicts of interest, including family members or close associates working for the City of Ottawa.
  1. Public disclosure of office expenses

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, the individual office expenses for Members of City Council are publicly disclosed on the City’s website. In addition to the expense amount, set out below are the disclosure requirements for itemized expenses.

(a) Donations and sponsorships
  • The purpose of the donation and sponsorship;
  • The recipient of the donation or sponsorship; and
  • The date of the donation or sponsorship.
(b) Hospitality offered by Members
  • The business purpose and date for the meeting;
  • The name and location of establishment; and
  • Full name of all participants attending meeting must be provided, as well as their affiliation if they are representing an organization or business. The names of individuals receiving hospitality are not confidential. Members are not required to list the names of attendees for community events of a social, protocol or ceremonial nature or events involving large groups (over 10 people), school events or similar events where no City business is transacted or the names of any minors receiving hospitality.
(c) Special events attended by Members
  • Exact name of event;
  • Date and location of the event;
  • Name of host organization, where applicable; and
  • The name of any individual who attended with the Member.
(d) Travel
  • All City-funded travel, including travel funded by the City’s boards and agencies, as well as Members’ travel funded by external bodies such as boards, conservation authorities and municipal associations, is subject to public disclosure requirements.
  • Where the meeting was held, the duration, and the purpose.
  1. Interpretation and exemptions

The City Clerk and Members of Council may consult with the Integrity Commissioner for guidance with respect to individual Member expenses or any interpretation on the application of this policy.

Where the City Clerk and the Integrity Commissioner have been consulted and a determination has been made that expense is appropriate, an exemption may be granted in writing.

  1. Election-year budget restrictions

In a municipal election year, and in relation to a municipal by-election, certain restrictions are placed on Member’s Office budgets and the allowable expenses that can be incurred. These restrictions are set out in the Election-Related Resources Policy and its supporting Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures.


Members of Council and their staff are required to adhere to this policy and its governing provisions.

The City Clerk, or designate, and the Integrity Commissioner, will provide guidance when requested and notifications as required and as set out in the policy.


The City Clerk shall be responsible for receiving complaints and/or concerns related to this policy. Upon receipt of a complaint and/or concern, the City Clerk shall respond to the complaint and/or concern accordingly.


Code of Conduct for Members of Council

Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy

Election-Related Resources Policy

Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures

Councillors’ Office Manual


Advertising – Paid promotion or communications in print, digital or social media including but not limited to Councillors’ columns in local newspapers, social media advertising and advertising at community-based events.

Community event – An event hosted or co-hosted by a Member of Council.

Contribution – Includes donations to or sponsorships of charities and community groups paid from the Member’s Constituency Services Budget.

Donation – A form of contribution. Includes monetary donations to charities or community groups, as well as in-kind donations such as gift cards, raffle prizes and small-value consumable or material goods.

Hospitality – The provision of meals or refreshments, including to Members’ staff and members of the public.

Intellectual asset – Any results or products of research and development activities of any nature (including but not limited to studies, reports, publications and other information products, databases, software) that are paid for out of the Member’s Constituency Services Budget.

Material asset – Physical items or structures purchased from a Member’s Constituency Services Budget. These include property, equipment (such as IT equipment), furniture, appliances.

Professional Services – As defined in the City of Ottawa’s Procurement By-law (200- 50), Professional Services means services requiring the skills of professionals for a defined service requirement or for a specific project related deliverable including but not limited to the areas of engineering, architecture, design, planning, information technology, financial auditing and fairness commissioners.

Non-professional Services – All other services paid for by the Constituency Services Budget including but not limited to office assistance and event support.

Personal expense – An expense that is primarily of personal benefit to the Member of Council or their staff and/or is not related to the business of the City of Ottawa.

Special event – an event in which the Member of Council has participated through the purchase of tickets from their Constituency Services Budget.

Sponsorship – A form of contribution. Money that is given from the Constituency Services Budget to support a particular organization or initiative. Advertising undertaken primarily as a sponsorship for the benefit of the receiving organization is considered a contribution under this policy.


For more information on this policy, contact the City Clerk, Manager, Governance, Elected Officials and Business Support or the Program Manager of Council Support Services.

Council-Staff Relations Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: City Clerk
Approval Date: November 22, 2017
Effective Date: January 1, 2018
Revision Date: February 1, 2021 (Housekeeping revisions); December 7, 2022; January 29, 2025

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa promotes a respectful, tolerant and harassment-free relationship and workplace between Members of Council and the officers and employees of the corporation, guided by the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, the Employee Code of Conduct, the Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy, and the Procedure By-law.


This policy provides guidance on how the City of Ottawa ensures a safe, healthy, respectful, tolerant and harassment-free relationship and workplace between Members of Council and the officers and employees of the corporation.

Subsection 270(1)(2.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to the “relationship between members of council and the officers and employees of the municipality.”

This policy acknowledges that under Part VI.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, the Mayor, as head of council, has the authority to direct staff in writing to:

  1. undertake research and provide advice to the head of council and the municipality on policies and programs of the municipality or of the head of council as they relate to the powers and duties under Part VI.1; and
  2. carry out duties related to the exercise of the power or performance of the duty, including implementing any decisions made by the head of council under Part VI.1.


This policy applies to all Members of Council and officers and employees of the corporation.

Policy requirements

The relationships between Members of Council and the officers and employees of the corporation are  guided by the following City policies:

Section 1 - Code of Conduct for Members of Council

The Code of Conduct for Members of Council establishes the ethical behaviour expected of Members of Ottawa City Council. Separate codes of conduct are also in place for the public members of the Built Heritage Committee and members of local boards. Subsections 10(5) and (6) of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, titled, “Conduct Respecting Staff,” state as follows:

(5) “Members of Council shall be respectful of the role of the municipal administration to provide advice based on political neutrality and objectivity and without undue influence from an individual Member or group of Members of Council.

(6) Members of Council should not:

  1. Maliciously or falsely injure the professional or ethical reputation, or the prospects or practice of municipal staff;
  2. Compel municipal staff to engage in partisan political activities or be subjected to threat or discrimination for refusing to engage in such activities; or
  3. Use, or attempt to use, their authority or influence for the purpose of intimidating, threatening, coercing, commanding or influencing any municipal staff member with the intent of interfering in staff’s duties.”

The Code of Conduct for Members of Council defines municipal staff as follows:

“Municipal staff” includes all employees, dependent contractors and volunteers of the City of Ottawa and, for purposes of certainty, extends to employees, dependent contractors and volunteers engaged to support Members' offices.”

Section 6 of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, titled “Conduct at Council/Committee meetings,” state as follows:

  1. Members of Council shall conduct themselves with decorum at all City Council and Committee meetings in accordance with the provisions of the Procedure By-law (Section 42) being:
  2. No member shall:
    1. Speak disrespectfully of the Reigning Sovereign, or of any Member of the Royal Family, or of the Governor General or the Lieutenant-Governor of any province, or of a fellow member of Council or staff;
    2. Use offensive words or unparliamentary language;
    3. Speak on any subject other than the subject in debate;
    4. Where a matter has been discussed in camera, and where the matter remains confidential, disclose the content of the matter or the substance of the deliberations of the in camera meeting;
    5. Disobey the Rules of Procedure, or a decision of the Mayor or of the Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the Rules of Procedure.

As noted in the Interpretation Bulletin on the Use of Social Media, the Code of Conduct for Members of Council applies to Members’ social media activity.

Section 2 - Employee Code of Conduct

The Employee Code of Conduct is founded on the notion of ensuring integrity in public service through the recognition and promotion of the fundamental principles of transparency, impartiality, respect and accountability.

The Impartiality section of the Employee Code of Conduct states as follows:

“Ottawa City Council is the elected voice of the citizens of the City of Ottawa. Its members have been elected to set the policy direction of the municipality. The public has an interest in ensuring that City of Ottawa employees are committed to carrying out the will and decisions of City Council, and that public servants are, and are perceived to be, impartial in carrying out their duties. Given the public interest in an impartial public service, employees must exercise restraint in any criticism of City of Ottawa policy and consider how their public comments may affect the public perception of the City.

What We Do

  • We recognize that City Council is the elected voice of the citizens of the City of Ottawa and we respect the decisions of City Council; and
  • We distinguish between our personal comments or opinions and our jobs with the City.

We Do Not

  • Make comments that disparage or harm the reputation of the City, Council or our co-workers;
  • Claim to speak on behalf of the City unless we have been authorized to do so; and
  • Make personal comments using City letterhead, our City e-mail address or anything else that implies a connection between our personal comments or opinions and the City.”

Section 3 - Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy

The Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy states as follows:

“The City of Ottawa is committed to preventing, protecting against and addressing workplace violence and harassment to ensure a safe, healthy and respectful workplace free from all forms of violence and harassment.

The City of Ottawa prohibits workplace violence and harassment directed at employees by anyone who comes into contact with City of Ottawa employees in the workplace, including, but not limited to, members of the public, customers, contractors, volunteers, elected officials or other employees.

This includes a prohibition of workplace violence and workplace harassment on the grounds of discrimination under any of the categories defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code, and the Canadian Human Rights Act.”

Section 4 - Procedure By-law

The Procedure By-law establishes rules, procedure and conduct within Council and Standing Committee meetings. Specifically, Subsection 42(2)(a), titled, “Conduct of Members in Council,” states as follows:

(2) “No Member shall: (a) Speak disrespectfully of the Reigning Sovereign, or of any Member of the Royal Family, or of the Governor General or the Lieutenant-Governor of any province, or of a fellow Member of Council or staff.”

The Code of Conduct for Members of Council and the Procedure By-law govern the conduct of Members within the context of a committee and Council meeting. Elected Officials shall treat City staff fairly and with respect [as will staff in their conduct with Members of Council].


Members of Council and officers and employees of the corporation are required to adhere to this policy and its governing provisions, including the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, the Employee Code of Conduct, the Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy, and the Procedure By-law.


The City Clerk shall be responsible for receiving complaints and/or concerns related to this policy. Upon receipt of a complaint and/or concern, the City Clerk shall notify the following who will investigate and respond to the complaint and/or concern accordingly:

  1. In the case of officers and employees of the corporation, the Manager, Director or General Manager responsible for the employee and the Director, Human Resources; or
  2. In the case of Council or a Member of Council, the Integrity Commissioner.

Where there is a discrepancy between the Council-Staff Relations Policy and the Code of Conduct for Members of Council or the Employee Code of Conduct, the language of the Code prevails.


Code of Conduct for Members of Council
Interpretation Bulletin on the Use of Social Media
Employee Code of Conduct
Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy
Procedure By-law

Legislative and administrative authorities

Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 requires City Council to adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the relationship between Members of Council and the officers and employees of the corporation. The Council-Staff Relations Policy identifies the legislation, policies and practices that the City complies with in order to promote a respectful relationship between Members of Council and the officers and employees of the City of Ottawa.

Recordkeeping requirements

In accordance with the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


City Clerk
City of Ottawa
Telephone: 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401)

Delegation of Powers Policy

Approved By: City Council
Section: City Clerk
Approval Date: November 28, 2007
Effective Date: November 28, 2007
Revision Dates: February 13, 2013; December 9, 2020; December 7, 2022; January 29, 2025
Revisions Approved By: City Council

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa will delegate its powers and duties in order to support efficient management of municipal operations and ensure appropriate accountability and reporting is assigned to each delegation.


This policy provides guidance regarding the scope of powers and duties that Council and the Mayor may delegate under legislative and administrative authority and establishes principles governing such delegation.

Subsection 270(1)(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to the “delegation of its powers and duties.”


This policy applies to all City of Ottawa operations and its employees.

Policy requirements

Section 1 - City Council Delegation


City Council supports the delegation of powers and duties to provide efficient management of municipal operations and respond to matters in a timely fashion according to the following principles:

  1. Delegations of powers and duties set out in the Delegation of Authority By-law are reviewed every term of Council.
  2. Unless expressly delegated by Council through the Delegation of Authority By-law or Council resolution, all powers and duties of Council remain with Council, except for those set out under Part VI.1 (Special Powers and Duties of the Head of Council) of the Municipal Act, 2001.
  3. All delegation of powers and duties may be revoked at any time without notice.
  4. No delegation of powers and duties shall exceed the term of Council.
  5. Every delegation of a power or duty of Council shall be accompanied by a corresponding accountability and transparency mechanism.
  6. A delegation of a power or duty under any by-law to any member of staff is also a delegation to a person appointed by the City Manager to act in the capacity of the delegate in their absence.
Transactional and operational items relating to wards

For those transactional and operational items that relate specifically to City of Ottawa Wards, authorities and processes associated with notification to the Ward Councillor are outlined in the Delegation of Authority By-law. Examples of such authorities include but are not limited to matters related to cash-in-lieu of parkland, applications to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission, some planning matters such as subdivision and condominium applications, part lot control exemptions, cemeteries, applications under the Ontario Heritage Act, intersection and road modifications, among other matters included in the by-law schedules.

In all instances, the Delegation of Authority By-law includes the appropriate reporting section for all delegations.

Site Plan Control applications

For site plan control applications that were submitted to the City prior to July 1, 2022, the following procedure is established based on the Site Plan approval process:

  • The general authority is delegated to staff, who will observe all established processes and procedures;
  • Staff will work with the Ward Councillor(s), stakeholders and the public to resolve any identified issues;
  • Staff will prepare a Delegated Authority Report, where all comments from the public and stakeholders are summarized and responded to in the reports;
  • The Delegated Authority Report, including the conditions of approval, is sent electronically to the Ward Councillor(s) for concurrence;
  • If the Ward Councillor(s) agree: 
    • The Report is then signed by the General Manager/Director or their delegate. 
    • Notice of decision is sent to the Ward Councillor(s) and those who submitted comments on the issue or who requested notification of the decision; and
  • If the Ward Councillor(s) do not agree with staff’s recommendation: 
    • Delegated authority is withdrawn, and the application is sent to the appropriate Standing Committee for a public meeting and decision. 

The Ward Councillor has the ability to lift delegated authority from staff where they are not satisfied with the recommendations/conditions. In addition, if a Ward Councillor does not provide concurrence and does not lift delegated authority within the recommended timelines, staff has the ability to move the report forward to Committee on their own accord.

Finally, any Member of Council has the right to ask that an item that is delegated to a Standing Committee be forwarded to Council for a decision, either at the meeting, or in writing to the Standing Committee Coordinator at any point up until the day after the Committee disposition is posted.

For all site plan control applications received by the City from July 1, 2022, onwards, the Province has appointed approval authority to staff to render a decision. The Province’s Bill 109, the More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022, removed Councillor’s concurrence or / and their ability to bring a site plan application to Planning Committee.

Section 2 - Mayoral Delegation

Section 284.13 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that the Mayor, as head of council, may delegate their powers and duties under specific sections of the Municipal Act, 2001 regarding:

  • City Manager
  • Organizational structure
  • Local boards
  • Committees

Notwithstanding any City Council delegation, the above-listed matters may only be delegated by the Mayor.

Mayoral decisions pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, including Mayoral delegations, are posted on

Delegated authority to standing committees

Should the Mayor delegate to Council power respecting Committees, the following principles apply, in addition to those set out in Section 1.

  • Standing Committees should decide those items that are consistent with a policy that City Council has adopted;
  • Standing Committees should decide matters that are consistent with the application of federal and/or provincial statutes and/or regulations;
  • Standing Committees should be the body that makes recommendations on all aspects related to a policy or policy implementation issue within that committee's mandate (including property acquisitions, contracts, etc.); and
  • Standing Committees will have the authority to confirm by-laws for decisions under their delegated authority, as required.


City staff are responsible for adhering to the parameters of this policy and for ensuring appropriate application of delegated authority.

Delegate responsibilities - City Council delegations

In exercising any delegated authority, the delegate shall ensure the following:·

  • Any expenditure related to the matter shall have been provided for in the current year’s budget;·
  • The scope of the delegated authority shall not be exceeded by the delegate;
  • The consistent and equitable application of Council policies and procedures; 
  • Where required by the specific delegated authority, reports shall be submitted to Council advising of the exercise of a delegated authority and confirming compliance with the delegated authority and this policy;
  • That Members of Council and/or the Ward Councillor(s), as appropriate, are engaged early in the process, particularly in instances where the matter is high-profile or sensitive;
  • That enhanced accountability and transparency mechanisms, including consultation and reporting over and above what may be required under the Delegation of Authority By-law, are formally considered and assessed in potentially high-profile or sensitive matters; and
  • That any business decisions with respect to consultation and reporting the exercise of delegated authority will be documented in accordance with applicable information management policies and procedures.
Delegate responsibilities - by-laws

Where delegated authority is provided to staff to enact a by-law as described under Section 284.11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, City staff shall ensure that a Mayoral Decision is prepared.

Delegate responsibilities - Mayoral delegations

In exercising any delegated authority, the delegate shall ensure the following:

  • Any expenditure related to the matter shall have been provided for in the current year's budget; 
  • The scope of the delegated authority shall not be exceeded by the delegate;
  • The consistent and equitable application of Council policies and procedures; and
  • That any Mayoral decisions with respect to the delegation will be documented and provided to the City Clerk to be published to in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Act, 2001, and applicable information management policies and procedures.
City Clerk

The City Clerk shall ensure all Mayoral delegations of powers and duties pursuant to Section 284.13 of the Municipal Act, 2001, are documented and published to in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Act, 2001, and applicable information management policies and procedures.


The City Clerk shall be responsible for receiving complaints and/or concerns related to this policy. Upon receipt of a complaint and/or concern, the City Clerk shall notify City Council and the City Manager.


Accountability and Transparency Policy
Delegation of Authority By-law
Procurement By-law

Engaging the Mayor and Council Regarding Situations/Events Affecting Their Wards - Protocol

Legislative and administrative authorities

Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 requires that the City adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the delegation of powers and duties.

Recordkeeping requirements

In accordance with the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Legislative Powers – Includes all matters where Council acts in a legislative or quasi-judicial function including enacting by-laws, setting policies, and exercising decision-making authority.

Administrative Powers – Includes all matters required for the management of the corporation that do not involve discretionary decision-making.

High-profile or sensitive matters – May include, but not be limited to, the following examples:

  • Significant City projects, programs or services with respect to budget, project scale, risk level or public interest where an authority has been specifically granted by Council;
  • Events such as those described in the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy:
    • Modifications, enhancements, replacement, alterations or removal of City facilities, amenities, programs or services available to the public;
    • An introduction of new facilities, amenities, or equipment to a City owned or leased location accessed by the public;
    • A significant reconfiguration of a public property, facility or programming space within a City facility;
    • A recognition benefit to a donor that has significant impact on site or facility aesthetics and/or use; and/or
    • A requirement to waive all or a portion of City policies and/or standards such as accessibility, bilingualism, etc.


For more information on this policy, contact:
City Clerk
Office of the City Clerk
City of Ottawa
Telephone: 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401)

Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy

Approved by: City Council
Approval date: May 9, 2018
Effective date: July 9, 2018
Revision approved by: n/a
Revision / review date: n/a

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa accepts donations as a means of enhancing municipal facilities and programs. Prior to accepting a donation, the City will ensure the review and assessment of the proposed donation to determine its usefulness, present and ongoing financial and operational impacts, and exposure to risk and/or liability.


The purpose of this policy is to define what constitutes a donation to the City and provide clear direction and guidance to departments in accepting, managing, recognizing and allocating donations. The Donation Procedures for Members of Council apply to Members of Council who solicit and/or facilitate donations to the City for community benefit.

The City will comply with the Municipal Act, 2001 and its Regulations, the Acts and Regulations of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), as well as the City of Ottawa’s Donations Receipt Policy for the acceptance of charitable donations and the issuance of charitable donation receipts.


This policy applies to all City employees. The Donation Procedures for Members of Council applies to the donation-related activities of Members of Council.

Donations to the City can be:

  • Cash
  • Services
  • Equipment
  • Materials and supplies
  • Capital, real or depreciable property
  • Personal use property
  • Works of art, jewelry, rare books, stamps, coins, artefacts
  • A leasehold interest or residual interest in real property
  • Life insurance properties
  • Donations made under a will

This policy does not apply to the following:

  • Skills or service provided through the City’s Volunteer Program.
  • Museum artefact donations of objects with possible historic value relevant to the City of Ottawa (Collections Management Policy).
  • Funding or donations in-kind obtained from other levels of governments through normal transfers, payments or grant programs.
  • Contributions from community organizations under the City’s Community Partnership grant programs, where enhancements to community facilities are cost-shared and where the terms of the partnership are created through another Council-approved policy.
  • Contributions required under Sections 37 and 41 of the Ontario Planning Act.
  • Developer contributions to enhance the development of new parks.
  • Sponsorship arrangements (Sponsorship and Advertising Policy).

Policy requirements

The solicitation, consideration, acceptance, recognition and administration of all donations to the City are to be undertaken in full compliance with this policy.

Departments are responsible for complying with the general requirements and procedures noted in the following sections:

  1. General requirements
  2. Consultation and public engagement requirements
  3. Management of donations
  4. Documentation and reporting requirements
  5. Donation receipts
  6. Donation recognition standards

Members of Council are responsible for complying with the general requirements and procedures noted in the Donation Procedures for Members of Council.

1. General requirements

For the purposes of applying and administering this policy, donations for community benefit are those intended to provide a public good. Donations to the City are not to serve as an alternative to paying for fees, permits, programs, and/or services.

For a donation to be valid under this policy there must be an intention by the donor to give to the City, a delivery of the donation by the donor to the City, and an acceptance of the donation by the City. The process is not complete until the donation is accepted by the City.

Departments may bring any offer of a donation to Council for approval, even if the offer does not meet the guidelines of this policy. Council may also consider any proposal or direct staff to pursue any opportunities for donations that do not strictly adhere to this policy.

All donations to the City must comply with federal and provincial statutes, municipal by-laws, the City’s Accountability and Transparency Policy, the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and the Employee Code of Conduct, as applicable. When a donor requests a receipt for tax purposes, Departments will also ensure compliance with the City of Ottawa Donation Receipt Policy and Canada Revenue Agency regulations relating to donations.

Accepting donations
  • The City may elect to accept or decline any donation. If the gift is not accepted, the donor will be advised of the reason and thanked for the offer.
  • When assessing a proposed donation, the recipient Department must identify and consider any one-time or recurring costs associated with accepting the donation. These costs may include a required City contribution for delivery, installation, ongoing maintenance, operating costs, security cost, licensing, replacement or disposal costs, etc. The recipient Department will ensure that a source of funding is identified and in place for any costs to the City before accepting a donation.
  • For donation funded capital projects requiring a City capital investment, General Managers can authorize the use of capital funds that are in bulk provisions under their authority and not already assigned by Council to specific projects. For capital allocations where a priority list of projects has been approved by Council, General Managers responsible for the projects, are authorized to make minor reallocations. Subject to funds being available in an approved budget, up to $100,000 may be reallocated towards funding a donation project. General Managers must seek Council approval for any reallocation over $100,000.
  • When assessing a proposed donation of property, structures or equipment, the recipient Department will consult with the Corporate Accessibility Branch to ensure the donation meets accessibility requirements.
  • HST may be applicable to donations where a benefit is provided to the donor. Staff shall consult with the City’s Commodity Taxes Branch to identify potential HST implications.  
Limitations and restrictions

Donations to the City must not:

  • Imply endorsement of the donor or, if the donor is a company or commercial enterprise, imply endorsement of its products and services, or require the City to make statements or representations endorsing a product or service.
  • Be accepted from individuals, groups, associations, corporations or other entities that are not in good standing with the municipality (i.e. in litigation with the City, defaulting on payments owed to the City, and/or currently in significant violation of a bylaw or regulation).
  • Be accepted if they are deemed to have originated from unethical or unlawful activities as determined by the City.
  • Be accepted from individuals, groups, associations, corporations or other entities that promote discriminatory practices against any individual or group based on gender, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliation, citizenship, age, race or ethnicity, record of offences, disability, income or family status.
  • Be accepted if the donation creates real or perceived conflicts of interest, or violates the Employee Code of Conduct. Donations will not be solicited or accepted if they:
    • Result in or are perceived as giving the donor, or any other party, any preferential treatment as a result of the donation.
    • Cause a City employee or elected official to receive any payment, product, service or asset for personal use or gain.
    • Are from companies whose main business is derived from the sale of tobacco. 
Donations in relation to the City decision making process
  • Donations to the City shall only be accepted at arm’s length from decision-making processes.
  • There is a blackout period in the City’s planning and procurement processes during which the discussion, solicitation and acceptance of donations with a donor involved in these processes is not permitted.
  • The blackout period for planning approval processes (e.g. Site plan control, plans of subdivision, minor variances, official plan amendments, and zoning amendments) commences when a potential donor submits an application for planning approval. The blackout period ends when a final decision has been rendered on the application.
  • The blackout period for procurements commences when the request for a bid, quote, request for proposal, etc. is formally issued. The blackout period ends at the time the procurement is awarded.
Donations of real property
  • The donation of real property must comply with the Real Property Acquisition Policy.
  • Where appropriate, approval of a donation agreement of real property is to include the use and disposition of the real property, and note the net proceeds arising from a property transaction.

2. Consultation and Public Engagement Requirements

Consultations will occur on all donations that involve:

  • Modifications, enhancements, replacement, alterations or removal of City facilities, amenities, programs or services available to the public.
  • An introduction of new facilities, amenities, or equipment to a City owned or leased location accessed by the public.
  • A significant reconfiguration of a public property, facility or programming space within a City facility.
  • A recognition benefit to a donor that has significant impact on site or facility aesthetics and/or use.
  • A requirement to waive all or a portion of City policies and/or standards such as accessibility, bilingualism, etc.

Consultation will also include the applicable ward Councillor(s), host community associations and other impacted stakeholders as per the City’s Public Engagement Strategy.

Staff involved with the evaluation of donation offers must ensure that all appropriate internal and external consultations are conducted in accordance with the Public Engagement Strategy, prior to accepting a donation.

Internal approvals required for a donation

In addition to obtaining approval from the recipient Department’s management, recipient departments will consult with any other Departments that could be impacted by or have responsibilities relating to the donation. The following table identifies some of the approval authorities that should be consulted for various types of donations.

TABLE 1: Consultation Requirements
Donations that involve: Approvals needed:
Land and buildings
  • Director, Corporate Real Estate Office
  • General Manager responsible for overseeing the type of land or building being donated to the City – Programming and operational considerations.
  • Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services – Building operational and maintenance considerations
  • Public Works and Environmental Services – Land operational and maintenance considerations
  • General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development – Building and site amenities lifecycle and environmental considerations
Temporary or permanent modifications to City-owned land or buildings
  • General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services – Maintenance and operational considerations
  • General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development - Design and construction and lifecycle considerations
  • Outdoor, temporary or permanent modifications to City-owned roadways, Transitways, O-Train Confederation and Trillium Lines right of ways
  • General Manager, Public Works & Environmental Services – Roadway operational and maintenance considerations
  • General Manager, Transportation Services – Regulatory and safety considerations for transit corridors
  • General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development – Design and construction considerations     
Vehicles and Rolling Stock  
  • Donation of a vehicle or rolling stock and temporary or permanent modifications to City-owned vehicles or rolling stock.
  • General Manager, Corporate Services and City Treasurer – Fleet management considerations
  • General Manager, Transportation Services (for OC Transpo vehicles) – Fleet management considerations.
Media and Publications
  • Donation of free media
  • Changes to City publications, web, media buying (advertising), or the use of the City’s intellectual property (e.g. copyright, moral rights, official marks, etc.) by third parties
  • Director, Public Information and Media Relations
  • General Manager, Transportation Services (for OC Transpo media)

3. Management of Donations

Donations will be appropriately managed by the recipient Department in accordance with the following:

  • Donations designated for specific purposes or for the general purpose of a specific program, including donations of real property and the net proceeds of any property transaction, are to be used by the program for the purpose specified by the donor.
  • For purposes of financial control and accountability, monetary donations are to be deposited to the appropriate City accounts.
  • Donations are not to be managed informally or held in personal or external accounts or trust funds. This does not apply to independent community fundraising campaigns, until such time that campaign contributions are donated to the City.
  • Donations of cash or property to the City where the purpose is not specified by the donor and which are not part of an approved initiative, are deemed to be undesignated and become contributions to general revenue of the City or assets of the City, unless the recipient Department seeks council approval for a specific purpose.
  • Donations of equipment and/ or materials will be tracked and documented as part of the City’s inventory.
  • Every attempt will be made to expend donated funds for the purposes specified by the donor within the current year. Donations that remain unspent at the end of the year may be carried over to the following budget year only upon Council approval.

4. Documentation and Reporting Requirements

Each Department is responsible for maintaining a log of all donations received. By January 31 of each year, each Department will submit its list of donations over $25,000 to the Recreation Cultural and Facility Services Department for coordination of a report to Council on the delegated authority used to accept donations.

This reporting requirement does not negate each Department’s responsibility to track donations of lesser values. General Managers of each Department are accountable for maintaining a complete record of all donations, whether in cash or in-kind. The log shall include the correct and complete name of the donor, the value of the contribution, a description of the donation, any agreed upon terms or limitations relating to the use of the donation, and any benefits to the donor.

All donations of $25,000 or more are to be documented by way of a Memorandum of Understanding. Donations valued at less than $25,000 will be documented and acknowledged by way of a Letter of Confirmation.

In cases where the donor requests no public acknowledgment, the City will honour the request subject to any disclosure that may be required pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

5. Donation Receipts

Recipient Departments are responsible to determine whether a donation qualifies for an income tax receipt, in consultation with Revenue Services. If unclear about whether the donation qualifies, recipient Departments should consult the Donations Receipt Policy, their Financial Services Unit (FSU) and/or the Office of the City Clerk and/or Legal Services prior to accepting the donation.

6. Donation Recognition Standards

Donation recognition standards guide staff in determining the donor benefits that can be agreed to under delegated authority and based on the value of the donation.

  • The value of a benefit to a donor cannot exceed the market value of the donation.
  • Benefits to a donor with a value of up to 10% of the value of a donation, to a maximum of $1,000 are considered to be of nominal value. 
  • Social recognition or acknowledgement of a donation through a thank you letter, acknowledgement in a City publication, or a simple sign or plaque at a City facility is considered to be of nominal value to the donor.
  • General Managers, Directors, or Managers of the applicable Department are authorized to approve benefits to a donor valued at up to 50% of the market value of the donation, under delegated authority. For donations where the donor requests a benefit valued at more than 50% of the market value of the donation, and that exceeds the $1,000 nominal value threshold, Departments will seek Council approval.
  • Recognition messaging on City property or assets must be limited to recognition of the donation and not extend into an endorsement or promotion of the donor, a product or service.
  • Donor benefits are to be secondary in nature to the fulfillment of the primary objectives of a program benefiting from the donation (i.e. complimentary use opportunities of a facility will be secondary to the priority use objectives of the facility).
  • The period of time over which a benefit is extended to a donor will:
    • Not exceed the useful lifespan of the gift
    • Not exceed 20 years, unless approved by Council
Recognition Thresholds
  • General Managers, Directors, or Managers of the applicable Department are authorized to provide recognition for donations, where the benefit does not exceed 50% of the market value of the donation and to a maximum of $10,000 for a one-time recognition, or $10,000 annually to a maximum total value of $100,000 for multi-year recognition requests.
  • When the value of the benefit exceeds $10,000 annually or $100,000 over the term of the agreement, departments are required to seek the approval of Council.
  • General Managers are authorized to exceed benefit values under delegated authority by up to 10% to allow flexibility in concluding donation agreements. These adjustments are subject to reporting through the Delegation of Authority By-law.
Lobbyist Registry
  • Donors who enter into discussions with staff to receive benefits for their donation beyond a nominal value will be asked to register with the City’s Lobbyist Registry.
  • If the recognition is of nominal value, there is no requirement of the donor to register.
  • Where interpretation is required, staff are will consult with the Lobbyist Registrar.
Naming Rights
  • The awarding of naming rights for City facilities as part of a donation benefit are subject to the City’s Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising Policy and the Commemorative Naming Policy.


Managers are responsible for:

  • Authorizing all donations.
  • Ensuring all conditions to issue a donation receipt are met when requested by donor.
  • Arranging for any required professional appraisal of a donation, ensuring the appraiser meets the validity requirements and that his/her valuation is appropriate.
  • Authorizing the Request for Official Donation Receipt form and the Summary Listing of Official Donation Receipts form as applicable.
  • Ensuring donations are used for their intended purpose.
  • Thanking and recognizing donors.

Leagal Services is responsible for:

  • Providing legal advice to assist departments with the application of this policy.


Members of Council are responsible for:

  • Adhering to the Donation Procedures for Members of Council.
  • At all times ensuring their donation-related activities conform with the Code of Conduct for Members of Council. The Member may consult with the Integrity Commissioner regarding their obligations in relation to the Code of Conduct.

Office of the City Clerk is responsible for:

  • Reviewing provisions of this policy relating to Members of Council and the Donation Procedures for Members of Council as part of the regular governance review process.

Revenue Services is responsible for:

  • The efficient processing on all donations that receive a receipt.
  • Issuing donation receipts on a timely basis.
  • Guarding against the unauthorized use of donation receipts.
  • Filing and information return with the Canada Revenue Agency for returned donations.

The Financial Services Units are responsible for:

  • Receiving the funds in a designated City account.
  • Providing advice on receipting for a donation.

Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services is responsible for:

  • Acting as the City’s lead on matters relating to donations.
  • Maintaining and updating this policy and responding to offers that are not specific to any one City department.
  • Preparing an annual report to Council on all donations exceeding $25,000.


Recipient departments are responsible for compliance with this Policy. Failure to comply with this policy may result in a loss of the donation. The Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services department will monitor the application of this Policy.


Donation – a voluntary transfer of property.

Donations for Community Benefits – Donations for community benefits encompass projects, cash, assets or activities that provide a public good.

Facilitate – The act of assisting with the donation process. Examples include a Member of Council working with a donor who approaches the City to determine an appropriate donation, or acceptance of a donation by a Member.

In-kind Donation – A gift of goods or property other than cash such as capital property (including depreciable property) and personal-use property. A donation-in-kind does not include a gift of services.

Fair Market Value – The amount that could be expected to be realized in an arm’s length transaction in the local open market by a willing seller to a willing buyer.

Nominal Value – Certain advantages are of nominal value, and are considered too minimal to affect the value of a gift

Services – Can be professional or commercial services donated to the City.

Solicit – The act of seeking to obtain a donation. Examples include a Member of Council issuing a general callout/list requesting donations for their ward, or approaching a potential donor with a donation opportunity in response to a specific ward issue.


Enquiries regarding donations should be directed to:

Program Manager
Business Support Services
Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 46203



Donation Procedures for Members of Council

Approved by: City Council
Approval date: October 2, 2024
Effective date: October 2, 2024


Section 224 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that the role of Council includes “to represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the municipality.” In exercising their statutory role, Members of Council may solicit and/or facilitate donations to the City of Ottawa for community benefit as a means of enhancing municipal facilities and programs.

These procedures complement the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy and Code of Conduct for Members of Council. The procedures provide guidelines and requirements to ensure Members’ donation-related activities are separate from decision-making processes and provide for fairness, consistency, transparency and flexibility, while mitigating any potential risk.

These procedures ensure that donations to the City may only be accepted at arm’s length from decision-making processes by establishing specific “blackout period” restrictions for planning and procurement decision-making processes and requiring Members of Council to seek pre-approval from the Integrity Commissioner if a Member has a current or foreseeable role in any decision-making process that involves the donor.


These procedures apply to all Members of Council when soliciting and/or facilitating a donation to the City for community benefit. The procedures also apply to all City employees when assisting and supporting a Member’s donation-related activities as described in these procedures.

Non-applicable matters

These procedures do not apply to:

  • Donations that directly benefit residents or specific groups outside of the corporation of the City of Ottawa, including but not limited to:
    • Donations of temporary aid and/or assistance in emergency situations affecting residents in the Member’s ward (e.g., natural disasters, weather events, etc.); and
    • “Social contracts” and other benefits a third party may provide to residents (regarding matters such as tenant housing, providing transit passes to future occupants of a development, etc.).
  • Donations and sponsorships for Member-organized community events and supporting benevolent events. These matters are addressed by the existing Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy.
  • Donations and/or contributions governed by formal statutory and/or policy processes and requirements (e.g., Community Benefits Charges).

In addition, these procedures do not apply to the following general matters:

  • Skills or service provided through the City’s Volunteer Program.
  • Museum artefact donations of objects with possible historic value relevant to the City of Ottawa (Collections Management Policy).
  • Funding or donations in-kind obtained from other levels of governments through normal transfers, payments or grant programs.
  • Contributions from community organizations under the City’s Community Partnership grant programs, where enhancements to community facilities are cost-shared and where the terms of the partnership are created through another Council-approved policy.
  • Contributions required under Sections 37 and 41 of the Planning Act.
  • Sponsorship and advertising agreements (Sponsorship Policy; Advertising using City Assets and Programs Policy).

Procedures description

General requirements

  1.  The following general requirements apply:
    1. A Member of Council’s donation-related activities shall conform to the Code of Conduct for Members of Council. Where there is a discrepancy between these procedures and the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, the language of the Code of Conduct prevails. It is generally recommended that a Member consult with the Integrity Commissioner regarding any proposed solicitation and/or facilitation of a donation in order to ensure the Member’s obligations under the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and/or Lobbyist Registry By-law are met. Integrity Commissioner approval is also required under certain provisions of these procedures.
    2. Donations to the City must only be accepted at arm’s length from decision-making processes. Generally, if a Member has a current or foreseeable role in any decision-making process that involves the donor (e.g., forthcoming consideration of a matter at Committee or Council; providing Councillor concurrence to staff regarding a matter under staff’s delegated authority; etc.), the Member must seek approval from the Integrity Commissioner, including any required Terms and Conditions, prior to soliciting and/or facilitating a donation from the donor. In addition, specific “blackout period” limitations and restrictions apply to planning and procurement decision-making processes, as set out in sections 3 and 4 of these procedures.
    3. Any donation must be given unconditionally and voluntarily without any expectation of benefit. A donation is not to serve as an alternative to paying for fees, permits, programs, and/or services.
    4. A Member shall clearly communicate to the potential donor that any donation is completely voluntary, and shall not misrepresent the voluntary nature of the donation in any way.
    5. A Member’s solicitation of donations may be assisted by the guidelines provided in Appendix A. The outcome of a solicitation must not affect a potential donor’s future interactions with the Member or with the City of Ottawa, including but not limited to any future assistance, approval, or award of a procurement call, regardless of whether a donation is made.
    6. Accepted donations solicited and/or facilitated by a Member shall be documented and disclosed in accordance with the documentation and reporting requirements in Section 12 of these procedures, including the use of the Memorandum of Understanding template provided in Appendix B.
    7. All donations to the City must comply with applicable federal and provincial statutes, municipal by-laws, the City’s Accountability and Transparency Policy and the Code of Conduct for Members of Council.
    8. Donations solicited and/or facilitated by a Member may be subject to administrative requirements and implications related to the City’s acceptance of donations, as described in the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy (e.g., HST implications, compliance with the Real Property Acquisition Policy, tax receipt requirements, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, etc.).

Limitations and restrictions

General limitations and restrictions
  1. Limitations and restrictions set out in Section 1 of the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy apply to donations solicited and/or facilitated by a Member of Council where those limitations and restrictions do not conflict with these procedures. This includes requirements that donations to the City must not:
    1. Imply endorsement of the donor or, if the donor is a company or commercial enterprise, imply endorsement of its products and services, or require the City to make statements or representations endorsing a product or service.
    2. Be accepted from individuals, groups, associations, corporations or other entities that are not in good standing with the municipality [i.e., in litigation with the City (not including Ontario Land Tribunal cases or challenges of tax assessments), defaulting on payments owed to the City, and/or currently in significant violation of a by-law or regulation].
    3. Be accepted if they are deemed to have originated from unethical or unlawful activities as determined by the City.
    4. Be accepted from individuals, groups, associations, corporations or other entities that promote discriminatory practices against any individual or group based on gender, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliation, citizenship, age, race or ethnicity, record of offences, disability, income or family status.
    5. Be accepted if the donation violates the Code of Conduct for Members of Council or Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
Blackout period restrictions – Planning process
  1. There is a blackout period in the City’s planning process during which the discussion, solicitation and/or facilitation of donations by a Member of Council with a potential donor involved in the planning process is not permitted if the Member has a role in approving any outstanding planning matter related to the potential donor (e.g., consideration by Committee and/or Council).
    1. The blackout period for the planning process:
      1. Begins when a potential donor submits an application for a pre-consultation, or an application for a planning approval.
      2. Ends when a final decision has been rendered on the application by the Ontario Land Tribunal, or the appeal period has closed.
    2. Where there is a reasonable expectation that the potential donor may have an outstanding planning pre-consultation or approval application(s) before the City, a Member shall consult with the General Manager of the Planning, Development and Building Services Department, or designate, to determine whether a potential donor has any outstanding planning application(s) and whether the Member will play a role in approving any outstanding planning matter related to the potential donor.
    3. Despite the general prohibition on Member solicitation and/or facilitation during the planning process blackout period, a Member shall seek approval from the Integrity Commissioner, including any required Terms and Conditions, in order to solicit and/or facilitate a donation from a potential donor involved in the planning process if:
      1. The solicitation and/or facilitation involves a matter unrelated to the approval of any outstanding planning matter(s);
      2. The Member believes the proposed donation to be appropriate in the circumstances, which includes having regard for the blackout period and the need for donations to be at arm’s length from decision-making processes; and
      3. Any solicitation and/or facilitation undertaken by the Member with the Integrity Commissioner’s approval is conducted separately from the statutory planning process undertaken by City staff.
    4. A Member may solicit and/or facilitate a donation in accordance with these procedures following the blackout period in relation to specific matters arising from an approved planning application. That said, Members should be aware that a blackout period may still apply to such solicitation and/or facilitation if the potential donor has any other outstanding planning application(s).
Blackout period restrictions – Procurement process
  1. There is a blackout period in the City’s procurement process during which the discussion, solicitation and/or facilitation of donations by a Member of Council with a potential donor involved in the procurement process is not permitted if the Member has a role in approving any outstanding procurement matter related to the potential donor (e.g., consideration by Committee and/or Council).
    1. The blackout period for the procurement process:
      1. Begins when the request for a bid, quote, request for proposal, etc. is formally issued.
      2. Ends at the time the procurement is awarded.
    2. Where there is a reasonable expectation that the potential donor may have an outstanding procurement process with the City, a Member shall consult with the Chief Procurement Officer, or designate, to determine whether a potential donor has any outstanding procurement process(es) and whether the Member will play a role in approving any outstanding procurement matter related to the potential donor.
    3. Despite the general prohibition on Member solicitation and/or facilitation during the procurement process blackout period, a Member shall seek approval from the Integrity Commissioner, including any required Terms and Conditions, in order to solicit and/or facilitate a donation from a potential donor involved in the procurement process if:
      1. The solicitation and/or facilitation involves a matter unrelated to the approval of any outstanding procurement matter(s);
      2. The Member believes the proposed donation to be appropriate in the circumstances, which includes having regard for the blackout period and the need for donations to be at arm’s length from decision-making processes; and
      3. Any solicitation and/or facilitation undertaken by the Member with the Integrity Commissioner’s approval is conducted separately from the procurement process undertaken by City staff.
Election-related restrictions
  1. In the year of a regular election, a Member who is seeking re-election shall not solicit and/or facilitate donations in their capacity as an elected official in the time period between Nomination Day and Voting Day.
Lobbyist Registry restrictions
  1. A Member shall not solicit and/or facilitate a donation from a lobbyist or their clients or their employees with active registrations in the City’s Lobbyist Registry without approval from the Integrity Commissioner, including any required Terms and Conditions.
Member may consult with staff regarding restrictions and limitations
  1. A Member may consult with the City Clerk and City Solicitor, or their designate(s), regarding the applicability of any limitations and/or restrictions in relation to a proposed donation.

Accepting or declining a donation to the City

Accepting a donation
  1. A Member shall receive staff concurrence, in writing, prior to accepting a donation to the City, in accordance with the following:
    1. The Member shall seek concurrence for any proposed donation from the General Manager or designate for the recipient department.
    2. The General Manager or designate shall assess any effect(s) that acceptance of the proposed donation may have on matters set out in Appendix C prior to providing or declining to provide concurrence. The General Manager or designate shall also ensure that a source of funding is identified and in place for any one-time or ongoing costs to the City before concurrence is provided [e.g., a source of funding from project(s) in the Member’s ward; Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland funding if eligible; etc.], in consultation with the Member as may be necessary.
    3. The General Manager or designate shall advise the Member in writing regarding concurrence, as follows:
      1. If concurrence is provided, the written statement to the Member shall identify any funding source that will be used to implement, operate, program or maintain the donation. The statement of written concurrence shall also be provided in the Memorandum of Understanding for any accepted donation, as required under Section 12 of these procedures.
      2. If concurrence is not provided, the written statement to the Member shall provide a summary of staff’s reasons for not providing concurrence. If the Member still wishes to pursue the donation, the Member shall complete a Councillor's report to Committee and Council to obtain final direction from Council. In addition to the Member’s comments with respect to the proposed donation, the report shall include staff comment regarding staff’s position and implications if Council were to approve the proposed donation.
Declining a donation
  1. A Member may elect to decline a donation to the City. The potential donor is not precluded from offering the donation to another Member of Council in accordance with these procedures, or to City staff in accordance with the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy.
Allocation of in-kind, service and cash donations
  1. Donations to the City solicited and/or facilitated by a Member of Council shall be allocated by staff under delegated authority as follows:
             In-kind and service donations
    1. In-kind and service donations (such as projects, assets or activities) shall be provided to the ward specified by the donor, unless the donor advises that the intent of the donation is City-wide or multiple wards. 

      Cash donations 

    2. Members are not permitted to allocate cash donations to ward-specific accounts. Cash donations shall be allocated by staff under delegated authority as follows:
      1. If the donor specifies a purpose for the cash donation, the donation shall be deposited in a City-wide fund for the relevant program, for allocation by the relevant General Manager or designate, unless the Member who solicited/facilitated the donation seeks Council approval for a specific purpose.
      2. If the donor does not specify a purpose for the cash donation, the donation shall be allocated to the general revenue of the City, unless the Member who solicited/facilitated the donation seeks Council approval for a specific purpose.

Management of donations by City staff under delegated authority

  1. Accepted donations to the City solicited and/or facilitated by a Member of Council shall be managed by the recipient department under delegated authority in accordance with the following:
    1. The relevant General Manager or designate has delegated authority with respect to administration, prioritization and implementation of the donation, in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the Member who solicited and/or facilitated the donation, as applicable, and subject to the status update reporting requirements set out in Section 12 of these procedures.
    2. For purposes of financial control and accountability, monetary donations are to be deposited to the appropriate City accounts.
    3. Donations are not to be managed informally or held in personal or external accounts or trust funds. This does not apply to independent community fundraising campaigns, until such time that campaign contributions are donated to the City.
    4. Donations of equipment and/or materials shall be tracked and documented as part of the City’s inventory.
    5. While every attempt will be made to expend donated funds for the purposes specified by the donor within the current year, donations solicited and/or facilitated by a Member that remain unspent at the end of the year may be carried over to the following budget year, and are subject to regular Council reporting requirements.

Documentation and reporting requirements

  1. Documentation and reporting requirements set out in Section 4 of the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy apply to donations to the City solicited and/or facilitated by a Member of Council, where the policy does not conflict with these procedures, subject to the following:

                   Memorandum of Understanding requirements

    1. All accepted donations solicited and/or facilitated by a Member are to be formalized and finalized by way of the Memorandum of Understanding template provided in Appendix B.
    2. The identity of the donor and other required information shall be provided in the Memorandum of Understanding. The donation is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    3. The General Manager or designate of the recipient department and Legal Services shall review the completed Memorandum of Understanding to ensure compliance with any statutory, legal and administrative/policy requirements prior to execution of the Memorandum of Understanding by Legal Services and the City Clerk.
    4. All executed Memoranda of Understanding for donations solicited and/or facilitated by a Member shall be disclosed on on a quarterly basis.

              Records requirements

    5. The Member and Member’s Office shall create, receive and maintain appropriate records of donation-related activities, as required, in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). City staff shall maintain appropriate records in accordance with MFIPPA and the Records Management Policy.

              Council reporting requirements

    6. With respect to Council reporting requirements for staff under Section 4 of the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy:
      1. The log of all donations maintained by each department shall include all donations received in accordance with these procedures, regardless of value. The log shall include the name of the Member(s) who solicited and/or facilitated the relevant donation.
      2. The staff report to Council regarding the delegated authority used to accept donations shall include all donations received in accordance with these procedures, regardless of value. The report shall include the name of the Member(s) who solicited and/or facilitated the relevant donation.

        Status update reporting requirements

    7. Staff shall provide all Members of Council with updates twice per year regarding the status of donated projects, assets or activities that were solicited and/or facilitated by Members. These status updates shall be provided via memorandum coordinated and issued by the Office of the City Clerk and the memorandum shall be published as Information Previously Distributed on the next Finance and Corporate Services Committee agenda.

Donation receipts and recognition standards addressed by City staff under delegated authority

  1. Donation receipt requirements and recognition standards (including related recognition thresholds, Lobbyist Registry requirements and naming rights provisions) set out in sections 5 and 6 of the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy, and the related responsibilities and delegated authority of staff, apply to donations solicited and/or facilitated by Members of Council. When a donor requests a receipt for tax purposes, departments shall ensure compliance with the City of Ottawa Donation Receipt Policy and Canada Revenue Agency regulations relating to donations.


City Clerk/Office of the City Clerk is responsible for:

  • Providing information and guidance regarding these procedures, including guidance with respect to the applicability of any limitations and/or restrictions in relation to a proposed donation (in consultation with the City Solicitor).
  • Executing (with Legal Services) the completed Memorandum of Understanding for an accepted donation.
  • Coordinating and issuing the memorandum to Council for status updates twice per year regarding the status of donated projects, assets or activities that were solicited and/or facilitated by Members.
  • Responding to complaints related to these procedures that are outside of the Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction (in consultation with Legal Services and departmental staff).
  • Reviewing these procedures as part of the City’s regular governance review process.

City Solicitor/Legal Services is responsible for:

  • Providing guidance regarding the applicability of any limitations and/or restrictions in relation to a proposed donation (in consultation with the City Clerk).
  • Reviewing (with departmental staff) and executing (with the City Clerk) the completed Memorandum of Understanding for an accepted donation.
  • Assisting in the response to complaints related to these procedures that are outside of the Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction (as required by the City Clerk).

Departmental staff are responsible for:

  • Providing information regarding the potential applicability of blackout periods in relation to planning and procurement processes, in accordance with these procedures.
  • Reviewing and considering proposed donations and providing or declining to provide concurrence in accordance with these procedures.
  • Allocating and managing donations in accordance with these procedures.
  • Reviewing (with Legal Services) the completed Memorandum of Understanding for an accepted donation in accordance with these procedures.
  • Addressing administrative matters, donor receipts and recognition standards in accordance with these procedures and further to the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy.
  • Including donations of any value solicited and/or facilitated by Members of Council in reports to Council and logs of donations in accordance with these procedures and further to the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy.
  • Providing information to the City Clerk regarding the status of donated projects, assets or activities that were solicited and/or facilitated by Members, as required.
  • Assisting in the response to complaints related to these procedures that are outside of the Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction (as required by the City Clerk).

Financial Services Units are responsible for:

  • Receiving the funds in a designated City account.
  • Providing advice on receipting for a donation.

Integrity Commissioner is responsible for:

  • Providing guidance and considering matters brought forward for approval in accordance with these procedures.
  • Receiving and responding to complaints related to these procedures, as described in these procedures.

Members of Council and their Office staff are responsible for adhering to the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, these procedures and their governing provisions, as applicable.

Revenue Services is responsible for:

  • The efficient processing on all donations that receive a receipt.
  • Issuing donation receipts on a timely basis.
  • Guarding against the unauthorized use of donation receipts.
  • Filing and information return with the Canada Revenue Agency for returned donations.


The Integrity Commissioner shall be responsible for receiving complaints related to these procedures. Following the Integrity Commissioner’s complaint intake and assessment process, if the Integrity Commissioner is satisfied that the complaint seems to fall under these procedures and is outside the Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction, the complainant shall be advised that they may pursue the matter under these procedures.

To pursue the matter under these procedures, the complainant shall submit a written complaint to the City Clerk or designate. The written complaint shall include the written statement from the Integrity Commissioner that identifies the matter as being outside the Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction.

Upon receipt of such a complaint, the City Clerk or designate shall respond to the matter accordingly, in consultation with Legal Services and departmental staff as required. In responding to the complaint, the City Clerk or designate and other staff as required shall consider matters including but not limited to the donation’s usefulness, financial and operational impacts, and any exposure to risk and/or liability. Failure to comply with these procedures may result in a loss of the donation.


Accountability and Transparency Policy

Advertising Using City Assets and Programs Policy

Code of Conduct for Members of Council

Donation Receipt Policy

Donation Receipt Procedures

Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy

Commemorative Naming Policy

Public Art Policy

Real Property Acquisition Policy

Sponsorship Policy

Legislative and administrative authorities

Municipal Act, 2001(link is external)

Cultural Property Export and Import Act(link is external)

Income Tax Act, Canada(link is external)

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of these procedures must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Donation – A voluntary transfer of property. As set out in the Application section of the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy, donations to the City can be:

  • Cash
  • Services
  • Equipment
  • Materials and supplies
  • Capital, real or depreciable property
  • Personal use property
  • Works of art, jewelry, rare books, stamps, coins, artefacts
  • A leasehold interest or residual interest in real property
  • Life insurance properties
  • Donations made under a will

Donations for community benefits – Donations for community benefits encompass projects, cash, assets or activities that provide a public good.

Facilitate – The act of assisting with the donation process. Examples include a Member of Council working with a donor who approaches the City to determine an appropriate donation, or acceptance of a donation by a Member.

In-kind donation – A gift of goods or property other than cash such as capital property (including depreciable property) and personal-use property. A donation-in-kind does not include a gift of services.

Services – Can be professional or commercial services donated to the City.

Solicit – The act of seeking to obtain a donation. Examples include a Member of Council issuing a general callout/list requesting donations for their ward, or approaching a potential donor with a proposed donation opportunity in response to a specific ward issue.


For more information on these procedures, contact:

Caitlin Salter MacDonald
City Clerk
City of Ottawa
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 28136 opens email application)


Appendix A – Solicitation guidelines for Members of Council

Appendix B – Memorandum of Understanding template

Appendix C – Matters for staff to consider in determining whether to provide concurrence

Appendix A – Solicitation guidelines for Members of Council

These guidelines are meant to assist Members in meeting requirements of the Donation Procedures for Members of Council when soliciting donations to the City for community benefit. Reference to applicable section(s) within the Donation Procedures for Members of Council is provided.

These guidelines do not replace the requirement for a Member to understand and adhere to all statutory and policy requirements, including the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Donation Procedures for Members of Council.

Timing considerations

  • Decision-making processes: Generally, if a Member has a current or foreseeable role in any decision-making process that involves the potential donor (e.g., forthcoming consideration of a matter at Committee or Council; providing Councillor concurrence to staff regarding a matter under staff’s delegated authority, etc.), the Member must seek approval from the Integrity Commissioner. [Procedures, Subsection 1(b)]
  • Blackout periods for planning and procurement processes: Solicitation must occur outside the blackout periods described in the procedures, with limited exceptions that require approval from the Integrity Commissioner. (Procedures, sections 3 and 4)
  • In the year of a regular election: A Member who is seeking re-election must not solicit donations in their capacity as an elected official in the time period between Nomination Day and Voting Day. (Procedures, Section 5)
  • Lobbyist Registry: Members must consult the Integrity Commissioner regarding whether the potential donor is associated with any active registrations in the Lobbyist Registry. If there are any active registrations, approval from the Integrity Commissioner will be needed for any solicitation. (Procedures, Section 6)

Before solicitation

Members are encouraged to consider making a general list of ward priorities, with any costing information provided by staff, to assist a potential donor with determining an appropriate donation.

The following largely relates to targeted solicitation undertaken by a Member with a potential donor(s). That said, the requirements would also apply with respect to a general (non-targeted) solicitation, once the Member receives any responses from a potential donor(s). As such, with respect to solicitation, Members must consider the following:

  • Consultation with City staff – A Member may need to consult with staff regarding potential applicability of blackout period restrictions. (Procedures, sections 3 and 4)
  • Consultation with the Integrity Commissioner – It is generally recommended that a Member consult with the Integrity Commissioner regarding any proposed solicitation of a donation in order to ensure the Member’s obligations under the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and/or Lobbyist Registry By-law are met. [Procedures, Subsection 1(a)] Members are also required to consult with the Integrity Commissioner in certain circumstances, and must ensure Lobbyist Registry restrictions are followed. (Procedures, sections 1, 3, 4 and 6)
  • Consider whether any limitations and restrictions or allocation requirements set out in sections 2 to 6 and 10 of the Donation Procedures for Members of Council may apply to the potential donor/donation. The Member may consult with the City Clerk and City Solicitor, or their designate(s), as necessary (Procedures, Section 7).

During solicitation

Keep appropriate records of the solicitation. [Procedures, Subsection 12(e)]

In any solicitation:

  • Clearly communicate to the potential donor that any donation is completely voluntary. Do not misrepresent the voluntary nature of the donation in any way. [Procedures, Subsection 1(d)]
  • The following language may be used as part of a request or initial communication to a potential donor(s):

As you may be aware, the City of Ottawa accepts donations as a means of enhancing municipal facilities and programs. Donations are generally accepted through the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy and/or the Donation Procedures for Members of Council, as applicable.

In accordance with the Donation Procedures for Members of Council, please note as follows:

  • Any donation made to the City in relation to this communication is completely voluntary. You may freely decide whether or not to provide a donation.
  • The outcome of this solicitation – regardless of your decision on whether to offer or decline making a donation to the City – will not affect your future interactions with my Office or with the City of Ottawa, including but not limited to any to any future assistance, approval or award of a procurement call, regardless of whether a donation is made.
  • All donations made to the City through my solicitation and/or facilitation must be given unconditionally and voluntarily without any expectation of benefit. Donations to the City for community benefit are not to serve as an alternative to paying for fees, permits, programs, and/or services.
  • Certain limitations and restrictions may apply to donations to the City, as described in the Donation Procedures for Members of Council.
  • All donations made to the City through my solicitation would require public disclosure that includes the donor’s identity.

I invite you to review the Donation Procedures for Members of Council as part of your consideration of this solicitation. Any questions regarding the procedures or this solicitation may be directed to:

Caitlin Salter MacDonald
City Clerk
City of Ottawa
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 28136 opens email application)

Appendix B – Memorandum of Understanding template

Note that the General Manager or designate of the recipient department and Legal Services must review the completed Memorandum of Understanding prior to execution by Legal Services and the City Clerk.

WHEREAS the City of Ottawa accepts donations as a means of enhancing municipal facilities and programs, in accordance with the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy and the Donation Procedures for Members of Council; and

WHEREAS the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy and the Donation Procedures for Members of Council define “donation” as “a voluntary transfer of property”; and

WHEREAS Councillor _________ has _[solicited/facilitated]_ a donation from _[DONOR NAME]_ in accordance with the Donation Procedures for Members of Council;

THEREFORE the City and _[DONOR NAME]_ agree as follows:

  1. Definitions
    Include any definitions that may be applicable.
  2. Acknowledgements
    The Parties acknowledge the following:
    1. Councillor _________ has advised _[DONOR NAME]_ that their donation is completely voluntary;
    2. The donation is being given unconditionally and voluntarily without any expectation of benefit;
    3. The donation is not to serve as an alternative to paying for fees, permits, programs, and/or services;
    4. The Parties are of the view that none of the limitations and restrictions, or other prohibitions set out in the Donation Procedures for Members of Council apply to the donation;
    5. The donor is not a lobbyist or their clients or their employees with active registrations in the City’s Lobbyist Registry;
    6. The donation will be allocated and managed by City staff in accordance with the Donation Procedures for Members of Council and any other City policies that may apply; and
    7. This Memorandum of Understanding shall be disclosed on in accordance with the Donation Procedures for Members of Council, and the donation is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
  3. Member of Council’s role in soliciting and/or facilitating the donation
    Describe the role the Member played in soliciting and/or facilitating the donation.

    Must include the date that initial communication occurred between the Member and donor with respect to the potential donation.

    Should include reference to any consultation the Member undertook with staff regarding matters outside concurrence (e.g., with respect to the blackout period in the planning/procurement process; limitations and restrictions under the procedures; etc.), as applicable.

  4. Description of community benefits being donated and their purpose

    Describe the community benefits being donated, including but not limited to:

  • Value of the donation.
  • Detailed description of any in-kind and service donations (such as projects, assets or activities), including location, proposed use, etc.
  1. Donor’s statement of intent

    _[DONOR NAME]_ is voluntarily providing this donation to the City of Ottawa with the following intention:

    Provide donor’s intention.

  2. City staff concurrence regarding the proposed donation

    _[GENERAL MANAGER OR DESIGNATE, RECIPIENT DEPARTMENT]_ assessed the proposed donation in accordance with the Donation Procedures for Members of Council and provided Councillor _________ with the following written concurrence:

    Provide staff’s written concurrence, including reference to any funding source(s) that will be used to implement, operate, program or maintain the donation if a City contribution is required.

  3. Donation recognition

    Describe any donor recognition to be provided, if applicable, in accordance with the Donation Procedures for Members of Council.

  4. Responsibilities of the respective parties

    The donation is to be allocated and managed by City staff in accordance with the Donation Procedures for Members of Council and any other City policies, procedures and by-laws that may apply.

    Describe any additional responsibilities that may relate to the donation.

  5. Integrity Commissioner and Code of Conduct for Members of Council

    When Members of Council solicit and/or facilitate donations, the Code of Conduct for Members of Council continues to apply. The Integrity Commissioner is responsible for receiving complaints related to the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and the Donation Procedures for Members of Council.

    The Member may wish to include information regarding whether the Integrity Commissioner was consulted with respect to the potential donation. If the Member consulted the Integrity Commissioner, the Member may choose to disclose all advice provided by the Integrity Commissioner with respect to the matter.

    The parties have executed this Memorandum of Understanding as of the day of _[DATE]_.

    Provide applicable signatures.

Appendix C – Matters for staff to consider in determining whether to provide concurrence

In considering a proposed donation, the General Manager or designate shall assess any effect(s) that acceptance of the proposed donation may have on matters including but not limited to:

  1. The department's work plan, budgets, resourcing (including staffing) and capacity to undertake any work required by the donation within any anticipated applicable timelines.
  2. Applicable federal and provincial statutes, and municipal by-laws and policies.
  3. Any relevant City, Council-approved or statutory programs and/or standards, as well as existing City facilities, amenities, services and/or contractual commitments.
  4. Any one-time or ongoing costs to the City associated with accepting the donation. These costs may include a required City contribution for delivery, installation, maintenance, operating/programming costs, administrative costs, security costs, licensing, replacement or disposal costs, etc.
  5. Whether any Council approval would be required in relation to the donation (e.g., relating to funds or other matters). Where Council approval would be required, the General Manager or designate may recommend the Member bring forward to Council a motion or Councillor’s report regarding the matter for consideration.
  6. Any relevant matters relating to allocation and management of donations, as set out in sections 10 and 11 of the procedures.
  7. Whether the donation may be ineligible under any limitations and restrictions set out in the procedures.
  8. Effects on any other departments that could be impacted or have responsibilities relating to the donation.
  9. Whether the donation meets any applicable accessibility requirements.
  10. Administrative requirements that may apply to the acceptance of the donation, generally and in accordance with the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy (e.g., HST implications, compliance with the Real Property Acquisition Policy, tax receipt requirements, etc.)
  11. Any requirements relating to donation receipts and recognition standards, as applicable, as described in Section 13 of the procedures as well as the Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy.

Elected Officials Records Management Policy

Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: January 29, 2025
Effective Date: January 29, 2025

Policy statement

Members of Council and their Office staff manage and access records appropriately in order to fulfill statutory and policy requirements, ensure transparency and accountability, and protect privacy and confidentiality.


This policy identifies the process for the appropriate management of records held by Members of Council, in keeping with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), orders and guidelines issued by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC), the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, and the Election-Related Resources Policy.


This policy applies to all records created, received and maintained by Members of Council, including constituency records, personal records, records created in connection with City business and/or considered to be in the custody or under the control of the City, and records related to the duties of the Mayor.

Provisions of this policy apply to Members of Council as well as their Office staff who act in support of the Member’s role. For the purposes of this policy, the term “record” includes any record of information however recorded or stored.

Policy requirements

Section 1 – Application of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)

  1. The Mayor, as the statutory Head of Council and Chief Executive Officer of the City of Ottawa, is considered an officer of the City and, as such, is generally subject to MFIPPA. The Mayor’s Office may hold records related to the duties of the Mayor, constituency matters, personal matters, political matters, and City business. In keeping with orders and guidance from the IPC, these records shall generally be managed as follows:
    1. Records related to the duties of the Mayor as set out under the Municipal Act, 2001 are subject to MFIPPA
    2. Records created in connection with City business are subject to MFIPPA (e.g., official Council/Committee records; information relating to Office expenses)
    3. Records related to the Mayor’s interactions with constituents as an elected official are not subject to MFIPPA (e.g., emails from constituents). These records are considered the personal property of the Mayor. However, if the record is copied or forwarded to City staff, it will become a record in the custody or under the control of the City and may be subject to MFIPPA.
    4. Personal records are not subject to MFIPPA (e.g., records unrelated to Council’s mandate or services, or to the Mayor’s role as a Member of Council). However, if the record is copied or forwarded to City staff, it will become a record in the custody or under the control of the City and may be subject to MFIPPA.
  2. The Mayor may from time to time be subject to access requests made under MFIPPA and may be required to provide City staff with records in response to such a request. Despite the general provisions set out in Subsection 1, a careful analysis of all relevant factors is required before determining whether a specific record is considered to be in the custody or control of the City, or otherwise subject to MFIPPA. These matters shall be decided on the particular facts and circumstances of the case.
City Councillors
  1. Councillors are generally not considered to be officers or employees of the City unless undertaking certain roles and activities as noted below. Typically, Councillors’ Offices may hold records related to constituency matters, personal matters, political matters, and City business (including records related to assigned Council-related roles and policy requirements). In keeping with orders and guidance from the IPC, these records shall generally be managed as follows:
    1. Councillors’ records are subject to MFIPPA when:
      1. The Councillor is acting as an officer or employee of the municipality or performs a duty assigned by Council, such that they might be considered part of the institution (e.g., a Councillor acting in a liaison role assigned by Council, participating on a municipal Committee or board, or exercising administrative or management functions on behalf of the municipality); or
      2. The records are in the custody or under the control of the municipality.

        The IPC has issued orders regarding the determination of custody or control, and numerous factors must be considered, as set out in Appendix A.

    2. Records created in connection with City business are subject to MFIPPA (e.g., official Council/Committee records; information relating to Office expenses), even if sent from or received by a personal or political email account.
    3. Constituency records related to Councillors’ interactions with their constituents as elected officials are not subject to MFIPPA (e.g., email from constituents). These records are considered the personal property of the Councillor. However, if the record is copied or forwarded to City staff, it will become a record in the custody or under the control of the City and may be subject to MFIPPA.
    4. Personal records are not subject to MFIPPA (e.g., records unrelated to Council’s mandate or services, or to the Councillor’s role as a Member of Council). However, if the record is copied or forwarded to City staff, it will become a record in the custody or under the control of the City and may be subject to MFIPPA.
    5. Political records are generally not subject to MFIPPA (e.g., emails exchanged with another Councillor, or with the Councillor’s own staff). However, if the record is copied or forwarded to the Mayor’s Office or City staff, it may become a record in the custody or under the control of the City and may be subject to MFIPPA.
  2. Councillors may from time to time be subject to access requests made under MFIPPA and may be required to provide City staff with records in response to such a request. Despite the general provisions set out in Subsection 3, a careful analysis of all relevant factors is required before determining whether a record is considered to be in the custody or under the control of the City, or otherwise subject to MFIPPA. These matters shall be decided on the particular facts and circumstances of the case.
Members’ Office staff
  1. Members’ Office staff are City employees. However, such staff are selected and instructed by the Member to assist in their role as an elected official. For the purposes of custody or control of records, the IPC has found that a Member’s Office may be considered as a whole, and that Member’s Office staff are more properly considered to be an extension of the Member than employees of the municipality. As such, provisions of subsections 1 and 3 relating to the Mayor and City Councillors also apply to their staff.
  2. Members’ Office staff may be subject to access requests made under MFIPPA and may be required to provide City staff with records in response to such a request. Despite the general provisions set out in subsections 1, 3 and 5, a careful analysis of all relevant factors is required before determining if a record is considered to be in the custody or under the control of the City, or otherwise subject to MFIPPA. These matters shall be decided on the particular facts and circumstances of the case.

Section 2 – Managing records during the term of Council

Protecting privacy and confidentiality
  1. Members of Council and their Office staff who receive access to personal information or other confidential information in the performance of their duties have a responsibility to protect this information while in their possession, in keeping with their obligations under the Code of Conduct for Members of Council. Members should therefore ensure that the privacy of the individual to whom the information relates is protected at all times, and must keep the information secure to avoid unauthorized disclosure or destruction [e.g., Documents and devices should not be left unattended in vehicles or in offices; data stored on laptop computers, USB drives or similar devices should be encrypted or otherwise password protected; care should be taken to ensure that personal information is not disclosed during public meetings without prior, written consent of the affected individual(s)]. In addition to MFIPPA, the Municipal Act, 2001, the City’s Code of Conduct for Members of Council and the Procedure By-law also include requirements and prohibitions with respect to the disclosure of confidential information.
  2. Members should minimize the personal information collected to only what is necessary to provide the service and collect personal information directly from the individual unless another manner is specifically authorized. Notice of collection should be provided (e.g., verbally, in a letter, or by notice on a form). Examples of such notice are available from the Office of the City Clerk. If an individual’s contact information will be retained in a Member’s database for a purpose other than the initial reason for its collection, express permission must be obtained from the individual.
Disposal of temporary records
  1. Members and their Office staff shall dispose of temporary records by way of methods appropriate to their level of confidentiality (e.g., recycling for non- confidential records and shredding, deletion or other means of destruction for confidential records).
Members’ office staff who leave employment
  1. Members’ Office staff who leave their employment with the Member during the term of Council must ensure that any records they possess that were created in connection with the Member’s role shall be provided to the Member prior to leaving office. Such staff may retain personal records but may not retain any constituency, political or City records.
  2. Members’ Office staff who leave their employment with the Member during the term of Council but remain employed by the City in a different capacity (e.g., in a City department or with another Member of Council) shall only be permitted to carry over personal records to their new role. To ensure this, such staff may be required to obtain a new Network ID and/or e-mail inbox.
Accountability Officers – Access to Members’ records
  1. The City’s Auditor General and Integrity Commissioner shall have access to Members’ records as may be required in accordance with relevant statutory and policy authorities.
During an election year
  1. Members and their Office staff shall ensure any records of personal information that they possess (e.g., records of constituent information) are used only for the purpose for which they were collected. In accordance with the City’s Election-Related Resources Policy, constituent information (e.g., telephone numbers, email addresses and mailing addresses) that is collected, stored, accessed, maintained or updated using City resources shall not be used for election-related purposes.

Section 3 – Managing records at the end of a Member’s time in office

  1. Before leaving Office, outgoing Members of Council shall provide to the City Clerk any records created in connection with City business and/or considered to be in the custody or under the control of the City (e.g., invoices, formal letters to other levels of government or elected officials, speeches, and proclamations) that City staff have not already received through the course of their business. This includes any such records stored on any City-issued technology such as cellphones and hard drives. The Mayor’s Office shall also provide to the City Clerk any records relating to duties of the Mayor that City staff have not already received through the course of their business, for retention in accordance with the Records Retention and Disposition By-law.
  2. Members’ constituency, personal or political records are generally not in the custody or under the control of the City and therefore do not need to be retained or provided to the City at the end of a Members’ time in Office. That said, the following provisions apply to such records:
    1. Outgoing Members should ensure that all personal information and all constituency matters, lists, files, correspondence, service requests, personal notes, etc. are removed from their office.
    2. Any personal information collected by the Member who held Office at the time of collection, which was provided with consent to be used only for the purpose it was collected, with no consent given to provide the constituent’s personal information to the incoming Member and cannot be provided to the incoming Member. Upon the Member’s departure, there may be outstanding service requests that are still in the process of being acted upon by a City department. If this is the case, the new Member, if contacted by the constituent, will be able to receive and complete the request upon receiving the appropriate consent from the constituent.
    3. Outgoing Members may work with Archives staff to assist in the identification and transfer of archival records, such as information regarding historically significant political and constituency interactions. In accordance with Subsection 52(2) of MFIPPA, records placed in the City’s Archives by or on behalf of a person other than the City are not subject to MFIPPA.
      1. In keeping with Subsection 13(5) of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, those gifts received by Members of Council which have significance or historical value for the City of Ottawa shall be left with City Archives when the Member ceases to hold Office.
City-issued technology and related data
  1. Members shall be provided an opportunity to purchase and retain their City-issued technology when they leave Office. Should an outgoing Member not purchase and retain their City-issued technology, the data contained on such devices will be wiped as of 12:01 am on the day following the end of the term of Council (i.e., November 15 of an election year). Outgoing Members shall sign the Data Destruction Authorization Form attached as Appendix B prior to the end of the term of Council.
Members’ Office staff
  1. Members’ Office staff who leave their employment with the City or are to remain employed by the City in a different capacity (e.g., in a City department, or with another Member or an incoming Member within the same Ward Office) at the end of the term of Council must ensure that any records they possess that are created in connection with City business, or considered to be in the custody or under the control of the City, are provided to the City Clerk. Such staff may retain any personal records but may not retain any constituency or political records. Staff in the Mayor’s Office also may not retain any records held in relation to the duties of the Mayor as set out under the Municipal Act, 2001. This subsection also applies to any Members’ Office staff who may be elected to Office.
  2. Members’ Office staff who remain employed by the City in a different capacity (e.g., in a City department, or with another Member or an incoming Member within the same Ward Office) shall receive a new Network ID (e.g., email inbox, etc.).


Members of Council

Members of Council are required to adhere to this policy and its governing provisions. Members are also responsible for adhering to requirements under MFIPPA, particularly in response to requests for information submitted under the Act.

City Employees

City employees are required to adhere to this policy and its governing provisions. Employees must ensure relevant policy requirements are fulfilled in any duties and activities undertaken in their official position as a City employee, or in support of an elected official’s role.

City Clerk

The City Clerk is the delegated “Head” of the institution for the purposes of MFIPPA, and therefore is responsible for overseeing the administration of and for decisions made under the statute. With respect to this policy, the City Clerk must:

  • Ensure the administration, communication, interpretation, maintenance and monitoring/enforcement of this policy.
  • Receive any complaints and/or concerns related to this policy, subject to the Monitoring/Contraventions section of the policy.
  • Delegate in writing any designate(s) assigned to administer any or all of this policy.
  • Review this policy at least every two years through the City’s governance reviews and as required by changes to legislation.

The City Clerk is authorized to make minor administrative updates as may be necessary to maintain consistency with legislation and the organizational structure, while respecting and preserving the intent of the policy.


City Clerk/Integrity Commissioner

The City Clerk shall be responsible for receiving complaints and/or concerns related to this policy. Upon receipt of a complaint and/or a concern, the City Clerk shall notify the relevant party as appropriate and take necessary action.

In the case of a complaint respecting the conduct of a Member of Council in relation to their responsibilities under the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, the City Clerk shall refer the complaint to the Integrity Commissioner for intake and action as necessary under the Complaint Protocol (Appendix “A” to the Code of Conduct for Members of Council).


The IPC may review and investigate matters relating to MFIPPA, including appeals with respect to access requests, privacy complaints and complaints regarding contraventions of the legislation. Section 48 of MFIPPA includes provisions with respect to contraventions, including prohibitions with respect to altering, concealing or destroying a record, or causing any other person to do so, with the intention of denying a right under the Act to access the record or the information contained in the record.


Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, “Working with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: A Councillor’s Guide” (November 2001)

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, “FOI Fact Sheet 1: The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Councillors’ Records” (April 2016)

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, “What is Personal Information?” (October 2016)

Legislative and administrative authorities

Code of Conduct for Members of Council

Employee Code of Conduct

Election-Related Resources Policy

Municipal Act, 2001

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Procedure By-law

Records Management Policy and Procedures

Records Retention and Disposition By-law

Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination Policy


Official Business Records (OBRs): City record/record created in connection with City business. OBRs include but are not limited to work-related decisions and actions including emails, charts, presentations, briefing notes, etc. OBRs show what happened, when, who was involved, what was decided or recommended and by whom. OBRs provide evidence of City decisions and decision-making, policies, procedures, services, operations (including transactions, activities, etc.).

Constituency record: Documents and information received or created by Members, including their Office staff, which relate to matters dealing with their constituents.

Personal information: Recorded information about an identifiable individual, including:

  • information relating to the race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation or marital or family status of the individual;
  • information relating to the education or the medical, psychiatric, psychological, criminal or employment history of the individual or information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved;
  • any identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual;
  • the address, telephone number, fingerprints or blood type of the individual;
  • the personal opinions or views of the individual except if they relate to another individual;
  • correspondence sent to an institution by the individual that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to that correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence;
  • the views or opinions of another individual about the individual; and
  • the individual’s name if it appears with other personal information relating to the individual or where the disclosure of the name would reveal other personal information about the individual.

Personal record: Documents and information unrelated to City business, Council’s mandate and services, or the Member’s role as an elected official, such as personal correspondence from residents and responses to them.

Political record: Documents and information received or created by Members in relation to political matters.

Record: Any record of information however recorded or stored, whether in physical form, electronic form or otherwise.

Temporary record: A record that is of limited usefulness and can be destroyed immediately or when no longer needed. A temporary record:

  • is of limited usefulness, created or received by staff in carrying out their activities;
  • has no value beyond an immediate and minor action and are not required to meet legal or fiscal obligations;
  • is often created in preparation of a subsequent Official Business Record (e.g., a draft of a completed report); and
  • does not provide evidence of decision-making or work-related operations (including transactions, activities, etc.).


For more information on this policy, contact:

Caitlin Salter MacDonald
City Clerk
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 28136 opens email application)

Karen Shepherd
Integrity Commissioner opens email application)


Appendix A – IPC factors in determining whether a record is in the custody or control of a municipality

Appendix B – Data Destruction Authorization Form

Appendix A – IPC factors in determining whether a record is in the custody or control of a municipality

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario has developed a list of factors to consider in determining whether a record is in the custody or control of an institution, as set out in the fact sheet titled, “The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Councillors’ records” (April 2016).

The list below is not intended to be exhaustive. Some of the listed factors may not apply in a specific case, while other unlisted factors may apply.

  • Was the record created by an officer or employee of the institution?
  • What use did the creator intend to make of the record?
  • Does the institution have a statutory power or duty to carry out the activity that resulted in the creation of the record?
  • Is the activity in question a “core,” “central” or “basic” function of the institution?
  • Does the content of the record relate to the institution’s mandate and functions?
  • Does the institution have physical possession of the record, either because it has been voluntarily provided by the creator or pursuant to a mandatory statutory or employment requirement?
  • If the institution does have possession of the record, is it more than “bare possession”?
  • If the institution does not have possession of the record, is it being held by an officer or employee of the institution for the purposes of his or her duties as an officer or employee?
  • Does the institution have a right to possession of the record?
  • Does the institution have the authority to regulate the record’s content, use and disposal?
  • Are there any limits on the use to which the institution may put the record, what are those limits, and why do they apply to the record?
  • To what extent has the institution relied upon the record?
  • How closely is the record integrated with other records held by the institution?
  • What is the customary practice of the institution and other similar institutions in relation to possession or control of records of this nature, in similar circumstances?

In cases where the record is not held by an institution, such as where it is solely held by a Councillor, the IPC looks at the factors set out in Appendix A within the framework of the following two-part test from Canada (Information Commissioner) v. Canada (Minister of National Defence), 2011 SCC 25 (CanLII):

  1. Do the contents of the record relate to the institution’s business?
  2. Could the institution reasonably expect to obtain a copy of the record upon request? On the second question, the Supreme Court of Canada stated:

all relevant factors must be considered in order to determine whether the government institution could reasonably expect to obtain a copy upon request. These factors include the substantive content of the record, the circumstances in which it was created, and the legal relationship between the government institution and the record holder… The reasonable expectation test is objective. If a senior official of the government institution, based on all relevant factors, reasonably should be able to obtain a copy of the record, the test is made out and the record must be disclosed, unless it is subject to any specific statutory exemption. In applying the test, the word “could” is to be understood accordingly (National Defence).

If you answer yes to each part of the two-part test above, then the records are in the control of the municipality, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act applies, and the institution must issue an access decision.

Appendix B – Data Destruction Authorization Form

Data Destruction Authorization Form for the Mayor

In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) has found that records that are maintained or held in relation to the duties of the Mayor are considered records subject to MFIPPA. However, any records of a Mayor that were not created or received in connection with mayoral duties and are not otherwise in the custody or control of the municipality would not be subject to MFIPPA.

As such, records that do not relate to the duties of the Mayor as an officer of the municipality, and are maintained separately as constituency or political papers, would not be in the custody or control of the City of Ottawa and therefore do not need to be retained at the end of a Mayor’s term of Office.

The Mayor is encouraged to ensure that any records considered to be in the custody or control of the City of Ottawa, such as Budget-related documentation, are retained by providing such records to Mayor Support Services prior to the end of the [Insert term] Term of Council. This includes any records stored on City-issued devices, including cellphones and hard drives.

Should the outgoing Mayor not purchase and retain their City-issued technology, the data contained on such devices will be wiped as of 12:01 am on November 15, [Insert year].


Name of the Mayor (please print)

____________________________________________                  ____________________

Mayor Representative’s Signature of Acceptance                  Date of Authorization

Data Destruction Authorization Form for City Councillors

In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) outlines two situations when records in the possession of a City Councillor are considered in the custody or control of the City of Ottawa:

  1. The Councillor is acting as an officer or employee of the municipality or performs a duty assigned by council, such that they might be considered part of the institution, or
  2. The records are in the custody or control of the municipality.

As such, Councillor records that are constituency or political records (i.e., communications with constituents or with another Councillor) are not in the custody and control of the City of Ottawa and therefore do not need to be retained at the end of a Councillor’s term of Office.

Councillors are encouraged to ensure that any records considered to be in the custody or control of the City of Ottawa, such as Constituency Services Budget-related documentation, be retained by providing such records to Council Support Services prior to the end of the [Insert term] Term of Council. This includes any records stored on City-issued devices, including cellphones and hard drives.

Should an outgoing City Councillor not purchase and retain their City-issued technology, the data contained on such devices will be wiped as of 12:01 am on November 15, [Insert year].


Name of Elected Representative (please print)

_____________________________________________                ____________________

Elected Representative’s Signature of Acceptance                Date of Authorization

Election-Related Resources Policy

Department: Office of the City Clerk
Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: February 12, 2003
Effective Date: February 12, 2003
Revision Approved By: City Council
Revision Dates: February 13, 2013; March 23, 2022; August 9, 2023 (Housekeeping amendments); January 29, 2025 

Policy statement

To provide direction regarding the use of City of Ottawa resources with respect to election-related matters.


In compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (the MEA), public funds and resources are not to be used for any election-related purposes, including the promotion of or opposition to the candidacy of a person for elected office.

Specifically, Section 88.18 of the MEA provides that municipalities “… shall establish rules and procedures with respect to the use of [municipal resources] during the election campaign period.” In addition, Subsection 88.8(4)5 of the MEA provides that a municipality shall not make a campaign contribution.

The Ontario Election Finances Act, 1990 and the Canada Elections Act, 2000 include similar prohibitions with respect to provincial and federal election campaigns. Specifically, Section 29 of the Election Finances Act, 1990 prohibits contributions from corporations, which includes municipal corporations. Section 363 of the Canada Elections Act, 2000 similarly provides that only individuals may make campaign contributions.


This Policy applies to the following:

  • Members of City Council
  • City employees
  • Public members of the Built Heritage Committee
  • Public members of any quasi-judicial body established by Council that is not considered to be a “local board” of the City for the purposes of Section 88.18 of the MEA (for example, the Election Compliance Audit Committee and the Property Standards and License Appeals Committee)

This Policy applies to the occurrence of:

  • A municipal election, by-election, or campaign related to a question on the ballot; and
  • Any participation in federal and provincial elections that is partisan in nature.

Where applicable, provisions in this Policy shall also apply to activities of all candidates, registered third party advertisers and ballot question campaigns in relation to City resources. The term “election-related” may be used in this Policy to refer to the matters set out above.

Certain provisions of this Policy may be subject to additional City by-laws, policies and procedures. Guidance should be sought from the City Clerk or designate if clarification or interpretation is required, or if any situation arises that is not expressly addressed in this Policy or the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1.

Members of Council

This Policy applies to all Members of Council. That said, the blackout period provisions set out in Section 5 of this Policy and in the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1 do not apply to a Member who is acclaimed, or who is retiring from office and therefore is not a candidate in an election.

This Policy is intended to balance the duty of a Member to represent their constituents and the legal obligation of the City not to contribute to, or be perceived as contributing to, an election campaign. With respect to election-related activity, Section 14 of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council provides that Members are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and this Policy.

It is recognized that Members, as elected officials, are responsible to serve their constituents and fulfill their responsibilities until the end of their term. That said, clear separation must exist between an elected official’s role as a Member of Council and their role as a candidate.

It is further recognized that there are no rules regarding the working hours that Members keep. Elected officials are often called upon to work at all hours of the day and night, as well as on weekends and holidays. They do not receive vacation or overtime, and there is no defined workday/paid time/on-duty time for a Member of Council. As such, a Member may be involved in election-related activities in their capacity as a candidate at times of the day that may generally be considered to be City “office hours.” This is permitted, as long as the Member’s activities do not contravene provisions of this Policy, and public funds and resources are not used for election-related purposes.

City employees

This Policy applies to all City employees, including employees in the offices of Members of Council.

In line with the City’s Employee Code of Conduct, City employees are expected to preserve the public trust and confidence in the City and apply the core values of their code of conduct to their daily work. City employees are ultimately responsible for conducting themselves in accordance with the Employee Code of Conduct as well as this Policy.

With respect to election-related activities, while the City encourages employees to become involved in their community, it is recognized that some activities unrelated to work can interfere with an employee’s ability to do their job and may undermine the neutrality of the City. Employees are expected to promote the principles of transparency, impartiality, respect and accountability as set out in Section 6 of this Policy.

Public members of the Built Heritage Committee and of applicable quasi-judicial bodies

This Policy applies to all public members of the Built Heritage Committee and any applicable quasi-judicial body (for example, the Election Compliance Audit Committee and the Property Standards and License Appeals Committee) of the City for the purpose of Section 88.18 of the MEA.

This Policy is intended to balance the duties of public members with the legal obligation of the City not to contribute to, or be perceived as contributing to, an election campaign. As such, public members engaged in political activities must take care to separate those personal activities from their appointed positions.

The Code of Conduct for Public Members of the Built Heritage Committee applies to public members of the Built Heritage Committee when acting in their official capacity. The code of conduct requires that public members conduct themselves in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and this Policy.

Activities of candidates, registered third party advertisers and ballot question campaigns in relation to City resources

This Policy is intended to balance the statutory and legal rights of candidates, registered third party advertisers and campaigns related to a question on the ballot with the legal obligation of the City not to contribute to, or be perceived as contributing to, an election campaign. Provisions of this Policy will therefore apply to certain activities of all candidates, registered third party advertisers and ballot question campaigns that relate to the use of City resources. However, this Policy does not apply to candidate, third party advertiser and ballot question campaign activities that are unrelated to the use of City resources. This Policy also does not apply to candidates’ use of public information.

Policy requirements

Section 1 - General provisions

  1. City resources shall not at any time be used to sponsor or produce any materials that promote or oppose the candidacy of a person for elected office, or that promote or oppose a campaign related to a question on the ballot.
  2. Subject to Section 5 of this Policy and the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1, Subsection 1(1) of this Policy is not meant to restrict Members of Council from routinely communicating with ward constituents by way of materials such as flyers, newsletters, householders, websites and email, and through activities such as events. However, Members shall ensure that any communications materials or activities produced or funded using City resources comply with applicable provisions of this Policy and are not related to an election.

Section 2 - City events, community and Member-organized events

Attendance at City and community events by Elected Officials
  1. Members of Council and other elected officials may attend City- and community- organized events and act as participants in their capacity as elected officials, including speaking at the event and partaking in ceremonial activities, provided that they do not promote or oppose the candidacy of a person for elected office. Attendance at City- and community-organized events by Members of Council during the blackout period is subject to Section 5 of this Policy as well as the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1.
Attendance at City events by candidates, registered third party advertisers and ballot question campaigns
  1. Candidates, registered third party advertisers, ballot question campaigns and their representatives may attend City events in their capacity as private citizens, but shall not campaign while in attendance or distribute campaign-related materials.
  2. Candidates, registered third party advertisers and representatives of ballot question campaigns shall not be invited to deliver formal remarks at a City event in their capacity as a candidate, registered third party advertiser or ballot question campaign representative.
Member-organized events in the year of a municipal election
  1. Donations and sponsorships for Member-organized events in a municipal election year are subject to provisions of the Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy, which is administered by the City of Ottawa’s Integrity Commissioner.
  2. Member-organized events that use City resources, including a Member’s Constituency Services Budget, during the blackout period are subject to approval from the City Clerk or designate in accordance with Section 5 of this Policy and Section 5 of the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1.

Section 3 - City facilities

Booking space in City facilities
  1. Members of the public, including community groups, candidates, registered third party advertisers, ballot question campaigns and their representatives, may book space in City facilities for election-related activities, subject to the following:
    1. The booking and any activities shall be subject to applicable City by-laws, rules, policies and procedures with respect to matters such as facility use, signs and campaigning;
    2. The subject organization/individual shall make its own arrangements directly with City staff and pay all of the associated costs for the event;
    3. City resources, including City staff, shall not play a role in the event outside of the general support associated with booking the space;
    4. Rental contract holders may decide who may participate in their event and what activities may take place in the rented area, provided the contract holders and participants respect facility rules and make appropriate use of the space as set out in the rental contract and applicable City by-laws, rules, policies and procedures; and
    5. With respect to City facilities that are used as a voting location:
      1. Space in such facilities shall not be booked for election-related activities on any day in which voting is to take place at the facility; and
      2. Any signs or promotional material relating to forthcoming election-related activities/events shall be removed from such facilities on any day in which voting is to take place at the facility. This does not apply to signs or promotional material placed by City staff in relation to the voting process.
  1. Members’ Constituency Services Budgets, credits for community use of recreation facilities and other City resources shall not be used to book/sponsor City facilities for election-related activities (for example, an all-candidates meeting at any level of government). This prohibition does not apply to events related to general participation in municipal government and/or the election process (for example, information sessions for the public), which shall be subject to pre-approval from the City Clerk or designate further to the principles of this Policy, as well as the application of Subsection 4(2) of the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1.
Campaigning in City facilities and other City properties
  1. Campaigning is permitted in common areas of City facilities (such as building lobbies and public entranceways), as well as on public right of way sidewalks and thoroughfares, and in public parks and public areas of transit stations, subject to the following:
    1. Anyone campaigning shall not impede traffic, cause safety issues or disrupt other facility users;
    2. Campaigning shall not occur at City events or programming;
    3. Anyone campaigning shall not enter City program spaces for the purpose of campaigning/soliciting support from participants in City programs;
    4. Anyone campaigning shall not enter rented spaces for the purpose of campaigning/soliciting support from participants at private functions without permission from the rental contract holder;
    5. The Parks and Facilities By-law regulates and promotes the responsible enjoyment and use of City parks and related facilities. Use of parks and related facilities for formal campaigning purposes such as events, rallies etc. shall be subject to review by the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department and any applicable by-law conditions and/or other requirements with respect to permits, contracts and/or permission letters; and
    6. The Transit By-law regulates public transit, including fares and transfers, proof of payment, transit passes, general prohibitions, Transitway guidelines, Park & Ride lots, permits, fees and enforcement. Use of public areas of transit stations for formal campaigning purposes such as events, rallies etc. shall be subject to review by the Transit Services Department and any applicable by-law conditions and/or other requirements with respect to permits, contracts and/or permission letters.
    7. The Advertising Using City Assets and Programs Policy regulates advocacy advertisements, including advertisements for political parties or candidates. Advocacy advertisements shall be subject to the conditions and/or requirements of the Advertising Using City Assets and Programs Policy.
  2. The placement of election signs on public and private property for municipal, provincial, and federal elections is regulated by the Signs on City Roads By-law and the Temporary Signs on Private Property By-law. Election signs are not permitted “in or upon transit property” pursuant to the Transit By-law but are otherwise permitted to be placed on nearby City property upon the “inner boulevard” as described in the Signs on City Roads By-law.

Section 4 - City resources

Members’ communications and related matters
  1. As set out in Subsection 1(2) of this Policy, all Members of Council shall ensure that the content of any communications materials produced or funded using City resources is not for an election-related purpose, including the promotion of or opposition to the candidacy of a person for elected office. Section 5 of this Policy, as well as the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1, apply to Members’ communications materials during the blackout period.
  2. City resources shall not be used to pay for, access, develop, maintain or update election-related communications platforms such as campaign websites and social media accounts. This includes but is not limited to the use of City-funded computers, tablets and smartphones; City wireless networks available to the Member’s office and not the general public; Members’ office staff during the working hours for those office staff; and/or Members’ Constituency Services Budgets.
  3. Communications materials, including branding (symbols, logos, graphics) and photographic or video materials, which were or are created or produced by City employees or with City resources shall not be used in campaign materials or for any other election-related purposes. Branding created by an election campaign may be used by a Member when in office following the election. Such branding may also be used in subsequent election campaigns provided City resources have not been used to modify or produce the branding.
  4. Constituent information (including telephone numbers and email and mailing addresses) that is collected, stored, accessed, maintained or updated using City resources shall not be used for election-related purposes.
  5. Members shall ensure that any communications materials issued to constituents following an election or by-election do not include reference to election-related matters. This includes but is not limited to the following:
    1. Communications materials issued by a Member shall not thank people for voting or support, or refer to matters such as the campaign, other candidates or the election. Such materials may include a general statement to the effect of being proud or honoured to continue to represent constituents; and
    2. Communications materials issued by a Member shall not include statements to the effect of farewell columns or a summary of past achievements/term of office, etc.
Members’ websites
  1. A Member’s website that is paid for, accessed, maintained, developed or updated using City resources shall not be used for any election-related purposes. This includes but is not limited to a Member’s website that:
    1. Uses City funds for hosting and/or maintenance fees;
    2. Is updated/maintained by office staff during working hours or using City infrastructure; and
    3. Is referenced in the Member’s activities relating to their role as an elected official, such as the Member’s communications materials (for example, City-funded Member’s website, business cards, email signature blocks, letterhead, community newspaper columns, flyers, photographs, householders, newsletters, advertisements, media releases, mail outs and emails).
  2. If a Member is converting a website that has been paid for, accessed, maintained, developed or updated using City resources to a campaign website for election-related purposes:
    1. The Member shall provide the City Clerk or designate with at least 24 hours’ notice of the conversion to ensure any links to the website may be removed from in compliance with Subsection 4(13) of this Policy;
    2. The Member shall pay for the website personally when renewing the hosting service until the campaign budget takes over. A campaign shall not be permitted to reimburse the City for costs; and
    3. Any links or references to converted (campaign/election-related) websites shall be removed from the Member’s activities relating to their role as an elected official and shall not be provided on the Member’s communications materials (for example, business cards, email signature blocks, letterhead, community newspaper columns, flyers, photographs, householders, newsletters, advertisements, media releases, mail outs and emails).
  3. Members shall not use a website that is paid for, accessed, maintained, developed or updated using City resources:
    1. To provide an endorsement of a candidate at any level of government or of a campaign related to a question on the ballot; and/or
    2. To link to a website/social media account of a candidate at any level of government or a campaign related to a question on the ballot.
  4. The following applies to links/widgets to a Member’s social media account(s) that appear on a Member’s website that is paid for, accessed, maintained, developed or updated using City resources:
    1. Links/widgets to a Member’s social media account(s) that appear on a Member’s website are to be removed from the website for the duration of the blackout period, as set out in Subsection 3(3) of the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1.
    2. If a Member intends to use their social media account(s) for election-related purposes (i.e. election-related posts or sharing) at any time, including but not limited to a municipal election/by-election, or federal/provincial election/by-election, the Member shall ensure that any links or widgets to their social media account(s) are removed from the Member’s website and shall notify the City Clerk upon removal.
Members’ social media use
  1. Social media accounts that are free to use are generally not considered to be City resources. These accounts are personal to the individual Member and have not been created by the City of Ottawa, nor are they used by the City for the purposes of official communications. That said, the following applies to social media accounts of Members of Council:
    1. Members are encouraged to clearly distinguish between an elected official social media account and a campaign (election-related) social media account. Any official ward-based social media account operated by a Member’s City-funded office (for example, the “Ward ____” account, the “____ Ward” account) should not be used for election-related purposes;
    2. Members who post or share election-related materials through a social media account shall ensure that those activities are not conducted using City resources, including but not limited to office staff during working hours or using City infrastructure such as smartphones and computers; and
    3. If a Member’s social media account includes election-related posts or sharing, any links or references to that account shall not appear on the Member’s communications materials (for example, City-funded Member’s website, business cards, email signature blocks, letterhead, community newspaper columns, flyers, photographs, householders, newsletters, advertisements, media releases, mail outs and emails).
  2. Members shall follow any guidance issued by the Integrity Commissioner with respect to social media use. The Code of Conduct for Members of Council applies to Members’ social media activity.
Members’ content on
  1. Members’ content on, including biographies, shall not be related to an election, and shall be provided to the City Clerk or designate for review to ensure compliance with this policy when initially posted or substantially revised.
  2. The following applies to links to Members’ content on
    1. Links on to a Member’s website(s) shall be removed from if the Member’s website is used for election-related purposes (i.e. converted in full or in part from an elected official website to a campaign website).
    2. Links on to a Member’s social media account(s) shall be removed from if the social media account is used for election-related purposes (i.e. election-related posts or sharing). If a Member intends to use their social media account(s) for election-related purposes at any time, including but not limited to a municipal election/by-election, or federal/provincial election/by-election, the Member shall provide the City Clerk or designate with at least 24 hours’ notice of the use to ensure any links/widgets to social media account(s) may be removed from
    3. Links on to a Member’s website(s) and social media account(s) shall be removed from for the duration of the blackout period, as set out in Subsection 3(2) of the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1.
City communications and related matters
  1. City-funded websites or domain names shall not include any campaign materials, make reference to and identify any individual as a candidate, registered third party advertiser or ballot question campaign member, or profile any slogan or symbol associated with a candidate, registered third party advertiser, or ballot question campaign. This prohibition does not apply to the identification of candidates on official municipal election or by-election pages of
  2. Corporate social media accounts identified under the City’s Social Media Protocol shall not reissue or repurpose (for example, by way of “retweeting,” “liking,” or linking to) any posts by a nominated candidate (for office on municipal Council, or provincial or federal candidates). This restriction does not apply to posts by the Mayor related to intergovernmental activities and proclamations in the Mayor’s capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the City as set out in Sections 225 and 226.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
City information and related matters
  1. City information provided upon request to one candidate, registered third party advertiser or ballot question campaign shall also be provided to any other candidate, registered third party advertiser or ballot question campaign that requests the same information.
  2. Requests by a candidate, registered third party advertiser or ballot question campaign for individual meetings with General Managers or other City employees, or for tours of City facilities, may not always be accommodated due to resource and time constraints. If such a meeting or tour is organized for one candidate, registered third party advertiser or ballot question campaign, the department shall also organize a similar meeting or tour for any other candidate, registered third party advertiser or ballot question campaign that makes such a request.
City visual identity and related matters
  1. The City’s corporate logos, official marks, slogan, coat of arms etc., shall not be printed, posted or distributed on any campaign materials except to link to the City’s website to obtain information about the municipal election.
  2. Photographic or video materials that are copyright of the City or that are or have been created by City employees or with City resources shall not be used for any external election-related purpose or in campaign materials.
Members’ constituency services budgets
  1. In a municipal election year, a pro-rated portion of the annual budget for each Members’ office shall be reserved for the new term of Council. Up to 10.5/12 of the budget may be spent by the incumbent Member and 1.5/12 shall be reserved for the next term. Staff in the Office of the City Clerk shall monitor expenditures to assist each office in ensuring that the budget threshold is not exceeded.
  2. In the event of a ward or city-wide by-election, or an appointment to fill a vacancy in the Office of a Member of Council, funds from the vacated Member’s office shall be set aside on a pro-rated basis for the newly elected representative based on the start date of the new Member.
  3. Pursuant to Subsection 4(21), any pre-committed funds and obligations, such as web hosting fees, shall be brought to the attention of the City Clerk or designate within 48 hours of the certification and shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Members’ ward accounts relating to City programs
  1. In the year of a municipal election, the following applies to any request/direction a Councillor wishes to provide to staff with respect to the use of ward accounts for which the Councillor is consulted or has delegated authority with respect to accessing and/or approving the use of City funds relating to Section 37 community benefits (for example, ward accounts related to community benefits charges and/or former Section 37 benefits), the Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Funds Policy and/or the Temporary Traffic Calming Measures Program:
    1. As noted in Subsection 2(4) of the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures, during the blackout period:
      1. A Councillor who is a candidate for any office in the municipal election shall not provide any request/direction to staff regarding the use of the above-noted ward accounts.
      2. A Councillor who is not a candidate for any office in the municipal election, or who has been acclaimed, may provide requests/direction to staff regarding the use of the above-noted ward accounts, in accordance with any policy provisions relating to the ward account.
    2. Before the start of the blackout period, and after Voting Day and until the end of the Term of Council, a Councillor may provide requests/direction to staff regarding the use of the above-noted ward accounts, in accordance with any policy provisions relating to the ward account.
Election campaigns at other levels of government
  1. Members of Council shall not use City resources to host, promote, sponsor or otherwise organize or assist with any event that involves direct participation by candidates at other levels of government, given that there is potential for partisanship, real or perceived, to occur at, or in the organization of, any such event that directly involves candidate participation.
  2. Members of Council may communicate with constituents regarding federal/provincial matters relevant to the ward/City of Ottawa, as well as any issues that have a direct bearing on municipal business between the federal/provincial government and the City of Ottawa. Any such communication shall be non-partisan in nature and may be conducted through communications such as general questionnaires to all candidates, or messages to constituents highlighting federal/provincial matters of importance to the ward without commentary/indicating a preference for a particular candidate/party.
  3. The following applies if a Member of Council becomes a candidate in a provincial or federal election/by-election:
    1. A Member who is a candidate shall seek guidance from the City Clerk with respect to responsibilities and obligations required to comply with this Policy. While certain restrictions may apply in order to ensure compliance with this Policy and its purpose, it is recognized that the Member continues to be the elected representative and may remain active in their capacity as the Ward Councillor. This may include participating in meetings of City Council, its Standing Committees, Sub-Committees, attending City and community meetings and events in their capacity as Ward Councillor, and fulfilling any other statutory roles and responsibilities of a Member of Council.
    2. Communications materials published, issued or otherwise used by a Member who is a candidate shall not advertise the Member’s participation/attendance in events.
    3. Following a provincial or federal election/by-election, Subsection 4(5) of this Policy applies to any communications materials issued to constituents by a Member who is a candidate.
    4. Communications materials published, issued or otherwise used by the City shall not reference the name or image of a Member of Council who is a candidate in a federal/provincial election/by-election. This includes but is not limited to municipal publications, advertisements, media releases and public service announcements, speaking notes and social media content (for example, Corporate City social media accounts identified under the City’s Social Media Protocol shall not retweet, link to, “like,” or otherwise reissue or repurpose the Member’s communications). This does not include materials such as Council and Committee meeting minutes and agendas.
    5. Any reference made in City communications materials to a specific Ward Councillor who is a candidate in a federal/provincial election/by-election shall be to the “Ward Councillor for Ward ___,” or “Chair of the ___ Committee,” rather than by name. The Mayor shall be subject to the same restrictions as Ward Councillors, but may be named in media releases and City materials related to intergovernmental activities and proclamations only in the Mayor’s capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the City as set out in Sections 225 and 226.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
    6. Media releases, speaking notes and other communications materials that relate to a Member of Council who is a candidate in a federal/provincial election/by-election and are to be published, used or distributed by the City during the applicable campaign period shall be provided to the City Clerk or designate for review and approval.
    7. Section 6 of this Policy applies with respect to the Member’s staff and any other City employees should they be engaged in political activities.

Section 5 - Restrictions during the 60-day blackout period prior to and including voting day

  1. In a municipal election year or in the event of a by-election, City resources including Members’ Constituency Services Budgets are not to be used to sponsor any advertisements, flyers, newsletters, householders and other communications with ward constituents for the 60-day period prior to and including Voting Day. General prohibitions and restrictions also apply during this period to the holding of events by Members, event-related activities, and other uses of City resources, as described in the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1.
  2. Despite Subsection 5(1) of this Policy, where an emergency occurs, a non-emergency-related community issue arises or where a Member’s annual community event is held during the blackout period, a Member may participate in certain activities or use City resources to communicate with constituents with the approval of the City Clerk or designate in accordance with Section 5 of the Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures attached as Appendix 1.
  3. The prohibitions set out in Subsection 5(1) of this Policy do not apply to a Member who is acclaimed, or who is retiring from office and therefore is not a candidate in the election.
  4. City staff shall make all efforts to hold outside of the blackout period any City event that may require participation from Members who are election candidates. If a City event that may require participation from such Members must be held during the blackout period due to statutory/project timelines or other scheduling considerations, staff shall consult with the City Clerk or designate and receive approval regarding the event further to the principles of this Policy.

Section 6 - City employees

  1. The following applies to City employee participation in City or external community events in their official position as a City employee:
    1. A City employee may participate in an event, by providing information or otherwise, if the event has no election-related purposes, including the promotion of or opposition to the candidacy of a person for elected office.
    2. A City employee shall not participate in any event, by providing information or otherwise, if an event is to have any election-related purposes, including the promotion of or opposition to the candidacy of a person for elected office.
    3. A City employee shall seek guidance from the City Clerk or designate with respect to participation in any of the following:
      1. Events involving one or more candidates at any level of government as participants;
      2. Events involving one or more Members of Council as participants during the blackout period;
      3. Events related to matters at the provincial/federal level during a provincial/federal election campaign, as the case may be; and/or
      4. Events involving one or more MPPs or MPs as participants following the issuing of the writ.
  2. Employees engaged in political activities shall separate those personal activities from their official positions. This includes the following:
    1. Employees may participate in political activity at the municipal, provincial and federal levels provided that such activity does not take place during the employee’s City work hours or use City resources;
    2. Employees who involve themselves in an election campaign by posting or sharing campaign-related materials through personal social media accounts shall separate these activities from their role as a City employee and shall ensure that none of these activities are done during the employee’s City work hours or using City resources;
    3. Any City information obtained by an employee through their employment with the City shall not be used for election-related purposes; and
    4. Employees in the offices of Members of Council must ensure vacation or Time Off In Lieu is submitted to the Program Manager, Council Support Services, or Program Manager, Mayor Support Services, or their designates, as the case may be, in advance of any campaign-related work conducted during traditional working hours.
  3. Notices, posters or similar materials in support of a particular candidate, campaign related to a question on the ballot, or political party shall not be displayed or distributed by employees at City work sites or at City facilities.
  4. Employees wishing to run for municipal, provincial or federal office shall request and obtain a leave of absence without pay, and abide by the respective legislation governing such elections. Employees with questions regarding their obligations with respect to obtaining a leave of absence without pay may contact the City Clerk or designate.
  5. Should an employee of a sitting Member of Council wish to run for election or by-election, that employee shall begin the required leave of absence immediately upon certification of the nomination by the City Clerk or designate. Subsequently, all employee accesses (including email and security) related to the Member’s office shall be suspended and all City resources used by the individual as a result of employment within the Member’s office (such as computers, smartphones and electronic storage devices) shall be returned immediately.
  6. An employee who identifies a potential conflict of interest with respect to election-related matters (for example, a family member or close friend is a candidate, etc.) shall advise the manager or director to whom they report in writing of the potential conflict of interest in accordance with the Employee Code of Conduct. Thereafter, the manager or director shall develop a process, with input from the City Clerk or designate and Legal Services, to insulate the employee against any claim of conflict, be it real or perceived.


Members of Council

  • Ensure relevant requirements of this Policy and its Procedures are fulfilled in any duties and activities undertaken.
  • Understand and support this Policy and its Procedures and ensure accountability for their actions.
  • Seek clarification of any aspect of this Policy and its Procedures, as required.

Public Members of the Built Heritage Committee and of applicable quasi-judicial bodies

  • Ensure relevant requirements of this Policy and its Procedures are fulfilled in any duties and activities undertaken.
  • Understand and support this Policy and its Procedures and ensure accountability for their actions.
  • Seek clarification of any aspect of this Policy and its Procedures, as required.

City employees, including management and staff in Members' offices

  • Ensure relevant requirements of this Policy and its Procedures are fulfilled in any duties and activities undertaken in their official position as a City employee.
  • Ensure relevant requirements of this Policy and its Procedures are fulfilled with respect to any political activity or candidacy undertaken by the employee, and regarding any conflict of interest identified by the employee.
  • Understand and support this Policy and its Procedures and ensure accountability for their actions.
  • Seek clarification of any aspect of this Policy and its Procedures, as required.

City Clerk

  • Ensure relevant requirements of this Policy and its Procedures are fulfilled in any duties and activities undertaken.
  • Ensure the administration, communication, interpretation and monitoring/enforcement of this Policy and its Procedures.
  • Receive and respond to any complaints, concerns and inquiries/requests for guidance related to this Policy and its Procedures.
  • Delegate in writing any designate(s) assigned to administer any or all of this Policy and its Procedures.
  • Review this Policy and its Procedures at least every two years through the City’s governance reviews as well as in the third year of the Council term, and as required by changes to legislation. The City Clerk is authorized to make minor administrative updates as may be necessary to maintain compliance and consistency with legislation, while respecting and preserving the intent of the Policy and its Procedures.


Guidance and interpretation

The City Clerk or designate shall have the delegated authority to provide guidance with respect to election-related matters in relation to this Policy and/or its Procedures, and to issue in writing any interpretation on the application of this Policy and/or its Procedures and any related approvals or prohibitions. Such guidance, interpretation, approvals and prohibitions shall be based on the overarching legislative requirement for public funds and resources not to be used for any election-related purposes, including the promotion of or opposition to the candidacy of a person for elected office.

Complaints and investigation

The City Clerk or designate shall have the delegated authority to receive and investigate any written complaint with respect to the alleged use of City of Ottawa resources in contravention of this Policy and/or its Procedures. The written complaint must be submitted to the City Clerk or designate and set out specific example(s) and corresponding details of how the alleged use of a particular City resource may have contravened this Policy and/or its Procedures.

Upon completion of any investigation, the City Clerk or designate may resolve any issues and, if necessary, determine appropriate corrective action based on the findings of the investigation, in consultation with the City of Ottawa’s Integrity Commissioner as necessary in relation to the Code of Conduct for Members of Council or Code of Conduct for Public Members of the Built Heritage Committee. as described below. If the investigation determines that a Member of Council or public member of the Built Heritage Committee or of applicable quasi-judicial bodies has contravened the Policy and/or its Procedures, the Member or public member shall be required to personally repay any direct costs associated with the breach. The City Clerk shall advise the complainant of the outcome of the complaint and any repayment that was made. The City Clerk shall report on the exercise of delegated authority under this Policy to the appropriate Standing Committee following a municipal election or by-election.

It is also recognized that matters related to election-related activity are included in the codes of conduct applicable to Members of Council and public members of the Built Heritage Committee, which are under the mandate of the City of Ottawa’s Integrity Commissioner and to which separate complaint protocols apply. For example, Section 14 of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council states as follows:

“Members of Council are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and the City’s Election-Related Resources Policy. The use of municipal resources, both actual municipal property and staff time, for election-related activity is strictly prohibited. The prohibition applies to both the promotion and opposition to the candidacy of a person for elected office. Election-related activity applies not only to a Member’s personal campaign for office, but also other campaigns for municipal, provincial and federal office.”

If the investigation by the City Clerk or designate determines that a City employee contravened this Policy and/or its Procedures, the failure on the part of an employee to comply with this Policy and/or its Procedures may result in corrective action as appropriate, including discipline up to and including dismissal, to be conducted in accordance with Human Resources’ processes and in alignment with collective agreements and terms and conditions of employment.


Advertising using City Assets and Programs Policy

Code of Conduct for Members of Council

Code of Conduct for Public Members of the Built Heritage Committee

Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy

Corporate Communications Policy/City of Ottawa Visual Identity Guidelines

Council Expense Policy

Donation Procedures for Members of Council

Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures

Employee Code of Conduct

Integrity Commissioner Interpretation Bulletin on the Use of Social Media

Parks and Facilities By-law

Signs on City Roads By-law

Social Media Protocol

Temporary Signs on Private Property By-law

Transit By-law

Legislative and administrative authorities

Canada Elections Act(link is external)

Election Finances Act(link is external)

Municipal Act, 2001(link is external)

Municipal Elections Act, 1996(link is external)

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


“Blackout period” is the 60-day period prior to and including Voting Day in relation to the occurrence of a municipal election or by-election.

“Campaign materials” means any materials used to solicit votes for, or opposition to, a candidate or campaign related to a question on the ballot, including but not limited to literature, banners, posters, pictures, buttons, clothing, or other paraphernalia. Campaign materials also include but are not limited to materials in all media, such as print, displays, electronic, radio or television and online sources including websites or social media.

“Campaigning” means any activity by or on behalf of a candidate, registered third party advertiser, political party, or campaign related to a question on a ballot meant to elicit support for, or opposition to, a candidate, registered third party advertiser, political party, or campaign related to a question on a ballot. Campaigning does not include the appearance of elected officials, other candidates, registered third party advertisers or ballot question campaign members at an event in their personal capacity without the display of any signage, graphics or campaign-related clothing, buttons and other paraphernalia that identify the individual as a candidate, registered third party advertiser or ballot question campaign member and without the solicitation of votes (including distribution of campaign materials).

“Candidate” means any person who has filed and not withdrawn a nomination for an elected office at the municipal (including school board), provincial or federal level in an election or by-election.

“City resources” means, but is not limited to: City employees/City staff, City events, City facilities, City funds, City information and City infrastructure, as follows:

  • “City employees” and “City staff” – All non-union management and exempt employees, and all members of City bargaining units. This includes full-time, part-time, casual, temporary, seasonal and contract employees, and employees in the offices of Members of Council.
  • “City events” – Events funded or organized by City departments and/or Members of Council, including events that may be jointly organized with community organizations or with external sponsors. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Announcements relating to City programs, policies and other initiatives, including funding announcements;
    • Celebratory, commemorative, educational or memorial events;
    • Community meetings, consultations and other gatherings;
    • Facility openings; and
    • Open houses.
  • “City facilities” – Any facility that is owned or leased by the City of Ottawa and/or its departments and that is directly managed and operated by City departments or programs. This includes the Ward Offices of Members of Council.
  • “City funds” – Funding support provided through the City’s annual operating or capital budgets, including but not limited to funds provided directly to City programs and services as well as Members’ Constituency Services Budgets.
  • “City information” – Any information in the custody and control of the City, including databases that may be the repository of names, contact information, business records, financial information or other identifiers compiled and used by City employees to conduct City business.
  • “City infrastructure” – Any physical or technology systems that support the operation of City programs and services, including but not limited to City fleet vehicles, public display signage, computer network, telecommunications and email system, wireless equipment, computer hardware, software and peripherals, internet and intranet.

“Communications materials” means materials produced for the purpose of communicating with residents, including but not limited to business cards, email signature blocks, letterhead, newspaper columns, flyers, photographs, videos, branding (symbols, logos, graphics), householders, newsletters, advertisements, media releases, mail outs and emails. Communications materials include materials in all media, such as print, displays and other physical formats, electronic, radio or television and online sources including websites or social media.

“Community events” and “community-organized events” means events staged by external organizations such as community groups and other levels of government, and not funded or organized fully or jointly by City departments and/or Members of Council. Examples include events such as community association meetings, business openings, sporting events, festivals, fundraisers and other ticketed events, etc.

“Member-organized events” means a type of City event staged by a Member of Council as a one-time or sporadic occurrence (for example, a planning-related open house; an event to benefit the Member’s ward, the City or a local charity, etc.) For clarity, such one-time or sporadic events are different from a “Member’s annual community event” as defined in this policy.

“Contribution” means the general definition set out in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (MEA), which includes but is not limited to the following:

  • For an election campaign – As set out in Subsection 88.15(1) of the MEA: “… [M]oney, goods and services given to and accepted by a person for his or her election campaign, or given to and accepted by another person who is acting under the person’s direction, are contributions.”
  • For third party advertisements – As set out in Subsection 88.15(2) of the MEA: “… [M]oney, goods and services given to and accepted by an individual, corporation or trade union in relation to third party advertisements, or given to and accepted by another person who is acting under the direction of the individual, corporation or trade union, are contributions.”

“Elected officials” means individuals elected to Ottawa City Council, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, the House of Commons, or a school board.

“Member’s annual community event” means an event that has been staged by a Member of Council in the previous two years (with similar event name/title, same approximate date and same general purpose).

“Members” means the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Ottawa.

“Political party” means a political party for a provincial and/or federal election that is registered in accordance with applicable provisions of Ontario’s Election Finances Act or the Canada Elections Act.

“Question on the ballot” means any question or by-law submitted to the electors by Council, a school board or other elected local board, or the Minister of Municipal Affairs under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.

“Registered third party advertiser” means, in relation to a municipal election, an individual, corporation or trade union that is registered with the City Clerk, as per Section 88.6 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, whose purpose is to promote, support or oppose a candidate for office, or an issue on a question on a ballot, and is not under the direction of a candidate.

“Third party advertisement” means an advertisement in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium that has the purpose of promoting, supporting or opposing a candidate, or a “yes” or “no” answer to a question on the ballot, but does not include an advertisement by or under the direction of a candidate, as per the definition established under Subsection 1(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. Further to Subsection 1(2) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, an advertisement is deemed not to be a third party advertisement if the person or entity that causes the advertisement to appear in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium incurs no expenses in relation to the advertisement. Furthermore, as per Subsection 1(2.1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, an advertisement is deemed not to be a third party advertisement when it is given or transmitted by an individual to his or her employees, by a corporation to its shareholders, directors, members or employees or by a trade union to its members or employees.

“Voting Day” means the day the final vote is to be taken in an election or by-election, as set out in the applicable legislation (municipal, provincial or federal).


For more information on this Policy, contact:

Caitlin Salter MacDonald
City Clerk
City of Ottawa
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 28136 opens email application)


Appendix 1 - Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures

Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures

Department: Office of the City Clerk
Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: March 23, 2022
Effective Date: March 23, 2022
Revision Approved By: City Council
Revision Approval Date: August 9, 2023 (Housekeeping amendments); January 29, 2025


Further to Section 5 of the Election-Related Resources Policy, these Procedures apply to Members of Council and City staff during the 60-day blackout period prior to and including Voting Day in relation to the occurrence of a municipal election or by-election.

That said, these Procedures do not apply to a Member who is acclaimed, or who is retiring from office and therefore is not a candidate in the election. The Procedures also do not apply where City resources (for example, facilities and infrastructure) are available for use by the public generally and the Member is receiving no special preference with respect to their use.

In certain circumstances, provisions of these Procedures may apply to public members of the Built Heritage Committee and of applicable quasi-judicial bodies as described in the Election-Related Resources Policy.

Subject to any legislative or policy changes with respect to election dates and/or the blackout period, the blackout period for the 2026 Municipal Elections is Thursday, August 27, 2026, up to and including Monday, October 26, 2026 (Voting Day).

Guidance should be sought from the City Clerk or designate if clarification or interpretation is required, or if any situation arises that is not expressly addressed in these Procedures or the Election-Related Resources Policy.

Procedure description

Section 1 - Event attendance by Members of Council

City events
  1. A Member of Council may attend City events during the blackout period in their capacity as an elected official provided they maintain a low profile in accordance with the following:
    1. The Member shall not campaign at the event and no campaign materials or campaign workers identified by way of campaign-related clothing, buttons or other paraphernalia shall be present;
    2. The Member’s participation/attendance shall not be advertised in any City or Member-issued communications materials (for example, brochures, websites, pamphlets, signage, social media posts, newsletters, invitations, news releases, etc.);
    3. City resources shall not be used to promote the Member (for example, banners, flyers, promotional items, social media posts, et);
    4. Any references made to the Member in communications materials or at the event itself shall be to the “Ward Councillor for Ward ___” or “Chair of the ___ Committee,” rather than by name;
    5. Any speeches by the Member shall not reference the municipal election/campaign and the Member shall not address successes while serving as a Member of Council;
    6. Any speaking notes or communications products/materials may be provided to the City Clerk or designate for review to ensure compliance with the Election-Related Resources Policy and these Procedures; and
    7. The Member may contact the City Clerk or designate for specific guidance in relation to the event.
  2. Subsection 1(1) of these Procedures does not apply to a Member’s attendance and participation at the Member’s own annual community event, which is subject to any conditions provided by the City Clerk in accordance with Subsection 5(1)(b) of these Procedures.
  3. Members shall ensure their backgrounds and attire during any virtual events and meetings held by the City during the blackout period are neutral, without reference to the election campaign (for example, campaign colours, campaign materials and related memorabilia, etc.).
Non-ticketed or complimentary ticketed events (for example, ceremonial/invited attendance at community association meetings, business openings, sporting events, parades, fairs or festivals, etc. that the Member attends further to an invitation or complimentary ticket)
  1. External organizations such as community groups and other levels of government may continue to invite Members of Council to attend and participate in events in their capacity as elected officials during the blackout period. A Member may attend community events during the blackout period in their capacity as an elected official provided they maintain a low profile in accordance with the following:
    1. The Member shall not participate in high-profile activities such as ribbon cutting, contests, first pitch at a baseball game, etc.;
    2. The Member shall not campaign at the event and no campaign materials or campaign workers identified by way of campaign-related clothing, buttons or other paraphernalia shall be present;
    3. The Member’s participation/attendance shall not be advertised in any City or Member-issued communications materials (for example, brochures, websites, pamphlets, signage, social media posts, newsletters, invitations, news releases, etc.);
    4. City resources shall not be used to promote the Member (for example, banners, flyers, promotional items, social media posts, etc.);
    5. Any speeches by the Member shall not reference the municipal election/campaign and the Member shall not address successes while serving as a Member of Council; and
    6. The Member may contact the City Clerk or designate for specific guidance in relation to the event.
  2. If one or more complimentary ticket(s)/seat(s) are offered for an event, the Members shall consult the Integrity Commissioner regarding the potential acceptance of these items, which may be subject to provisions of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and/or the Lobbyist Registry By-law.
Ticketed events (for example, fundraisers and other events for which the Member would purchase a ticket)
  1. Pursuant to Section 4 of these Procedures, a Member shall not use City resources, including their Constituency Services Budget:
    1. To purchase a ticket to a community event that occurs during the blackout period; or
    2. To purchase a ticket during the blackout period for a community event that occurs outside the blackout period.
  2. A Member may use personal funds to purchase a ticket to attend a ticketed event during the blackout period:
    1. In their capacity as a Member of Council, in which case the Member shall be subject to the provisions set out in Subsection 1(4) of these Procedures; or
    2. As a candidate.
Application to public members
  1. Where relevant, Section 1 of these Procedures applies to public members of the Built Heritage Committee or of applicable quasi- judicial bodies as described in the Election-Related Resources Policy.

Section 2 - City facilities and resources

Signage and related matter
  1. Public display signage on City resources that includes a Member’s name and/or image shall be administered as follows:
    1. Wayfinding signage on roads leading to ward offices shall be covered during the blackout period;
    2. Ward office signage on the exterior of a facility shall be covered during the blackout period; and
    3. Ward office signage on the interior of a facility that will be used as a polling location shall be covered on days in which voting takes place at the facility.
  2. Public display signage on speed signs, speed guns, construction signs, “slow down” signs, lawn signs, and other related materials that includes a Member’s name and/or image shall be administered as follows:
    1. For all signage within the care and custody of City departments, City staff shall ensure that the Member’s name/image is covered for the duration of the blackout period; and
    2. For all signage purchased and placed/distributed by a Member’s office, the Member shall ensure that the Member’s name/image is covered or removed for the duration of the blackout period.
  3. Members shall remove any materials from past elections from the walls of their City Hall and ward offices during the blackout period.
Members’ Ward accounts relating to City programs
  1. Subsection 4(23) of the Election-Related Resources Policy applies in the year of a municipal election to any request/direction a Councillor wishes to provide to staff with respect to the use of ward accounts for which the Councillor is consulted or has delegated authority with respect to accessing and/or approving the use of City funds relating to Section 37 community benefits (for example, ward accounts related to community benefits charges and/or former Section 37 benefits), the Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Funds Policy and/or the Temporary Traffic Calming Measures Program. During the blackout period:
    1. A Councillor who is a candidate for any office in the municipal election shall not provide any request/direction to staff regarding the use of the above-noted ward accounts.
    2. A Councillor who is not a candidate for any office in the municipal election, or who has been acclaimed, may provide requests/direction to staff regarding the use of the above-noted ward accounts, in accordance with any policy provisions relating to the ward account.

Section 3 - Communications and related matters

Members’ content on
  1. Members’ content on, including biographies, shall become static and shall not be updated throughout the blackout period apart from any minor administrative changes reviewed by the City Clerk or designate.
  2. Links on to a Member’s website(s) and social media account(s) shall be removed from for the duration of the blackout period pursuant to Subsection 4(13)(c) of the Election-Related Resources Policy.
Members’ websites and ward-based social media accounts
  1. A Member’s website paid for, accessed, maintained, developed or updated using City resources shall not be maintained or updated during the blackout period. Any links or widgets to a Member’s social media accounts that appear on a Member’s website that is paid for, accessed, maintained, developed or updated using City resources are to be removed from the website for the duration of the blackout period. Any official ward-based social media account operated by a Member’s City-funded office (for example, the “Ward ______ ” account, the “________Ward” account) shall not be maintained or updated during the blackout period.
Members’ flyers, householders, newsletters, advertisements, mail outs, etc.
  1. All Members’ flyers, householders, newsletters, advertisements, mail outs, etc. shall be published and distributed/delivered no later than the beginning of the blackout period.
  2. Advertisements funded by Members’ Constituency Services Budgets shall not appear in publications published during the blackout period.
  3. Members’ community newspaper/blog columns shall not appear in publications published during the blackout period.
Proclamations, ceremonial documents and internal City fundraising drives
  1. The Mayor may continue to make proclamations during the blackout period upon request from an individual or organization in accordance with the City of Ottawa Proclamation Procedures, further to the Mayor’s statutory role as the Chief Executive Officer of the City as set out in Sections 225 and 226.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
  2. Members shall not issue ceremonial and celebratory documents such as employee retirement certificates, anniversary celebration scrolls and letters of welcoming/congratulations during the blackout period.
  3. Subject to approval from the City Clerk or designate, time-sensitive internal messages from Members to City employees with respect to annual fundraising drives, employee initiatives, etc. may continue during the blackout period. Any proposed draft messages from Members in this regard shall be provided to the City Clerk or designate for review and approval further to the principles of the Election-Related Resources Policy.
Community event booklets/programs/inserts
  1. Upon written request from a community group for a Member to provide a free welcoming/congratulatory/opening message for the community group’s event booklet/program/insert relating to a non-election-related event that occurs during the blackout period, and subject to approval from the City Clerk or designate, a Member may provide a brief general message for the event booklet/program/insert. A draft of the proposed message shall be provided to the City Clerk or designate for review and approval further to the principles of the Election-Related Resources Policy.
City advertising, media releases and other communications materials
  1. Communications materials published or used by the City during the blackout period shall not reference the name or image of a Member of Council, subject to Subsection 3(12) of these Procedures. This includes but is not limited to municipal publications, advertisements, media releases and public service announcements, speaking notes and social media content (for example, City social media accounts identified under the City’s Social Media Protocol shall not retweet, link to, “like,” or otherwise reissue or repurpose Members’ communications during the blackout period). This does not include materials such as Council and Committee meeting minutes and agendas.
  2. Any references made to specific Ward Councillors in communications materials during the blackout period shall be to the “Ward Councillor for Ward ___,” or “Chair of the ___ Committee,” rather than by name. The Mayor shall be subject to the same restrictions as Ward Councillors, but may be named in media releases and City materials related to intergovernmental activities and proclamations only in the Mayor’s capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the City as set out in Sections 225 and 226.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
  3. Media releases, speaking notes and other communications materials that relate to Members of Council and are to be published, used or distributed by the City during the blackout period shall be provided to the City Clerk or designate for review and approval.
Application to public members
  1. Where relevant, Section 3 of these Procedures applies to public members of the Built Heritage Committee or of applicable quasi- judicial bodies as described in the Election-Related Resources Policy.

Section 4 - Sponsorships and donations

  1. A Member of Council’s Constituency Services Budget and other City resources shall not be used:
    1. During the blackout period to sponsor or make donations to community groups (for example, monetary donations, gift baskets, raffle items, tickets purchased and returned to the organization, etc.). This prohibition includes anonymous donations and sponsorships; or
    2. To sponsor or make donations to community groups (for example, monetary donations, gift baskets, raffle items, tickets purchased and returned to the organization, etc.) for events that take place during the blackout period. This prohibition includes anonymous donations and sponsorships.
  2. A Member’s credits for community use of recreation facilities, Constituency Services Budget and other City resources shall not be used:
    1. During the blackout period to book/sponsor a facility for community use regardless of when the event will be held; or
    2. To book/sponsor a facility for community use for an event that will occur during the blackout period.

Section 5 - Exemptions

  1. Subsection 5(2) of the Election-Related Resources Policy provides that the City Clerk or designate may approve an exemption to blackout period prohibitions and restrictions where an emergency occurs, a non-emergency-related community issue arises or where a Member’s annual community event is held.
    1. In determining whether an exemption shall be provided with respect to an emergency or a non-emergency-related community issue, the City Clerk or designate shall consider matters including but not limited to:
      1. Time sensitivity and other scheduling considerations (for example, whether the proposed activity could be conducted outside the blackout period);
      2. Nature and scope of the emergency or non-emergency-related community issue, and its effects on residents and/or City operations;
      3. Statutory considerations;
      4. Past practices and precedents; and/or
      5. Nature of the Member’s proposed participation.
    2. Exemptions with respect to a Member’s annual community event shall be administered in accordance with the following:
      1. The Member must have staged the event in the previous two years (with similar event name/title, same approximate date and same general purpose) in order for the City Clerk or designate to approve the event. The Member shall provide evidence of the previous events (advertising, photographs, community column, event program etc.) to the City Clerk or designate for review prior to any approval;
      2. If the event is approved, the Member shall provide the City Clerk or designate with any draft communications materials (advertisements, flyers, etc.) and speaking notes relating to the event for review and approval prior to their use; and
      3. The City Clerk or designate may in writing refuse to approve an event, or may place conditions on the approval of an event and/or a Member’s participation in an event (for example, allowing or prohibiting certain proposed activities), if the City Clerk or designate is of the opinion that the event or portions thereof would not be in keeping with the legislative requirement for public funds and resources not to be used for any election-related purposes, including the promotion of or opposition to the candidacy of a person for elected office.
    3. Exemptions with respect to a Member’s annual community event may also be considered in the context of any exemptions applied with respect to an emergency or a non-emergency-related community issue, as determined by the City Clerk or designate.


As set out in the Election-Related Resources Policy.


Advertising using City Assets and Programs Policy

Code of Conduct for Members of Council

Code of Conduct for Citizen Members of the Built Heritage Committee

Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy

Corporate Communications Policy/City of Ottawa Visual Identity Guidelines

Council Expense Policy

Donation Procedures for Members of Council

Election-Related Resources Policy

Employee Code of Conduct

Integrity Commissioner Interpretation Bulletin on the Use of Social Media

Parks and Facilities By-law

Signs on City Roads By-law

Social Media Protocol

Temporary Signs on Private Property By-law

Transit By-law

Legislative and administrative authorities

Canada Elections Act(link is external)

Election Finances Act(link is external)

Municipal Act, 2001(link is external)

Municipal Elections Act, 1996(link is external)

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


As set out in the Election-Related Resources Policy.


For more information on these Procedures, contact:

Caitlin Salter MacDonald
City Clerk
City of Ottawa
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 21836 opens email application)

Employee Code of Conduct

A message from the City Manager

As municipal public servants, our role is to come together as a City-wide team to deliver quality programs and excellent service to our community and each other. Residents count on each one of us to do our part to make Ottawa a prosperous, sustainable, inclusive and resilient city.

Our reputation as an organization is built on our professionalism and relies on us preserving the public’s trust and confidence. We have a responsibility to our residents to demonstrate that we are committed to working to the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct.

Our shared values and the Employee Code of Conduct act as guideposts that influence our decisions and behaviours, including how we conduct ourselves in the workplace and work together to serve the community. They tell the public what they can expect from us—and what we can expect from each other. 

This edition of the Code includes updated shared values, that have been selected following extensive engagement with staff. Our shared values are demonstrated in every aspect of how we think, act and relate as City of Ottawa employees. They reflect what is important in our organization and help to create shared meaning, identity and purpose.

City employees are compassionate, dedicated and driven to make a meaningful difference in the community, and I am incredibly proud to lead such a committed team. Thank you for your ongoing dedication to the City of Ottawa and the residents we serve.

Wendy Stephanson (she/her/elle)
City Manager

Our Code of Conduct

Our Shared Values 

As City employees, we are proud to foster and create an organization with integrity that is accountable, transparent, inclusive, respectful, impartial and dedicated to serving the public. 

Integrity is the foundation of public service. Public service is a public trust. A public service that does not demonstrate integrity will not gain the public’s trust. This means we must live by our shared values in all we do for the City. 

The Employee Code of Conduct (hereafter ‘the Code of Conduct’ or ‘the Code’) reflects the shared values that we hold as public servants for the City of Ottawa: the values that preserve the integrity of our municipal government. 

Why is it important to have a Code of Conduct? 

This Code sets out the values and principles we apply at the City every day. Our reputation depends on each of us living by our shared values with each interaction, every day. This fosters a more positive and safer workplace, generates pride in our work and helps us deliver excellent service to residents. 

This Code guides us on what behaviours City Council and our residents expect from us, and what we expect from each other. City employees have, and should be seen to have, the highest standards of ethical behaviour – anything less undermines our integrity, our effectiveness and ultimately our reputation. 

Our Code applies to all of us 

This Code applies to all employees of the City of Ottawa. For more information, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions SharePoint page.


Nothing in this Code is meant to conflict with the City’s obligations to its employees under its various collective agreements or employment contracts. Similarly, some employees (including doctors, nurses, engineers, lawyers and accountants) may have professional obligations and should seek clarification from both their leader and their professional associations in the case of a perceived conflict.

Making the right choices every day 

Integrity is about acting the right way and making decisions that align with our shared values, every day. Sometimes we know something is wrong: it just feels wrong. Other times, it can be hard to tell if something goes against our shared values, the Code or a policy. It is in these moments that we need to pause and reflect before we act. 

This Code of Conduct does not answer every question that is going to come up. Rather, it is designed to promote ethical decision-making and behaviour, to make us think about how values and ethics can guide us in the way we do our jobs and to reinforce expectations.

You can use the following flowchart for a quick ‘gut’ check if you are unsure about what to do:

  • Does it comply with the Code, our City policies and the letter and spirit of any applicable law(s) or regulation(s)?
  • Am I acting in line with all our shared values?
  • Will my actions or decisions do good rather than cause unintentional harm?
  • Am I putting the City's, my colleagues' and the public interest before my own?
  • Would I make the same decision if the Auditor General, the public or the media were watching me?


If you answer 'No', 'Unsure' or 'Maybe' for any question, you should NOT proceed and seek guidance. 

Remember you’re not alone in this and can ask for help. If you have a question or are looking for guidance, ask your leader, the Office of the City Solicitor or opens email application). Ask until you get an answer. 


"We are responsible for our actions."

Why is being accountable important? 

Our primary commitment is to Ottawa residents. The public interest must come first in everything we do. We each have a responsibility to do this by demonstrating the highest standards of ethical behaviour in our work and living by our shared values every day. Our individual actions impact our colleagues, workplace and residents. When we demonstrate our shared values together, we build an organization that has the trust and confidence of the public and that people can be proud to work for. 

Senior leadership’s commitment

As the City of Ottawa’s senior leadership team, we are accountable for fostering an organization that reflects our shared values and to exemplify them. We are also responsible for ensuring that all City employees, including ourselves, follow and are held accountable under the City’s policies, procedures and programs. We have a responsibility to ensure all employees feel comfortable to voice their concerns. It is our duty to provide our best objective, nonpartisan, professional advice, to implement Council’s decisions, in keeping with the terms of any delegation of authority and carry out other duties required under the Municipal Act, 2001, the City of Ottawa Act, 1999, or any other Act or regulation. 

Leaders, such as managers or supervisors, play a critical role in shaping the City’s work environment, and with that comes a heightened level of responsibility.  Taking initiative, ownership and responsibility for our actions and living by our shared values is critical to earn the trust and confidence of residents and build an inclusive and respectful workplace.  

As leaders, this is what we do… 

  • Model our shared values and the behaviours we want to see in our teams.  

  • Help our team understand and recognize how the Code and our shared values apply to their daily work. 

  • Ensure our team members are trained on the Code of Conduct. 

  • Create an atmosphere where demonstrating our shared values is viewed as important to our work, performance and success. 

  • Create an environment of trust and psychological safety where team members are comfortable sharing their questions and concerns. 

  • Address potential concerns, risks and breaches of the Code of Conduct, responding promptly to issues that arise. 

As employees, this is what we do… 

  • Know the Code, comply with its principles and with City policies and all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Recognize that City Council is the elected voice of the citizens of the City of Ottawa and implement Council’s decisions to the best of our abilities.
  • Understand and act within the terms of any delegated authority.
  • Cooperate fully with investigations into alleged wrongdoing and other options or processes for addressing concerns.
  • Seek guidance about the Code from our leader or the Office of the City Solicitor.
  • Report breaches of the Code of Conduct and City policy, immediately to our leader, General Manager, the Office of the City Solicitor or the Office of the Auditor General, whether the breaches are committed by ourselves, a colleague or a leader.
  • Understand that breaches of the Code must be addressed, which may involve discipline, up to and including termination. 


For more information see the following policies and resources:

Reporting concerns 

If something does not seem right, safe or appropriate, there are options for reporting concerns and breaches. Speaking up takes courage, and voicing our concerns demonstrates our commitment to the City, our shared values and fostering a workplace where all employees feel they are treated with dignity and respect. 

If you become aware of a violation of this Code of Conduct or another City policy, you need to report the matter immediately to your leader.  

If you feel you are unable to report your concern or a violation or breach to your leader, you can contact your General Manager or the Office of the City Solicitor.  

You can also contact the Office of the Auditor General(link is external) using the Fraud and Waste Hotline(link is external), especially for breaches of the Fraud and Waste Policy(link is external)

For incidents regarding workplace violence and harassment, you can contact the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit(link is external) in Human Resources. 

We do not… 

  • Retaliate against anyone who has come forward with a complaint, any witnesses to complaints or anyone who participates in an investigation. 

Reporting and retaliation protection

No employee will be disciplined for making a report in good faith about a violation of the Employee Code of Conduct or another City policy, nor will the City tolerate any retaliation against an employee who has made such a complaint or participated in an investigation. However, an employee making false accusations will be disciplined.


For more information see the following resources and policies:

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers professional, bilingual counselling, assessment and referral services for life, health and work-related concerns. EAP is available 24/7 – 365 days per year. Participation is voluntary, confidential and personal. More information about EAP is available in the EAP FAQ.


“We are honest and open.”  

What does it mean to be transparent?

As public servants we are accountable for what we do, which is ensured by being transparent. We must be truthful in dealing with our colleagues, leaders, the public and City Council. We owe it to the public, and to ourselves, to do our jobs well, and to be open and honest about what we do.

What we do…

  • Abide by the laws and City policies that apply to the creation and retention of records and freedom of information.
  • Act in a truthful and open manner with each other, our leaders, City Council and the public.
  • Document our important decisions and keep records of them.
  • Provide full written disclosure when offering information.
  • Know our responsibilities under the Lobbyist Registry By-law and advise lobbyists of their obligation to report lobbying in the City's Lobbyist Registry.  

We do not…

  • Leave out, mislead, alter or hide records or information required by our colleagues, leaders, other teams or City Council to carry out their duties.


For more information see the following key policies, legislation and resources:

You can also view Contacts(link is external) for additional resources and information.


“We embrace differences, working together to create a City for everybody.”

What does it mean to be inclusive?

The City is committed to creating a diverse, equitable, accessible and inclusive workplace that reflects the population we serve and culture where everybody is treated with dignity and respect, fostering a sense of belonging. The City is committed to addressing systemic barriers to equity and inclusion.

As employees, we recognize the rich diversity of Ottawa residents and the people who work for the City and access its services. We challenge ourselves to identify our own biases and systemic barriers to equity and inclusion. This requires collective effort and ongoing collaboration with our colleagues, partners and residents from varied backgrounds to ensure their perspectives are heard. This works to create a representative, equitable and inclusive City that instills public confidence that a diversity of minds, experiences and perspectives shape how our decisions, operations and services meet the needs of residents.

What we do…

  • Recognize and value the diversity of Ottawa residents and our own workplace.
  • Recognize that our colleagues and the residents we serve have unique backgrounds, communication styles and perspectives, and treat them with dignity.
  • Are aware of our own biases, assumptions, attitudes and perceptions when interacting with colleagues, clients and residents.
  • Recognize that discrimination exists and impacts our colleagues, work environment, clients and residents.
  • Consider the varied perspectives that our diverse workforce and residents hold to better understand how our actions and decisions impact their experiences and needs.
  • Ensure our conduct supports an equitable and inclusive workplace, where everyone is treated respectfully, feels safe and free to fully engage and be themselves.

We do not…

  • Behave or act in a discriminatory manner based on a person’s or group’s prohibited grounds such as race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, etc. as per the Ontario Human Rights Code or Canadian Human Rights Act.


For more information see the following policies and resources:

You can also view Contacts(link is external) for additional resources and information.


"We treat everybody with dignity and compassion.”

Why is being respectful important?

Respectful behaviour is the foundation for a productive and thriving workplace. The City is committed to providing a physically and psychologically safe, healthy and respectful workplace by fostering an atmosphere of civility and accountability at the individual, leadership and organizational levels.

Our individual and collective behaviours and actions influence and define our workplace culture and the City’s reputation. We all share a responsibility to prevent and respond to incidents, risks and concerns that impact our work environment. We have an obligation to help build pride at the City, and to respect the dignity of our colleagues and the public.

What we do…

  • Are honest, polite, and courteous when we deal with people, whether they are members of the public, City Council or our colleagues.
  • Foster an atmosphere of collegiality and civility, supporting our colleagues in their work, regardless of our personal opinions.
  • Conduct ourselves in a way that supports a work environment that is psychologically and physically healthy, safe, and free from bullying, violence and harassment.
  • Are aware of how our actions and words may impact and make others feel.
  • Use tools, equipment, personal protective equipment, and other resources safely, following the proper procedures.
  • Let our leaders know if we see something unsafe, harmful or violent in the workplace.

We do not…

  • Harass, bully, intimidate or behave in a violent manner towards our colleagues, leaders, clients or members of the public and others. The City has absolutely no tolerance for this kind of behaviour.
  • Make comments that disparage or harm the reputation of the City, Council or our colleagues.
  • Access, distribute or display inappropriate material (including discriminatory, abusive, defamatory or obscene material) regardless of the forum or format.


For more information see the following policies and resources:

You can also view Contacts(link is external) for additional resources and information.


"We are unbiased in our actions and decisions.”

Why is being impartial important?

As public servants, we must do our jobs with the City of Ottawa’s best interests in mind—without bias, favour and without allowing our personal interests to conflict with our work duties. Our personal interests include the interests of our family and those with whom we have a personal relationship with, such as friends. We are objective and nonpartisan in our decisions, making sure that the public interest is first.

We provide professional and candid advice to colleagues and leadership, as well as giving impartial advice to Council on the municipality's policies and programs. The public has an interest in ensuring that City of Ottawa employees are committed to carrying out the will and decisions of City Council, and that public servants are, and are seen to be, impartial in carrying out their duties.

While the City encourages employees to become involved in their community, given the need to uphold the neutrality of the public service, we consider how our public comments and outside activities may interfere with our ability to do our jobs and affect the public’s confidence in and perception of the City.

What we do…

  • Make work decisions objectively, without consideration of our personal interests (such as family and anyone we have a personal relationship with). This includes decisions about the people we employ.
  • Comply with the City’s procurement by-laws and policies when buying goods or services.
  • Ensure that our outside activities, whatever they are, do not conflict with our City job and responsibilities.
  • Remove ourselves from decisions that might affect, or might be seen to affect, the interests of other groups or organizations that we participate in.
  • Be aware that we have obligations during municipal, provincial and federal elections, including the need to separate any personal activities from our City job and responsibilities.
  • Seek advice from the City Clerk about any requirements to obtain a leave of absence if we want to run for elected office, even if it is outside the City or with another level of government, board or committee.
  • Distinguish between our personal comments or opinions and our job with the City.
  • Let our managers know immediately, in writing, and seek guidance from them when there may be an actual or perceived conflict between our interests and those of the City.
  • Proactively seek guidance from our leaders when we think there might be a conflict between our interests and our jobs.
  • Understand that, over time, circumstances can change, and we may need to disclose again to our leaders any new information or updates to ongoing conflicts of interest. The obligation to disclose is a continuing one.

We do not…

  • Participate in decisions that benefit ourselves, our family or those with whom we have a personal relationship with.
  • Give preferential treatment to family members or anyone we have a personal relationship with on performance or employment matters.
  • Supervise members of our family or make decisions that affect their employment.
  • Accept or solicit gifts, hospitality or entertainment from individuals and organizations that do, or want to do business with the City or whose operations are impacted by City work or decisions.
  • Take on other work that,
    • Conflicts with our City hours of work
    • Interferes with the efficient performance of our duties
    • Competes with City services
    • Creates a real or perceived conflict of interest with our City duties
  • Claim to speak on behalf of the City unless we have been authorized to do so.
  • Make personal comments that imply a connection between our personal interests or opinions and the City, regardless of the format or forum (e.g. on City letterhead, using City email or in a virtual space such as blogs, websites, social media, etc.).


For more information see the following policies and resources:

You can view the Frequently Asked Questions(link is external) for a quick “how-to” on certain situations. You can also view Contacts(link is external) for additional resources and information.

Conflict of interest

Why is this important?

Public confidence and trust in the City can only exist if we, as City employees, are known to be acting in the public interest, rather than pursuing our own interests. That is why it’s necessary to address conflicts between our personal interests and our City job duties. It is also our shared responsibility to prevent situations where the perception of a conflict of interest exists.

Actual, perceived and potential conflict of interest

All of us have personal interests of some kind in our capacity as private citizens. It is important that we identify, disclose, and seek to prevent conflicts between our personal interests and City job duties, whenever they arise. When there are, or might be, situations where our ability to perform our job duties in an impartial manner is compromised by a conflict of interest, we let our leader know in writing and mitigate or resolve the conflict (e.g. removing ourselves from a decision-making process).

The need for disclosure and removal from the decision-making process applies to our financial interests, and includes any personal benefit, or any benefit to our family or those we have a personal relationship with.

We are mindful that there are situations where it might look, appearbe seen as or perceived by someone else that we have conflicting interests, even if we are not directly benefiting. It is also just as important to disclose conflicts or situations where we reasonably might have a conflict in the future.

Ask this question: Would someone who knew all of the details of the situation think there might be a conflict of interest?

If the answer is “yes”, then we declare the situation in writing to our leader immediately.

After an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest has been disclosed, we ensure that it is appropriately mitigated or resolved, as soon as possible, in favour of the public interest and avoid any involvement in the matter. Disclosure is also important so that others know not to involve us as well.


Dedicated to serving the public

"We are committed to delivering services that benefit all residents.”

What does it mean to be dedicated to serving the public?

As a municipality, the City has an obligation to provide effective, efficient and timely services to its residents. As municipal public servants, we collaborate and are responsible for delivering programs and services that meet the needs and interests of all residents and the community at-large. Engaging in continuous learning and improvement is also essential to ensure that we meet the evolving needs of residents and the community. We owe the public nothing less than our full commitment and dedication.

We are also guardians of public funds and have access to various City assets and resources that we use in our jobs daily to deliver a wide range of important public services. This comes with an expectation to use them responsibly for our jobs and to safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of the information we have access to.

What we do…

  • Provide excellent, professional, responsive and accessible service every day, treating clients and residents with respect.
  • Look for ways to use resources more efficiently and improve how we provide services to residents.
  • Devote ourselves fully to our jobs during our working hours and do not allow our personal activities (e.g., reading a magazine, surfing the internet, on personal social media, etc.) to interfere with our work regardless of our location.
  • Recognize that we are the public face of the City, so we ensure our actions do not affect the City’s reputation.
  • Safeguard City property and assets in our care (including cash, cheques, documents, inventories and equipment, and intellectual property), ensuring that it is properly secured and protected, wherever we are.
  • Handle personal, personal health or confidential information appropriately, with care, and collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“MFIPPA”) and the Personal Health Information Protection Act (“PHIPA”).
  • Access and use the City’s technology responsibly, ensuring that our actions protect its security and integrity.

We do not…

  • Allow unauthorized individuals to use City equipment and supplies.
  • Act in a fraudulent manner.
  • Use City property, assets and resources wastefully or for our own personal benefit and gain.


For more information see the following policies and resources:

You can view the Frequently Asked Questions(link is external) for a quick “how-to” on certain situations. You can also view Contacts (link is external)for additional resources and information.


City employees are encouraged to contact their direct leader (manager or supervisor) for questions, guidance and reporting concerns. Your leader has access to the tools and resources to address your question and guide you on the next steps. If you do not feel comfortable or are unable to contact your direct manager or supervisor, you can notify your General Manager, the Office of the City Solicitor or the Office of the Auditor General(link is external). Employees can also contact their Union Representative.

Additional Contacts and Resources

The Office of the City Solicitor

Workplace Safety and Compliance(link is external)

  • Safety related concerns can be brought to the attention of your Health and Safety Committee after discussing with your supervisor or manager.
  • Work Refusal Procedure(link is external) (for Provincial regulated employees)
  • Transit Services Work Refusals Standard Operating Procedure (for Federally regulated employees)

Human Resources Business Services(link is external) and Human Resources Benefits and Wellness

  • Collaboratively provide governance, guidance and advice on a range of topics through Disability Management, Workplace Safety and Insurance (i.e. WSIB), Wellness and Accommodations.

Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations and Social Development Services(link is external)

  • Provides support to employees and leaders as they resolve issues based on the prohibited grounds of discrimination, as well as create training and promote awareness about inclusivity, human rights and equity in the workplace and community.

Access To Information and Privacy(link is external)

Information Management(link is external)

  • Provides guidance and advice regarding the management of information, document storage and retention.

The Office of the City Clerk

Corporate Accessibility Office(link is external)

  • Provides advice and monitors matters of accessibility, disability and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

Information and Technology Services(link is external)

Corporate Security(link is external)

Integrity Commissioner

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers professional, bilingual counselling, assessment and referral services for life, health, and work-related concerns. EAP is available 24/7 – 365 days per year. Participation is voluntary, confidential and personal. More information about EAP is available in the EAP FAQ.

Equity and Diversity Policy

Approved By: Executive Director, BTS
Category: Human Resources, Employment and Labour Relations
Approval Date: November 5, 2002
Effective Date: November 5, 2002
Revision Approved By: Director, Human Resources
Revision Date: May 24, 2017

Policy Statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to providing quality services by establishing a qualified workforce that reflects the diverse population it serves.


The main objectives of this Policy are:

  • To eliminate barriers in the workplace, commonly known as systemic discrimination, and to develop a work environment that promotes equity and diversity
  • To foster an environment that respects people’s dignity, ideas and beliefs, thereby ensuring equity and diversity in employment and ensuring customers and others have access to City facilities, products, services, and grants as defined by human rights legislation
  • To contribute to the achievement of the City of Ottawa’s business goals and client service delivery
  • To establish a framework that requires all departments within the City to embrace the spirit of equity and diversity in the development of their policies and programs that impact the delivery of City services, the use of City facilities, grants to external agencies and other outwardly focussed activities.


This Policy applies to all City employees, including full-time, part-time, temporary and casual employees, summer students and co-op placements, persons acting on behalf of the City (e.g., consultants, contractors), as well as individuals who apply for employment with the City of Ottawa (e.g. job applicants).

Policy Requirements

The City demonstrates its commitment to equity and diversity by providing a supportive work environment and corporate culture that welcomes members of designated groups. This Policy prohibits discrimination in the workplace, in the provision of goods, services, and facilities to the public and the administration of contracts as defined by human rights legislation.

In addition, this Policy adheres to the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Employment Equity Act and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The Ontario Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, age, sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding), gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, record of offences, marital status, family status, disability and receipt of public assistance.  Under the Canadian Human Rights Act, it is against the law to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, colour, age, national or ethnic origin, religion, marital status, family status, disability, sexual orientation and a pardoned criminal conviction.

The City does not condone any form of discrimination. It endorses and embraces the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Employment Equity Act and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act which prohibit discriminatory practices.

The Corporate Diversity and Employment Equity Plans shall be based on the City’s workforce data, ongoing reviews of employment policies and practices, data on the external workforce and other relevant information.

The Corporate Diversity and Employment Equity Plans shall outline strategies to eliminate barriers and achieve a representative workforce, provide a timetable for the implementation of these strategies and outline responsibilities. Diversity and Inclusion staff shall monitor and evaluate the progress of the various activities.

Complainants have the right to seek assistance from the appropriate Human Rights Commission, whether or not they file a discrimination complaint with the City. Complainants must identify themselves. Anonymous complaints shall not be investigated.

All information relating to a complaint shall be kept strictly confidential and is subject to the conditions of the Municipal Freedom of Personal and Private Information Act, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and to litigation requirements. During the investigation, all parties involved are required to keep the investigation confidential. Details of the recommended actions are made known only to the management staff involved.


General Managers/Directors:

  • Create and maintain a workplace free from discrimination
  • Ensure that this policy is available to all staff, accessible and supported
  • Empower supervisors and managers to reinforce diversity and inclusion and provide opportunities for capacity-building and action
  • Implement equity and diversity initiatives identified in their departmental diversity and employment equity plan to meet Corporate Strategic priorities
  • Ensure that equity and diversity are considered in all aspects of departmental planning, processes and strategies (e.g. workforce planning, professional development, succession planning, hiring, etc.)
  • Consult with Diversity and Inclusion staff, as appropriate, during the development of policies and programs related to employment, the delivery of services, the use of City facilities, grants to external agencies and other externally focussed activities to ensure the principles of equity and diversity are respected

Supervisors and Managers:

  • Create and maintain a workplace free from discrimination
  • Intervene when discrimination and/or harassment issues arise
  • Accept requests for accommodations in good faith and work with employees to develop accommodations plans where necessary
  • Prevent and end discrimination by:
    • Engaging in behaviour in support of the Equity and Diversity Policy
    • Communicating and supporting the City’s objective of a workplace free from discrimination and a workforce that is representative of the population it serves
    • Acting immediately to address behaviours that are contrary to this Policy (e.g. harassment, discrimination, bullying)
    • Taking all complaints seriously, discussing the situation with the respondent, and seeking advice from the Diversity and Inclusion staff
    • Implementing changes to employment systems, removing barriers and other related actions as appropriate and identified in departmental Diversity and Employment Equity Plans
    • Ensuring that staff are aware of their rights and responsibilities conferred by this Policy and Human Rights legislation

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Staff:

  • Promote a general understanding of this Policy through an appropriate mix of communications, training and advisory services
  • Inform individuals of the purpose of the self-identification questionnaire and ensure that the information collected is confidential and used only for the purposes of high level reporting for equity and diversity initiatives
  • Ensure the development of a database to gather and analyse data on designated groups’ representation in the City’s workforce
  • Work with management to formulate Corporate and Departmental equity and diversity goals (both qualitative and quantitative), strategies and plans
  • Provide advice regarding the development of targeted recruitment, promotion and retention strategies
  • Provide advice to employees and managers regarding this Policy and complaints
  • Promote and monitor implementation of this Policy
  • Provide facilitated discussion services, where appropriate
  • Provide process guidance to claims of systemic discrimination


  • Report barriers to equal opportunities
  • Complete the Self-Identification Form on a voluntary basis
  • Notify a supervisor or manager of a need for employment-related accommodations and consult with Human Resources on the most appropriate accommodation
  • Report experiences of harassment (including sexual harassment) or discrimination in the workplace to one of the following individuals: an immediate supervisor, manager, general manager/director, or seek advice from the Diversity and Inclusion staff. Employees are encouraged to seek a resolution to their complaint within their respective department.


The Human Resources Services Area, Diversity and Inclusion staff shall monitor the implementation of the Corporate Diversity Plan and Departmental Diversity Plans. It is the responsibility of each department to monitor their own progress in equity and diversity. It is the combined effort of all departments that ensures the City reaches its diversity and inclusion goals.

Under the Employment Equity Act, the City is required to submit an annual progress report to Economic and Social Development Canada. Failure to comply may result in a monetary penalty up to $50,000 for repeated or continued violation of the Act.  A majority of positions within Transportation Services are federally regulated and the department is required to comply with the federal Employment Equity Act.

Failure to comply with this Policy may result in complaints filed with the Human Rights Commission and may also result in disciplinary action against an employee.


Legislative and Administrative Authorities


Aboriginal Peoples – North American Indians or members of a First Nation, Métis or Inuit.  Members of a First Nation include status, treaty or registered Indians.  North American Indians include non-status and non-registered Indians. Note:  the definition is being reviewed by the Aboriginal Coalition and will be adapted as necessary.

Accommodation – the facilitation and integration of individuals into the workplace by recognizing and accommodating their needs through the identification and removal, if necessary, of non-essential job elements, workplace adjustments, technical devices, flexible scheduling, adaptive devices for equipment, etc. unless undue hardship by the City would be incurred in such accommodation.

Bona Fide Occupational Requirements – those requirements that:

  • The employer has adopted for a purpose or goal that is rationally connected to the functions of the position
  • The employer has adopted in good faith in the belief that they are necessary to fulfill the purpose or goal
  • Are reasonably necessary to accomplish the purpose or goal in the sense that the employer cannot accommodate persons with the characteristics of a particular group without incurring undue hardship

Designated Groups – for the purposes of its overall equity and diversity initiatives, the City has identified six designated groups: women, Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minority groups (or racialized people), immigrants and lesbian, gay, bi-sexual trans, two-spirited and queer (LGBTQ) individuals. The selection of these groups does not preclude the possibility of addressing systemic discrimination for other identifiable groups.

Disability –The term “disability” covers a broad range and degree of conditions. A disability may have been present at birth, caused by an accident, or developed over time. The Ontario Human Rights Code defines disability as:

  • A physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device
  • A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability
  • A learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language (e.g. dyslexia)
  • A mental disorder, or
  • An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan

Discrimination – the denial of equal treatment in employment, in the provision of goods, services and facilities to the public and in the administration of contracts based on the prohibited grounds as defined by Human Rights legislation.

Harassment – a type of discrimination, any unwanted physical or verbal conduct that offends or humiliates an individual. Harassment shall be considered to have taken place if a reasonable person ought to have known that behaviour was unwelcome (Source: Canadian Human Rights Act).

Immigrants – an “immigrant” is an internationally trained worker who was not born in Canada and who has lived in Canada for fewer than 10 years.

LGBTQ – In this policy, we use the definition of “LGBTQ” however we recognize ongoing debates around definitions within LGBTQ communities. Terms and their meanings change over time, and vary across cultures or generations.

Occupational Groups – the 14 occupational groups used by Statistics Canada to report employment equity data. This is based on the National Occupational Classification System, which classifies jobs by skill level and skill type. All City jobs are classified using this system for the purposes of equity and diversity.

Racialized People – the term racialized is preferred over visible minorities because it acknowledges the fact that barriers are rooted in the historical and contemporary racial prejudice of society and are not a product of one’s identity or shortcomings.

Sexual Harassment – Harassment in relation to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Includes sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker.

Systemic Discrimination – applying a neutral requirement or process that has a negative impact on a group protected under human rights legislation. Systemic discrimination occurs when policies and practices exclude, limit or restrict members of designated groups from employment or opportunities within employment. (e.g., opportunities to apply for other jobs, participate in training, attend conferences, obtain promotions, and receive special assignments).

Visible Minorities – a term used in the federal Employment Equity Act to identify persons who are non- Aboriginal, non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour.

Workforce Census – information on gender and designated group representation within occupational groups.

Keyword Search

Age, Ancestry, Colour, Designated groups, Disability, Discrimination, Equity and Inclusion, Family status, Gender, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Immigrant, Marital status, Place of origin, Race, Racialized, Religious beliefs, Sex, Sexual orientation, Source of income, Systemic discrimination


E-mail the HR Service Centre at opens email application) or call 613-580-2424, ext. 47411.

Ethical Purchasing Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: Finance
Approval Date: May 23, 2007
Effective Date: May 23, 2007
Revision Approved by: City Treasurer
Revision date:  July 8, 2019

Policy Statement

The City of Ottawa (the “City”) is committed to purchasing goods, services and construction from responsible suppliers that provide quality goods, services and construction at competitive prices, and who abide by ethical standards and norms. This policy aligns the City’s purchasing practices with its values by ensuring workplaces which provide goods, services and construction for the City respect human and workers’ rights as specified in the Supplier Code of Conduct .


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that goods, services and construction purchased by the City, or by suppliers/contractors operating on City premises, meet the highest possible ethical standards by following the principles set out in the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions(link is external), as referenced in the Supplier Code of Conduct. This policy establishes an avenue whereby complaints of abuses in workplaces that are involved in providing goods, services and construction to the City, can be made to the City. The City shall determine the level and the degree necessary to investigate and act upon complaints.


This policy applies to City suppliers of goods, services and construction, and their subcontractors, who have entered into agreements with the City on or after May 23, 2007, the effective date of this policy.

This policy does not, however, apply to any tender or contract for the supply of such items that was issued, awarded or entered into prior to the effective date of the policy. Suppliers and their subcontractors who entered into agreements with the City before May 23, 2007 are encouraged to comply with this policy.

If and when the contracts are eligible for renewal, the supplier and their subcontractors must comply with this policy and may be required to certify compliance in writing.

Policy Requirements

The City shall not knowingly purchase goods, services and construction that have been manufactured in sweatshops or under sweatshop conditions. All products purchased by the City must be produced in accordance with the standards set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Suppliers shall respect this policy and ensure that their production facilities, and those of their subcontractors, comply with national and other laws applicable in each workplace. Where national law differs from the principles set out in this policy, the provisions that accord the greatest right, benefit or protection to the worker shall apply.

If requested by the City, suppliers shall confirm compliance with this policy by providing written acknowledgement with their bid submission. In addition, when requested, a supplier shall provide the names and addresses of each subcontractor and/or production facility to be used in providing the goods, services and construction. This information is considered public information and, where warranted, will be posted on the City’s website. The City reserves the right to request that the supplier provide any additional supporting documentation that demonstrates compliance with this policy.

The City shall monitor this policy on a complaints basis only. The Chief Procurement Officer shall assess the validity of complaints in accordance with this policy. Where warranted, the City shall notify suppliers of suspected non-compliance with this policy. Suppliers shall be required to investigate the reported complaints by employing an independent third party investigation firm, at the supplier’s expense, or by other means of verification deemed acceptable to the City.

Within 30 days from the date of the non-compliance notice, the supplier shall provide the City with a report containing information on the verification program undertaken. This information shall include the name of the third party verifier, the findings of the investigation, and the corrective action taken to resolve the violation and achieve compliance with this policy.

Costs involved in the determination of compliance or non-compliance shall be borne by the supplier. All costs associated with the improvement of working conditions that would lead to compliance shall be borne by the supplier.

The Chief Procurement Officer has sole discretion to decide on issues of non-compliance, including granting a reasonable time period to achieve compliance. The Chief Procurement Officer’s decision is final and binding on all parties.

Any supplier complaint with the Ethical Purchasing Policy, or the application thereof, shall not be considered a formal complaint as defined in the City of Ottawa’s Procurement By-law.


City departments are responsible for:

  • Following the provisions of this policy; and
  • Advising Supply Services of suspected non-compliance.

Supply Services is responsible for:

  • Administering this policy and ensuring that City staff and the supplier community are informed of their responsibilities and obligations;
  • Collecting supplier certification materials and for publishing the names and locations of supplier production facilities on the City’s website; and
  • Receiving complaints and managing policy non-compliance and for ensuring that suppliers undertake third party investigations as requested by the City.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in the City exercising its rights under the default provisions set out in the contract between the City and the supplier.


General Terms and Conditions
Supplier Code of Conduct

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Council Report (ACS2007-CMR-FIN-0004)
Council Report (ACS2010-CMR-FIN-0010)
International Labour Organization Convention(link is external)
Procurement By-law 50 of 2000, as amended


Child: any person less than 15, unless local minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or mandatory schooling, or less than 14 if minimum wage law is set at that age in accordance with developing country exceptions under ILO Convention 138 Opens in a new tab or window(link is external).

Employer: an entity that employs or contracts a worker in the production of a product.

Factories or Production Facilities: a facility that is used to produce products for the City, whether it is a supplier’s factory or subcontractor’s facility.

Fairtrade Certified Products: products that are fair trade certified by Fairtrade Canada(link is external), or if unavailable, another National Initiative (NI) of the Fairtrade Labelling Organization (FLO) International. Examples of commodities currently include coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, quinoa, flowers, wine, sports balls, cotton, bananas and other tropical fruit.

Fairtrade Certification: a system that seeks to improve the lives of agricultural product producers in origin countries by ensuring that the owners of farms receive a guaranteed fair price for their harvest. Fairtrade Canada is the recognized certification body in Canada.

Fairtrade Labelling Organization (FLO) International: the global Fairtrade standard setting and certification organization for products bearing Fairtrade certification labels. FLO(link is external) certifies producer organizations and audits trade between certified producer organizations and registered traders in consuming countries, including all steps of processing and industrial manufacturing.

International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Labour Conventions: the minimum labour standards set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct.

International Labour Organization (ILO): the United Nations specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. The ILO Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) formulates international labour standards in the form of Conventions and Recommendations setting minimum standards of basic labour rights.

Minimum labour standards: the minimum labour standards set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Purchasing: the process of procuring products from manufacturers or suppliers.

Subcontractor: an entity that has been subcontracted by a supplier. It does not have a direct business relationship with the City, however, it provides the supplier with goods and/or services integral to the manufacture, provision or maintenance of products for the City.

Supplier Code of Conduct (SCC): the minimum performance standards for the City’s Ethical Purchasing policy. The goal of the SCC is to ensure safe and healthy workplaces for the people who make products for the City; where human and civil rights are upheld in accordance with the conventions of the ILO.

Supplier: an entity that in the course of a commercial business sells a product or service to the City. These companies may have factories or production facilities of their own or they subcontract parts or their entire production.

Sweatshop: a facility where individuals manufacture, assemble or produce consumer goods under working conditions that do not meet or exceed the labour standards set out by the ILO.

Worker: a person involved in the manufacture or provision of services for a product.


For more information on this policy, please contact:

Manager, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management
Strategic Sourcing Branch,
Supply Services
Corporate Services Department
613-580-2424, ext. 13564

Green Building Policy for the Construction of Corporate Buildings

Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: September 28, 2005
Category: General Administration
Effective Date: September 28, 2005
Revision Approved By: General Manager, Infrastructure Services Department
Revision Date: December 15, 2015

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to a sustainable existence and strives to reduce the environmental impacts of its operations. In recognition of the potential negative impacts associated with the design, construction and operation of the municipal building inventory, all new buildings will be designed and delivered in accordance with the Certified performance level of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – Canada (LEEDTM - Canada) Green Building Rating System.

The design, construction and operation of the municipal building inventory not only requires significant capital expenditures, but has documented negative environmental impacts. The design and delivery of municipal buildings that have been LEEDTM – Canada Certified clearly demonstrates improved fiscal, environmental and corporate responsibility.


The purpose of this policy is to:

  • align the design, construction and operation of municipal buildings with commitments made in the Ottawa 20/20 Environmental Strategy;
  • reduce operating costs to the City through improved energy and water efficiency and storm water management;
  • reduce landfill requirements by encouraging the reuse and recycling of construction, renovation and demolition materials (which in turn closes the loop by encouraging the use of materials that contain recycled content);
  • utilize existing infrastructure by encouraging the renovation and redevelopment of sites within the City core;
  • encourage increased ridership of the existing public transportation system through site selection, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality;
  • demonstrate leadership in commitments to sustainable development;
  • show leadership in sustainable design, and encourage other development within the City to follow the principles set out in this policy; and
  • promote a safe, healthy and productive workplace for all City employees and visitors.


This policy applies to all City of Ottawa employees involved in the design and construction of new municipal buildings with a footprint greater than 500 square metres (5,400 square feet).

Policy requirements

All newly constructed buildings with a footprint greater than 500 square metres (5,400 square feet) must be designed, delivered and certified by the Canada Green Building Council(link is external) (CaGBC) as being LEEDTM – Canada Certified at minimum.

All newly constructed buildings will incorporate energy efficient features, and the LEEDTM – Canada Green Building Rating System includes energy performance prerequisites.

The City encourages the application of sustainable design principles during the retrofit and renovation of its existing structures, where practical.

Historic buildings shall be exempt from the requirements of this policy. However, wherever practical, best efforts should be made to incorporate as many of the green building requirements and credits from the LEEDTM – Canada Green Building Rating System as possible, without compromising the historical integrity of the structure.


Departmental Managers:

Will be responsible for ensuring that project budgets contain the five per cent investment funding required to support the delivery of LEEDTM – Canada Certified building projects.

Project Managers:

Will be responsible for delivering LEEDTM – Canada Certified building projects.

Supply Branch, Finance Department:

Will be responsible for ensuring that all RFP and tender documents include the LEEDTM requirement, as applicable.


The Design and Construction, Buildings and Parks Branch of the Infrastructure Services Department is responsible for the delivery of many City building projects. When a building project falls within the parameters of the Green Building Policy, Design and Construction will include the appropriate language in both the consultant and the construction contracts to ensure compliance with the policy requirements. Failure to comply with the contract will be administered through the legal avenues provided within each contract.

Design and Construction will co-ordinate and produce an annual report identifying the conformance of City projects with the Green Building Policy.

Legislative and administrative authorities

Ottawa City Council Minutes 40, September 28, 2005
Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report 35, ACS2005-CRS-RPR-0041, September 28, 2005


Building – any structure used for support or shelter of any use or occupancy, as defined by the Ontario Building Code.

Construction – the building of any structure or any portion thereof.

Green – products, technologies, processes or actions that provide reduced environmental impacts over traditional products or methods.

LEEDTM Green Building Rating System – the most recent version of the LEEDTM – Canada rating system or other related LEEDTM rating product approved by the Canada Green Building Council(link is external) (CaGBC).

Renovation – any addition or modification to an existing building or structure.

Sustainable Development – the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Keyword search

Green Buildings
Sustainable Development


For more information on this policy contact:

Manager, Design and Construction, Buildings and Parks Branch
Infrastructure Services Department
City of Ottawa
613-580-2424, ext. 43229

Investment Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: Finance
Approval Date: June 25, 2003
Effective Date: June 25, 2003
Revision Approved By: City Council
Revision Date: August 21, 2023

Policy statement

The Investment Policy governs the management of City operating and reserve funds that are not immediately required to cover expenses as well as investments, including those being managed on behalf of external clients.


The Investment Policy establishes the objectives, standards of care, eligible investments, reporting requirements and responsibilities for the prudent management of reserves, operating funds and investments including those managed on behalf of external clients.

The City’s objective is to invest funds not immediately required in accordance with the “Prudent Investor Standard”, and within the limitations of applicable legislation and regulation. The “Prudent Investor Standard” requires the exercise of reasonable care, skill, diligence and judgement during the investment decision making process. It is to be applied to investments, not in isolation, but in the context of the portfolio of investments and as part of an overall strategy, that should incorporate acceptable risk and return objectives reasonably suitable to the stakeholders.


This policy applies to employees of the City of Ottawa who are responsible for the control, administration and reporting of investments managed on behalf of the City of Ottawa.

Policy requirements

In order of priority, the requirements for the City of Ottawa Investment Program are:

  1. Adherence to statutory requirements: All investment activities shall be governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended.  Investments, unless limited further by Council, will be those deemed eligible under Ontario Regulation 438/97 as amended.
  2. Preservation of capital: Preservation of principal is an important objective of the investment program. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to minimize the risk to capital in the overall portfolio. Staff shall endeavour to mitigate credit and interest rate risk as follows:
    1. Credit risk
      1. Limiting investments to allowable investments under the current legislation;
      2. Pre-qualifying the financial institutions, broker/dealers, intermediaries, and advisers with which the City of Ottawa does business;
      3. Diversifying the investment portfolio so that potential losses on individual securities will be minimized at the portfolio level; and
      4. Setting limits on the size of portfolio investments in asset types, individual credit names, and issuer classes to assure proper risk diversification 
    2. Interest rate risk
      1. Structuring the investment portfolio so that securities mature to meet ongoing cash flow requirements, thereby reducing the need to sell securities at inopportune times on the open market prior to maturity or to use short-term borrowing to bridge the gap;
      2. Investing operating funds primarily in short-term securities;
      3. Diversifying long-term holdings to mitigate effects of interest rate volatility;
      4. Using of Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs) when appropriate; and
      5. Investing in shares or equities through the “ONE Investment Program” which is jointly operated by LAS and CHUMS Financing Corp. (a subsidiary of the “Municipal Finance Officers Association of Ontario”).
  3. Maintaining liquidity: The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all operating or cash flow requirements and limit temporary borrowing requirements. This shall be done, where possible, by structuring the portfolio such that securities mature concurrent with anticipated cash demands. Furthermore, since all possible cash demands cannot be anticipated, the portfolio shall consist largely of securities with active secondary or resale markets.
  4. Competitive rate of return: Without compromising other objectives, the City of Ottawa shall maximize the rate of return earned on its portfolio by implementing an investment strategy driven by asset allocation and diversification. This asset allocation aligns investment asset duration with the liabilities these assets are meant to fund.

Diversification, and ensuring preservation of principal by limiting exposure to credit, sector or term risks, also provides opportunities to enhance the investment returns of the City of Ottawa’s portfolio by means of prudent and timely adjustments to asset mix. Through asset-liability matching; investing strictly in eligible investments; and diversification of assets across maturity, issuer and issuer type, the portfolio will align with the City’s low tolerance for risk.

Investment parameters

Fixed income investments shall be made in accordance with the strategic asset allocation in place at the time, with the following overarching principals:

  1. Investments will be diversified across issuers and credit quality to avoid over-concentration in any single issuer or sector to manage issuer specific and sector specific risks;
  2. Fixed income investment will be concentrated in, but not limited to, securities that have higher credit ratings (rated AA- or higher as rated by Standard & Poor’s);
  3. Investing in securities with varying maturities; and
  4. Primarily investing in marketable securities which have an active secondary market, to ensure that appropriate liquidity is maintained in order to meet ongoing obligations.

Investment in Co-mingled investment offerings

In order to promote diversification of the City’s investment portfolio, percentage weightings for class and type of securities will be constrained in terms of maximum exposures to specific issuers, and issuer types. This is in addition to putting some conservative constraints in terms of maximum allowable time to maturity, as shown in Appendix A: Limitations to Sector Concentration and Term.

The City shall also hold sufficient funds in short-term investment instruments in order to maintain adequate liquidity.

In line with Municipal Act regulation 438/97 regulating “Eligible Investments”, the City shall sell an investment within 30 to 90 days (depending on the specific investment) after the day the investment rating for that security falls below the standard as set out in the Municipal Act and regulation.

Equity investments will be made in accordance with the authorized investment legislation set out in the Municipal Act, 2001 and Regulation 438/97 as amended. 

Reporting requirements

Investment report

The City Treasurer shall submit an investment report to Council, including a management summary that provides an analysis of the status of the current investment portfolio. The report is provided annually but may be more frequent at Council’s request. The investment report will include:

  1. A listing of individual securities held at the end of the reporting period and investments in co-mingled investment portfolios;
  2. Realized and unrealized gains or losses by listing the cost and market value of securities with over one-year duration and not intended to be held until maturity;
  3. Average weighted yield to maturity of portfolio on investments, compared to applicable benchmarks;
  4. Percentage of the total portfolio outlining each type of investment represented, including the total investment in long term and short term City of Ottawa debt in addition to the change in the estimated proportion of this debt since the previous year’s report;
  5. A performance report clearly outlining the return of the investment portfolio during the period covered by the report, compared to the portfolio’s benchmark and the ONE Investment Program’s pooled fund;
  6. An estimated ratio of total long-term and short-term securities compared to the total investments and a description of the change, if any, of this ratio since the previous year’s report;
  7. A statement by the City Treasurer as to whether or not, in his or her opinion, all investments were made in accordance with this policy and clearly denoting exceptions or deviations;
  8. A record of the date of each transaction involving City of Ottawa securities, including a record of the purchase price and sale price of each City of Ottawa security;
  9. If the City has any existing Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs) in a fiscal year, the City Treasurer shall prepare and present to Council once in that fiscal year, or more frequently if Council requires, a detailed report on all of those agreements, which will contain:
    1. A statement about the status of the FRAs during the period of the report, including a comparison of the expected and actual results of using the agreements.
    2. A statement by the City Treasurer indicating whether, in his or her opinion, all of the FRAs entered during the period of the report are consistent with the City’s statement of policies and goals relating to the use of FRAs.
    3. Other information that the Council may require or that, in the opinion of the City Treasurer, should be included.
    4. A statement as to whether there are any investments in the portfolio that have been downgraded from standard requirements set out in the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended.


It is anticipated that the investment portfolio will earn an average rate of return that is at least commensurate with the investment risk constraints and cash flow needs of the City. Therefore, the actual rate of return earned on the portfolio will be regularly compared to performance benchmarks that have been previously established. The benchmark(s) may vary from time to time as determined by the Manager of the Treasury Unit in order to be comparable to the composition and average term of the current holdings of the investment portfolio. The performance of the general portfolio will be compared using two sets of performance benchmarks: an index-based benchmark and a managed portfolio benchmark.

The Sinking Fund is the one exception, with the fund being benchmarked against a portfolio of actuarial liability that the investments are meant to fund.

Safekeeping and custody

All securities shall be held for safekeeping by a financial institution approved by the City.  Individual accounts shall be maintained for each portfolio. All securities shall be held in the name of the City. 

The depository shall issue a safekeeping receipt to the City listing the specific instrument, rate, maturity and other pertinent information. On a monthly basis, the depository will also provide reports which list all securities held for the City and the market value as of month-end.

Securities lending

The City may engage in the practice of securities lending as provided in Section 418 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended to enable the City to increase its return on its custodial portfolio by lending certain assets to recognized borrowers for a fee.

Forward rate agreements

The Corporation may enter into Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs) as provided in Section 10 of Ontario Regulation 438/97 as amended. FRAs may only be used to reduce the risk of future interest rate changes associated with known cash inflows and will be subject to the conditions set out in the Municipal Act2001 Regulation 438/97 as amended.

The FRA agreement must specify:

  • The forward amount, which is the principal upon which the interest rate is based;
  • A settlement date;
  • The forward interest rate;
  • The reference rate of interest; and
  • A schedule of approximate payments and/or costs to or by the City of Ottawa should the reference rate and the forward rate differs.

A report analyzing the risks and return profile of the transaction, the risk exposure to the City without the FRA and specific risk control measures must be approved by the City Treasurer prior to entering into an FRA agreement.

External investment clients

Where the City has undertaken to manage investment portfolios on behalf of an external client account as allowed under Section 420(1) of the Municipal Act2001 as amended and in conformity with Section 25(3) of the Ontario Securities Act1990 as amended, it will do so on the following basis:

  1. The investment objectives, authorized investments, reporting requirements, and term and sector limits will be in accordance with the external client’s investment policy.
  2. Prior to the engagement, the following process will be undertaken:
    1. Review client needs, expectations and risk tolerances;
    2. Establish term limits and approved credit exposures;
    3. Agree on a list of eligible investments;
    4. Establish appropriate goals and benchmarks;
    5. Prepare and finalize the written agreement signed by both parties.
  3. The agreement will set out the following:
    1. Duties and roles of both parties;
    2. Management expense fee;
    3. Reporting and portfolio review requirements.
    4. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Standard of Professional Conduct
    5. Staff is expected to comply at all times and in all respects with the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct as set forth by the CFA Institute, with a strong focus on the Prudent Investor Standard.


City Treasurer

The City Treasurer shall have ultimate authority for all investment transactions and for ensuring that all investments are made in accordance with this Investment Policy the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001 and Regulation 438/97 as amended. 

The City Treasurer can delegate administrative, analytical, strategic and transactional duties to staff and is responsible to make sure the proper financial policy and administrative procedures are in place to remain in compliance with current legislation and internal policies.

Treasury Unit

The Treasury Unit is responsible for executing all operations in relation to the City’s Investment portfolios including: setting the asset mix; completing investment transactions; monitoring risk metrics and benchmark; as well as reporting and accounting.


The Manager, Treasury Unit is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy, and will provide the City Treasurer with a compliance report on a quarterly basis. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


Appendix A: Limitations to Sector Concentration and Term

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Ontario Municipal Act, 2001 as amended

Ontario Securities Act, 1990 as amended

Ontario Regulations, 438/97 and 77/97 as amended

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Asset Backed Securities (ABS): Bonds or notes backed by financial assets. Typically these assets consist of credit card receivables, auto loans, lines of credit, and home equity loans.

Benchmarks: A standard against which the performance of an investment portfolio, or its component parts, can be measured. Index-based benchmarks are generally broad market indices (for example FTSE TMX Canada Universe Bond Index). A managed portfolio benchmark refers to the use of an actively managed pooled fund with a similar investment mandate as a benchmark (for example ONE Investment Program’s Bond Portfolio).

CFA Institute: International organization comprised of more than 70,000 members who hold the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation or are otherwise bound by its rules. Its primary mandate is to specify and maintain a high standard for the investment industry.

Credit Risk: The risk to an investor that an issuer will default in the payment of interest and/or principal on a security.

Diversification: A process of investing assets among a range of security types by class, sector, maturity, and quality rating.

Duration: A measure of the timing of cash flows, such as interest payments and repayment of principal, to be received from a given fixed-income security. This calculation is based on three variables: term to maturity, coupon rate, and yield to maturity. The duration of a security is a useful indicator of its price volatility for given changes in interest rates.

External Client: Any approved entity outside the City.

Forward Rate Agreement (FRA): A contract with a qualified financial institution (for example a bank) that allows an investor to fix a rate of interest to be received on an investment for a specified term beginning at a specified future date.

Index-Based Benchmarks: See Benchmarks.

Interest Rate Risk: The risk associated with declines or rises in current market interest rates which causes an investment in a fixed-income security to increase or decrease in value.

Liquidity: A measure of an asset’s convertibility to cash.

ONE Investment Program: A professionally managed co-mingled group of investment portfolios that meets eligibility criteria as defined by regulations under the Municipal Act, 2001.

Managed-Portfolio Benchmarks: See Benchmarks.

Market Risk: The risk that the value of a security will rise or decline as a result of changes in market conditions.

Market Value: The current market price of a security.

Maturity (Term): The date on which payment of a financial obligation is due. The final stated maturity is the date on which the issuer must retire a bond and pay the face value to the bondholder. 

Prudent Investor Standard: A standard that requires a fiduciary to invest trust assets as if they were his or her own.

Schedule I Banks: Domestic banks that are authorized under the Bank Act to accept deposits, which may be eligible for deposit insurance provided by the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Schedule II Banks: Foreign bank subsidiaries authorized under the Bank Act to accept deposits, which may be eligible for deposit insurance provided by the Canada Deposit and Insurance Corporation. Foreign bank subsidiaries are controlled by eligible foreign institutions.

Schedule III Banks: Foreign bank branches of foreign institutions that have been authorized under the Bank Act to do banking business in Canada.

Sinking Fund: Securities or deposits accumulated on a regular basis in a separate safekeeping account and/or bank account that will be used to redeem debt securities at maturity.

Standard and Poor’s: Index provider and independent credit rating agency.

Supranational: An agency sponsored by either a single or group of highly rated foreign banks or governments that will issue debt to fund loans in developing countries or large infrastructure projects. Supranational institutions may be owned or guaranteed by a consortium of national governments and their debt is typically rated “AA” or higher.

Keyword Search

Asset Allocation

Allowable Investments Portfolio

Investment Parameters

Reserve Fund

Sinking Fund



For more information, contact:
​​​​​​​Manager, Treasury 
Corporate Finance Services
Finance and Corporate Services Department


Appendix A: Limitations to Sector Concentration and Term

Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
Canada N/A   100% 100% None
Federal Guarantees N/A   50% 25% None
Other Countries
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
Government AAA   25% 10% 20 years
AA   10% 5% 5 years
Federal Guarantees     25%    
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
Provincial AAA R1 High  75% 35% None
Provincial AA   R1 Mid 50%  25%  40 years
Provincial A R1 Low 35% 15% 30 years
Provincial BBB R2 High 20% 5% 5 years
Provincial Total     80%    
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
City of Ottawa N/A   25% 25% None
Other Municipalities & Municipal Entities AAA   50% 20% 40 years
Other Municipalities & Municipal Entities AA   40% 15% 40 years
Other Municipalities & Municipal Entities A   30% 10% 40 years
Other Municipalities & Municipal Entities  Not rated   20%  5%  10 years
Applied Arts, Housing Corp, Education & Hospitals AA   25% 5% 10 years
Municipal Total     50%    
Asset Backed Securities 2
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
Asset Backed Securities 2 AAA  R1 High 25% 5% 10 years
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
Schedule I Banks AA(L)  R1 Mid 50% 25% 10 years
Schedule I Banks A  R1 Low 20% 10% 5 years
Schedule II Banks AA(L) R1 High 20% 10% 5 years
Schedule II Banks A R1 Mid 10% 5% 5 years
Schedule III Banks AA(L) R1 High 20% 10% 5 years
Schedule III Banks A R1 Mid 10% 5% 5 years
Banks Total     50%    
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
Corporate debt2 AA(L)  R1 mid 25% 5% 5 years
Corporate debt2 A   15% 5%  < 5 years
Corporate Total     25%    
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development2 AAA   25% 10% 30 years
Other governmental or  financial institutions AAA   25% 10% 30 years
Supranational Total      25%    
ONE Investment
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
Money Market n/a   50% n/a n/a
Bond Fund n/a   50% n/a n/a
Equity/Shares n/a   50% n/a n/a
Corporate Debt n/a   50% n/a n/a
ONE Total     50%    
Sectors Minimum Credit Rating3 Money Market Rating Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Portfolio Limit Sector/Credit Exposure Limitation1 (maximum) Individual Limit Sector Term Limitation (Maximum)
Loan or trust corporation, credit union, Province of Ontario Saving Bank AA(L)   20% 5% 10 years
  1. Exposure % limitations to be applied to the par value of the total portfolio
  2. Investment in these securities is contingent upon the City of Ottawa maintaining a credit rating at or above AA (L)
  3. Rated by Standard and Poor’s (S&P). Credit can be evaluated if rated by another agency; however, the rating must line up with the S&P rating equivalent

Multi-Year, Rate-Supported Budget Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: Finance
Approval Date: January 23, 2013
Effective Date:  January 23, 2013 

Policy Statement

The City shall undertake a multi-year approach to budgeting for Rate Supported operating and capital programs unless otherwise direct by Committee and Council.  Where possible, the multi-year period should mirror the Term of Council.  


The purpose of this Policy is to enable the City’s approach to multi-year budgeting for rate supported operating and capital programs. The Policy provides direction in the development, approval and adjustment of multi-year budgets in order to recognize major changes in budgetary assumptions, legislation and Council priorities. 


This Policy applies to the Environmental Services department, which is responsible for the control, administration and management of the City’s Rate Supported operating and capital budgets and to all departments which support the delivery of rate supported services. 

Policy Requirements

Objectives of multi-year budgeting

The primary objectives are:

  • To have a longer-term funding plan for the City in order for long-term goals to be identified and achieved;
  • To provide residents with more certainty about the plans for City water and sewer services, finances, and rate levels;
  • To support more efficient and strategic decision making.  


The City shall adhere to all applicable legislation governing municipalities budgeting practices.  Specifically, the Municipal Act, 2001, (the ”Act”) sets the direction for the City to prepare and adopt a balanced annual or multi-year budget.  The City shall define the budget period to align with the Term of Council.  

When adopting a multi-year budget, the Act requires that in the second year, and each subsequent year, to which the multi-year budget applies, the City shall:

  • Review the budget in the year or the immediately preceding year;
  • Make required changes to comply with the Act;
  • Re-adopt the budget for that year and for subsequent years to which the budget applies.  

10-Year Long Range Financial Plan (LRFP) for water and sewer capital investment needs

The LRFP forms the basis from which the more detailed multi-year budgets shall be developed. Any updates to the LRFP, during the multi-year budget period, may result in recommended budget adjustments to the multi-year budget. 

Budget Preparation and Adoption

Staff shall prepare draft multi-year rate supported budgets in accordance with the LRFP. 

The governing Committee shall

  • prescribe the process and timetable for the submission and adoption of the draft budgets to Committee;
  • prescribe public consultation process; and
  • recommend the budgets for submission to Council for final adoption. 

In-year Operating and Capital Budgets Adjustments

Both the operating and capital budgets shall be monitored throughout each year of the multi-year budget period and quarterly status reports shall be presented to Committee and Council.  

Pursuant to the Delegated Authority By-law 2012-109 as amended, the City Treasurer is authorized to process operating and capital budget adjustments within specified limits.  Those that exceed these limits require Council approval.  Budget adjustments processed under delegated authority and those that require Council approval shall be reported in the quarterly status reports.  

Future Year Operating and Capital Budgets Adjustments

The Finance Department shall establish an adjustment review process to take place each year, immediately preceding the upcoming budget year.  All proposed changes to future years’ funding plans, operating and capital budgets shall be brought forward and approved by the governing Committee during the annual adjustment review. 

The budgets shall not be opened up for a full scale review. The intent is to adhere to multi-year city plans and budgets that support them and only to adjust the budgets when circumstances warrant. Budget adjustments shall be limited to the following circumstances:  

  1. External factors such as provincial or federal budgets, or changes imposed by legislation or external boards (i.e. OMERS, Clean Water Act, Source Water Protection Act, Water Opportunities Act);
  2. Adjustments to reflect operating impacts related to the implementation and completion of capital projects;
  3. Adjustments to capital program to reflect changes in project requirements, financing or the project work plan;
  4. Unforeseen changes to economic forecasts affecting costs, staffing requirements, service demand volumes, or revenue projections; and
  5. Council-directed changes to priorities, policies or programs. 

As a result of the annual adjustment review process, Environmental Services shall recommend to Committee and Council, necessary adjustments to the appropriate budgets for each year(s) in the multi-year period. 


Environmental Services and other supporting departments shall identify needs aligned to Council plans and priorities and changes to operational and capital requirements. 

Financial Services Unit shall assist client departments with developing the multi-year budget and the annual budget adjustment review process. 

Financial Planning and Budgets shall facilitate and co-ordinate the multi-year budget development and the annual budget adjustment review process. 


The City Treasurer and the General Manager of Environmental Services shall monitor current practices to ensure compliance with this Policy. 


The Corporate Planning Framework (Ref. No. ACS2011-COS-ODP-0007(link is external))

Fiscal Framework 2007 as amended

Long Range Financial Plan IV ? Water and Sewer Rate Supported Programs ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0004(link is external)

Report on: Proposed Rate Budget Multi-year Policy ACS2013-CMR-FIN-0001(link is external) 

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Municipal Act, 2001, as amended
Delegation of Authority By-law 2012-109, as amended


Long Range Financial Plan – outlines the projected operating and capital requirements in order to provide and maintain these services to City residents 

Rate-Supported Services – the programs required to provide potable drinking water along with sanitary and storm water sewer services which are funded through revenues from water and sewer surcharge rates. 


Enquiries regarding this Policy should be directed to: 

Deputy City Treasurer
Corporate Finance Services
Finance Services Department 
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 41723

Municipal Commemoration Policy

Approved by: City Council
Approval date: July 10, 2024
Effective date: July 10, 2024

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to a contemporary and comprehensive approach to municipal commemoration: the act of remembering, honouring and sharing a community’s collective memories (its histories, stories, and legacies) through various tangible and intangible commemorative forms.

The City honours the Anishinabe Algonquin Host Nation, and the diverse communities, cultures and local features that make Ottawa a unique place. This policy promotes commemorative practices that enhance truth, reconciliation, inclusion, and sustainable development.


This policy provides clear objectives and principles to guide municipal commemoration and ensure consistent application in the administration and operation of all City of Ottawa commemorative activities.

It is also meant to guide individual commemorative and naming programs governed by their own departmental policies or procedures.

Per this policy, the City will:

  • Diversify existing municipal commemorative practices.
  • Support commemoration and naming programs with consideration of nominations for new commemorations
  • Guide the consideration of requests related to renaming, program review, and contentious commemorations.
  • Promote and facilitate public engagement with municipal commemorative programs and practices.


This policy applies to all:

  • City of Ottawa commemorative and naming programs and practices.
  • Work related to municipal commemoration and naming on municipal land.
  • Partner entities working in collaboration with the City on joint commemoration initiatives that fall within its scope.
  • Commemorative practices of external parties on City land, including but not limited to diplomatic missions, non-profit organizations, cultural institutions, academia, communities, groups and individuals.

City of Ottawa Boards engaged in commemorative practice are encouraged to adopt this policy and be guided by its approach.

This policy does not apply to:

  • Sponsorship naming rights made by the City, which are governed by the Sponsorship Policy.
  • Commemoration initiatives on federal government lands in Ottawa, except for initiatives that involve the City of Ottawa, where this municipal policy shall apply to City participation.

Policy requirements

All City of Ottawa commemorations and commemorative practices on municipal land will be guided by the principles, goals and core themes of this Municipal Commemoration Policy as follows:

Guiding Principles

Local legaciesThe City of Ottawa remains committed to presenting a full picture of Ottawa through commemoration and prioritizes themes from local Ottawa histories, stories and legacies.

Inclusion The City of Ottawa promotes and enhances truth, reconciliation, diversity, inclusion, and sustainable development in municipal commemoration through existing programs and with innovative commemoration practices.

Openness and transparencyThe City of Ottawa ensures openness through communication, consultation and collaboration in its commemoration practices, and will report on implementation progress regularly and transparently.

Cultural values and engagementThe City of Ottawa ensures that community cultural values are respected, and that appropriate engagement on municipal commemoration themes is undertaken.

Human rights, mutual respect, and sustainable developmentThe City of Ottawa adheres to human rights legislation (Ontario Human Rights Code, Canadian Human Rights Act, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), principles of mutual respect among communities, groups, and individuals, and sustainable development in its commemoration practices. It ensures proposed commemorative practices are not discriminatory or derogatory of colour, disability, ethnic origin, faith, gender identity or expression, political affiliation, race, sex, sexual orientation, etc.

Accurate informationThe City of Ottawa ensures that its commemoration practices are based on accurate information, from reliable sources.

AccessibilityThe City of Ottawa ensures equity of opportunity in an integrated manner for municipal commemoration. Adherence to all legislated standards under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA, 2005), as well as the City of Ottawa Accessibility Policy will be met.

As per the City of Ottawa’s Accessible formats and communication supports procedure, all staff shall, upon request, and in consultation with the person making the request, provide or make arrangements to provide accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities.

Renewal and continuous improvementThe City of Ottawa remains committed to continuous improvement of its commemoration practices, based on informed feedback.


  • Work towards prioritizing commemorations of local Ottawa histories, stories and legacies with equitable representation of communities and cultures, and by promoting mechanisms that can increase the number of commemorations related to underrepresented residents in urban, suburban, and rural areas.
  • Ensure municipal commemoration practices respectfully include the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation, on whose unceded territory Ottawa is built, in accordance with the Council-approved City of Ottawa – Anishinabe Algonquin Nation Civil Cultural Protocol.
  • Promote and respectfully encourage the participation of Urban First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities in City of Ottawa commemoration practices (in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - UNDRIP).
  • Enhance involvement of Black residents, peoples of colour, immigrants and newcomers, Francophones and other linguistic minorities, people who are differently abled, women, youth, 2SLGBTQQIA+, and other equity-deserving residents of Ottawa who have been historically under-represented in civic commemoration.
  • Promote alternative commemoration and encourage public interaction with municipal commemoration practices, to foster constructive dialogue, combat vandalism and hate, and enhance mutual understanding.
  • Promote adherence to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the context of City of Ottawa municipal commemorations. Promote constructive collaboration across municipal service areas engaged in commemorative activity.

Core themes

The City of Ottawa recognizes and celebrates the rich diversity of Ottawa’s histories, stories and legacies and understands the important role that seeing themselves reflected in commemoration plays in the lives of residents. Through available resources and mechanisms, this policy promotes:

  • Nominations for new commemorations from under-represented communities.
  • Diverse approaches to commemoration that reflect the intangible cultural heritages (or living heritages) of Ottawa – its peoples’ oral traditions, folk arts, rituals, ceremonies, and traditional knowledge, among others – and nurture creative and alternative commemorative forms.
  • The presentation of a comprehensive and inclusive story of Ottawa through commemoration with themes related to Ottawa’s unique features as follows:
    • Ottawa rests on the unceded territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin Host Nation.
    • Ottawa is home to a diverse urban Indigenous community of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people.
    • Ottawa is home to diverse immigrant and other equity-deserving communities.
    • Ottawa contains a landscape that connects neighbouring urban, suburban and rural lifestyles.
    • Ottawa serves as both Canada’s National Capital and a multilingual, medium- sized North American city with French and English as official languages.
  • Commemoration of elements from the following domains:
    • History of Ottawa
    • Geography of Ottawa
    • People of Ottawa
    • Heritage of Ottawa

(See Survey of Past/Existing City of Ottawa Commemorative Programs, Chapter 3 in References)

City of Ottawa Commemoration Database

The City of Ottawa will create, maintain, and regularly update a comprehensive, centralized Municipal Commemoration Database. In the interest of compiling, tracking, and monitoring municipal and municipally partnered commemorations in Ottawa, this database shall include records of:

  • All new commemorative practices.
  • Changes or alterations to existing commemorations.
  • Links to inventories, lists, or registers owned by City’s service areas and programs involved with commemoration.

All City service areas involved with municipal commemoration are required to collaborate on the creation and ongoing updating of this database.

The City shall make this database accessible through various platforms (e.g. Open Ottawa, Geo Ottawa) in the interest of awareness and focused research.

Public Engagement and Alternative Commemoration

The City of Ottawa is aware of the dynamic nature of commemorations and the potentials for creative interactions with them. It remains committed to ongoing public engagement on municipal commemoration.

The Commemoration Policy recognizes that commemoration is a living process and encourages residents’ and visitors’ ongoing engagement and interaction with commemorative objects and themes.

Where possible, City staff will engage with Ottawa residents and communities to determine satisfaction or concerns with municipal commemoration programs and practices.

Contentious Commemoration

Understandings and interpretations of collective memories may change over time and some previously accepted commemorations may become contentious.

In instances where an existing and proposed municipal commemoration is brought forward as contentious, the City shall investigate the request and, if determined as contentious, determine the most appropriate method to deal with it. The City will:

  • Request advice from internal and external commemoration-focused bodies or informed individuals on methodology and approach to best reflect Ottawa’s history.
  • Respond to the request by announcing its decision to re-investigate, re-interpret, re-contextualize, or as a last option, rescind the contentious commemoration in question.

The City may also choose to support partner, stakeholder, or public dialogue around contentious commemoration on municipal lands.


Each year, an annual, comprehensive report that identifies municipal commemoration activities of the past year will be distributed to City Council. This report will be a tool that can track and evaluate policy implementation.


Recreation, Cultural and Facilities Services shall:

  • Review and update this policy, in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders and partners, as needed.
  • Develop recommendations on methods and procedures to implement the policy
  • Oversee policy implementation in full collaboration with relevant municipal service areas and program owners.
  • Respond to requests for support from municipal commemoration program owners.
  • Coordinate the development of a comprehensive database of municipal commemorations, and its maintenance in collaboration with involved service areas, program owners, and staff.
  • Receive and submit to the involved service areas and program owners, requests for review of existing City of Ottawa commemorations, or commemorative practices or programs and coordinate the preparation and submission of the City’s response.
  • Propose themes, forms, and methods to establish new municipal commemorations.
  • Encourage and support public engagement and alternative commemoration in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders and partners.
  • On an annual basis, compile a municipal commemoration report for distribution by the General Manager, RCFS, in consultation with relevant City of Ottawa service areas, and stakeholders and partners.

Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department (RCFS) shall:

  • Report to Ottawa City Council on an annual basis on the previous year’s municipal commemoration activity and recommendations for future consideration.

City of Ottawa Service Areas Responsible for Commemorative Programs shall:

  • Administer and execute their own commemorative programs and practices in accordance with this policy.
  • Assist in the development and maintenance of the commemoration database in coordination with the Cultural Development and Initiatives Unit.
  • Ensure that requests for exemptions or scenarios not addressed in this policy are presented to their respective Director and General Manager, who must direct to the Cultural Development and Initiatives Unit.
  • Maintain, on an annual basis, a record of all relevant commemorative activity and provide to the Cultural Development and Initiatives Unit for inclusion in the annual, comprehensive report specified in this policy.

(See Definitions for a non-exhaustive list of involved City of Ottawa service areas.)

Ottawa City Council shall:

  • Approve this policy and any substantial amendments.
  • Deliberate on and approve reports related to commemorations under this policy, as required.


Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department (RCFS) is responsible for monitoring adherence to this policy.

Individual City of Ottawa service areas responsible for commemorative programs as defined in this policy, shall monitor fulfillment of their respective responsibilities outlined herein.


Accessibility Policy, City of Ottawa

Accessible formats and communication supports procedure, City of Ottawa Accountability and Transparency Policy, City of Ottawa

Bilingualism Policy, City of Ottawa City of Ottawa Anti-Racism Strategy

City of Ottawa Reconciliation Action Plan

Code of Conduct for Members of Council, City of Ottawa Commemorative Naming Policy, City of Ottawa

Contentious Commemoration – Recommendations (Municipal Commemoration Policy Advisory Group, Working Group on Contentious Commemoration), 2023

Employee Code of Conduct, City of Ottawa Equity and Diversity Policy, City of Ottawa

EVOQ Strategies and Archipel Research and Consulting (March 2023): Report, Survey of Past/Existing City of Ottawa Commemorative Programs and Policies, City of Ottawa Project No. EVOQ: S05016-21-00

Official Plan, approved Ottawa City Council

“Remembering Ottawa: Stories and Legacies”(link is external) | Se souvenir d’Ottawa : ses patrimoines(link is external) et ses legs | Participons Ottawa(link is external)

Renewed Action Plan for Arts, Heritage, and Culture in Ottawa (2013-2018), approved Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) Ottawa City Council 2012 Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)(link is external)

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Act, 1982(link is external) Canadian Human Rights Act (RSC), 1985(link is external)

Municipal Act, 2001(link is external)

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act(link is external) Ontario Human Rights Code(link is external)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action(link is external) United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights(link is external)

United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development(link is external)

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated because of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Alternative commemoration — Includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Creative, artistic, and/or community-led commemoration that diversifies the practice and expands the domain of commemoration methods beyond the familiar statues, monuments, plaques, or signs.
  • Interaction with an existing commemoration, especially through artistic or creative activity.

Collective memory — Is memory, knowledge, or information that communities have about their histories, stories, or legacies that they value, commemorate through artistic, symbolic, or other methods, and that they transfer to younger generations.

Commemoration — Refers to act of remembering, honouring and sharing a community’s collective memories (its histories, stories, and legacies) through various commemorative forms such as monuments, plaques, names, performances, crafted objects, and events. Unless otherwise specified, ‘commemoration’ in this policy is used as an umbrella term that includes all forms of commemorative activity undertaken by the City of Ottawa.

Commemorative form — Is an umbrella term to cover any of, or any combination of objects, actions, structures, spaces, or natural elements employed to commemorate a collective memory. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Object: plaques, flags, signs, murals, time capsules, books, photos, paintings, crafted objects, etc.
  • Action: rituals, festive events, gatherings, parades, artistic performances, storytelling, commemorative walks, competitions, etc.
  • Structure: statues, benches, monuments, memorials, totem structures, etc.
  • Space: squares, neighbourhoods, landscapes, sacred spaces, cemeteries, etc.
  • Natural element: trees, herbs, feathers, water, mountains, stones, etc.

Contentious commemoration — Means commemoration in the form of a name, object, monument, space, or ceremony with disputed, challenging, or possible negative meanings and context. Communities, groups, or individuals may disagree on the appropriateness of these commemorations and on whether they align or not with their collective memories. Contentious commemorations may be contested on the grounds of human rights, reconciliation, inclusion, mutual respect, or sustainable development.

Departmental policies — Relate to the administration and services offered by a particular department and may typically apply to multiple service areas within a department. These policies may operationalize a corporate administrative policy within a department and do not have City-wide application. The responsibility to develop, implement, update and monitor these policies resides within the operating department or its service area/branch.

Intangible Cultural Heritage — Also known as ‘living heritage’, is the cultural knowledge that is transmitted from generation to generation, often orally and non- formally. It includes oral traditions, folk arts, social practices, rituals and festive events, traditional knowledge, and traditional craftsmanship. A considerable number of ICH examples are commemorative in nature and have the potential to diversify municipal commemoration methods.

Service Areas Responsible for Commemorative Programs — Municipal departments, branches, and units that work in areas connected to Ottawa histories, stories, legacies, and collective memories, and adhere to this policy. Their commemorative programs are typically governed by individual departmental policies and/or procedures.

A non-exhaustive list of these service areas is as follows:

  • City Archives
  • City of Ottawa Museums
  • Cultural Development and Initiatives
  • Cultural Funding Support
  • Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations, and Social Development
  • Heritage Planning
  • Office of Protocol
  • Parks and Facilities Planning
  • Forestry Services (Public Works)
  • Public Art Program
  • RCFS Business, Technical and Support Services

Sustainable development — Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Commemoration has the potential to enhance sustainability in municipal practice as it contributes to identity building and placemaking, and it promotes dialogue.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — Refers to the 17 goals promoted through the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in an urgent call for action by all countries. Commemoration is tied to Goals 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 5 (Gender Equity), and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).


For more information on this policy, contact:
Program Manager
Arts and Heritage Development Branch

Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department


Appendix A: List of Current City of Ottawa Commemorative and Naming Programs

  • Commemorative Naming Policy for Municipal Parks, Streets and Facilities
  • Street Naming / Municipal Addressing
  • Commemorative Street Naming for Veterans
  • Ottawa Public Library Commemorative Naming Policy (See reference to Boards in Application section)
  • Sponsorship Policy (includes Naming Rights)
  • Commemorative Benches
  • Commemorative Trees Program
  • Roadside Memorial Sign Program
Heritage Properties:
  • Designated Individual Heritage Properties
  • Designated Heritage Conservation Districts
  • Heritage Register
  • Flag-Raising
  • Proclamations
  • Ottawa Heritage Awards
  • Ottawa Public Library Order of Friendship (See reference to Boards in Application section)
  • Granting Freedom of the City of Ottawa
  • Key to the City
  • Mayor’s City Builder Award
  • Order of Ottawa

Appendix B: Existing Types of Commemoration at the City of Ottawa

Formal and ad-hoc City of Ottawa commemorative programs have resulted in:

  1. Permanent physical commemorations

Cemeteries, cenotaphs, columns, commemorative artwork, cornerstones, designated heritage properties and districts, fountains, gates, interpretive panels/pathways, memorial benches/gardens, monuments, murals, open space dedications, park and streetscape accessories, plaques, sculptures (statues), street signs, time capsules, tree plantings

  1. Temporary physical commemorations

Roadside memorials

  1. Commemorative events

Anniversaries, awards, ceremonial events, civic holidays, flag-raising, historical milestones, parades, proclamations, twinning of cities.

Ottawa Option Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: Finance
Approval Date: February 25, 2009
Effective Date: February 25, 2009
Revision Approved By: Chief Procurement Officer
Revision Date: August 10, 2023

Policy statement

The City shall use a consistent approach to consider the merits of unsolicited proposals for the supply of goods and/or services received from private sector proponents, which complies with the Procurement By-law, ensures a procurement process that is open, transparent and fair to all proponents, and provides best value to the City.


The purpose of this policy is to outline the City’s approach to evaluating and pursuing an unsolicited proposal from a private sector proponent for the supply of goods and/or services.


This policy applies to all City of Ottawa employees and elected officials.

This policy does not apply to the City’s local boards.

This policy does not apply to real estate development projects or projects undertaken using a public-private partnership (P3) approach.

Policy requirements

Objectives of the Ottawa Option Policy

The City receives unsolicited proposals from private sector proponents for the supply of goods and/or services that may offer improved services, reduced cost, cost avoidance or other benefits. The objective of the Ottawa Option Policy is to provide a process for the City to receive and consider unsolicited proposals from private sector proponents that:

  • Eliminate the perception of bias and ensures an open, transparent and fair procurement process
  • Provide best value to the City
  • Protect the proprietary trade information of the private sector proponent.

Steps of the Ottawa Option eligibility and procurement process

When an unsolicited proposal is received from a private sector proponent, the City shall follow a four-step process to evaluate the proposal’s eligibility for an Ottawa Option procurement process:

  • Eligibility assessment
  • Evaluation of the business case
  • Approval of funding (if required)
  • Procurement process
Eligibility assessment

The unsolicited proposal shall be submitted to the Chief Procurement Officer or to a General Manager responsible for areas discussed in the proposal. The information provided to the City shall be at a high conceptual level and shall include:

  • A profile of the proponent and key partners
  • A project description, including the key deliverables and benefits
  • The proposed financial relationship between the City and the private sector proponent, and allocation of risks
  • The proponent’s expectations of the City, including financial expectations and the assistance of staff in preparing or finalizing the unsolicited proposal

The General Manager of the relevant operational department, in consultation with the Chief Procurement Officer, shall determine the eligibility of the unsolicited proposal under this policy by considering:

  • The competitive market for the supply of the proposed goods and/or services
  • The sufficiency of the proposed benefit, given current City priorities
  • The willingness of the City to fund its share of the costs of implementation or the competitive process
  • The availability and cost of City staff and/or external resources required to evaluate the unsolicited proposal’s benefits to the City

If the General Manager determines that the unsolicited proposal is not in the best interests of the City, the proponent shall be advised and the City shall take no further action in relation to the proposal concept.

If the General Manager determines that the unsolicited proposal is in the best interests of the City, the Chief Procurement Officer shall ensure that the proposal is not similar to a current or planned competitive procurement process and does not circumvent the Procurement By-law, in which case the unsolicited proposal will not be pursued.

If the unsolicited proposal is similar to a current or planned competitive procurement but presents a different scope, style or approach that would improve the City’s position, the Chief Procurement Officer may consider the proposal and choose one of the following two outcomes:

  • With the proponent’s concurrence, amend the current procurement documents and competitive process to include some or all of the key elements of the unsolicited proposal, and reissue the amended procurement document in an open, transparent and fair competitive process
  • Reject the unsolicited proposal and continue with the current procurement process without amendments to the procurement documents

If the unsolicited proposal qualifies for the Ottawa Option, the Chief Procurement Officer shall:

  • Obtain written confirmation of the proponent’s agreement to enter into negotiations in accordance with the Ottawa Option Policy as well as acknowledgement from the proponent that the City is under no obligation to accept the proposal, that all costs incurred by the proponent in relation to the unsolicited proposal are incurred at the proponent's own risk, and that the City shall not be liable for any costs or damages in connection with the rejection or non-acceptance of the proposal
  • Provide the proponent with any available information describing the City’s requirements for the goods and/or services proposed
  • Request that the proponent prepare and submit, at its sole expense, a detailed proposal in a prescribed format and agreed timeframe

All unsolicited proposals received under this policy shall be open for acceptance by the City for a minimum period of six months.

Evaluation of the Business Case

In consultation with Supply Services, the General Manager shall develop a business case based on the detailed proposal received and assemble an evaluation team of subject matter experts to (a) evaluate the technical, commercial, managerial and financial capacity of the private sector proponent to undertake the proposed project; and (b) evaluate the proposed scope, benefits and risk-sharing of the unsolicited proposal for congruence with City priorities and available resources.

Based on the outcome of the business case evaluation, the General Manager may (a) reject the unsolicited proposal; (b) request amendments, clarifications or modifications to the unsolicited proposal; or (c) accept the unsolicited proposal as being in the best interest of City and, depending on the current conditions in the competitive marketplace, either seek approval for a non-competitive award of contract in accordance with section 22 (1) of the Procurement By-law or to consider the proposal in a competitive procurement process in accordance with the Procurement By-law.

Approval of funding (if required)

Where a decision has been made to either award a non-competitive contract or commence a competitive procurement process, but funding for the purpose envisioned in the unsolicited proposal is required and has not been previously approved by Council, the General Manager shall submit a report to Council for approval of the required funds.

Procurement process

If a decision is made to proceed with a competitive procurement process, Supply Services, in collaboration with the operational department, shall issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) and appoint a Fairness Commissioner to monitor and oversee the integrity of the competitive process. Supply Services shall ensure that proposals are solicited in an open, transparent and fair competitive process in accordance with the Procurement By-law.

The RFP document shall provide the main concepts of the unsolicited proposal, including contract principles and risk-sharing framework, without revealing proprietary information contained in the original proposal. The company that submitted the original unsolicited proposal must still submit a proposal in response to the RFP. An evaluation team shall evaluate all of the proposals received, and the successful proponent shall be determined in accordance with section 20 of the Procurement By-law


The General Manager shall determine whether the unsolicited proposal qualifies under the Ottawa Option Policy from a business perspective, and if the City should continue to entertain the proposal.

The Chief Procurement Officer shall determine if the proposal is eligible for consideration under this policy based on its similarity to any current procurement processes and ensure that any procurement process resulting from the receipt of the unsolicited proposal complies with this policy and the Procurement By-law.

City Council shall approve the funding required to pursue the unsolicited proposal if such funding has not been previously approved by Council.

Legal Services, or alternative external legal counsel retained by the City Solicitor to act on behalf of the City, shall review and approve all agreements that result from the procurement process.


General Managers shall monitor compliance with this policy. Failure to comply with this policy may result in employee disciplinary action.

The Chief Procurement Officer shall ensure that the evaluation of unsolicited proposals and the procurement process comply with the Procurement By-law.

An independent Fairness Commissioner, when appointed, shall monitor and report on the integrity of the procurement process to ensure compliance with the Procurement By-law.


Procurement By-law No. 50 of 2000 of the City of Ottawa, as amended
Business Case and Project Management Policy(link is external)

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Procurement By-law No. 50 of 2000
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(link is external), 2005
Ontario Regulation 191/11 Integrated Accessibility Standards(link is external), Clause 5; Procuring or Acquiring Goods, Services and Facilities


Unsolicited Proposal: A proposal received by City staff from a private sector vendor, consortium or any other proponent, that was not provided in response to a formal request from the City, but that was submitted through the initiative of the proponent.


For more information on this policy, contact:

Manager, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management
Strategic Sourcing Branch, Supply Services
Finance and Corporate Services Department

Parkland acquisition and funding through property disposal policy

Approved by: City Council
Approval date: July 6, 2022
Effective date: July 6, 2022
Revision approved by:
Revision / review date:

Policy statement

Where a parcel of municipal property is being disposed of, the City of Ottawa shall dedicate a prescribed portion of the property, or a prescribed portion of the net proceeds from the sale of such lands, shall be directed towards the development of municipal parkland and recreation facilities in order to meet the targets and recommendations established in the Council approved Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan (2021), the Official Plan and other Council-approved parkland acquisition initiatives.

This policy applies to the sale of surplus City owned land that is not:

  • Zoned as parkland
  • Considered municipal parkland or
  • Used as a parks and recreation facility


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:

  • Surplus City-owned Land, at the time of disposition, is considered on a priority basis for the purpose of developing municipal parks and recreation facilities
  • Lands newly designated for municipal parks and recreation facilities are under Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services (RCFS) stewardship and management, in accordance with this policy and the Disposal of Real Property Policy and

City departments coordinate work and strategies to achieve the targets and recommendations established in the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan, as approved by Council.


In conjunction with the Disposal of Real Property Policy, this policy is applied where Land is disposed of by the City of Ottawa, unless otherwise waived, in whole or in part, by Council.

The City’s Corporate Real Estate Office (CREO) shall apply this policy when undertaking City land development initiatives or disposals of surplus City-owned lands.

This policy applies to all City of Ottawa employees, and any agents, authorized to dispose of land on behalf of the City or develop City-owned land, including the development of municipal parks and recreation facilities.

Policy requirements

RCFS and CREO will identify and make available suitable surplus City-owned Land for the provision of municipal parks and recreation facilities.

When City-owned Land is sold, CREO will ensure that a minimum 25 per cent of the total municipal land parcel is provided to RCFS for the development of municipal parks and recreation facilities or ensure that a minimum 25 percent of the City’s Net Proceeds from sale are transferred to the fund designated for municipal parks and recreation, as a result of this policy. Where land is provided, CREO will convert 25% of the land area to RCFS stewardship prior to the sale of the remaining land area.

RCFS will use funds generated under this policy to fund the capital development of municipal parks and recreation facilities. The funding may be used for developing new recreation facilities or upgrading existing facilities, purchasing land, studies, or any other recreational use as directed by Council. The reserve funds cannot be used for funding ongoing operating or programming costs.

All reports to Council, including delegated authority reports, involving the sale of City owned Land shall include a statement regarding compliance with this policy.


Surplus City-owned land that is designated for the purpose of municipal parks and recreation facilities shall be calculated at market value by the CREO valuation team or by a CREO designated third party.


CREO will identify potential surplus City-owned lands and dispose of such lands in accordance with the Disposal of Real Property Policy.

RCFS will indicate to CREO the identified potential surplus City-owned lands that can accommodate and are appropriate for municipal parks and recreation facilities. For each application, RCFS will identify the need for land, cash or a combination thereof.

RCFS will co-coordinate with the Chief Financial Officer the funding from various sources to facilitate the development of surplus City-owned Lands being designated for municipal parks and recreation facilities as a result of this policy.

Finance will track and monitor the reserve designated for municipal parks and recreation, as a result of this policy, and ensure those funds are made available through the annual capital budget process.


RCFS and CREO are responsible for monitoring the application of this Policy and, ensuring that the requirements of this policy are met and are in conjunction with the Disposal of Real Property Policy.


Parkland – A City-owned property that includes land acquired through the development review process under the provisions set out in the Parkland Dedication By-law, and lands that are expropriated or purchased by the City for park or recreation purposes.

Parkland may be developed to include community buildings, soft and hard surfaces, and active recreational facilities such as play structures, water play and sports fields.

Net proceeds – The sale price of the surplus property less all costs to complete the sale, such as transfer taxes, signage and other applicable fees.

Recreation facility – An indoor or outdoor public place designed and equipped with facilities such as a swimming pool, squash or tennis courts, sports arena and fields, gymnasia, weightlifting and exercise rooms, and used for recreational, fitness or athletic pastimes and/or to provide instruction in such pastimes. It may include an ancillary sports field.


For more information on this policy, contact:

Manager, Parks and Facilities Planning
Recreation and Cultural Facilities Services
City of Ottawa



Parkland first policy

Approved by: City Council
Approval date: August 31, 2022
Effective date: August 31, 2022
Revision approved by: 
Revision / review date: 

Policy statement

In order to increase parkland provision, where sites subject to development or redevelopment applications are also subject to the City’s Parkland Dedication By-law, the City will, as a first priority in the development review process, request the dedication of parkland over Cash in Lieu of Parkland (CILP).


The purpose of this policy is to increase the availability of parkland as per the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan (2021).


This policy applies to all development and redevelopment sites subject to the City’s Parkland Dedication By-law.

This policy applies primarily to staff from the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development department (PRED) and Recreation Cultural and Facilities Services department (RCFS).

Policy requirements

Staff shall prioritize land over CILP.

Prime consideration for RCFS requesting land dedication instead of CILP will occur when: 

  • The provision rate of parkland is lower than 2 hectares per 1,000 people, as demonstrated in Map 2 of the Parks and Recreational Facilities Master Plan (2021), and as amended and / or updated from time to time

On development or redevelopment sites that generate a minimum of 400m2 of parkland RCFS, at its discretion, may take the maximum amount of parkland permitted as specified by the Parkland Dedication By-law. The land dedicated as parkland will meet the requirements of the Parkland Dedication By-law and Park Development Manual, to the satisfaction of RCFS in consultation with PRED.

On development or redevelopment sites that generate less than 400m2 of parkland, 

  • RCFS will generally take CILP. However, where such sites abut an existing or planned municipally owned park, or municipally owned greenspace, land, or a combination of land and CILP may instead be taken. In such cases, the dedicated land will meet the requirements of the Parkland Dedication By-law and Park Development Manual, to the satisfaction of RCFS in consultation with PRED.

In all cases, the decision of requesting land dedication over CILP, resides within the purview of RCFS in consultation with PRED.

City departments will work in a coordinated manner to increase acquisition of parkland to:

  • Achieve the targets established in the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan, as approved by Council
  • Implement Official Plan Policy b, which prioritizes the acquisition of land.


Staff from PRED must: 
  • Include the RCFS Parks Planner in all pre-consultation and planning application meetings
  • Circulate all planning applications, supporting information and relevant information to the RCFS Parks Planner
  • Circulate draft and final Delegated Authority Reports to the RCFS Parks Planner 
Staff from RCFS must:
  • Determine whether the parcel of land, that is the subject of development or redevelopment, meets the minimum criteria for municipal parkland as per the Parkland Dedication Bylaw and Park Development Manual
  • Inform the assigned Planner from PRED and the applicant of the parkland dedication requirements.
    • The General Manager of RCFS may, at their discretion, request land, CILP, or a combination of land and CILP.

The RCFS Parks Planner will approve the location, size and orientation of the park, as informed by the Park Development Manual, the site conditions and proposed development.


All reports to Council and its Standing Committees, as applicable, to the Committee of Adjustment, and delegated authority reports, shall include a statement regarding compliance with this policy.


Legislative and administrative authorities


Parkland – A City-owned property that includes land acquired through the development review process under the provisions set out in the Parkland Dedication By-law, and lands that are expropriated or purchased by the City for park or recreation purposes.  Parkland may be developed to include community buildings, soft and hard surfaces, and active recreational facilities such as play structures, water play and sports fields.

Parkland Dedication By-law – A by-law permitted under Ontario’s Planning Act, which allows municipalities to require developers to contribute land for parks and / or Cash in Lieu of Parkland (CILP) as part of the municipal approval process for land development and redevelopment.


For more information on this policy, contact:

Manager, Parks and Facilities Planning
Recreation, Cultural and Facilities Services
City of Ottawa



Petition Policy

Approved By: City Council
Section: City Clerk
Approval Date: December 8, 2010 
Effective Date: December 8, 2010
Revision Approved by: City Council
Revision Date: February 13, 2013; January 29, 2025

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to public engagement and supports the use of petitions as a way for the public to bring a matter within City Council’s authority to the attention of its Members.

A petition can be most effective when the information contained in it is accurate and verifiable, and when the petition is recognized and accepted by decision makers.


This policy outlines the City of Ottawa’s procedure for receipt and recognition of public petitions.


This policy applies to all petitions submitted to City Council, in paper or electronic format.

This policy does not apply to petitions that are subject to a petition process regulated by another level of government (for example, petitions related to drainage and local improvements) or another City policy or by-law (for example, petitions related to local traffic and parking modifications or the Dogs-in-Parks Designation Policy).

Policy requirements

Petition requirements

  • The petition must be addressed to the City of Ottawa or Ottawa City Council and request a particular action within the authority of City Council. Petitions that fall outside the authority of City Council, including but not limited to those seeking actions that fall within the jurisdiction of other levels of government, will not be presented on a City Council agenda.
  • The text of the petition, being the petitioners’ cause or position, must be included on the petition. The text should be included on each page of the petition, where possible.
  • The petition must be appropriate and respectful in tone, and must not contain any improper or offensive language or information.
  • Each petitioner must print and sign their own name.
  • For paper petitions, the petition:
    • Must be legible, typewritten or printed in ink (no pencil);
    • Must contain the name and original signature, written directly on the petition, of all petitioners; and
    • Should contain the address and/or postal code of all petitioners.
  • For electronic petitions, the petition:
    • Must contain the name of all petitioners;
    • Should contain the address and/or postal code of all petitioners;
    • Should include a valid email address in place of an original signature of all petitioners; and
    • Should be submitted in PDF format where possible, as staff may not be able to access all file formats or links.
  • Each petition must include a statement informing petitioners that it will form part of the public record and that information contained in it may be subject to the scrutiny of the City and general public. This statement must be visible to all petitioners and should be included on each page of the petition, where possible.
  • Petitions created using an external petition website or platform that meet the above requirements will be received only once the petition organizer has formally submitted the list of signatories to the Office of the City Clerk.
  • The petition must be submitted with the contact information of the petition organizer, such as the telephone number or email address, for confirmation.

Submission of petitions

  • Petitions should be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk and may also be submitted to the Mayor or any member of City Council.
  • Petitions containing original signatures should be sent to the attention of the City Clerk by mail or delivered in person to Ottawa City Hall or City of Ottawa Client Service Centre.
  • Electronic petitions may be submitted to the attention of the City Clerk at opens email application). Electronic petitions should be submitted in PDF format where possible, as described above.
  • All petitions that meet the above requirements will be presented to City Council  and listed as a communication on the agenda at its next regular meeting, or the meeting at which the subject of the petition is to be discussed.
  • Standing Committees cannot formally receive petitions. Petitions received at Standing Committees will be forwarded to the City Clerk and listed on the Council agenda of its next regular meeting, or the meeting at which the subject of the petition is to be discussed. Where such petitions are submitted in relation to a Committee agenda item, they may also be noted in the Committee’s minutes.
  • Petitions received by the City Clerk that are subject to another petition process established by legislation or under a City policy or by-law will not be listed on a City Council agenda. Petition organizers will be directed to the appropriate City staff in these instances (for example, petitions related to local traffic and parking modifications, the Dogs in Parks Designation Policy, or submitted in relation to the commemorative naming approval process).


The City Clerk is responsible for receiving all petitions within the authority of City Council and submitting them to the attention of Council.

City Council members are responsible for forwarding all petitions received by their offices to the attention of the City Clerk.


The City Clerk will evaluate all petitions to ensure that the requirements of the policy are met.

Petitions deemed to be in non-compliance and those outside the authority of City Council will not be formally accepted and received by City Council; however, they may be listed as “other correspondence received” on the appropriate City Council agenda.

Retention and disclosure

All petitions submitted to the City will be retained by the Office of the City Clerk. Petitions meeting the requirements of this policy and therefore presented to and received by City Council will be kept on file at the Office of the City Clerk and will be available for public viewing upon request.


For the purposes of this policy, a petition is a formal written request made to the City of Ottawa or City Council.


City Clerk
Office of the City Clerk
Council and Committee Services
110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa ON K1P 1J1

Petition form

A petition form and more information on how to submit a petition can be found on the Submitting a petition to Council page.

Pregnancy and Parental Leave for Members of Council Policy

Approved By: City Council
Section: City Clerk
Approval Date: November 22, 2017
Effective Date: January 1, 2018
Revision Date: February 1, 2021 (Housekeeping revisions)

Policy Statement

The City of Ottawa recognizes a Member of Council’s right to take leave for the Member’s pregnancy, the birth of the Member’s child or the adoption of a child by the Member in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Procedure By-law.


Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave – an absence of 20 consecutive weeks or less as a result of a Member’s pregnancy, the birth of a Member’s child or the adoption of a child by the Member in accordance with Section 259(1.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001.


This policy provides guidance on how the City of Ottawa addresses a Member’s pregnancy or parental leave in a manner that respects a Member’s statutory role as an elected representative.


In accordance with Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001, this policy applies to Members of Council.

Policy Requirements

City Council supports a Member of Council’s right to pregnancy and/or parental leave in keeping with the following principles:

  1. A Member of Council is elected to represent the interests of their constituents.
  2. A Member’s pregnancy and/or parental leave does not require Council approval and their office cannot be declared vacant as a result of the leave.
  3. Legislative and administrative matters requiring action during a Member’s pregnancy and/or parental leave should be addressed in a manner that is consistent with the Member’s wishes.
  4. A Member of Council on pregnancy and/or parental leave shall reserve the right to exercise their delegated authority at any time during their leave.

Where a Member of Council will be absent due to a pregnancy and/or parental leave, subsection 83(14) of the Procedure By-law sets out the process for the temporary assignment of the Member’s concurrence under the Delegation of Authority By-law and the Member’s committee membership(s) in accordance with the Member’s wishes and the delegation of routine, administrative and human resources matters of the ward office, to the City Clerk.

Notwithstanding, at any point in time during a Member’s pregnancy or parental leave, the Member reserves the right to exercise their delegated authority on matters within the Ward. The Member shall provide written notice to the City Clerk of their intent to lift any of the Council-approved, temporary delegations and exercise their statutory role or delegated authority.


Members of Council and City staff are responsible for adhering to the parameters of this policy.


The City Clerk shall be responsible for monitoring the application of this policy and for receiving complaints and/or concerns related to this policy.


Delegation of Authority By-law
Procedure By-law

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 requires that the City adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the pregnancy and parental leaves of Members of Council.


City Clerk
Office of the City Clerk
City of Ottawa
Telephone: 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401)

Privacy Policy

Approved by: City Clerk
Category: General Administration
Approval date: November 7, 2022
Effective date: November 7, 2022
Revision approved by: 
Revision / review date: 

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to being open, accessible and transparent in its actions while safeguarding the privacy of individuals by protecting the personal information in the City’s custody or control.

The City is required to handle information according to responsibilities and requirements set out under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and other applicable access and privacy legislation.


Through the course of its operations, the City collects, stores, generates and handles a range of information that may be considered personal information, which may include highly sensitive information pertaining to an individual’s health or finances. The purpose of this policy is to support departments and staff in the handling of such information in a manner that respects the privacy rights of individuals and is consistent with the City’s statutory obligations.


This policy applies to all City of Ottawa employees, including, but not limited to, full-time, part-time, casual, contract, volunteer and student/co-op placement employees. This policy applies to vendors acting on behalf of the City. 

This policy applies to all personal information collected, used, retained and disclosed by the City of Ottawa.

Personally identifiable information that pertains to the Transit Services Department employees may be subject to the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

This Policy does not apply to personally identifiable information that is maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public.

This Policy does not apply to City of Ottawa employment files, including employee performance management records, and labour relations records. Although MFIPPA does not apply to certain employment and/or labour relations records, the City must still handle such information in a privacy protective manner, with consideration to the sensitivity of the information.

This policy does not apply to personal health information in the custody or control of the City of Ottawa Health Information Custodians that are subject to the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA). The Medical Officer of Health (Ottawa Public Health), the Ottawa Paramedic Service and the City of Ottawa Long-Term Care Homes have adopted Information Practice Statements that provide a general description for the handling of personal health information in compliance with PHIPA.

This policy does not apply to Elected Officials or their staff. Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council governs the use of confidential information, including confidential personal information, by Elected Officials. The Integrity Commissioner investigates complaints regarding Elected Officials’ alleged misuse of such information.

This policy does not apply to the Integrity Commissioner, Lobbyist Registrar, Meetings Investigator and Auditor General, or to any employee acting under their instruction. The Integrity Commissioner, Lobbyist Registrar, Meetings Investigator and Auditor General are officers who report, and are directly accountable, to City Council. The Municipal Act, 2001 requires that these officers perform their duties in an independent manner and establishes confidentiality requirements of their information.

There may be situations in which other legislation overrides the privacy provisions of MFIPPA. Staff should contact the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office with any questions on the application of this policy.

Policy requirements

The City of Ottawa is obligated under MFIPPA to protect all personal information that is in its custody or control.

What is personal information

As set out in Subsection 2(1) of MFIPPA, personal information is recorded information about an identifiable individual including, but not limited to:

  • Race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation or marital or family status of the individual;
  • Education, medical, psychiatric, psychological, criminal or employment history of the individual;
  • Information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved;
  • Any identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual;
  • Address, email address, telephone number, fingerprints, or other biometric data of the individual;
  • Personal opinions or views of the individual except if they relate to another individual;
  • Correspondence sent to an institution by the individual that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to that correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence;
  • The views or opinions of another individual about the individual; and
  • The individual’s name if it appears with other personal information relating to the individual or where the disclosure of the name would reveal other personal information about the individual.

To qualify as personal information:

  • It must be about an individual in a personal capacity; and
  • It must be reasonable to expect the individual may be identified if the information is disclosed.

What is not personal information

Information associated with an individual in a professional, business or official capacity is not personal information. Business and professional information includes position title, business telephone number, business address, business email address, and opinions and recommendations expressed in a professional capacity. Business information is not protected from disclosure under this Policy.

Collection of personal information

A municipality can only collect personal information that is expressly authorized by statute, or that is necessary for the administration of a lawfully authorized activity such as delivery of a municipal service. Subject to limited exceptions, a municipality must provide a notice of collection when collecting personal information. Collecting additional personal information that is not necessary is known as “over-collection” and can be considered a deemed privacy breach. This practice is not permitted.

The following practices shall be adhered to when collecting personal information:

  • Personal information shall only be collected directly from the individual to whom it relates unless otherwise authorized by statute, or if the individual expressly authorizes another manner of collection;
    • If the individual authorizes another manner of collection, for example the individual requests City staff contact a family member to obtain information, this authorization should be noted in writing in the individual’s file.
  • Personal information collected by or on behalf of the City shall be limited to only that which is expressly authorized by statute or necessary to administer the programs and services of the City;
  • Where possible, staff shall verify personal information and keep a record of verification rather than retaining a record of the information. For example, note that an individual’s driver’s license was viewed by staff, rather than photocopying and keeping a copy of the licence; and
  • When recording personal information, employees shall notify individuals of the purpose of the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information in accordance with Subsection 29(2) of MFIPPA. This may be done by use of a Notice of Collection.

Notice of Collection

Subject to limited exceptions provided for under MFIPPA, the City must give notice to an individual when personal information is collected. The notice must be provided at time of collection and shall clearly include the following:

  • The legal authority for the collection;
  • The reason for the collection;
  • How the information will be used; and
  • Whom to contact for more information pertaining to the handling of their personal information.

Sample collection statements are set out under Appendix A: Personal Information Collection Statement Templates.

Use of personal information

Once the City is in possession of personal information, it can only be used (including stored, copied, disseminated, reported on and accessed) for the purposes for which it was collected or for a consistent purpose. A consistent purpose is one that the individual might reasonably have expected at the time the personal information was collected.

The following practices shall be adhered to when using and handling personal information:

  • Personal information collected by the City shall only be used for the purpose(s) for which it was originally collected or for a consistent purpose;
  • No secondary use or disclosure of personal information is permitted unless the City receives the specific consent of the individual to whom the information relates;
  • Access to personal information ought to be limited to only those persons who require access in order to perform their job duties. Authorized persons who have been granted access to personal information are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of that information and the privacy of the individuals who are the subject of the information. They are also required to use the information in accordance with all applicable legislation, regulations and policies as set out under Appendix B: Accessing Personal Information Procedures. Authorized persons shall only be granted access to personal information on a “need to know” basis in order to fulfill their job responsibilities; and
  • Secondary use or analysis of data collected for other purposes may occur only if the data is first sufficiently anonymized to remove all personal identifiers such that it is not reasonably possible to re-identify individuals. Staff may contact the ATIP Office for support and guidance.

Disclosure of personal information outside the City

Disclosure of personal information beyond the employees and department responsible for the initial collection and use of the personal information is not permitted, except where it is necessary for the performance of job duties, or where specific consent has been received from the individual to whom the information pertains.

Disclosure of personal information to any external individual or organization must be in accordance with Section 32 of MFIPPA, which sets out specific circumstances in which the City may disclose personal information to other individuals or organizations including, but not limited to:

  • If the person to whom the information relates has identified that information in particular and consented to its disclosure;
  • For the purpose for which it was obtained or compiled or for a consistent purpose;
  • For the purpose of complying with another Act of Legislature or an Act of Parliament;
  • If the disclosure is required for an active law enforcement investigation, from which a proceeding is likely to result; and
  • In compassionate circumstances, to facilitate contact with the spouse, a close relative or a friend of an individual who is injured, ill or deceased.

Staff should consult with the ATIP Office if they are uncertain as to whether, under the circumstances, disclosure is permitted as described in Section 32 of MFIPPA.

Protection of personal information

Personal information shall be secured against loss through misplacement, deterioration, accidental destruction, theft and unauthorized or inappropriate access, retention or disposal. Each department and/or its Service Areas shall establish security measures that include administrative, technical and physical safeguards that are appropriate to the information’s sensitivity, the format in which it is held, and the related privacy risks.

Security measures shall include de-identification for all data where appropriate. When personal information must be retained, the department must establish administrative, technical and physical safeguards that take into account the information’s sensitivity, the format in which it is held, and the related privacy risks.

Examples of administrative safeguards are privacy and security training; technical safeguards include measures such as strong passwords and encryption; and physical safeguards include controlled access to locations where personal information is stored and supervision of visitors.

Retention and Disposition of personal information

The City shall not retain records containing any personal information for longer than is required for the provision of City programs and services, in accordance with the Records Retention and Disposition By-law or applicable legislation.

When no longer required, temporary hard copy records containing personal information shall be destroyed by placing them in a secure shredding console or bin. Electronic records and systems must establish lifecycle time periods, processes for destruction and confirmation of disposal. This applies to a vendor’s activities as well to ensure that records are not retained beyond the vendor’s services.

Official business records containing personal information will be disposed of by Information Management according to the Records Management Procedures. Staff who have questions about retention and disposition of records containing personal information should consult the Information Management Branch.

Rights of access and Correction of own personal information

Individuals are entitled to access their own personal information with limited exceptions. This includes notes that City staff have made about the individual. These records can often be released to the individual directly by the department holding the information.

Section 38 of MFIPPA sets out limited circumstances where individuals may be denied access to their own personal information. Staff should consult with the ATIP Office if they have any questions about the applicability of Section 38.

If the department does not release requested personal information directly to the individual, the individual has a right under MFIPPA to file a formal request for the information with the ATIP Office.

Every individual has a right under MFIPPA to request correction of their personal information. Requests to correct personal information may be processed informally by City staff or be directed to the ATIP Office. The correction of personal information in a file does not necessarily entail the deletion or erasure of the original record. Rather, it may result in adding a note to a record at the request of the individual. The ATIP Office can assist if the department is not in agreement with the correction being requested.

Privacy Breaches

A privacy breach occurs when personal information is collected, retained, used or disclosed in ways that are not in accordance with MFIPPA or PHIPA.

Not all circumstances reported to the ATIP Office constitute a privacy breach. However, all suspected privacy breaches must be investigated. Where a privacy breach has occurred, immediate steps must be taken to ensure that the breach is contained to limit the potential harm to an affected individual(s) and/or to the City of Ottawa.

When any apparent or suspected privacy breach occurs, staff shall notify their manager immediately. The ATIP Office shall also be notified immediately by completing a Privacy Breach Incident Report Form.

The ATIP Office’s Privacy Unit will investigate all reported breaches and provide support in the response, containment, and remediation of breaches. The ATIP Office will assist the department with notification to affected individuals and preventative measures. The Privacy Unit will also advise on whether the breach should be reported to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC).

Privacy Impact Assessments

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a risk management tool that supports project planning and execution. It identifies the potential effects a project may have on an individual's privacy and is essential for assessing compliance with MFIPPA. A PIA assists in determining the appropriate collection, use, retention, disclosure, security and disposal of personal information, in accordance with MFIPPA.

If staff are developing a new service, acquiring new technology, or modifying an existing service or technology, that involves a new collection, use, disclosure, or retention, of personal information, they must complete a Privacy Impact Assessment – Intake Form.

The ATIP Office’s Privacy Unit will review the Intake Form to determine whether a PIA must be undertaken. The PIA may result in recommendations pertaining to the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information in accordance with MFIPPA. If required, a project team will be necessary to support the PIA. Depending on the nature of the service or technology, the project team will include the Business Owner, a Privacy Analyst, and representatives from IT Security and Information Management.

Application of Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

The federal privacy legislation, PIPEDA, applies only to personal information pertaining to OC Transpo employees. For the purposes of PIPEDA, the City Clerk is designated as the person who is accountable for OC Transpo’s compliance with the privacy principles under PIPEDA. The City Clerk may further delegate responsibility to respond to any inquiries of OC Transpo employees or the federal Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) to the Access to Information and Privacy Office.


MFIPPA applies to personal information in the custody or control of the City of Ottawa. The City and all of its employees, according to their role, are responsible for ensuring personal information is handled in accordance with the requirements of applicable access and privacy laws and the guidance of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC). In addition, City employees are required to abide by the requirements under the Employee Code of Conduct.

Departments are the experts regarding their service area. Each department is accountable for its handling of personal information, including understanding privacy responsibilities and risks. Departments shall have clear protocols in place to ensure privacy is protected and records are managed in accordance with this Policy

The ATIP Office supports employees and departments in understanding the legal requirements of protection and handling of personal information, to identify areas of privacy risks, suggest solutions and best practices.

The City Clerk shall:

  • Act as the Head under MFIPPA who is responsible for making many of the decisions under MFIPPA, pursuant to delegated authority;
  • Be accountable for overseeing the administration of MFIPPA within the municipality and for decisions made under the above legislation;
  • Be accountable for OC Transpo’s compliance with the privacy principles of PIPEDA;
  • Ensure oversight and compliance with this policy; and
  • Investigate and respond to privacy complaints received from the IPC.

The ATIP Office shall:

  • Provide advice and establish privacy standards to support this policy;
  • Review departmental policies and procedures with respect to privacy upon request from a department;
  • Review and make recommendations regarding the privacy impact of new and existing City services, programs, systems and technologies upon request from a department (i.e. privacy impact assessments);
  • Develop and make available training for City staff to improve privacy awareness; and
  • Investigate reports of privacy breaches and complaints of the misuse of personal information.

Management within each department shall:

  • Promote a culture and business practices that ensure the principles for responsible collection, use, protection and disclosure of personal information set out in this policy are followed;
  • Ensure the collection, use and disclosure of personal information is consistent with obligations of MFIPPA and guidance of the IPC;
  • Ensure clear governance policies, procedures and reporting exist to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of personal information;
  • Ensure that the retention of personal information under the custody or control of the City is in keeping with this policy and the Records Retention and Disposition By-law;
  • Ensure vendor contracts and performance comply with all privacy requirements, including mandatory breach response and reporting to the City;
  • When introducing new services, programs, systems and technologies that collect, use or retain personal information, request a PIA from the ATIP office in compliance with the principles set out in this policy;
  • Report apparent and suspected breaches of privacy to the ATIP Office immediately by completing a Privacy Breach Incident Report Form; and
  • Ensure list of personal information banks remains current and newly established personal information banks are registered with the Clerk.

Employees shall:

  • Protect privacy in executing their operational duties and ensure personal information is handled with care and confidentiality in all City activities;
  • Ensure information is collected and accessed only as required to carry out individual role and specified service delivery;
  • Follow departmental procedures for the collection, use, protection and disclosure of personal information by City employees and third parties (e.g. vendors, contractors); and
  • Report a potential breach to a supervisor/manager immediately if unauthorized access, collection, or dissemination of personal information is suspected.


The City Clerk shall be responsible for receiving complaints or concerns related to this policy.

City employees who fail to comply with this policy may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action, as deemed appropriate.


Accountability and Transparency Policy
Employee Code of Conduct
Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination Policy

Legislative and administrative authorities

City of Ottawa Records Retention and Disposition By-law(link is external)
Municipal Act, 2001(link is external)
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)(link is external)
Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA)(link is external)
Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act(link is external)


Collection – The acquisition of personal information from or about the individual to whom the information relates, including unintended or unprompted receipt.

Consistent purpose – a purpose the individual might reasonably have expected at the time personal information was collected.

De-identification – The process of removing personal information from a record or data set to such an extent that re-identification would be unlikely.

Disclosure – The release of personal information by any method (e.g. sharing information by any means such as verbal exchange, sending an email, posting online) to any person.

Personal information – Recorded information about an identifiable individual as defined in Subsection 2(1) of MFIPPA.

Personal information bank – A collection of personal information that is organized and capable of being retrieved using an individual’s name or an identifying number of particular assigned to the individual.

Privacy breach – The improper or unauthorized collection, use, disclosure, retention or disposition of personal information. This includes unsuccessful de-identification of information/data sets.

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) – A PIA is a risk management tool that supports project planning and execution. It identifies the potential effects a project may have on an individual's privacy and is essential for assessing compliance with MFIPPA. A PIA assists in determining the appropriate collection, use, disclosure, retention, security and disposal of personal information, in accordance with MFIPPA.

Privacy risk – The potential for loss or breach of personal information that is collected, used, disclosed, or retained. 

Re-identification – Any process that re-establishes the link between information and an identifiable individual.


For more information on this policy, contact:

Kiel Anderson
Manager, Policy and Business Operations
Office of the City Clerk
City of Ottawa
(613) 580-2424 extension 13430


Appendix A: Personal Information Collection Statement Templates
Appendix B: Accessing Personal Information Procedure

Appendix A: Personal Information Collection Statement Templates


Approved by: Rick O’Connor, City Clerk
Approval date: November 7, 2022
Effective date: November 7, 2022

Personal Information Collection Statement templates

City Staff

Personal information is collected under the authority of [cite section number and title of applicable legislation or by-law that authorizes collection/ activity/ or program].

Personal information will be used by the City for the purposes of [list principal purposes for which the information may be used i.e. administration of a program, for the purposes of contacting residents about a site plan application, etc.].

Questions about this collection and use of your personal information may be directed to [name and position title] at [telephone number], [mailing address], [email address optional].”

Members of Council

Personal information will be used by the Office of [insert Elected Official’s name] the purposes of [list principal purposes for which the information may be used i.e. administration of a program, for the purposes of contacting residents about a site plan application, etc.].

Personal information collected will not be used for any election-related purpose, consistent with the City of Ottawa’s Election-related Resources Policy.

Questions about this collection and use of your personal information may be directed to [name and position title] at [telephone number], [mailing address], [email address optional].”

Appendix B: Accessing Personal Information Procedures

Approved by: Rick O’Connor, City Clerk
Approval date: November 7, 2022
Effective date: November 7, 2022


These procedures set out the steps that City staff ought to follow in responding to an individual’s request to access their own personal information.

Procedure Description

Providing Access to Personal Information

In order to ensure compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), as well as to promote accountability and transparency, City of Ottawa staff are encouraged to respond to requests for an individual to access their own personal information without requiring that the individual submit a formal request to the ATIP Office provided that the following steps are adhered to:

  1. Is the individual requesting access to their own records?
  • Authenticate that the individual requesting the information is the same person who is listed the file/record(s). This may be done by verifying a piece of government-issued ID with a photograph. Ensure that you note somewhere that their identify was verified, including the date of verification, but do not record specific information (e.g., a driver’s license number, etc.)
  • If the individual is requesting the records of someone for whom they are a Substitute Decision Maker, Power of Attorney, or Estate Trustee or the request is from someone such as a parent with lawful custody of an individual under the age of 16. You must make reasonable inquiries to verify that they are entitled to access the requested records. In certain circumstances you may need to review City records and/or request supporting legal documents. You may ask a member of Legal Services to verify their position by reviewing the appropriate legal documents.
  • If a lawyer or law firm is requesting personal information on behalf of a client, they must provide specific written consent allowing the City of Ottawa to disclose personal information to the named lawyer or law firm. The consent must be signed and dated by the individual whose personal information has been requested.
  1. Once you have verified that the person requesting the information is that person or an authorized representative, review the information being requested.
  • Does it contain anyone else’s personal information?
  • Does it contain any information that may be confidential (e.g., legal advice, third-party pricing information, information from other government agencies or institutions that may not be disclosed, etc.)?

If you suspect that the information being requested may contain any of these, ask the requestor to fill out an MFIPPA access request form available on

  1. If you are sure that the information being requested contains only the personal information of the person requesting it, you may provide copies of specific records or the entire file at the request of the individual. Records containing sensitive personal information must be provided in a secure manner that ensures the individual’s personal information is not accidentally disclosed. The individual may be required to pick-up the information at a Client Service Centre, the documents may be sent through registered mail, or if being provided electronically, the documents may be sent via a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) that has been reviewed and approved by IT Security.
Corrections to Personal Information

An individual has a right to request correction to their personal information under MFIPPA. Departments may informally correct typos or mistakes, in compliance with the Privacy Policy. However, if the request is more contentious, an individual should be directed to submit a request for their information through the MFIPPA request process.


It is recommended that each department develop a written procedure, including a timeline to ensure consistency when responding to an individual’s request to access their own personal information. Similarly, each department is responsible for ensuring that these procedures are followed and for reviewing the procedures from annually to ensure compliance.

If, at any time you are unsure about whether or not to allow someone access to their file, contact a Privacy Analyst in the Access to Information and Privacy Office.

Remember, information that has been released improperly may constitute a privacy breach.


Privacy Policy

Legislative and administrative authorities

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Personal Health Information Protection Act

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario


For more information on the Accessing Personal Information Procedures, contact:

Access to Information and Privacy Office opens email application)
613-580-2424 ext. 21898


Provincial Offences Act - Conflict of Interest Policy

Committee recommendation

That Council approve the program’s Conflict of Interest Policy as outlined in Attachment 1.


  1. General Manager, Corporate Services Department report dated 27 March 2001 is immediately attached (ACS2001-CRS-SEC-0023)

Report to Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee and Council

27 March 2001

Ref N°:ACS2001-CRS-SEC-0023

Report recommendation

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the program’s Conflict of Interest Policy as outlined in Attachment 1.


The Provincial Offences Act (POA) is a procedural statute that prescribed the manner in which offences, including those created under municipal by-laws, are to be administered and prosecuted. In essence, all POA contraventions are dealt with through the issuance of a ticket. The POA prescribes the manner of serving notice of an offence to a defendant, payment periods, method of conducting the trials, sentencing and appeals. The Ministry of the Attorney General is responsible for the administration of this legislation.

The Legislative Assembly enacted Bill 108, the Streamlining of Administration of Provincial Offences Act, 1997. The Bill amends the Provincial Offences Act to allow the Attorney General to enter into agreements with municipalities permitting them to undertake court administration and support functions. It also provides for the transfer of most prosecutions responsibilities to the local municipality. This Bill was part of the Provincial government overall review dealing with the re-alignment of public service delivery.

Prior to the start of the amalgamation process, some urban municipalities and the Region had obtained Council approval to initiate preparations for this transfer of jurisdiction. With the emergence of the local government re-structuring exercise as the overriding priority in the past year, no substantial progress was achieved on this project. With the creation of the “new” City of Ottawa, project personnel are working in an expeditious fashion with the Ministry of the Attorney General to bring this project to a successful conclusion.

Discussion or analysis

Part of the transfer requirements stipulated by the Ministry of the Attorney General include the enactment of a Council approved policy dealing with the matter of conflict of interest within the context of the administration and prosecution of POA infractions. Attachment 1 outlines the proposed policy. The proposed policy reflects closely the standard that has been employed in many other municipalities that have already assumed responsibility for this program.

The principles of the POA conflict of interest policy are as follows:

  • All persons involved in the administration and prosecutions of the Provincial Offences Court shall endeavour to carry out such duties in a manner that upholds the integrity, fairness and impartiality of the administration of justice;
  • No person shall attempt to influence or interfere, either directly or indirectly, with any employee or other persons performing duties in the administration of justice; and
  • The policy applies to employees or officers of the City of Ottawa, persons contracting with the Corporation for the performance of duties under the transfer Agreement and elected officials.


The policy was prepared by the office of the City Clerk in consultation with the City Solicitor. The Ministry of the Attorney General has reviewed the policy and has confirmed that it will meet the requirements.

Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications associated with the approval of these recommendations.


Attachment 1 – Draft POA Conflict of Interest Policy.


City Clerk and City Solicitor to implement the POA Conflict of Interest Policy.

Attachment 1

Conflict of Interest Policy

Pursuant to the Transfer of Administration Support Provincial Offence

WHEREAS the Ministry of Attorney General requires all Municipal Partners to establish a Council approved Conflict of Interest Policy specifically detailed to address matters relevant to the administration of the Provincial Offences Act (POA) program;

WHEREAS the administration of the Provincial Offences Court by the Municipal Partner pursuant to the Transfer Agreement must be conducted in accordance with fundamental principles of justice, which include judicial and prosecutorial independence, fairness, impartiality, competence and integrity;

WHEREAS the policy shall apply to employees, officers, elected representatives and to any person contracting with The Corporation of the City of Ottawa for the performance of services under the Transfer Agreement;

THEREFORE, the City Clerk and the City Solicitor are directed to implement the Conflict of Interest Policy, as set out below, for all matters relating to the administration of the Provincial Offences Court in the Court Service Area of Ottawa;

1.0 Principles of Conflict of Interest Policy

1.1 Conflict of Interest Policy shall apply to all employees, officers, elected representatives of The Corporation of the City of Ottawa and to any person contracting with The Corporation of the City of Ottawa for the performance of services under the Transfer Agreement.

1.2 No person shall attempt to influence or interfere, either directly or indirectly, financially, politically or otherwise with employees, officers or other persons performing duties under the transfer Agreement.

1.3 All persons involved with the administration and prosecution functions of the Provincial Offences Court shall endeavour to carry out such duties in a manner which upholds the integrity of the administration of justice.

2.0 Oath of Office

2.1 All employees involved with the administration functions shall swear or affirm an oath as established by the City Solicitor in accordance with this policy.

2.2 All municipal prosecutors engaging in prosecutions under the Transfer Agreement shall swear or affirm an oath as established by the City Solicitor in accordance with this policy.

3.0 Obligation to Report

3.1 Any person performing duties under the Transfer Agreement shall report any attempt at improper influence to the Municipal Partner or local Crown Attorney.

3.2 No action shall be taken against the person for making any such report in good faith.

3.3 An employee or other person performing duties under the Transfer Agreement contacted by an elected official with respect to the administration of justice and matters before the court shall immediately disclose such contact to the City Clerk and the City Solicitor.

3.4 Where an employee or other person performing duties under the Transfer Agreement has been charged with an offence created under a federal statute or regulation or a provincial statute or regulation, and where continuing to perform his or her duties may erode public confidence in the administration of justice, the charge shall be disclosed to the City Clerk and the City Solicitor.

3.5 Upon notification, the City Clerk and the City Solicitor shall determine if any actual or perceived conflict of interest exists and, if so, shall take appropriate action to address the conflict.

3.6 A prosecutor shall disclose any actual or reasonably perceived conflict as soon as possible to the City Clerk and the City Solicitor.

3.7 Where a prosecutor is charged with an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada or any other federal statute or regulation that is dealt with under the Criminal Code of Canada, such charge shall be disclosed to the City Clerk and the City Solicitor forthwith.

3.8 Where a prosecutor is charged with an offence under other federal statutes or regulations thereunder or a provincial statute or regulation thereunder and where continuing to perform his or her duties may erode public confidence in the administration of justice, the charge shall be disclosed to the City Clerk and the City Solicitor.

3.9 The City Clerk and the City Solicitor shall determine if any actual or perceived conflict exists and, if so, the City Clerk and the City Solicitor shall take appropriate action to address the conflict.

4.0 Prosecution Guidelines

4.1 Prosecutors acting under the terms of the Transfer Agreement, in addition to the above, shall adhere to the following conflict of interest guidelines:

4.1.1 A person employed as a prosecutor shall not also be employed as an enforcement officer;

4.1.2 A prosecutor shall be supervised by or report to the City Solicitor or another lawyer designated for this purpose;

4.1.3 A prosecutor shall not hold or have held a municipal political office within the preceding 12 months;

4.1.4 A prosecutor shall not be placed or place him or herself in a position where the integrity of the administration of justice could be compromised; and

4.1.5 A prosecutor shall not, personally or through any partner in the practice of law act or be directly or indirectly involved as counsel or solicitor for any person in respect of any offence charged against the person under the laws in force in Ontario, unless it relates to his/her own case.

5.0 Implementation

5.1 All elected representatives of the City of Ottawa shall be provided with a copy of this policy following the conduct of a regular or by-election.

5.2 This policy shall be incorporated into the Human Resources policies with governing the conduct of municipal employees.

5.3 All personnel involved in the administration of the POA program shall be supplied with a copy of this policy.

6.0 Breach

6.1 Breach of this policy by any employee or officer of the City may result in disciplinary action.

Public Art Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: General Administration
Approval Date: October 28, 2015
Effective Date: October 28, 2015

1. Policy Statement

Art can define a city. A city’s character, history, aspirations and challenges are expressed and reflected by its artists, through their work and with strong public engagement. Ottawa is home to myriad diverse neighbourhoods – urban, suburban and rural, as well as active communities of visual artists. The City of Ottawa recognizes culture’s role as the fourth pillar of sustainability and the important contribution artists make to a city. This policy is intended to leverage artists’ talent, vision and experience in order to develop Ottawa as an increasingly vibrant place in which to live and to visit.

Public art brings residents and tourists alike into vital everyday contact with original artworks created by professional artists. It adds to the identity and quality of the civic landscape; enriches our experience of public spaces; pays tribute to particular sites, individuals and events; builds civic pride; fosters community and enhances the city’s cultural heritage. Located in the public domain, public art is the most visible and accessible form of artistic expression supported by the City of Ottawa.

The Public Art Program strives to meet recognized professional standards and to address Ottawa’s full geographic scope. The Program:

  • Fosters public awareness, understanding and interpretation of Ottawa’s rich visual art history, and develops new audiences for artistic practice;
  • Holds the City of Ottawa Art Collection in trust for the people of Ottawa and preserves it for future generations;
  • Provides opportunities for emerging, mid-career and established professional artists across Ottawa’s full diversity and encourages participation by First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Francophone and new Canadian artists;
  • Promotes Ottawa’s artists and celebrates Ottawa’s unique status as a vibrant city and a national capital;
  • Is led, supported and developed by municipal employees who work with a network of internal and external collaborators; and
  • Generates significant quality-of-life and economic benefits for the people of Ottawa, elevating the civic landscape by improving its built and natural environments.

The City of Ottawa Public Art Program aligns with the Renewed Action Plan for Arts, Heritage and Culture in Ottawa, 2013-2018, and is implemented through Section 2.5.1 of the City of Ottawa Official Plan and other related plans, and best practices of other municipalities in Canada.

2. Purpose

Incorporating the strengths of the past 30 years in Ottawa and building on recent North American best practices, the Public Art Program will be governed by and will operate under one cohesive municipal policy. This renewed Public Art Policy articulates the planning, funding, selection, care and maintenance of public art, to provide the best possible program for residents now and in the future. The goals of the Policy are to:

  • Clearly define the Public Art Program’s scope and selection practices;
  • Enhance and expand public engagement, outreach and interpretation;
  • Ensure that municipal visual art assets in the City of Ottawa Art Collection are conserved and maintained, in keeping with professional standards;
  • Clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities for municipal employees, members of City Council and external collaborators;
  • Provide a  framework for a strategic, planned approach to ensure maximum impact and to extend opportunities into underserved urban, suburban and rural areas;
  • Increase professional development opportunities for emerging, mid-career and established professional artists across Ottawa’s full diversity and encourage First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Francophone and new Canadian artists; 
  • Align Public Art Commissions funding with Canadian municipal best practices; and
  • Increase collaboration and partnership with the private sector, internal and external stakeholders, and underserved communities.

The Public Art Policy adheres to the following core values:

  1. Responsible Stewardship: That the City of Ottawa Public Art Program use best practices to select, acquire, exhibit and conserve public art for current and future generations.
  2. Openness and Transparency: That policy, governance, process, selection, exhibition and management practices are founded on openness, competitiveness and transparency. Peer assessed selection is a cornerstone of the program. Selection process results from peer assessments are only subject to appeal on the basis of:
    1. Demonstrated deviation from compliance with the criteria and processes defined in this policy; and/or
    2. Issues raised through the public consultation process for exhibitions outlined in Section 4.2 of this policy.
  3. Engagement and Collaboration: That public art is the result of collaboration between artists, the public, municipal employees, public agencies, local stakeholders and the private sector.
  4. Encourage Excellence: That the policy, process and practice for City of Ottawa Art Collection development and management, commissions and exhibitions adhere to recognized professional standards and promote excellence in artistic practice.
  5. Planned Strategic Management Framework: That a successful Public Art Program is supported by solid planning and an integrated and strategic management framework

3. Policy Application

The Public Art Policy applies to Public Art Program employees and to all other municipal employees and departments that hold roles and responsibilities related to the Public Art Program.

3.1 Scope

The Public Art Program collects, commissions, presents and interprets artworks by professional visual artists. The Program is composed of two main areas of focus and function:

  1. The City of Ottawa Art Collection, and
  2. Exhibitions, Professional Development and  Public Education

Not included in the scope of the Policy are community galleries and display spaces; archaeological, archival and museum collections/exhibitions; the Ottawa Mural Program; signage by-laws; graffiti management; commemorations and monuments.

The scope of the Policy applies to the following Public Art Program activities: 

A) City of Ottawa Art Collection

Visual art, media art, fine craft and cross-disciplinary work with a visual art focus is acquired and accessioned into the City of Ottawa Art Collection through commission, purchase and donation.

The Art Collection, held in trust for residents, is an asset that requires professional stewardship, care, maintenance and conservation. The City of Ottawa Public Art Program follows standard collections management practices to protect the City of Ottawa Art Collection, and employs effective risk management through the provision of insurance coverage and regular appraisals of this municipal asset. Primary collections management functions include: acquisition, documentation, maintenance, conservation, interpretation and de-accessioning.

Public Art Commissions

Professional artists are commissioned to create original artworks that are funded from eligible municipal capital project budgets. Public Art Commissions enliven and add unique character to public gathering places and significant civic sites. Public art as creative place-making can also spark revitalization of and social engagement within a particular community or place. These artworks can vary in scale from art in a neighbourhood park to a major visual and iconic landmark contributing to the establishment of local distinctiveness.

Public Art Commissions are proactively integrated into the planning and implementation of municipal development and may be linked with strategic municipal objectives. Public Art Commissions may take the form of a standalone or architecturally integrated artwork, temporary or ephemeral artwork, digital artwork and other visual art forms. The Public Art Program recognizes that public art is a constantly evolving visual expression.

Purchase and Donation of Artwork

Each year, visual art of interest and importance to the City of Ottawa is acquired both through a purchase program that is funded through a municipal operating budget allocation, and by donation. Centred on the work of local, professional visual artists, purchased and donated artworks in this moveable collection are regularly circulated and displayed throughout 150 civic buildings.

Firestone Collection of Canadian Art

This significant collection of artwork by Canadian artists that spans the modern period (1900-1980), was donated by O.J. and Isobel Firestone to the Ontario Heritage Foundation in 1972. Ownership of this collection was transferred to the City of Ottawa in 1992. Works in the collection are cared for, managed and displayed by the Ottawa Art Gallery, through a legal agreement with the City of Ottawa.

B) Exhibitions, Professional Development and Public Education

Exhibitions, mentoring and internship, artist-in-residence programs, and outreach/public education increase access to visual art, provide development opportunities for artists and related sectors, and foster public engagement. 


The City exhibits artwork in all media that are of interest and importance to the community, that foster a sense of who we are, and that reflect current artistic practice. These exhibitions are presented in the public domain allowing for an appreciation, understanding and interpretation of our past and present through the gallery program.

Public Art Program exhibitions focus on local emerging, mid-career and established professional artists working in visual arts, media arts, fine craft and cross-disciplinary work with a visual art focus. Exhibitions provide artists with opportunities to display new work, collaborate with their peers and mount retrospectives. Artists benefit from public exposure, a professionally produced exhibition and the opportunity for career development. Exhibitions take place at Karsh-Masson Gallery, City Hall Art Gallery and at other locations offering residents and visitors opportunities to experience an ever-changing and compelling variety of artistic expressions.

A public gallery is a forum for the exploration of diverse ideas. Artists in Canada of all faiths, backgrounds and cultures have the right to artistic expression as granted by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The City of Ottawa Public Art Program upholds the right of all residents to experience and express diverse visions and views in harmony with the City’s Equity and Diversity Policy.

Mentoring and Internship

Professional development for artists is an inherent aspect of all Public Art Program activities. In addition, formal mentorship opportunities are developed and implemented, whereby established artists pair with emerging artists to collaborate on specific commissions as appropriate. Post-secondary students in related disciplines will also be offered opportunities to participate in internship programs. Other mentoring and internship opportunities may be developed in the future.


Artist-in-residence programs are developed in partnership with municipal departments and interested external organizations and agencies. These collaborations are intended to provide mutual benefit to the artist and to the sponsoring residency provider.

Outreach and Public Education

Outreach and public education activities are designed to increase public understanding, awareness and engagement and to create a stronger presence for and knowledge of Public Art.

4. Policy Requirements

4.1 City of Ottawa Art Collection

The City collects and exhibits artworks to foster a sense of place and of who we are. The collection is comprised of artworks in all media that are of interest, of importance, and that engages the community. These artworks are presented in the public domain allowing for an appreciation, understanding and future interpretation of the City’s visual arts history.

Public Art Commissions

One percent of eligible municipal capital construction budgets of $2 million or more from the Growth, Strategic Initiatives and Renewal capital budget categories of the City of Ottawa and its Boards and Commissions, as well as one percent of eligible P3 projects, are designated for Public Art Commissions.  

The one percent applies to the individual project level of municipal construction budgets, and to the municipal contribution to construction projects funded by other agencies. Non-applicable municipal capital budgets include budget for - new equipment and lifecycle of equipment, studies, briefs and assessments related to a capital project, the soft cost components of eligible capital projects, environmental mitigation measures for an eligible project, unplanned repairs, repairs prolonging the life of an existing asset, land purchases and disposals.

This one percent portion of eligible capital funds will be transferred to a dedicated Public Art Fund specifically created and identified for Public Art projects following annual Council approval of the Capital Budget. This fund will be for the sole use of funding the Public Art projects under the delegated authority of the General Manager of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services. The Public Art Fund covers all aspects of commissions including project management, artists’ fees, the execution, installation, interpretation, maintenance and conservation of Public Art projects.

The Public Art Fund will be allocated to projects in accordance with the following goals:

  • To address Ottawa’s full geographic scope (urban, suburban and rural) and underserved areas in particular;
  • To determine scale of commissions and select appropriate sites with a view to improve access and visibility of public art; and
  • To develop a long term vision and location plan that aligns with the Official Plan, and other related plans.

An Interdepartmental Planning Group will work collaboratively with the Public Art Program and the Public Art Committee to achieve these goals. The General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, will approve the annual work plan for commissioned art.

Public Art Commissions are managed according to the following practices: 

  • Public Art Commissions may be associated with the capital construction project site or where the funding source allows, may be associated with alternative sites that are more publicly accessible or that address underserved areas and strategic objectives;
  • Projects such as recreation facilities, libraries and other large municipal buildings are ideal locations for public art commissions and priority will continue to link public art installations and budgets directly with these project sites;
  • Where the funding source allows, projects for roadways, sidewalks, sewers, water mains, work yards, and similar infrastructure where public visibility and accessibility to public art is not inherent will see the public art commission budget pooled into a fund for allocation to more appropriate, visible and accessible locations;
  • Public Art Commissions will reflect a thorough and sensitive understanding of place, context and setting and will vary in scope from neighbourhood based projects to temporary projects to larger iconic works;
  • The Public Art Program will engage community stakeholders and consult the Ward Councillor on Public Art Commissions;
  • Calls to artists will range in scope from local to national and international, depending on available resources, project scope and related criteria;
  • Artists will be included on capital project design teams as early as possible, where applicable, to ensure successful integration of artwork;
  • Commissions are selected through competitive, curatorial and/or invitational peer assessed processes that remain open and transparent and can include: Requests for Qualifications; Requests for Proposals; Requests for Expressions of Interest; and limited, invitational, or from a  prequalified roster;
  • Peer assessed selection is recognized as a valid evaluation protocol within City of Ottawa purchasing practice and is the protocol of choice for the Public Art Program;
  • Selection criteria for commissions are project based and advertised through a competition process;
  • Where appropriate, artwork for designated capital projects may be purchased rather than commissioned, providing that the work meets site specific requirements and has been selected through peer assessment; and
  • The City may partner with the private sector, agencies and institutions, e.g. the National Capital Commission, the National Gallery of Canada, or other municipalities, to augment the one percent allocation and/or to implement commissions, providing that the Public Art Policy is upheld.
Purchase and Donation of Artwork

The Public Art Program invites local, professional artists to submit artwork in all visual arts media for peer assessment and potential purchase and donation into the City of Ottawa Art Collection. Purchase and donation are governed according to the following practices: 

  • Preference is given to local, professional artists who live, or have lived, in Ottawa or within 150 km from the centre of the City of Ottawa;
  • Work by a non-local, professional artist may also be considered for acquisition if the artist or artwork has a connection to Ottawa that is clearly demonstrated in a proposal or donor submission;
  • Work must adhere to established selection criteria for purchase and donation include artistic merit, regional importance and innovation, and conservation and maintenance requirements;
  • Focused calls to artists related to a particular theme or period of time may be implemented in order to address strategic initiatives;
  • The Public Art Program recognizes exhibition rights and non-commercial reproduction rights for promotional purposes; and
  • Works are circulated and displayed in urban, suburban and rural municipal buildings and facilities and strive to ensure that artwork is fairly distributed across Ottawa’s full geographic scope, with particular attention paid to underserved areas. Accessible places of prominence and community gathering spots are considered to be prime display locations.
Collections Management

Standard professional collections management practice is implemented to manage the City of Ottawa Art Collection as a recognized municipal asset and to adhere to risk management procedures. Policy requirements include the following:

  • Documentation of each artwork is maintained including provenance, legal title, photographic documentation, materials pertaining to accession, electronic records including database, accessioning and cataloguing data, information on the artist, location history and loan records, condition reports and conservation history;
  • Copyright and moral rights of artworks remain the property of the artist or estate;
  • Program staff apply professional standards to the physical management of the City of Ottawa Art Collection, including care and handling, maintenance, monitoring and conservation treatment as required;
  • Artworks in the City of Ottawa Art Collection are eligible for external exhibition loans;
  • The City of Ottawa Art Collection is appraised by an independent qualified appraiser at least once every five years. Funds will be allocated for ongoing conservation and maintenance of commissioned artwork. A percentage of the total annual Purchase operating allocation is reserved for preventative conservation;
  • The City provides insurance for the City of Ottawa Art Collection and sound risk management practice;
  • Any removal, relocation or de-accessioning of commissioned artwork is accomplished in consultation with the Public Art Program, artists and/or artists’ estates, the Public Art Committee, the General Manager of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services and where warranted, City Council; and
  • De-accessioning of purchased and donated works is conducted on a case-by-case basis. The Public Art Program monitors artworks to determine whether specific pieces should be recommended for de-accessioning, in consultation with the Public Art Committee (see Section 5.3) and/or an independent conservator. The determination is evaluated according to collections management practice and includes such considerations as the current condition, security, or cost of rehabilitation of the artwork.

4.2   Exhibitions, Professional Development and Public Education


An annual open call invites professional artists, artist collectives and curators working in visual arts, media arts and fine craft to propose exhibitions. Proposals for exhibitions, to be presented in a one year cycle, are reviewed by peer assessment jury. The exhibition program, and jury assessment is governed according to the following parameters:

  • Preference is given to local artists, artist collectives and curators who live, or have lived, in Ottawa or within 150 km from the centre of the City of Ottawa;
  • Proposals for other touring and special exhibitions are eligible, providing there is no significant cost to the City;
  • A roster of eligible candidates for peer assessment juries is selected annually through a collaborative review process involving the appointed members of the Public Art Committee;
  • An open Call for Proposals to artists outlines requirements, which include a proposal statement accompanied by supporting images and a résumé; 
  • Selection of proposals for exhibitions presented during one calendar year is made one year in advance by a peer assessment jury  and is based on artistic merit, regional importance, innovation, professionalism, cohesiveness and appropriateness to the public nature of the gallery space;
  • The annual jury selections for exhibitions, including exhibit and artist details and schedule, is broadly communicated to the general public before finalization.  Members of the public are invited, within a 30 day period, to raise any concerns with one or more proposed exhibits and request that a reconsideration should a concern arise that the peer assessment jury’s deliberations and recommendations did not follow publicly announced assessment criteria and procedures;
  • Public Art Program employees direct concerns received during the 30 day public consultation process period to the Public Art Committee to assess and determine policy compliance and the validity of a concern from the public.  The Committee reports its findings to the General Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture for resolution;
  • At any time, if there is a concern or inquiry about an exhibition, Public Art Program employees may refer the inquiry to the Public Art Committee for consideration and a final decision may be made by the City Manager in consultation with the City Solicitor, who will consider the details of the concern or inquiry about the artwork, the peer assessment, the Public Art Committee’s recommendations, and all other relevant information. 
  • In the event of a determination that an exhibit proceeds, Public Art Program employees will work to create a dialogue with the public to address and mitigate potential areas of concern;
  • Where no public concerns are received within the 30 day consultation period, proposed annual exhibit schedule will be finalized and implemented by staff;
  • Other temporary and permanent sites may be identified for exhibition and installation in order to supplement exhibition programming at Karsh-Masson Gallery and City Hall Art Gallery, and/or to focus on new or underserved areas;
  • Professional artists are paid Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC) fees when their work is exhibited; and
  • Selected artworks from the City of Ottawa Art Collection are displayed in the City’s professional galleries as part of exhibition programming.
Mentoring and Internship

Mentoring and internship opportunities are developed and implemented for artists, post-secondary students and other interested parties, according to the following practices: 

  • Public Art Program mentorship opportunities for artists will be advertised through open calls and selected through peer assessment;
  • Students enrolled in post-secondary institutions may be eligible to participate in an unpaid, curriculum-based work placement;
  • The Public Art Program provides guidance and an exhibition venue to local academic institutions, to assist in the completion of their thesis requirements, where appropriate; and
  • The Public Art Program participates in opportunities arising from cultural exchanges, trade delegations and twin city relationships.

Artist residencies are sponsored by private partners, communities and/or institutions where there is demonstrated collaborative potential, an opportunity for cross-sectoral innovation, and/or where the residency has the potential to be mutually beneficial.

Outreach and Public Education

The City of Ottawa Public Art Program will provide adequate resources to ensure that interpretation, outreach and public education in both official languages is implemented. Other languages, such as Algonquin, may also be used as appropriate. The Public Art Program will use current technology and best practices to promote the Art Collection, local artists, and its exhibitions, activities and events. Outreach, education and social practice activities aimed at engaging and informing the public across Ottawa’s full geographic scope will be carried out with the appropriate resources.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Public Art Program Employees, Cultural Services Branch

The City of Ottawa Public Art Program employees work with artists, municipal planners, capital project managers, community representatives and private and business sector representatives to plan and integrate art into public settings. The Public Art Program champions, guides and implements all aspects of the program. Public Art Program employees are responsible for acquisitions, collections management, commissioning, co-ordination of the selection process, presentation and interpretation of all artworks within the scope of this Policy. Public Art Program employees are also responsible for developing procedures relating to the City of Ottawa Art Collection and the Public Art Program, and for coordination of the Interdepartmental Planning Group and the Public Art Committee. The Arts and Heritage Development Unit, in consultation with Public Art Program employees and other internal/external stakeholders, is responsible for Public Art Policy development.

5.2 Public Art Interdepartmental Planning Group   

The Public Art Program will establish and implement an Interdepartmental Planning Group, which includes representatives from City Departments and Boards with responsibility or knowledge relating to the planning or implementation of Public Art Commissions.

This internal working group will:

  • Represent departmental perspectives in developing criteria for site selection;
  • Participate in location planning for commissioned public art; and
  • Ensure early integration of commissioning in the planning process and open communication about commissioned artwork.

5.3 Public Art Committee

A Public Art Committee will advise municipal staff on all Public Art Policy directions: Commissions, Purchase, Exhibitions and Outreach. Experts from the community will be selected to serve as members of this Committee, thereby increasing community engagement.

The Public Art Committee is a Departmental Consultative Group attached to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) and reporting to the General Manager, PRCS

The following applies for the selection and administration of the Public Art Committee:

  • Experts will be invited to apply through an open call process and will be selected through peer assessment;
  • Committee members will demonstrate professional expertise relating to public art and will reflect Ottawa’s official language groups, diversity and geographic scope;
  • Committee members will participate with City staff in high level planning activities led by the City, review policy, and meet annually with the Interdepartmental Public Art Planning Group;
  • Committee members will serve as a collaborative forum for feedback as new ideas are being developed;
  • Committee members will provide high level input on public art initiatives and procedures as required by the Public Art Program, including but not limited to public art site planning, pilot projects, review of prequalified roster of selection committee candidates, recommendations for de-accessioning, and Policy compliance;
  • Committee members will assist to foster community engagement and public support to enhance the value and impact of the Public Art Program;
  • Committee members will review proposals for permanent public art on municipal land (not commissioned through the Public Art Program) for policy compliance and advise the General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; and
  • Committee members will review complaints, and exhibition reconsideration request for policy compliance and makes recommendations for resolution to the General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services.

5.4 Public Art Development by the Private Sector

On City Lands

Private agencies who commission public art on City lands must comply with the following directions:

  • Permanent Public Art Commissions on City of Ottawa land not commissioned through the Public Art Program must adhere to the City of Ottawa Public Art Policy, including the requirement to commission professional visual artists and to include them in the selection process; and
  • These proposals for public art on City-owned land will be reviewed by the Public Art Committee for policy compliance prior to the granting of development approvals.
On Private Lands

The City actively encourages the private sector to include public art in development projects as an option to elevate and improve the civic landscape. The City will:

  • Work to establish Public Art Commissioning Guidelines (including development of project specifications, selection process, installation) for public art projects on private property in consultation with representatives from the private sector; and
  • Actively provide the private sector and Business Improvement Associations with the Public Art Commissioning Guidelines, and will attach them to the City of Ottawa Development and Review application stage. Public Art Program employees may provide the private sector with consultative services related to public art project specification, selection process and installation, for a fee and according to a developed fee schedule.

Section 37 of the Ontario Planning Act permits the City of Ottawa to authorize increases in the permitted height and/or density of buildings through zoning by-laws in return for specific community benefits. These increases in height and/or density act as incentives for developers to provide these benefits at no cost to the City. Public art is included in the listing of community benefits. Where Section 37 funds are used for Public Art, the Public Art Policy must be adhered to.

5.5 City of Ottawa Urban Design Review Panel

Ottawa’s Urban Design Review Panel is an independent advisory panel of volunteer design professionals who provide an objective peer review of both public and private sector development projects throughout the City’s Design Priority Areas. Established in 2010, this Panel is intended to enhance the City’s capabilities in achieving architectural and urban design excellence. The City of Ottawa Design Objectives include public art (Design Objective 1.3, Create Unique Communities). To increase adherence to the City’s Urban Design Objectives, the Public Art Program will:

  • work with municipal Urban Design employees to further connect public art with design objectives; and
  • where appropriate, one professional visual artist will be added to the Urban Design Review Panel for technical advice

6. Monitoring Conventions

Cultural Services and the Public Art Program and the Public Art Committee will collaborate to monitor Public Art Policy implementation to determine if:

  • The assumptions underpinning the Policy continue to be valid;
  • Policy priorities remain constant;
  • The Policy is being carried out; and
  • The Policy is having the desired outcome.

The Public Art Program may bring forward amendments to this Policy when required. A complete review of the Policy will occur once every ten years.

7. References

In 1985, the City of Ottawa developed one of the first visual art policies in Canada. The City of Nepean approved a Public Art Policy in 1989, followed by Kanata (1997) and the City of Gloucester (1998). The Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton approved an Art in Public Spaces Policy in 1990.

During development of the renewed City of Ottawa Public Art Policy (2015), reference was made to:

  1. Public Art policies from pre-amalgamation municipalities and the Regional Municipality; and
  2. Current Public Art policies in other North American cities, including Calgary, Chicago, Edmonton, Moncton, Montreal, Richmond Hill, Surrey, Toronto, Kingston, and Vancouver.

8. Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

Bilingualism Policy, City of Ottawa

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Act, 1982

Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC)

Code of Conduct for Members of Council, City of Ottawa

Comprehensive Asset Management Policy, City of Ottawa, 2012

Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.C-42), Government of Canada

Cultural Property Export and Import Act, (R.S.C.1985. c.C_51), Government of Canada

Departmental Consultative Groups Framework, City of Ottawa

Employee Code of Conduct, City of Ottawa

Equity and Diversity Policy, City of Ottawa

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Official Plan, City of Ottawa

Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O.1990, c.0.18

Ontario Human Rights Code

Planning Act, RSO 1990, Province of Ontario

Renewed Action Plan for Arts, Heritage and Culture in Ottawa (2013-2018), City of Ottawa

Status of the Artist Act, CSC 1992, Government of Canada

Tangible Capital Asset Policy, City of Ottawa

Urban Design: A Reference Guide to Creating Great Places and Great Spaces, City of Ottawa

9. Definitions

Accessible: Used in this policy as a term to describe ease of interaction for the public with an artwork

Accession :The act of recording and processing an acquisition to the permanent collection

Acquisition: Obtaining art through commission, purchase, donation, gift or bequest

Artist, Professional:  A visual artist who has completed specialized training in his or her artistic field or is recognized by his/her peers as such; is committed to his/her artistic activity; and has a history of public presentation

  • Emerging artist: A visual artist in the early years of a professional career who may have had previous professional exhibitions, commissions, presentations or installations
  • Mid-career artist: A visual artist who has received basic training in his/her artistic field, has practiced his/her art for four to seven full years and has created at least two presentations, exhibitions or installations in a professional context
  • Established artist: A visual artist who has an extensive body of work, a history of national and/or international presentation and who has achieved wide recognition
  • Local artist: A visual artist who lives, or has lived, in Ottawa, or within 150 km. from the centre of the City of Ottawa

Best Practice: A method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. In addition, a best practice can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered.  Applying best practice combines the ability to balance the unique qualities of an organization with the practices that it has in common with others.

Creative Place-making: A practice that intentionally leverages the power of the arts, culture and creativity to serve a community’s interest while driving a broader agenda for change, growth and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place.

Copyright: Grants the author of an artwork the sole right to reproduce, distribute, display, and alter their artworks. It expires 50 years after the artist’s death. It may be assigned or licensed to another individual or institution and/or it may be assigned exclusively or jointly. Copyright also extends to the use of images of an artwork for promotional or educational purposes.

  • Moral Rights include the right to the integrity of the artwork in regard to associations or modifications. They include the right to be associated with the artwork as its author by name, pseudonym or the right to remain anonymous. Moral Rights are non-transferable and endure even after copyright has been assigned. The rights may be waived by the artist agreeing to not exercise them in whole or in part. Examples of violation of Moral Rights may include:
    • An act or omission performed on the artwork that affects the honour or reputation of the artist; and
    • Changing the colour of the artwork or adorning it with additional elements

Taking steps to restore or preserve the artwork would not be included as long as this work is performed in good faith. Also, changing the location of the work does not generally constitute a violation, but in the case of works of public art, the exact siting may be considered part of the work.

De-accession: (1) An object that has been removed permanently from a collection; (2) Formal removal of accessioned objects from a permanent collection. The act of physically removing object(s) from a collection.

Interpretation: A term used in art galleries and museums to describe educational, explanatory or didactic material or activities

Mentorship: An opportunity for an emerging artist to work with an established artist on a project relevant to his/her area of work and interest

Peer Assessment: All commissioned, purchased and donated artwork, and exhibitions are selected through peer assessment in accordance with the criteria described in this policy. The makeup of peer assessment juries vary according to requirements. Membership includes emerging, mid-career and established professional artists, and may also include external art administrators, art academics, as well as related experts and community stakeholders. Peer diversity is considered, with attention paid to the inclusion of First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Francophone and new Canadian artists. A roster of pre-qualified candidates for peer assessment juries is reviewed annually by the appointed members of the Public Art Committee.

Professionally-Produced Exhibition: Includes catalogue and invitation design and printing, technical assistance, promotions, and opening reception event planning

Public Art: A visual artwork in any media created by an artist(s) that has been planned and executed with the specific intention of being sited or staged in public space, and is acquired in compliance with the City of Ottawa’s Public Art Policy

  • Integrated public art forms a physical part of a building, structure or landscape. If the site were to be redeveloped, the art would be as well.
  • Stand-alone (non-integrated) public art is not a physical part of a building, structure or landscape
  • Temporary public art is an original work by an artist(s) that is created for a specific occasion, time frame or event and which is situated at a particular site on a temporary basis. The art may cover a range of forms including, but not limited to, visual art, digital art, sound art, and performance-based work.
  • Site-specific art, whether long-term or temporary, functional or aesthetic, stand-alone or integrated and in any media, is an original work that is created in response to the immediate context

Sign: Any visual medium used to convey information by way of words, pictures, graphics, emblems or symbols, or any device used for the purpose of providing direction, information, identification, advertisement business promotion or the promotion of a product, activity, service or idea [Permanent Signs on Private Property, City of Ottawa By-law No.2005-439]

Urban Design: The process of applying desired functional and aesthetic parameters to the design of the city and its parts

10. Keyword Search

City of Ottawa Art Collection
Collections Management
Public Art Committee
Public art

11. Enquiries

For more information on this Policy, contact:

Nicole Zuger
Program Manager, Arts and Heritage Development
613-580-2424 x 23150 opens email application)

Public-Private Partnerships Policy

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa shall use a consistent governance model and selection criteria when evaluating and implementing a public-private partnership (P3) approach as an alternative means of procuring and financing City projects for infrastructure and/or service requirements.


The purpose of this policy is to outline the City’s approach to evaluating and pursuing a potential P3 option for the implementation of a City project.


This policy applies to all City of Ottawa employees.

Local Boards of the City are distinct organizations and are expected to have their own respective policies.

Policy requirements

Objectives of the P3 option

The primary objectives in delivering a City project using a P3 model are:

  • To find innovative ways of effectively and efficiently addressing the priority infrastructure and service needs of the City
  • To maximize Value for Money to the City by engaging private sector expertise and financing
  • To pursue partnerships in which project risks related to financing, design, construction and operations are appropriately allocated between public and private sector partners

The City shall consider a project for a potential public-private partnership if the following conditions are met:

  • The infrastructure/service requirement has been identified as a priority.
  • The infrastructure/service requirement is included in the Term of Council priorities; Development Charges Background Study; Term of Council Capital Forecast; current approved budget; and long term capital plan, as applicable.
  • Project risks related to financing, design, construction and operations can be shared and allocated appropriately between the City and a private partner.
  • The City has the resources and expertise available to undertake the planning, design, procurement, monitoring and contract management processes.

P3 requirements

The City shall apply this policy and associated P3 Administrative Procedures and P3 Guidelines to all P3 projects. A project is classified as a P3 Project where:

The project includes a contractual agreement between the City and a private entity for the provision of infrastructure and services in which:

  1. The private sector participant assumes the responsibility for the long-term financing for part or all of the project; and
  2. The City seeks to transfer risks that it would normally assume, based on the private sector participant’s ability to better manage those risks; and
  3. The arrangement includes an operations or maintenance period that extends beyond the initial capital construction of the project.

Even where an agreement meets these requirements, the project shall not be considered a P3 project where a P3 partnership has been expressly disclaimed.

Phases of a P3 project

Where a potential P3 project has been identified, the following project phases shall be followed:

  • P3 project assessment
  • Project initiation
  • Procurement
  • Implementation
  • Contract management and ongoing monitoring
P3 project assessment

The department shall assess the feasibility of using a P3 approach to deliver a City project using a three-step decision-making process: an initial screening, a strategic assessment, and a business case analysis of the City’s financial risk.

Projects with potential for a P3 approach, but presenting exceptions to the P3 Project assessment criteria, should be escalated to City Council for consideration, with the exceptions highlighted and the department’s rationale for recommending the project under a P3 delivery model.

Initial screening

The initial screening of a project’s potential for a P3 approach shall assess:

  • The characteristics of the infrastructure/service requirement and its risks
  • The opportunities for partnering with a private sector partner in a competitive market
  • The availability and expertise of City resources to undertake the planning, design, procurement and monitoring processes
Strategic assessment

Projects deemed suitable for a P3 approach under the initial screening shall undergo a more detailed strategic assessment of the potential risks and rewards available to the City and a private sector partner. Projects that demonstrate that risk can be appropriately allocated between the City and a private sector partner shall undergo a detailed business case analysis.

Business case analysis

The business case analysis shall develop a Public Sector Comparator (PSC), which is a detailed cost breakdown of the implementation and operation of a project over its expected duration under a traditional project model delivered by the City. The PSC shall be used to determine the City’s potential financial risk from procuring the project using a P3 approach delivered by a private sector partner. During the procurement process, the PSC shall be compared against the P3 project cost to determine whether positive Value for Money, or a net benefit to the City, is realized by implementing a project using a P3 delivery model.

Council authorization

The department shall seek approval from Council of the following:

  1. To deliver a project using a P3 approach
  2. The P3 delivery model
  3. The procurement strategy
  4. The preferred partner
  5. Authority to finalize a business agreement.

The department shall also consider any other authority that must be sought from Council and the appropriate timing.

The department shall ensure that delegations of authority include clear reporting protocols that identify what information will be shared and when it will be shared. Additionally, the department shall communicate any restrictions, caveats, assumptions or limitations related to estimated costs.

When seeking approval for the P3 delivery model, the department shall also communicate the benefits and drawbacks of each proposed model to ensure Council is informed of the value and risks of each option. The department shall also identify types of information that will not be shared for reasons of confidentiality or integrity of the procurement process.

Project initiation

Project-specific training shall be provided to Council, as required, to ensure Council’s comprehension of the selected P3 approach, the procurement process, any time or process constraints, rationale behind decisions, including variation in budget and adjustments in scope, and Council’s role in the process.

A Project Director, appointed by the department, shall assemble a team of subject matter experts (SMEs) that includes representation from the Asset Management Branch (AMB) and Facility Operation Services (FOS) to plan the procurement strategy, the design and construction implementation, transition to operational state and contract management stages, ensuring that priorities are appropriately aligned and applied throughout the planning and implementation stages of the project. For specific projects, the City Manager may assign the lead roles to offices other than the department, as warranted. The department shall submit the recommendation for the procurement strategy and the selected P3 delivery model to City Council for consideration.


The procurement process for all P3 projects shall be undertaken using an open, fair and transparent process, in accordance with the City’s Procurement By-law. An independent Fairness Commissioner shall be retained to oversee and monitor the fairness of the process. The department shall submit the selection of the preferred partner and the recommendation to finalize the business agreement to City Council for consideration.

The Project Director should analyze the optimal evaluation approach and technical/financial weightings for the project being procured to ensure alignment between the evaluation framework and the overall project objectives. Care should be taken to avoid complexity in the specifications and design stage whenever possible.

Concurrent with the drafting of the P3 Agreement, a comprehensive document to effectively track and monitor compliance to the P3 Agreement shall be created. The comprehensive document shall outline the key details of the P3 Agreement and highlight the following:

  • Listing of all important obligations and ongoing rights of all parties
  • Assigning responsibility for fulfilling each obligation or enforcing each right
  • Dates when each obligation must be fulfilled or when each right may be enforced
  • A process for dealing with situations that are not specific to the P3 Agreement, and which could have a financial impact on the City
  • A process for dealing with potential expansion opportunities or overlapping projects, including how the balance of power between the parties already involved in the contract would not be undermined.

The purpose of this document is to aid in the administration of the contract over the life of the agreement; therefore, the document should be kept up to date.

The Project Director should be mindful of the definition of “owner” under Ontario’s Construction Act. In some instances, the P3 partner will be deemed the owner of the premises for the project. and in other instances the City will be deemed the owner of the premises. 


The City and P3 partner shall participate in a design review process and change approval process to ensure that the design and construction phase of the project complies with the contract specifications. During the construction phase, the construction budget and build milestones shall be monitored for deviations from the contract and reported to Council as required. A transition plan shall be developed to monitor and report on activities required to bring the project to its operational state.

Contract management and ongoing monitoring

The P3 Agreement shall define the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of the City and P3 Partner for the term of the contract, including the responsibility for project communications. Annual reports shall update Council on the P3 partner’s financial and service level performance. The P3 Agreement shall stipulate that the P3 partner shall be responsible for reporting annual budgets (for project management, preventive maintenance, etc.) and the reporting of key performance indicators. The P3 Agreement shall also contain a “right to audit” provision allowing the City to access accounting information and records from the P3 partner.

Referring to the comprehensive summary document, the Project Director shall track and monitor the P3 partner’s compliance with the P3 Agreement.


City Council shall approve the authority to deliver a project using a P3 approach, selection of the P3 delivery model, the procurement strategy, selection of the preferred partner, and authorization to finalize a business agreement.

The department shall act as the administrative authority for the P3 project and shall select and lead a team of staff subject matter experts (SMEs) through the following:

  • Stages of assessment
  • Negotiation of legal agreements
  • Implementation and project delivery
  • Monitoring of technical provisions of the contract
  • Reporting on the private partner’s financial and service level performance
  • Conducting compliance audits
  • Issuing non-performance notices
  • Seeking remediation of non-performance issues
  • In consultation with Legal Services, creating a comprehensive document to effectively track and monitor compliance to the P3 Agreement

The Corporate Finance Service shall be responsible for the following activities:

  • Assigning the financial subject matter expert(s) who will participate in the project initiation phase and evaluation of the RFQ and RFP submissions. Financial expertise participation would need to represent both the planning/construction phase and the ongoing operating/maintenance phase of the P3 contract.
  • Approving the rate, and terms and conditions, of any financing or guarantee (including proposed tender)
  • Participating in the review and preparation of the detailed cost breakdown of operations over its expected life under the Business Case Analysis
  • Preparing a report assessing the value of any proposed lease arrangements as per the Administration of Capital Financing and Debt Policy
  • Consulting upon drafting/finalization of the P3 agreement to ensure considerations on commodity tax, tangible capital asset reporting, and treasury are identified
  • Administering P3 financial requirements
  • Ensuring proper financial controls/procedures are in place to comply with P3 financial terms and conditions
  • Participating in the transition team and determining ongoing financial requirements and responsibilities

Supply Services shall ensure that the spirit and guiding principles of the P3 Policy are adhered to throughout the process; lead the procurement process in accordance with the Procurement By-law; and coordinate the submission of an annual report on the P3 partner’s financial and service level performance to City Council.

Legal Services shall review and approve all contractual documents that comprise the P3 Agreement.


General Managers/Directors shall oversee the assessment of P3 opportunities, selection of P3 delivery model, implementation and monitoring of the P3 Agreement and administration of P3 contracts to ensure compliance with this policy.

Supply Services shall lead the procurement process, in accordance with the Procurement By-law, and coordinate the submission of a report on contractual performance on an annual basis to ensure compliance with this policy.

An independent Fairness Commissioner, when appointed, will monitor and report on the integrity of the competitive process to ensure compliance with the Procurement By-law.

Failure to comply with this policy could expose the City to financial loss, negatively affect the City’s credit rating and borrowing capacity, and limit the City’s capacity to deliver services to the public in terms of quality, affordability, public access, health and safety, user rights, security, privacy and public input.

Recordkeeping requirements 

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system. 


Department: The department assigned the lead roles for evaluating and implementing a P3 approach as an alternative means of procuring and financing City projects for infrastructure and/ or service requirements. For specific projects, the City Manager may assign the lead roles to offices other than the sponsor or client department for the infrastructure/service requirement, as warranted.

Public-Private Partnership (P3):

A project is classified as a P3 Project where:

The project includes a contractual agreement between the City and a private entity for the provision of infrastructure and services in which:

  • The private sector participant assumes the responsibility for the long-term financing for part or all of the project; and
  • The City seeks to transfer risks that it would normally assume, based on the private sector participant’s ability to better manage those risks; and
  • The arrangement includes an operations or maintenance period that extends beyond the initial capital construction of the project.

Even where an agreement meets these requirements, the project shall not be considered a P3 project where a P3 partnership has been expressly disclaimed.

Public Sector Comparator (PSC): The hypothetical, risk-adjusted net present value cost of a project as if it were to be delivered by the public sector. It includes an estimate of the total cost of the project over its life, including costs of design, construction, maintenance and facilities management services, and adjustments for risk, insurance and taxation. The traditional PSC model is based on construction that is done on a Design Bid Build (DBB) basis, which is the traditional method of procurement of the public sector for infrastructure projects.

Value for Money (VFM): An analysis in the context of a P3 project; refers to the process of developing and comparing the total project costs, expressed in dollars measured at the same point in time, related to the estimated costs to the public sector of delivering a project using traditional procurement processes (under which total estimated costs are known as the public sector comparator(PSC), and the estimated costs to the public sector of delivering the same project to the identical specifications using the P3 approach. The difference between the PSC and the total estimated costs using the P3 approach is referred to as the VFM. If the total estimated cost of using the P3 approach is less than the public sector comparator, there is positive value for money by procuring a project using a P3 approach.


For more information on this policy, contact:

David Sloan, Manager, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management
Email: opens email application)(link opens email application)
Supply Services
Finance and Corporate Services Department


Public-Private Partnerships Procedures


These procedures apply to all City of Ottawa employees responsible for the assessment, initiation, procurement, implementation, contract management and monitoring of City projects for infrastructure/service requirements using a Public-Private Partnership (P3) approach.

Procedure description

These procedures provide a consistent framework for the definition, selection, analysis, financing, delivery and monitoring of major P3 projects.

The framework for undertaking a project using a P3 approach includes the following phases:

  • P3 project assessment
  • Project initiation
  • Procurement
  • Implementation
  • Contract management and ongoing monitoring

P3 project assessment phase

Initial screening

The operating department uses the Initial P3 Screening Checklist (see City of Ottawa P3 Guidelines) to assess a project’s potential for a P3 approach against the following characteristics:

  • Asset life: What is the anticipated useful life (i.e., service life) of this asset?
  • Asset complexity: How complex is the asset with respect to construction, operations and maintenance?
  • Outputs and performance specifications (construction): What is the availability of output specifications for the construction of the asset?
  • Stability of operational requirements: Are the long-term operational requirements of the planned asset relatively stable and predictable?
  • Performance specifications and indicators (operations period): What is the availability of operations and maintenance related performance specifications and indicators?
  • Lifecycle costs: Can most of the full lifecycle costs of the asset, including construction, fit up (i.e., project costs), long-term operations and maintenance, be quantified up-front with reasonable assumptions and/or availability of historic data?
  • Revenue generation: Does the planned investment have inherent scope to generate any revenue?
  • Private sector expertise: How many private sector firms have the capacity to deliver and maintain this type of asset?
  • Market precedents: Have investments with similar requirements, and of similar size and scale, been delivered through the P3 model?
  • Nature of development site: What is the nature of the development site (greenfield vs. brownfield) and what proportion of this investment involves the expansion/renovation of existing City-owned facilities/assets?
  • Scope for private sector innovation gains: To what extent will the public sector be able to rely on output/performance-based requirements/specifications?
  • Potential for contract integration: Which elements of the potential P3 (i.e., design, build, finance, operate, maintain) can be integrated into one contract?
  • Term of Council priorities integration: To what extent does the project respond to departmental and Term of Council priorities and budgets?
  • Sufficient City resources integration: Does the City have the resources and expertise to undertake a P3 approach through all phases of the project?

The operating department informs the City Manager and Supply Services that the initial screening determined that the project has potential for a P3 approach. Projects deemed suitable for a P3 approach by the operating department will qualify for a strategic assessment and be measured against the City’s Strategic Assessment Criteria.

Strategic assessment

If a project is found to have several characteristics described in the “Screening Checklist,” the operating department selects a team of subject matter experts from internal and external resources, including a member of Supply Services, to conduct a Strategic Assessment. The Strategic Assessment allocates potential risks and rewards between the City and private partner by evaluating the project against the following risk criteria:

  • Policy and planning risks
    • Legislative and City policy risk from the effect of the City’s by-laws and policies
    • Funding approvals risk from delays of internal funding approvals for capital, lifecycle and operations
  • Procurement risks
    • The risk of harm to the integrity of the competitive bidding process from actual or perceived conflicts of interest; unlawful collusion among bidders; political influence; breaches of confidentiality; and errors and omissions in the procurement documents and evaluation process, etc.
    • Errors and omissions in the business negotiations and P3 agreement documents that could affect the success of the P3 project
  • Design and construction risks
    • Existing site conditions risk from unanticipated liabilities and delays, including environmental conditions and statutory approvals, archaeological discoveries, native title claims, and permits and approvals
    • Design, construction and commissioning risk from quality deficiencies, schedule delays due to compliance with environmental and planning conditions, brownfield construction, design and construction coordination and deficiencies, scope changes, and delays in providing building permits and other approvals
  • Operations risks
    • Facility management operations risk from the private partner’s delivery of required services
    • Network and interface risk from the dependence of service delivery on related infrastructure and compatibility with the City’s core service delivery
    • Industrial relations risk from the parameters of the City’s collective bargaining agreements and unanticipated interruptions of service delivery
    • Asset lifecycle and ownership risk from maintenance, obsolescence, and market competition that affects the project financing, revenue, and value of the infrastructure
    • Working capital risk from the private partner’s lack of financing for start-up costs and fluctuations in market demand
  • Market and financial risks
    • Financial risks and benefits from the availability of private financing
    • Sponsor risk from supplier performance and contractual compliance
    • Tax risk from changes in tax legislation
    • Interest rate risk from the need to anticipate variations in the future cost of project financing
    • Market and revenue risk from the demand or lack of demand for the program services
    • Force majeure risk from catastrophic events beyond the control of the City and private partner
  • Political risks
    • Political risk from public acceptance of private involvement in the delivery of City services
    • Reputational risk from the risk of failure

Each risk assessment shall include a description of the potential scope of consultant and legal services required.

Projects demonstrating that risk can be appropriately allocated between the City and a private partner qualify for a detailed business case analysis.

See City of Ottawa P3 Guidelines, Annex B – Risk Allocation for a detailed description of the criteria listed above.

Business case analysis

The operating department uses the Corporate Business Case Development Guidelines and template to conduct a business case analysis to compare the total estimated project costs of the traditional project delivery model versus the recommended P3 delivery model.

The business case analysis is a Value for Money Assessment (VFM), which includes the following steps:

  • Development of the Public Sector Comparator (PSC)
  • A Value for Money (VFM) exercise to compare the cost of the PSC business case under the traditional delivery model versus delivery using the P3 delivery model
  • Determination of whether value will be added using the P3 delivery model, resulting in positive VFM

The operating department recommends projects to Council that demonstrate positive VFM for implementation under a P3 approach.

Project initiation phase

The Project Director initiates the project in accordance with the City’s Business Case and Project Management Policy by undertaking the following steps:

  • Develops and approves a Project Charter, which defines
    • the project’s governance
    • human resource requirements
    • scope and deliverables
    • budget, schedule and milestones
    • risk parameters
    • communications strategy
    • change management strategy
    • reporting requirements
  • Assembles a team of subject matter experts (SMEs)
  • Develops a procurement strategy and project implementation budget, and recommends a P3 delivery model, including a consideration of the evaluation framework and the overall project objectives.
  • When considering P3 delivery models, the following elements should be assessed:
    • Whether the model properly aligns the interests of the parties involved, and whether the project risks will be managed by the parties best positioned to handle them
    • Whether the transfer of specific risks, in whole or in part, is likely to encourage or undermine collaborative behaviour between the parties working on the project
    • The model’s comparative value from the perspective of quality, cost and schedule as compared with other approaches
    • The incentives and tools that each model offers to enforce contractual obligations
    • Complications with design, engineering structures, new expertise and unnecessary requirements should be avoided if possible.
    • Analyzing all parts of the project in a holistic manner, from design to operations, should be a priority in order to reduce risk and maximize public value.
    • The degree of control the government authority should retain, given the project’s circumstances and the public authority’s experience
    • Operational and maintenance requirements should be set using proven solutions from comparable projects as a benchmark.
    • The degree of flexibility each model offers to the public entity to alter the infrastructure over the project’s life without facing major contract change fees
    • The measures each model has in place to ensure public transparency, accountability and oversight of major infrastructure projects
    • The manner and extent to which each model prioritizes the public interest
  • The department, in consultation with Supply Services, must develop a disclosure schedule for RFQ, RFP and project agreement documents, redacted to remove sensitive or commercially confidential information. 

Procurement phase

Supply Services leads the procurement process in accordance with the City’s Procurement By-law as follows:

  • Ensures that the procurement process for all P3 projects be undertaken using an open, fair and transparent process
  • Recommends that the operating department retain an independent Fairness Commissioner to oversee and monitor the fairness of the process
  • Develops and issues the Request for Proposals (RFP) and gives consideration to issuing a Request for Information, Request for Expression of Interest and/or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) before issuing the RFP
  • The department shall use a phased-bid compliance process, where appropriate, that provides an opportunity for bidders to modify their technical submissions to provide missing or insufficient bid information in order to comply with mandatory requirements and avoid unnecessary findings of non-compliance.
  • Facilitates the provision of P3 procurement training to evaluation committee members as required, including: training specific to submission requirements and evaluation criteria, and guidance on the applicable reporting mechanisms for real or perceived wrongdoing outlined in the Employee Code of Conduct and the Fraud and Waste Policy
  • Develops an evaluation scoring guide derived directly from the RFP document
  • Where necessary, includes an evaluation facilitator with extensive P3 and major projects experience
  • Leads and facilitates an evaluation committee in the selection and recommendation of a preferred P3 partner
  • Debriefs the proponents/bidders to the RFP
  • Undertakes a lessons-learned debriefing with the project team of SMEs after the award of contract and execution of the P3 Agreement

Concurrent with the drafting of the P3 Agreement, the operating department will ensure that a comprehensive document to effectively track and monitor compliance to the P3 Agreement is created. The comprehensive document shall outline key details of the P3 Agreement and highlight:

  • Important obligations and ongoing rights of all parties
  • Which party is responsible for fulfilling each obligation or enforcing each right
  • Dates when each obligation must be fulfilled or when each right may be enforced
  • A process for dealing with situations that are not specific to the P3 Agreement and which could have a financial impact on the City

The purpose of this document is to aid in the administration of the contract over the life of the agreement; therefore, the document should be kept up to date.

The Project Director shall:

  • Identify evaluation team members with sufficient technical expertise and, where possible, P3 procurement experience
  • Obtain guidance on the P3 process where necessary
  • Request additional training in P3 procurement processes where necessary

The Project Director should be mindful of the definition of “owner” under Ontario’s Construction Act. In some instances, the P3 partner will be deemed the owner of the premises for the project and in other instances the City will be deemed the owner of the premises.

Project implementation phase

The operating department ensures compliance with the RFP specifications and P3 Agreement during the project implementation by undertaking to:

  • Engage the P3 partner in a design review process to ensure that the design and construction phase of the project complies with the contract specifications
  • Develop change processes to document and approve variances during construction/implementation and to address unforeseen circumstances and value engineering opportunities that arise throughout the duration of the project
  • Monitor the construction budget and project milestones for deviations from the contract, and report to Council as required
  • Develop a transition plan to monitor and report on activities required to bring the project to its operational state
  • Where applicable, consider including a “bedding in” or “soft-start” period where the project is tested under operational conditions for an appropriate period of time
  • Conduct a project implementation review three to six months after completion of the project to document “lessons learned” during the implementation phase

Contract management and monitoring phase

The operating department ensures effective contract management and monitoring of the P3 partner’s performance throughout the duration of the contract by undertaking to:

  • Plan a transition process for handover of the P3 Agreement’s responsibilities and ongoing monitoring to the appropriate staff resources
  • Define the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of the City and P3 partner for the duration of the contract in accordance with the P3 Agreement
  • Resolve disputes in a timely fashion in accordance with the Contract Administration Policy while ensuring that reliable public service is prioritized
  • Establish the necessary reporting required for monitoring the quality of services and deliverables required by the P3 Agreement
  • Submit annual reports to Council on the P3 partner’s financial and service level performance
  • Referring to the comprehensive summary document, the Project Director shall track and monitor the P3 partner’s compliance with the P3 Agreement.
  • Ensure that the P3 partner plans and executes a transition-out-plan prior to hand-back of the infrastructure/service to the City at the end of the agreement/term

The P3 Agreement shall contain a “right to audit” provision allowing the City to access accounting information and records from the P3 partner.


City Council shall approve the delivery of a project using a P3 approach, the selection of the P3 delivery model, the procurement strategy, the selection of the preferred partner, and authorization to finalize a business agreement.

The operating department shall monitor the construction budget and build milestones during the construction phase for deviations from the contract, and report to Council as required. In consultation with Legal Services, the operating department shall also ensure a comprehensive document to effectively track and monitor compliance with the P3 Agreement is created.

Supply Services shall coordinate the submission of the operating department’s annual report on the P3 partner’s financial and service level performance to City Council.

Legal Services shall review and approve all contractual documents that comprise the P3 Agreement.

Management shall monitor compliance to this procedure. Failure to comply with this procedure may result in disciplinary action against an employee, up to and including dismissal.

Recordkeeping requirements 

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of these procedures must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system. 


Public-Private Partnership (P3) – A project is classified as a P3 Project where:

The project includes a contractual agreement between the City and a private entity for the provision of infrastructure and services in which:

  • The private sector participant assumes the responsibility for the long-term financing for part or all of the project; and
  • The City seeks to transfer risks that it would normally assume, based on the private sector participant’s ability to better manage those risks; and
  • The arrangement includes an operations or maintenance period that extends beyond the initial capital construction of the project.

Even where an agreement meets these requirements, the project shall not be considered a P3 project where a P3 partnership has been expressly disclaimed.

Public Sector Comparator (PSC) – The hypothetical, risk-adjusted net present value cost of a project as if it were to be delivered by the public sector. It includes an estimate of the total cost of the project over its life including costs of design, construction, maintenance and facilities management services and adjustments for risk, insurance and taxation. The traditional PSC model is based on construction that is done on a Design Bid Build (DBB) basis, which is the traditional method of procurement of the public sector for infrastructure projects.

Value for Money (VFM) – An analysis in the context of a P3 project; refers to the process of developing and comparing the total project costs, expressed in dollars measured at the same point in time, related to the estimated costs to the public sector of delivering a project using traditional procurement processes (under which total estimated costs are known as the public sector comparator (PSC)), and the estimated costs to the public sector of delivering the same project to the identical specifications using the P3 approach. The difference between the PSC and the total estimated costs using the P3 approach is referred to as the VFM. If the total estimated cost of using the P3 approach is less than the public sector comparator, there is positive Value for Money by procuring a project using a P3 approach.


For more information on these procedures, contact:

David Sloan, Manager, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management
Email: opens email application)
Supply Services(link opens email application)
Finance and Corporate Services Department

Responsible Computing Policy

Approved By: Chief Corporate Services Officer
Category: Information and Technology
Approval Date: July 13, 2001
Effective Date: August 13, 2001
Revision Approved By: Chief Information and Security Digital Risk Officer
Revision Date: October 31, 2022

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to protecting our employees, partners and the corporation itself from illegal or damaging actions by individuals through the use of information or information technology (IT) assets, either knowingly or unknowingly.

Information, electronic and computing devices, and network resources, are the property of The City of Ottawa. These systems are to be used for business purposes in serving the interests of the City of Ottawa, and of our clients and customers in the course of standard operations. Incidental personal use is permitted, provided the privilege is not abused.

It is the responsibility of every employee to conduct their activities in a manner consistent with the City of Ottawa Employee Code of Conduct.


The purpose of this Policy is to outline the acceptable use of all computing devices at the City of Ottawa. These rules are in place to protect both the City of Ottawa and its employees. Inappropriate use exposes the City of Ottawa to risks including malicious attacks, compromise of network systems and services, and legal issues. Use of these assets, services and information must be consistent with the City of Ottawa Employee Code of Conduct and Information Security Policy.


This Policy applies to the use of information, electronic and computing devices, cloud services, and network resources to conduct City of Ottawa business or interact with City of Ottawa networks and business systems, whether owned, leased or hosted by the City of Ottawa, the employee, or a third party.

This Policy applies to all City employees, contractors, consultants, and other workers at the City of Ottawa.

All employees shall read this Policy, be familiar with their responsibilities and comply with its provisions.

Policy requirements

General use and ownership

City of Ottawa proprietary information stored on electronic and computing devices whether owned or leased by the City of Ottawa, the employee or a third party, remains the sole property of the City of Ottawa.

Employees have a responsibility to promptly report the theft or loss of any City of Ottawa electronic and computing devices to Corporate Security by filling out the Incident Report – Corporate Security form.

An employee who believes a violation of this Policy has occurred shall immediately notify either their Manager, Legal Services, Innovative Client Services Departement, the City Manager or the Auditor General of the violation, as per the Employee Code of Conduct.

Employees may access, use or share City of Ottawa proprietary information only to the extent it is authorized and necessary to fulfill your assigned job duties.

Incidental personal use is permitted, provided the privilege is not abused. Use of these assets, services and information must be consistent with the City of Ottawa’s Employee Code of Conduct. If there is any uncertainty, employees should consult their Supervisor or Manager.

Email and communication activities

When using City resources to access and use the Internet, employees must realize they represent the City of Ottawa at all times.

Employees shall be vigilant when using the email system. Unsolicited emails, in particular the attachments should be deleted and not opened.

Sending unsolicited email messages, including the sending of "junk mail", “chain mail”, “joke emails” or advertising material to individuals who did not specifically request such material (email spam) is prohibited.

As per the Employee Code of Conduct, any form of harassment via email, telephone or other communications method, whether through language or frequency is prohibited.

Any unauthorized solicitation of email for any other email address, other than that of the employees account, with the intent to harass or to collect replies is prohibited.

Employees are responsible to ensure that all bulk electronic messaging is in accordance with the provisions of the Canada Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)(link is external)

Security and proprietary information

All computing devices (including mobile devices) that connect to information, electronic and computing devices, and network resources must comply with the applicable Technology Security Standards in the References section.

Accounts and passwords must comply with the Technology Security Standard - Password and Account Management.

Employees are accountable for all activity conducted under any of their City issued accounts (including but not limited to network, email, voice mail, or application, including cloud hosted accounts).

Providing access to another individual, either deliberately or through failure to secure personal access, is prohibited.

Employees must lock their device or log off when the device is unattended.

Removable media which contains confidential information must be protected against unauthorized disclosure, as outlined in the Technology Security Standard - Encryption.

Corporate devices shall be safeguarded from public access using approved physical security controls as authorized by Information Technology Services.

Employees are responsible for safeguarding Official Business Records (OBRs) in their custody and control, in accordance with the Records Management Policy and Records Management Procedures.

Employees are responsible for safeguarding confidential information in their custody and control, in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). For further information regarding MFIPPA, please contact: opens email application).

Credit card data must be protected in accordance with the Credit Card Data Security Policy.

Social media

Social Media activities by employees, whether using the City of Ottawa’s property and systems or personal computer systems, are subject to the terms and restrictions set forth in the Employee Code of Conduct, Communications Policy and Social Media Guidelines.

Employees are prohibited from revealing any City of Ottawa confidential or proprietary information, trade secrets or any other material when engaged in social media activities.

Employees may not attribute personal statements, opinions or beliefs to the City of Ottawa when engaged in Social Media activities. If an employee is expressing his or her beliefs and/or opinions in blogs, the employee may not, explicitly or implicitly, represent themselves as an employee or representative of the City of Ottawa. Employees are to conduct their activities in a manner consistent with the City of Ottawa Employee Code of Conduct when posting on social media.

Unacceptable use
The following is a list of activities that are generally prohibited. While this list is by no means exhaustive, it provides a framework for activities which fall into the category of unacceptable use.

  1. Non-City network devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, access points, routers, switches and hubs must not be connected to the corporate network without first obtaining the approval of Information Technology Services.
  2. Violating the rights of any person or company protected by copyright, trade secret, patent or other intellectual property, or similar laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, the copying, installation and distribution of copyrighted material for which the City of Ottawa does not have an active license.
  3. Accessing data or City resources for purposes outside an employee’s job function.
  4. Introducing malicious programs into the network (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, email bombs, etc.).
  5. Revealing your account password to others or allowing use of your account by others. This includes family and other household members when work is being done at home.
  6. Using a City of Ottawa computing asset to actively engage in procuring or transmitting material that is in violation of the City of Ottawa Employee Code of Conduct.
  7. The following activities are prohibited unless approved by Information Technology Services:
  • Disrupting/intercepting network communications;
  • Breaching/disabling security controls;
  • Executing any form of vulnerability security scanning or Pen Testing type activity;
  • Executing any form of network monitoring which will intercept data not intended for the employee, unless this activity is a part of the employee’s standard job/duty;
  • Circumventing authentication or security of any host, network or account.


All employees shall read this Policy, be familiar with their responsibilities and comply with its provisions.

All managers shall ensure that their employees, contractors, consultants, and other workers at the City of Ottawa, including all personnel affiliated with third parties comply with the provisions of this Policy.


The use of City of Ottawa IT services and assets for business or incidental personal use, including but not limited to the Internet, email, wireless, telecommunication, mobile devices and messaging services, is subject to monitoring in accordance with the Electronic Monitoring Policy.


Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal as outlined in the Discipline Policy.


Technology Security Standard - Encryption
Technology Security Standard - Endpoint
Technology Security Standard - Mobile Technologies
Technology Security Standard - Network Security
Technology Security Standard - Password and Account Management
Technology Security Standard - Remote Access Services
Technology Security Standard - Servers
Technology Security Standard - Vulnerability Management
Technology Security Standard - WIFI
Termination – Resignation/Retirement Procedures

Legislative and administrative authorities

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)(link is external)
Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA)(link is external)
City of Ottawa By-law No. 2013-375, to establish the position and duties of the Auditor General of the City of Ottawa
City of Ottawa By-law No. 2015-11, to establish the position and duties of the Auditor General of the City of Ottawa
Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)(link is external)
Credit Card Data Security Policy
Communications Policy
Discipline Policy
Employee Code of Conduct
Electronic Monitoring Policy
Information Security Policy
Records Management Policy
Records Management Procedures
Social Media Guidelines


Definitions for Technology Security


For more information on this Policy, contact:
Technology Security Branch, Information Technology Services
Innovative Client Services Department
613-580-2424 extension 21998


Incident Report – Corporate Security Form

Retention of municipal parkland policy

Approved by: City Council
Approval date: July 6, 2022
Effective date: July 6, 2022

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa shall retain ownership of all municipal parkland for recreation as its primary function. Municipal parkland shall not be sold or repurposed and shall not be built upon - with the exception of built facilities that serve a park, recreation and / or cultural function – unless prior approval of the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility (RCFS) is obtained.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that, given the need for future parkland and recreational facilities as established in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2021), the City protects the investments made into existing parkland and enhances parkland recreational use to meet the provision level targets established in the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan (2021).


This policy applies to all municipally owned lands designated for parkland and recreational use per the Zoning By-law, as amended from time to time, and currently zoned O1, L1 and L2, as well as all lands identified as parks in the City of Ottawa’s geoOttawa information system.

This policy also applies to all future lands acquired and zoned by the City for parkland and recreational uses, as per the Zoning By-law, as amended from time to time.

The policy applies to all departments seeking any proposed new permanent or temporary use of parkland.

Policy requirements

The City shall retain all municipally owned lands currently zoned O1, L1 and L2 for municipal parks and recreation purposes, except where otherwise noted in this policy or as authorized by Council.

The Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department (PRED) will zone all lands acquired through the Parkland Dedication By-law or Planning Act, or acquired for the RCFS portfolio through other means, as O1, L1 or L2 (or as amended) for active or passive parks, recreation or cultural uses as per the RCFS mandate.

All departments will obtain the explicit written approval of the General Manager of RCFS when municipal parkland (currently zoned O1, L1 or L2) is proposed to be used for municipal purposes outside of the RCFS mandate, such as for stormwater management, utility easements or commuter parking.

The Corporate Real Estate Office (CREO) shall ensure that where municipal parkland is sold, or where land rights are provided for uses other than parkland, the Parks and Recreation Facilities Reserve Fund will be compensated at the fair market value of the affected property. This most often occurs in the case of easements over parkland. For additional clarity, when RCFS’s right to provide recreation facilities is encumbered by easements or other requests for land rights, compensation will be provided.

CREO will obtain the explicit approval of the General Manager of RCFS and approval by Council when municipal parkland currently zoned O1, L1 or L2 is considered for possible sale. Parkland in Transects and City Traffic Zones with less than 2.0 ha of parkland per 1,000 residents should be considered of highest priority for retention as municipal parkland.

Unless otherwise directed by Council, 100% of the net proceeds generated under this policy shall be used to fund the development of new municipal parks and recreation facilities. The funding may be used for developing new parks and recreation facilities, upgrading existing parks or facilities, capital grants, studies, purchasing land, or other appropriate uses as directed by Council. The reserve funds cannot be used for funding ongoing operating costs.


City departments shall work in a coordinated manner to ensure the retention of City municipal parkland for recreational uses and to achieve the targets and recommendations established in the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan (2021), as approved by Council. All parties are subject to the requirements of the Municipal Act as it pertains to the sale of City land.

RCFS shall work in collaboration with all affected departments to ensure that the requirements of this policy are met.

  • Any department or entity proposing a new permanent or temporary use of parkland, including use of parkland for easements, that is not initiated within RCFS, must be approved by the General Manager of RCFS. RCFS will review the proposed use to ensure that it does not present any new or undue risks or impediments for park users and sanctioned activities of the site.

PRED shall ensure that:

  • Existing municipal parkland remains distinctly zoned for parks and recreation purposes and that the zoning only permits uses that are consistent with a recreation and culture mandate.
  • All newly acquired municipal parkland is zoned O1, L1 or L2 (or as amended).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

When CREO receives unsolicited requests to purchase municipal parkland, CREO shall contact the General Manager of RCFS, to determine whether a disposal, as per the Disposal of Real Property Policy, can be considered and whether an internal circulation should be undertaken.

In the case of disagreement between General Managers, the City Manager is delegated to arbitrate a solution.

The General Manager of RCFS may delegate roles and responsibilities under this policy to the Manager of Parks and Facilities Planning.

The value of any lands that have been determined to be appropriate for sale shall be calculated at market value by the CREO valuation team or by a CREO designated third party.

Finance will track and monitor the reserve designated for municipal parks and recreation, as a result of this policy, and ensure those funds are made available through the annual capital budget process.


RCFS and CREO are responsible for monitoring the application of this Policy and, ensuring that the requirements of this policy are met and are in conjunction with the Disposal of Real Property Policy.



Legislative and administrative authorities


O1 – Parks and Open Space Zone as defined by the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law.

L1 – Community Leisure Facility Zone as defined by the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law.

L2 – Major Leisure Facility Zone as defined by the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law.

City Traffic Zone – A geographic sub-area of the City of Ottawa used primarily for transportation planning purposes.

Parkland – A City-owned property that includes land acquired through the development review process under the provisions set out in the Parkland Dedication By-law, and lands that are expropriated or purchased by the City for park or recreation purposes. Parkland may be developed to include community buildings, soft and hard surfaces, and active recreational facilities such as play structures, water play and sports fields.

Recreation Facility – An indoor or outdoor public place designed and equipped with facilities such as a swimming pool, squash or tennis courts, sports arena and fields, gymnasia, weightlifting and exercise rooms, and used for recreational, fitness or athletic pastimes and / or to provide instruction in such pastimes. It may include an ancillary sports field.

Transect – A term used in the Official Plan (OP) 2021 to refer to a geographic area of the city. The OP divides the city into six concentric geographic policy areas (Transects) and established land use planning policies for each.


For more information on this policy, contact:

Manager, Parks and Facilities Planning
Recreation and Cultural Facilities Services
City of Ottawa



Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: General Administration
Approval Date: July 17, 2013
Effective Date: July 17, 2013
Revision Approved By: M. Rick O’Connor, City Clerk (Housekeeping amendments); City Council
Revision Date: September 16, 2019; December 7, 2022; January 29, 2025

Policy statement

A foundational pillar of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) is that “information should be available to the public”.

In keeping with the City's commitment to accountability and transparency, the overarching principle in this Policy is to advance the view that information held by the City of Ottawa should be made available to the public, and any exceptions to this principle should be limited and specific.

The practice of Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination (RD/AD) is a cost-effective and client- friendly way of providing information to the public by making certain records routinely available in response to informal requests for access or by means of periodically releasing certain records. These RD/AD processes do not require the submission of formal access to information requests under MFIPPA.


This Policy identifies the requirement for City departments to develop plans for routinely releasing or automatically making available certain records to the public. To ensure that an appropriate balance exists between ease of access to information and protection of privacy and of confidential information, City departments will adhere to the requirements of MFIPPA.

MFIPPA provides the public a formal right of access to records that are in the City’s custody, or under its control, subject to limited and specific exemptions to disclosure. While the City may legitimately require that formal access requests be submitted in respect of certain types of records for a variety of reasons, a practice of providing RD/AD for “everyday”, non-confidential records is beneficial as it allows the City to:

  • Make more City records available to the public and ensure that information is easily accessible to the residents of Ottawa;
  • Proactively streamline the access to information process;
  • Reduce staff time in responding to formal requests for information, resulting in greater cost efficiencies;
  • Assist in reducing administrative costs;
  • Provide greater accountability and transparency in its day-to-day operations; and
  • Ensure a balance between providing greater access to City information while at the same time protecting personal and confidential information.

RD/AD should be the first avenue for the public to access City information and records. A formal access to information request is only required in instances where records are subject to the exemption provisions set out under MFIPPA. Where exemptions will not be applied, or minimal exemptions will be required, the request is to be handled at the operational level in accordance with this Policy.

RD/AD is consistent with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario’s Access by Design principles and existing City practices to make certain information available to the public.


This Policy applies to all City staff and to all records in the custody, or under the control of the City of Ottawa. In accordance with the Elected Officials Records Management Policy, personal and constituency records of the City’s elected representatives are not considered to be in the custody or control of the City and therefore are not subject to this Policy.

Policy requirements

Every City department shall establish a RD/AD Plan that identifies:

  1. Official Business Records (OBR) that are to be disclosed without a requirement for submission of a formal access to information request;
  2. The method by which the department will make the records available to the public, either in response to an informal request from the public or a periodic release, as the case may be; and
  3. All department RD/AD Plans shall be approved by the departmental Business Support Services Manager of the Program Manager of the ATIP Office, or designate.

The following underlying principles shall guide the development of the RD/AD Plan by each department:

  1. Where documents are not subject to the MFIPPA disclosure provisions, they should be part of the department’s RD/AD Plan and handled accordingly under this Policy and its supporting Guideline.
  2. The RD/AD Plans are not an exhaustive list of records that are available informally, but provide a baseline of what information can be obtained without filing a formal access to information request.
  3. In determining which records are to be subject to RD/AD, staff should not consider the identity of requester(s).
  4. Transparency and accountability should always be considered when developing RD/AD Plans, and the method by which the records are disseminated ought to provide the public, to the greatest extent possible, ease of access to the information.
  5. Any fees associated with the preparation and dissemination of information as outlined in the RD/AD Plans must be legislated or approved by Council.
  6. New programs and policies should be developed with an understanding of the routine disclosure and active dissemination opportunities, and these should be incorporated into any related staff report and/or the departmental RD/AD Plan.
  7. The department shall review and update RD/AD Plan(s) at a minimum once a year as outlined later in this Policy and in the RD/AD Guideline.

The RD/AD Guideline supports this Policy and identifies among other things the types of records that are not suitable for RD/AD, and the specific types of information that must be excluded (severed) within records prior to disclosure.

When the City’s Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office receives a request under MFIPPA that should be released as routine disclosure, ATIP staff will direct the requester to the responsible department and, where necessary, assist staff in understanding their obligations to release the information. A similar approach will be taken where possible with respect to requests received under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, relating to requests by individuals for their own personal health information.


All City staff must comply with the RD/AD Policy and with the approved and publicly released RD/AD Plan(s).

Senior Management is responsible for promoting compliance with this Policy and ensuring RD/AD Plans are developed and maintained in consultation with the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office. Senior Management shall also ensure that a review of the RD/AD Plan as it relates to their respective area occurs annually upon the request from the ATIP Office. 

The Program Manager of the ATIP Office, or designate, shall work with all departments to identify types of records suitable for routine and automatic disclosure and be responsible for approving all RD/AD Plans to ensure compliance with MFIPPA.

The Program Manager of the ATIP Office, or designate, shall also be responsible for developing and updating the RD/AD Policy and RD/AD Guideline.


The City Clerk shall be responsible for receiving complaints or concerns related to this Policy.

Legislative and administrative authorities

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) governs the collection, use and disclosure of information by certain institutions in Ontario including municipalities, public library boards, and police services boards.

The purpose of MFIPPA is to provide a right of access to information in the custody or under the control of the institutions with the principle that information should be made available to the public and that necessary exemptions from the right of access should be limited and specific. The purpose of MFIPPA is also to protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by institutions and to provide individuals with a right of access to that information.

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this Policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Access to Information and Privacy Office
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 21898 opens email application)

Scents and Sensitivities in the Workplace Policy

Approved by: Director, Human Resources
Approval date: November 15, 2021
Effective date: November 15, 2021 
Revision approved by: 
Revision / review date: 

Policy statement

Individuals may experience adverse reactions to scented products. The City of Ottawa will attempt to limit occurrences where individual exposure will occur. 


The purpose of this policy is to reduce the likelihood of employees or clients being negatively impacted by scented products.


This policy applies to all City of Ottawa employees, workplaces, and public spaces within City of Ottawa facilities as well as visitors and clients within these facilities.

Policy requirements

Employees should be aware that co-workers and clients may be sensitive to scented products and exercise appropriate discretion. 

An employee who experiences scent as an irritant or have been diagnosed with environmental sensitivities may express their concerns, in order to find a solution that works for the involved parties. See References: Scents and Sensitivities in the Workplace Procedures 

An employee must not knowingly use a scented product that represents a health hazard to another employee. 

Signage and information that encourages employees, clients, and visitors to avoid scents should be displayed in areas accessed by employees and the public. 

Where possible, scent-free products should be purchased for use in the workplace. Products intended to intentionally add a scent to the environment, such as an air freshener or diffuser, must not be used.


  • Use non-scented body products (examples of scented products to avoid are perfume, cologne, lotions or scented hair products)
  • Refrain from the use of optional items that give off scents (i.e. any type of air fresheners, potpourri and flowers)
  • Air-out recently dry-cleaned clothing before wearing to work 
  • Address behaviours, activities, or events that expose individuals to scents experienced as irritants or sensitivities 
  • Encourage cooperation and shared responsibility for finding agreeable solutions 
  • Seek advice from HR Business Services if accommodations are required
  • Complete an Accident, Injury and Workplace Illness Report for employees experiencing adverse health effects from scented products (See Appendix 4)
  • When it becomes known that a scented product sensitivity exists in a work environment, attempt to come up with a mutual resolution to the issue.
  • Ensure that bilingual signage informing staff and visitors of this policy are posted at the entrance to the building and in common congregation areas, such as waiting rooms and washrooms (See Appendix A)
  • Use non-scented body products (e.g. perfume, cologne, lotions or scented hair products)
  • Refrain from the use of optional items that give off scents (i.e. any type of air fresheners, potpourri and flowers) and to bring strong-smelling foods into the workplace 
  • Air-out recently dry-cleaned clothing before wearing to work 
  • In reaction to an exposure, staff are requested to remove themselves from the exposure and to report to their immediate supervisor as soon as possible
  • When it becomes known that a scented product sensitivity exists in a work environment, attempt to come up with a mutual resolution to the issue
Facilities Operations Service: 
  • When possible, use scent-free or scent-reduced products, and non-scent-emitting devices in City managed facilities
  • Use the least toxic cleaning products, disinfectants and paints that are commercially available and store these products in tightly closed, ventilated areas away from staff and visitors 
  • Wherever possible, provide advance notice of activities in the area where work is being conducted that may produce odours such as carpet cleaning, spring-cleaning, painting, spraying, waxing and stripping the floors to allow affected personnel to make arrangements or have their duties modified during that time. (See Appendix B) 
Human Resources Business Services
  • Provide advice and guidance on, scent reduction strategies and, policy and procedure application


Managers and/or Supervisors are responsible for monitoring compliance. 


Accessibility Policy
Employee Code of Conduct
Scents and Sensitivities in the Workplace Procedure
Workplace Accommodation Policy 

Legislative and administrative authorities



Environmental sensitivities  Environmental sensitivities does not describe a single, simple condition with a universal cause and links adverse health effects and symptoms to aspects of the environment such as being exposed to one or more factors like scented products, chemicals and biological materials. 

Irritant – Scent or chemical that causes a temporary or reversible inflammation of living tissue through exposure. The effects of an irritant may be acute (due to a single high-level exposure) or chronic (due to repeated low level exposures). 

Scent – The noticeable fragrance or odor released by personal care products, cleaning products, air fresheners, food, and smoking. 

Scented personal care products – Refers to any scented personal care products including, but not limited to, perfume, cologne, essential oils, scented after shave lotions, scented deodorant, scented moisturizing hand, body, or face lotions, scented sunscreen, scented hair spray and scented hair mousse/gel. 

Scent-free – Scent-free means additional fragrance was not added to the product or the product itself does not contain a fragrance. 

Scent-emitting devices – Devices, which disperse chemicals into the air at timed intervals, and other devices intended to dispense a fragrance for prolonged periods such as plug in air fresheners, urinal cakes etc. 

Scented product – A product that contains natural or synthetic compounds that are released over time to produce a noticeable fragrance that can be detected during use of the product and after the product has been applied or used. Commonly used to refer to environmental sensitivities triggered by the use of fragrance in products.


For enquiries and additional information, please contact the HR Service Centre at or ext. 47411. 


Appendix A: Scents and sensitivities in the workplace poster
Appendix B: Scent-free notification statements - samples 
Appendix C: FAQ – scents and sensitivities in the workplace
Appendix D: Accident, Injury and Workplace Illness Report 

Sponsorship Policy

Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: April 3, 2024
Effective Date: April 3, 2024

Policy Statement

The City of Ottawa supports sponsorship agreements as a revenue generation strategy as well a means to enhance the programs or services provided by the City. By supporting a program or community initiative, sponsorships enhance the experience of direct participants and help to improve the overall quality of life in our community. 

External parties benefit from City sponsorships by showcasing their brand, receiving greater visibility, broader reach, and fostering a positive impact by serving the community.


This policy provides a framework for City staff to explore, execute, administer, and manage sponsorship opportunities and agreements by:

  • Identifying and promoting the mutual benefits for external parties partnering with the City of Ottawa.
  • Fostering the effective management of sponsorship and naming rights to ensure a positive municipal image, enhanced City programming and services, and competitive, transparent, and accountable processes.


The policy applies to sponsorship relationships between the City and external parties that contribute either financially or in-kind to City programs, events, services, infrastructure or facilities.


The following are exempt from the provisions of this policy:

Elected Officials

Office of Protocol and Intergovernmental Affairs

  • In the solicitation and allocation of sponsorship opportunities, notwithstanding the reporting requirements identified in the general policy, acknowledgement of sponsorships for events organized by the Office of Protocol will be documented in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Heritage designated properties as it relates to naming rights

  • Will not be considered for sponsorship naming rights. Includes properties listed in the municipal heritage register or designated as having cultural heritage value under the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act.

Public-private partnerships (P3)

  • Are governed by the Public Private Partnerships Policy.

State of Emergency

  • Enables City staff to enter into procurement agreement(s) or accept donations, sponsorships beyond the limits set out in the Delegation of Authority By-law, that may otherwise violate the specific terms and conditions of a sponsorship agreement.

City Parks

  • Smaller Neighbourhood parks that are less than 3 hectares in size.
    • For larger Community and District parks, sponsorship opportunities may be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Public Art

  • Includes visual artwork in any media created by an artist(s) that has been planned and executed with the specific intention of being sited or staged in public space and is acquired in compliance with the Public Art Policy.

Sponsorship agreements that pre-date this policy

  • All agreements (up to their end of term) that were in place before this policy approval date will be considered exempt and therefore valid under negotiated terms and conditions.

The following organizations are governed by their respective policies and procedures:

  • Ottawa Public Health
  • Ottawa Public Library
  • Ottawa Police Services
  • Transit Services Department (with respect to Transit Commission)

Policy requirements

Sponsorship proposals, forms and content

The establishment of all forms of sponsorships:

  • Will be consistent with the City of Ottawa’s vision and mission, and to safeguard the City’s corporate image and assets.
  • Should be appropriate to the target audience and venue.
  • Will be determined on a case-by-case basis if there is a requirement for a competitive or non-competitive bid process.
    • All competitive opportunities will follow parameters within the Delegation of Authority By-law.
  • Must not create an ongoing financial obligation for the City beyond the term of the agreement.
  • Do not qualify for donation receipts.

Unsolicited sponsorship proposals received by the City:

  • Will be evaluated by the manager of the relevant business unit and, if acceptable, completed in accordance with this policy.
  • The City reserves the right to reject any unsolicited proposals.
  • Communications with the City from a sponsorship proponent may require registration in the City’s Lobbyist Registry. Staff will advise proponents when they believe registration is required. Where interpretation is required, staff will consult with the Lobbyist Registrar.

All pouring rights and vending agreements:

All content developed as a result of a sponsorship agreement:

  • Must follow the City’s Accessibility Policy.
  • Must follow the City’s Bilingualism Policy.
  • For digital assets and social media, must comply with all applicable City by-laws and policies.

Sponsorship agreements

Sponsorship agreement between the City of Ottawa and parties will:

  • Be in writing and outline the mutual benefits, monetary and in-kind value, terms, and duration of the sponsorship.
  • Include responsibilities for all parties at the time they enter into the agreement and outline terms for dissolving or extending the agreement.
  • Comply with federal and provincial statutes and applicable standards set out by the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards Council.
    • External parties who have entered into a partnership agreement with the City must comply with legislation that ensures that the City of Ottawa’s images and official marks are trademark protected pursuant to section 9(1)(n) (iii) of the Federal Trademarks Act and therefore cannot be produced without the prior written consent of the City of Ottawa.
  • Be established in a manner that ensures fair market value of the City asset to be sponsored and results in fair value to the City and community.
  • Not in any way solicit future consideration or influence or be perceived to influence the day-to-day business of the City.
  • Not necessarily represent the City’s endorsement of any product, service, person(s), company, organization, belief, view, or any content contained in the advertisement; and does not constitute information or communication by or on behalf of the City.

Naming rights

Sponsorship naming rights for major municipal infrastructure including administrative buildings, recreation complexes, full-services community centres, swimming pools, arenas, gymnasiums, large community halls, theatres, museums, and cultural facilities will require City Council approval.

Sponsorship naming rights for secondary amenities within major municipal infrastructure, including lobbies and common areas, small meeting rooms, kitchens, specialized studios, and patios, can be approved under delegated authority by the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services with concurrence of the Ward Councillor.

Sponsorship Naming rights for small municipal infrastructure serving primarily a local need, including field houses, individual outdoor sports fields and amenities within parks, outdoor sports courts and rinks can be approved under delegated authority by the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services with concurrence of the Ward Councillor.

Any sponsorship agreement that includes naming rights for City owned infrastructure or major asset:

  • Should preserve geographical and historical context within the proposed naming of a building or major asset.
  • For infrastructure or major asset with a pre-existing historic name, a commercial sponsorship naming right should honour the existing name in coordination with the sponsor.
  • If a City asset has a commemorative name, that is also used in other locations (i.e., particular name exists in building, park, hall), then that asset may be eligible to be renamed as part of a sponsorship agreement with Council approval.
  • Commemorative naming opportunities remain available for assets within a sponsored building unless exclusionary rights are negotiated in a sponsorship agreement.
  • Commemorative naming proposals will be administered in accordance with the City’s Commemorative Naming Policy or in consideration of the policy’s criteria and process.
  • Non-commemorative naming rights for ancillary spaces within facilities may be approved by City employees within the Delegation of Authority By-law parameters.

Eligibility and Conditions


External parties may be considered for a sponsorship agreement with the City of Ottawa through a competitive process as long as there is compliance with the provisions of this policy.

Non-competitive sponsorships may be considered for the following opportunities when:

  • An unlimited or significant number of similar sponsorship opportunities are available.
  • Only one suitable sponsor can be identified.
  • A unique, innovative, or experiential opportunity is available.
  • The value of the sponsorship or in-kind recognition does not exceed the monetary limits set out in the Delegation of Authority By-law.


The City will not enter into sponsorship agreements with external parties that:

  • Are currently in a legal dispute with the City and/or are otherwise disqualified from doing business with the City.
  • Not in good financial standing with the City of Ottawa.
  • Either produce distribute, or promote tobacco, vapour, or water-pipe products.

The City may enter into sponsorship agreements with external parties that either produce distribute, or promote alcohol, or cannabis products if:

  • The agreement is for a program, service, or event where the advertising is not provided specifically for individuals under the legal age of consumption.
  • The company does not promote alcohol or cannabis consumption to individuals under the legal age of consumption.
  • The company complies with applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal legislation and policies.


Delegation of Authority

City employees are authorized to enter into sponsorship and naming agreements that do not exceed their authority set out within the Delegation of Authority By-law.

City Departments

  • Are responsible for negotiating, executing, and administering their own agreements within their delegated authority parameters.
  • May solicit sponsorships opportunities insofar as they comply with this policy.
  • Ensure that when approving sponsorship proposals that all relevant City by-laws and policies are adhered to.
  • Ensure that requests for exemptions or scenarios not addressed in this policy are presented to the employee’s Director and General Manager, who may bring the matter forward to the City’s Sponsorship and Advertising Unit.
  • Must submit annual reporting on sponsorship agreements and cash and in-kind benefits to the Partnership Manager, Corporate Advertising, Sponsorship and Donation or delegate.

Partnership Manager, Corporate Advertising, Sponsorship and Donation, or Delegate

  • May enter into sponsorship agreements provided they satisfy all provisions of this policy and Delegation of Authority By-law.
  • Manage relationships with sponsors including support for activation of Sponsorship agreements, maintaining, and renewing sponsor relationships, and assisting in resolution of issues relating to sponsorship agreements.
  • Prepare and submit annual reporting as required by the Delegation of Authority By-law.
  • Inform senior leadership of new sponsorships opportunities that arise.
  • Determine when it is appropriate to seek consultations with stakeholders and public as required regarding sponsorship agreements.

General Managers

  • Approve all sponsorship agreements within the General Manager’s delegated authority limits.
  • Identify and seek City Manager approval for sponsorships or any agreements that do not satisfy the conditions of this policy and the City employee Delegation of Authority limits.
  • Approve non-commemorative naming rights for ancillary spaces and small community infrastructure serving local needs with the concurrence of the Ward Councillor.
  • Determine when it is appropriate to prepare information briefs to members of Council as new sponsorship agreements arise.

City Solicitor

  • Provide legal advice regarding agreements arising from sponsorship arrangements and other legal or contractual matters.

City Manager

  • Approve all agreements for amounts or set term limits over the General Manager’s delegated authority limits.
  • Approve contracts up to 10 years and/or not exceeding $3M.

City Council

  • Approve this policy and any substantial amendments.
  • Approve sponsorship and naming agreements that do not satisfy the provisions of this policy or when the City Manager has determined Council authority is preferred prior to consideration of an agreement.


The City’s Sponsorship and Advertising Unit is responsible for providing guidance and reporting on sponsorship and naming agreements.

For City employees, failure to comply with this policy may result in penalties under the applicable legislation and regulations and/or disciplinary actions under the City of Ottawa Discipline Policy up to and including termination.

For partner organizations, contraventions of this policy may result in termination or penalties as outlined in the agreement.


Accountability and Transparency Policy
Accessibility Policy

Advertising Policy
Bilingualism Policy

Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Related Policies
Communications Policy

Community, Fundraising and Special Events Policy
Commemorative Naming Policy

Donation to the City for Community Benefit Policy(link is external)
Employee Code of Conduct
Equity and Diversity Policy
Lobbyist Code of Conduct Lobbyist Registry
Public-Private Partnerships Policy
Public Art Policy

Visual Identity Usage Policy
Public Health, Healthy Eating(link is external)

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Province of Ontario, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(link is external), 2005 (AODA)
Ad Standards, Canadian Code of Advertising Standards(link is external)

City of Ottawa, Delegation of Authority By-law
City of Ottawa,Lobbyist Registry By-law

City of Ottawa, Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law
City of Ottawa, Procurement By-law

City of Ottawa, Code of Conduct for Members of Council By-law
Ontario, Heritage Properties Ontario Heritage Act(link is external)

Ontario, Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act(link is external)
Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ontario Human Rights Code(link is external)

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Commemorative — Shall refer to the official naming of a municipal street, park, part of a park, facility, or part of a facility, to commemorate a person, persons, family, landmark, cultural icon or tradition.

Donation — A voluntary monetary or property transfer such as securities, gift or, services in- kind that is made without acceptance of any benefit of any kind accruing to the donor or any individual or organization designated by the donor. A donation is eligible for an official charitable donation receipt. It is also referred to as “corporate giving.”

Donations for Community Benefits — Donations for community benefits encompass projects, cash, assets or activities that provide a public good (Donation to the City for Community Benefit Policy).

Heritage Designated Properties — all City of Ottawa historical buildings, districts and landscapes that are protected under the Ontario Heritage Act, for example the Aberdeen Pavilion and the Horticulture Building.

In-kind Donation — A gift of goods or property other than cash such as capital property (including depreciable property) and personal-use property. A donation-in-kind does not include a gift of services (Donation to the City for Community Benefit Policy).

Infrastructure — Physical structures (facilities and corridors) that form the foundation for development. Infrastructure includes: sewage and water systems, septage treatment systems, stormwater management systems, waste management systems, electricity generation facilities, electricity transmission and distribution systems, communications/telecommunications, transit and transportation corridors and facilities, oil and gas pipelines and associated facilities.

Lobby — Any communication with a public office holder by an individual who is paid or who represents a business or financial interest with the goal of trying to influence any legislative action including development, introduction, passage, defeat, amendment or repeal of a by-law, motion, resolution or the outcome of a decision on any matter before Council, a Committee of Council, or a Ward Councillor or staff member acting under delegated authority (City of Ottawa Lobbyist Registry By-law).

Memorandum of Understanding — A formal agreement between two or more parties that expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. An MOU is not typically a legal commitment and is a less formal document than a binding contract. They are used in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement and are often the first step in moving toward a legal contract.

Naming Rights — A type of sponsorship in which an external partner receives the right to name an asset, or venue (e.g., sports facility or part of a facility; an ice pad within a multi-pad facility) for a fixed term. Commercial naming rights of a City asset or venue, which is the naming right sold or exchanged for significant investment under a set-term arrangement.

Organization — An organized body of people with a purpose, especially a business, society, association, non-profit etc.

Pouring rights — A type of sponsorship in which a corporation, organization, or individual purchases the exclusive right to supply beverages at City facilities in exchange for monetary and/ or other considerations over a set term.

Preferred Supplier Agreements — Multi-year contracts between the City and external firms in which the firms agree to provide value-added support to the City in exchange for preferred status. Examples of value-added support include discounted pricing as well as monetary, and/or goods and services.

Public private partnerships (P3) — Is defined in the Public-Private Partnership Policy as a project where there is a contractual agreement between the City and a private entity for the provision of infrastructure and services in which:

  • The private sector participant assumes the responsibility for the long term financing for part or all of the project; and
  • The City seeks to transfer risks that it would normally assume, based on the private sector participant’s ability to better manage those risks; and
  • The arrangement includes an operations or maintenance period that extends beyond the initial capital construction of the project.

P3 agreements are exempt from the provisions of this policy.

Sponsorship — A mutually agreed to arrangement involving the City and a person or organization whereby external resources are provided. The sponsorship can be in the form of monetary, in-kind contributions, event branding, programming, in-market activations, digital assets, advertising or naming rights and may include sponsorship benefits such as brand recognition, public acknowledgement or other promotional considerations.

Examples of sponsorship include:

  • Monetary – A sponsorship received in the form of money
  • In-kind – Goods or services of value to the City are received rather than cash
  • Event – A planned public or community occasion
  • Properties – City assets including, but not limited to, events, services, programs, activities, real property, facilities and features (for example, rooms, ice pads, pools, etc.) and other assets.
  • In-Market Activation – The execution of a promotional benefit within the City of Ottawa by driving consumer action through brand interaction and experiences
  • Digital advertising assets

Sponsorship Agreement — A written, binding agreement between the City of Ottawa and one or more external partners that permits sponsorship for a set term.

May include:

  • Program and special event sponsorship
  • Naming of City property, buildings, and major assets
  • Pouring rights
  • Preferred Supplier Status

State of Emergency — Is declared under the authority of the Mayor to provide the ability to City staff to deploy more resources to an emergency situation, including through requests for assistance to other jurisdictions or levels of government.

Responsibility of directing an emergency response belongs to the City of Ottawa’s Emergency Operations Centre Control Group (EOCCG), led by the City Manager.

The City of Ottawa’s declaration of an emergency does not have a fixed end date but, rather, continues in effect until terminated by the Mayor, City Council or the Premier of Ontario, in accordance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.


For more information on this policy, contact:

Partnership Manager, Corporate Advertising, Sponsorship and Donation Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 24761 opens email application)

Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy

Approved by: Senior Leadership Team
Approval date: January 10, 2003
Effective date: January 10, 2003
Revision approved by: Chief Human Resources Officer
Revision/review date: July 5, 2024

Policy statement

The City of Ottawa is committed to preventing, protecting against and addressing workplace violence and harassment to ensure a safe, healthy and respectful workplace free from all forms of violence and harassment.

The City of Ottawa prohibits workplace violence and harassment directed at employees by anyone who comes into contact with City of Ottawa employees in the workplace, including, but not limited to, members of the public, customers, contractors, volunteers, elected officials or other employees.

This includes a prohibition of workplace violence and workplace harassment on the grounds of discrimination under any of the categories defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act.


This policy reinforces the City’s commitment to a physically and psychologically safe and healthy workplace and outlines the processes that guide the City in providing fair and equitable access to reporting workplace violence and workplace harassment incidents, addressing all reported incidents of workplace violence and harassment, and identifying necessary responsibilities.


This policy applies to all City of Ottawa employees and workplaces. 

Policy requirements

Respectful workplace

All employees are entitled to, and have a responsibility for, a safe and healthy workplace. Employees at all levels (leadership, supervisors and workers) have a role to play in keeping themselves and others safe. This includes actively demonstrating civility and respect for others in the workplace and an appreciation of differences between people at all times. All levels of management are expected to practise inclusivity, address conflict early and create a culture of empowerment and cooperation. This is part of their role in creating a safe workplace free from violence and harassment.

It is a normal, acceptable part of human interaction that there will be occasional conflict as people have different personalities, communication styles and backgrounds. However, employees are expected to interact with one another in accordance with City values. Conflict between co-workers may occur because of differences of opinion. This type of conflict is not usually considered to be workplace harassment. However, such conflict might be deemed to be a violation of the Employee Code of Conduct.

In most instances, conflict between co-workers should be addressed by applying the conflict management model, engaging the organization's conflict management services, or by engaging Labour Relations if the conflict has resulted in a breach of the Employee Code of Conduct.

When violence and harassment originate from individuals not employed by the City of Ottawa such as clients, patients, volunteers, customers or other affected parties, managers must consider all relevant departmental procedures for handling such incidents and/or referencing the Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Guide and the Public Conduct Policy

Prohibited behaviours

Employees must not engage in or condone any form of violent or harassing behaviour in the workplace.

Workplace violence

This section expands on the definition of workplace violence found at the end of this policy.

Workplace violence means any action, conduct, comment, or exercise of physical force, including of a sexual nature, that causes, could cause, or could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury or illness to an employee. It includes an attempt to exercise physical force against an employee in a workplace that could cause injury or illness to the employee. It also includes a comment, statement or behaviour that is reasonable for an employee to interpret as a threat to use physical force against an employee in a workplace that could cause injury or illness to the employee.

Workplace violence may include but is not limited to:

  • Verbal threats of physical harm
  • Leaving threatening notes or sending threatening emails to a co-worker
  • Producing artificial photos or videos that imply and threaten violence against someone
  • Shaking a fist at someone in a threatening manner
  • Wielding or carrying a weapon at work
  • Hitting or trying to hit a co-worker; throwing objects at a co-worker
  • Intentionally pushing, shoving or squeezing a person in any way

Workplace violence includes sexual assault, which is defined as any unwanted sexual act done by one person to another, or sexual activity without one person's consent or voluntary agreement.

Domestic violence by a person who has a personal relationship with an employee, such as a spouse or former spouse, current or former intimate partner, or family member, is considered workplace violence when it occurs in the workplace. Employees should report concerns where domestic violence may enter the workplace.

Workplace harassment

This section expands on the definition of workplace harassment found at the end of this policy.

Workplace harassment involves engaging in vexatious conduct or comments against an employee in the workplace, including virtually, that is known or should reasonably be known to be unwelcome. Workplace harassment is normally a series of incidents but can also be one severe incident. The comments or conduct could occur over a relatively short period of time (for example, over the course of one day) or over a longer period of time (weeks, months or years).

Examples of one severe incident amounting to harassment may include:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances
  • Slurs targeted at equity-denied persons or groups such as racial slurs   

Workplace harassment includes workplace sexual harassment such as gender-based harassment. Sexual harassment occurs when someone engages in a course of vexatious comments or conduct against an employee because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or perceived gender, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Sexual harassment includes any sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome, in particular where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to an employee.

Workplace harassment can take the form of discriminatory behaviour or hate crimes, involving actions, behaviour or language targeted towards equity-denied groups and based on prohibited grounds of discrimination. Examples of equity-denied groups include, but are not limited to, First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, racially marginalized peoples, members of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities, people with disabilities and women. 

Workplace harassment can include virtual harassment, such as sending intimidating messages through email, phone or other communication methods, including on the Internet or on social media sites.

Management actions

Reasonable action taken by managers relating to the management of employees or City workplaces are not workplace harassment. For example:

  • Offering fair supervisory or management reviews and constructive criticism about an employee’s performance or behaviour
  • Assigning work
  • Expressing differences of opinion
  • Implementing health and safety measures
  • Delivering work instructions
  • Performance management and/or performance improvement plans
  • Assessing and evaluating work performance
  • Disciplinary actions
  • Any other reasonable and lawful exercise of a management function

Incident reporting and investigation

All incidents and complaints of workplace violence and harassment will be promptly dealt with in a confidential, timely, fair, equitable, constructive and respectful manner.

Employees are strongly encouraged to report all incidents of workplace violence and harassment to a manager within the City or the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit(link opens email application) within Human Resources.

Reporting workplace violence is mandatory.

If an incident involves an assault or life-threatening situation, emergency services must be notified, and site-specific emergency procedures should be actioned. Refer to the Prevention Procedures and the Reporting and Responding to Violence and Harassment from Clients or the Public Procedure.

A complaint of harassment must be filed within 24 months of the last event of alleged harassment unless there are extenuating circumstances. The information provided in the complaint should be articulated as precisely and concisely as possible.

Allegations can go back further in time to describe incidents or events if they can demonstrate that they are directly related to the last event of alleged harassment that led to the complaint. This is especially necessary in cases where the intention is to demonstrate a pattern of events.

Occurrences of workplace violence and harassment must be reported to opens email application) and be assessed by the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit, who will assign an investigator.

Discussing matters and bringing concerns forward does not commit an individual to filing a formal complaint. Individuals will be assisted in identifying appropriate ways of responding to the concerns through alternative dispute resolutions and/or investigations.

However, where concerns are brought to the attention of a manager or the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit, they may initiate an investigation appropriate in the circumstances, with or without the Complainant’s consent. Refer to the Investigation and Recordkeeping Procedure.

An investigation will be conducted by a qualified person who is not in a real or apparent conflict of interest with the complainant or respondent. Refer to the Investigation and Recordkeeping Procedure.

An investigation will be completed as soon as possible within 90 consecutive days of the complaint being received by the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit unless there are compelling reasons why a longer investigation is needed (for example, there are multiple witnesses, or a key witness or party is unavailable due to illness). Refer to the Investigation and Recordkeeping Procedure.

If the respondent is an employee, and an investigation finds that they have subjected another employee to workplace violence or harassment, the City will take appropriate measures to address the conduct. This may include the respondent being subject to disciplinary action, which can include, but is not limited to, monitoring, a reprimand, or being subject to a transfer, a suspension or a termination of employment.

When a workplace violence or harassment investigation is not required, alternate resolution options may be discussed with the Director or General Manager.

A workplace assessment survey may be recommended by the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit to determine if corrective actions are needed. Refer to the Prevention Procedure.

Matters already investigated

If a matter referred to the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit has already been investigated by management or Labour Relations, it may not be appropriate to re-investigate the matter where the concerns have been fully and completely investigated. However, if new information or allegations are raised, including from a different complainant, it may be appropriate to review and update an investigation, conduct a partial investigation, or conduct a new investigation and/or make new recommendations. 

Privacy and confidentiality

During the workplace violence and harassment resolution process, all parties involved, including the complainant, the respondent and any witnesses, are required to maintain confidentiality.

Information obtained about an incident or complaint of workplace violence or harassment, including identifying information about any individuals involved, will not be disclosed unless the disclosure is necessary for the purposes of investigating or taking corrective action with respect to the incident or complaint, or is otherwise required by law.

Only trained staff in the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit will engage in case management.


Under no circumstance should someone face, or be threatened with, penalties or discipline for reporting an incident of workplace violence or harassment or for participating in an investigation. Penalizing a worker for exercising their rights under the Occupational Health and Safety Act or the Canada Labour Code is prohibited.

Allegations that an employee has faced a reprisal for reporting an incident or participating in an investigation will be investigated and addressed by managers and supported by Labour Relations, as applicable. Substantiated claims of reprisal may be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination of employment.

If an investigation determines that a complaint of workplace violence or harassment was made frivolously, vexatiously or in bad faith, the complainant may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Such discipline is not considered a reprisal.

Support, education and training

All employees must complete the Workplace Violence and Harassment training available to all City employees through the Learning Centre.

Human Resources and the Health and Safety Committees must jointly review and, if needed, update the training at least once every three years.

All managers and supervisors must ensure that an employee completes the mandatory workplace violence and harassment education and/or training:

  • For all new employees, within the first week after the day on which their employment begins
  • Each year

All managers and supervisors must ensure that an employee completes all required education and/or training following an employee’s assignment to a new role or activity for which there is an increased, new or specific risk of workplace violence and harassment.

Various resources are available to assist the complainant, respondent and witness of workplace violence and harassment:

  • Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP) – can provide consultation, counselling or referral as well as group critical incident stress debriefing.
  • Human Resources Business Services Branch – can provide guidance and advice on a range of topics through Disability Management, WSIB, Workplace Safety and Compliance, and Wellness.
  • Peer Support Network – if available in the employee’s department, can provide confidential active listening and referrals to resources as required.
  • Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations and Social Development Services (GREIIRSD) can provide support to employees and managers as they resolve issues based on the prohibited grounds of discrimination.​
  • Ethics Team in Legal Services – can answer questions and provide training related to the Employee Code of Conduct.
  • Accessibility Office – can provide support and guidance to employees and managers on their rights and responsibilities as outlined in the Employment Standard of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

This list of resources is not exhaustive. Other resources are available on the Workplace Violence and Harassment SharePoint site.

Annual reporting

As part of the annual Occupational Health and Safety update to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), Human Resources will include information on organization-wide workplace violence and harassment occurrences from the previous calendar year.

The information specific to federally regulated workplaces as stated in the annual Occupational Health and Safety report must also be provided to the federal Head of Compliance and Enforcement on or before March 1 of each year. The report is filed using the Employment and Social Development Canada: Employer’s Annual Harassment and Violence Occurrence Report. This report must also include the locations where the occurrences took place and the number of occurrences that took place in each location.


All employees are responsible for contributing to an atmosphere of mutual trust, support and respect by modelling, promoting and engaging in respectful workplace behaviours and practices.

  • Reviewing and understanding the Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy and its related procedures
  • Applying and complying with the Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy and its related procedures
  • Attending and completing mandatory and additional workplace violence and harassment training, when required, and applying learnings from these trainings
  • Taking personal responsibility to maintain respectful workplace relationships and constructively resolving conflicts
  • Where appropriate and safe, informing a person committing harassment or violence that their actions are inappropriate and unwelcome
  • Understanding their individual roles and responsibilities in the event of a violent situation at a City facility as outlined in the Protective Measures Program
  • Reporting any potential or actual occurrence of workplace violence or harassment, including sexual or domestic, that they have experienced or witnessed to a manager or the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit
  • Reporting any incident of workplace violence or threat of violence, and any other potentially criminal matter, for example sexual assault, to the police, and advising their manager or supervisor and Corporate Security
  • Maintaining confidentiality of the information shared through the resolution and investigation process of situations related to workplace violence and/or harassment
  • Creating and declaring required Official Business Records as per the Records Management Policy

The following individuals and groups have additional responsibilities in administering, implementing and monitoring the Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy and carrying out restoration and investigation processes stated in this Policy and its accompanying procedures.

Managers and supervisors

  • Leading by example and acting respectfully and compassionately in dealings with employees and other people, such as, but not limited to, members of the public, customers, contractors, volunteers and elected officials
  • Ensuring employees are familiar with the Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy and complete the related corporate training
  • Ensuring employees are provided workplace-specific information, training and instruction related to workplace violence and harassment
  • Ensuring site-specific procedures for summoning immediate assistance or notifying emergency services are established and communicated to all site employees
  • Ensuring site-specific workplace assessments and procedures are reviewed after an occurrence of workplace violence or harassment
  • Taking every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the employee if they become aware, or ought reasonably to be aware, that workplace violence and harassment, including sexual and domestic, would likely expose a worker to injury in the workplace
  • Ensuring employees are aware of the support services available to those who have experienced or have been impacted by workplace violence or harassment
  • Ensuring employees are aware of their individual roles and responsibilities in the event of a violent situation at a City facility as outlined in the Protective Measures Program
  • Emailing opens email application) to inform the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit of any occurrences of workplace violence or harassment
  • Completing an Accident, Injury and Workplace Illness Report for each claim of workplace violence or harassment brought to their attention involving a member of the public; in these instances, a Corporate Security Incident Report must also be completed.
  • Ensuring that all incidents of workplace violence or harassment are reported to the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit
  • Notifying the respondent that a complaint has been made against them and that the complainant is interested in pursuing an alternative dispute resolution where that is the case
  • Ensuring Health and Safety Committees are provided necessary notifications and reports
  • Providing complainants and respondents with copies of summary reports, where appropriate
  • Ensuring that final decisions made by their senior leader(s) regarding corrective actions or recommendations are implemented and monitored
  • Maintaining confidentiality related to workplace violence and harassment matters, such as complaints, investigations and confidential elements of assessment

Directors and chiefs

  • Ensuring that the specific risks of workplace violence and harassment are identified jointly with workplace health and safety committees and are documented and controlled
  • Ensuring that employees can report incidents or complaints and are supported throughout the complaint and resolution process
  • Ensuring that the complaint and resolution process is completed in a non-judgmental environment
  • Ensuring investigators are provided with the necessary resources when assessing an occurrence of violence or harassment in the workplace
  • Receiving investigation reports and making final decisions with respect to the implementation of recommendations or corrective actions required based on the findings and recommendations, if any, in accordance with applicable legislation
  • Ensuring the recommendations and corrective actions identified are implemented
  • Maintaining confidentiality related to workplace violence and harassment matters such as complaints, investigations and confidential elements of assessments

General Managers

  • Ensuring that incidents and complaints of workplace violence or harassment occurring in operational activities under their supervision are investigated and addressed within the agreed timelines in compliance with applicable legislation, policies and procedures
  • At a minimum, reviewing the organization-wide workplace violence and harassment occurrences information within the annual Occupational Health and Safety update to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
  • All responsibilities of a Director and manager, if a party to a complaint reports directly to them

Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit

  • Offering guidance and direction on how to navigate the complaint process
  • Receiving and reviewing workplace violence and harassment complaints from employees
  • Managing the complaint process by ensuring the required procedures are followed
  • Providing departmental advisory and consultation support as requested
  • Monitoring trends and providing reports regarding occurrences of harassment and violence, as required
  • Ensuring investigation reports, correspondence and other supporting documents are securely held
  • Developing and maintaining a list of qualified investigators in consultation with the Health and Safety Committees
  • Maintaining confidentiality related to workplace violence and harassment matters such as complaints, investigations and confidential elements of assessment.
  • Developing or identifying corporate workplace violence and harassment training that is to be provided to employees, managers, supervisors and investigators; reviewing and, if necessary, updating the training at least every three years and following any change to an element of training in accordance with legislation
  • Confirming that workplace assessment and investigation recommendations or corrective actions are implemented


  • Planning and conducting investigations in accordance with the applicable legislative requirements
  • Determining finding(s) through careful analysis and preparing reports
  • Keeping parties updated on a monthly basis throughout the investigation

Health and Safety Committees

  • Reviewing and participating in updating the training at least once every three years, if needed
  • For the Federal Policy Health and Safety Committee, reviewing summary investigation reports and workplace assessments that are related to violence and harassment in the workplace
  • For provincially regulated health and safety committees, participating in the investigation of workplace violence incidents resulting in a critical injury
  • Maintaining confidentiality related to workplace violence and harassment matters such as complaints, investigations and confidential elements of assessment

Corporate Security

  • Reviewing and providing recommendations based upon reported incidents of workplace violence and harassment, if required
  • Conducting a facility security audit, if required (see the Prevention Procedure)
  • Liaising with law enforcement agencies
  • Maintaining confidentiality related to workplace violence and harassment matters such as complaints, investigations and confidential elements of assessment

Human Resources

  • Providing departmental advisory and consultation support with respect to this policy and associated procedures
  • Maintaining confidentiality related to workplace violence and harassment matters such as complaints, investigations and confidential elements of assessment

Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations, and Social Development Services

  • Providing support to employees and managers as they resolve issues based on the prohibited grounds of discrimination
  • Creating corporate level training to promote awareness about inclusivity, human rights and equity in the workplace and community.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in penalties under the applicable Acts and Regulations and/or disciplinary actions under the City of Ottawa Discipline Policy.

Related procedures

Workplace Violence and Harassment – Prevention Procedure
Workplace Violence and Harassment – Notification of Occurrence and Initial Response Procedure
Workplace Violence and Harassment – Alternative Dispute Resolution and Recordkeeping Procedure
Workplace Violence and Harassment – Investigation and Recordkeeping Process
Workplace Violence and Harassment – Procedure Involving Clients or the Public

Related forms and guides

Accident, Injury and Workplace Illness Report
Incident Report - Corporate Security 
Workplace Violence and Harassment Complaint Form
Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Guide
Workplace Violence and Harassment Process Flow


Accessibility Policy
Code of Conduct for Members of Council
Collective Agreements
Conflict Management Model for Employees
Conflict Management Model for Supervisors and Managers
Council-Staff Relations Policy
Councillors’ Office Manual
Discipline Policy
Discipline Procedures
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee and Family Assistance Program(link is external)
Equity and Diversity Policy 
OC Transpo Violence Prevention in the Workplace Program (Transit Services Only)
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Ottawa Public Health's Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Policy(link is external)
Protective Measures Program
Public Conduct Policy
Records Management Policy
Responsible Computing Policy
Workplace Accommodation Policy

Legislative and administrative authorities

Canada Labour Code(link is external)
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms(link is external)
Canadian Human Rights Act(link is external)
Criminal Code of Canada(link is external)
Employment Standards Act(link is external)
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act(link is external)
Occupational Health and Safety Act(link is external)
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations(link is external)
On Board Trains Occupational Health and Safety Regulations(link is external)
Ontario Human Rights Code(link is external)
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act(link is external)
Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations(link is external)

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.


Alternative Dispute Resolution: A wide range of processes and techniques used to settle disputes with the assistance of a neutral third party.

Complainant: An employee or employer who is the object of an occurrence of alleged workplace violence or harassment (the “principal party” under the Workplace Violence and Harassment Regulations).

Employee: Anyone who meets the definition of a worker under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, or an employee under the Canada Labour Code Part II. This includes full-time, part-time, casual, temporary, seasonal and contract employees.

EquitableFairness and justice in the way people are treated. It means everyone is getting what they need to survive, succeed and thrive based on their circumstances that are shaped by historical and contemporary injustices and oppression, including political and socio-economic systems and structures. In the context of workplace violence and harassment incidents and complaints, equity requires more than treating people equally. 

Equity-denied Groups: Groups of people who, because of systemic discrimination, face barriers that prevent them from having the same access to the resources and opportunities that are available to other members of society, and that are necessary for them to attain just outcomes. (Source: Government of Canada, Guide on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Terminology.)

Health and Safety Committees (HSCs):  Refers to Provincial Joint Health and Safety Committees, federal Workplace Health and Safety Committees, or the federal Policy Health and Safety Committee.

Manager: A person appointed by the City who has charge of a workplace or authority over an employee; includes, but is not limited to, General Managers, Directors, managers and program managers.

Occurrence: An occurrence of harassment and/or violence in the workplace.

Protected grounds: The Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act prohibit discrimination against people within specified grounds. The protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code include citizenship, race, place of origin, ethnic origin, colour, ancestry, disability, age, creed, sex/pregnancy, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, receipt of public assistance (in housing) and record of offences (in employment). The prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability, and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.

Reasonable: The care, caution or action a reasonable person is expected to take under similar circumstances. (Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.)

Respondent: The responding party – the person who is alleged to have engaged in violence and/or harassment against the Complainant.

Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It includes situations in which a sexual solicitation or advance is made by someone in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to an Employee and that person knows, or should know, that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.

Slurs: Derogatory or offensive words, phrases or remarks about race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, or other personal or situational factors.

Vexatious: A behaviour that is abusive, humiliating or offensive for the person experiencing it. This is defined by what a “reasonable person” would think is unacceptable in the same situation.

Witness: A person who witnessed an occurrence or is informed of an occurrence by the complainant or respondent.

Workplace Conflict: An amplified and unresolved difference of opinion between two or more people who work together in some way, where emotions are heightened to a point that causes problems in the workplace.

Workplace: Any land, premises, location or thing at, upon, in or near which an employee works. This includes a personal residence workplace if the employee has an approved hybrid work arrangement.

Workplace Harassment:  Engaging in vexatious conduct or comment that is known, or should reasonably be known, to be unwelcome. Workplace harassment is normally a series of incidents but can be one severe incident.

Workplace Violence: Any of the following that occurs in a workplace and causes, could cause, or could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury or illness to an employee:

  • Any action, conduct, comment, or exercise of physical force, including of a sexual nature
  • An attempt to exercise physical force against an employee
  • A comment, statement or behaviour that is reasonable for an employee to interpret as a threat to use physical force against an employee


For additional information, please contact the Workplace Violence and Harassment Unit at

For additional information about the Code of Conduct, please contact the Ethics Team in Legal Services opens email application).(link opens email application)

