Current engagement opportunities

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Engage Ottawa

The City of Ottawa wants your input on the projects, policies, programs, and services that affect your daily life. From open houses to workshops and online engagement opportunities, your feedback helps to shape City decisions.

The City offers residents a variety of opportunities to engage, share information and collaborate. You can weigh in on different online engagement opportunities using the City’s new innovative engagement platform, Engage Ottawa.

Ongoing engagement opportunities

Online engagement

  • Ottawa's next culture plan

    • In 2025, the City of Ottawa is embarking on an exciting journey to develop a new Municipal Culture Plan. This is the first city-wide cultural planning exercise since 2012 and aims to help the City better serve the evolving needs of Ottawa’s culturally diverse populations. 

      We aim to engage 10,000 residents through various activities, including a culture roadshow, online surveys, focus groups, interviews, and community-led engagement sessions.

      This process will help us understand what culture means to our residents and identify critical needs, such as those around spaces and places.

  • 299 Carling Parkette (351 Lebreton Street)

    • Located within the Glebe Annex neighbourhood, fronting onto Lebreton Street South, the park block is 0.14 hectare/0.35 acre in size and once constructed, will contribute to the overall community’s recreational green spaces. The park plan is envisioned to provide a high-level vision as to how the park space will be designed and used, with an intended desire for clear views to the open space, universal accessibility, active and passive uses, spaces for seating and play, and a target percentage tree canopy. Please provide feedback for the park design.

  • 1245 Kilborn Place Concept Plan

    • The City of Ottawa purchased 1245 Kilborn Place in December of 2023 with the goal of broadening the mix of housing types available in our community. The City aims to create a well-designed development on the site that contributes to an affordable, integrated and complete community. Though public engagement will begin in the fall of 2025, you can submit your suggestions on the future use of 1245 Kilborn Place and how this property can be designed to provide housing and services for all members of the community.  

  • Beyond the Brim exhibition

    • Beyond the Brim will showcase headwear alongside stories about the individuals who wore them and their impact on Ottawa.

      The exhibition will include hats, helmets and head coverings from the City of Ottawa Museums and Historic Sites collection as well as pieces submitted by local heritage groups, cultural organizations and residents. Toss in your hat! The Call for Submissions will open March 2025. 

  • Lansdowne 2.0 North Side Stands

    • The City of Ottawa is moving forward on schedule with the redesign of the Event Centre and North Side Stands at Lansdowne, a project that will transform the site into a modern sports and entertainment destination. Explore the new renderings and see what the future of Lansdowne could look like. Residents are encouraged to share their feedback and stay informed about upcoming engagement opportunities, including public information sessions about the North Side Stands on January 15 and 16.

  • A city with a diversified and prosperous economy

    • Imagine an Ottawa where entrepreneurs can seamlessly make their dreams a reality, where our communities and main streets are vibrant and pulsing with economic activity, and where the downtown core is an active hub of innovation and culture.

      We’re taking steps to achieve our goal of encouraging and facilitating economic growth, prosperity, diversification and resiliency across the city. A city with a diversified and prosperous economy would provide equitable access to opportunity for all and make Ottawa a destination of choice to live, work, play, invest, learn, and visit.

  • Urban Expansion in Future Neighbourhoods

    • The City of Ottawa is growing through the expansion and creation of new neighbourhoods across the City.

      In late 2022, The Province and City approved the new Official Plan that identified new growth areas to accommodate new housing, industry, businesses, parks and cultural assets. 

      Each of these areas will undergo a planning process in keeping with the guidelines for new plan development. This includes environmental, engineering and related background studies, context specific information and public engagement. As each plan area has its own challenges and opportunities, terms of reference have been created to ensure appropriate and sufficient information is gathered to plan each area sensitive to the surrounding neighbourhoods, contexts and to ensure each area is in keeping with the larger goals of the Official Plan.

  • Climate Resiliency Strategy
    • The City is developing a Climate Resiliency Strategy to assess how Ottawa is vulnerable to climate change and identify strategies to mitigate the greatest climate risks.

Engagement events

For the time being, please check Engage Ottawa for new opportunities.