Greenbank Road realignment and Southwest Transitway extension

On this page
Project status

Project overview

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Project description

The objective of the project is to complete the design and construction of the realigned Greenbank Road and Southwest Transitway Extension between Marketplace Avenue/ Chapman Mills Drive in the north and Barnsdale Road in the south including a new 610 mm diameter transmission watermain along the realigned Greenbank Road from Market Place to the south side of the Jock River.

The project will include the design of a new 4-lane arterial roadway with 2-lane segregated median Bus Rapid Transit and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists along the corridor. The project also includes a new bridge over the Jock River, a Park and Ride facility near the southern terminus of the future transitway corridor, and design of new watermains and sewers.

The project will be guided by the work completed as part of past Environmental Assessment (EA) studies, which each involved an extensive study process and included consultation with the public. In advance of the preliminary design, an updated functional design was developed to reflect newer design standards developed since the following various EAs were completed:

  • Greenbank Road (from Malvern Drive to Cambrian Road) Class EA Study (December 2006);
  • Southwest Transitway Extension (from Strandherd Drive to Cambrian Road) Individual EA Study (December 2006);
  • Realigned Greenbank Road and Southwest Transitway Extension (Cambrian Road to Barnsdale Road) EA Study (July 2014);
  • Chapman Mills Drive Extension (Longfields Drive to Strandherd Drive) and Bus Rapid Transit Corridor (Greenbank Road to Borrisokane Road) EA Study (November 2016); and
  • Greenbank Watermain EA (October 2017).

Land acquisitions requirements vary along the corridor. The exact property requirements will be determined during detailed design in coordination with ongoing development.

Key plan [ 298 KB ]

Project timing

A general summary of the estimated design timelines are as follows:

  • Winter 2020/2021 – Consultant selection and updated functional design start
  • Late spring/summer 2021 – First public information session
  • Spring/fall 2021 – Field investigations
  • Winter 2024 – Finalize preliminary Design
  • Fall 2025 – Finalize detailed design
  • 2024-2025 – Property acquisition
  • 2026 - Start of phased construction

The above timelines are estimated and may change as the project progresses.

The full construction timelines are yet to be determined and will be dependent on future budget approval and coordination with other infrastructure projects across the City. Currently, phased construction is planned to start in 2026 and will depend on future Council budget deliberations and transit affordability considerations. The construction phase of this project will occur over multiple years.

The City is completing an update of the Transportation Master Plan which is currently scheduled for completion in 2025. As part of this work, the City will be reviewing the prioritization and timing of future infrastructure projects, including the re-alignment of Greenbank Road and Southwest Transitway Extension. Based on this review, the timing of future projects may be adjusted based on network needs and available funding.

Public engagement

Stay tuned on this webpage and our social media pages for information about our public information sessions and how you can contribute feedback to the project!

Our first public information session was held on June 24, 2021 to present the updated functional design drawings to the public. As part of the online engagement session between June 24 and July 8, residents were to review the design, ask questions and provide comment on the proposed works. A second public information session was held on March 20, 2025 to present the preliminary design along with an update on Phase 1 of construction.

Presentation materials are available for review below.

Additional public information sessions will be scheduled and held throughout the design process. Residents will be notified of these events.


Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the project team. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.


The City of Ottawa is committed to safety in and around project sites. The project team continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

Contact information

For further information or to provide comments, please contact the City’s project manager.

City Project Manager
Andrew Krisciunas, P.Eng
​​​​​​​Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Projects
Design and Construction - Municipal
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 44232


Public information session (March 20 to April 3, 2025)

The City of Ottawa held a public information session on March 20, 2025, at the Nepean Sportsplex, to discuss a construction project planned in your neighbourhood. 

The City of Ottawa presented the preliminary design for the Greenbank Road Realignment and Southwest Transitway Extension project, along with an update on Phase 1 of construction.

In addition to the above meeting, residents can also participate through viewing and commenting on the online documents:

Preliminary design - Overall project

Index [ 3.27 MB ]Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Segment 1 [ 4.54 MB ]Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Segment 1 – Side streets [ 3.85 MB ]Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Segment 2 [ 3.99 MB ]Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Segment 2 – Side streets [ 2.76 MB ]Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Typical sections [ 646.20 KB ]Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Preliminary design - Phase 1

Phase 1 – preliminary design drawings [ 5.35 MB ]Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Note: these files are best viewed in Chrome, larger files may take longer to load

The presentation document will be added here the week of March 24.

Your input is an important part of the consultation process. Your feedback can be submitted via the online form, by email or by phone to the contact below by April 3, 2025.

Project summary

What: The City is undertaking the design of a new 4-lane arterial roadway with 2-lane segregated median Bus Rapid Transit and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists along the realigned Greenbank Road corridor. The project also includes a new bridge over the Jock River, a Park and Ride facility near the southern terminus of the future transitway corridor, and design of new watermains and sewers.

Why: The project is being undertaken to provide a key transportation link for the existing and fast-growing community of Barrhaven south of the Jock River. This online engagement opportunity will present the updated preliminary design drawings to the public and provide an opportunity for you to review the design, ask questions and comment on the proposed works.

When: The current project schedule is as follows:

  • Detailed design completion: end of 2025
  • Phase 1 of construction: spring 2026 


  • Overall: Greenbank Road between Marketplace Avenue/Chapman Mills Drive and Barnsdale Road
  • Phase 1: Cambrian Road to Riverboat Heights

Who: The City of Ottawa has retained Stantec Consulting Inc. to complete the preliminary and detailed design for this project.

For further information about this project and/or to submit comments on the project, please contact the City project manager:

City of Ottawa Project Manager
Andrew Krisciunas, P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Projects
Design and Construction – Municipal
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 44232

Consultant Project Manager
Gordon Chamberlain, P.Eng.
Project Manager, Stantec Inc.
300-1331 Clyde Avenue, Ottawa ON K2C 3G4 
Tel.: 613-724-4390

Preliminary design drawings (September 9, 2024)

The City of Ottawa invites you to review and provide comments on the Greenbank Realignment and Southwest Transitway Extension preliminary design drawings.

An in-person public information session will be held at a later date to discuss the Preliminary Design Drawings and the Phased Construction Work anticipated to start in 2026.

Index [ 3.27 MB ]
Segment 1 [ 4.54 MB ]
Segment 1 – Side streets [ 3.85 MB ]
Segment 2 [ 3.99 MB ]
Segment 2 – Side streets [ 2.76 MB ]
Typical sections [ 646.20 KB ]

Note: these files are best viewed in Chrome, larger files may take longer to load