Emergency preparedness

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Community emergency preparedness

The Community emergency tool kit Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) provides information, guidance, and resources to help communities get started in developing a community emergency plan, such as:

  • Identifying hazards and risks
  • Roles and responsibilities
    • Local response
    • Provincial response
    • Federal response
  • What to do before, during and after an emergency

Are You Ready?

Community Partners helping residents develop their own personal emergency preparedness plan.

An emergency preparedness kit will help ensure your safety and the safety of your family. Preparing one is easy, inexpensive, and quick - in fact, you probably already have most of the items you need.

Your emergency preparedness kit should contain adequate supplies to keep you and your family self-sufficient in your home for at least 72 hours.

Your major needs are going to be water and food, so start by setting aside bottled water.

A general rule of thumb is two litres per person for each day.

Then, collect some non-perishable foods like grain products, meat and alternatives, canned fruits and vegetables, non-perishable milk products, other foods, and additional food supplies.

Set reminders to rotate your emergency foods and water into your regular meals to be sure they don't expire, and replace the items as you use them.

Next, add other important emergency supplies to your kit.

Store all your paper documents in a waterproof and portable container and remember to include a first aid kit.

Assemble all the supplies in an easy-to-carry container and store it in an easy to get to location.

To find out more about what you can do to be prepared, visit Ottawa.ca for more emergency kit ideas, including checklists for your first aid kit, car kit, tips on pet preparedness, and more.

Call 9-1-1 for emergencies only

Every day, more than 700 Ottawa residents call 9-1-1 for help. 

An increasing number of these calls are non-urgent or accidental, made by unlocked mobile phones in pockets or purses. Every accidental and non-urgent call can steal precious time from a real emergency.

What is an emergency?

A 9-1-1 emergency is an immediate threat to someone's health, safety or property. Call 9-1-1 when there is a:

  • Life-threatening emergency or medical situation
  • Crime in progress
  • Fire
  • Serious accident
  • Exposure to, inhalation or swallowing of a poisonous substance

Help us help you. Follow these tips to prevent the misuse of 9-1-1

  • 9-1-1 is for emergencies only. There are other non urgent numbers to assist:
  • Know your location. Be prepared to provide the 9-1-1 Operator with your exact address if at all possible. This can save valuable time which is critical in times of emergencies.
  • Don't pocket dial. Store your cell phone carefully and never pre-program 9-1-1. Unintentional emergency calls from mobile phones can occur if you accidentally press a speed dial key that has been pre-programmed to call 9-1-1. In some instances, you may not even be aware that the emergency key has been pressed. Check your phone's manual or contact your retail dealer to ensure any pre-programmed emergency numbers have been disabled.
  • You are encouraged to text during an emergency but DO NOT SEND TEXT MESSAGES TO 9-1-1. During a large-scale emergency, such as a natural disaster, voice networks can become congested or over-loaded with an influx of mobile voice calls. This can result in individuals not being able to speak with the people they want to contact. In rare instances, it can also hinder communications among emergency service personnel.
    Text messages, however, use less network capacity than normal mobile phone voice calls, and can be more reliable for brief communication with friends or loved ones during emergencies. So even if a network is congested with voice calls, a text message may have a higher likelihood of getting through sooner than a voice call. Equally as important, by texting during an emergency, you are freeing up the voice lines for emergency officials to use.
  • Don't hang up if you dial 9-1-1 accidentally. If you dial 9-1-1 accidentally, please stay on the line and advise the Operator. If you hang up an Operator will have to call back or send the police to be sure that you are okay.
  • Do not give old cell phones to children as toys. An out of service wireless phone can still call 9-1-1.

Why is prevention important?

Accidental and non-urgent calls have a significant impact on the day-to-day operation of a 9-1-1 centre. 9-1-1 operators are professionals trained to respond to emergencies. Non-emergency calls can often tie up valuable resources, including first responders such as police, fire and paramedics, who are essential in supporting emergency response.

  • 97% of all 9-1-1 calls in Ottawa are answered within six seconds.
  • Callers may not be aware of any impact on emergency response or customer service
  • The high volume of non-emergency calls interspersed between true emergency calls can have a significant operational impact on the 9-1-1 centre, its professional operators and emergency service responders.

City of Ottawa Emergency Management Plan

Mission and scope

Conscious of its potential vulnerability in emergency situations, the City of Ottawa has proactively initiated a comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [ PDF - 0.7MB ]. This plan is based on an all-hazard and multi-departmental approach. Each of the City of Ottawa's sections possesses its own formal or informal emergency system and corresponding response capability. The City of Ottawa's Emergency Management Plan is designed to be comprehensive and aims at heightening the combined level of response throughout the City of Ottawa's emergency response community. The plan is designed to:

“Provide an enhanced and co-ordinated level of planning and readiness to better respond to the needs of the community during a major emergency, while still ensuring the delivery of city services to the other areas of the City.”

The main sections of this document outline the overall municipal emergency management system, the general emergency functions common to all types of emergencies and disasters as well as specific emergency functions.

This document is available in accessible formats upon request.

Corporate and legal authority

The City of Ottawa’s Emergency Management Program reports to the Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee.

The development of this plan complies with provincial and federal legislation as well as generally accepted standards and good practices in risk and emergency management.

Office of Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) ensures the safety of all residents and visitors by:

  • planning, preventing and preparing prior to an emergency
  • responding and ensuring the continuation of essential services during an emergency
  • activating the Emergency Operations Centre Control Group (a multi-departmental Steering Committee) when needed and
  • helping the city recover after an event.

Contact us

Occurring situation that is not life threatening: 3-1-1

Office of Emergency Management and Are You Ready Program: AreYouReady@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)

Mandated by the province under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Office of Emergency Management is responsible for managing the:

  • Emergency Management Program (EMP)
    • Initiated in 2002, EMP addresses legislative requirements under the act with the goal of enhancing collaboration between all emergency partners prior to, during and after an emergency.
  • City of Ottawa Emergency Plan
    • Reviewed on an annual basis, the Emergency Plan governs the provision of necessary services during an emergency and the processes and procedures in which city employees and partners will respond to the emergency.
  • Emergency Management Training and Exercise Program
    • Developed a multi agency training and exercise program for City of Ottawa staff and partners that manage, support and respond to emergencies for a period of several days or more. Regularly test the effectiveness of the City of Ottawa emergency plan at the multi-departmental level, to allow for continuous improvement of the City’s emergency response capacity.
  • Are You Ready Program: Emergency Preparedness Public Education and Awareness Program
    • Launched in 2005, Are You Ready aims to educate community and businesses on the importance of emergency planning. The better-prepared people are for an emergency, the better the City is able to respond to the emergency.

Have a look at the following sites; they contain useful information on emergency management.