Significant Weather Event declared

Environment Canada has issued a winter storm warning for the Ottawa area. Get information on City service impacts and from OC Transpo. The parking bans will be held from 10 am to 7 pm on Thursday, February 13 and from 10 am to 7 pm on Friday, February 14.


On this page

About Ottawa

A Welcoming Community 

The City of Ottawa wants newcomers and immigrants to feel welcome and to succeed. The Municipal Immigration Strategy (MIS) 2016-2018 Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) describes some of the local government’s efforts to support and serve newcomers in Ottawa.

The City of Ottawa also works with organizations in the community that run programs to support immigrants.  The Ottawa Immigration Strategy Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) is a shared plan that describes what over 60 community partners are doing, or plan to do, to make Ottawa a more welcoming city for immigrants

Being active

You’ll find many opportunities to get involved in sports, the arts and other community activities in Ottawa. There are dozens of community and recreation centres that organize programs and events. They can provide you with information on upcoming activities in your neighbourhood.

The city’s bicycle and jogging paths, beaches, ski trails, and indoor athletic facilities, allow residents to enjoy an active lifestyle year-round.

There are many parks in the National Capital Region, including several large ones throughout the city. Gatineau Park, located about 15 minutes from downtown Ottawa, has over 36,000 hectares of forest and lakes. City of Ottawa – Recreation and parks delivers programs and services to encourage an active and healthy lifestyle.

As the country’s capital, Ottawa is home to many world-class cultural and historic attractions, including Parliament Hill(link is external), the National Gallery of Canada(link is external) and the National Arts Centre(link is external). There are also museumslibraries(link is external) and theatres(link is external). Throughout the year, Ottawa hosts many festivals and concerts in both official languages.

Canada Day celebration on Parliament Hill.

For more information on Arts, heritage and culture, visit the Arts, heritage and culture section.

For more information on Recreation and Culture, visit the Recreation and parks section.


For more information on weather, please visit the Before your Arrive section.

Francophone community profile

Live in French in Ottawa!

The francophone community has a rich, vibrant, multi-faceted culture.  Its dynamism is rooted in its varied activities, as well as in its institutions and organizations, and is evident in every aspect of society, including in the fields of culture, health, justice, the economy and education.

Ontario francophones: who are they?

An inclusive definition

On June 4, 2009, Ontario adopted a new definition regarding the province’s francophone population which better reflects the evolution and diversity of Ontario’s francophone communities. This more inclusive definition of Ontario’s francophones reads as follows:

Those persons whose mother tongue is French, plus those whose mother tongue is neither French nor English but have a particular knowledge of French as an Official Language and use French at home.

"The francophone community wanted a more inclusive definition that better reflects its diversity. This new definition will give the government a more accurate picture of the demand for French-language services across the province and help ministries better plan for the delivery of these services".  Madeleine Meilleur, Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs.

Additional information: Ministry of Francophone Affairs - Ontario(link is external)

History of the francophone community in Ottawa

400 years of French presence in Ontario

It was the French who first explored what is now the province of Ontario, where they established the first missions and trading posts.  The first European expedition to Ottawa occurred in 1535, when Jacques Cartier sent one of his ships up the Ottawa River.  Étienne Brûlé subsequently explored Ontario between 1610 and 1612.

An initial wave of francophone immigration during the 19th century

The greatest number of francophones, commonly called French-Canadians, arrived during the 19th century. Initially, they settled in the Eastern portion of the province, along the Ottawa River, in Ottawa, Prescott-Russell and Glengarry-Stormont, later gravitating toward the North-East.  Various sectors, such as the railways and the farming, forestry and mining industries, afforded opportunities to settle and work in each of these Ontario regions. The Francophone community very quickly organized itself, creating its first institutions and organizations.  In 1910, the Association canadienne-française d'éducation de l'Ontario (ACFÉO), which subsequently became the Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario (ACFO) and the Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO), came into being. 

This was followed by the:

  • publication of the first issue of Le Droit newspaper in 1913 ;
  • adoption by the provincial government, in 1912, of Regulation 17, reducing the teaching of French in schools to promote anglicization;
  • unveiling, in 1975, of the Franco-Ontarian flag, which was officially recognized in 2001;
  • recognition, in 1979, of the right to a criminal trial in French;
  • recognition, by the Court of Appeal, of the right of Franco-Ontarians to manage their own schools;
  • passage of the provincial law guaranteeing access to education in French and the creation, in 1985, of the Office of Francophone Affairs;
  • passage, in 1986, of the French Language Services Act which came into effect in 1989, guaranteeing services in French in 22 designated areas;
  • creation of the TV Ontario television channel in 1987, which subsequently became the Office de télécommunications éducatives de langue française de l’Ontario (OTÉLFO – TFO) in 2007;
  • creation of the first two French-language school boards and establishment of the Réseau francophone des services de garde [French-language day care services network) and the French-language community literacy centres in 1988;
  • opening of La Cité collégiale in 1990;
  • demonstration organized by the SOS Montfort movement, which brought together 10,000 people in 1997 and resulted in the constitutional protection of Ottawa's Hôpital Montfort in 2000 and the winning of its case in the Court of Appeal in 2002;
  • reorganization of French-language education, with the establishment of twelve school boards in 1998;
  • unveiling, in 2006, of the first Monument de la francophonie,;
  • creation of the Office of French Language Services Commissioner in 2007;
  • establishment, in 2007, of a Réseau d’appui à l’immigration [immigration support network] in Eastern Ontario; this network consists of approximately one hundred organizations involved in the intake, settlement and integration of French-speaking immigrants;

Additional information regarding the history of the francophone community in Ontario: Office of Francophone Affairs - Ontario(link is external) and Toute une histoire! - Centre Fora Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) (In French Only).

Snapshot of the francophone community in Ottawa

A growing, vibrant diversity

Rich in history, heritage and development, the Ottawa francophone community numbers 143,220 people whose first official language is French.


  • Based on the new definition, Ottawa’s francophone population has increased by 10%.
  • The data show that 28.4% of anglophones speak both official languages.
  • 38.3% of the population speak both French and English.
  • The average employment income is higher than that in the rest of Ontario. 
  • Lower than that for the rest of Ontario, the unemployment rate is 5.9% among anglophones and 5.8% among francophones.  
  • The most recent francophone immigrants come primarily from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
  • 23,525 of Ottawa's francophones are members of a visible minority.

After four centuries of evolution, Ontario’s francophone community numbers 582,690, i.e., 4.8% of the total population of the province, and is the second largest francophone community in Canada after Quebec.  It should be noted that 41.5% of francophones live in Eastern Ontario. 


  • One individual in twenty in Ontario is francophone.
  • The population of the francophone community is older than that of Ontario as a whole.
  • Three francophones in five were born in Ontario, while one in five was born in Quebec.
  • Approximately 14% of Ontario francophones were born outside Canada.
  • 20% of francophone immigrants arrived in Ontario between 2001 and 2006.


2006 Census, Statistics Canada(link is external)

Ottawa Socio-economic Profile, RDÉE Ontario 

État des lieux de l’immigration d’expression française à Ottawa, Ronald Bisson, Patricia Ahouansou and Charles Draper, October 27, 2009

La francophonie: unique in its vitality

"La francophonie" refers to the French language and the speaking of French, as well as to a vital, dynamic and changing community such as Ottawa’s francophone community.

Regardless of whether its francophone citizens were born in Ottawa, elsewhere in Ontario, other parts of Canada or another country, they are all writing the history of this community - a community enriched by its cultural traditions and history.

For additional information regarding La francophonie(link is external) (In French Only)

Pure laine et colorée - la chanson(link is external)


A flag, a song and monuments

The flag is recognized as the emblem of Ontario’s francophone community.

Des enfants regardent les drapeaux canadiens et franco-ontariens hissés.

The emblem of Ontario’s francophone community consists of two vertical bands of different colours.  The first band is mid green and has a white lily in the middle.

The second band is white and has a mid green trillium in the middle.

On the flag, green represents summer and white represents winter.  Together, the colours represent the diversity of Ontario’s climate.  The lily symbolizes the international francophone community, while the trillium is the floral emblem of Ontario.

This flag was officially flown for the first time on September 25, 1975, at the Laurentian University in Sudbury. In 2001, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario recognized it as the official Franco-Ontarian emblem.

Source: Office of Francophone Affairs - Ontario(link is external) 

Song: "Mon beau drapeau", composed by Brian St-Pierre (In French Only)(link is external)

The Monuments de la francophonie in Ottawa 

The Monuments de la francophonie de l'Ontario(link is external) is a network of historical and heritage gathering sites located throughout the province, featuring historical plaques and an outsize Franco-Ontarian flag measuring 5 m x 10 m.


The francophone difference: services adapted to Ottawa's francophone reality

A short history 

On June 15, 1912, the government adopted Regulation 17, which stipulated that English was to be the only language of communication and instruction allowed in the classroom.  Teachers were allowed to teach French for only one hour a day.  Both the teachers and the Ottawa Separate School Board refused to comply with this regulation and French-Canadians took the appropriate measures to defend their rights. In 1927, French was finally once again approved as a language of instruction in Ontario schools.


Ottawa francophones have access to a French-language school system from kindergarten to the post-secondary level. The diversity for which the francophone community is known enriches the cultural life in the schools, francophone colleges and universities belonging to the French-language education network in Ontario.

Additional information: French-language education(link is external)

A unique education

Live and learn in French

By choosing a French-language school in Ottawa, parents ensure that their children learn and enjoy a unique francophone experience, because the schools communicate and promote francophone culture.

"An agent of change and important partner in our society, French-language education (FLE) actively contributes to the development and vitality of francophone communities, which in turn enhances the quality of life for all citizens of Ontario. In light of the ever-growing diversity of Ontario’s population, FLE provides programs and services to welcome and assist all parents who wish to enrol their children in a French school, as well as all students who sign up for post-secondary education programs offered in French."

Source: French-language education(link is external)

Additional information: For additional information regarding the French-language school system in Ottawa, the enrolment process, the programs for newcomers, the Programme d’actualisation de la langue française (ALF)(link is external), or the Programme d’appui aux nouveaux arrivants (PANA)(link is external), please see the "Newcomers" section on the Ontario French-language Education(link is external) web site.

School boards

All schools are grouped by region and directed by school boards managed by the Ministry of Education.  There are two French school boards in the Ottawa region, i.e., the Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (French Catholic School Board Centre-East) and the Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (Eastern Ontario French Public School Board).  In addition to being responsible for the planning, construction and operating of schools, these boards are responsible for hiring and supervising all school staff members. The school boards are required to enrol students between the ages of 6 and 21.  The students must attend school until age 18.

Both school boards work with Ottawa community organizations to provide other services in the schools, such as the Settlement Workers in Schools program.

Democratically elected every four years, the school board trustees liaise between the boards and the community, in addition to their duties at the board level. 

For additional information regarding admission criteria for primary and secondary schools and post-secondary institutions:

Programs and services: from kindergarten to post-secondary

Programs and services for toddlers

For early-learning activities, exploration and play, the French-language school boards offer full-time junior and senior kindergarten programs, starting at age 4.

Ottawa has 58 programs and services for toddlers.

In addition, some school boards offer or will soon be offering programs for children aged 3.

Primary level

Most children attend their neighbourhood primary school.  Primary school (also called elementary school) begins with kindergarten and ends with Grade 8.

There are 42 francophone primary schools in Ottawa.

The school works with the parents to determine the grade in which their child should be enrolled.

Secondary level

There are four levels in the thirteen francophone secondary schools in Ottawa, i.e., Grades 9 to 12.

Post-Secondary level

There are many post-secondary education programs available in French in Ottawa, offered by four different institutions.


Located in the city’s core, the University of Ottawa(link is external) offers learners a comprehensive range of academic programs in French and English.

Federated with the University of Ottawa, Saint-Paul University(link is external) offers programs in Human Sciences, Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law in small, customized classes.

Dominican University College(link is external): This university college offers four categories of programs, i.e., in Arts and Sciences, Philosophy, Human Sciences and Theology.


La Cité collégiale(link is external) is Ottawa’s francophone college.  It has two campuses: the main campus, on Aviation Parkway, and the Campus Alphonse-Desjardins - Centre des métiers Minto, in the Orleans district.  The college offers a variety of full-time programs of study and specializes in the fields of health, communications and skilled trades.

Le Relais

Le Relais(link is external) is a "Programme d’appui à la lutte contre le décrochage scolaire" [Dropout Prevention Program] – Educational (homework assistance), recreational and preventive activities (QOP).

Continuing, adult and special education

Continuing and adult education

Continuing and adult education programs are available free of charge at Éducation permanente and École des adultes Le Carrefour for young people who wish to return to school and obtain their Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), adult learners who must acquire skills essential to their personal or professional development, workers who have been laid off and who wish to upgrade their skills to increase their chances of finding another job, and newcomers who need to improve their language skills or to complete their studies.

Additional information: 

The Centre Moi j'apprends

The Centre Moi j'apprends(link is external) is a community organization that enables francophone adults in Ottawa to participate in the social, cultural and economic life of their community.  Its programs enable adults to acquire basic reading, writing, mathematics and computer skills in order to communicate more effectively, more easily integrate into the job market and improve their quality of life. (In French Only)

Special education

The Centre Jules-Léger

The mission of the Centre Jules-Léger is to provide students with severe learning disabilities, who have been diagnosed with attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder, and/or who are blind, deaf or deafblind, with a learning environment allowing them to develop to their full personal, intellectual, linguistic, cultural, spiritual, social and emotional potential.  Two schools fulfil this mandate: the École d'application(link is external) serves in various capacities, i.e., as a demonstration school and residence, in addition to providing training and consultation services, and the École provinciale(link is external), which provides quality educational programs to deaf, hearing impaired, blind or deafblind Ontario francophone children for whom no appropriate programs are available in their communities. (In French Only)

Élargir l’espace francophone

Élargir l’espace francophone(link is external) is a collaborative effort involving the community, private, government and French-language education sectors to ensure the development of the francophone environment, as well as the dynamism and long-term survival of French-speaking communities. (In French Only)

Economy and employability

The Ottawa economy and job market

Many employers are looking for francophone employees who are bilingual.  Fluency in both official languages is a valuable asset to job seekers.

Where to get help to find employment?
Hello, my name is Adélaïde. I am originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I came from Paris, have been in Canada since February 4, 2012, so I have been in Canada exactly one year and one month. So, I chose the City of Ottawa, well, because it was a city that I really liked. Because I had already travelled to Canada a few times; I have two Canadian sisters, so I quite liked the City of Ottawa. Because, as well, English is spoken here, and I also wanted to be able to learn English. So, as I said, once I arrived here, I had first studied as a nurse in France and I worked as a regional director of caregiver services in Paris. Once I arrived in Canada, I finally had the opportunity to embark on a path that I liked. Because I found Cité Collégiale; because, like I said earlier, I really wanted to be able to learn English to be able to finally face the Canadian job market because I knew that being bilingual was an asset in advancing in the job market. So I finally found myself writing my English test on Catherine Street. So I arrived at Cité Collégiale. At Cité Collégiale, I followed a French-language program called CLNA. CLNA is the Cours de langue de niveau avancé and these advanced-level language courses included not only language courses. There was not just English. There was also an entire economics and social component. So, in the end, we learned to get to know ourselves and to be able to advance in the Canadian job market. The first thing, they taught us simply to create a résumé. For me, it had been a long time since I had prepared a résumé. Particularly a résumé adapted to the Canadian style; they are not the same everywhere. So I began by learning to prepare my résumé. And also to determine what I wanted to do. And so I had to get back to my roots somewhat, to my initial career as a nurse and try to find work in that field. And so, then, I met Ms. Yannick, who gave us good advice and guided us well. And there is also assistance there (at the ESCOC) for immigrants. There are round tables and everything needed to learn English. These are tables where people have conversations. They really have the resources needed to help us move in any direction. And then, I finally began to look for work. And those two areas, the ESCOC and the CLNA, are really resources where you can find anything. For example, I had my references at the CLNA and the ESCOC. They are people who were references for me in my job search. So, finally, I sent my résumé the way I had learned at Cité Collégiale. I began my job search. And, so, with God’s help, it worked. So I received an interview and it went well. I finally began with an internship. As a nurse, I did an internship of 75 days and, after those 75 days, I finally validated my equivalency in nursing. So finally, today, I am working as a nurse in a hospital in the area. In effect, all the challenges and everything to be able to advance when we arrive in Canada. I think that you really need to prepare for your arrival in Canada before you get here. By prepare I mean establishing many contacts in your professional field. What I would propose to people immigrating to Canada, who choose the City of Ottawa, is to tell them simply to have courage and not be afraid of everything because there are resources here to help you step by step in your process, in everything you do to be able to integrate [into] the Canadian job market.

For more information on employment, visit: Employment Ontario.

Other useful links
  • National Occupation Classification(link is external) – is a publication which provides information on the current trends and future outlook for 190 occupations common to Ontario.  It is a joint effort of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and Service Canada – Ontario region.
  • Job Bank(link is external) – is the primary Government of Canada source for information regarding the job market.  It provides free, authorized information regarding trades and careers, including educational requirements, primary responsibilities, salary levels, current trends and job outlook.
  • Centre des services communautaires Vanier(link is external)  – On this site, job seekers will find all of the tools necessary to make a career change, prepare a résumé, find information regarding the job market, have a successful interview and secure employment.  Newcomers will find the support necessary for their integration, while ODSP recipients will find assistance geared toward their particular needs.  Employers can post their job opportunities free of charge and receive financial assistance for the hiring and training of new employees.
  • Employment Ontario(link is external)- Enter your postal code and indicate what you are looking for.  This site will give you the name and address of the Employment Ontario services closest to you.
  • An essential workbook for newcomers: Planning to Work in Canada Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)?

Economy and business start-up

Le Réseau de développement économique et d’employabilité de l’Ontario(link is external) (RDÉE Ontario) promotes economic development and employability in Ontario’s francophone communities to ensure that they remain productive and sustainable.

La bonne affaire is an economic awareness and integration program for SMEs, newcomers and entrepreneurial newcomers.

Program for the growth and expansion of businesses looking for access to the Ontario, Canadian, North American or international market.

Social economy


The Conseil de la coopération de l’Ontario(link is external) supports the development of cooperatives and offers training, information and technical assistance. (In French only)

For on-line training and to learn more about the development and management of cooperatives, visit le Conseil de la Coopération Culture Association of Ottawa(link is external). (In French only)

Regroupement des gens d’affaires

"The Regroupement des gens d’affaires de la Capitale nationale(link is external) plays a key role in the region’s economy and social life.  We represent the leading economic force in the Ottawa Valley and Eastern Ontario – over 600 entrepreneurs and managers, all seeking to do business in French." 

Hello. My name is Gwen. I am originally from Gabon. I came to Canada 20 years ago. I have therefore been living in Ottawa for 20 years. I am a fashion creator. My company, House of Dare: Dare by Gwen Madiba, was created in January 2012, although I had already been working in design for several years. It has been a wonderful experience thus far. I work primarily with two other people on everything involved in design. I find it excellent in that it allows me to work through my creativity, to meet new people and to work with several other people who inspire me every day. Ottawa is my city. A city that is very dear to me and that is always in my heart. It is the city where I grew up. It is a city that has given me a lot of opportunities. It’s in Ottawa’s colleges and universities where we learn a lot, where we meet people from here and abroad, where we discuss, where we dialogue. It’s Ottawa’s architecture. Architecture that has great history, sometimes inspiring history. And history that gives us the courage to persevere. Ottawa, for me, is a city in which I see myself still growing. A city where I am able to see myself in the future with a family. A city where, like my parents, I see myself raising my children. But Ottawa is also a city of great opportunities for me, in that it is like a somewhat neutral and empty land in some ways, in some fields. Ottawa, for me, has incredible opportunities in fashion. I think that this city is greatly, even too often, under-estimated. It is time for the world, and for the rest of Canada, to discover what we have here in Ottawa in the fields of business and fashion. Obviously, in any business, in all that we undertake, even in life in general, there will be challenges. One of those challenges, for me as a young Francophone business person, is inevitably language. I sometimes get the impression that there are many more opportunities in English. But it is also a perception, and this may be a mistaken perception; by being a bit more involved, I have realized that there are groups, networks of Francophone women who are very active in the community here in Ottawa and that, together, we must also continue to create and encourage these networks through networking outings and constant dialogue with each other. So I invite you to join our Francophone groups in the Ottawa area and to create networking ties among yourselves.
My name is Jocelyn. I am originally from Haiti. I have been in Ottawa for almost 27 years. I have a family, my wife and my two charming daughters. I am very lucky to end up in a country like Canada and arrive directly in Ottawa. I landed directly in Ottawa 27 years ago and, since then, I have fallen in love with the city. When we say it is nice to live somewhere we know that it is theory. But I must say, frankly and sincerely, that Ottawa is really a beautiful place to live. And anyone listening to me right now is invited to come enjoy it, to come try it to see exactly what I’m saying. So I have been an entrepreneur for 21 years. I have a driving school. The school has been in operation 21 years. I must say that it is going well. It is going very well. I have no complaints. The important thing is that, when we do something, we must not look at the economic side, but we must first love what we do. I love to drive, I love people, I love youth; and now I have no complaints, I must say that it is going well. So my advice to you is not to say that you won’t succeed. It is not to say that there is no room. Canada is a wide open book. To want to is to be able to. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you are yellow, you are black, you are white, you do not fit in. So if you want to, you will be able to make your way. No one will help you if you don’t help yourself. Your contribution is very important. You must not ask the country what it will do for you, but you must instead ask what you will do for the country. So you can’t sit with your arms crossed. Canada’s prosperity depends on you and me. It is you and I who contribute to the fact that people now dream of coming to live here. Of coming to live in Canada.

Thousands of people start businesses each year.  Regardless of whether they do so alone or as part of a group, they must be entrepreneurial to succeed. 

There are a variety of options when choosing a business structure, i.e., a private company (sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation), a collective enterprise (non-profit organizations and cooperatives).

Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs): Small- and medium-sized businesses are businesses of varying sizes; however, in Canada, they must generally have no more than 500 employees or assets in excess of $25 million.  The Government of Canada classifies them into four categories:

  • Micro-enterprise: 1 - 4 employees
  • Small business: 5-49 employees
  • Medium-sized business: 100-499 employees
  • Large business: 500 employees or more

For more information on how to start a business, visit the Get help starting or growing your business section of this Portal.


Volunteers offer their services without remuneration. The desire to help others is a traditional value of Canadian society. Volunteering can help people:

  • acquire work experience in Canada;
  • become acquainted with the Canadian workplace;
  • practise their English and French;
  • make friends and acquaintances;
  • obtain references in Canada;
  • hear about job opportunities;
  • assume new responsibilities and develop new skills.

Volunteering can also open the door to paid employment.  Most prospective employers will ask about Canadian work experience.  Working as a volunteer is an excellent means of acquiring Canadian experience and meeting people who can be used as references.  A growing number of employers consider volunteering a valid component of a candidate’s work history.

How to find volunteering opportunities: contact a community organization, through a friend or an intake and settlement counsellor.

Citizen engagement

Hello, my name is Germaine. I have been living in Ottawa since 2002. I am married and a mother of two small boys. I am originally from Cameroon. The reason I chose to live in Ottawa, to move to Ottawa, is because of its cultural diversity and its linguistic diversity. As a Francophone immigrant woman, I found that this city had a lot of resources to help me to raise my family, raise my children and be able to grow as a person. Ottawa is particularly an excellent city to raise children in. And also in terms of work, there are a lot of opportunities here. I am currently working in the public service, so I find that it is an employer that gives me a lot of opportunities for professional development. I am Patrice. My wife Germain and I chose to immigrate to Ottawa 11 years ago. Ottawa is a city that greatly attracted us because it is calm and green. Also, it is very quiet compared to Montréal or compared to Toronto. The linguistic duality aspect of Ottawa provides a benefit to all new immigrants who have just arrived because there is an Anglophone side that helps us in business and a Francophone side that allows us a social aspect. For me, as an entrepreneur, it helped me in business to get involved in Anglophone communities and, at the same time, to turn to the Francophone community to get the most from what I do in business. Ottawa, located along the Rideau Canal, allows us to enjoy skating on the Canal in the winter. With Winterlude, activities during the summer, it is a city that is full of life, where any immigrant can but be happy in this city. Apart from that, we are also very involved in our communities. Personally, I give a lot of time to community development, the development of ethnic and cultural organizations and communities in the area. When we arrived here, there was great cultural mix. There were a lot of social and cultural activities, but there lacked a little touch of Africa in the organization of cultural activities. That is why, six years ago, we created an annual event that we call Afro culture, which is a mix of cultures, an exchange of African culture and Canadian culture. This allows us at the same time to give, to offer what we brought here; to exchange with others in a friendly environment in the middle of a Canadian winter, during Black History Month.
My name is Jean de la Croix. I am from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa to be exact. I immigrated to Canada with my family, three adults and four children. We arrived first in Toronto, Toronto-Montréal, after two hours we arrived in Ottawa, where we had chosen to live while still in our country. Because we are Francophones, we must also live in an Anglophone city, if only to learn English as well. Because we had also always lived in French, it also had to be bilingual. That is something we preferred. When we arrived here, we were lucky to be welcomed by the ESCOC’s settlement services, who accompanied us. Where we also received training, information. In particular, we had the chance to be trained in parental skills. And secondly, we also had the chance because we arrived here aged 50 and over. We also learned about, were informed about registered education savings plans for children. And we also, we had the opportunity to learn how to report income taxes and things like that. And again with ESCOC, now to find a job, we also had to know the system. Especially résumés and knowing how to improve our résumés and we benefited from this. That is why we ask new immigrants, regardless of the problems you arrive with. Regardless what you might be living, always contact settlement services. To learn, to be informed and trained in order to properly integrate. Because if we are not informed, if we are not trained, integration will always be more complicated. But when we are truly informed and trained, adaptation is easy.

Health-care services

The French Language Health Services Network of Eastern Ontario(link is external) is a francophone organization that engages the Health-care Community and the Francophone Community to improve the offer and quality of French Language health services in Eastern and South-Eastern Ontario(link is external).

Health care organizations designated and partially designated to provide services in french

Community health centres
Community support services
Mental health, addiction and problem gambling
Long-term care

Organizations designated to provide health care services in French

Community health centres
Community care access centre
 Community support services
Mental health, addiction and problem gambling

The Hôpital Montfort(link is external) is Ontario’s Francophone academic health science centre, offering exemplary person-centred care in both official languages. With its main partners, the University of Ottawa and La Cité college, as well as other post-secondary programs, Montfort is preparing the next generation of Francophone healthcare professionals. Montfort is striving to become your hospital of reference for outstanding services, designed with you and for you.

To find an organization that provides health care services in French:

To find a health care professional who provides services in French:

  • Health Care Connect(link is external) - Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care Program designed to help people find a family doctor.
  • Clic santé(link is external) Tool for finding information regarding French-language health care and social services professionals in Ontario.  Search by service and by postal code.
  • Doctor Search(link is external) - Research tool on the web site of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.  Search for information regarding physicians, pediatricians and specialists using various criteria, including language of service (tool for searching for information regarding health care professionals providing services in French), area of specialization and location. In English only.
  • is external) - Various tools for finding information regarding health care professionals in the Champlain region.

Obtaining an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)(link is external) pays for medically necessary care and services.  Such services may include visits to your family doctor or a specialist.

Application for Ontario Health Insurance must be made upon arrival in Ontario.  Generally speaking, there is a three-month waiting period between the date of arrival and the date the card is issued. 

For additional information regarding health care(link is external): in the event of an emergency, family physicians, hospitals, walk-in clinics, community resource and health centres, etc.

Financial services

The Ottawa region has a variety of financial institutions which provide services in French. Some institutions have branches which offer services in languages other than French and English.

To learn more about banking, visit the “Banking” section of this Portal. 


Ottawa has a wide range of housing options and prices with many distinct neighbourhoods. For more information about buying or renting an apartment or home, visit After you arrive.

Ottawa Community Housing

Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) provides and manages safe, quality, affordable housing for low- and middle-income households. As the largest subsidized housing provider, it works with its tenants and community partners to promote the development of healthy, safe, diverse, sustainable communities. For additional information regarding housing at market rates and subsidized housing.

Housing assistance services

For information on how to access subsidized or affordable housing, visit Action-Housing(link is external) or Housing Help(link is external), both are charitable organizations devoted to assisting, in both French and English, low-income individuals and families to find and maintain safe, affordable, adequate rental housing. 

Housing Co-Operatives

Residents of housing co-operatives are members of the co-op society that owns the units. The cooperative rents  housing to members, but the members do not own their units. The members are active participants in the planning, design and day-to-day administration of the co-operative. Anyone can request accommodation in a housing co-operative and such co-operatives accommodate people of all backgrounds and cultures. Some co-operatives focus on particular groups, such as francophones. 

How to apply?  

Once the co-operatives of interest have been selected, it is important to communicate with each to obtain information regarding membership procedures and be placed on their waiting list. 

List of francophone or bilingual housing co-operatives in Ottawa
  • Coopérative d’habitation Coté Est
  • Coopérative d’habitation L’Auberge
  • Coopérative d’habitation Beausoleil
  • Coopérative d’habitation Brébeuf
  • Coopérative d’habitation de LaSalle
  • Coopérative d’habitation Desjardins
  • Coop Côte de Sable / Sandy Hill Housing Co-operative
  • Coopérative d’habitation St. Georges / St. Georges Housing Co-operative
  • Coopérative d’habitation Voisins
  • Coopérative d’habitation Desloges
  • Coopérative d’habitation LaFontaine
  • Coopérative d’habitation Jeanneville
  • Coopérative d’habitation Laval

Applicants may obtain information packages(link is external) regarding housing co-operatives in Ottawa.

Child care services

Finding a child care centre consistent with household income and needs is one of the primary concerns of parents with young children.  It is a difficult task which can take a great deal of time and must be planned well in advance, as licensed child care centres in Ontario are in great demand and have long waiting lists.

There are basically two types of child care services in Ontario:

  • Licensed child care services, which have a government-issued operating permit.
  • Unlicensed child care services, also known as informal child care, whose suppliers are not required to obtain an operating permit, provided that they care for no more than 5 children under the age of 10 to whom they are not related, for example: private arrangements between parents and a care provider hired to look after their children.  Child care services of this nature are not regulated and are not eligible for subsidies.

To find the right child care centre

Additional information:

French-language media in Ottawa

There are a number of French-language media in Ottawa.


  • Le Droit(link is external) is a popular French-language daily published in the Ottawa-Gatineau region, which is circulated in eastern Ontario and the Ottawa Valley.  It can also be purchased in Montreal, as well as in other Quebec and Ontario regions. (In French Only) 
  • L’Express(link is external) published on Thursday, is available free of charge at French-language schools and approximately one hundred newsstands. It covers the City of Ottawa from east to west, i.e., from Cumberland to Kanata, including Orleans, Gloucester and Nepean. L'Express focuses on news from the francophone schools, the Franco-Ontarian cultural scene and the various community stakeholders (service clubs, parishes, local politics). (In French Only) 
  • Two student newspapers are published at the colleges and universities, i.e., La Rotonde(link is external) (the University of Ottawa French-language paper) and Cité Collégiale’s SagaCité. (In French Only)


  • TFO(link is external): The Office des télécommunications éducatives de langue française de l’Ontario (OTÉLFO - commonly known as TFO) began broadcasting on April 1, 2007.  A producer and distributor of television programs, TFO has been recognized as a vital institution for the Ontario francophone community.  In addition, TFO promotes the French reality in Ontario and elsewhere through quality educational and cultural multimedia content and services. (In French Only)
  • Radio-Canada - CBOFT(link is external) in Ottawa (In French Only)
  • Rogers(link is external) – community television channel 23: Rogers believes in the importance of television in bringing together the members of a community like yours. This is why Rogers has been investing in the ongoing development of TV Rogers for more than 40 years.
  • TV5(link is external) and RDI(link is external) (In French Only)


A number of community organizations and institutions produce newsletters.  These communication tools are effective in promoting the activities and initiatives of Ottawa’s francophone community.

Culture and the arts: hallmarks of vitality!

As both the National Capital and a city with a unique local culture, Ottawa is a vibrant city of arts and culture. Ottawa truly has something for everyone, including national museums, local cultural spaces, lively neighbourhoods, and numerous festivals, fairs and events taking place all year round.

Some of the offerings tailored to francophones are:


The Nouvelle Scène(link is external) in Ottawa plays host to four professional theatre companies offering theatrical productions in French – the Théâtre du Trillium, the Théâtre de la Vieille 17, Vox Théâtre and the Théâtre la Catapulte.  There are also many community and school theatres. (In French Only)

The Shenkman Arts Centre(link is external) provides space for performing arts presentations and visual art exhibitions, as well as space for instruction in a variety of arts. It offers services and programs in both English and French.


Ottawa has five francophone publishing houses: Éditions David(link is external)Éditions l'Interligne(link is external), and Éditions Sans Limites(link is external). The fifth, the Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques(link is external) (CFORP), also publishes educational materials. (In French Only)

Festivals and cultural events

Each year, the Festival franco-ontarien(link is external) returns with music and song to celebrate what the francophone community was, is and will be. Shows, events/activities, booths and more - where passion and pride are everywhere to be found!

For more than 30 years, the Mouvement d'implication francophone d'Orléans (MIFO) has been showcasing francophone culture and promoting cultural expression in the Orleans community. The MIFO is a multidisciplinary centre offering a variety of artistic, cultural and community programs and services in French.  An integral part of the community, the MIFO is the most important Franco-Ontarian cultural centre.

For more information on arts and culture in Ottawa, visit the “Arts, heritage and culture” section of this Portal. 

Justice and rights


Le Clinique juridique francophone d’Ottawa(link is external) is part of the Vanier Community Service Centre.  It primarily serves the francophones in East Ottawa regarding the following legal areas: immigration, tenant rights, and income maintenance (social assistance, ODSP, employment insurance, Canada Pension Plan).  Its telephone number is 613 744-2892, ext. 1111.

Le Clinique juridique also provides legal advice via its Legal information Line: 1 877 500-4508.

Le Clinique juridique can organize legal workshops for organizations and community members.

For additional information regarding community legal clinics in Ontario, visit the Legal Aid Ontario web site(link is external).


Municipal Government – Bilingualism Policy

"On May 9, 2001, Ottawa City Council enacted the Bilingualism Policy which reaffirms its commitment to offer services in the two official languages to residents and staff. The Bilingualism Policy is both practical and flexible in its approach. The Bilingualism Policy’s provisions govern several features of civic activity, notably communications, the proactive delivery of services in both languages to citizens and staff, work organization, including designation of positions, language training, and cultural program management."

The French Language Services Branch (FLSB), which falls under the City Manager office, was created in May 2001 following City Council's enactment of the Bilingualism Policy. The FLSB is responsible for working with the municipal administration to ensure the implementation of the Bilingualism Policy. It ensures that the various City Departments proactively offer French-language services to residents and staff. In addition, the FLSB coordinates the provision of translation services.

French Language Services Act - Provincial Government

For almost thirty years, the French Language Services Act, 1986(link is external) (FLSA) (Bill 8) has guaranteed the right to services in French from the Government of Ontario (link is external)ministries and agencies in 25 designated areas.

Thanks to the French Language Services Act, all services offered to the public by government ministries and agencies (driver’s licenses, birth certificates, information, etc.) are available in French in government offices in or serving a designated area.

Copy of the French Language Services Act(link is external), R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER F.32, June 1 update.

Official Languages Act - Federal Government

The Canadian government became officially bilingual in 1968.

The  purpose of the Official Languages Act is to:

  • ensure respect for English and French, their equality of status and equal rights and privileges regarding their use in federal institutions;
  • support the development of English and French linguistic minority communities;
  • advance the equal status and use of English and French.

The Act applies to federal institutions, i.e., offices, Crown corporations and federal departments.  In addition, certain organizations, such as Air Canada and VIA Rail, retained their language obligations after they were privatized.  

According to Section 4: Parliamentarians and the public have the right to use either English or French in Parliament.  For its part, Parliament is required to provide simultaneous interpretation of its debates and other proceedings.

According to Sections 5 to 13: All acts of Parliament are enacted, printed and published in both official languages.  In addition, federal institutions that, pursuant to an act, are required to publish public notices must do so in both English- and French-language publications.

According to Sections 14 to 20: In civil proceedings before federal courts other than the Supreme Court, everyone has the right to be heard by a judge who understands the official language chosen for the proceedings without the assistance of an interpreter.  Federal Courts include the Federal Court, the Tax Court of Canada and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

According to Sections 39 and 40: The Government agrees to ensure that English- and French-speaking Canadians have equal opportunities for employment and advancement in federal institutions.

Additional information: Official Languages Act(link is external)

N.B.: The Official Languages Act does not apply to provincial and municipal governments or private businesses.

For more information about your rights and responsibilities, visit the “Legal system” section of this Portal.

Immigration supports to francophone communities

Information for Francophone newcomers

In addition to disseminating information regarding Ontario as a whole by region, is external) provides detailed information regarding citizenship and immigration including, housing, jobs, health and education.

Economic and Social Council of Ottawa-Carleton

The Economic and Social Council of Ottawa-Carleton(link is external) (CESOC/ESCOC) is a non-profit corporation with a mandate of promoting the diversity of the francophone community in Eastern Ontario, more specifically in the Ottawa area. 

The CESOC/ESCOC coaches francophone immigrants, helps them prepare a settlement plan and provides them with the services they need throughout the process. The CESOC/ESCOC also works to promote the socioeconomic development of francophone immigrants, as well as the creation of a multi-faceted francophone community, while respecting the rights of francophones in general and the rights of francophone ethnocultural and racial minorities in particular.

Centre des services communautaires Vanier

Le Centre des services communautaires Vanier(link is external) offers a free settlement program service to assist Ottawa’s newcomers with their integration. The Centre focuses on improving the quality of life, promoting the full potential and developing the independence of the individuals, organizations and communities with which it is collaborating. The VCSC promotes social equity as a means of developing a healthy and happy society.

Ottawa has many specialized agencies that are available to help new immigrants and their families to settle and integrate into the community.  Most of these services are offered free of charge and many are available in multiple languages.  Agencies also help direct newcomers to the services they need. For more information, visit the “Settlement Services” section of this Portal.

Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’ontario

The Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’Est de l’Ontario(link is external) is a program, managed by the CESOC/ESCOC, designed to promote immigration to francophone minority communities. The purpose of this plan is to assist in the intake, settlement and successful integration of francophone immigrants to Canada outside Quebec.

The Réseau does not provide services to newcomers directly.  Its mandate is to facilitate a process of local dialogue and encourage partnerships in developing projects to facilitate the integration of francophone immigrants.

Cost of living


Ottawa’s diverse neighbourhoods

Ottawa has a wide range of housing options and prices with many distinct neighbourhoods.

Downtown Ottawa has houses and many high-rise and low-rise apartments and condominiums.

In central neighbourhoods such as the Glebe or Westboro, there is a mix of housing, including semi-detached and single-family houses, as well as smaller apartment buildings.

Neighbourhoods in the suburbs, which are neighbourhoods outside the downtown core, have semi-detached and single-family houses, as well as townhouses.

Google offers a map(link is external) of Canada that you can use to zoom in and find an area or a neighbourhood of Ottawa that is right for you.

You can also check Locate Ottawa(link is external); it’s a site that allows you to get a profile on specific neighbourhoods In Ottawa.

The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Newcomer’s Guide to Canadian Housing(link is external) tells you everything you need to know about renting or buying a home in Canada. You may also review the neighbourhoods(link is external) in Ottawa.

Buying a home

In general, living downtown is more expensive than living in the suburbs. The cost varies depending on the size and style of the home.

Most people borrow money from the bank to help pay for their home and therefore have a mortgage. In addition to the mortgage, you will have to pay for property taxes, utilities (water, heat, electricity, etc.) and insurance.

If you are thinking about buying a home, check your local newspaper and new home magazines. A real estate agent can also help you look for a home.

Renting an apartment

The cost of renting an apartment depends on the size and location, and whether or not utilities are included in the rental cost. If utilities are included, the rent will usually be higher.

Apartments come in different sizes. Some have only one main room, while others are much larger.

Most apartments are rented by the month however, most landlords usually require you to sign a year-long lease for the first year that you live in a new apartment as well as, provide a security deposit of first and last month’s rent.

Most landlords will also require that you have a co-signer or a reference before they will rent to you.

  • A co-signer is someone who agrees to share your financial responsibility for the rent.
  • A reference is someone who can confirm your background or the likelihood that you and your family will be good tenants.

To learn about your rights as a tenant, visit the Landlord and Tenant Board(link is external).

There are also agencies in Ottawa that can assist you to find housing and understand your rights as a tenant:

Many rental places are unfurnished. You should also be prepared for additional costs such as utilities (water, heat and hydro). Other additional costs include television cable, internet and telephone service fees.

Additional information 

Additional resources

The City of Ottawa offers information about subsidized housing for residents who are living with low incomes. For more information: Subsidized Housing City of Ottawa.

The following organizations can give you more information on buying, renting and applying for subsidized housing:


Whether you buy or rent, you should have insurance for your home and belongings.

You can often save money if you buy your house and car insurance from the same company.

There are many insurance companies in Ottawa. You may call some insurance companies to find out which offers the best rate. Canada 411(link is external) has a listing of the insurance companies in the Ottawa area.

You may also obtain insurance at most major banks

Organizations that can help

There are many local agencies who can offer help and/or information regarding housing.

More information


For more information on transportation, please visit the "Transportation" section.

Banking Basics

For more information on banking, please visit the "Banking" section.


All levels of government in Canada charge taxes to residents in order to pay for free services, including schools and health care.

Government Services

Public services

The City of Ottawa provides a wide range of important public services to the Ottawa residents. These services include clean drinking water, public transit, sidewalk maintenance, snow removal, garbage removal, urban planning and emergency services, such as fire, ambulance, police and emergency preparedness. Other services  include recreation, public health, financial assistance, housing, childcare, library, economic development services and the City supports agencies in the community to provide many other community-based services.

Client service centres

The City of Ottawa operates seven Client Service Centres where you can obtain information on City services and on services provided by the provincial and federal governments. You can apply for a marriage license, register your child’s birth, pay your property taxes and water bills, and more. You can apply for a marriage license, register your child’s birth, pay your property taxes and water bills, and more. You can also call 311 on your telephone, the City’s main information line, where you can get information about City services in over 170 languages, or visit


The City of Ottawa provides citizens with safe drinking water in homes, businesses and industries. To set up your water account, please call 613-580-2444 and they will be able to help you.


Hydro Ottawa(link is external) is responsible for the delivery of electricity to the residents of Ottawa.

Garbage and recycling

The City is responsible for Garbage and Recycling, the collecting, transporting, processing, composting and disposing of solid waste and recyclables. City workers will drive by your home every two weeks to collect your garbage and recyclable materials. Visit the Collection Calendar on to learn more.

Snow removal and parking

During the winter months, the City's snow-clearing teams are working to keep your roads safe and clear for motorists, public transit, pedestrians and cyclists. Winter overnight parking regulations are in effect from November 15 to April 1. There is no parking on city streets between 1 am and 7 am when 7 cm or more is forecast by Environment Canada. However, if you buy a parking permit, you can leave your vehicle on the street at all times.

When crews plan to remove snow, they will post temporary "no parking" snow removal signs ahead of time alerting motorists that snow removal is planned. Do not park where you see temporary "no parking" snow removal signs posted or your vehicle will be ticketed with a fine and towed to a nearby street. This restriction applies to all vehicles, including those with on-street parking permits. Visit Parking Permits for more information.

Emergency services

The city also provides emergency services such as ambulance, fire and police services. For more information, visit the "Emergency Services" section of the Portal.


The Ottawa Public Library(link is external) has many branches throughout the city. You can visit any branch to borrow books, music, movies and other resources. The Library provides programs and services for New Canadians and for multicultural groups in Ottawa. Books, newspapers, magazines, CDs and DVDs are available in 11 languages in addition to English and French.


Canada Post(link is external) mail carrier will deliver and collect mail from Monday to Friday. You can send letters at a local post office or you can drop them in one of the red mailboxes found throughout the city.


In Ottawa, many cultural newspapers, television programs and radio programs are available.

You can find most community papers at restaurants, supermarkets and pharmacies throughout Ottawa. Some papers are available through subscription.

More information

Child and family benefits

Canada child tax benefit (CCTB)

The Canada child tax benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18. The CCTB may include the

To find out if you are qualified, visit Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)(link is external).

Universal child care benefit (UCCB)

The UCCB is designed to help Canadian families, as they try to balance work and family life, by supporting their child care choices through direct financial support. The UCCB is for children under the age of 6 years and is paid in instalments of $100 per month, per child.

Enrolment for the UCCB is processed through the Canada child benefits application(link is external) or by applying online on My Account(link is external) by using the Apply for child benefits service.

To learn more, visit Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)(link is external).

Goods and services tax/Harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credit

The GST/HST credit is a tax-free quarterly payment that helps individuals and families with low or modest incomes offset all or part of the GST or HST that they pay.

To learn more, visit Canada Revenue Agency.(link is external)


As the Nation’s Capital, Ottawa is host to many embassies, consulates and high commissions representing countries from around the world.

Legal system

Your rights and responsibilities

  • Canada’s legal system is in place to protect individual rights and freedoms, as set out by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms(link is external), and to maintain a peaceful life for all citizens
  • It is important that you understand and respect this country’s laws
  • In Canada’s legal system, all people are innocent until proven guilty of an offence and all citizens have the right to a fair trial
  • Ottawa has a provincial courthouse that handles most of the region’s legal affairs
  • Cases are presented to either a judge or a jury of Ottawa-area residents
  • Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated in Ottawa. Unfortunately, it happens sometimes. If you feel that you are being discriminated against, you have the right to seek help and ensure that it stops. Visit the Ontario Human Rights Commission(link is external) and Your Rights as an Employee to learn more
  • As a newcomer to Ottawa, you may have to confirm your identity when you apply for Canadian documents, open a bank account or start a new job. A notary public(link is external) can certify that your documents are authentic
  • For more information on the legal systems in Ontario and Canada, visit Ontario Immigration(link is external)


For assistance with your legal matters, you may contact a lawyer or a community legal clinic(link is external). The organizations listed below can help you:

How I found...

Healthcare services

As a permanent resident of Ontario, you’re eligible for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)(link is external), Ontario’s free public health program. OHIP covers a wide range of medical services, including:

  • Check-ups with your family doctor or at walk-in clinics
  • Hospital visits
  • Some eye examinations
  • Some vaccinations

OHIP does not cover the cost of prescription drugs.

Apply for your Ontario Health Insurance Plan card. As a newcomer, it will take 3 months before you are eligible. While you wait, you should consider private health insurance(link is external). There is also short- term health insurance for newcomers who qualify through the Interim Federal Health Program(link is external).

Ottawa Public Health

Ottawa Public Health(link is external) offers programs and services to individuals and communities to make the city a healthy place to live in. These include a variety of free services such as: dental services for low income individuals and families, flu vaccination and education sessions on different health topics.

To learn more about these and other health resources, please contact the Ottawa Public Health Info-Line at 613-580-6744 or email opens email application)

Health resources

There are also many other health services in Ottawa, including:

  • Addiction treatment centres
  • After-hours clinics
  • Lines and support services
  • Late-night pharmacies
  • Mental health services
  • Sexual and reproductive health services

To learn more about these and other health and social resources, and to find hospitals, clinics, doctors and dentists in Ottawa, visit Health and Support Services(link is external).

Finding a doctor

There are a limited number of doctors accepting new patients, so you may have to wait several months before finding a regular doctor. While you wait, or if you need medical attention after hours you can go to a walk-in clinic.

The City of Ottawa has a list of available doctors, dentists, walk-in clinics, hospitals and emergency resources(link is external).


Connect with a registered nurse day or night for free, secure and confidential health advice through Health 811 (formerly Telehealth Ontario).

Call them at 811     TTY : 1-866-797-0007

For more information: visit Health811(link is external)

Health Care Connect

Health Care Connect helps Ontarians who are without a family health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) to find one. People without a family health care provider are referred to a family doctor or a nurse practitioner who is accepting new patients in their community.

For more information: visit Health Care Connect(link is external)

Not sure what your health care options are?

Get To Know Your Health Care Options by visiting Health Care Options Medical Services Directory(link is external)

Need help paying for dental care and eyeglasses?

You may be able to receive dental subsidies for children and adults if you are Ontario Works recipient, belong to a low-income family or are a recipient of the Ontario Disability Support Program.

For more information: visit Help paying for health services

Alternative health treatments

In addition to traditional health services, there are many alternative treatments available in Ottawa, including homeopathy, naturopathy and Chinese medicine. 

More information

Seniors services

Ottawa has many services and programs for seniors. On October 24, 2012, Ottawa City Council approved an Older Adult Plan (OAP) which is a plan to address the specific and evolving needs of Ottawa’s older residents.


There are several housing options suitable to seniors needs. For more information visit the housing page for seniors.

Financial assistance

The City offers financial assistance programs to help seniors cover costs of important services such as dental care and eyeglasses, clearing snow, medical supplies and prescription drugs. To learn more about the different programs and find out eligibility criteria, visit the City’s Older Adult Portal.

Community support

If you are feeling isolated and want to make community connections, there are several seniors clubs and groups to help you. Visit seniors clubs and groups for more information.


As a senior, it is important to stay active through sports and recreation. Visit the older adults recreation and leisure page for more information on seniors centres and active living club.

Transportation and mobility

The City makes it easy for seniors to get around. All public transit buses are low floor or kneeling to assist with boarding. OC Transpo, the City’s public transit system also offer discounted monthly bus passes and other discounts for seniors. Visit the older adults getting around the city page for more information.

Health and safety

Learn how to stay healthy and safe as a senior.

Food and clothing


Ottawa offers a wide variety of shopping experiences(link is external). There are large indoor malls which have a variety of stores or you can stroll outside along the beautiful open air Sparks Street Mall(link is external).

Throughout, Ottawa you will find specialty boutiques, souvenir shops and discount stores. The specialty shops(link is external) in the Byward Market, located in downtown Ottawa, offers an enjoyable, culturally diverse shopping experience that appeals to all ages. 

You can also save a lot of money on clothing and home furnishings at any of the Ottawa Consignment Shops(link is external) or by shopping at a Thrift Store.(link is external) These stores sell gently used clothing and household items for very reasonable prices. Also, many newcomers to Canada, may not have purchased warm winter clothes before moving here. Fortunately, there is an organization that offers families with limited income a place to get new and/or gently used snowsuits.(link is external)

There are also many local websites, such as Kijiji Ottawa(link is external) and Used Ottawa(link is external), where you can buy and sell almost everything such as furniture, clothing, toys, cars and even houses.


Grocery stores offer a selection of fresh, frozen, canned and packaged foods. They also carry many other essential items such as spices, beverages (non-alcoholic), baby items, cleaning products, medicines, toiletries, paper products, household repair items, garbage and recycling bags, pet food and pet care supplies. Below is a list of the larger grocery stores in the Ottawa area.

While many grocery stores may offer foods associated with the cuisines of the world. Please see links below for stores specializing in international foods.

Examples of stores that sell: 

Specialty restaurants

Ottawa has a large number of specialty restaurants offering a variety of international cuisines. If you use the Internet, you can search for a current listing of Ottawa restaurants(link is external) by area and by type of cuisine.

Please see links below for examples of various cultural restaurants.

Food banks

Food banks help to ensure that everyone has food, even when they cannot afford to buy it. They provide free food to persons and families in need and are located throughout the city. Ottawa Food Bank(link is external)


There are also several community gardens(link is external) in the Ottawa area, where you can "own" or "rent" a small plot of land and grow your own food.

Community events

Coming soon. Please check back.

Women's groups and services

Coming soon. Please check back.

Children and youth services

In the summer, there are lots of activities for children and youth to enjoy. There is swimming at a community pool, playing soccer, biking, camping, or hiking. In the winter, children can skate on the Rideau Canal or at a local arena, play hockey, go tobogganing or skiing. Visit the City of Ottawa Recreation page. Also, there are many festivals in Ottawa throughout the year with special activities for children and youth. To find out more about festivals, visit Ottawa festivals(link is external).

The City of Ottawa’s libraries also offer many excellent free children’s programs(link is external) throughout the year.

For youth, new to Canada, there is an excellent website called New Youth which provides young people information on how to find out about programs and services near where they live as well as newcomer related events to attend.

Community Health and Resource Centres(link is external) (CHRC) provide programming and services to newcomer and immigrant children and youth and can provide information about other community programs.  There are CHRCs in many neighbourhoods throughout Ottawa.

Faith and worship groups

Ottawa is a multicultural city where people can safely practice faith.

All of the world’s major faiths are practiced in the city. To find a place to worship or study your religion, contact the Multicultural Groups below. You can also visit Religion and Worship(link is external) to find information on places for worship and religious education across Ontario.

Multicultural groups

Associations and organizations

Ottawa has many associations and organizations that honour the cultures and traditions of newcomers to the city.

Community newspapers

There are also a number of community newspapers produced by different cultural groups. You can find most of these papers at community restaurants, supermarkets and pharmacies throughout Ottawa. Some papers are available through subscription.

Radio and television programs

In addition to newspapers, Ottawa offers several radio and television programs for different cultural groups and newcomers to the city.

More information

Emergency services

The city provides emergency services, such as ambulance, fire and police services.

Ambulance, fire and police

To reach ambulance, fire and police services in an emergency, dial 9-1-1 on your telephone. This emergency phone line is available 24 hours a day at no cost. Dispatch operators will talk you through your emergency until help arrives.

Be sure to call the right number, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to get the service you need:

  • 9-1-1 – For life threatening emergencies or to report a crime in progress
  • 613-236-1222 – For other emergencies (e.g. traffic accident)
  • 613-236-1222 ext. 7300 (TTY: 613-760-8100) – To report a theft, property damage, missing person, or stolen vehicle 
  • 613-236-1222 (TTY: 613-232-1123) – For all other questions or to reach a Community Police Centre 

Medical emergency

Most of the major hospitals in Ottawa offer emergency medical services 24 hours a day. Several after-hours clinics and late-night pharmacies are also available.

Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region(link is external)

Mental Health Crisis Line(link is external) (24 hours a day)
613-722-6914 or 1-866-996-0991

Ligne Fem-Aide(link is external)

Ottawa Public Health(link is external)
TTY: 613-580-9656

Ontario Poison Centre(link is external)

Health811(link is external)
TTY: 1-866-797-0007

For more information, visit Finding Healthcare(link is external).

Dental emergency

If you have a dental emergency, the Ottawa Dental Society’s emergency referral service(link is external) can put you in contact with a dentist who will treat you as soon as possible.

Ottawa Dental Society Dental Emergency Service: 613-523-4185

Pets emergency

If your pet is sick or injured, or if you see an animal in distress, the Ottawa Humane Society’s Help with animal's(link is external) can help.

Services for people with disabilities

In Canada, disabilities can be considered physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, mental health, developmental and/or medical. In 2005, a government law was passed in Ontario called “Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act” (AODA). This act states that the province of Ontario must be fully accessible by 2025. When something is accessible it generally means that everyone in the Province will be able to access the needed service or facility, barrier free. The City of Ottawa is very committed to being fully accessible to all its residents. Please visit for more information about what the City is doing to promote accessibility of its programs and services.

Many services exist that assist persons with disabilities and help them participate fully in the Ottawa community.

The City of Ottawa provides financial assistance to persons with disabilities living with low income, please visit, Community and Social Services, for more information.

There are supports for persons with learning disabilities Learning Disability Association(link is external), mental health issues Canadian and Mental Health Association(link is external), and developmental disabilities Ottawa-Carleton Association for persons with Developmental Disabilities(link is external).

 See the links below for more services/associations in Ottawa.

Other links