An “A-frame” means a self-supporting structure shaped like an “A” with one or two sign faces, with a base dimension not exceeding sixty centimetres (60 cm) in width or seventy-five centimetres (75 cm) in length, and a height not less than fifty centimetres (50 cm) or greater than one metre (1 m).
These dimensions are the maximum size permitted. Smaller signs must be used in areas where space is limited, provided the sign is at least fifty centimetres (50 cm) high.
Signs must be placed on either the inner or outer boulevard/sidewalk. Where the delineation of the boulevard is not clear, businesses can use the following guidelines:
- Inner Boulevard/Sidewalk – Signs should touch the side of the building.
- Outer Boulevard/Sidewalk – Signs must be away from the curb so they do not impede traffic and must not extend past lamp posts, waste receptacles, newspaper boxes or other items.
Signs must be placed so that they provide a minimum pedestrian clearway (the area of sidewalk reserved for pedestrian traffic) of 1.8 meters in a straight line along the block.
In high pedestrian traffic areas, such as the Byward Market, a minimum pedestrian clearway of 2 meters is required.
In all cases, pedestrians must be able to travel in a straight line without obstruction caused by signs, trees, patios, building faces, ramps, steps, or doors.
Signs must be placed within the street front of the business and all signs on a given block must be placed on the same side, whichever provides the maximum area for pedestrians. Exceptions may be granted where the building frontage allows and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the business owner.
Signs may not be placed on the outer boulevard within a loading zone or within 10 metres on the loading side of a transit stop.
Signs must not be placed within three metres (3 m) of an intersecting street as measured from the curb, or where there is no curb, as measured from the edge of the roadway.
No business may place more than one sign.
Signs must be removed outside of business hours.
Signs must be removed if Environment Canada issues a Storm Advisory or Storm Warning.
Signs must not be placed during periods of snow and ice accumulation or for 24 hours after a snow accumulation of 7 cm or more. The City accepts no liability for signs damaged by snow clearing operations.
No signs may be placed along Confederation Boulevard without the prior written consent of the National Capital Commission. Where consent is given, signs and sign placement must adhere to these standards.
Upon the first offence, businesses will receive a formal letter advising them of the infraction, with detailed instructions regarding sign placement and references to Accessibility Resources.
On a second offence, businesses will receive a Notice of Violation and a fine of $300.00
On subsequent offences, signs will be removed at the expense and risk of the owner. Fines will escalate by 100 percent with each offence, to a maximum of $5,000 as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990. Chapter P.33(link is external), as amended.