Information and Materials for Planning Applications (By-law No. 2023-297)


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

City Archives
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100 Tallwood Dr. (corner of Woodroffe Ave.)
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2857

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Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2940

The Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:

  1. In addition to the prescribed information identified by regulation made under the Planning Act, any person or public body that applies for:
    1. an Official Plan amendment,
    2. a Zoning By-law amendment,
    3. a draft Plan of Subdivision approval, or
    4. Condominium approval, or
    5. Site Plan Control application.

may be required to provide such other information that the City may need either at the time of filing an application or subsequently to assist in resolving any concerns identified through the review of the application.

  1. The other information or materials that may be required to be provided are:
    1. Application Form
    2. Agrology and Soil Capability Study
    3. Archaeological Assessment
    4. Building Elevations
    5. Community Energy Plan
    6. Environmental Impact Study
    7. Energy Modelling Report
    8. Environmental Management Plan
    9. Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 & Phase 2)
    10.  Geotechnical Study
    11. Grading and Drainage Plan
    12. Heritage Impact Assessment
    13. Heritage Act Acknowledgment Report
    14. Hydrogeological and Terrain Analysis
    15. High-performance Development Standard
    16. Impact Assessment Study - Mineral Aggregate
    17. Impact Assessment Study - Mining Hazards
    18. Impact Assessment Study - Waste Disposal Sites I Former Landfill Sites
    19. Landscape Plan
    20. Mature Neighbourhood Streetscape Character Analysis
    21. Minimum Distance Separation
    22. Noise Control Study
    23. Parking Plan
    24. Plan of Survey
    25. Plan of Subdivision
    26. Plan of Condominium
    27. Planning Rationale
    28. Preliminary Construction Management Plan
    29. Public Consultation Strategy
    30. Rail Proximity Study
    31. Shadow Analysis
    32. Site Plan
    33. Site Servicing Study
    34. Slope Stability Study
    35. Transportation Impact Assessment
    36. Tree Conservation Report
    37. Urban Design Brief
    38. Urban Design Review Panel Report (mm) Water Budget Assessmen
    39. Wellhead Protection Study
    40. Wind Analysis
    41. Zoning Confirmation Report
  2. This by-law may be cited as the Information and Materials for Planning Applications By-law or the Development Application Study Policy as per Section 11.8(2) of the Official Plan.
  3. By-law 2022-254 is repealed.
  4. This by-law shall be deemed to come into force on July 1, 2023

ENACTED AND PASSED this 28th day of June 2023.