Reducing idling in Ottawa

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What is idling?

Idling is when a vehicle’s fuel engine is running but the vehicle is not moving. It wastes fuel, money, and causes air pollution that is harmful to our health. Idling can happen when

  • waiting to pick up a child or a friend
  • warming up or cooling off your vehicle
  • sitting in your driveway finishing a phone call or listening to the end of a song
  • any other time your vehicle is running and not moving

Idling Control By-law

The Idling Control By-law (No. 2024-437) limits the time that a vehicle can idle. 

When someone is in the vehicle

  • Maximum of three minutes per hour when it is between 0 °C and 27 °C outside
  • Maximum of 10 minutes per hour when it is colder than 0 °C or hotter than 27 °C outside

When someone is not in the vehicle

  • Maximum of one minute per hour


There are times when the idling by-law rules do not apply, including

  • Vehicles in traffic, in drive-throughs, or having mechanical problems
  • Vehicles helping in emergencies
  • Police, paramedic, fire, or by-law vehicles in certain situations
  • Public transit vehicles
  • Private transit vehicles in certain situations
  • Farm equipment
  • Vehicles used as mobile workshops
  • Medical reasons

For a full list of exemptions, see the Idling Control By-law (No. 2024-437), Section 5.

Tips to avoid idling

  • Always dress for the weather, even for short trips
  • Drive your vehicle to warm your engine faster
  • Keep the engine warm by using a block heater on cold winter days
  • Turn on your block heater two hours before you plan to start the vehicle
  • Use remote car starters wisely to avoid long warm-ups

How we’re helping to reduce idling

We’re working to reduce idling by:

  • Training all City vehicle operators
  • Tracking how often vehicles are idling versus moving using telematics, a system to collect data on individual vehicles, installed in over 90% of our fleet
  • Converting our fleet from fuel-powered to hybrid or electric vehicles
  • Installing idling awareness signs along high-traffic roads in the city
  • Encouraging alternatives to driving, such as cycling and e-scooters
  • Improving the City’s active transportation network