Rates and fees

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Water billing rate increase - 2024

Ottawa City Council approved a 4.3 percent overall increase for water, wastewater and stormwater rates in the 2024 budget, effective April 1, 2024. This increase allows the Ottawa Water Program to remain fully self-funded and financially stable for its operating and capital needs.

The 2024 water rate insert Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) provides further details and graphics outlining the increase.

Why did rates increase?

Water, wastewater and stormwater services are fully funded through charges on the water bill. The rates charged represent the City’s commitment to provide residents with high-quality drinking water while reducing the risk of flooding and renewing existing infrastructure. The 2024 rate increase reflects the inflationary increase in operating expenses, as well as the costs for new or upgraded water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure.

The City of Ottawa’s drinking water is among the safest and highest quality in the world. Annual reports on water quality on the annual reports drinking water page

Rate Increase Timeline

2017 5.8%
2018 5.5%
2019 5.5%
2020 5%
2021 4.8%
2022 4.9%
2023 4.2%
2024 4.3%

Water utility rates

Water utility rates - Effective April 1, 2024

Annual Fixed Rates

Residential annual fixed rates are listed below, and will be pro-rated on the water utility bill based on the number of days billed.

Water, Wastewater and Fire Supply

Meter Size Water Wastewater Fire Supply
15mm $134.06 $119.57 $52.63

For rates for all meter sizes, please refer to the Budget 2024 Information.

Urban Stormwater

Property Type (Residential) Service Rate
Single & Semi Detached Connected $209.91
Townhome & Apartment Connected $ 104.96
Single & Semi Detached Non-Connected $ 146.93
Townhome & Apartment Non-Connected $ 73.47

Rural Stormwater

Property Type (Residential) Service Rate
Single & Semi Detached Connected $209.91
Townhome & Apartment Connected $ 104.96
Single & Semi Detached Non-Connected $ 104.96
Townhome & Apartment Non-Connected $ 52.47


For stormwater rates for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) properties, please refer to the Budget 2024 Information.

Consumption Rates (Per m³) – All Properties – resets every 30 days

Tier Volume Water Wastewater Combined
Tier 1 0 - 6m3 $0.92 $0.86 $1.78
Tier 2 7 m3 - 25m3 $1.83 $1.71 $3.54
Tier 3 26m3 - 180m3 $2.01 $1.88 $3.89
Tier 4 >180m3 $2.24 $2.12 $4.36

For information regarding these charges and the billing structure, please refer to the Understand your water utility bill page.

What impacts the cost of water services?

Extensive resources are needed to provide water, stormwater and wastewater services to Ottawa residents. The City delivers water and sewer services that consider:

  • Public health protection
  • Environmental protection
  • Provincial legislation, regulations and standards
  • Economic development
  • Infrastructure renewal and rehabilitation

What your charges pay for

Water production, distribution, collection and treatment 27%

Engineering, planning, and client servicing 17%

Infrastructure renewal 56%

The City maintains drinking water, wastewater and stormwater assets, including:

  • 6,000 km of sanitary and stormwater collection pipes 

  • 3,000 km of watermains 

  • 6,300 small and medium culverts 

  • Over 315 stormwater facilities 

  • Two water purification plants - Britannia and Lemieux Island 

  • One wastewater treatment facility - The Robert O. Pickard Environmental Centre (ROPEC) 

  • 55 wastewater pumping stations

Water meter service charges

Effective April 1, 2024
Service Charge
City water meter reading device (new or damaged) replacement $247.00
City water meter reading device and/or water meter reader wire re-location $195.00
Water meter accuracy test (less than 25mm) $157.00
Water meter accuracy test (greater than 25mm meter) $205.00
Additional visits (25mm meter) $76.00
Additional visits (large meter greater than 25mm) $124.00
Meter maintenance service call $197.00

Water utility bill fees

Effective January 1, 2025
Fee Description Cost
New Account Charged when setting up a new water account $86
Change of Ownership / Occupancy Each time the name on the account changes, it is considered to be a change of ownership / occupancy $49
Account History / Bill Reprint An account history / bill reprint $41
Credit Card / Debit The secure third-party payment service provider, Paymentus Corporation, charges a service fee for online payments using a credit card or debit banking card 1.99%
Payment Distribution If a payment has to be transferred from one account to another, a fee applies. This fee will be waived if it is the first transfer request on the account. Subsequent requests will incur the applicable fee. If you have moved or you have more than one water utility account, you must ensure all your water utility accounts have been individually set up for internet / telephone banking or when making a payment at your financial institution.  $34
Returned PAD Payment If your payment cannot be processed or is not otherwise honoured by the bank you will be charged for each account the payment was originally applied to $43
Returned Cheque Payment If your payment cannot be processed or is not otherwise honoured by the bank you will be charged for each account the payment was originally applied to $55
Late Payment / Interest A penalty for late payment is added the day following the due date and daily thereafter until the account is paid. Interest is applied after the due date, every 15 days thereafter and before each bill 0.0417% daily
Reminder Notice To cover the production, mailing and administrative costs associated with issuing a reminder notice $9.90
Water Termination Notice Fees to issue and manually deliver a final notice of water service termination $75
Transfer to Tax Water accounts left unpaid will be transferred to the corresponding property tax account and will incur an administrative fee $53
Water Shut-Off and Turn-On A fee to shut-off or turn-on water service will be charged to the property's water bill. The fee will be charged to the property's water bill for each transaction (shut-off and turn-on) $109
Water and Sewer Arrears Certificate Anyone can apply for a Water and Sewer Arrears Certificate, which is a statement of outstanding charges on a water and sewer account $74
Refund Processing To cover the cost of refunding credits to customers when credits are not the result of an error by the City $34
Water Consumption Report Water consumption monthly, daily and even hourly can be viewed on your water account by logging onto your MyServiceOttawa account. If you require a consumption report, an administrative fee applies $46
Water Deferral Application A non-refundable fee is charged to the tax account upon receipt of the initial application. $164
Water Deferral Renewal Application A non-refundable fee is charged to the tax account for subsequent year applications. $58
*Note: All Fees are subject to annual review by Council.