Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee

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Terms of Reference


The Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee is responsible for overseeing the City of Ottawa’s Emergency and Protective Services, including services delivered by By-Law and Regulatory Services, Event Central, Ottawa Fire Services, the Ottawa Paramedic Service, Public Safety Service, as well as the Public Policy Development Branch.


Membership of the Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee shall consist of Members of Council, as appointed by Council.  The Mayor is an ex-officio member.

General responsibilities

The Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee shall:

  1. Be responsible directly to Council for those items emanating from:
    1. all applicable services and branches within the Emergency and Protective Services Department, excluding matters within the jurisdiction of other Standing Committees;
    2. Advisory Committees or Sub-committees that are within the area of responsibility of this Committee; and
    3. Local boards, agencies and corporations that are created by, and report to, this Committee.
  2. Ensure co-ordination and consultation with other Standing Committees and departments where responsibilities overlap and on issues relevant to the mandate of more than one Committee.
  3. Have the authority to hear briefings on litigious matters related to items within the Committee’s mandate and to give direction to the City Solicitor on such matters where it is consistent with current Council direction or policy.
  4. Consider, for recommendation to Council, operating and capital budget amendments pertaining to items within the Committee mandate, subject to the budgetary powers and duties assigned to the head of Council under the Municipal Act, 2001 and associated regulations and any Council-approved budget process.
  5. Consult with the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee on issues within the Committee’s mandate that have an effect on the City’s rural residents and businesses or relating to items of interest for the agricultural and associated industries.
  6. Receive reports from staff regarding the exercise of delegated authority (By-law 2023-02) on items within the Committee’s mandate.
  7. Ensure active public participation by receiving delegations from the public, and holding public hearings as required by statute and Council.
  8. Address all matters related to, and arising from, Advisory Committees or Sub-committees under the Standing Committee’s responsibility and that are in line with the established Committee and Council Strategic Plans.
  9. Review and recommend to Council revisions to the Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee Terms of Reference, as required.
  10. Have the delegated authority to decide matters that are consistent with the application of federal and/or provincial statutes and/or regulations that are within the mandate of the Committee.
  11. Recommend to Council, the City of Ottawa’s participation in federal or provincial cost-sharing programs or grant proposals for matters within the mandate of the Committee.
  12. Monitor federal and provincial legislation with a distinct impact on services within the mandate of the Committee.
  13. Recommend to Council proposed by-laws that are under the Committee’s jurisdiction.
  14. Pursuant with the Delegation of Authority By-law, approve Councillors travel and attendance at conferences that are related to the Committee’s mandate.

Specific responsibilities

The Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee shall:

  1. Provide overall guidance and direction to the Emergency and Protective Services Department including but not limited to those service areas outlined below:

By-Law and Regulatory Services

  1. Provide overall guidance and direction to By-law and Regulatory Services for all by-laws and related programs that fall within the mandate of this Committee.
  2. Ensure that by-law and regulatory-related services are provided in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, and other applicable laws, regulations, by-laws, and guidelines.
  3. Receive the By-law and Regulatory Services Annual Report to understand the current levels of service and identify any need and method for improvement to Council.

Ottawa Fire Services

  1. Ensure that all emergency response, fire prevention and education services are provided in accordance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, and other applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.
  2. Receive and review the Ottawa Fire Services Annual Report to understand the current levels of service and identify any need and method for improvement to Council. 

Ottawa Paramedic Service

  1. Ensure that land ambulance services are provided in accordance with the Ambulance Act, and other applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.
  2. Receive and review the Ottawa Paramedic Service Annual Report to understand the current levels of service and identify any need and method for improvement to Council.

 Public Safety Service

  1. Provide overall guidance and direction on matters related to:
    1.  the City of Ottawa Emergency Management Plan;
    2. Corporate Security services;
    3. Corporate Radio system; and
    4. 9-1-1 service contracts.
  2. Ensure that all Security and Emergency Management programs and services are provided in accordance with Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, and other applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.
  3. Receive and review the Annual 9-1-1 Report and the Public Safety Service Annual Report to understand the current levels of service and identify any need for improvement to Council.

Public Policy Development

  1. Review and recommend to Council reports related to the By-law Review Framework and the By-law Review Work Plan.
  2. Ensure that by-laws are enacted in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.

Approved by City Council on February 22, 2023

Meetings, agendas and minutes

Meeting agendas, minutes and videos for City Council, its committees and select local boards can be accessed through the City’s agendas and minutes web portal(link is external)

See using the City’s Agendas and minutes web portal for more information.

The following is available through the portal:

  • Meeting schedules
  • Agendas
  • Minutes
  • Meeting documentation
  • Live streams
  • Meeting recordings for meetings held on or after June 27, 2022

Live meeting streams and archived meeting videos continue to be available on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel(link is external). More information is available in the Watch or listen to Council and committee meetings article.

Meeting documentation from January 2001 to June 2012 can be accessed through the legacy agendas and minutes application(link is external).

If at any time you are unable to find a document or access the links above, please send an email to Committees@ottawa.ca(link opens email application).