Urban and Village Boundary Expansion Official Plan Amendment

In 2024 a Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) was issued that enabled private landowners to request an expansion of the urban boundary at any time, including outside of a comprehensive review or Official Plan update. The consideration of such expansions requires an Official Plan Amendment. The Official Plan is, in effect, a blueprint of how a city wants to guide and direct future land use development. The urban boundary is the area that is already serviced or may be serviced with major roads, sewer, and water services, on which development may take place. Establishing the urban boundary helps conserve resources, promotes sustainable growth, and manages the efficient use of land.

If a proponent wishes to include land within the Urban Boundary, they may make an application for an Urban and Village Boundary Expansion Official Plan Amendment. These amendments generally are site-specific.

Before you begin

Prospective applicants are encouraged to meet and discuss their proposal with staff through a pre-consultation. The pre-consultation process is designed to help promote the exchange of information and identify considerations early in the planning process. During pre-consultation a customized list of the studies and plans required in support of the application is provided.

Note that before an Urban and Village Boundary Expansion Official Plan Application can be deemed complete, applicants must complete the following documents:

  • Urban and Village Boundary Expansion – Infrastructure Capacity Assessment (through steps 1 and 2)
  • Urban and Village Boundary Expansion – Land Needs Assessment

To obtain more information about the Servicing Component of the Infrastructure Capacity Assessment webpage.

Planning Process


A change in the Urban Boundary is a significant public policy decision. Therefore, an application for an Urban and Village Boundary Expansion Official Plan Amendment involves public consultation including providing notice to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject site. Applicants are not permitted to submit an Urban and Village Expansion Official Plan Amendment application concurrently with any other development application. City Council or the Ontario Land Tribunal must approve any amendment to the Official Plan.

The Planning Act has a provision whereby City Council must make a decision on any Official Plan Amendment application within 120 days of receiving a complete application. If City Council does not make a decision within this timeframe, the applicant can appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal on the basis that a decision has not been made within this time period.

For additional details on the steps associated with the processing and review of applications, please refer to the City’s development application process information.


Step 3: Land Need Assessment

Staff will review the growth projections and corresponding land supply assessment provided by the applicant and render a draft recommendation to the applicant as to whether it has been proven (or not) that more land is needed to meet the PPS requirement of a 15-year land supply. 

Should the applicant select to withdraw at this stage and there is no outstanding right to appeal, a partial refund would be administered.

Step 4: Settlement Area Parcel Analysis (SAPA)

Staff will review the Infrastructure Capacity Assessment and, informed by the criteria contained in the SAPA Terms of Reference, ensuring that any lands that would be added are the best lands for the long-term interest of the City. Staff will then provide a draft recommendation to the applicant, stating the staff position on the lands.

Should the applicant select to withdraw at this stage and there is no outstanding right to appeal, a partial refund would be administered.

Step 5: Decision by Council

Staff will present the report recommendations to Council, update Master Plans, Geographic Information System, webpages, and communicate changes to stakeholders.


There are unique challenges related to a change in an urban or village expansion, with impacts on the City’s master plans. The application fee reflects an estimated staff level of effort to consider potential expansion lands from a growth management needs perspective, along with an assessment of infrastructure and transportation capacity within the existing master plans, long-range capital financial plans, some or all of which may require significant consultant work.

The fee for an application for an Urban and Village Boundary Expansion Official Plan Amendment (effective October 20, 2024) is $1,400,000.00. The Urban Expansion Official Plan Application Fee is eligible for a refund, when an application withdrawal occurs before staff begin Step 4 or when the application is withdrawn after Step 4 has begun.

Please see additional information related to the City’s Development Application Fees including information related to on-site signs, re-circulations, Ontario Land Tribunal City Legal Costs as well as refunds.


Applications can be submitted to planningcirculations@ottawa.ca accompanied by required plans, studies and any other information that may be needed to assess your application. Alternatively, applications may be submitted at a City of Ottawa Client Service Centre. 

Applications for a Urban and Village Area Boundary Expansion require as a prerequisite an assessment of infrastructure capacity.  Please consult the Infrastructure Capacity Assessment webpage for City assistance with the servicing component.

Note: If using a file sharing / transfer site to submit supporting documents, please select one that does not restrict access to a single planning staff member or email address.

Urban and Village Boundary Expansion Official Plan Amendment Application Form 

Application commissioning, fees and payments

Client Service Centres will continue to offer commissioning services for applications and handle payments for new applications. Please ensure the payer’s name and address are indicated on the cheque, as well as bringing the application form to the client service centre.


If you require assistance using an electronic application form please contact a Development Information Officer, located at any of the Client Service Centres. You can make an appointment by calling 3-1-1 and asking to speak with a Development Information Officer.