Under Ontario's Condominium Act (1998), applicants are required to obtain condominium approval for construction of all new condominium units in Ottawa. The Act permits the following types of condominiums: common elements condominium; standard condominium; phased condominium; vacant land condominium and leasehold condominiums. It is typically required for the conversion of rental developments to condominium as well.
Before you begin
Before making an application, you should discuss your proposal with staff. Pre-consultation with City staff is required for vacant land condominiums. The pre-consultation process is designed to help promote the exchange of information and development considerations early in the planning process and a customized list of the studies and plans required in support of a development application is provided. If you fail to consult with staff, the City cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of your application submission which may result in processing delays.
When Draft Plan approval is granted, made under delegated authority from Council and after the required appeal period, there are usually a number of conditions to be met by the Owner prior to final approval and registration. Among the conditions is usually a requirement that the Owner enter into a condominium agreement with the City.
The responsibility for fulfilling the conditions of draft approval rests primarily with the Owner, as does the timing involved. After all the conditions of draft plan approval have been met and where appropriate documented letters of clearance have been received, final approval can be given. The Condominium Plan and agreement can then be registered in the land titles/registry system.
Standard Plan of Condominium applications are one of five types of applications included within the City’s Guaranteed Application Timeline Initiative (GATI). Since July 1, 2012, the City of Ottawa has been committed to rendering a decision on certain classes of development applications within the Council approved timeline, in this case 49 days, or else the applicant’s next application of that type will be free of charge.
For additional details on the steps associated with the processing and review of development applications, please refer to the City’s development application process information.
The following fees (effective January 1, 2025) apply to an application for Plan of Condominium.
New Vacant Land Condominium
Without a concurrent Site Plan Control application - $67,032.90 (includes $6,148.00 legal fee + HST)
- plus an initial engineering design review and inspection fee
- value of Infrastructure and Landscaping is less than (<) $300,000, $5,000, or
- value of Infrastructure and Landscaping is greater than (>) $300,000 $10,000
With a concurrent Site Plan Control application - $32,008.90 (includes $6,148.00 legal fee + HST)
New Standard, Common Elements, Phased, or Leasehold Condominium - $30,899.24 (includes $6,148.00 legal fee + HST)
Revision or Extension for a Plan of Condominium - $7,344.42 (includes $2,634.00 legal fee + HST)
The Conservation Authority will invoice separately as required.
Please see additional information related to the City’s Development Application Fees including information related to on-site signs, re-circulations, engineering design review and inspections, fourth and subsequent engineering reviews, Ontario Land Tribunal City Legal Costs as well as refunds.
Applications can be submitted to planningcirculations@ottawa.ca(link opens email application) accompanied by required plans, studies and any other information that may be needed to assess your application.
- Note: If using a file sharing / transfer site to submit supporting documents, please select one that does not restrict access to a single planning staff member or email address.
Plan of Condominium Application Form Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Upon application submission, staff will provide confirmation of the amount due, the specific payment methods available for the application type, and the necessary details for the different payment methods.
Application commissioning, fees and payments
Client Service Centres will continue to offer commissioning services for applications and handle payments for new applications. Please ensure the payer’s name and address are indicated on the cheque.
If you require assistance using an electronic application form please contact a Development Information Officer, located at any of the Client Service Centres. You can make an appointment by calling 3-1-1 and asking to speak with a Development Information Officer.
If you would like to speak with planning staff please contact the appropriate development review Planner III by calling 3-1-1 and providing the address of the property you wish to discuss.