Find a facility
The Place Listings web tool allows you to search for facilities by name, type or feature. Use it to locate facilities such as:
- recreation and community centres (full-service sites),
- community buildings (suburban and rural facilities),
- museums,
- galleries,
- arenas and more.
Enter a facility's name in the keyword search to quickly find its web page. Use the "feature" option to search for a place to have a picnic, play outdoor volleyball or basketball or use a computer, to name a few.
Fountains - Find a fountain
Use this map to find City of Ottawa operated water fountains available to the public.
To report any issues or concerns regarding a drinking water fountain please contact 3-1-1.
Washrooms - public and portable
Accessibility level rating
0 = No accessible stall or universal washroom available.
1 = Basic access to one or more accessible stall or universal washroom including:
- a power door operator into the facility
- a clear path of travel to an accessible stall / universal washroom
- at least one grab bar available.
2 = Criteria from level 1, plus:
- appropriate height of washroom amenities
- a power door opener
3 = Criteria from level 1 and 2, plus:
- a large turning radius in universal washroom or washroom stall
- one or more grab bars at appropriate heights
- automatic toilet flushers
Wi-Fi - free public access
Free Wi-Fi access is available at 24 City facilities, including the ByWard Market Building, Ben Franklin Place and City Hall.
Public Wi-Fi Locations [ PDF - 2.1 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)