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Temporary Traffic Calming Measures Program

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Speeding and driver behaviour are major concerns for residents within Ottawa. Each year, numerous inquiries are received in pursuit of traffic calming measures to address these issues. Unfortunately, permanent roadway modifications are not always a viable solution. Some locations of concern may not meet the necessary criteria for permanent modifications or in certain instances, the impacts of such modifications are undesirable.

The Temporary Traffic Calming Measures (TTCM) Program facilitates the installation of effective, low cost traffic calming measures that are temporary and/or seasonal in nature. These are quickly and easily installed and can be easily modified where applicable. TTCM offer safety solutions for areas that often do not meet criteria for permanent roadway modifications.

Each Ward Councillor is allocated an annual budget for TTCM. The type of measure along with the implementation location is selected by the Ward Councillor following consultation with Ward residents and technical TTCM Program staff.

Temporary Traffic Calming Options

Traffic calming measures currently considered as part of the Temporary Traffic Calming Measures Program are the following:

Many permanent measures affect the drainage of a roadway and are subject to a detailed design beyond the scope of the TTCM Program. However, some permanent measures may have fewer impacts and can be constructed following a standard drawing and on-site review. Public consultation in the form of a petition will be required prior to the installation of any permanent measures. The following measures may be considered on a case-by-case basis as part of the TTCMP and will be subject to the same location restrictions identified in the City’s Traffic Calming Design Guidelines:

  • Improvement of minor roadway deficiencies in rural areas
  • Permanent Speed Humps or speed tables
  • Median narrowing islands or pedestrian refuge islands.

New temporary measures will continue to be explored, and piloted. Those that fit within the scope of the program will be added on an on-going basis.