Memoranda issued by City Manager

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Information on the publication of memoranda

Memoranda issued by the City of Ottawa’s Senior Leadership Team to all Members of Council and the media will be published here when available. The memoranda are published on an ongoing basis as they become available and will remain online for a period of one year from the date of issuance.  Residents wishing to obtain copies of memoranda that are no longer available online should contact the relevant department through one of the City’s general inquiry processes.

In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), some attachments have not been proactively disclosed. If you are seeking an attachment that is not available online, please visit for information on filing an access to information request.

Memo: Revisions to the Employee Code of Conduct (February 6, 2025)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Stuart Huxley, Interim City Solicitor
Subject: Revisions to the Employee Code of Conduct
Date: February 6, 2025

The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council regarding updates to the City of Ottawa’s Employee Code of Conduct and Ethics program. The Office of the City Solicitor has undertaken a comprehensive review and revised the Employee Code of Conduct (or “Code of Conduct”) to enhance its accountability, transparency and impartiality expectations. The revised Code of Conduct will be released on February 6, 2025, accompanied by a comprehensive communication and dissemination campaign.

270(1)(5) of the Municipal Act provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to the,
 “manner in which the municipality will try to ensure that it is accountable to the public for its actions, and the manner in which the municipality will try to ensure that its actions are transparent to the        public”.

While municipalities in Ontario are not legally required to have a Code of Conduct for their employees per se, the City’s Employee Code of Conduct is an important component of the City’s internal accountability and ethical standards in the Accountability and Transparency Policy and Accountability framework. The Employee Code of Conduct is applicable to all City employees, including staff employed with Ottawa Public Health (OPH) as well as Members of Council staff designated as City employees. Pursuant to Council’s adoption of the Ethical Framework for Members’ Staff during the 2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review, the Employee Code of Conduct will not apply to staff designated as City employees in Members’ offices in the next term of Council (2026-2030).

The review of the Employee Code of Conduct was initially triggered by the City’s Corporate Administrative Policy Framework requiring all City policies to be reviewed and updated accordingly every four years. Since the extensive revisions to the Code of Conduct in 2010 in response to a motion and direction from Council, there have been minor updates to the Code of Conduct in 2013, 2016 and 2019. Findings from the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry and Stage 2 LRT Project Procurement Audit provided further impetus to conduct a comprehensive review of the Code of Conduct.

The revised Code of Conduct will enhance and reinforce staff’s obligations with respect to transparency and accountability, such as the duty to document and to act in accordance with their delegated authority (as per the Delegation of Authority by-law (No. 2024-265) and Delegation of Powers Policy) as outlined in recommendations 60 and 76 in Justice Hourigan’s report on the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry.

The revised Code of Conduct will enhance and reinforce staff’s obligations with respect to transparency and accountability, such as the duty to document and to act in accordance with their delegated authority (as per the Delegation of Authority by-law (No. 2024-265) and Delegation of Powers Policy) as outlined in recommendations 60 and 76 in Justice Hourigan’s report on the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry.

The revised Code of Conduct now has a commitment from senior leadership to act and uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct at the City, including to provide their best objective, nonpartisan, professional advice to Council. Similarly, the updates also include enhanced expectations regarding impartiality, such as statements to reinforce staff’s obligation to carry out Council’s decisions in an impartial manner, the inclusion of personal relationships as a potential conflict of interest in decisions and employment matters and the expansion of the gifts and hospitality provision to include individuals and organizations that are impacted by City decisions and work (for example, planning applications, inspections, etc.). Furthermore, guidelines and procedures that provide further guidance to staff on conflict of interest disclosure, gifts and hospitality and personal use of social media will be released later in February 2025.

The revised Code of Conduct also includes expectations and considerations to complement the City’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and addressing workplace violence and harassment. Principles and expectations on innovation, fraud and waste, stewardship and providing excellent service delivery have been incorporated or enhanced.

These revisions were informed by extensive benchmarking across municipal, provincial and federal codes of conduct in Canada, consultation with City staff and a review of findings from relevant audits, public inquires and legal cases. Furthermore, consultations with staff were held on which values should best represent the City’s public servants, resulting in a refreshed set of values that the City’s municipal public service should apply in their everyday experiences to demonstrate the highest standards of ethical behaviour. These values have been embedded into the updated Code of Conduct.

In furtherance to the recommendations in the Office of the Auditor General’s Fraud Investigation: Allegations of a Kickback Scheme, the Office of the City Solicitor, with the support of City departments, will roll out a comprehensive communication campaign to ensure wide dissemination of the updated Code of Conduct across the organization. Staff in the Office of the City Solicitor have begun to undertake discussions with departments to assess their needs for customized training. This work will continue through Q1 2025 and inform the materials that need to be developed for refresher mandatory Code of Conduct training that all City employees will have to complete.

Stuart Huxley
Interim City Solicitor

Wendy Stephanson, City Manager
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Interim Medical Officer of Health, Ottawa Public Health (OPH)

Memo: Provincial campaign announcement regarding uploading of O-Train (February 4, 2025)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson
Subject: Provincial campaign announcement regarding uploading of O-Train
Date: February 4, 2025

The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council that, earlier today, Premier Doug Ford made an election campaign-related announcement in Ottawa, proposing an upload of O-Train assets to the Province of Ontario.

As previously shared with Members of Council, our existing transit system has a systemic funding deficit. In keeping with Council direction, the City continues to engage the federal and provincial governments in an effort to secure consistent and predictable funding to provide safe and reliable transit for the residents of Ottawa. Closing transit’s financial gap is a key focus of the Fairness for Ottawa campaign.

Should this announcement be implemented, it could align Ottawa’s transit delivery model with other major Ontario cities. As the Province has implemented with other municipalities, local transit entities continue to provide service locally while maintenance and oversight are under provincial jurisdiction. Maintaining local transit delivery ensures that services align with community ridership needs.

The announcement today was part of the provincial election campaign; the City of Ottawa has not entered into any formal negotiations with the Province. It would be premature to speculate on details at this time. At the Mayor’s request, City staff will provide Members of Council with an in-camera information briefing about the potential financial and legal implications at the February 12, 2025 City Council meeting.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Wendy Stephanson
City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Trevor Arnason, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services


Executive Recruitment Process Updates (November 12, 2024)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson, City Manager
Subject: Executive Recruitment Process Updates  
Date: November 12, 2024

The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council that the City of Ottawa has commenced two executive recruitment processes, including the relaunch of a recruitment campaign for the General Manager (GM) of Planning, Development and Building Services (PDBS), and a new executive search for an Associate General Manager (AGM) of Transit Services. Both senior leadership positions are critical to successfully delivering on Council’s strategic priorities and long-term goals.

General Manager of Planning, Development and Building Services 

The executive recruitment process for the GM of PDBS will relaunch through the high-performing executive search firm, Keynote Search, in early November. The City has partnered with Keynote Search based on their strong network for finding and recruiting top talent.  

The goal remains finding an exceptional leader with significant planning and development experience to strengthen the overall city-building agenda, respond and adapt to new and emerging legislation, meet statutory provincial targets, and advance major city-wide transformative planning initiatives.  

Vivi Chi will continue to serve as the Interim GM of PDBS until the executive recruitment process is complete.  

Associate General Manager of Transit Services 

I am also pleased to announce that a new executive recruitment process for an AGM of Transit Services has been launched via Keynote Search effective today.  

Under the guidance of Renée Amilcar, GM of Transit Services, the successful candidate will take on the AGM role for a two-year term with a variety of key responsibilities that are essential to the effective management and strategic planning of the City’s transit services.    

As part of the ongoing focus on succession and recognizing the importance of maintaining a strong departmental leadership team at Transit Services the executive search includes internal and external recruitment. 

The goal is to bring new talent and build capacity in the department by bringing in new expertise, skills and perspectives from other transit authorities to bolster support the department during this period of significant transformation. 

I look forward to updating Council once a contract with the successful candidates have been finalized for both positions.  

The senior leadership team continues to invest significantly in succession planning to ensure both the short- and long-term success of the organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.  


Wendy Stephanson 
City Manager 

cc: Senior Leadership Team 
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, CEO, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, MOH, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Stubbs, Ottawa Police Service

Ontario-Ottawa Agreement Funding Update (November 5, 2024)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson, City Manager
Subject: Executive Recruitment Process Updates  
Date: November 5, 2024

The purpose of this memo is to provide an update to the Mayor and Members of Council on the recent Ontario Solicitor General and Treasury Board endorsement of Public Safety (Item 3.3) and Shelters and Homelessness Support (Item 3.4) initiatives to fund over the next three years as part of the Ontario-Ottawa Agreement.   

The Ontario-Ottawa Agreement is intended to help accelerate the city’s economic recovery and growth given the unique challenges that Ottawa faces as Ontario’s second largest city, its uniquely large geographical area, and its role as the nation’s capital.  

Item 3.3 - Public Safety 

The Ontario Solicitor General and Treasury Board recently endorsed seven Public Safety initiatives that are rooted in evidence-based approaches and contemporary best practices, while enhancing community engagement and leveraging partnerships to address current safety issues in a holistic way. 

A total of $48 million in provincial funding has been allocated for this work with $16 million available annually over the three years.  

The initiatives include: 

  • Transit Security: Enhancing safety measures across public transit systems to protect commuters and reduce transit-related crimes.
  • Downtown Safety Outreach Partnership: Collaborating with local businesses and community organizations to create a safer downtown environment.
  • Alternative Mental Health Supports: Providing specialized and non-police mental health crisis intervention services to support vulnerable populations.
  • An Alternative Staffing Strategy Encompassing Special Constables: Implementing a new staffing model to include special constables for more flexible and efficient resource allocation.
  • A Mounted Patrol Unit: Introducing Mounted Patrols to improve police visibility and community engagement in high-density areas.
  • Market Safe: A dedicated initiative to address the specific safety concerns of the ByWard Market, focusing on reducing crime and improving public confidence.
  • CORE (Community-Oriented Response and Engagement): A comprehensive approach to community policing that emphasizes proactive engagement and problem-solving strategies.

Item 3.4 – Shelters and Homelessness Support 

In addition, the Ontario Solicitor General and Treasury Board endorsed the following Shelters and Homelessness Support initiatives to help address the increased numbers of asylum seekers and people experiencing homelessness with a total of $40 million available annually for three years beginning in 2023.  

The funding received in 2023 was a reimbursement for operating funds already spent by the City. The 2024 funding will be used in the same manner.  

The initiatives include: 

  • Provision of emergency shelter beds (including hotels/motels)
  • Necessary basic needs for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness
  • Services offered within emergency shelters/by shelter employees
  • Other emergency shelter and homelessness supports
  • Administrative supports

The City is pleased with the progress made to date on the Ontario-Ottawa Agreement as we work together to fuel the city’s revitalization and economic recovery. I am committed to keeping you informed as we continue to make advancements on these shared priorities. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to me.  


Wendy Stephanson 
City Manager 

cc: Senior Leadership Team 
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, CEO, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, MOH, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Stubbs, Ottawa Police Service

Memo: Update on City of Ottawa’s Participation in the 2024 Capital Pride Parade (August 21, 2024)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson, City Manager
Subject: Update on City of Ottawa’s Participation in the 2024 Capital Pride Parade
Date: August 21, 2024

The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council on the City Administration’s decision to withdraw its participation as an official contingent of the 2024 Capital Pride Parade.

For more than 25 years, City of Ottawa employees have participated in the Pride Parade and associated events, with the support of City leaders, to express solidarity with Ottawa’s diverse Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual + (2SLGBTQQIA+) community.

The City’s long-standing tradition of supporting Pride events reflects our strong commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive city where everyone feels valued and respected. Throughout the years, the City has worked hard to incorporate and promote equity, diversity and inclusion in municipal service delivery and create safe and supportive environments where everyone can live as their true selves, not only without fear of discrimination, but also with a sense of belonging.

Following the August 6 statement issued by the Capital Pride Board, which took a position on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, some City staff and members of the community have expressed that they now feel excluded, unwelcome or unsafe to participate in this year’s parade. It has also prompted several organizations in Ottawa to withdraw their participation from the parade. The situation has become polarizing and unfortunately sparked divisiveness in our community.

The senior leadership team has taken this feedback seriously, and after careful consideration, I, as City Manager, have made the difficult decision to not have City staff participate as an official contingent in this year’s parade. As public servants we have a duty of impartiality, and it is our shared responsibility to prevent the perception that the City administration is taking a political position. Withdrawing from the parade ensures that we uphold our commitment to impartial public service, while maintaining our deep-rooted values of equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging.

The City of Ottawa will continue to provide operational and event support to ensure public safety during Sunday’s parade. In addition, the float designated for elected officials will remain part of the parade.

The organization remains committed to celebrating and supporting our vibrant 2SLGBTQQIA+ community. The Pride Flag was raised at several City facilities on Monday, including City Hall, the Mary Pitt Centre, the Nepean Client Service Centre (Ben Franklin Place), Orleans Client Service Centre, Paramedic, Fire, By-law and Regulatory Services and OC Transpo headquarters, as well as Public Works yards. City employees have also been invited to take part in other upcoming activities organized by our 2024 Pride Working Group.

As City staff, we have a duty to uphold our shared values and remain unified in our commitment to shaping positive environments where everyone feels a great sense of belonging.

Wendy Stephanson
City Manager

c.c: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, CEO, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, MOH, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Stubbs, Ottawa Police Service

Memo: New General Manager of Emergency and Protective Services (June 11, 2024)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson, City Manager
Subject: New General Manager of Emergency and Protective Services
Date: June 11, 2024

The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council that after an extensive internal and external recruitment process, Ryan Perrault will be the new General Manager (GM) of Emergency and Protective Services (EPS).

As I announced in April, Ryan is currently serving as Interim GM of Strategic Initiatives (SI) and he is committed to continuing to lead and stabilize the new department until the executive recruitment process for a permanent GM of SI is complete. This process is well underway.

Ryan brings a wealth of experience to the GM of EPS role with more than 23 years at the City of Ottawa. During this time, Ryan has served in several leadership positions, including Associate General Manager (AGM), Director of the Vaccination Distribution Taskforce and the Manager of Business and Technical Support Services, all within EPS.

As AGM of EPS in 2022, under Kim Ayotte’s mentorship, Ryan ensured business continuity and the ongoing day-to-day operations of the department during the truck convoy—one of the most challenging times for our city. Ryan is the third participant from the AGM program to join the senior leadership team, following Alain Gonthier, GM of Public Works, and Vivi Chi, Interim GM of Planning, Development and Building Services.

Ryan is a well-established member of the EPS departmental leadership team, having served as Manager of the department’s Business and Technical Support Services for eight years. In this role, Ryan provided strategic advice to the GM, supported various business functions, and led the Events Central team. As Director of the Vaccine Distribution Task Force, Ryan’s leadership, innovation and commitment to team building and public service were instrumental to the overall success of Ottawa’s vaccine rollout.

With nearly 12 years in EPS, Ryan has worked across many service areas, providing a broad range of business services to the delivery of fire services, paramedic services, by-law enforcement and business licensing, security, emergency management special events, film permitting and public policy development.

Ryan has demonstrated an ability to lead high-functioning teams that are able to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in a rapidly evolving municipal government. He is bilingual, has keen business insights and is also known for building strong, collaborative relationships. Ryan is a well-rounded leader with expertise in effective communication, strategy development and team management.

In addition, Ryan is currently enrolled in an executive education program at the Harvard Kennedy School, has completed the Ivey Business School’s AMCTO Executive Municipal Leadership Program, and holds a Master’s Certificate in Municipal Leadership with the Schulich School of Business.

Given Ryan’s extensive experience, I have no doubt that he is well positioned to successfully lead the City’s EPS department.  

During this period of transition, while the executive recruitment process for the permanent GM of SI continues, members of the EPS departmental leadership team (DLT) will have the opportunity to take on the role of Acting GM of EPS for a short-term assignment. I am very pleased to share that Paul Hutt, Fire Chief, and long-time member of the EPS DLT, will take on the first assignment as Acting GM effective Friday, June 14, 2024, to align with Kim Ayotte’s retirement.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank and recognize Paul Hutt, Valérie Bietlot, Roger Chapman, Beth Gooding and Pierre Poirier for their commitment to leadership development and the continued success of the EPS team. This innovative approach supports the City’s ongoing succession planning efforts and allows for a hands-on, experiential learning opportunity in a senior leadership role.

Finally, I want to thank and recognize Kim Ayotte once again for his exceptional leadership of EPS and significant contributions to the City of Ottawa and the residents we serve. I wish him all the best as he embarks on this exciting next chapter.

The senior leadership team continues to invest significantly in succession planning to ensure both the short- and long-term success of the organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Wendy Stephanson City Manager

c.c: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, CEO, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, MOH, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Stubbs, Ottawa Police Service

Memo: Organizational Change and Renewal (April 17, 2024)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson, City Manager 
Subject: Organizational Change and Renewal
Date: April 17, 2024

The purpose of this memo is to confirm the organizational change and renewal presentation received by Council today.

As I shared at Council this morning, the organization is experiencing significant change due to ongoing retirements and leadership turnover, continuous legislative changes from the federal and provincial governments, new and emerging technologies and ways of working, ongoing economic and social challenges, and evolving community and workforce needs.

Given these realities, changes have been made to the City’s administrative structure to set up the organization for success now and in the future.

Creation of a new Strategic Initiatives department

Effective today, a new Strategic Initiatives (SI) department has been created to bring together expertise in key areas with single points of accountability to deliver on Council’s highest priorities, including economic development, housing solutions and investments, and climate change and resiliency.

Economic Development Services is responsible for driving the city’s economic growth, prosperity, diversification and resilience through economic development programs and projects that will help position Ottawa as a destination of choice to live, work, play, invest, learn and visit. This team will also work to foster relationships with local, provincial and federal partners to strengthen the local economy and advocate for the city’s interest.

Housing Solutions and Investments Services is responsible for facilitating investments in new housing, developing strategies to increase housing options for moderate- and low-income households, providing innovative real estate solutions as well as managing the City’s real estate portfolio, identifying and preparing public lands for new affordable housing, and seeking sustainable funding.

Climate Change and Resiliency Services is responsible for responding to climate change issues and driving positive environmental results for the City by focusing efforts to advance key strategies including the Climate Change Master Plan, Energy Evolution Strategy, Climate To / Destinataire Mayor and Members of Council File/N° de fichier : From / Expéditeur Wendy Stephanson City Manager Subject / Objet Organizational Change and Renewal Date : April 17, 2024 2 Resiliency Strategy, Urban Forest Management Plan and associated priorities, programs, projects and policies.

SI will also include a new Strategic Projects Office responsible for leading the City’s strategic planning process and overseeing high-performing, multi-disciplinary teams to respond to new and emerging priorities and lead short- and long-term transformational projects to support the growth and evolution of the City of Ottawa.

The new department is designed to be agile and scalable for the purposes of delivering on and responding to the priorities of Council, the organization and the evolving landscape of the city.

As shared at Council, Ryan Perrault will serve as Interim GM of SI effective immediately. Ryan brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role, having worked for the City for more than 20 years in several leadership positions. Most recently, he served as Manager of the Business and Technical Support Services team within the Emergency and Protective Services (EPS) Department and as Director of the Vaccine Distribution Task Force. As Director, Ryan’s leadership, innovation and commitment to team building and public service were instrumental to the overall success of Ottawa’s vaccine rollout. Ryan also participated in the City’s Associate General Manager (AGM) Program in 2022, where he served as AGM of EPS for a year-long placement.

A proven leader, Ryan has a demonstrated ability to lead teams to adjust and adapt quickly and manage challenges and opportunities in a rapidly evolving municipal government. On behalf of the senior leadership team, please join me in welcoming Ryan to this new senior leadership role. An executive recruitment process for the new GM position will be launched through Keynote Search the week of April 22, 2024.

Focused Planning, Development and Building Services department

With the creation of SI, the former Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department (PRED) will become the focused Planning, Development and Building Services Department (PDBS).

Returning to a true planning department will strengthen the overall city-building agenda and assist with the recruitment of a new General Manager. The focused department will be well positioned to respond and adapt to new and emerging legislation from the federal and provincial governments, and meet statutory provincial targets, while continuing to advance major city-wide transformative planning initiatives, including the Official Plan, Zoning By-law update and Transportation Master Plan.

PDBS will include the following services areas: Building Code Services, Transportation Planning, Planning Services, the Lansdowne Park Project, Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design, and Business and Technical Support Services.

Vivi Chi will continue to serve as Interim GM of PDBS while the executive recruitment process continues for a new GM.

I will provide an update to Members of Council on the outcome of the executive recruitment process for both the GM of SI and GM of PDBS once they are complete.

It is important to note that the organizational changes are FTE neutral, and the restructuring will mostly result in reporting changes or service area transfers to the new department. Mitigation measures are being put in place to ensure the continued effectiveness of operations and service delivery.

For more detailed information on the organizational changes, please refer to the backgrounder.

I am confident that this new structure will successfully advance Term of Council and City priorities, while enhancing the organization’s responsiveness to new and emerging priorities. The changes will also help foster an environment of continuous improvement and innovation and assist with the successful recruitment of senior leaders and the attraction and retention of talent at the City.

I appreciate your continued support as we move forward together. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Sincerely, Wendy Stephanson
City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services

Memo: Staffing Update – Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development (February 1, 2024)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson
Subject: Staffing Update – Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development
Date: February 1, 2024

The purpose of this memo is to provide you with a staffing update within the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department (PRED).

Further to my Memo to Council on December 11, 2023, Vivi Chi officially assumed the role of Interim General Manager (GM) of PRED on January 2, 2024, following Don Herweyer’s retirement announcement.

Throughout the month of January, Vivi and Don have worked closely to ensure a seamless leadership transition and the continued success of the PRED team to deliver on Council’s priorities and advance city building files that will shape Ottawa now and in the future.

Following a successful transition period, I am pleased to announce that Don will officially assume the role of Special Advisor, Planning, effective today, February 1, 2024, until his retirement on April 19, 2024. As Special Advisor, Don will report directly to me and support Vivi as Interim GM to continue advancing several key projects including the Development Charge By-law, Lansdowne 2.0, the Community Development Plan(s) Review, New Zoning By-law, and ongoing Provincial planning charges.

As Mayor Sutcliffe shared in his Memo to Council on January 25, the hiring process for the new GM of PRED launched on January 24, 2024, through the executive search firm Odgers Berndtson with a closing date of March 1, 2024.

I look forward to providing an update to Council by way of memorandum after a contract with the successful candidate is finalized and executed.

The senior leadership team continues to invest significantly in succession planning to ensure both the short- and long-term success of the organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Wendy Stephanson
City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services

Memo: Recruitment of City Clerk (December 13, 2023)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson
Subject: Recruitment of City Clerk
Date: December 13, 2023

The purpose of this memo is to inform Council that an executive search for a new City Clerk will be launched today and will remain open until January 12, 2024. The executive search for this position follows the retirement of the former City Clerk Rick O’Connor.

The City Clerk position is being advertised with key organizations and on platforms including the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), Municipal Information Network News, Federation of Canadian Municipalities and LinkedIn.

The City Clerk is a mandatory statutory officer appointed by Council under the Municipal Act, 2001. At the City of Ottawa, in addition to fulfilling legislative requirements under the Act, the City Clerk leads the Office of the City Clerk and ensures that all statutory obligations are administered to fully comply with provincial legislation, particularly as it relates to matters such as elections, access to information and privacy, information management, archives, Council and Committee meetings, the Council-adopted Accountability Framework and municipal governance.

As announced in August, David White will continue to serve as City Solicitor and Interim City Clerk during this period of transition, and the Mayor and Members of Council will be advised on the outcome of the recruitment process once it is complete.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.


Wendy Stephanson
City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services

Memo: Senior Leadership Team Update – Interim General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development (December 11, 2023)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson
Subject: Senior Leadership Team Update – Interim General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development
Date: December 11, 2023

The purpose of this memo is to inform Members of Council that Don Herweyer, Interim General Manager (GM) of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development (PRED), will be retiring in the spring of 2024. To ensure a seamless leadership transition, Vivi Chi, Director of Transportation Planning, will move into the role of Interim GM of PRED effective January 2, 2024, until a permanent GM is announced.

Don has dedicated 36 years of municipal public service to the City of Ottawa. Since August 2022, he has successfully led the team in PRED to advance transformative files that will shape Ottawa’s future including the Official Plan, the Transportation Master Plan and Climate Change Master Plan. Throughout the past 18 months, Don has brought stability to the department by working closely with his leadership team to navigate multiple provincial legislative announcements that have led to unprecedented changes to how the department functions. Don has successfully led the department through two budgets, further provincial changes to the Official Plan, work on the new Zoning and Development Charges by-law, Lansdowne 2.0 and the Community Improvement Plan review.

Don has made significant and lasting contributions to our great city and will be missed by his team for his supportive leadership style and commitment to building strong and productive relationships with employees, elected officials and community partners. Around the senior leadership team table, Don will be missed for his collaborative nature and in-depth knowledge.

A formal recognition will take place closer to Don’s retirement date. Please join me in thanking Don for his dedication to the City of Ottawa and wishing him well as he prepares for the next chapter.

Effective January 2, Vivi Chi will begin working closely with Don and the departmental leadership team as she transitions into the role of Interim GM of PRED. Vivi is a professional civil engineer with more than 35 years of experience in municipal government, beginning with the former Region of Ottawa-Carleton, then the amalgamated City of Ottawa. Her career started inconstruction and progressed quickly to planning major transportation projects that improve mobility options for residents.

Vivi is a seasoned leader within the organization having served in several senior management roles including most recently as Director of Transportation Planning and as Associate General Manager (AGM) of PRED from 2021 to 2022. As AGM, Vivi had the opportunity to strengthen the core leadership skills and competencies required of a GM.

Vivi excels in challenges and has led many high-profile city-building initiatives such as the West Transitway Extension, the O-Train pilot project, the Corktown Bridge, the Laurier Bike Lanes, Churchill Avenue and the City’s first Transportation Master Plan. These projects and others have won several provincial and national awards for innovation and design excellence.

A proven collaborator, coach and mentor, Vivi is committed to providing opportunities for staff to excel, building trust and alliances with external partners, and working collaboratively to deliver on Council’s priorities.

Both Don and Vivi remain committed to the continued success of the PRED team. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.


Wendy Stephanson
City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services

Memo: Rick O'Connor Retirement (August 21, 2023)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson
Subject: Rick O'Connor Retirement
Date: August 21, 2023

The purpose of this memo is to inform you that Rick O’Connor, City Clerk, will be retiring from the City of Ottawa effective September 1, 2023.

Rick has dedicated close to 35 years of municipal public service to the City of Ottawa. During his tenure, he has served as City Clerk, and previously as City Clerk and Solicitor, City Solicitor and Deputy City Clerk in the post-amalgamated organization. In these senior leadership roles, Rick championed transparent, accountable and open government initiatives, such as Council’s Accountability Framework, which included the Lobbyist Registry, the Employee Code of Conduct and the routine and pro-active disclosure policies.

Rick also served as the City’s Chief Electoral Officer during the last four Terms of Council, where he was responsible for all Ottawa municipal and school board elections from 2010 to 2022. In this role, Rick and his team did an exceptional job leading the transition of outgoing Councillors, the orientation of incoming Members of Council, as well as Council’s adoption of its new governance tools, such as the Procedure By-law and the committee structures.

Rick will be missed by the Office of the City Clerk team for his commitment to servant leadership, coaching his people and championing the importance of relationship building, not only within his team, but across the organization. As a member of the senior leadership team, Rick’s exceptional leadership, ability to provide sound advice, and in-depth understanding of municipal government are qualities that have made him such a valuable colleague and mentor.

It should be noted that Rick’s contributions extend beyond the City. Rick has been active in the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) for decades, winning the AMCTO Prestige Award in 2006 for outstanding individual contributions to the municipal sector at large. Widely regarded as an expert in municipal conflict of interest, Rick served as a panelist in the Good Government portion of the Bellamy Inquiry, drawing on his past experiences serving on the Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s Conflict of Interest Task Force, and the Provincial-Local Government Working Group’s “Report on Open Local Government”, among others.

Please join me in thanking Rick for his dedication to the City of Ottawa, for his contributions to open government in the province, and congratulating him as he prepares for this next chapter.

I am pleased to announce that David White, City Solicitor, will serve as Interim City Clerk effective September 1. David is a seasoned leader with 29 years of service at the City. He is currently a member of the senior leadership team and will continue to serve in his current role as City Solicitor in addition to Interim City Clerk. An executive recruitment process for the City Clerk position will be launched and an update will be provided to Council.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.


Wendy Stephanson
Interim City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services

Memo: Succession Plan Update: Associate Director Program’s Second Cohort (September 25, 2023)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson
Subject: Succession Plan Update: Associate Director Program’s Second Cohort
Date: September 25, 2023

The purpose of this memo is to announce the second cohort of the City of Ottawa’s Associate Director (AD) Program who will begin their year-long development placements effective October 9, 2023.

The senior leadership team (SLT) has invested significantly over the past several years in building a robust succession plan and talent management strategy to ensure the long-term success of the organization. Originally launched in March 2022, the AD program provides experiential learning opportunities to City staff and is a key part of the City’s succession management strategy which aims to retain talent from within, stabilize the workforce and prepare for the future in the face of continued retirements at leadership levels.

A call for applications for the 2023-2024 AD program was launched in April, and the successful candidates are as follows:

  • Jason Barney, Manager, Applications, will assume the role of Associate Chief Information Officer, in Finance and Corporate Services, under the leadership of Sandro Carlucci.
  • Tyler Hicks, Manager, Design and Construction (ROPEC Project), will assume the role of Associate Director, Water Linear and Customer Services, in Infrastructure and Water Services, under the leadership of Marilyn Journeaux.
  • Krista Tanaka, Manager, Traffic Safety and Mobility, will assume the role of Associate Director, Traffic Services, in Public Works, under the leadership of Philippe Landry.
  • Rami El Feghali, Manager, Customer Service, will assume the role of Associate Director, Transit Bus Operations and Maintenance, in Transit Services, under the leadership of Jim Greer.

Succession planning continues to be a key strategic priority for SLT to ensure potential successors are equipped with the leadership skills and capabilities required to compete for new career opportunities as they arise. SLT remains committed to the growth and development of our workforce and appreciates your continued support on these important initiatives.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Wendy Stephanson
City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Bryce Conrad, Hydro Ottawa
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Service

Memo: Recruitment of General Manager, Community and Social Services Department (April 17, 2023)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson
Date: April 17, 2023

The purpose of this memo is to inform you that the City launched an executive search for a new General Manager (GM) of the Community and Social Services Department (CSSD) on Friday, April 14, 2023, which will remain open until May 15, 2023. The executive search for this position follows the retirement of the former GM, Donna Gray, on March 31, 2023.

The GM of CSSD position is being advertised with municipal and planning organizations, the Odgers Berndtson Canada network, and various publications and platforms including Municipal World, LinkedIn, and the Aboriginal Job Board. The goal is to find an exceptional leader with significant community and social services experience to continue to provide and advance equitable and inclusive human and social services that respond to the needs of the people in Ottawa.

Clara Freire will continue to serve as the Interim GM of CSSD during this period of transition, and the Mayor and Members of Council will be advised on the outcome of the recruitment process once it is complete.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.


Wendy Stephanson
Interim City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services

Memo: Interim General Manager, Community and Social Services Department (February 23, 2023)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson, Interim City Manager
Date: February 23, 2023

The purpose of this memo is to inform you that Clara Freire will serve as Interim General Manager (GM) of the Community and Social Services Department (CSSD), effective March 31, 2023, to align with Donna Gray’s retirement.

Clara is a seasoned municipal leader with 21 years of service with the City of Ottawa. She has served in several leadership roles during this time including most recently as Director of Employment and Social Services (ESS). As Director of ESS, Clara has effectively led a large team of dedicated City staff to deliver timely and accessible employment and financial assistance to residents in need, most notably during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prior to her role as Director of ESS, Clara served as Manager of Partner and Stakeholder Initiatives where she collaborated with internal and community partners to lead various corporate-wide strategic initiatives, including the Municipal Immigration Strategy, Older Adult Plan, Women and Gender Equity Strategy, the Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan, Community Funding Framework Review, and Youth Futures. In March 2020, Clara led the City’s COVID-19 Human Needs Task Force that worked tirelessly to respond to the immediate and long-term needs of our community, including food security, homelessness and sheltering, and outreach and social services.

Clara is a familiar face in the organization and a dedicated leader who brings a true passion and commitment to resident and community service. She is fluently bilingual in both official languages, speaks Portuguese, has a Master’s Degree in Social Work and is currently completing the Telfer Executive Leadership Development Program. Clara’s in-depth knowledge, expertise and strong, collaborative relationships across the organization and social services sector will serve her well as Interim GM.

During the next month, Clara will work closely with Donna to ensure a seamless leadership transition and the continued success of the Community and Social Services team. An executive recruitment process for the GM of CSSD will be launched and an update will be provided to Council.

Please join me in congratulating Clara as she prepares to step into the Interim GM role on March 31.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Wendy Stephanson
Interim City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services

Memo: Retirement - Donna Gray, General Manager of Community and Social Services (February 16, 2023)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson, Interim City Manager
Date: February 16, 2023

The purpose of this memo is to inform you that Donna Gray, General Manager of the Community and Social Services Department (CSSD), will be retiring effective March 31, 2023.

Donna has dedicated 35 years of municipal public service to the City of Ottawa. During her tenure, she has served in many leadership roles including Director of Organizational Development and Performance and General Manager of Service Innovation and Performance where she advanced the organization’s culture transformation agenda including client relationship management, employee engagement, service delivery innovation and service excellence.

In her role as General Manager of CSSD, she worked tirelessly to transform and improve the supports and services available for our community’s most vulnerable and strengthened relationships and partnerships across the social services sector. Donna has made a positive impact on our city by working together with community agencies, institutions, elected officials and City staff to help solve complex social issues and deliver on key community priorities during one of the most unprecedented times for our City with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Donna will be greatly missed by her CSSD team for her deep commitment to servant leadership, prioritizing her people, championing diversity and inclusion, and fostering a strong culture of collaboration. Donna has been an invaluable member of the senior leadership team, and she will be missed for her steadfast guidance, foresight and strategic input.

A formal recognition to celebrate Donna’s tremendous accomplishments and contributions will take place at Council in March. Please join me in thanking Donna for her dedication to the City of Ottawa and wishing her well as she prepares for the next chapter.

The interim acting GM of CSSD will be announced in the coming days to ensure a smooth transition before Donna’s departure at the end of March, and an executive search for this position will follow.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Wendy Stephanson
Interim City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Extended Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services

Memo: Organizational Alignment ( January 24, 2023)

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Wendy Stephanson
Subject: Organizational Alignment
Date: January 24, 2023

The purpose of this memo is to inform you of an organizational alignment implemented effective today, January 24, 2023.

The organizational alignment balances the requirement to advance the priorities identified to date for this Term of Council, while strengthening accountability and transparency, increasing organizational effectiveness, and building upon a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. 

The changes made to the City’s structure include the creation of a new Finance and Corporate Services department, and the alignment of strategic corporate functions within the City Manager’s Office, as follows:

Creation of a new Finance and Corporate Services department by merging Innovative Client Services with Finance Services

Merging Innovative Client Services with Finance Services creates stronger synergies between corporate services functions, strengthens our overall service delivery to internal and external clients, and increases organizational effectiveness through innovation and continuous improvement.

The new Finance and Corporate Services department will include the following service areas:
• Corporate Finance Services
• Financial Strategies, Planning and Client Service
• Fleet Services
• Human Resources
• Information Technology Services
• Payroll, Pension and Benefits
• Revenue Services
• ServiceOttawa
• Supply Services
• Business Support Services 

The new Finance and Corporate Services department will be led by Cyril Rogers, Acting General Manager and Chief Financial Officer. Cyril will work closely with the seasoned departmental leadership team to enhance client relationship management, improve service delivery and enhance the overall client experience.

Alignment of strategic corporate functions within the City Manager’s Office

Legal Services, Public Information and Media Relations, and Service Transformation will move to the City Manager’s Office. This alignment will provide the strategic oversight required to effectively advance the 2022-2026 City Strategic Plan and Term of Council priorities, strengthen organizational accountability and transparency through data-driven information, and embed innovation in the corporate culture to enhance continuous improvement.

Legal Services, led by David White, City Solicitor, and the Public Information and Media Relations team, led by Andrea Lanthier-Seymour, Chief Communications Officer, will report directly to me. The Service Transformation team will report to Steve Box, Director of the City Manager’s Office.

As part of the implementation of today’s organizational alignment, the General Manager position of the former Innovative Client Services department was declared redundant. As a result, Valerie Turner has departed the organization. I would like to thank Valerie for her contributions to the City of Ottawa during her tenure, and I wish her well in her future endeavours.

There are no anticipated impacts to service as a result of the organizational alignment.

The changes implemented today build upon the progress and improvements that have been made to many of our corporate functions throughout the last several years. I have full confidence that these alignments will best position the organization to successfully deliver on Council’s priorities while enhancing accountability, transparency and service delivery. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Wendy Stephanson
Interim City Manager

cc: Senior Leadership Team
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General
Sonia Bebbington, Ottawa Public Library
Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Public Health
Chief Eric Stubbs, Ottawa Police Services